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The Fourteen40 Project

The Fourteen40 Project

By The Fourteen40 Project

Welcome to The Fourteen40 Project! Where do you fit in your 1,440 minutes each day? This podcast is all about helping busy people find time to get centered and reconnect with themselves each day. Get ideas and inspiration, support and encouragement, and maybe a few laughs along the way.
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Are you taking yourself out of your 1440 in the holiday season?

The Fourteen40 ProjectDec 13, 2018

Episode 26: Be Present!

Episode 26: Be Present!

We hear a lot of chatter about ‘being present’ in today’s society. This next installment and our happy and healthy holiday “thrival” series talks about how to be present for the upcoming holiday celebrations. Connecting the past mini series episodes and how to put this into action will hopefully help serve you and allow you to find some rest and rejuvenation during the busiest time of the year!
Dec 24, 201911:55
Episode 25: A digital detox

Episode 25: A digital detox

The third episode in the holiday “thrival” miniseries. In this mini-episode we talk about how a digital detox can be a way to recharge during the busy times around the holidays, and may provide more than just a few minutes of solitude.
Dec 21, 201910:55
Episode 24: Saying “no” during the holidays

Episode 24: Saying “no” during the holidays

The second in the holiday mini series, this episode revisits a popular subject from last year: saying “no” to things during this busy time so that you can say “yes” to yourself.
Dec 12, 201910:07
Episode 23: A mental cleanse for the holidays.

Episode 23: A mental cleanse for the holidays.

This time of year can be especially overwhelming and easy to get caught up in a negative mindset. This episode is the first in a miniseries about trying to make small and instant changes to have a happier and healthier holiday season.
Dec 04, 201912:02
Episode 22: Extended time away

Episode 22: Extended time away

Having time for self-care as a daily practice is absolutely necessary, but what about taking an extended time for self-care? This episode dives into the need to afford ourselves a day or two away, with friends or alone, to reconnect with who we are as an individual.
Oct 28, 201913:28
Episode 21: Alternate nostril breathing

Episode 21: Alternate nostril breathing

In this episode we take a dive into alternate nostril breathing as a way to help relax and recenter. Never heard of this? Then this episode is for you! Listen in to learn how to do this and what it means for your energy.
Oct 01, 201916:33
Season 2, Episode 1: Welcome back!

Season 2, Episode 1: Welcome back!

Welcome to the first episode of season two! I am very excited to be back with the podcast and I’m looking forward to the next several months being dedicated to growing in our self-care skills! Today we do a brief look back at the summer and then talk more specifics about what self-care is and why we have to make sure to prioritize it.
Sep 16, 201916:00
Closing out Season 1 - Summer days!

Closing out Season 1 - Summer days!

Summer can be a time that we get to relax and unwind more than usual...or it can be the opposite!  Either way, we need to make sure we use the season to continue to put our focus on spending time recharging and resting - even just a few minutes - each day.  This episode will be the last in Season 1!  Wow, a whole season is done - 19 episodes!  We will take a break for the summer and work on walking our talk to come back fresh and ready for Season 2 in the fall.  Enjoy the episode and the summer!

Jun 13, 201919:38
I am not enough

I am not enough

“I am not enough.” Something I’ve consciously struggled to admit for years. This episode looks at a recent change to this fear, and one that I think may help others find more time in their day for self-care. You are enough as you are, and at the same time, you’ll never be enough of everything for every person. Letting go of this fear can allow us to be gracious with our time; including learning how to value self-care and time for our own values.
Apr 08, 201920:23
Small but mighty

Small but mighty

Do you find yourself losing big chunks of time doing the small but necessary daily and weekly tasks for your home, or even taking time off work to get them all done? This episode talks about how Melissa experiences this during a recent “vacation” day and how to approach these small but mighty tasks so they don’t take over your day. Successful people and productivity research frequently talk about how making lists of tasks helps to maximize time, but let’s also look at how we can use some lists for allowing us to not become consumed by these such tasks. This episode gives a bullet point categorization for you to use to try to determine when to do these tasks, or if you have to do them at all. Small and mighty tasks don’t have to be overwhelming! Take back your Sunday and enjoy time in your 1,440!
Mar 17, 201922:52
International Women’s Day and our 1,440

International Women’s Day and our 1,440

With International Women’s Day occurring this week, this episode takes a look at women’s health and putting time for self-care, as well as in person social connection, can improve our mental, physical, and emotional health.
Mar 08, 201917:48
How to be bored and the positive impact that can have on your 1,440 minutes a day

How to be bored and the positive impact that can have on your 1,440 minutes a day

Boredom is a relatively rare but extremely important life skill. This episode gets a little personal and dives into the idea that boredom is a form of self-care not only now, but as an ability for our younger ones to develop.
Feb 14, 201922:10
Showing up for others to give back to yourself

Showing up for others to give back to yourself

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “it’s better to give than to receive.” I’d like to talk about how to give yourself some care by showing up for others in your life. Give your time and your energy to someone in your life in a supportive way, in a way that has no strings attached for your own benefit, and see how their reaction can be a form of self-care. This may be an easier way to step into the self-care world for those of us that are “workaholics” and struggle to hit pause on a daily basis. There are many ways to put yourself in your 1,440 minutes each day, so let’s talk about a slightly different way to do that on this episode. (And a fun point I have to mention - we hit the 1,000 download mark! Thanks for making this podcast a part of your day, it means so much!)
Jan 29, 201918:28
Are you ‘unwilling’ to find a way for self-care?

Are you ‘unwilling’ to find a way for self-care?

It can be really easy to come up with excuses as to why we don’t make time for regular self care. However, I truly believe those are stories that we tell ourselves to give us an excuse, or a way out. Let’s talk about reframing those thoughts as being unwilling. This may help us change our mindset, and realize when things are important to us and how we can go about making sure we have time to include those in our daily routines.
Jan 15, 201920:20
New Years Standards

New Years Standards

We are back in the swing of things with the first full week in 2019! This is when the happiness and relaxation of vacation tends to quickly fade away, and changes that we resolved to make become a little harder to stick to. In this episode we talk a bit about being intentional with keeping time for ourselves in every day, how to try and stay on track with what you have decided to do for yourself this year, and we talk about New Year’s resolutions.
Jan 07, 201921:38
2019 word of the year: ACTION

2019 word of the year: ACTION

It’s New Year’s Eve and it’s time to talk about the theme for 2019. In this episode I talk about closing out 2018 and looking into 2019 with my word of the year. I love thinking about a word or phrase, a mantra, if you will, that seems to be the right word at the right time. It’s a great way to easily refocus on the goals you have when times get challenging. I talk about how my 2019 word has subsets to it and make up an acronym for the word of the year. I hope this helps others think about their 2019 theme and really get serious about taking time each day to put themselves first. Self care maybe be a hot topic right now but it’s anything but a fad. We all need to maintain our mental and physical health, and rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation is the way we can do that long-term.
Dec 31, 201826:26
Saying “no” to say “yes” in your 1440

Saying “no” to say “yes” in your 1440

Heading into 2019! This time of year we look back at what we accomplished and didn’t accomplish in a year. Let’s shift that gaze to the next year and aim to make positive changes! One of those can be learning how to say “no” to outside influences in order to say “yes” to yourself. This can be a powerful mindset shift that allows for great self-care in 2019. Let’s say yes to more rest, yes to more prayer and meditation, yes to more quiet time, yes to naps (please yes to more naps!), yes to picnics without phones, yes to all the things that fuel your creative and caring human spirit!
Dec 28, 201819:24
Are you taking yourself out of your 1440 in the holiday season?

Are you taking yourself out of your 1440 in the holiday season?

The holidays are often a very busy time, and we find ourselves running from dawn to dusk. This episode focuses on making sure we still find time for self-care during the busy holiday season. Most of us are juggling many things, and added tasks and events this time of year. That usually means the first thing to go is time for rest and relaxation. Let’s work together to keep our self-care time in our daily activities! Let’s enjoy the holiday season and thrive, not just survive!
Dec 13, 201816:06
Matt Chittim aka The Rambling Runner and sleep!

Matt Chittim aka The Rambling Runner and sleep!

The first interview on the show! Matt Chittim is my guest and we talk all things sleep! Yes, sleep can be one of the most important things we do with our 1,440 minutes each day. We talk about how sleep helps in athletic recovery, overall health, and how it can be a form of self care that gives back in unparalleled ways. Thank you, Matt, for coming on the show!
Nov 26, 201841:36
Breathing yourself to a better 1440

Breathing yourself to a better 1440

Breathing is more than just an automatic life sustaining practice. It’s a critical piece in being centered and mindful. It is also a very good way to reset, rest, and recharge. This episode looks at some ways to use various forms of breathing to center yourself, and make sure your self-care time is as beneficial as possible.
Nov 11, 201820:55
Time blocking - a way to make sure you are in your 1440

Time blocking - a way to make sure you are in your 1440

Feel like you’re too busy to fit self care into your day? That’s most of us! Time blocking is an easy way to help visualize your weekly schedule and find pockets of time for self care.
Oct 27, 201819:11
Episode 5 - Give yourself grace

Episode 5 - Give yourself grace

It can be challenging to adopt a new self care routine. When we get out of that routine, we need to recognize it and gracefully start up again. I share some of my recent struggles and offer some suggestions for getting back on track.
Oct 12, 201821:20
Episode 4 - Is email taking away from your 1440?

Episode 4 - Is email taking away from your 1440?

Why email is taking you out of your 1440
Sep 28, 201824:23
Episode 3 - Why we need rest

Episode 3 - Why we need rest

Resting is absolutely necessary and we talk about the physiological reasons and benefits from doing so.
Sep 10, 201833:57
Episode 2 - Working out

Episode 2 - Working out

Working out - is that your only "you" time in your 1440?
Aug 25, 201820:07
1. Allow me to introduce the fourteen40 project

1. Allow me to introduce the fourteen40 project

The first episode! All about the fourteen40 project and how it got started. Here we go!
Aug 18, 201820:42