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The Good Morning Life!

The Good Morning Life!

By Belynda Farias

The Good Morning Life! -
A daily Blog and Micropodcast with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life! Subscribe and learn more at
Currently playing episode

Episode 85- You Did it! Be Proud of yourself!

The Good Morning Life!Mar 26, 2021

Episode-99 It’s Feel Good Friday

Episode-99 It’s Feel Good Friday

Episode-99 It’s Feel Good Friday

Go to to read full post, positive reads and delicious recipes for a happy and healthy life!

Apr 09, 202105:39
Episode 98- Work Smarter Not Harder

Episode 98- Work Smarter Not Harder

Episode 98- Work Smarter Not Harder

Go to to read full post, positive reads and delicious recipes for a happy and healthy life!

Apr 09, 202104:50
Episode-97 -Count to 10! Count your blessings!

Episode-97 -Count to 10! Count your blessings!

Episode-97 -Count to 10! Count your blessings!

Go to to read full post, positive reads and delicious recipes for a happy and healthy life!

Apr 09, 202104:54
Episode-96 New Day-New Recipe

Episode-96 New Day-New Recipe

Episode-96 New Day-New Recipe

Go to to read full post, positive reads and delicious recipes for a happy and healthy life!

Apr 09, 202106:15
Episode -95 It’s Magic Monday!
Apr 09, 202102:33
Episode-94 Happy Easter!

Episode-94 Happy Easter!

Episode-94 Happy Easter!
Apr 09, 202101:18
Episode-93 Know that Everything is always working out for you...

Episode-93 Know that Everything is always working out for you...

Episode-93 Know that Everything is always working out for you

Go to to read full blog post and be inspired for positive vibes, delicious recipes and more!

Apr 09, 202106:36
Episode 91- It’s time to Get back on Track!

Episode 91- It’s time to Get back on Track!

Episode 91- It’s time to Get back on Track! Go to for more inspiration!

Apr 01, 202104:50
Episode 90- Goodbye March! Journal today to remember tomorrow!
Apr 01, 202106:55
Episode 89- I am in Control of my Everything!
Mar 30, 202106:27
Episode 88- Best places to Sell- My top list of where I’ve sold my products and Services!
Mar 29, 202108:54
Episode-87 Where to Share! 4 Platforms that helped me!
Mar 29, 202106:49
Episode 85- You Did it! Be Proud of yourself!

Episode 85- You Did it! Be Proud of yourself!

Episode 85- You Did It!  Be Proud of Yourself!

Mar 26, 202105:53
Episode 84- Be the Best YOU today!

Episode 84- Be the Best YOU today!

Episode 84- Be the Best YOU Today! 

Go to to read full Blog and to be inspired for MORE or Good Morning Life Living! 

Mar 26, 202106:31
Episode 83- Plan B looks good!

Episode 83- Plan B looks good!

Episode 83- Plan B looks good! Practicing Flexibility

Good Morning!  Today's post is about flexibility.

Many times we think we have everything all planned out and for the most part, they look good.   But there are times that just don't follow our plan... that's when we call on

Plan B.

Flexibility is an important trait as we build resiliency and can bounce back from just about anything.  But how does one become flexible?

If you've listened to any of my podcasts, I love to play games, the game of Life that is and I really enjoy it.  What I'm saying is to become more flexible in what Life brings to you, You have to look at it like a game.

I love to be a detailed planner.  I love to plan meetings, events, parties, vacations, field trips and such.  However, even with all of my planning, I have learned to be very flexible, because things happen and you have to be prepared... anytime.... all of the time.  This is where Plan B, C or D really come in handy.

Talk about over planning right?  Having multiple plans as backup sounds like maybe a bit too much right?  Well in my book, I feel well prepared and that is not a bad thing.  Could this be control?  Trying to control my events and circumstances?  Maybe, but I'm not stuck with any of my plans... if one of them works, great! and if not, I move on.

This is being flexible, this is playing the game, this is TRUST in the Universe that all good will come my way in all I do.

As you know from my post the other day, I talked about my new chapter. An opportunity to open a restaurant and build my own chain.  As incredible as this sounds and long hours of hard work in the pre-planning stages, yesterday I was given a new idea of thought.  I though I had it all, the charts, the layouts, the details... only to be told by the Environmental Health Manager that maybe I should think about a new space, one that already has everything I need, rather than start from scratch.  He went on to give me leads of places as well.  I had not thought about this, I had been planning my current location and remodeling, rather transforming it into a new magical place.

At first I was thrown off.  This was not my plan.  But I listened and listened some more.  You see He is the expert and knows these areas very well.  I'm just a new chess piece learning the game.  But I don't mind.  I listened to his views and also listened to my inner guidance.  What feels good is most certainly the pathway I am going to be taking....

I made a few calls and now I'm waiting.  Friends, I don't know where this is going, it's like being on a raft and I just veered off into a new direction, but I'm strapped in, I'm safe, and I'm enjoying the ride....

Today is a new day, filled with new ideas.  I love the discovery of the newness in my day, knowing it will align with my dreams, my plans and my life adventure.

Flexibility is an important key to success!  One must be ready for any adventure.  So, Friends... do not be afraid of the wrench in the gears... it's an opportunity to meet a new mechanic that will help explain a new point of view.  One that may open new doors for you to explore, to ponder on... to discover a new side of you......and really, you'll never know what amazing adventure awaits you, if you don't practice Flexibility.

It's been another amazing chat with you!  Wishing you a Fantabulous Day Friends!  See you tomorrow!

Belynda Farias

Mar 24, 202106:17
Episode- 82 Stretch Yourself! Focus on that Dream

Episode- 82 Stretch Yourself! Focus on that Dream

Episode- 82  Stretch Yourself! Focus on that Dream

It's a Busy day today!  I want to take a few minutes to just focus on Expansion.

Everyday we wake up with 24 hours on the clock.  How will you use those 24 hours?

In the focus of Expansion, I mean stretching yourself!  Deciding to do something new, something that is special to you, something that excites you.

Many times, the simple idea of doing something new, out of routine, can be scary.  You may think you're too old, or tired, or "X" reason,,,,, but that is not the case.  Making a firm decision to try and do something new, is  you Taking Control of your day, of your life.

Yes, you may be older, you may be tired... but you're still breathing and You CAN do it!

It is NEVER too late!

What this is really, is Dreaming!   It's giving yourself the green light to try something different, to learn something new.   We all have many dreams in our dream vault, big, medium and little dreams.  Take a Pick!  Choose one!  Select a little dream and give yourself permission to try it starting today.


Mar 23, 202108:33
Episode 81 I’m Back! Let’s do this!

Episode 81 I’m Back! Let’s do this!

Episode 81 I’m Back! Let’s do this!

It's day 81 of 2021... When did that happen?

My last post was written on February 26.  What I thought would be a weekend off, due to my newest project, turned into 3 weeks of a break.

You see I listen.... I listen to my inner Guru.  I listen to morning clues.  I listen to the opportunities around me and when the time is right... I take action!

This is what I did!  A few weeks prior, I had felt a little bean "Sprout" within me.  I big question mark... A big "What if?"  With no effort, I was drawn to it, to research, to learn to explore, to discover new things about the new idea.  This is one of my favorite things to do... discover!

I've been presented with the idea to expand my pottery studio and convert it into a cafe style restaurant.  How could I say no?  I didn't jump into in right away... I sat and listened some more.  I knew there was something very exciting about to happen.  I did more research, played with new recipes and then one day shared my idea with my husband.  To my surprise, he was also excited.  This seemed like the very idea we were waiting on.

I made some phone calls and played with the idea some more until it grew enough to take priority.  That's when I took a break.

After many weeks of planning, dreaming and researching, I am in the beginning stages of our next exciting chapter!  There is still  so much to do, but there is a plan leading the way and I wouldn't have known if I didn't "Listen".

So Friends, what's the moral of this story?  To live in the present, savor every moment, and to "Listen" to the life clues that are presented each and every day.  When we are connected to ourselves and can appreciate all the good we are living and experiencing each day, we somehow get a "Pass" card to more insight that connects us to dreams we didn't know existed.

Our future self is there in those ideas, helping us achieve all the dreams and goals we want to experience.  So take time each morning, listen, meditate a little, close your eyes and just "exist".

Don't think about your day for a bit, and just enjoy your breathing rhythm, your heart beat, your body, mind and soul... and appreciate the beautiful life that flows through you.... Everything you want, everything you dream about, is there - just waiting for you to show up.

For now, I'm ecstatic about my new chapter.  I will take you along the process and we'll discover together this new adventure that also brings us new things to ponder....

Wishing you a most fabulous day my friends!  See you tomorrow!

Belynda Farias

For more information, Go to

Mar 22, 202104:58
Ep25- Take a Selfie it’s Day56!
Feb 26, 202104:04
Ep24- Be Flexible, Enjoy the Detour

Ep24- Be Flexible, Enjoy the Detour

Ep24- Be Flexible, Enjoy the Detour
Feb 24, 202105:09
Ep23- Create the Life you Want!
Feb 23, 202108:20
Ep-22 Nourish your Mind!

Ep-22 Nourish your Mind!

Ep-22 Nourish your Mind!

To read today's full episode go to

Feb 22, 202105:44
Ep-21 Dance to YOUR Beat!

Ep-21 Dance to YOUR Beat!

Ep-21- Dance to YOUR Beat!

To read today's full episode go to

Feb 22, 202105:10
Ep-20 3 Ways to Feel Great this Weekend!

Ep-20 3 Ways to Feel Great this Weekend!

Ep-20 3 Ways to Feel Great This Weekend!

To read today's full episode go to

Feb 22, 202105:57
Ep-19 Take the First Step!

Ep-19 Take the First Step!

Ep 19- Take the First Step!

To read today's full episode go to

Feb 22, 202105:37
Ep 18 - A Little Wine is Good!

Ep 18 - A Little Wine is Good!

Ep 18- A Little Wine is Good!

To read today's full episode go to 

Feb 22, 202105:13
Ep 16 - Follow your Dreams - DECIDE & DO IT!

Ep 16 - Follow your Dreams - DECIDE & DO IT!

Ep 16 - Follow your Dreams - DECIDE & DO IT!

Feb 22, 202105:37
Ep15- Let Life bring you good surprises!
Feb 16, 202105:57
EP14- Celebrate the Good! Happy Valentine's Day

EP14- Celebrate the Good! Happy Valentine's Day

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily Blog and Micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!

Listen in at

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Sunday February 14, 2021. (day 45)

Celebrate the Good!

Happy Day of Love - St. Valentine's Day!

Today we're Celebrating the Good!

Look around... there is so much love in the world today... mainly for the holiday of love, but look beyond and feel the Good among us.

Yes, I get that we are still dealing with the unfortunate effects of covid-19, however, there is so much Good happening around us!

Take advantage of today and throw a little party for one celebrating the Love that surrounds you.

Why Celebrate?  It's a perfect excuse to get in the party mood to celebrate LIFE!  The very life that is bringing you all the good.

I'm going to add that if you are not in a place of contentment with the way things are at this very moment, it's ok.  This is validated that it is a tough time, however, this will pass and all will be ok!  I can 99% guarantee this, because I know and believe it.

Try to look at the Good and allow yourself permission to celebrate the Good things happening in your life today, right now, at this point of time.

Start with the simple things and work your way... Here's an easier way to do it... let's go back to kinder and use the alphabet.....

Here's 26 ways to Celebrate the Good!

Make your own list on this FREE Download.  Click here to download

A- Appreciate something/Someone

B - Believe in Goodness -

C- Celebrate Today

D- Decide to make positive changes

E- Everyday is a new Beginning

F- Forgive and Forget things that do not serve you

G- Grateful for my Friends and Family

H- Hope opens doors.

I- I am an Amazing________________

J- Just believe and it will show up

K- Know that your are LOVED

L- Life is a wonderful Adventure

M- Money comes to me easily

N- Nice people surround me

O- Opportunities for happiness are everywhere

P- Positive Thinking is important

Q- Question everything and make it yours

R- Reach your Goals and Dreams, it's never too late

S- Sing your heart out to life

T- Try new things that spark Joy

U- Use your creativity and skills to help others

V- Visit places you've always wanted to see

W- Welcome to your new life

X- XOXO - Give hugs and kisses to yourself

Y- You have everything you need within you to be Happy

Z- Zen- Find that Zen in your day

Check out Today's recipe  Vanilla Waffle topped with Pineapple Berry Delight  at

Feb 15, 202106:46
Ep13- Are you in Love?

Ep13- Are you in Love?

Ep13- Are you in Love?    Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily Blog and Micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!

Listen in at        I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Saturday February 13, 2021. (day 44)

Today is National Tortellini Day!  We're making Homemade Pasta

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  Are you Ready?

Are you in Love?  Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  The big question is Are you in Love?

Being in Love can mean many things, in Love with the day, in Love with your husband, in Love with your pet, in Love with your work...

Today's topic helps us look at the many ways we can be in Love.

  1. SELF LOVE-    Perhaps the biggest form of love is Self Love.  As Lucille Ball quoted "“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”  She is absolutely right!  Feeling comfortable in your own skin, loving who you are with all of your imperfections is the purest form of known love.  When you love and accept everything about you, everything else you want in life starts to show up.
  2. LOVE  YOUR SPOUSE - Relationships take time to build.  When two people are in Love, it certainly is a wonderful place to be. As Humans, we feel complete when we are in a rich and loving relationship.  Love, respect, care, compassion, honesty are great ingredients for a happy and healthy relationship.
  3. LOVE YOUR CHILDREN - There is a special Love for our children, a love like no other. To give birth to a new life, to love and care for them as they learn their way through life is a special kind of love.  Though testing at times, the love we hold for our Children is one of kind.
  4. LOVE YOUR PETS -  It's no surprise how much unconditional Love our pets hold for us.  We learn so much from their love.  Their love brings us comfort, warmth, attention, and never ending Love.
  5. LOVE YOUR WORK - Some people find true pleasure in their work.  This is a Love that is satisfying and fulfilling.  If you are in Love with your work, you will create amazing things. Opportunities for yourself and for others due to your positive and happy vibe of Love.
  6. LOVE OF TRAVEL - This is a favorite of mine, I absolutely love to travel.  It is a sense of a new adventure, new experiences, and new memories that bring fulfillment and satisfaction to a happy heart.
  7. LOVE YOUR LIFE - This is the ultimate Happy place.  When you are in love with Life, it means all is well in your existence.  You love and appreciate everything unconditionally.  You are at peace and content with every aspect of life because you realize you are at the perfect place and time at every moment to receive the love that comes to you.  You expect Good and good love shows up... every time.  This is the place everyone want to be.

Today is a good day to stop and take notice of all of the things you LOVE and stand in appreciation of How much LOVE is in your life.....

Feb 13, 202106:31
Ep12- What’s your Morning Inspiration?

Ep12- What’s your Morning Inspiration?

Ep12- What’s your Morning Inspiration?

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily blog and micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration for a happy and healthy life!  Listen in at

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Friday February 12, 2021. (day 43)

Today's Topic - What's your Morning Inspiration?

Every morning we are inspired to wake up...Why? What is your morning inspiration?

It can be as simple as greeting the morning sun, or a morning jog to awaken your beautiful body. It may be business goals or your Family...

Today is a day to take focus on your morning inspiration and decide to keep or change

your focus to something more.....

Here's 3 reasons to be inspired to get up and start your day!

  1. The morning sunshine -    Everyday we are offered a new Sun, a new day to create whatever your heart desires.  The Sun brings energy, light, movement.  It's a silent language of inspiration to get up and get out to do something for you.  Even when things are not going as planned, the Sun is still there, cheering you on to new ideas, new thoughts and new beginnings.
  2. Personal goals-  We all set out to meet our personal goals.  The morning is the best time to get going on your goals.  What is your WHY to your goals?  To make a better living for yourself?  For your Family? For your Children?  Goals change with different situations, however this is a huge drive to Get up, Show up and Get moving towards the Dream, the Goal that inspires you to move mountains.
  3. Family-  For me it's my kids... it's LOVE and appreciation for my Kids, for my Family, for the life I have built......    Getting up early, helping them get ready for school,  prepare them breakfast, pack a lunch and being their voice of motivation and inspiration as they learn to create their own motivation.  Essentially you are a model , an example of their future selves, that's is a wonderful reason to get up in the morning.

Whatever your reason, today is a great day to check in, to see if your current reason WHY still stands... or if it is time for change.  Sit in the new Morning and listen to it's quiet message of Love and Inspiration written just for you.....

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
– Buddha


1 c Honey Greek Yogurt

1/4 c Rolled Oats

1  Tsp Chia Seeds

2 Tbl Sliced Almonds

Fresh Blueberries

Fresh Raspberries


1 bowl 

To Make
Scoop Honey Yogurt into bowl

Spread the top of the Yogurt flat

Add rolled oats to 1/2 of the top of the bowl

Add Chia seeds in a line, next to the oats.

Add Sliced Almonds in a line, next to the chia seeds

Top with Berries, Drizzle Honey and ENJOY!

Appreciation is the key to a Great LIFE!

- Belynda Farias

Subscribe to our channel for Daily Inspiration!

For Rays of Sunshine, recipes, positivity and confidence boosters, visit our website at

Feb 13, 202106:27
EP11 - Make a Friend

EP11 - Make a Friend

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily blog and micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration for a happy and healthy life!  Listen in at

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Thursday February 11, 2021. (day 42)

Make a New Friend...

Today is #NationalMakeaNewFriendDay. Even during the Pandemic, we can safely

find new friends, through online groups, craft forums, zoom groups, networking groups. Friends are important. Be creative, venture out and try a new way to make friends.

This article by

states that while some folx may have always found it challenging to make friends, it might be even more difficult to make friends in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as many are taking measures to protect themselves by staying home and limiting in-person social interaction.

Additionally, as most folx are expected to adhere to social distancing measures, it can be difficult to get to know people when you're standing six feet apart.

However, despite the unique and unprecedented nature of this global pandemic, it's still possible to engage with others and build friendships—it just may look a bit different than you're used to.

COVID-19 has brought many unique challenges, which are bound to impact your life in a variety of ways, including how you navigate making friends.  Although it may feel like a lot more work to try to make friends during the pandemic, the benefits of feeling connected with others cannot be overstated, especially if you quarantined apart from loved ones.  When engaging in this process, it may help to consider the ways in which you have already been resilient through the course of the pandemic, as they may provide insights into how you can better navigate making friends remotely.  Even if you never quite got the hang of making friends, it is never too late to explore that, especially considering how friendship positively impacts your mental well-being.

Visit for more information.

"It's always good to make new friends."
- Jose Feliciano


Feb 11, 202104:60
Ep10- Open the Windows

Ep10- Open the Windows

Ep10- Open the Windows

Today is a perfect day to Open the Windows...

Why you ask?  Because there's no better time than the present.

This topic has made me think of deeper meanings, in opening our own windows, or opening up the way we see things.

Yes, I want to add that opening and cleaning our physical windows is also an important

part of our healthy living.  Opening Windows allows fresh air to flow, keeping the Chi moving in a harmonious rhythm.  Healthy flow is crucial for a happy and healthy life, and we all want that right?

In Cleaning the windows, we are creating a clear and organized space, allowing fresh light, clarity and creativity to come in.  When fresh natural light comes into our homes, we feel energized, refreshed and inspired.  Light is a natural motivator, that's why we're more productive in the mornings.

Try my Natural Household Cleaner recipe, no harmful chemicals, natural ingredients and smells amazing!

Ok, but coming back to Inner Windows... William Shakespeare once said our "Eyes are the windows to your soul"

What do you think about that quote?  I believe the eyes have deep meaning, deep language and deep messages.  If the Eyes are the Windows, it's a good idea to take note as to what our Eyes may say.

I appreciate this topic as it also reminds me of many ways to think of Windows., I first think of Creativity... (no surprise) as windows of opportunities are always available to us.

In closing,  Opening Windows means exactly that.... opening opportunities within yourself for growth, for learning, for wisdom.  Everyday is a window, an opportunity to Be Kind, to live happy and healthy and to be the very best version of  YOU.

"What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes."
- Harry Houdini
Tasty Tropical Smoothie

makes 1 smoothie

You'll Need:
1 banana

1 c  Frozen Tropical Fruit Mix

2 Tbs Honey Greek Yogurt

1/4 c Almond Milk

To Make: Mix all ingredients in a high speed blender until blended thoroughly.  Mix will be thick.  Scoop out smoothie into a glass.  Garnish with Fresh Fruit and Enjoy!

Today is National Umbrella Day
Get Ready-
Tomorrow is ......
National Guitar Day!
Life is ...what  YOU Decide it is!

- The Good Morning Life

For more information go to
Feb 10, 202104:28
Ep 9- Soak up a little sun

Ep 9- Soak up a little sun

Ep 9- Soak up a little Sun

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily blog and micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration for a happy and healthy life!  Listen in at

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Tuesday February 9, 2021. (day 40)

Sunny days are coming...  Let's soak up a little Sun now!

Why is it important to get a little sun?

According to WebMD...Sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called serotonin, and that can give you more energy and help keep you calm, positive, and focused. Doctors sometimes treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other types of depression linked to low levels of serotonin with natural or artificial light.

Getting a little sun, has great benefits! For starters, it STRENGTHENS the IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Vitamin D is crucial for a healthy body and A healthy immune system can help reduce the risk of illness, infections, some cancers.

Getting out in the sun for at least 30 minutes somewhere between 8 a.m. and 12pm, has shown to be   linked to WEIGHT LOSS. Plus being outside motivates and inspires new movement, new energy, new beginnings.

Getting some beautiful Sunshine regulates your circadian rhythm. It works by communicating with  your body as to when to increase and decrease your melatonin levels. So, the more sunlight exposure you get, you'll improve your levels of melatonin and this will IMPROVE  YOUR SLEEP.

Bottom line, getting out in the Sun, helps keep our bodies HAPPY AND HEALTHY and everyone wants a piece of that cake!

So, go take a walk, go feel the morning.  Get out and get your daily dose of vitamin D and know that you are doing WONDERFUL  THINGS  FOR  YOUR  BODY.

"Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows."
- Helen Keller Breakfast Egg Chaffle
makes 2 chaffles
You'll Need:

1 egg

1/2 c shredded Mozzarella cheese

1 Tbs diced tomatoes

1 Tbs chopped spinach

1/8 tsp garlic Parmesan spice

1 tsp Almond flour

1 tsp softened cream cheese

mini waffle maker

To Make
Plug in Mini Waffle Maker. Mix together all ingredients. Spray non stick spray onto waffle maker.  Pour 1/2 mixture into waffle maker and close lid.  Let cook for 3-4 minutes.  Remove and add the remaining mixture to the waffle maker and cook.  Remove from waffle maker. To Plate
Place chaffles on plate, serve with sauce of choice.   OPTION:  Add additional poached egg on top for extra protein.   ENJOY!
Get Ready-Tomorrow is ......National Umbrella Day!
Get your umbrella ready, we're expecting some showers later this week..

Expect Good today...and Good will show up for you! Thanks for Joining us this morning!
Subscribe to our channel for Daily Inspiration!

For Rays of Sunshine, recipes, positivity and confidence boosters, Go to our website at

Have an Amazing Day!  See you tomorrow!  

Feb 09, 202105:35
Ep8- Start A Morning Mantra

Ep8- Start A Morning Mantra

Ep8 -Start a Morning Mantra

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!  Listen in at

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Monday February 8, 2021. (day 39)

Start a Morning Mantra!

Why start a Morning Mantra?   A mantra is a word, a short sentence or sound meant to be repeated silently in order to enhance concentration in meditation. ... Morning mantras set a positive intention for where your focus and energy should be, empowering you to maintain that mindset throughout the day.

According to Thrive Global,  "mantras can be effective even if people don’t regularly meditate. The research found that when someone repeats a mantra, it causes a major shift in their brain activity — specifically in the part responsible for internal evaluation, rumination, and mind-wandering. When researchers compared results between participants in a resting state who used a mantra against those that didn’t, the ones utilizing the mantra reached a more advanced state of psychological calm."   (

Mantras help start your day and keep  focused on good energy.  It is loving words or a phrase that connects with you and helps energize or ease your day.  It may be encouraging words to inspire you to the next step.  Mantras are simply wonderful!  and starting a morning mantra may be exactly what you need to help your morning!

Below are some examples of  Mantras, try repeating these Mantras during your morning routine and throughout your day.  Also try creating a Mantra or a collection of custom Mantras that work for you.

"It is what it is, and all is well"

"Everything is always working out for me.

“Happiness is a choice, not a condition. I choose to be happy.”

“Everything happens right on schedule.”

“I choose love.”

Quote of the day...
“ Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. You'll Need:

1 Banana  ( 3/4 to blend, 1/4 as topping)

1 cup Frozen Mixed Berries

1/4 c Almond Milk

2 Tbs Honey Greek Yogurt


Extra blueberries as topping

1 tsp Chia Seeds

1 Tbs shredded coconut

1 bowl

To Assemble

Blend 3/4 Banana, Frozen Mixed Berries, Almond Milk and Greek yogurt until smooth.  Pour

into bowl.  Spread the top.  Slice the 1/4 Banana piece and lay on top of bowl in center, creating a line.  Add the chia seeds forming a line next to the banana.  Add Blueberries, in a line, next to the Chia Seeds.  Add shredded Coconut, in a line, next to the Blueberries.  Drizzle Honey over top And Enjoy!

Feb 08, 202105:49
Ep7 - Connect with Family

Ep7 - Connect with Family

Ep 7 -
Feb 08, 202103:15
EP6 - Do Something Different

EP6 - Do Something Different

Feb 6, 2021

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!

Listen in at

I’m your host Belynda Farias.

Today is Saturday February 6, 2021. (day 37)

Do something different...

Do something new,

Make a new recipe, it's all up to you...

The challenge is getting out of routine

and walk a new path that makes your bells ring...

Out of the ordinary, not out of the blue

waking up on the left foot, inspiring something new

That opens your eyes, your thoughts and your mind

A lifelong Explorer awaiting you'll find...

Today is National Time to Talk day.   #Nationaltimetotalkday

Time to Talk Day brings attention to mental health and  how important is it to connect with others.  It's about helping people talk and open up about real mental health issues.  It encourages us to help people talk about mental health without judgement or fears.

It's not easy to talk about this topic as it can be daunting to express personal struggles.

By opening up and talking,  it creates a safe space for feelings and expression and moves towards the healing process.

5 Facts about Time to Talk Day
  1. Mental health affects millions 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health problem this year.
  2. The stigma 9 out of 10 people who experience mental health problems say they face stigma and discrimination because of it.
  3. Suicide rates Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States.
  4. Children aren’t immune Children at a very young age may show early warning signs of mental health concerns.
  5. Mental health prevention By addressing known risk factors such as exposure to trauma and educational and sociological factors can possibly prevent mental health problems.

Wherever you are today, take a moment to reach out and take Time to Talk with someone who may need you.  For more information go to or

Almond Waffles with French Vanilla Ice Cream and Fresh Blueberries and Raspberries



2 Waffles (see Almond flour Waffle recipe)

1 Scoop French Vanilla Ice Cream



Mini Chocolate chips or Granola


Set Waffle on plate, Scoop Ice Cream on top, Top with fresh blueberries and raspberries and sprinkle mini chocolate chips or Granola.

It's perfect!  Enjoy!

For more info, go to

Feb 06, 202104:43
Ep5 - Give a little Gift of Love

Ep5 - Give a little Gift of Love

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!  Visit for more!

I’m your host Belynda Farias.

Today is Thursday February 5, 2021. (day 36)


Give a Little Gift of Love....

Give a little Gift of Love today...

A smile, a flower, a donation,

Give of your time to help someone, Call a friend and indulge in good conversation...

When we Give, we Grow... and that is the ultimate reward....

Today is National Wear RED day.   

In 2004, The American Heart Association created Go Red For Women, a passionate, emotional, social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health.

Go Red For Women encourages awareness of the issue of women and heart disease, and also action to save more lives. The movement harnesses the energy, passion and power women have to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease. It challenges them to know their risk for heart disease and take action to reduce their personal risk. It also gives them the tools they need to lead a heart healthy life.

Why should you help the American Heart Association?    Cardiovascular disease claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet women were not paying attention.  When you donate, you contribute to funds that allow them to help women by offering educational programs, advancing women’s understanding about their risk for heart disease and providing tools and motivation to help women reduce their risk to protect their health.

How can you get involved?  First WEAR RED!   Go to and explore the many opportunities to donate, purchase merchandise and volunteer for activities and events.  Share the info on your social media platforms to help reach further...

The most important thing to take with you today is this... Help a cause.,,,  These organizations are in place to bring awareness to us all of all the red flags to watch out for when it comes to our health.   The serve unthinkable hours to help you and I understand and possible create a new change in our lifestyle habits.

A Big Thank you! to the American Heart Association for all your efforts and a Big Thank you to YOU!  for being a part of this cause today!

Wear Red, Smile Proud  knowing you are helping spread awareness about Heart Disease for all Women out there!

Remember to visit the website and read a little more....

Feb 05, 202105:16
Ep4 - Breathe in the Good Vibes

Ep4 - Breathe in the Good Vibes

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!

I’m your host Belynda Farias.

Today is Thursday February 4, 2021. (day 35)


Breathe in, Breathe out... Breathe in the adventure of life.

Be inspired by each breath to make a difference

in your body, mind and soul....

Breathe in the Positive.

Breathe in the Good Vibes and Breathe out Negativity.

Breathe in Love!.

Today is National World Cancer Day...

World Cancer Day was born on the  February 4,  2000 at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris.   World Cancer Day is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the largest and oldest international cancer organisation dedicated to taking the lead in convening, capacity building and advocacy initiatives that unite the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, promote greater equity, and integrate cancer control into the world health and development agenda.

They believe in having access to life-saving cancer diagnosis, treatment and care should be equal for all – no matter where you live, what your income, your ethnicity or gender and that all individuals, together can create change.

According to  It takes the proverbial 21 days to create a positive habit. So, for 2021, whether you’re committing to improving your personal health, supporting someone you love with cancer, educating yourself about cancer, speaking out against cancer or making history by helping to eliminate cervical cancer, sign up to one of the five challenges to receive daily inspiration and practical guidance.

What are ways to support World Cancer day?   Go to their website and sign up to participate in one of the 5 supporting challenges.    Once you sign up , you'll receive an email with a new activity, inspiration, lesson or prompt. The idea is to get closer to fulfilling your "I am and I will" commitment.   The commitments that are available are

1.  I Will Focus On My Health- Daily challenges will focus on getting you moving more, eating well and living thoughtfully.

2. I Will Support Someone I Know With Cancer   -Daily inspiration on simple and meaningful actions to bring care and attention to a loved one with cancer.

3. I Will Speak Up About Cancer -  Daily prompts to build your confidence in talking about cancer and advocating for support and policy change.

4. I Will get informed about cancer - Daily lessons to help you learn more about cancer and how it impacts ourselves, our communities and our world.

5. I Will help eliminate cervical Cancer - Daily guidance to help you raise awareness of the global strategy for the elimination of cervical cancer.

Sign up for the challenge at
What’s on the menu?


1 Banana

1/4 c Blueberries

1/2 c almond milk

2 Tablespoons of Honey Greek Yogurt


Add all ingredients to Blender cup and blend on high.  Pour into cup, add fresh fruit garnish. Drink and Enjoy!

Cool Quote of the day...

“Think about every good thing in your life right now. Free yourself of worrying. Let go of the anxiety, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”

Germany Kent

For more information, visit us at 

Feb 05, 202105:26
Ep3 - Make your Bed - Success starts here!

Ep3 - Make your Bed - Success starts here!

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!

I’m your host Belynda Farias.

Today is Wednesday February 3, 2021. (day 34)


IT’S TIME!-  to Make your Bed!

Why making your bed can change your life!

Making your bed fresh in the morning, creates a positive, organized routine that sets the pace to a successful day.  Seeing the bed made creates a small accomplishment to celebrate so early in the morning.... it simply feels good, and you know we're all about feeling good here.  Focus on making your bed to what feels right for you... with 10 pillows or two... the key is to create a comfortable, cozy and very inviting bed where you feel proud and accomplished... and ready to greet you after a long day...

We always talk about Focus and when you focus on making your bed, you are giving good clean energy to a special place for you.  Daydream on what your ideal bed looks like... feels like, even smells like... You are creating positive thoughts about a beautiful space that delights you... if you keep daydreaming, eventually those thoughts about your bed, become real and you'll be laying on your dream bed before you know it.

I recently started using natural linen sprays on my bed and I absolutely love it!  Here's my DIY recipes for a wonderful scented  linen spray that not only makes your bed smell amazing, but it helps set the mood for a calm, relaxed and restful night.  I use Lavender and Peppermint essential oils to make this as they are a natural alternative to sleep aids.   Lavender linen spray and a cup of vanilla chai tea... boy, "Is it bedtime yet"

What’s on the menu?

Ginger Carrot Juice Shot

This magic morning juice shot pack tons of benefits; such as improved eye & skin health, boost immunity, and can protect your heart and liver, plus ginger contains gingerol, which has powerful medicinal properties.  For this delicious juice shot...


1" Ginger raw

1 Carrot

1/4 c  water


Add clean ginger and carrot roughly chopped into a high speed blender ( I use the Ninja blender), then pour into a cup with cheesecloth to strain the pulp.  Twist the cheesecloth tightly to press out the pure juice.  Continue to press and squeeze until there is no more juice coming from the pulp.

This yields 3 servings.  I like to serve them in 2oz. plastic containers with a lid and store in the fridge for the next mornings juice shot.

Read today's full blog at

Feb 03, 202106:14
Ep2- Smiling is your Superpower!

Ep2- Smiling is your Superpower!

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!

Today is Tuesday February 2, 2021.

I’m your host Belynda Farias.

Hey, What makes you smile?  I'd say start with the simple things... I got up this morning there's a big reason to smile.  My body is alive and well and while comfortable in my bed,  I'm ready to start my day.  Come on let's get out of bed, look out the window and greet the sun...

Right there where you stand, right out bed and smiling... let's get into position... because today is squat day!  We're going to strengthen our lower body by doing 2 Reps of 10 squats.  Take it nice and slow....Make sure your knees are in place and push back your glutes .

Come on, we're just doing 20 morning squats... Piece of cake... you got this!   Want to add power to the punch?  Do 2 more sets ..... you're going to feel the burn, and you'll love burning those morning calories!  You got this!   Add this to your morning movement routine to really see a difference!

IT’S TIME !-  for the Superpower of Smiling

Who knew that moving the corners of your mouth outwards and upwards.... Smiling, would have so many benefits?   well here you go...

Smiling boosts your immune system!  Smiling actually helps the human immune system to function more effectively!  Thanks to the release of neurotransmitters, Smiling help boost your immune system because you are relaxed.   Smiling may also lower blood pressure and

change the mood which in turn inspires Positivity!   You'll be ready to take on your morning with charged energy,   The simple act of smiling to yourself, keeps you motivated, feeling successful and feel younger.  Doing this everyday, strengthens your positive mood and keeps you away from anxiety or negative emotions.

Turn on your super power and Smile Big, Smile often, and change your world!




1/2 avocado mashed with juice of 1/4 slice of lemon

1 egg, poached / over easy

1 thin slice of tomato

fresh mozzarella crumbles

1 slice bread toasted

salt and pepper to taste


Place toast on plate. Spread mashed avocado. Add tomato slice. Top with Poached egg, Add mozzarella crumbles,

salt and pepper to taste

This is an easy and super delicious breakfast, light lunch or dinner!  Not to mention low in calorie, fat and carbs.

It’s Ground HOG Day!  According to Wikipedia....

Groundhog Day is a popular North American tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will persist for six more weeks; but if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early.

While the tradition remains popular in modern times, studies have found no consistent correlation between a groundhog seeing its shadow and the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.  What do you think?  Will Spring come early?

For more info, visit our website at

Feb 02, 202106:06
Ep1 -Welcome February! - Launching 28 days of Love...

Ep1 -Welcome February! - Launching 28 days of Love...

The Good Morning Life  By Belynda Farias

February 1 - Welcome February

Welcome to the Good Morning Life

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!

I’m your host Belynda Farias.  It’s a new dawn, a clean slate to start over, what will you create today?  Today’s Good Morning sunshine hug is waiting for you!  Forget about what didn’t work out yesterday and focus on all the things working well today.  Time to Get up, Dress up, and Show up for yourself!  You’ve got Dreams, plans, goals… today you will move closer to your vision!

1-2-3 Believe in Me!

Body and Mind aligned is Magic!  Let’s get up out of bed and Stretch those arms, way up high!  Count to 3 as you touch the sky.. Think big, think bright, reach for the sun,  Breathe in, Breathe out, - come on, get ready to enjoy today’s Fun!

IT’S TIME !-  to Turn on the Love!

As we welcome the month of February, Love is in the air.  Turn on the love for the next 28 days by writing yourself a simple love note on a sticky note and stick it on your mirror.  Do this everyday!  Simple phrases, like “You rock”, “Love that smile” or You can do this!” are perfect!  Surround yourself with this positive energy and boost your confidence!  After 28 days of love notes, you’ll feel like a different person!

What’s for Breakfast?

Mixed Berry & Greens Smoothie

Quick recipe:  For this recipe, you’ll need 1 cup of frozen mixed berries, 1 cup of assorted greens, like spinach and celery, 2 tablespoons of greek yogurt and 1 cup Almond milk.  Blend, serve and enjoy!  Mixed Berries are packed with antioxidants and fiber and are great for your skin! And the greens are packed with natural vitamins, minerals and fiber and excellent for a healthy diet!  Get Ready, Get Set… GO!  Enjoy the nutritious and delicious benefits of today’s smoothie.

The Daily Good News

It’s National Get up Day! The day reminds us to pick ourselves up when we’ve fallen and given it (whatever it may be) another go!  National Get up day reminds all of us to Get Up when we stumble. We never know when our efforts to seek a goal or overcome an obstacle will encourage another to do the same.


Encourage someone you know. Rarely does anyone celebrate the failures. Yet, every time we Get Up and try again, we stand on a mountain of failures. It is how we learn and reach for our goals. So, share the moments you Get Up and persevere. Keep moving forward and upward. What makes you Get Up? Share your inspiration by using #GetUpDay on social media.


Pack a Lunch!…. Motivation to go!

Focus is today’s motivation!  “It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem.   - Roy T. Bennett

Thanks for Joining us this morning!

For Rays of Sunshine, recipes, positivity and confidence boosters, subscribe at, we’re ready to make your “Good Morning” Fabulous!

Remember to Share today’s “Sunshine Post”  with friends on your social media.  Use  #goodmorninglifedaily to tag us. …

If you’re interested in being a part of our Sunshine post, Advertising and Sponsorship opportunities are now available.  Please visit our website for more info.

Have an Amazing Day!  See you tomorrow!  

Feb 01, 202105:09
The Good Morning Life Launch - What is the Good Morning Life?

The Good Morning Life Launch - What is the Good Morning Life?

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily micro podcast to brighten your morning and sweeten your day.... Awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration, motivation, delicious recipes, good reads and wholesome goodness for a happy and healthy life!  Visit our website for more information at

What is The Good Morning Life?

It's what I call my happy living.  I came up with the concept as I thought about all the things that I love about waking up and stepping into my morning...

The Good Morning life is waking up and starting a new day.  It's the break of dawn- spreading light and awakening a world of possibilities.  It's a clean slate, a new beginning, a breath of fresh air.  It's looking at what the new day will bring and letting go of things that didn't work out the day before....

The Good Morning life is morning meditation in a quiet space appreciating the stillness of the morning and stretching, lengthening my limbs and feeling my muscles waking up, feeling love and gratitude for my body, mind and soul.  The Good Morning Life is getting up and opening my curtains and looking out into the beautiful sky and feeling the sun say Hello.  It's making my bed and fluffing the pillows and feeling satisfied as I slowly put things in order.  It's washing my face, brushing my hair and brushing my teeth and feeling my cells vibrate as they wake up to another good day.

It's the smell of fresh coffee or Vanilla Chai Tea ready to greet me, and a lemon ginger shot, ready to pack a punch of natural goodness.

The Good Morning Life is preparing a delicious Mixed berry smoothie or Avocado Toast Breakfast to satisfy my hunger.  It's reading a few pages of a good book and feeding my mind then writing about my hopes, goals and dreams.  It's taking a walk in the beautiful sunlit pathways at my local park and breathing in the natural existence of beauty...

The Good morning life is Being Kind to yourself and to others, inspiring kindness and goodness in the world.  It's exploring and discovering new talents and skills and the excitement of becoming more today than yesterday.  It's opening to new friends, new light, new sight of creating new ideas and dreams you never imagined.  It's a constant whimsical feeling of good, of living in the right place at the right time.  It's being at peace with today, with oneself, with life....

Really, the Good Morning Life, is the overwhelming love I feel for this new day, for today, for this moment, for Me, my body and my life. It's a solid knowing that I control my experience today, based on my positive thoughts, actions and intentions.  And finally it's the awareness that I can inspire others to live a Delicious, fulfilling and happy life created by The Good Morning mindset.  If you ask me, It's the only perfect place to be...

Won't you join us?  I'm building a community of Good Morning Lifers, who want to open their world, let go of what didn't work in the past and create new change and opportunities to life a happier more fulfilling life.

-See you inside,

Belynda Farias

Feb 01, 202104:21