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The Happiness Project

The Happiness Project

By Raina Jain

I'm here to serve. My podcast is built on a bedrock of love, a passion for what’s possible and a commitment to be an unstoppable force for good. Through my podcast — I am here to make a difference- in every little way possible; All of my episodes revolve around mental health, spirituality, inspiration, mindfulness, meditation. My commitment is to bring you the very best of what I’m living and learning, while keeping it real and honest as I go.
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The Happiness ProjectSep 22, 2020

Episode 112 - Minutes of Happiness - Letting Go

Episode 112 - Minutes of Happiness - Letting Go

Letting go creates space for fresh beginnings: stripping you of what happened yesterday, and enabling the doors of brand new opportunities to open today. Letting go is about accepting what is happening right now and not worrying about what will come up tomorrow. It involves much more than just saying you have let go. It’s an internal process that must happen for you to truly feel better and get on with life in a healthy way. 

I think one of the most amazing things I have ever felt was ‘in the act of letting go’. Just imagine, like a huge solid rock is lifted from the very core of your soul. And you start feeling this lightness. That deep exhale. And once I felt that, I wanted to keep feeling that feeling. And then with steady practice, my brain would automatically learn to ‘let go’ every time something/ someone pulls me down.

As a gentle reminder, it’s important that we honor where we are on our individual journeys of letting go. This is a process that may be more challenging for some than others. Know that wherever you are right now, is okay.

Jan 30, 202207:25
Ep #111 Minutes of Happiness - Hate is a very strong word

Ep #111 Minutes of Happiness - Hate is a very strong word

I was recently asked, "have you ever felt hatred towards anyone"? And I said, "I think hate is a very strong word. I don’t remember the last time I felt hatred towards anyone. But every time, there’s a negative emotion produced by someone else or any external event - I tend to ask myself: what is it trying to tell me about myself? So for example, every time I browse through my Instagram, I see a lot of people getting married - so I ask myself? Why do I feel uncomfortable - is this situation producing a feeling of fear or loneliness or discomfort - it’s just about getting in touch with that feeling.
Or every time someone criticises your work - is that criticism producing a feeling of self-doubt or worthlessness.
Just get into the habit of asking yourself “what emotion is being triggered in me by external events” And then you’ll start creating a life that is full of awareness"
Jan 21, 202206:15
Ep #110 Minutes of Happiness - What it is Like to live a Conscious Life

Ep #110 Minutes of Happiness - What it is Like to live a Conscious Life

Conscious Living. These two words have infiltrated the world in recent years. What does it really mean to live consciously? For many, “conscious living” brings up a sense of community, like-minded individuals, or perhaps a feeling of peace and power. For others, “conscious living” is about “tree-huggers,” chanting and Whole Foods. Although I consider myself a fan of “conscious living,” I never stopped to define it “consciously.” What is it to be conscious? Essentially, being “conscious” is about bringing AWARENESS to every aspect of your life — inside and out. Think about it. How many opportunities are there to bring “consciousness” to? There are literally thousands of big and little things to bring our full attention to, or not.
· We can consciously evaluate each area of life, such as our health, finances, relationships, fun, our environment and our spirituality.
· We can be conscious of our thoughts and beliefs that are shaping our lives. Beliefs about ourselves, others, politics, the media and the world. Beliefs about what is good and what is bad. Thoughts that are true or untrue in reality.
· We can be conscious of our choices. What do you say “yes” to? What do you say “no” to? Will you work out today? Eat healthfully? Break the law or follow the law? Be considerate or rude? What will you focus on today? Is the glass half full or half empty?
· We can be conscious about setting goals and influencing the quality of our lives. What are your dreams? What are you really committed to? Who do you want to spend time with? Are you moving toward your goals?
· We can be conscious during activities – talking, eating, working out, having sex, cleaning, sailing, driving, cooking, showering, walking the dog or reading.
· We can be conscious of our authentic selves. Our strengths, weaknesses, and personality tendencies. Our desires. Our level of happiness. Our passions.
· We can be conscious of being conscious. Noticing when we are “present to life” or “checked out.” When all of our senses are engaged, or when we are numb.
Jan 13, 202214:54
Ep #109 Minutes of Happiness - The Power of a Vision Board

Ep #109 Minutes of Happiness - The Power of a Vision Board

A vision board, is essentially a physical manifestation of your objectives. It’s a way to exercise goal setting in your life. It’s also one of the very best means exactly how to place the Law of Attraction into method. Developing a vision board is more than just eliminating publication images, putting together gorgeous collections, as well as expecting the best. It’s an imaginative procedure, an effective visualisation device that helps you narrow down wishes via the liberty. While you’re setting clear purposes as well as objectives, it’s the Law of Attraction that allures and also attracts you to the possibilities you require to transform these dreams of your own right into a fact. It’s all about you satisfying the energised vibration you’re anticipating for your life that will end up attracting your desires. We can say that vision board are effective because of three main factors:
1. The power of choice
The Question is not “Are you worthy enough to reach your goals?” The Question is “Are your goals worthy enough of you? — Bob Proctor
Whether developing one or a number of boards, the restricted area forces you to concentrate on your most valued wishes. You must first identify your desires. After that choose images that represent those wishes. The basic selection procedure limits your emphasis and personalizes your board with particular messages that matter to you. As an example, you may decide to put a picture of a home on your visualization board due to the fact that you want to buy your desire residence someday.
2. The power of visualization
Certainly, it is the appearance of a dream board that really drives home your needs as well as sends out an extremely clear message. To understand why visualizing your needs is so powerful, we require to have a look at the mind. Our brain is an incredible equipment that is geared toward making us effective with every action we take. It educates our bodies to plan for action. When we picture ourselves planning for a task, our brains really run through the procedure and also send signals to the rest of our body to finish the activity. Visualization is nearly as effective as executing the action. When you visualize yourself living in your dream residence, your mind trains your body for that truth. As a matter of fact, in one neuropsychology research, scientists discovered that the psychological training of the exercise was nearly as reliable as the real physical practice.
3. The power of consistency
Whether attempting to learn a brand-new ability or produce a new habit, consistency is the trick. We’re wired for rep. You could have come across the saying ‘Neurons that discharge together, cable together.’ Every single time we duplicate an action, activated neurons build a more powerful connection, which explains exactly how any ability can become automated. It’s not nearly enough to just develop a board and leave it to collect dirt in your wardrobe. By positioning it in a place you see daily, you create the opportunity for regular visualization to educate your mind, body, as well as spirit to manifest your wishes.
Jan 06, 202215:39
Ep #108 Minutes of Happiness - Message for #2022

Ep #108 Minutes of Happiness - Message for #2022

By now, you've made appetizers for your annual New Year's Eve party, made a list of goals for the coming year, and have your New Year's Eve song playlist curated to perfection. What else is there to do on New Year's Eve—besides, you know, classic New Year's Eve traditions like watching the ball drop and celebrating with a New Year's movie marathon? As 2021 is coming to an end, everyone is getting very excited to enter into the new year. 2022 will be the year where everyone can start afresh. For the past two years, people have taken to their homes to abide by the social distancing rule due to the coronavirus pandemic. We have now been considering celebrating this occasion within the comfort of their homes. The new year marks the beginning of new promises, resolutions and life decisions. It is this time of the year when we all can let go of old disputes and fights, and focus on mending everything for the new year to come. Here's hoping that the new year brings us lots of new and exciting opportunities in our lives. This new year will be our year. Happy New Year!
Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. This is a small message from ‘The Happiness Project’ for all of us out there as we step into the new year!
Dec 31, 202106:51
Ep #107 Minutes of Happiness - Connecting with Compassion

Ep #107 Minutes of Happiness - Connecting with Compassion

Relationships can be one of the most joyful and fulfilling aspects of our lives, and they can also challenge us beyond comprehension. We've all heard that communication is the most important thing in any relationship.

Let’s consider basic human needs, as taught by psychologist Abraham Maslow. All of our behaviors are driven by our needs, and our needs are derived from our emotional states. After our needs of food and shelter have been met, each of us have very important basic needs—four of which are the need for attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance. The ways in which we seek these things is dependent upon our level of emotional intelligence, our beliefs, and our core values. Following are some examples of how you can bring awareness to these areas and begin to practice being more compassionate in your relationship.

“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.”

Lately, I’ve been feeling a sense of vulnerability that I always wished I could feel without being afraid. I have always wished I was one of those people who could show my authentic self to the world and still be able to look you in the eye after I let you see me, without quivering in shame or regret.

When I begin to experience negative self-talk inside of me, I seem to be shifting almost immediately to a place of self-love, forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion for myself. This inner awakening has begun to translate into a new perception of my outside world.

Instead of my usual thoughts and reactions that occur when confronted with less than ideal responses from the external world, I am able to see me in you and you in me.

Right away I begin to feel compassion, because I know that you hurt, just like me, and you feel joy, just like me. You worry and feel scared sometimes, just like me. You have bad days, just like me, and you have amazing days, just like me. You are seeking, just like me. You want to believe in love, just like me.

I look at people passing me by in the store, on the streets, or in traffic, and have a deep sense of knowing that they too feel separate sometimes, and they too have times when they fear they will never be enough—just like me.

The simple act of making a shift within has completely transformed the type of relationships I’m attracting. When you live from a place of self-love, the world mirrors love and compassion back to you.

When you give yourself unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance, you’re then able to give that to others.

Dec 18, 202111:42
Ep #106 Minutes of Happiness - Fear of Being Judged

Ep #106 Minutes of Happiness - Fear of Being Judged

Hello, welcome to another the episode on THP podcast. I hope you’ll are doing well and are excited to surround yourself with warmth and comfort by your loved ones. There’s no better time than now to let go off anything that is holding back your progress in life. And one of the things that pulls people back for an entire lifetime is ‘what others think about you’

Deep inside of us, along with our need to be liked, we also have a need to be authentic, to think and live in our own unique way. Nature made us this way so that we could think critically and develop creative solutions rather than rushing headlong over a cliff with the rest of the herd. If we all thought alike the human race would have died out long ago.

As Bertrand Russell wrote, "Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric." We thrive when we get along with others, and think and act independently at the same time. If you aren't doing both, you're out of balance, and your psyche will complain about it with either depression ("No one likes me.") or anxiety ("I have to get them to like me"). These are often warning signs, and if not heeded, things can get really bad. That's why it's dangerous to worry too much what others think about you.

The bottom line is we truly have this one life and life is short. Do you really want to spend even a few precious moments of that time worrying what other people think? To live a life where others tell you what you want? Or should you decide for yourself who we are and what you want and how you plan to go out and get it? You must make a conscious effort to let go what other people think. It's a skill that needs to be practiced, like meditating. But once you truly understand how to let go, you will see the world as entirely different. People will love you, people will hate you, and none of it will have anything to do with you. Make your  choices and live by those decisions, taking full responsibility for what you do and how you do it. When you do, you'll gain the self-esteem you need and the power to give yourself what you want, without blaming anyone for your mistakes. 

And I know how much resilience it requires for you to pull yourself out of this ‘rut’ and taking back control of how you want to feel. I have spent a decent amount of time thinking about what other people think about me and have sort of done things that would make others happy or actions that would allow me to fit in or simply for external validation. But as and how time went by, my interest in spirituality expanded, my support system kept getting stronger, I started breaking unhealthy patterns and slowly tried adapting a value system that was free from conditions, other people’s opinions and judgements, free from societal pressures and absolutely filled with things that I truly believe – I am still working on it, but I do see myself living an authentic life that simply makes my MYSELF. And I absolutely love that! And something that also helped me along the way were some words of wisdom from my nani (my grandmother) -she said, ‘you know how when you mix gold with any metal – the purity of gold always remains the same’; it’s the same with humans too – wherever you go, whatever you do – if you know you’ve pure intentions – the purity of the person that you are will never diminish. Even though sometimes having pure intentions may not lead to positive consequences (always) – you’ll not be guilt tripped into believing something that is not true. And that stayed with me forever! And that’s what is helping me get through life situations in a very thoughtful way. So next time, you feel you’re being judged – reflect back on your intentions and allow them to guide you!

I hope you go through this week tuning in with your intentions and let your intentions be a guiding force for the entire week. Until then take care and stay well!

Dec 10, 202109:48
Ep #105 Minutes of Happiness - The Art of Giving

Ep #105 Minutes of Happiness - The Art of Giving

Hello guys! How have you’ll been? How were the last two weeks? I guess this is the first time ever I entirely skipped releasing my podcast episode last week. Thanks for all the patience and support that you’ve been expressing all along. Off lately, I have been caught up with a lot of pressing things at hand and I am also venturing out and expanding on some ideas relating to my work. I will keep you’ll updated about all that is happening very soon. So what made me happy this week?! Umm – tons of moments. But I am going to share the one that’s given me immense joy. Many of you know that I have been working with a Cancer Trust where I practice Art-based therapy with kids who are suffering from Cancer from bone marrow to blood cancer. This is entirely on a pro-bono basis that I have been doing this. Initially, I was sceptical on how all of this would turn out to be but it’s been 8 sessions that I have done so far and well – I can’t begin to explain how incredibly nurturing this experience has been for me. From seeing the kids happy to spending time with them and just having fun. I may sound selfish right now but I absolutely love spending time with them – it really holds me together. It gives me a sense of satisfaction of doing something bigger than myself; of focusing on something that is not about me; something that is real; something that just grounds me and brings me back to myself. You know that feeling when your entire life is sinking – and then you meet these kids who are not sure of how much life they have got; imagine a kid who’s only seen Operation Theatres and Radiation rooms since the age of 5 – and I just don’t understand. Where do they get that courage from? To fight without realising that they are fighting. I remember everyone around me asked me a couple of times, whether am I sure? Am I sure of working with these kids. I understand their concern was majorly that it’s emotionally and mentally draining and I am way too sensitive. And without a single moment of hesitation – I said – for the first time I know what am I doing and why am I doing it. And yes, I am immensely sensitive but why can’t I use that as my strength and allow myself to step out of my comfort zone and use my sensitivity as an opportunity to connect with them at a deeper level. Why not?! I think the entire purpose of me doing what I am doing is getting to start becoming clear. Clear in my thoughts. Clear in my intention and absolutely clear at heart. I don’t know what else is above all this? So well, there is no bigger thing than giving. Giving solely with a heart of giving.

And just like Gautama Buddha says, ‘before giving, the mind of the giver is happy; while giving, the mind of the giver is made peaceful; and having given, the mind of the giver is uplifted.

I hope this week you simply try to give. Without expecting. Without holding yourself back and see how pure joy amplifies in your life.

I hope you’ll have an incredibly giving week. And I will see you’ll next week. Stay well, and just experience the joy of ‘life’ itself.

Nov 26, 202108:57
Ep #104 Minutes of Happiness - Be Kind

Ep #104 Minutes of Happiness - Be Kind

I hope you guys have heard my previous episode where I was interviewed by Global Women Power. In case you haven’t please listen to the 103rd episode on THP podcast. Well, this week for me was pretty exciting – from a random road trip to Rajasthan with my family to my sister surprising us all by coming back from London. We have all been having such quality family time together – I feel so blessed. It’s certainly the little things in life that matters so much. And since it was the festive season, it added so much of joy! So if there’s something that I would like to share is that sometimes we take a lot of experiences and people for granted and we fail to value all of this that we have. Everything will pass by us in a brink of a moment. So, say I love you often, be kind every day, let gratitude be a way of life, let ingenuity sparkle through your eyes, set at intention when you see 11:11, hug tightly, and most importantly believe that every single thing you do – do it with sheer grace! Life is too short to be living any other way.

Nov 12, 202106:47
Ep #103 Minutes of Happiness - Interviewed on Global Women Power
Nov 05, 202116:24
Ep #102 Minutes of Happiness - Living Life On Purpose

Ep #102 Minutes of Happiness - Living Life On Purpose

So this week for me was so purposeful. Every single interaction during the week have been so so meaningful. I love every single thing that I am doing. And trust me, all of this didn’t come easy. Honestly, a lot of us have been through a point in life where everything seems to have reached a slump where nothing is meaningful anymore. I have had that time in my life too where I was working day in and day out – for nothing! I mean not nothing but you know what I mean – it wasn’t fulfilling at all. But the moment I had that realization – I started reading and researching and soon came across a podcast by Jay Shetty, ‘On Purpose’ – where he mentioned the three step process that I have been following for the past two years which has tremendously changed my life;  1) Deeply get to know yourself 2) What do you love to learn & teach 3) Go outside of your comfort zone with your strengths. Look listen - your purpose is with you the entire time. You just have to align yourself with it. This means that you become present, and so in tune with who you are in the present moment that you have no choice but to notice that you’ve had what you’ve been looking for in your hands the entire time. And if there’s something that made me happy this week is to allow myself to trust myself. Constantly create experiences that are making me happy and these experiences give me the validation that ‘I am exactly where I am supposed to be’; ‘I’m doing exactly what I am supposed to do with my life’. I feel it so deeply in my gut. And I also see that shift happening in my clients, that energy exchange. It’s happening. For real! And trust me, there’s nothing more that will light my soul of fire more than knowing that someone somewhere is being helped; that I am able to create that ripple effect of positive transformation in their lives. I sleep with so much satisfaction, contentment and gratitude every single day. I love love love my life! I truly feel so full and complete. My heart is full – and I am in love – yes, with my life. I feel like I am finally making the most of myself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibilities into flames of achievement. All I hope, wish and pray is that you feel the same way – and you love your life as much as I do and even more
Oct 28, 202108:35
Ep #101 Minutes of Happiness - #advicefrommom "Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew”

Ep #101 Minutes of Happiness - #advicefrommom "Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew”

Hello and welcome back to THP podcast! I am your host Raina Jain, a Psychologist, Podcaster and a Content Writer. For the one’s who don’t know – I am talking to you from Bombay – a city of dreams: that’s what they say but I do intend to settle down somewhere in the hills!
I am here to add value to your life. I started this podcast with an intention to serve, to help and to be of purpose to the community and do something for the greater good. Along the way, creating content on this podcast has merely taught me the value of connection, consistency, altruism and an acceptance of ‘what is’. So what is happiness? A box full of chocolates, pretty roses, puppies, a solo trip in a Mediterranean country, a pent house in NYC. I don’t know! I don’t know what exactly is Happiness. It could mean a lot of things to a lot of people. It can be momentary or something that lasts a bit longer: or maybe a state of being! Look I am not here to answer that question but I am definitely here to plant those seeds in your mind that will get you reflect on this very question of ‘What is Happiness’? I typically learn through the process of elimination in my life – by doing certain things and knowing that this is what I don’t want to do or this is what is not going to make me happy. Even though I don’t know what makes me happy yet, I know what doesn’t make me happy for sure. So that way I am getting closer to being my authentic self and finding my authentic purpose and if that means shedding my old self – SO BE IT! I am at least honest with myself. And that’s what matters. I hope that you find your ‘why’ behind everything that you do and find your individual consciousness that threads your life together so you can instantly spot that glow in the centre of your being.
I am now introducing ‘Minutes of Happiness’ on THP podcast!
I am so excited to announce that we have now completed 100 episodes on the podcast. And ah, it’s been an incredible journey. So this has been on my mind for a very long time. Not just for ya’ll but even for me to find joy in the little things! The little things in life matter most. However, we get so caught up in the big moments that we don't see them. In today's fast-paced, forward-thinking world, it's easy to forget about the little things in life. So, for the next few minutes, let’s slow down and enjoy the beauty of a few minutes of happiness.
I hope through minutes of happiness you’re able to make happiness a habit so that it becomes a permanent part of your personality and you’re able to keep getting in touch with the bliss body within you.
“Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew”

I was having a conversation with my mom today in the evening and I shared with her about how overwhelmed I have been with an insane amount of work pressure. And all she said was, ‘don’t think about how much work you have to finish - JUST DO IT AND MOVE AHEAD’ So often we are stuck in the mental jabber that hinders our progress and things like these just hit you to the core and changes your entire thought process! I can’t thank her enough; I love you mom - I don’t say this enough and I couldn’t express it to you in person (even though we spent an entire evening together). But I truly do ❤️ Guess, social media doesn’t do all things bad, does it?!
Oct 21, 202106:06
Ep #100 Managing Stress and Anxiety with Shirley Billson

Ep #100 Managing Stress and Anxiety with Shirley Billson

Welcome to the 100th episode on The Happiness Project podcast. Well, today’s episode is more around managing Stress and anxiety with Shirley Billson. And we would all agree about how anxiety has kind of been a part of our daily lives. So how do we manage our stress? How do we take some control of our lives in this chaos and uncertainty? I am so sure that you have so many questions – like I mentioned earlier, feel free to get in touch with me. Let’s start a conversation! Most people experience stress and anxiety from time to time. Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. People can report feeling stressed when multiple competing demands are placed on them. The feeling of being stressed can be triggered by an event that makes you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be a reaction to stress, or it can occur in people who are unable to identify significant stressors in their life. Stress and anxiety are not always bad. In the short term, they can help you overcome a challenge or dangerous situation.  However, if stress and anxiety begin interfering with your daily life, it may indicate a more serious issue. If you are avoiding situations due to irrational fears, constantly worrying, or experiencing severe anxiety about a traumatic event weeks after it happened, it may be time to seek help. Learning to cope with stress can require some trial and error. What works for your best friend might not work for you.  It’s important to build your own stress reduction toolkit so that you have more than one strategy to implement when stress kicks in. • Relaxation breathing: The single best thing you can do when under stress is to engage in deep breathing. Practice this strategy when you’re calm so that you know how to use it when you’re under pressure. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. Repeat.  • Practice mindfulness: Sure, there’s an app for that, but the best way to practice mindfulness is to disconnect from your digital world and reconnect with your natural world for a specific period of time each day. Take a walk outside and use the opportunity to notice your surroundings using all of your senses.  • Get moving: Daily exercise releases feel-good chemicals in your brain. Making exercise a daily habit can buffer you from negative reactions to stressful events.  • Keep a journal: Writing down your best and worst of the day helps you sort through the obstacles and focus on what went right. It’s normal to experience ups and downs on any given day.  • Get creative: There’s a reason adult coloring books are so popular – they work. Whether you’re drawing, coloring, writing poetry, or throwing paint on a wall, engaging in a creative hobby gives your mind a chance to relax.  • Crank up the tunes: Listening to slow, relaxing music decreases your stress response (just as fast-paced music pumps you up for a run).  Listen to the entire episode here -
Oct 08, 202132:08
Ep #99 Unblocking Trauma from past experiences with Phil Lee

Ep #99 Unblocking Trauma from past experiences with Phil Lee

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of trauma work with clients who didn’t realize they even had any trauma. Most people come to me struggling with anxiety, a relationship, or questioning their career, but pretty soon, we start talking about deeper things. The old pains and past hurts that were never fully healed. Those wounds which seem to elude words are blocked, trapped in the subconscious. “I don’t know why I feel so upset,” while you cry over something seemingly trivial. “This isn’t really a big deal, I know that, but I don’t know why I can’t get over it…” “I have no idea why I get so angry and upset every time he says that to me, it shouldn’t matter,” but it clearly does, a lot. And there’s no logic to it other than… it’s reminding you of a past trauma. Trauma gets stored in the body like a DVD stuck on pause, ready to be “played” again whenever something in the present moment, our current life, reminds us in some way of the pain of the past. Why? Because trauma is not stored in the brain like other memory. It doesn’t get filed away into our filing cabinet of autobiographical facts of our life. Instead, it is stored in the body, as emotion, tension, or pain because of our “emotional brain,” or Autonomic Nervous System. Animals shake when they experience trauma or anxiety. Think of a dog who’s been in a fight with another dog: Once the fight is over, both dogs will shake to calm their nervous systems and quiet the fight, flight, or freeze response. This enables them to move on without the physical memory of the situation. Humans, however, don’t naturally do this. Instead we carry our stress, anxiety, and trauma around with us every day and use food and other addictive behaviors to soothe ourselves and quiet the emotional discomfort. There’s nothing wrong with turning to food or other means to soothe yourself, but typically habitual behaviors provide a short-term solution, and you’ll continue to feel the discomfort until you release the memory from your body. We have a tendency to look for the quick fix, but there’s no six-hour healing elixir that can magically erase the pain and discomfort from old wounds. Healing takes time. Give yourself time to fill your emotional tool-kit and understand that healing is a journey—one that lasts a lifetime. Of course, practice makes the journey easier, but there is no perfection. There will be times when you fall back on old patterns and behaviours, when that happens reach into your emotional tool-kit and take what you need. You are equipped. You can do this. Now, let’s hear all about it from the very expert Phil Lee who takes us through the journey of unblocking trauma. Listen to the entire episode here -
Sep 30, 202129:09
Ep #98 - Mirror, Mirror, Show me 'ME' with Cheron Griffin

Ep #98 - Mirror, Mirror, Show me 'ME' with Cheron Griffin

Hello and welcome back to the 98th on THP podcast. I hope you’ll are taking enough time for yourself throughout the week – just by yourself! It’s important. I hope you’re not being hard on yourself because you deserve all the love and compassion that you go around pouring on other people. We often set standards for ourselves that are too high because society expects us to be perfect. We forget that everybody has flaws, even the people we perceive to be perfect. But who decides what is perfect? Who sets the standards we feel we need to live up to? Self-acceptance, self-love, and self-compassion are essential for our overall health and happiness. These attributes affect not only our mental and emotional health but also our physical health in very real and concrete ways.  While it may sound “out there” or “woo-woo”, when we don’t accept ourselves fully, we are ever so subtly cutting ourselves off from the life force energy that gives and sustains life. It happens on a very subtle level, but over time this disconnection from the full potential of life force connection can manifest with concrete health issues. Think of it another way. When there are parts of ourselves that we don’t accept, we are literally warring with ourselves internally. And when both parties in that war are actually parts of you, guess who loses, regardless of the outcome? We all have flaws – that’s what makes us human. Everybody makes mistakes – that is the only way we can learn and grow. Accepting our flaws and forgiving ourselves for mistakes, or put another way, reconciling all those conflicting parts in us is crucial to our health and happiness, and to generally achieving our greatest potential as humans. Self love is a practice, its is something you learn and implement into your everyday life. A few things that I feel like should be considered and known when it comes to self love: You are the main focus – It all starts with you and ends with you. You’re going to be with yourself for eternity. Which means, you want to operate from a place of self-loving, rather than self-loathing. You care for yourself the most – Nobody is interested in you – your well-being, health, safety, happiness, and existence – more than you. No one knows better than you, what makes you happy, or what hurts you most. No one thinks of you, or exists ready for your rescue, support or comfort. No one can make better choices for you, or give you a better opinion of what you need to do – other than yourself. No one is here for your spiritual growth – but you. You are the only person that can bring yourself up, or down – You determine your attitude, the way you react, and your outlook day to day. This way, if you love yourself, you will be mindful of the way you feel and how you feel it. What would your life be like if you loved yourself unconditionally? Take a moment to think about it. Would you live in accordance with your values? Would you feel totally comfortable in your mind and body? Would you hold compassion for yourself when you made mistakes? Would you believe, undoubtedly, that you are a good person? Would you rely on others to validate and accept you? Would you overextend yourself to please others, or would you honour your needs and politely decline? Would you feel confident in accepting a request, knowing that you would be helping others solely out of love for them? Would you feel good about yourself, either way, no matter what you chose? Listen to the entire episode here -
Sep 24, 202136:48
Ep #97 - Living just a little extra with Kevin Monroe

Ep #97 - Living just a little extra with Kevin Monroe

Helloo guys! How have you’ll been? What’s happening? How’s the week coming along? You are not listening to the 97th episode on THP podcast. I am just overwhelmed thinking of how close I am going to complete about a 100 episodes very soon. I have been occupied this week with the workshops for the course that I am studying off lately. It’s called the ABT course and ahh – it’s incredibly amazing! I love how this course is helping me unfold and uncover so much about living a conscious life. And as and how time goes by, I will definitely share some wonderful stuff with you’ll. Well, I am sharing the highlights of my conversation with Kevin Monroe and the amazing concept of making every moment extra-ordinary. He also holds these amazing webinars on Gratitude almost every month and it’s a sheer joy to be a part of it! Whether gratitude journaling is working for you or not, we can all take our gratitude practice one step further by moving from the page to the real world. By embracing gratitude as a verb we advance from recognizing gratitude to practicing gratitude. You may have a completely different version of extraordinary, and that’s what’s so perfect. How to live an extraordinary life entirely up to you—it’s your life, after all. The action itself isn’t as important as the intent behind it. As long as your intent is to make something in your world just a little better, to learn something just a little deeper, to try something you’re just a little curious about, it’s foolproof. You could institute pizza Saturdays or travel the world, saving endangered species. Both are extraordinary. I remember when someone would mention the words "extraordinary life," the entire thought seemed only for the rich and famous. The idea seemed unreachable and only pertained to the lucky few. My self-talk would be jabbering in my mind saying "as if that's ever going to happen to someone like me." What I didn't understand was that the greatest obstacle I had to overcome wasn't to suddenly win the lottery, but to actually start showing up to live my life with just a little bit of extra. The next time you find yourself feeling stuck in an ordinary life; try out at least one of these simple steps to put into place. Just that tiny bit of "extra" goes a long way and before you know it, you'll be expanding your world and inspiring not only yourself, but those around you to do the same. Extraordinary living is contagious....pass it on.Listen to the entire episode here -
Sep 17, 202144:43
Ep #96 - Experience a Mindset Shift

Ep #96 - Experience a Mindset Shift

There’s an interesting aspect to the feeling of being stuck. Many people who report that they’re feeling overwhelmed, confused or stuck in a rut are—in many cases—quite talented, intelligent and ambitious. If you do not know how to precisely tackle the issue, breaking free from feeling stuck in life can be really difficult. The harder you try to get out of it, the more you’re getting stuck. That’s the big problem with being stuck in a rut. It gradually weakens your strength to get unstuck. The situation is comparable to the attempt of breaking free from quicksand. The more you struggle, the deeper you’ll get in it. But if you do know that the only way out of quicksand is to stop panicking, to lie on your back and to drag your feet out, the obstacle can be overcome. The same holds true for feeling stuck in life. If you’re thinking really hard about your situation, you’ll find yourself walking around in a circle. It will get you nowhere. But like a comic figure that keeps walking around in circles, you’ll only create an ever deeper (mental) groove. There’s no point in overthinking the problem. In fact, continuously pondering about the problem will only get you deeper into the groove. It doesn’t matter so much what obstacle is blocking your progress. What matters is that you learn to move forward despite being confronted with challenges. You have all the power you need to take the necessary steps to break out of the rut. However, every fibre of your body must be willing to effect this change. Breaking free from whatever holding you back is always a choice. Take this choice and learn to gain more control over your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Well, I am sharing the highlight of my episode with Kenny harper who is on a mission to change mindsets and lives. Kenny is on a mission to inspire and empower people to live a purposeful life. Kenny Harper began his journey rocking stages as a musician and after realising he realised he had the talents but not the business knowledge, he reinvented himself and became a devoted student of business growth strategies. Now as an accomplished certified advisor, Kenny is on a mission to inspire and empower those with the attitude, expertise and drive to amplify their business by sharing proven strategies and effective systems So tune into the episode and take a step closer towards shifting your mindset so you can shift your life! If you want to listen to the entire episode – I have mentioned the link in the show notes so you can dive deeper into the concept of mindset! Hope you’ll enjoy the episode. I will see you next week, until then take care and stay safe. Listen to the entire episode here -
Sep 10, 202134:40
Ep #95 Love over Fear, always

Ep #95 Love over Fear, always

I don’t cuss. Usually. Not that I never have, but I just choose to find other words to express my anger or disappointment ... words that I make up like, “Aw friggilish!” or I’ll just growl, “Grrrr” when something gets my goat. There is one word, though, that can ruin relationships. It’s a curse word of sorts. Its name is Fear. Fear in relationships is the “F” word that has split more marriages, aborted many a relationship before its time and has kept more lovers sleeping back to back than the flu virus. We all face fear from time to time. It’s a natural reaction to the unknown. The problems happen, though, when we choose to operate in fear instead of courage. You’ve likely heard one of my favorite inspirational quotes, “Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s choosing to act in spite of it.” This couldn’t be truer in relationships. We’ve all been hurt in one relationship or another.. so we tend to protect ourselves from being hurt in the same way ever again. In order to accomplish this goal, we put up walls, make self-fulfilling prophecies and shut others out. This, as you can see, causes major problems in intimate relationships. I’m not going to give you a 5-step process for getting rid of fear. It’s not that easy, and truth be told, we’ve probably all read those blogs. However, if you want to have healthy relationships, and not struggle all the time with fear in relationships, you have to be willing to take risks. You have to be willing to courageously tackle your fears. What if you get hurt? Well, my friend, that is the risk you take when you choose to love. Love is risky! It offers no guarantees. Maybe you will be hurt (again). But what if you’re not? “Wouldn’t you have rather have loved and lost than not to have loved at all?” the great British poet Alfred Lord Tennyson asks. The point is that if you want to experience deeper levels of intimacy (the gift of knowing and being known), you are going to have to jump in! Now, I’m not advocating for you to throw away common sense! There are times when you need to be cautious and/or walk away. So in this episode, I am sharing the highlights of the conversation with Jackhym and Natasha who focuses on choosing love over fear. Look, it is true that life becomes a momentous journey when you decide to choose love over fear in everything you do, and I mean everything. There is a sensation that arises within us when we realize that fear is a construction of a mind manipulated by negativity. The reality is, fear only smothers us, entraps us, and withholds us from our greatest capability: to love and involve love in everything we do or say. There is a light inside each and every one of us that shines in the essence of our dreams, with love as the intention - for ourselves, for the world around us, and for living life to the fullest. The importance of finding that light, cherishing it, seeking it out, and embracing it is a step toward choosing love over fear. So tune into the episode now and if you wish to hear the entire episode – the link is mentioned in the episode. Hope you’ll decide to choose love over fear and let love be the driving force of your intention. Listen to the entire episode now -
Sep 03, 202131:36
Ep #94 Trust the Process

Ep #94 Trust the Process

I have been terribly sick for the past 10 days but I finally feel so much better now. Guess, I have a tendency to shut down and take some space to recover, rejuvenate and repair my body. And in this journey, if there’s something that I have learnt, time and again – is that if you do not listen to the signs of your body, it will literally make you sick enough for you to pay attention to things that REALLY need your attention. And I think that’s exactly what happened with me. My body needed some rest and some time to heal and come back even stronger and resilient. Pain comes in so many different forms. Often people try to hide from it, hoping that it will go away or that they can cover it up with medication. But ignoring your body just makes it try harder to get your attention—your body is asking for your help. Many of us are now coming to understand that physical symptoms and illness often begin first in the emotional and mental bodies. We are not just a physical body. We each have an aura of subtle bodies including the etheric, mental, emotional, astral and causal. Trauma or inherited cellular memory can also result in less than optimal functioning of the meridians of chi or prana flowing through the body. Reiki and other modalities that work with the energy field can have lasting healing results when the energies causing illness are gently unblocked. Shamanic techniques, which have been the traditional form of physical and psychic healing for thousands of years can remove dark energy intrusions, spirit attachments and offer soul retrieval through energy healing and plant medicine. These modalities coupled with counseling and lifestyle changes show that holistic treatments offer a more sustainable and lasting form of healing. There are many current studies to prove that energy healing works. Working with her suggested affirmations can begin unraveling the psychic energy stuck in the body, emotions and mind to create space for healing. From my own personal experience this process is most effective in a multilayered approach combined with reiki, shamanic healing, flower essences, dietary changes, exercise and nature therapy. In this episode, I am sharing the highlights of the conversation with Anna where she talks about breaking those belief systems that we have developed deep within ourselves for years, about letting go of those judgement words that we put on our circumstances, about how control is an illusion, about understanding where our energy is blocked through chakra work; we also talk about becoming aware of the choices that we make every day and how can we take action without unwanted influences of the past. Anna also talks about how when we begin our spiritual journeys of inner growth, we discover many things about ourselves, other people and the world and she dives deeper into giving some interesting insights into chakra work and how it has transformed her life. Listen to the entire episode here:
Aug 27, 202129:60
Ep #93: Healing is not Linear

Ep #93: Healing is not Linear

Hello guys, how’s the week coming along? Well, guess on a global level – things have been quite stressful, especially with the Afghanistan and Taliban issue that we have all been hearing about day in and day out. Distressing images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan are beamed into televisions throughout the day, leading to fear, instability and conflict which also brings up the question of where are we really heading towards, not just at an individual level but at a collective level? Are we progressing or regressing in our approach? For that matter, mental health issues are rising too! And with whatever that’s going on – I thought it was best to remember that – we can cope up even though life gets tough and tests us over and over again. And no better episode to share the highlights of than with the one where I interviewed Vipp Jaswal who gives us an insight into his journey with Depression and how he came out of it. Sometimes, it helps to know other people’s journey and resonate with it. I hope you’ll find this episode helpful and if you want to listen to the entire episode – I have mentioned the link in the show notes! Depression is more than just feeling down or having a bad day. When a sad mood lasts for a long time and interferes with normal, everyday functioning, you may be depressed. Symptoms of depression include:1 • Feeling sad or anxious often or all the time • Not wanting to do activities that used to be fun • Feeling irritable‚ easily frustrated‚ or restless • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep • Waking up too early or sleeping too much • Eating more or less than usual or having no appetite • Experiencing aches, pains, headaches, or stomach problems that do not improve with treatment • Having trouble concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions • Feeling tired‚ even after sleeping well • Feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless • Thinking about suicide or hurting yourself The following information is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis of major depression and cannot take the place of seeing a mental health professional. If you think you are depressed‚ talk with your doctor or a mental health professional immediately. This is especially important if your symptoms are getting worse or affecting your daily activities. Tune into the entire episode now:
Aug 20, 202140:10
Ep#92 The Psychology of Social Media

Ep#92 The Psychology of Social Media

Welcome back to the 92nd episode on THP podcast. I am in an absolutely amazing state of mind this week and am pretty excited for LIFE! There have been so many developments in my life and all of them make me want to look forward to the future. Well, I really hope you guys are hopeful as I am for the last few months of 2021! Today’s episode is the ‘ever-popular’ topic around ‘Social media’ and how it has impacted our lives, mostly in negative ways! The only time you should look in your neighbour’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbour’s bowl to see if you have as much as them. Or the classic, Comparison is the thief of joy. We are social beings and need company, affirmation, and friendship. Traditionally we sought that in face-to-face interactions, the most remote form of it was the penfriend. Someone we had never met but who we wrote letters to. We protected our identity and personal information and guarded it jealously and would go ballistic if even our parents, closest relatives or friends opened any letter of ours or read our diary without our permission. Then came social media in 2004 and opened the doors for us to seek affiliation and affirmation without any boundaries or rules and without the tools to even assess its reality or effect. The first social media site to reach a million monthly active users was MySpace and was the beginning of social media as we know it. Yes, it is, as recent as that. Facebook which owns Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp has over a billion active users who volunteer their information for it to harvest and use for anything at all, is even more recent. Only in February 2012 did Facebook become a public company. Its first IPO in May raised $16 billion, giving it a market value of $102.4 billion. Today it is worth over $300 billion. Ask how your wealth increased from 2012 to 2021. With social media, suddenly from a few real friends who we knew, we ended up with tens and hundreds of virtual ‘friends’ and ‘followers’. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and everything else in between encouraged us to share the most mundane information about ourselves and suddenly made it the means to become ‘popular’. They gave us ‘role models’ like the Kardashians and others who post what they post to induce us to do the same. Like faithful sheep, we followed. I am putting words like ‘friends’, ‘followers’, ‘popular’ in quotes to underline the fact that none of that is real. However, human nature is such that it does not analyze or deny pleasant experiences. And so, if we have 2000 virtual friends on FB or 3000 followers on Twitter, we do not question the reality or check it against real evidence. We are happy to stay with the fantasy and give in to the drive to increase our ‘following’. This also means that we will do whatever we need to, to ensure that we don’t lose any friends or followers. Remember that all this happens very unobtrusively and quietly and our behavior changes without our being aware of it. Rapidly we get our own sense of identity hooked to this and start to look forward to seeing what our ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ think of us. We want them to like us and so we do what they like. We think we are independent. We are not. We are enslaved. Tune into the entire episode here:
Aug 13, 202121:39
Ep #91 - From Break to a Breakthrough

Ep #91 - From Break to a Breakthrough

We are now very close to completing about a 100 episodes very soon. And I want to make the next few episodes very special for all of you. It’s been a journey with so many of you from over the globe – literally in different parts of the world. I want to celebrate your support, your love and the n number of emails and messages showering with love I receive on a consistent basis.
You guys inspire me to become – so much better! So wherever that you are – Israel, Argentina, Bermuda, India, Togo, Sudan, Fiji! Literally wherever that you’re listening this episode from – I am grateful to each one of you! I am sending in this healing energy to everyone listening to this episode! Sending you so much of love and light!
Well, from the beginning of this journey of starting a podcast – up until now: I have tried to simply make it personal as I could! And today’s episode is immensely personal to my life situation at this point of time. The past week has been extremely eventful and stressful for me.
In this episode, I want to share some learning lessons from the past 6 months that involves breakthrough discovery and cutting edge personal transformation which resulted in a new perspective and a paradigm in thinking, feeling and manifesting. My break throughs are very personal to me and I do not expect you’ll to experience the exact same thing! That’s humanly impossible but what I do hope is that you grab the learnings, the lessons and allow yourself to reflect on some past experiences and realize for yourself of those moments that shifted an entire perspective of certain things in your life.
“Well, I hope the next few months brings in a significant amount of courage to see things through, faith to manifest your desires, calmness so you could slow down in the chaos, acceptance so you could let go of anything that is holding you back, clarity so you can resolve your emotional baggage, strength so you could get out of any confined states, inspiration to de-clutter your life and create space for magical beginnings, gratitude in times of challenges, openness so you could allow people into your life and give love another chance, and connection to remind yourself of all the compassion you deserve in the world”
Find out more about my work:
Link to my work:
Please find below the links for my recently published articles -
1. You don't need to have it all figured out (Nobody ever knows it all, neither did Madonna your age) -
2. Why is Change so Difficult and what can you do about it -
3. Stop Apologizing for taking a break in Career -
4. The Heroine's Journey of Raina Jain
Aug 06, 202114:13
Ep #90 Life as a Craft with Charles Collins

Ep #90 Life as a Craft with Charles Collins

I am in conversation with someone very unconventional, someone who defies the norms and shows us a different path to life. It’s none other than Charles Collins. Charles is an Amazon best-selling author of the “LifeCraft Book Series”, which are a collection of novels that present a framework to help make a masterpiece of your life through the application of craftsmanship. Charles' work demonstrates how anyone can learn to practice 'Life-as-a-Craft' to achieve extraordinary results. It is a framework for managing life's many topics based on the way we practice our occupations and professions, vs. the 'hit-or-miss' results of living by trial and error. One of the questions that is prevalent throughout Charles work is about crafting a life that you desire. He says, Craftsmanship is a universal principle that can be applied to any way of working and living. It is the foundation upon which Making a Masterpiece of Your Life is built. It is intended to teach ourselves and our children to value the ancient and time-tested quality of craftsmanship, and to cultivate the spirit of the craftsperson in everything we do; to empower ourselves and our children with the skills to Make A Masterpiece of Our Lives. Today, Charles shares his Five Elements framework for practicing 'life-as-a-craft' via the Life Masterpiece, his LifeCraft book series on Amazon, more than 50 guest appearances on podcasts, and published articles appearing in Thrive Global, Personal Growth, Lifehack, A Parent Is Born, The Good Men Project, Change Becomes You, and his own Life Masterpiece The five elements that he talks about are: Family & Personal Heritage - Where you come from, where you are now, and the legacy you will leave to future generations. Family & Household Management - The home you grew up in, and the home you are making right now, and how well you manage it. Family & Personal Finance - What you have learned about managing money, and how you manage it together with your partner. The Human Being - What you know, and how you treat your inner self and your outer self including your diet, your career, and managing your emotions. Tools for Living - What tools you use in your life, and how skillful you are at using them. To know more about Charles Collins: Life Masterpiece Journal: Workshop: Podcast: LinkedIn: Amazon: YouTube:
Jul 30, 202153:28
Ep #89 - From suicidal to happy and successful - In conversation with Nate Rifkin

Ep #89 - From suicidal to happy and successful - In conversation with Nate Rifkin

When Nate Rifkin began his journey, he was suicidal and drank alcohol every morning to get through the day. He dropped out of college, went broke, bankrupt, and even worked on street corners waving around a sign. However, Nate learned a little-known spiritual discipline that helped him transform his thoughts, emotions, financial life, and find love. He’s described his journey and the transformative practice he learned in his book, The Standing Meditation. Nate lives in Golden, Colorado with his lovely wife. He recently published a book about his journey called The Standing Meditation and it's getting great reviews. He is currently training/studying to become a Daoist priest and get his Doctorate in Chinese Energetic Medicine.
In this episode, Nate and I talk about some practices he started that helped him recognise his full potential and how meditation was his best learning experience; he also spoke about his biggest resistance while practicing meditation. While there were so many practices that helped him, but getting out of your comfort zone, breaking out of unhealthy patterns, and taking small steps each day were small milestones that helped him get out on the other side.
To know more about Nate Rifkin -
Jul 23, 202144:05
Ep #88 - Goddess, Wake Up with Ashley Holt

Ep #88 - Goddess, Wake Up with Ashley Holt

Ashley Holt is passionate and committed to bringing women’s voices and leadership into the world. Ashley is a mother of two daughters, best-selling author, nonprofit founder, motivational speaker, former Mrs. International finalist and international podcast host. After facing divorce and becoming a single parent, Ashley reinvented her life and turned her pain into power and purpose. Goddess, Wake Up! is Ashley’s sixth book. Her mission through all of her works is to empower others to claim their power, recognize their highest potential and live their best life. Her other works include I Am B.R.A.V.E Soul-Strong Living for Girls, Miko the Perfectly Imperfect Pug, Fearless with Finley, Make a Wish with Marley and Beyond the Woman. Ashley’s dynamic professional experience includes a successful career with a Fortune 500 company where she excelled in personal development, coaching and women’s leadership roles. She also previously was connecting women to their community through her impactful role with the South’s largest digital publication for women.
Ashley is a passionate student of #1 New York Times best-selling author and Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday expert, Gabrielle Bernstein’s Masterclass and she is also trained and certified in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) and other holistic practices. Ashley’s passion to inspire children, teens and women find their voice and to live life to their highest potential has led her to work as an author, speaker and empowerment coach. Through her numerous media appearances, books, public speaking and coaching, she is fulfilling her passion as a mentor with a mission to create a safe and compassionate space for women as an author, speaker and empowerment coach.
Ashley has a powerful voice and message for any generation. Her dynamic and energetic speaking platform is uniquely designed to provide tailored keynotes, seminars and workshops that are engaging and ensure a memorable experience every time. She creates her programs to fit your needs. Her workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions offer remarkable insight to help you develop and implement your personal dreams and goals. Her words and methods will inspire you to dream big, focus on what matters and to embrace a life filled with infinite love and possibilities.
Well, in this episode – Ashley and I talk about claiming your power, recognizing your inner potential and living your best life. She talks about the GODDESS mindset and how to embark on this transformation journey.
Ashley Holt: Instagram: ashley_holt
Jul 16, 202142:14
Ep #87 Introduction to 'Unlocking your Inner Potential'

Ep #87 Introduction to 'Unlocking your Inner Potential'

Admit it. You know you have greater potential. A special gift that makes you different from anyone else, something that can make you impact the world in a unique way, and that can make the world a better place.

You have a vision for the lifestyle outcome you’ve wanted. And it’s not just you alone, I believe everyone does.

But maybe you’re shrouded in frustration, feeling blocked, unproductive and uninspired, or maybe you’re even feeling you’ve lost your way. Maybe you just don’t know how to connect to and unlock your hidden potential. Chances are that, secretly, you know you are capable of so much more. Maybe you know exactly what you want to do – you already have an idea of your ideal life. But is it possible to unlock your potential and create your ideal self? Perhaps you’re experiencing something like this – You know exactly what you need to do, and still, something is holding you back? If that’s the case, this episode will give you some ideas on how to think less and act more, so as to unlock your full potential. We will look at your potential in all areas of life – health, wealth, goals, relationships. Maybe you are already starting to unfold your talents in some of these? Or, maybe you are at the beginning of your journey and have only the strong inner voice telling you that you are capable of more. Either way, you’re on your way to creating your ideal self. But how do you unlock all your potential to do so? Sound familiar?

Your potential is limitless. It doesn’t have any upper ceiling. Although by buying into limiting beliefs, we believe that there is a ceiling. I’ve been working with people’s mental and energetic “prisons” for many years now. And I have learned that each of us has some upper limit of receiving. We decide how much we allow ourselves to be happy, healthy, and abundant. And we, too, have an upper ceiling of our potential. The prison we keep ourselves in doesn’t bring us fulfillment, yet it feels safe because it’s comfortable. However, your infinite being didn’t come here to be locked up in some artificial prison. The way to unlock your potential is to understand that your potential is limitless.

Your infinite being is here to express itself through your embodiment entirely. This is your life purpose. Please find below my details -






Link to my work:

Please find below the links for my recently published articles -

1. You don't need to have it all figured out (Nobody ever knows it all, neither did Madonna your age) -

2. Why is Change so Difficult and what can you do about it -

3. Stop Apologizing for taking a break in Career -

4. The Heroine's Journey of Raina Jain
Jul 09, 202115:45
Ep #86 - In conversation with Stephanie and Jennifer (Enchanted Awakenings) on Quantum Relationships

Ep #86 - In conversation with Stephanie and Jennifer (Enchanted Awakenings) on Quantum Relationships

I am awestruck with the relationship journey of my guest speakers today. It has been such a joy having these lovely ladies on my show sharing an incredible conversation with me.
Jennifer and Stephanie are Quantum Relationship Coaches who work with the LGBTQ+ community. Their mission is to bring more love to the world, one relationship at a time. They focus on creating holy relationships through teaching self-love, boundaries and communication. They have been married for a year and have been through the wringer in their relationship: They met, disability occurred, they broke up, found their Authentic Self based on their Spiritual Path and then found their way back to a solid, healthy, loving relationship. They have identified the major components that go wrong in relationships and have developed tools to help people learn the ways to have true intimacy and build rock-solid relationships.
Jennifer’s experience included 2 degrees in psychology and is currently working towards her PhD in Metaphysical Holistic Counseling. Stephanie has a master’s degree in social work and has been working as a therapist for many years. They both love to talk with people, hear their stories and help them find their Authentic Self and guide them to the Life of their Dreams!
They have an amazing fairytale story that they love to share and bring hope to all those struggling with their relationships in life.
In this episode, Jennifer and Stephanie takes us through their 12 year long journey of being in and out of relationship with each other. It’s wonderful how they connect with each other only because they are now so much more in touch with themselves. Their work revolves around quantum relationship coaching – where they ask people to work hard and dig deeply into their life and relationship patterns and begin to change these by teaching them the skills to be in their Authentic Self, understand their boundaries, and how to communicate what they need to in ways that foster joining and loving connection rather than conflict. We also discuss about the stigma surrounding the queer community and how it impact their lives, their struggles of coming out, and how they are in this process of changing the world. They also share their idea of happiness and how spirituality has been a major component of their lives. To find out more about Stephanie and Jennifer -
Jul 02, 202156:01
Ep #85 - In Conversation with Howard Davis on Creativity, Queerness, Black Joy and MixedUp

Ep #85 - In Conversation with Howard Davis on Creativity, Queerness, Black Joy and MixedUp

There are so many titles associated to our guest speaker today! We have with us Howard Davis who aka HAUI, who is a diverse multidisciplinary entrepreneur of many artistic trades, including performing, directing, design & visual arts. Howard J. Davis performs professionally in Film & Television and Theatre. A graduate Ryerson Theatre School of University in Toronto in 2014, he has acted with companies such as the Shaw Festival of Canada, Native Earth Performing Arts, Cahoots Theatre, Paper Canoe Projects, Factory Theatre, Neptune Theatre as well as in film and television. In the summer of 2020, he was slated to design the world premiere of Anne Marie MacDonald's play Hamlet 911 at the Stratford Festival of Canada. His work as a filmmaker emphasizes how the past can inform our current sociopolitical climate to build a practice in telling stories of his heritage, marginalized cultures, and original modern works that bridge classical, theatrical, and historical context to contemporary cinema and stage. In this episode, HOWI takes us through his journey of being ‘Mixed’ and how it inspired him to create this incredible film called Mixed up. 2020 wasn’t an easy year – not for me, not for you but for some people wonderful things came out of it because they got into their creative potential and inner voice.  His feature-length film debut entitled MIXEDUP explores the isolation of being BIPOC and LGBTQ+ and demands that we celebrate what is unique about each of us. The film was co-produced with trans producer/filmmaker Jack Fox and premiered November 2020 on OUTtv and OUTtvGO network television and at Image+Nation LGBTQueer Film Festival. Howard is part of Wildseed Black Arts Residency in association with Black Lives Matter Toronto - a 20-month paid residency and space for interdisciplinary collaboration through arts and activism. In 2019, He was the recipient of ByBlack's People's Choice Award for Best Director. In 2020 he was nominated for a Montreal English Theatre Award for Outstanding Contribution to Theatre. From being queer, to an artist – his life story has been pretty interesting. We discuss about his work that revolves around race, gender, orientation and how he beautifully brings it up in his movie MixedUp. He talks about his struggle of coming out and the support that he received from his family and friends. As an artist, his life journey has shaped his perspective as an Actor, Film maker, and Director. I am so delighted to have Howard on my show who takes us through the nuances of his queerness and mixed heritage. There’s so much that we discover and learn about Howi in this episode. Tune in to the entire episode to know more about creativity, queerness, happiness, black joy and his film MixedUp (ps - please check out his film - it's incredible) To know more about Howard Davis Social handles are @hauidavis / @mixed_upfilm Website:
Jun 25, 202148:57
Ep #84 Be Kind, Be Conscious - In Conversation with Mathias Novakovic

Ep #84 Be Kind, Be Conscious - In Conversation with Mathias Novakovic

I am so excited to have Mathias on THP. Mathias "Matty" Novakovic is a 32 year old psychologist, pharmacy technician and content creator engaged in LGBTQIA+ advocacy. He currently resides in Gothenburg, Sweden and is the host of the american/swedish podcast Queer As Pop where different guests and topics are discussed surrounding the LGBTQIA+ community.
Well, for those of you who don’t know - The Stonewall riots in the US was a very important event for the progress of the LGBTQ+ community and it gave a push to people to come out and accept their uniqueness. In this episode, Mathias and I talk about his journey of being a part of the community and being a Psychologist that gives him a broader perspective to look at concerns from a very empathetic touch. He discusses about his daily life struggles and psychological processes that the LGBTQ+ community has to go through. He also educates us on some basic concepts like sex and gender, and emphasizes on the abbreviation of LGBTQIA+ which many of us tend to get it wrong. He talks about how there’s a high level of violence against transgender individuals and the suicide rates have increased extensively in this community. One of the things that he also talks about is ‘how to approach individuals that operate outside of the binary spectrum’. And of course, how we as a society are depriving LGBT people of their human rights on grounds of religion, culture or tradition.
To know more about Mathias:
Twitter: mattynova_
Instagram: novakaze
Podcast/ Twitter/ Instagram: queeraspop
Jun 17, 202144:43
Ep #83 LGBTQ+ : In conversation with Kabir McNeeley on Embracing Yourself

Ep #83 LGBTQ+ : In conversation with Kabir McNeeley on Embracing Yourself

I am extremely grateful to cover a theme around LGBTQ+ this month. We use these terms very loosely - ‘You are so gay’ or ‘that’s so queer’ or she-male’ or ‘No homo’ or ‘Be a man’. These are some words that we use very loosely in our day to day life. And we use it in a very negative light ‘as if there’s something wrong with being gay’. These are micro aggression’s that we all use subtly, unintentionally, subconsciously - which makes it very unsafe for people to be themselves around us. It’s time we start acknowledging and celebrating the difference. It’s time we stop evaluating the world in categories. It’s important that we as a society become more inclusive and diverse and more importantly advocate acceptance and not ignorance. It gives me so much gratitude to be able to make the tiniest of difference through this podcast. I am so excited to have some incredible guest speakers from across the world from the LGBTQ+ community to share their life experiences and insights. And I am delighted to have Kabir McNeeley on The Happiness Project Podcast today, who takes us through his journey. Kabir is a young American actor. He has drawn international interest through his uniquely expressive and direct acting style. He grew up in San Francisco, California. He began his acting career in 2015 when he played a supporting role in Ruth, a student short film. Since, he has trained extensively with the American Conservatory Theater where he has also performed in their annual main stage production of A Christmas Carol in 2016 and in Urinetown: The Musical. In 2020, he wrote and directed award-winning short film Blue Girl, which he also appeared in. In this episode, we discuss about his experience of being in the LGBTQ+ community, how he identified himself to be one, the support that he received in coming out and how being a queer affected his personal life and his career. One of the things that he talks about is ‘Being Your Authentic Self’. He also shares the significance of the process of ‘Coming out’ and how it’s extremely important for one to feel comfortable being who they are. I would love for you’ll to tune in to the episode until the very end to know more about how identifying yourself as a part of this community can be extremely confusing and overwhelming but there’s so much support out there.
Jun 11, 202146:18
Ep #82 'Feeling blah like you should' says Adam Grant: Languishing and how to combat it

Ep #82 'Feeling blah like you should' says Adam Grant: Languishing and how to combat it

Hello guys, how are you doing today? And well, I also realise that I can’t expect you guys to be totally fine all the time right?! Well, we are humans going through a pandemic. So today’s topic is very close to my ‘state of being’ like many of you. And I believe it’s very important for us to talk about it and acknowledge this feeling! I am happy to bring to you some insightful information on this topic 'Languishing' from our very expert Adam Grant, Organisational Psychologist.
I going researching quite a bit about a wide range of topics that I am planning to cover in my upcoming episodes but this one definitely calls for some attention. And I wanted to bring about what I am going through and how am I dealing with this. And trust me, you’d all agree that I am not the only one. More than half of the population is going through this!
Recently, I have felt stuck, in a sort of limbo where essences of life have kept buzzing around me, but I just can’t access them. Life is at once too overwhelming and not engaging enough. Each task I do requires a search for motivation beyond anything I’ve ever known. I’m tired, burnt out, and not often excited, but also restless, eager to engage, and trying.
Just like in the New York Times, Adam Grant says, there’s a word for it and it’s called Languishing. ‘And languishing is the neglected middle child between depression and thriving. And can dull out motivation and focus — and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021.
What can you do to combat it? Calling it by name is an excellent first step. This can put a stage light on its presence in your life. Try to source the symptoms of your own languishing (e.g. Have you stopped walking? Reading? Cooking?) while identifying habits that could pull you back to where you deserve to be.
Tune in to the entire episode to know more about Languishing and how to combat it - from taking time whenever possible, finding your flow to embracing healthy thoughts!
Jun 04, 202120:55
Ep #81 - Surrendering and Letting Go with Phil Lee

Ep #81 - Surrendering and Letting Go with Phil Lee

Well, I can’t believe this is the last episode of my chat with Phil and it’s now coming to an end! Ah, the last four weeks were incredible – full of learning, conceptualizing, understanding and implementing. There’s so much that we spoke about in detail and just in case you’ve missed out on any episode – do tune in to all the other episodes to get a deeper understanding of ‘The Shift’. Also, I hope you guys are doing well, staying safe, keeping yourselves hydrated and most importantly – taking care of yourself (both physically and mentally). In this episode, particularly, Phil and I talk about Spiritual Surrender and the importance of Letting Go! When most people hear the word surrender, they think of something negative: giving up, losing, being humiliated, or allowing yourself to be controlled or perhaps even imprisoned. However, when used in a spiritual context, surrender also means to give up but here it’s to give up everything that no longer serves you. Spiritual surrender is to stop struggling against “what is”, let go of the smallness of life, and fully embrace its totality. Surrender isn't about withdrawing from life, nor is it about surrendering your power to make choices and take action to change and improve your present situation. It is about letting go of the things ‌outside of your control. Accepting the present moment circumstances and harmonizing in the present. To do this it is essential to identify where you have the power and ability to change your life and what is out of your control. When you can't change something, accept what is, surrender the outcome over to the Divine, and trust that some hidden blessings and silver linings will appear‌. Phil also talks about Letting go.. Letting go relates to clearing out and changing lower vibrational patterns holding you back. Ask yourself, are you still habitually doing things or holding onto addictions you know aren't serving you? This may clear so many doubts for you! In fact, in the entire process of ‘Shift’ he also talks about the importance of Meditation and Awareness and how if you need to shift your life for better – you need to make it a habit and do things intentionally! Well, tune into the entire episode till the very end and find out for yourself – the process of surrendering and letting go! To know more about Phil Lee - (Helping Technology Salespeople Find and Close Bigger Deals in Less Time Even During an Economic Downturn): CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Website: | Email: LinkedIn:
May 28, 202151:57
Ep #80 - Unblocking Energy from Past Trauma with Phil Lee

Ep #80 - Unblocking Energy from Past Trauma with Phil Lee

Like I mentioned last week, this chat keeps getting deeper and deeper and deeper. Just in case you’ll have the previous episodes with Phil Lee – please do make your way right now and listen to those episodes to get a full-fledged understanding of the concept of ‘Shift’. I remember Phil sending me an email last week asking ‘if I experienced any shift after our conversation’ and I did share about my experience where I was kind of subtly blocking myself from feeling whole and complete because of some recent past trauma and I was sort of holding onto the idea of something that isn’t real. And Phil replied to that email saying ‘ The Shift is a knowing and experiencing that you are not the thoughts about past “trauma” or the feelings associated with the thoughts (anxiety, fear, remorse etc). You are the one who notices them arise. From the place You can simply observe them and they will dissipate. t’s not easy and it takes work. In truth, thoughts and feelings of this type (we call it trauma) are just the energy of painful experiences from the past we have held onto. They are not You and you can let them go!’ I am not saying that – I radically accepted what Phil said (and not like I didn’t know all of this) but the best part is – I needed to hear it from someone else. And this email reminded me of all the things that ‘I am not’. And it doesn't happen overnight – it takes work. All of this takes practice. And that’s something that Phil and I are going to discuss in this episode. Ah, so well – In this episode, Phil helps us understand that ‘The Shift’ essentially is about working on the inside and not the outside, for example – none of us could control the pandemic irrespective of how everyone’s doing their bit. Shift is understanding that Happiness is an inner experience. Phil believes – everything is energy. And there are times when we are not able to experience emotions like ‘happiness’ all the time and why is that? That’s because we have a lot of energy from our past experiences (mostly traumatic ones) that are stored within us that makes it difficult for us to be open to new positive experiences. And if we want to unblock that energy, he says, it’s not easy. It takes up a lot of work. And you have to be willing to do it and be committed to it every single day. He also talks about the importance of emotions that control the experience of our lives. In fact, we were all children. And most of us experience childhood trauma that does control our behaviors, actions and emotions as we evolve into adulthood. Because of lack of understanding, we keep telling ourselves a narrative for years and that controls our lives. So, Phil talks about how we can change that narrative so we can experience a healthy way to manage our lives. It’s about realizing that ‘a story is a story’. It’s about observing our thoughts as we go through the day. Identity crisis is another focus of discussion in this episode – he says, it’s the mind trying to figure out all the stuff. Oh, I don’t know who I am supposed to do, what am I supposed to be etc. What you do is you identify with your thoughts and you think they are you – that’s where the problem lies. Well, this is just a glimpse of the entire episode. So do tune into the episode till the very end – because like I said – the conversation just keeps getting deeper and deeper and deeper. And on a very serious note – I genuinely do want you all to understand this concept and live this with us throughout these episodes!! To know more about Phil Lee - (Helping Technology Salespeople Find and Close Bigger Deals in Less Time Even During an Economic Downturn): CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Website: | Email: LinkedIn:
May 21, 202158:01
Ep #79 On Spiritual Freedom, Ego Death and Freedom from the Conditioned Mind with Phil Lee

Ep #79 On Spiritual Freedom, Ego Death and Freedom from the Conditioned Mind with Phil Lee

I wanted to quickly share some amazing news with ya’ll .. My podcast ‘The Happiness Project’ is now being heard in more than 100 countries. I feel immensely grateful for this platform and for being able to connect with you all and contribute my share of experiences, expertise and interviews. And of course, all of this wouldn’t have been possible without the support that I have received from you guys week after week!! Well, yes this is hard to accept and kinda believe – but I am also proud of myself for being consistent and continuously collaborating and networking with people from across the globe to bring the best possible content for you guys!! So well if there’s something that I want to share today it's this – 'Follow your passion. Follow that inner voice and let it guide you. Show up – even on those days when you feel the most uncomfortable – because you’ll realise how showing up makes so much of difference. Put yourself out there – and you’d be surprised to see how much the world needs you. And most importantly - just walk your journey. You may not be able to make sense of everything right now but just know that when you’re functioning from a space of purpose and passion and continuous effort to make a difference and be an unstoppable force of good – life will only start happening in that direction! And then, nothing.. I mean nothing can stop you from experiencing your life to the fullest on a daily basis' So now moving on to our second episode of this series with Phil Lee – This episode is in continuation with our previous episode where Phil introduced to the concept of ‘The Shift’. He also took us through his life journey of challenging childhood circumstances that led Phil to a traditional personal growth journey in mid 20’s to late 50’s. At the age of 60, Phil went through a personal crises that directed him to a spiritual path. He also talks about what’s wrong with goal setting and the traditional notions of success and achievement and why we’re all taught to look in the wrong places. As and how the conversation moved forward, Phil discussed about the shift principle which involves a realisation that it’s our management of our own inner world, rather than the outer world that ultimately determines our state of being. In fact, in continuation to our previous episode, in this episode – we take a deeper look at the shift, from what is true freedom and happiness. He talks about how we can be present and ‘in this moment’ to experience life to the fullest. He talks about how there’s so much of energy blocked within us that it doesn’t allow us to look beyond that. And how awareness is a source of spiritual freedom. One of the most interesting things that he talks about is ‘the death of our ego and spiritual surrender’ and how that typically happens only when we experience a personally challenging situation. He says, true freedom is freedom from yourself, it’s not needing all that stuff (a nice house, a wonderful marriage, an expensive car). It’s freedom from your conditioned mind. He also touch bases upon some interesting concepts – that nothing is coincidental. That we come from the stars. We come from the big bang. This moment has been orchestrated from the past 13.8 billion years – ‘where Phil reached out to me and everything just felt right and connected’. He says, yes, we were involved but we are all part of this cosmic world. There are things that are happening that are beyond our imagination. Well, this conversation just keeps getting interesting. So tune into the entire episode and find out so much more about this conversation in detail. To know more about Phil Lee - (Helping Technology Salespeople Find and Close Bigger Deals in Less Time Even During an Economic Downturn): CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Website: | Email: LinkedIn:
May 14, 202158:32
Ep #78 The Shift: In Conversation with Phil Lee

Ep #78 The Shift: In Conversation with Phil Lee

In this entire month, I am in conversation with Phil Lee, who has always been a searcher and seeker of The Truth. Phil introduces us to something called ‘The Shift’ and this concept is so intriguing that it gets us to rethink our entire process of life and how we have built systems that are kind of controlling our experiences of life. If there’s something that I have learnt while interviewing Phil Lee – it’s this - That, you are far more powerful than any circumstance, situation or conditions you will ever find yourself in. You can’t always control what happens in your life, but you can always control how you choose to respond. And by becoming aware of your patterns, and ensuring you have expansive and empowering ones in place, you’ll be truly astounded by how quickly you’re able to shift your thoughts and create extraordinary results in your life that you’re absolutely in love with! Do you long for more in life, but you’re not quite sure what it is that you would most like to be, do, have or give in this life? Or do you have a clear sense of your greatest dreams but are looking to accelerate your result? I really hope these episodes give you some sort of clarity and makes you reflect even deeper. Phil when he was in his early 20’s, following some challenging personal circumstances, he began a personal growth journey and followed the traditional path of trying to figure out what would make him happy, setting goals, and then working hard to achieve them. By the age of 50 he had managed to put a tick against all of the goals he had set, and with a desire to give back and help others, Phil pivoted from his career as a successful technology business owner and became a motivational speaker and executive coach helping others to achieve their goals and dreams. In his early 60’s, reflecting on his own personal experiences and closely observing other highly successful people, he began to question that the very thing everyone seemed to be chasing, lasting happiness and personal fulfillment, was to be found in external achievement and success. In short, those that were seen to be very successful did not seem to be genuinely happier or more satisfied than anyone else. They had more but they still had problems and were plagued by worry and insecurities. This revelation put Phil on the path of Spiritual exploration and extensive study and practice. Now 66 years of age, Phil knows that true happiness and fulfillment is an internal, not an external experience, and can only be found by complete acceptance of the present moment and by letting go of the part of you that has a problem with life unfolding as it is. Phil has been facilitating a weekly workshop around the principles he practices for nearly five years now, and I am so grateful to be in conversation with Phil and allow him to take us all through some life-altering experiences and wisdom. To know more about Phil Lee - (Helping Technology Salespeople Find and Close Bigger Deals in Less Time Even During an Economic Downturn): CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Website: | Email: LinkedIn:
May 07, 202101:04:41
Ep #77 Summer Wellness: Interview with Dr Anita Jain on “Enjoying the Journey of Wellness”

Ep #77 Summer Wellness: Interview with Dr Anita Jain on “Enjoying the Journey of Wellness”

The journey towards wellness has taught me that wellness is just not just about the ‘physical aspect rather about each and every aspect of our being – from physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. And it’s so important to consistently keep a check on how we are doing in each of these areas!
Wellness can often feel like an all-or-nothing pursuit — like if you don’t have time to do it all perfectly, you might as well not bother with anything at all. But even small, simple changes can drastically improve your health. I am going to share a couple of things to quickly summarise this series and most importantly introduce you’ll to our guest on this show today. I am so delighted to have Dr. Anita Jain, who is a Homeopath for over two decades, is also a mother who is constantly juggling between different roles in her life (and killing it), who shares some incredible ways to make wellness our priority. Her journey towards wellness has been extremely inspiring especially because she has grown through what she has gone through in life. And her journey with skin issues and infertility for years helped her understand the importance of wellness in a very different light - of how wellness is not just physical, and how all areas of wellness are interlinked. She grew up with a very uptight and a disciplined father that put a lot of pressure on her and somehow that led her to pleasing people throughout her life. In fact, she continued to please people even after she got married and had this immense pressure to prove everyone and be perfect - that led to put her needs aside. Well, over the years, so many experiences led her to make herself a priority and in this episode, she emphasises on the importance of self-love, self-care, the important of saying no to people, putting your needs first, enjoying the process, accepting and embracing our flaws, and most importantly understanding our triggers when they pop up! I am so excited for this interview especially because I am interviewing my aunt Dr Anita Jain for the Summer Wellness series. Do tune in to the entire episode because we touch base upon ways we can achieve a healthy lifestyle, on how we can incorporate small ways that can have a leading impact on our well-being, and how imbalance in one area of our life can lead to an imbalance in our overall wellbeing. In fact, we also discuss about how we can achieve an optimum level of wellbeing in each area of our life during the pandemic and under lockdown and also how binge-eating and guilt tripping are the major causes of an unhealthy lifestyle. So tune in and take with you all the important remedies/ suggestions from our expert Dr Anita Jain to kickstart your journey on wellness!!!
Apr 30, 202147:05
Ep #76 Summer Wellness: In Conversation with Paola Cruz

Ep #76 Summer Wellness: In Conversation with Paola Cruz

I am so excited to have Paola Cruz on my show today. Paola is a Honduran born and raised yogini. She has over 1000 hours of teaching experience. She has taught in the Central American Yoga Congress, is the Honduran representative for International Yoga Olympics India, and has collaborated with the Honduran Government in teaching at the International Yoga Summit and regional yoga events. Paola has been invited to host workshops at companies such as DHL, Avon, Intercontinental Hotel, Pepsi Honduras, and Nestle. Her formal yoga studies were completed in Om Shanti Om Yoga School in Rishikesh, India and she has taken over 200 hours of yoga related continuing education credits in USA and European based institutions. She trains and hosts events with a monk, she has taken Mindfulness related courses at Yale and Princeton, speaks four languages, and is very passionate about sharing what YOGA is about. She currently dedicates her time to running MINDIT. ZONE and her own yoga company, ONE YOGA from all corners of the globe. She has traveled to 48 different countries. One of her favorite activities is trekking. She has trekked in the Nepali Himalayas for ten days, in The Andes for 5 days in Peru, Tatras in Poland, PCT and Appalachians in USA, and anywhere she travels she tries to incorporate spending time in the mountains.
In this episode, Paola and I talk about all things wellness! She takes us through her life journey and her journey with wellness where she completed 1000 hours of teaching experience in Yoga. She is one of the few yoga pioneers in her home city, San Pedro Sula. She is on the journey of consistently making an impact, small and big in the lives of so many people through YOGA. Tune in to the entire episode to know more about different dimensions of wellness, overall benefits of wellness, the impact of Yoga on mental health, how making small changes can lead to overall wellbeing with a focus on summer wellness and of course, with Covid being around the corner - how we can stay indoors and yet make the most out of the summer!! It has been an insightful conversation with Paola!!
To connect with Paola Cruz -
Paola Cruz - Founder of One Yoga
Instagram - @oneyogabypaola
Website -
Apr 23, 202151:37
Ep #75 Summer Wellness: Decluttering Your Space

Ep #75 Summer Wellness: Decluttering Your Space

De-cluttering your space has proved to be an effective way to calm your headspace. Remember, extra stuff isn't just messy. It could be holding you back from living your best life. If the constant stream of things to pick up around your home leaves you feeling anxious, you're not alone. Objects have the power to do just that. In fact, when working couples gave tours of their homes, women who used more words describing clutter and disorganization also tended to show levels of the stress hormone cortisol, suggesting chronic stress. On the flip side, those who described their homes as being restful or talked about their beautiful outdoor spaces were less stressed and reported less sad feelings as the day went on. What you can do: Set aside 10 to 15 minutes at the end of each day to put stray items away. How do you react to your clutter? If you genuinely think, “I know where everything is and can be pretty productive in this space”, then you are probably okay with some clutter in your life. But if you look around and start to question where things are, feel overwhelmed and panicked about the mess, or start obsessing about what visitors will think, you are negatively impacting your already anxious mind. But don’t worry! I got you. As a self-diagnosed “clean freak”, I share why it’s important to have an organized space, especially when you already struggle with anxiety, and clear action steps you can take to begin decluttering today! You’ll clear your mind, reduce your anxiety and increase your productivity in no time!
Clean Up Your Space And Clear Up Your Mind: The process of decluttering can be extremely rewarding. Getting rid of things that you no longer need actually leaves you feeling lighter and more spacious. You might even feel like you can breathe easier! A clean, organized environment means less distractions and leads to increased productivity. And finally, it is an important way to practice self-love because you are taking back control of your “stuff” so that it no longer has control over you. When you declutter your environment, it’s about creating a space that fills you with joy instead of living in one that depletes you. That all sounds great, but I bet you’re about to ask … “Where do I even start? What if I don’t want to get rid of something? How do I know what to keep or throw away? What if I throw something away that I’ll need in the future?” And so on and so on. The entire de-cluttering process can get really overwhelming, so here's why you need to tune in to the episode today to find out some effective ways to de-cluttering, take help, and remember that you don't have to do it all alone!
Apr 16, 202118:11
Ep #74 Summer Wellness: Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Ep #74 Summer Wellness: Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

This episode covers topics around maintaining Mental and Emotional Well-being under the Summer Wellness series for this month. There are so many activities that we can incorporate into our daily lives to maintain a healthy balance between our mind, body and soul. It becomes important to understand that 'who we are' has multiple meanings. These traits—which are all actually skills we can practice and develop—are all part of mental wellbeing: For example, self-acceptance, sense of self as part of something greater, sense of self as independent rather than dependent on others for identity or happiness, knowing and using our unique character strengths, accurate perception of reality, knowing that we can’t mind-read and that our thoughts aren’t always true, desire for continued growth, thriving in the face of adversity (emotional resilience), having and pursuing interests, knowing and remaining true to values, optimism (hope—the mindset that things can improve), happiness that comes from within rather than being dependent on external conditions, determination, action (in contrast to a passive mindset and lifestyle, waiting for things to get better).

People who develop and experience wellbeing also have what psychological researcher, Angela Duckworth, calls grit. Grit is comprised of passions and perseverance and means showing up for life. It’s a never-give-up attitude. Grit doesn’t mean never failing, for failure is part of success and life itself. Grit means getting back up when you fall. Together, all of this defines mental wellbeing. It’s purposely moving ever forward with determination and direction. One of the most important things to do on a monthly basis is ‘Ask Yourself Some Important Questions’
It’s about taking some time out and reflecting on where you are in life and what you want to focus on and release. Ask yourself:

What’s working in my life, and what’s not? What could be improved? Are there any relationships in my life that are not offering me value or joy? What is one bad habit that I feel ready to break? Are there any activities, events, routines, or tasks in my life that are not worthy of my time and attention?
What’s the biggest mistake I’ve made this year so far, and what did I learn from it? What do I really want? What obstacle(s) is in my way of achieving this goal?

As you go through these questions, consider any roadblocks that are keeping you from being where you want to be. Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself in identifying where those roadblocks are coming from — whether externally or within your own state of mind. To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster
Email: /
Instagram: happiness_project1102
Apr 09, 202121:51
Ep #73 Summer Wellness: Introduction to Physical Wellbeing

Ep #73 Summer Wellness: Introduction to Physical Wellbeing

Summer is the perfect time to achieve your wellness and health goals, and form habits that make big changes, year round. Warmer weather and long sunny days make you want to get out of the house rather than sit on your couch and watch TV (except for when Bachelor in Paradise is on), and you have access to organic produce so fresh that they make salads actually “delicious” Getting healthy will feel as easy as lounging in a swan float by the pool (well, not as easy, but you get the point).
Since a majority of the last year has been spent at home, we have been resorting to comfort food, but also experimenting a lot. This includes grandmother’s favourite recipes, age-old cooking methods, the art of pickling, baking and last but not the least, innovations. From Dalgona Coffee to mug cakes, there is a lot that has been experimented as people were left with very little to do. Perhaps, that is one of the reasons why our social media feed is showcasing more and more people recreating recipes from their mothers’ cookbooks, donning their vintage-style aprons, baking their own bread, pickling salads in mason jars and preparing jams from scratch.
According to reports, summer 2021 will be hotter than normal, with the hottest periods in early and mid-June, early to mid-July, and early to mid-August. So it becomes even more important to take care of ourselves. It’s not just about getting fit physically but it’s about having a holistic wellness routine that will be the most beneficial. In this episode, I am going to be sharing a few things that I incorporate in my daily routine with respect to physical wellbeing. As and how weeks pass by, I will tap into all the other areas of my wellness routine from mental, emotional and the de-cutter!! I am super excited to introduce the ‘Summer wellness’ series that I am doing in the entire month of April. I am also going to share my personal journey (so do follow me on Instagram, my username is happinessprojectstudio – I would love for you guys to participate, tag along, ask questions as and how I go throughout the month with this journey.
So there are four categories that I am going to be focusing on –
1. Physical Wellbeing
2. Mental Wellbeing
3. Emotional Wellbeing
4. De-cluttering your space
The idea here is to keep it as personal and as raw as possible. And to remember that wellness is all about finding what works best for you.
With respect to Physical wellbeing, there are four things that I personally believe are important for me to get my physical well-being into place – Movement, Hydration, Going Colourful with Food and Sleep/Rest.

To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster
Email: /
Instagram: happiness_project1102
Apr 02, 202116:14
Ep #72 In Conversation with Lee Hopkins

Ep #72 In Conversation with Lee Hopkins

It has been incredibly amazing to have Lee Hopkins on The Happiness Project Podcast. Lee is a Transformational Coach, Podcaster, and Motivational Speaker who is constantly creating new possibilities for so many people across the world by simply helping them recognise their harmful patterns, break them and re-learn a new way of life. His work revolves a lot around Self-discovery, self-care, connection being the critical focus, mental defence, and recognising our core beliefs that have been determining every behavior in our lives. In this episode, Lee takes us through his life journey from changing places, and people in order to find himself. He has himself been stuck in harmful patterns and knows how it feels to be stuck. He has actively shifted his life by simply becoming aware, connecting to people, and recognizing what no longer serves him. If he can do it, so can YOU! He also runs his own podcast called ‘Patterns of Possibility’ where he talks about all things revolving his life and is also interviewing people to talk about their patterns. Tune in to the episode so you can emerge into being your authentic self by breaking your harmful patterns which will help you to clearly listen to your Intuitions.
To know more about Lee Hopkins -
Transformational Coach || Podcaster || Motivational Speaker
Book a Complimentary Discovery Call:
To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster
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Instagram: happiness_project1102
Mar 26, 202140:51
Ep #71 In Conversation with Anna Nyeste on Intuition

Ep #71 In Conversation with Anna Nyeste on Intuition

In this episode, Anna shares about how exactly does intuition work, how does it communicate with us and how can we know for sure if we have an Intuition. Since, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of wishful thinking and fearful thinking, she also taps into understanding the different between perceiving something and when we just think something because we want it to be that way. Ego always wants what it wants right now, without any obstacles. Although, sometimes we will actually get what we want and our intuition will simply be a confirmation of that. Anna also guides us to trust our Intuition. I remember getting on a call with Anna two days ago where we were just catching up on our regular calls, and one of things she mentioned in that call was around ‘Acceptance’ – and the insight into ‘It is what it is’. Now, when everything in one's life is going well – the acceptance process becomes easier but when things get really difficult and nothing seems to be right – ‘Accepting things exactly the way they are’ becomes a hundred times harder. So Anna also gives some incredible insights into what we can do in that phase. She believes that there is no right or wrong Intuition. That's a mis-conception. There's simply Intuition. What she says is that we all have an intuition that is constantly guiding us every moment - it's about listening to it and simply being present. This is by far one of the most interesting episodes and I would love for you all to tune in and listen to some introspective thoughts on this topic. Finally, Anna shares some techniques or ways we can rely on to work around our Intuition and some practices that we can immediately start incorporating in our day to day routine.
From North Carolina to London, our bond just keeps getting stronger. I’m grateful and blessed to have her on my show once again and have her emphasise on the importance of understanding and recognising our Intuition.
You can book a free breakthrough session with Anna -;
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4. Instagram: happiness_project1102
Mar 19, 202101:00:24
Ep #70 Strengthening Your Intuition

Ep #70 Strengthening Your Intuition

We live in a society where we function from a space of fear and try to obsess over controlling everything in our lives. Change is one thing that is constant throughout our lives however, it’s human tendency to anticipate the worse-case scenarios and that in turn creates anxiety. This way of life becomes extremely exhausting and mentally & emotionally draining. Fortunately, when we shift our mindset and trust our inner guidance and the universe – it can help us live an authentic life. In order to live an authentic life, we need to be true to ourselves and to be true to ourselves is to be true to that little voice inside of us that is constantly guiding us throughout our experiences in life – It’s called the Intuition. In my earlier episode, I discussed about what Intuition is and how do you listen to your Intuitions. In this episode, I am going to take you through how you can develop Intuition, strengthen it and equip with an intuition that is potent, trustworthy, and impeccably attuned to our true path and purpose in life. Intuitive skills are inside all of us. Intuition is always there for us, to guide, protect, and help us develop. As we grow into adulthood, we may push this intuition to the side to conform to what society says we should do. The more we do this, the less we tend to listen to that little voice or those gut feelings. And like anything else in life, when you stop using it, you can lose it. A muscle must move, an eye must see, a brain must think; the same holds true for the intuitive process. There are different ways we can use to develop Intuition through Meditation, Mindfulness, Talking to your Inner Self, Choosing a Sense to work with, Recording and Validating Your Intuitive Guidance, and most importantly Being Patient. Tune in to the episode to find out more about how to strengthen and develop your intuition.  To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster  1. Website:  2. LinkedIn:  3. Email: /  4. Instagram: happiness_project1102
Mar 12, 202117:58
Ep #69 Listening to your Intuition

Ep #69 Listening to your Intuition

When we have a big question or an important decision to make, many of us look outside of ourselves for the answers. We turn to Google. We get advice from our friends and family. We read books or consult the teachings of experts. Yet we often neglect to consult the most important authority of all: our own intuition. Your subconscious mind is the source of your hidden genius and will always provide you with the knowledge you need to move forward in the right direction. This is true for all people, not just those who consider themselves to be psychic or highly intuitive. Consider this: have you ever been thinking about someone – and out of the blue the phone rings and that exact person is on the line? Or have you ever felt like someone is watching you – and when you turn around you see someone staring at you from some distance away? These are just two common examples of your intuition at work. Just like memory, critical thinking, and intellect, your intuition is a mental muscle you can strengthen and use to create success and become the best possible version of yourself. So tune in with me throughout the month and let’s together dive into this insightful topic of Intuition and work towards strengthening it! 

To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster 

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4. Instagram: happiness_project1102

Mar 05, 202116:43
Ep #68 Coming Home to Our Senses with Nicola Lipscombe

Ep #68 Coming Home to Our Senses with Nicola Lipscombe

Thank you so much for tuning in to the entire ‘Mindful Moments’ series this month with Nicola Lipscombe. Since this is the last episode of the series, we are Coming Home to Mindfulness. In this episode, Nicola particularly highlights how we can use all of our senses to be Mindful. She takes us through the Art of Forest Bathing or Shinrin Yoku and talks about connecting with nature because we are wired to feel drawn and connected to nature and it is easier to become mindful in a natural setting. Another very important element she taps into is ‘Mindful Listening’ and being fully present as listening is an act of love – however rarely given. So Nicola taps into how we can Listen Mindfully. And finally she discusses ways of how we can imbed a new habit of mindfulness into our daily lives. The journey of Mindfulness has been one of the most impactful ones as it has led to significant improvements in my personal experience of life as well. Would love for you’ll to listen to all the episodes and attend our last Zoom Live session today. To know more about Nicola Lipscombe
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2. Phone: +61 (0) 410717265
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To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster

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5. Instagram: happiness_project1102 Join us for the Live Zoom session today at 2 pm IST i.e. 6:30pm AEST:
Feb 26, 202101:01:08
Ep #67 Creating Your Mindful Edge with Nicola Lipscombe
Feb 19, 202151:22
Ep #66 On a Mindfulness Mission with Nicola Lipscombe
Feb 12, 202156:48
Ep #65 Mindful Moments with Nicola Lipscombe - From MindFULL Worrier to Mindful Warrior

Ep #65 Mindful Moments with Nicola Lipscombe - From MindFULL Worrier to Mindful Warrior

The theme for February is 'Mindful Moments' and this month I have collaborated with the incredible Nicola Lipscombe, who is a professional speaker and a listener who bridges science and spirit. A former pharmacist and an academic; her quest can now be summed up in one word; CONNECTION. She facilitates space for others to become deeply conscious and present. With themselves, with others, our planet and this Universe (Divine, Spirit, Higher Intelligence). She is the Creator of HeartWise™ Leadership, Powerful Listening and Friday’s Mindful Moments and co-creator of RENEW Retreats for women. In this episode, Nicola takes us through her life journey of living in her head, feeling constantly stressed and disconnected TO an entirely opposite spectrum of living a mindful life. She also clarifies what mindfulness is and IS NOT, touches upon how we can become more aware and how to incorporate mindfulness in our day to day life! We are also conducting a Live workshop today itself i.e. 5th February 2021, Friday at 2pm IST i.e. 6:30pm AEST! We have a few more workshops around Mindfulness in the pipeline for this month! Would love to see you'll in the session! And the zoom sessions are exclusively for people who register since the session won't be recorded!
Please register with the below link to join us for the Live session today ie on 5th February 2021-

To know more about Nicola's work -
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To know more about my work -
Raina Jain – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster
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4. Instagram: happiness_project1102/
Feb 05, 202155:33
Ep #64 Connecting Profit with Purpose - Phil Preston

Ep #64 Connecting Profit with Purpose - Phil Preston

Today I have with me Phil Preston on my show who takes us through some very interesting experiences of his life that has helped him shape his perspective not only in his personal life but also in his professional life significantly. Phil Preston traded in his corporate career to help individuals and businesses make a bigger difference in the world. And where possible doing it in a way that improves performance and profitability. He's a speaker, facilitator and strategist, and the author of the book, Connecting Profit With Purpose.
Phil has worked with businesses large and small, along with a range of charities and not-for-profits. He's also a keen coffee drinker, chocolate eater and trail runner! In this episode, he literally takes us through some important questions which we all can resonate to on so many levels, for instance, how his sense of purpose was evolved from he grew up in Tasmania and how he navigated his way through when he decided to quit his long term job and start up on his own! And not to forget, he also dives into some fun fact about his great grandfather who came down to Tasmania from England a 100 years ago to help set up a Cadbury Chocolate factory where his job title was that of a Production Manager for the soft centred chocolates! Interesting, isn’t it? So tune in to the entire episode and gain some valuable insights from our conversation today!!
Key Highlights of our conversation –
1. Purpose is something that will get you to places and will help you succeed in future! It’s a real thing and definitely brings commercial values.
2. For businesses, it’s important to review your purpose statement! The time and effort you put in always pays off..
3. One needs to ask themselves, if I am successful – what are the measurements and indicators to measure my success as I need to take some accountability!
4. Perspective matters – No matter how well you think you know there’s always something you will learn. It’s very easy to stay within your comfort zone but it’s important to keep pushing yourself a little.
5. Purpose acts as a guiding light especially when things are constantly changing.
6. Purpose is powerful but it always needs context – both personally and professionally.
To know more about Phil Preston
Download Phil's Corporate Purpose Blueprint
Info about the book Connecting Profit with Purpose
LinkedIn Page: Navigating Purpose and the New Economy
Phone: +61 408 259 633
Jan 29, 202152:05
Ep #63 Setting Intentions in January 2021

Ep #63 Setting Intentions in January 2021

There are a couple of things that I have been doing especially to get things into perspective for myself so I have something to look forward to for the entire year going forward! I kick started this year with some reflective activities from journaling, meditation, working out, eating healthy, being productive at work, scheduling calls and interviews. Ah, now that I hear myself out loud – I realize I really did a lot of work this month to put things into perspective!
We don’t need an overhaul to improve the quality of our life. Just a few steps in the direction of our passion and purpose. Here are a few effective ways I have upgraded my way of life and tried putting things into perspective!
Setting an Intention
One of the most significant things that I have been every day is ‘Set and Intention’. Setting an intention helps me focus on what is really important and what really matters. It allows me to take a step back for a moment before I show up for any task or event. It also allows me to observe my own actions, behaviors, emotions and feelings in any given situation. It sort of becomes a guidebook for any situation, for instance, if I feel lost or confused at any point in time, I immediately check-in and ask myself “Am I showing up in a way I want to for this particular experience, if not, can I take a step back and consider all the possible outcomes” or “Will showing up in this encounter change or improve how I feel about myself and if not, can I let it pass.
In fact, another thing that I have been asking myself a question that helps me understand how I am feeling when I wake up. And that is ‘Am I fearful of what the day bring in or am I leaning into faith for what the day brings in’? And the answer to that questions helps me decide how my entire day will go. And if my answer is that I am fearful, anxious, or lethargic – I actively try to shift the state of my mind by simply showing up. And then by the end of the day, I have enough evidence to prove to myself that I can become what I decide to be.
This is a practice that I would recommend all of us to engage into. Why? Well, because this will give a structure to our thoughts and automatically distinguish between what’s important and what’s not. So, take a deep breath, take one more, and another one. Inhale all the positivity around you and exhale all that is holding you back – all your fear and frustrations. And ask yourself – How do I want to show up for the rest of the day? What intention am I setting today? Your intention need not be all big and fancy. It could be very simple, for instance, saying no to someone/something that isn’t helping you grow or putting yourself, your feelings and your desires above anyone else.
Jan 22, 202123:30