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By The Journal Coaching Company®

The Journal Coaching Podcast will inspire you to flourish in your life and business as you learn how to use journaling as a transformative self-coaching tool.
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Ep #22: Workshop-How I Use Journaling to Lay the Groundwork for Change in my Life & Biz


Ep #33: A Journal Coaching Strategy for Navigating Obstacles with Clarity & Perspective (A Workshop)

Ep #33: A Journal Coaching Strategy for Navigating Obstacles with Clarity & Perspective (A Workshop)

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, facing the same old problems and obstacles with no end in sight? It's a common experience, but what if I told you there's a simple yet powerful way to break free from this cycle? Enter journaling as a coaching tool—a practice that can help us unveil new angles in obstacles and navigate challenges in our lives with renewed clarity and perspective. Join me as I share a journal coaching strategy with you that will help you produce the results you desire in your life-one word at a time...If this episode resonated with you, I'd love to hear your insight. Let's connect on IG @thejournalcoachingco. Take what you need & take good care. -Nicole
Mar 30, 202447:28
Ep #32: Journaling to Navigate Social Acceptance & Personal Authenticity

Ep #32: Journaling to Navigate Social Acceptance & Personal Authenticity

How do we strike the balance between being accepted socially as we live in community, while also staying true to ourselves as authentic individuals? We understand that humans are inherently social beings. We're wired to seek connection and belonging within community. Whether through family, friends, or larger social groups, our need for meaningful relationships is deeply ingrained in our nature. But there seems to be a delicate balance between fitting in and staying true to ourselves within the context of community, and in today's conversation, I want to explore how the power of journaling for self-awareness and values-awareness, can offer us practical strategies for navigating this complex terrain. Offering Food for Thought, take what you need & take good care.
Mar 18, 202432:39
Ep #31: Journaling: The Art of Personal Dialogue

Ep #31: Journaling: The Art of Personal Dialogue

Journaling is more than jotting down thoughts; it's an art form, a dynamic dialogue that unlocks insights, fosters clarity, and transforms the way we perceive ourselves and the world. In this conversation, let's explore the essence of journaling as a dynamic tool for self-awareness and personal dialogue. Grab your pen and journal. I invite you to join me in this journey of personal introspection and understanding. Want to share your insights? Let's continue the conversation on IG: @thejournalcoachingco. Thanks for being here. Take what you need & take good care, my friend.
Feb 27, 202420:31
Ep #30: Being Vulnerable & Leaning In

Ep #30: Being Vulnerable & Leaning In

It's so easy to hide those parts of us that seem uncomfortable or uncomely, but so often the chains that bind us to our narratives become broken through the acts of self-awareness, acknowledgement and self-acceptance. So, I'm here to break the chains, to be honest with myself and perhaps my words will help you give yourself permission to do the same…In this conversation, I'm sharing my journey with vulnerability and leaning into discomfort. Share your thoughts with me on Instagram: @thejournalcoachingco
Feb 24, 202413:24
Ep #29: Mastering Consistency & Purpose in Our Journaling Practice

Ep #29: Mastering Consistency & Purpose in Our Journaling Practice

Hey friend! In this episode, we're debunking the myth that "consistency" means writing everyday. Let's talk about the real definition of consistency, why finding a purpose for your practice is important and 5 ways to integrate a consistent & intentional journaling practice into your daily life. Want to continue the conversation? Reach out and share your thoughts with me on Instagram @thejournalcoachingco. Take what you need & take good care.
Jan 24, 202426:36
Ep #28: Finishing Strong (or nah?)

Ep #28: Finishing Strong (or nah?)

Hey, my friend. I'm glad you're here. We often can feel the pressure of finishing the year out "strong," but what if there's ANOTHER option? Let's chat about it. If you're listening from Spotify, share your thoughts in the comments. Here's Food for Thought. Take what you need & take good care...
Dec 19, 202303:02
Ep #27: I'm Over It: Finding the "right" words and all

Ep #27: I'm Over It: Finding the "right" words and all

Sometimes, you just have to lean into what your soul is calling for and release everything else-I'm so here for this...
Dec 18, 202302:47
Ep #26: 3 Ways to Maintain Your New Perspectives

Ep #26: 3 Ways to Maintain Your New Perspectives

This is the 3rd and final episode of the Changing Your Perspective Series. In this conversation, we're discussing three ways you can maintain your shifts in perspective. Enjoy!
Sep 30, 202212:06
Ep #25: 5 Simple Ways To Change Your Perspective

Ep #25: 5 Simple Ways To Change Your Perspective

Changing your perspective isn’t easy, and for many of us, it isn’t something that comes naturally. The good news is that it’s not terribly difficult once you start to recognize that the way you look at the world may not be to your best advantage. Here are a few ways you can start to change your perspective, and make a difference in your life and in the lives of those you love, care for and serve.
Aug 19, 202225:26
Ep. #24: Change Your Perspective Series P1

Ep. #24: Change Your Perspective Series P1

Is there something you’ve been struggling with in your life or business? Perhaps you need a simple shift in your perspective for everything to fall into place.

In this short three-part "Change your Perspective" podcast series, I want to walk you through the powerful impact your perspective can have on your life. I hope this will help you find the clarity, energy and peace YOU desire in your life and business.
If this episode served you in some way, let me know. Send me a message on Instagram @thejournalcoachingco. Take good care.
Aug 02, 202224:05
Ep #23: 6 Ways to Feel Better When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

Ep #23: 6 Ways to Feel Better When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

If you've been feeling very overwhelmed with your life and responsibilities, it can take a toll on your mental health and wellbeing. This feeling often gets worse, even leading
to more anxiety and worsening depression symptoms. Before you let the overwhelm take control of your life, try some of these tips for relaxing and reducing stress.

Jun 24, 202224:38
Ep #22: Workshop-How I Use Journaling to Lay the Groundwork for Change in my Life & Biz

Ep #22: Workshop-How I Use Journaling to Lay the Groundwork for Change in my Life & Biz

This is the season for cultivating seeds and laying the groundwork for your dreams. Are you longing to create a life that's more meaningful, authentic and just feels better?
As coaches, entrepreneurs, helpers, and therapists, we're constantly in the business of helping people change their lives for the better. But before we can help others effect real change in their lives, we need to first lay the groundwork for that change within ourselves.
In this episode, we will explore the next five steps you can take to create the foundation for a personal shift, pivot or transformation in your own life. Are you ready to get started? Are you finally ready to take the plunge and go for your dream life? If so, it's important to lay the groundwork first, and in this episode, you will learn a writing practice that will help you get started on your journey. Listen in...
Jun 17, 202216:46
Ep #21: The Journaling Relationship: 5 Steps: Create an Effective & Sustainable Journaling Practice
Jun 03, 202222:47
Ep #20: Journaling for Self-Love: 7 Benefits of Self-Love
May 27, 202224:52
Ep #19: Journaling What’s Possible: Before you give up on your dream, listen to this...

Ep #19: Journaling What’s Possible: Before you give up on your dream, listen to this...

The words we speak are powerful. Our words begin in our thoughts and become real through our choices. Becoming aware of our thoughts and our words puts us in control of our lives. Journaling helps us to pause and notice our limiting beliefs and the words that hold us back from our dreams. If you've let your words hold you back from your dreams, this episode's for you. In this episode, you will learn how to use your journal to ask good questions about what's going on internally, so that YOU can take control of your dreams again and make them a reality.
May 27, 202217:23
Ep #18: Journaling Meditation - Writing Through Pain

Ep #18: Journaling Meditation - Writing Through Pain

Journaling Meditations are created to welcome you into an intentional space for writing. You are invited to gather your journal and writing utensils and be here, right now, in this moment.
Included in this journaling meditation, you will hear positive affirmations and reflective prompts regarding pain. Take a moment to grab your journal and your pen, you may want to pause this recording and reflect. You are free to write or simply sit and relax your mind. I invite you to challenge yourself to think differently about the pain you are currently experiencing. Breathe deeply as you reflect on these healing words. Focus on your breath and be here, right now, in this moment, together...
Aug 02, 202007:14
Ep #17: Watering The Dry Places (Unscripted Thoughts)

Ep #17: Watering The Dry Places (Unscripted Thoughts)

Dear beautiful. In this episode, I'm sharing my thoughts about growth. We all love the idea of growth but I'm not sure we truly understand the requirement and cost of that growth. We entered our gardens, we've planted seeds, and now those seeds will begin to grow, but did you know that in order for a seed to produce growth, it first becomes broken? Once we've broken ground, and planted our seed, that seed requires water in order to experience the level of growth that becomes evident not only to you, but to those looking on. On the natural, this process is called imbibition. It's the process by which water enters the seed and fills it up so much that the seed breaks. This breaking point activates the proteins which in turn activate the growth of the root. This process of transition happens over a space of time. Growth may take days, weeks, or months. It depends on the type of seed that's planted and how diligently it's cared for. After the new plant becomes rooted, then the evidence of growth becomes manifested at ground level.
This is your message my friend: Don't be afraid of being "broken." Be willing to open yourself up to the possibilities of who you are. There's so much beauty within you, but you have to be willing to be vulnerable enough to experience all of who you are and of who you could be. Let's continue this journey together. I am here to guide you. We are all here to support you. Keep up the good work, you're doing just fine...

May 02, 202009:36
Ep #16: Writing Through Anxiety

Ep #16: Writing Through Anxiety

Hello my friend. In this episode, I'm sharing my journaling practice for anxiety. Writing down my needs, and my thoughts and feelings are so cathartic for me. The act of writing helps me focus, relax, and create something other than my fear. Emotions are real and normal. I hope you use this journaling practice to move you through your moments of anxiety. Take your time and move through the cycle with grace + compassion. BREATHE. NOTICE. REFLECT. REFRAME. CREATE.
Apr 18, 202006:42
Ep #15: Writing Through COVID-19 Part 1: A Crisis or an Opportunity?
Apr 18, 202011:19
Ep #14: Breaking Ground: Journaling for Transformation

Ep #14: Breaking Ground: Journaling for Transformation

Welcome back my friend.
This is one of my favorite journaling prompts:
What do you want less of in your life? What brings you feelings of stress and overwhelm? What makes you feel frustrated? What's in your life that no longer serves you?
How do you know when something no longer serves you? It creates stress, anxiety, guilt, overwhelm, frustration when you use it, see it, listen to it, watch it, make excuses for it, avoid it, do it. It's the thing that doesn't bring you joy, the thing you try to hide, and ignore.
What habits, beliefs and stories no longer fit into your idea of the best version of your life? What doesn't align with your core values and the beliefs that define your life?
It's time to dig it out! The digging is what hurts. The growing part has its pain too, but the digging...the breaking up of fallow ground solidified by years of compact stories, thought patterns, behaviors and beliefs is HARD.
It's hard to uproot what's been planted for years but in order to grow and move forward it has to be done.
For years, I've held on to the story that i was too sensitive yet too strong and overbearing and forthcoming. For years I've held myself in check not wanting to shake things up or come across too strongly. For years, I shrunk myself, my opinions, and my voice trying to be overlooked just in case someone took offense.
But I realized that I was doing myself an injustice by closing up within myself and treading lightly never wanting to "rock the boat." I was losing the power of my voice and the ability to bring my perspective to the table.
So I decided to change that story of fear and to claim myself in the fullness of who I was created to be...and the digging began.
Breaking ground is painful. It's becoming aware of the old stories and challenging them. It's being honest enough to notice the feelings that show up and being brave enough to sit with them through the fear of vulnerability.
It's the space between what is comfortable and what's possible. It's digging up the roots of the stories and events that shape your life and define your personal narrative. It's painful, but oh so freeing. It's the human growth experience.
once you've dug up all of the stories ... and recognize the beliefs, choices and stories that no longer serve you, you become more aware and intentional about the life you want to live and cultivate. Breaking ground is all about creating space for something new. It's about making room for something better and of more use and value. It's about preparing ground for deep cultivation of beautiful things that will sprout and grow and flourish into something that will serve for years to come. It's about preparing for a legacy to be created and left behind. The fear and the pain will be there but it won't last forever. Yes, we will mourn for the comfort and familiarity of what used to be, but even that will be overshadowed by our new found freedom and liberty to choose something new and beautiful and necessary. Greater hope and expectation will override the fear and be the segue into new dreams and possibilities.
So now I challenge you to face the fear of pain. You are strong enough to feel. You were created to feel and you can bear the capacity of your emotions. What you're searching for is on the other side but it takes some digging and rooting up. It takes courage and tenacity, determination and grit. And if you're willing to do the work, you'll reap the reward. On the other side is self-compassion, and love, and gratitude, and healing. Confidence, and trust, clarity, and peace. Breaking ground is the first step to building something new. Come write with me at
Mar 09, 202009:33
Ep #13: FLOURISH Pep Talk-Commune with Yourself

Ep #13: FLOURISH Pep Talk-Commune with Yourself

"It’s hard to listen to what our hearts and souls are trying to tell us when there’s no space to let in the things we need to hear.”(Corey Wheeland)
Journaling is the space to let in the things we need to hear.

Journaling requires us to be still and to step into the rare moments of quiet we find in our lives.

Have you ever wondered why we're SO "connected" to each other, but yet we CRAVE community and belonging?

We're surrounded, but yet we feel so alone.

The reason for this is that we lack a deep and personal connection within ourselves, and therefore we lack a sense of community with each other.

The world is loud. It's busy. It's information overload. Its judgemental. It's fast. It's overwhelming, and the "noise" causes stress and anxiety.

Couple this with a decline in wellness and self-care, and we see a rise in depression, suicide, negativity, and crisis.

It's imperative that we choose ourselves daily.

It's so important that we CREATE moments to reflect on our thoughts and monitor our feelings. It's important to be aware of our needs.

Our hearts and souls are continuously whispering wisdom into every moment. Our intuition and conscience are speaking and guiding our choices but we cannot hear them.

My friend, take a moment today, and carve out time to sit in repose. Put down your phone, stop scrolling, stop searching and listen.

Grab a pen and grab your journal and write until your mind gets quiet. It doesn't need to be an hour. A few moments at a time would be a great start.

Practice quieting.
Practice listening.
Practice journaling,
and you'll get better with time.

You have a voice.
You deserve to be heard…Share your thoughts at
Feb 04, 202008:02
Ep #12: Facing The Page-What Do I Write?
Jan 17, 202016:00
Ep #11: 6 Ways to Practice Self-Care in the Holiday Season + My Secret Introvert Strategy & Toolbox

Ep #11: 6 Ways to Practice Self-Care in the Holiday Season + My Secret Introvert Strategy & Toolbox

Hey my friend! Have you noticed that you change with the seasons? Your winter self isn't the same as your summer self. Your spring self isn't the same as your fall self! For years I assumed that I was the same person all year round but then I discovered that this wasn't true! Your daily experiences, relationships and choices mold you and make you and create you into a new version of yourself every single day. Each moment irrevocably affects you. Each thought and each action is a vote for the person you are becoming. We change with the seasons. It's impossible for us to be stagnant. We are always growing, learning, thinking and feeling based on our experiences and we change. We think differently in every season, we process the world differently in every season. Our desires change, our needs change, and our networks change and shift with the ebb and flow of life. Our self-care needs also change. In this episode I share my 6 favorite self-care tips. I also share my #1 introvert strategy to navigate the social activities of the holiday season. I share what's in my Self-Care Toolbox as well! Tune in and find your favorite tip. Questions or comments about this episode? Reach out on Instagram/ and let's talk. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for listening.
Dec 23, 201911:35
Ep #10: Imagine The Possibilities-Breaking the Cycle of Negative Beliefs (Part 2)

Ep #10: Imagine The Possibilities-Breaking the Cycle of Negative Beliefs (Part 2)

Welcome to The Journal Coaching Podcast Ep #10. In this episode we define "Limiting Beliefs" and discover how to break the cycle of a negative mindset. Limiting beliefs are the disempowering thoughts you have about your personal
narrative and how you identify yourself. They are a set of restrictive thoughts that
impose boundaries on your experiences and coerce you into believing that you
are incapable of going beyond a certain point in your life. Limiting beliefs are the
language of your inner critic and are designed to keep you stuck. Tune in to explore the four steps (with journal prompts) to Breaking the Cycle of your limiting beliefs. Let's continue the conversation! DM me on Instagram @journaljunky with questions or to share what showed up for you in this episode. Talk soon!
Dec 15, 201919:26
Ep #09: Imagine The Possibilities: Belief (Part 1)

Ep #09: Imagine The Possibilities: Belief (Part 1)

Hello my friend! I’m so glad you’re here with me today. As I’m winding down the
year and planning for 2020, I’m giving myself more space to think and reflect, and
I’m daring to believe and dream.
When was the last time you dared to dream of what was possible for YOUR life?
Not for your spouse’s life. Not for your children’s life. Not for the lives of those
you serve. Not even for your business. But for you?
Imagine if you dared to dream and imagine if your dream actually came true.
How would your life change? I’ve been asking myself these questions for the last
few weeks, and I wanted to share them with you.
What do you want for yourself?
What’s stopping you from dreaming and imagining the possibilities?
What are your limiting beliefs and why do you have them?
What if your wildest dream for yourself became your reality?
Over the next few weeks, I want to talk about belief, and what it takes to imagine
the possibilities we could hold for our one and only life. We’re about to venture
into a new and special year my friend and this will be a year of transformation in
more ways than one. I just feel it in my bones, don’t you?
In this episode, let’s begin the conversation around beliefs. What are they?
Where do they come from? Can they be changed? How can we create new
beliefs? Tune in to learn THE TRUE DEFINITION OF BELIEF, (this one blew my mind!) At the end of this episode you will leave with six powerful journaling prompts to help you take action today! As always, I appreciate you taking time to listen to The Journal Coaching Podcast. Share your takeaways with me via don't forget to share with a friend!
Dec 06, 201914:42
Ep #08: RELEASE-Making Room + Creating Space (Part II)
Nov 23, 201924:17
Ep # 07: The Loss of Clarity-My Story

Ep # 07: The Loss of Clarity-My Story

Hey my friend. Have you ever lost the vision and clarity in your life and/or business? In this episode, I go off script to share my journey to recover lost clarity. Join the conversation as I share a personal journal entry, my story, and tips on how I restored my vision, clarity, and purpose. There are also three journal prompts at the end of the episode which will inspire YOU to increase the clarity in your life and business. #letswriteforachange
Nov 15, 201928:20
Ep #06: What Do You See? Journaling for Vision
Nov 07, 201923:15
Ep #05: Letting Go + Writing To Release
Oct 17, 201928:41
Ep #04: Understanding + Re-Writing Your Personal Narrative

Ep #04: Understanding + Re-Writing Your Personal Narrative

Your personal narrative is the story you tell yourself and others about your life. In this episode you will learn the three stories that shape your narrative, and the four steps to changing, re-writing, or releasing the stories that no longer serve you. #letswriteforachange: apply what you've learned as you dive deeper and explore YOUR story with four journaling prompts. (This episode is a workshop from the Writing with Intention Course Module 1 Lesson 1. Learn more about the course here:
Sep 26, 201921:30
Ep #03: The Number One Reason Why You Can't Find Your Purpose
Sep 20, 201917:37
Ep #02: How to Journal for Self-Awareness: Benefits + Strategies

Ep #02: How to Journal for Self-Awareness: Benefits + Strategies

In today's conversation we will define self-awareness, discuss seven benefits of self-awareness, explore how I use journaling for self-awareness in MY life, discover four ways YOU can practice self-awareness in YOUR life, and THEN I'll give you four journaling prompts that will inspire you to apply what you learn in this episode to YOUR life.
Thanks for listening!
Sep 12, 201927:01
Ep #01: A Warm Welcome + What is Purpose Journaling?

Ep #01: A Warm Welcome + What is Purpose Journaling?

Hello my friend. Welcome to the first episode of The Journal Coaching Podcast! In this episode, I will share how I started journaling with purpose and transformed my life. We will also define journaling, discover the benefits of journaling, and discuss The Purpose Journaling Method. I hope you enjoy and please leave feedback where you are listening to this episode.
Sep 04, 201912:57