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The Lit Spirit

The Lit Spirit

By Diamond Dej

Are you questioning the norms and rules of society? Thinking about what your life purpose is? Or maybe you're trying to find true happiness and self love? This is not a religious convo by any means. This is all about how you can connect with your "lit" spirit inside to unlock true super powers. The secret has been inside of you all along. Join in every Wednesday for how you can take control over your life.
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You're a Robot If...

The Lit SpiritMay 20, 2020

How To Know If Someone is Thinking about Suicide (1-800-273-8255)

How To Know If Someone is Thinking about Suicide (1-800-273-8255)

Many of us have never confronted a person on whether they are thinking about suicide, but it's time that we start to learn the qualities and traits of someone who is. Just in case we feel a loved one or someone we know may be suffering from this.

Jul 29, 202018:37
Embrace Your Failures

Embrace Your Failures

What more can I say.

Jul 22, 202016:18
Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety & Depression

I bet you can't name one person that hasn't claimed they weren't depressed or had anxiety at one point. The fact is, these things haunt us as long as we continue to try to live up to societies standards. Once we find happiness within ourself and our own boundaries, regardless of what others think, we'll start losing sight of these two diseases.

Jul 15, 202023:48
You Are The Chosen One

You Are The Chosen One

There's a reason why your life seems so different from everybody else. Why you think differently about the way life should be lived. You don't feel like you should do what everyone else is doing just because it's popular. You think that you are meant for something higher, and you are. You are the chosen one! 

Jul 08, 202019:32
Optimism VS. Pessimism

Optimism VS. Pessimism

You're either one of two people: The one that views life in a positive light and count the wins over the losses, or you're a person that can only point out the negative things in life. You love to count the losses you've taken over the years. There truly isn't any in between of the two.  Which person do you happen to be?

Jul 01, 202021:36
Sexually Transmitted Demons

Sexually Transmitted Demons

Need I say more?

Jun 24, 202024:40
Who Are Your Spirit Guides?

Who Are Your Spirit Guides?

Do you feel as if a loved one who died is watching over your life? They are making sure you are headed in the right directions in life. It's a high possibility that your loved one is your spirit guide. Consider your guide as your personal angel who's only job is to watch over you and make sure you're doing well. They use angel numbers and other special life events to communicate with you. Have you noticed them in your life yet?

Jun 17, 202019:34
All About Angel Numbers & Its Meanings

All About Angel Numbers & Its Meanings

Have you been seeing a sequence of the same numbers and doesn't know what it means?  Have coincidences been happening often to you? This means that your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you about an aspect of your life. They communicate through numbers, and different numbers have different meanings. I'll explain them shortly,  just promise me you'll begin paying attention to the sequences of numbers you're seeing.

Jun 10, 202022:01
Are You Playing it Safe?

Are You Playing it Safe?

Are you living just to get to the next paycheck, the next weekend, or the next year? You're not really doing what you love or want to be doing, but your surviving, so you just accept your life how it is? You, my friend, are playing life safe. You don't want to adventure past the safe line, you want to know everything that will happen in your life and plan it accordingly. Here's why this is not a good thing.

Jun 03, 202023:15
Does School have a Purpose?

Does School have a Purpose?

We're in the 3rd season of the Lit Spirit and I have to ask everyone this question. Mostly everyone that I know whose been to school have thought it was a waste of time. They believed that the time spent in school could have been used to work for the things they actually want to do in life. Do you believe this? Or do you believe the education system is still necessary in today's society. 

May 27, 202021:58
You're a Robot If...

You're a Robot If...

Are you a robot out in these streets? Is your mind being controlled by society and the matrix? Maybe the news? Here's a good checklist that you can follow that I've put together to determine if you're a bot or not! Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

May 20, 202020:41
The Truth about Politics

The Truth about Politics

Donald Trump this, impeachment that. What does any of that have to do with us living the life that we want  and finding our true happiness? Nothing. Politics is just one big game and the purpose of it is to distract you from connecting with you higher self. To keep you at a low vibration. I'll explain how. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

May 13, 202018:54
Missing People

Missing People

There are 100,000 and plus people that go missing every year. Should we just assume that they are all dead? Or is there more going on in the picture. It seems as if sometimes a specific group of people go missing than others, such as kids and black women but why. Here's a more closer look into the dark side of missing people. Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

May 06, 202015:07
They're Coming for US

They're Coming for US

Did you finally connect with your higher self? How did it feel? Great, right! Now brace yourself. All of that wonder energy and power you've just obtained is being threatened by them. They want to take it all away. They're after us! Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

Apr 22, 202017:26
No One is Coming to Save You

No One is Coming to Save You

The only hero that can come to save you is yourself. You want to be rich, you want to be successful, you want to be famous. Whatever it is that you want, no one is going to come up to you and give you everything. Stop complaining about everything and start taking action! You want something, you have to work for it! Simple! Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

Apr 15, 202024:42
Ego VS. Higher Self

Ego VS. Higher Self

It's possible that the person you think you are is based of your ego self. Your true self is the real you minus all of society, friends, social status, race and all other things. You can choose to either be your ego self or your higher self everyday. I'll give you a clue... one of them has your best interests in the long run. Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

Apr 08, 202019:38
5G is Dangerous

5G is Dangerous

All of these phone companies are promoting 5G networks and claiming that it will be better for technology, but at what cost? 5G was a frequency used in the war against enemies. It has the power to break down chemical bonds which can cause issues in the human body and animals.  Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

Apr 07, 202017:07
The Weather is Controlled

The Weather is Controlled

If you can remember the movie 'The Hunger Games", the people who were in control of the game could control everything including the weather. They started wildfire, tornadoes and rainstorm. That's kinda how weather is controlled in this matrix we live in. Yes! The weather we experience is actually being created. It is not natural and I'm here to tell you how. Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

Apr 01, 202018:23
Knowing Your Past Life Can Help You Now

Knowing Your Past Life Can Help You Now

If you are living today, there is a high chance that you lived a past life or even multiple past lives. Knowing something about one of your past lives can actually help you to figure out why you are the you are today. It can give you clues on how to better yourself and appreciate everything around you. I'm going to be telling you how you can figure out who you were in your past life. Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Mar 26, 202016:34
Our Dreams Can Help us with Our Reality

Our Dreams Can Help us with Our Reality

Did you know our dreams are more than just crazy visuals and stories we see when we go to sleep? They are messages from our subconscious mind that can help us with bettering our reality. Some dreams are crazy than others, and the message might be harder to understand in those super wild dreams. Our Dreams are also a way for spirit guides and loved ones to connect with us. Music by David Renda and Fesliyan Studios. Royalty Free Music by Bensound.

Mar 18, 202021:33
Are You Afraid to Die?

Are You Afraid to Die?

In Western culture, death is considered a bad thing but not every culture thinks that way. Death is not a bad thing the way movies, society and media portrays it. It is definitely nothing to be feared if you are connecting with your higher self and trying to live out your purpose. This episode will breakdown the exact process of death and what happens spiritually to our soul once it leaves the body. I promise, it's nothing to fear but you will have to face your fears. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Mar 11, 202018:06
What Does The Third Eye Do?

What Does The Third Eye Do?

You've probably heard that we all have a Third Eye between our two eyebrows that has magical powers? That is definitely true! Our Third Eye if open can show us the entire spiritual subconscious  and dimensions. We just have to prepared spiritually in order for our Third Eye to open to unlock all of its super powers. In this episode, I'll be breaking down what the eye is and everything it can allow us to see if open. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Mar 04, 202017:10
Demons and Humans Interact Everyday

Demons and Humans Interact Everyday

When I say demons, I don't mean the big strong red guy with the fire pitchfork and long tail. I mean dark entities that exist on different dimensions that are all around us. We can't see them of course, but the can see and sense our fear and they feed off of it. In return, it leaves us with a bunch of negative thoughts running through our heads that are not even ours. Learn how you can spot these dark entities and fight them off! Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Feb 26, 202016:37
Manifesting Your Dreams: The Basics

Manifesting Your Dreams: The Basics

Do you know every spiritual being has the power to manifest anything they want? All you have to do is state to the universe what you want, put in positive energy toward whatever it is and the Universe will send your package within 6 months to a few years! There are a little bit more details in between, but this episode will be going over the basics on how to begin manifesting your dreams. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Feb 19, 202015:57
You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

You've probably heard this saying at some point in your life, right? But did you know that this can be taken literally! Everything you consume that that is alive or once alive carries energy with it. This energy can be good or bad depending if the living thing was treated and died properly. If so, it would have good energy attached and if not, it would have bad energy attached. Energy never dies, it just gets transferred from one living thing to another. With all the GMO events happening, it's safe to say no eating lifestyle is better than another. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Feb 12, 202016:34
Spirituality VS. Religion

Spirituality VS. Religion

Some of the religious people may get upset at me after this episode, but I promised I would tell the truth about the differences. There are really no comparisons in the two so let's agree to disagree. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Feb 05, 202018:45
The Music We Listen to Effects Our Decisions

The Music We Listen to Effects Our Decisions

Energy is a big part of everyone's life. It is the Captain of our emotional roller coaster It can create unlimited frequencies that have the ability to evoke different responses in us. These frequencies are in our music, our bodies and all around our environments. Though we cannot see energy, it is the sole reason why we may choose to hang with one friend over another, choose a specific type of career path and listen to the music we listen to. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Jan 29, 202016:59
Why Do We Follow Social Norms?

Why Do We Follow Social Norms?

We live in a matrix. Yes, that's right! A controlled reality where everything has been set up for us and all we do is live by the rules and ideas of this matrix. You ever asked yourself why we follow these rules or who created the rules that control our lives? On this episode we're going to be exploring what exactly is this reality we live in and why as a people we don't question how we live our lives. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free Music from Bensound.

Jan 22, 202015:42
They Say Being Single is Lame

They Say Being Single is Lame

If you've ever heard that saying or been pointed out because you still haven't found a boyfriend, girlfriend, or friends yet, don't go crazy! You are in the best position in life right now because you have nothing distracting you from connecting with your higher self and finding true self happiness and love. If someone else teases you about being alone just tell them, "The Lit Spirit" sent you. Music by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and Royalty Free music from Bensound.

Jan 15, 202014:37
What is a Lit Spirit?

What is a Lit Spirit?

Welcome everyone! To the first episode of the Lit Spirit Podcast! I want to share my experience about my spiritual awakening and everything I've learned on the way about truly loving myself and connecting with my spirit outside of the matrix we live in. I know that spirituality has a weird reputation amongst young people, but I want to be one of many to prove that it is the single most important thing young people need take part in to find true love and happiness within.  This episode is the explanation of what a "Lit Spirit" is in relation to how I describe my journey so far. I hope you enjoy this episode and continue to stay on this journey with me for future episodes! Thank you so much! Music used in this podcast is by David Renda from Fesliyan Studios and royalty free music from Bensound.

Jan 08, 202016:34