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The Loop Zone Podcast

The Loop Zone Podcast

By CJ Beatty

The #1 Podcast for Travel Ball Parents and Youth Coaches. The Host is CJ Beatty, a former player and scout of the St. Louis Cardinals. Beatty has 8 years professional experience. Currently, Beatty is an motivational speaker known internationally as "The Baseball & Softball Motivator". This podcast will feature interviews from professional baseball/softball players, professional coaches, scouts, college coaches, umpires and top ranked prospects. Topics: MLB, NCAA, Travel Ball, Routines, What Scouts Look For, Recruiting, Nutrition, Approaches, Baseball Music, Life Motivation and much more
Currently playing episode

Ep:2; S:1 "Covid-19 Extended My Offseason" (For Players)

The Loop Zone PodcastApr 21, 2020

Ep:7; S:1 "Am I Living Through My Child?"

Ep:7; S:1 "Am I Living Through My Child?"

(Listener Submission: Austin Ford) Its very tough to gauge how hard to be on your child. At times you may want to kick & scream, throw something, or drop your head in disappointment. Some questions... Is that helpful?  How much extra pressure are you putting on them? Are you pushing them hard because you want them to be like you? Are you pushing them hard because YOUR parents did the same to you? We will bring up some of these questions inside this episode. 

This episode was designed to give different perspectives and shed some light. Not to discredit parents in any way, but we as people need to always be open to different perspectives to make sure we are giving the RIGHT information when its time. 

The special guest is former big leaguer Robert Sasser. Currently, Sass runs his company The 6th Tool Player and provides camps, clinics and training to all ages around the United States. 

This is the #1 podcast for Travel Ball Parents & Youth Coaches. Please subscribe, follow and share this podcast with your friends, your team parents and coaches. Help us help you by submitting feedback, suggestions for topics or guests. Love you guys!

Welcome to "The Loop Zone"


May 08, 202043:13
Ep:6; S:1 "How to Increase My Child's Value"

Ep:6; S:1 "How to Increase My Child's Value"

Your child has a value when it comes to the team and to scouts. This episode I wanted to help you understand what that means and how to increase the value. I wanted to bring in the perspective of a college coach, so I asked a good friend of mine to help me out. Today's special guest is Joey Hammond, assistant baseball coach of Wake Forest University in the ACC. He shares some priceless insights that everyone needs to listen to and document. 

"The Loop Zone" is the #1 podcast for Travel Ball Parents and Youth Coaches for a reason. We hope you sit back, relax and enjoy this episode. Please share, subscribe and follow us on all available platforms. Also, do not hesitate to send us feedback, suggestions for topics or guest. 


May 05, 202041:03
Ep:5; S:1 "Recruiting Tips" (Part 1)

Ep:5; S:1 "Recruiting Tips" (Part 1)

This is one of the most popular topics in all of youth sports....RECRUITING! We decided to create an episode that will openly discuss with an expert, some top recruiting tips. Special guest for this episode is Matt Lisle. Matt is an international speaker and one of the top hitting coaches for baseball and softball. He has over 500k followers across his social media platforms. Currently, Matt is a softball coach for Fresno State University. 

The "Big 3 Topics" inside this episode are:

1) Go Where You Are Loved! 

2) A Scout's Checklist 

3) Is Launch Angle for My Child? 

I am truly excited for you to listen! This information will increase your knowledge for recruiting and help you to position your child/players for success. 

If you like what you hear, please share, follow and subscribe. It means a lot to us ;) If you have ANY feedback, questions, comments or concerns do not hesitate to let us know. We encourage suggestions!!!

Welcome to "The Loop Zone"


May 01, 202037:34
Ep:4; S:1 "Don't Be That Parent!"

Ep:4; S:1 "Don't Be That Parent!"

If you actually took the time to break down the characters (personalities) on your team as parents, you will probably see an awesome cast for a tv show haha :) On this episode of "The Loop Zone" I will highlight some of the popular types of Travel Ball parents. Question is....which one are you? Do you show signs or tendencies? How many types are on your team now???? 

Our special guest on this episode is Coach Jason Ferber. He is known as The Most Followed Coach on Instagram. Over 135k followers! He works with MLB players all the way down to little league players. Tune in to see how we breakdown the types and educate you on what to do and what NOT to do.

If you like what you hear on this episode, make sure you subscribe, favorite and follow us on all available platforms. Spotify is one of our favs ;)

We also encourage feedback, comments and suggestions. 

Welcome to "THE LOOP ZONE". The #1 podcast for Travel Ball Parents & Youth Coaches


Apr 28, 202051:02
Ep:3; S:1 "Stop Chasing Trophies"

Ep:3; S:1 "Stop Chasing Trophies"

Back in the days, getting a ring was the ultimate sign of accomplishment for a young player. Today, you can walk into a young players room and find tournament rings scattered around the room or in sock drawers. What happened? Why has this accomplishment been watered down?

In today's episode we will talk about the good and the bad with "chasing trophies" in youth sports. 

Our special guest is former big leaguer LJ Hoes of the Baltimore Orioles and The Houston Astros. 

Please sit back, relax and enjoy the conversation. We also would love your feedback (actually encourage it), suggestions and comments. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Spotify and all the other platforms. Thank you!

Welcome To "The Loop Zone"


Apr 24, 202055:55
Ep:2; S:1 "Covid-19 Extended My Offseason" (For Players)

Ep:2; S:1 "Covid-19 Extended My Offseason" (For Players)

Its all perspective! Everyone is being hit hard by the pandemic. The world is paused. I want you to remember this..... AFTER EVERY STORM IS A BEAUTIFUL SUNNY DAY! As the pandemic slowly comes to an end, make sure you are doing everything you can to be better then you were before the pandemic started. This time away is really just an Extended Offseason. More time to work on yourself and take your game to the next level. 

This episode is great for all players that are looking for help during this time at home. I will walk you step by step on taking notes in your baseball or softball journal. 3 action packed topics are inside just for you! For my new listeners, if you like what you hear, please go and follow me on Spotify and subscribe on iTunes. Welcome to "The Loop Zone"


Apr 21, 202024:41
Ep:1; S:1 "Is My Child Ready?"

Ep:1; S:1 "Is My Child Ready?"

Too many times I see parents sign kids up for travel ball without consultation. They end up placing their kid in a tough situation that ends up hurting the kid's mental development. Often times parents want validation or to increase their social status at the workplace or on social media. So they quickly sign up for a team "lil Johnny" or "Ashley" is not ready for. Why spend thousands of dollars just to maintain an image. Playing on the correct team is very healthy to the mental development of your child. A parents job should be to position their kid at the correct level so they may develop as quickly as possible. 

In this episode Brianna (Co-Host; Former Pro Softball Player), Mike Landis (Guest; Director or Ops at The Baseball Factory) and I will walk you through the red flags, the tell-tale signs and even touch on purchasing the correct equipment. I encourage you to go make some coffee or fix your favorite drink and go to a quiet place to listen to this amazing episode. I hope you enjoy it! It was my first of many and I need your support to grow this. If you like this podcast, please share on all of your social media platforms and/or text the link to everyone you know that needs to hear "The Loop Zone". Subscribe on iTunes and Follow of Spotify!


Apr 21, 202052:11
April 19, 2020

April 19, 2020

Apr 19, 202000:52