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The Mind, The Feels, Some Woo, Some Science

The Mind, The Feels, Some Woo, Some Science

By Lauren Jean

What the title says, is what it is...

From the experiences of a hypnosis practitioner, health coach, mom, and someone who just wasn't "feeling" it in a world where we walk the planet like robots.

From living to please others, to now living to feel, teach, connect, and learn .

If this is what you what, listen on...
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TMTF 02: How The Mind Turns Thoughts To Emotion To Feeling

The Mind, The Feels, Some Woo, Some ScienceNov 15, 2019

TMTF 18: How Much Responsibility Do You Take in Your Relationships?
Jan 14, 202118:12
TMTF 17: I Know You Want To Know About Float Tank Therapy

TMTF 17: I Know You Want To Know About Float Tank Therapy

Hello Believers!

Today’s episode was NOT a planned one. I have been waiting to release this interview at the right time and this week it was calling me.

I recorded this show with Hardy, now ex owner of The Float Place in Patchogue, Long Island in May 2019. Things got hectic for me and the show fell off and I never shared it BUT it’s so good you need to hear it!

Hardy shares his floating story here in this show, why and how he got started. Why floating is so beneficial and why you NEED to visit Patchogue or Deer Park if you are local or find one that is local to you.

Aug 28, 202050:60
TMTF 16: My Tips, Tools, and Methods To Start Meditation With Ease

TMTF 16: My Tips, Tools, and Methods To Start Meditation With Ease

Ok so this is a BONUS I threw into my group and btw if you are not yet there, what’s going on?
Come on over!
So anyways I decided to do a mini training right in the group and I will be doing more seeing that I got some great feedback, so keep your eyes peels for more good stuff happening in there. You won’t want to miss!
I wanted to do a “how to meditate” simply because, well that’s what alot of you asked for and the podcast episode TMTF 04: Meditation for Beginners was and still is a HIT!
Check it out here
Read the full blog post here
Aug 18, 202033:52
TMTF 15: 4 Ways Your Subconscious Mind Shows Up In Life
Aug 18, 202021:37
TMTF 00: Welcome To The Show

TMTF 00: Welcome To The Show

I welcome you to my world. My eyes, heart and soul have opened in an unexplainable way. In this past year I have come to be a new person with a new attitude and a new way of living, and that's through FEELING and LISTENING to my heart and body.
In the last 2 years or so, I have been liking the IDEAS of what I am going to be sharing with you in this show, but now I GET it and am doing in and I want to teach you as well. I would love to see you take the ideas to heart and teach your children as well.
Aug 16, 202010:02
TMTF 14: What We Think Reality Is v.s. What Reality Really Is

TMTF 14: What We Think Reality Is v.s. What Reality Really Is

Hey Believers!

Welcome back and thank you for joining me on the show today.

Come join us in the Facebook Group for fun games, learning, and community.

Today is a show all about REALITY…

What we think REALITY is versus what REALITY really is.

What we think it is, is what can be percived through our five senses of touch , taste, sight, smell, and sound. We think it’s what is happening right in front of us. We think it’s the daily news, what’s on social media and what other’s tell us to be true in their world. We think reality is the stories of the world and what we were born into. We think we are victims. We think we ARE our circumstances and we have no control. We think what is is just what it is.

We believe we have health problems, relationship problems, career problem, money problem, etc and that’s just how life is.

We think we are stuck, we think we are a failure, we think we have no control over what happens in the world or our life.

Read the rest on the blog

Aug 10, 202023:15
TMTF 13: Intuition V.S Ego Why The Two Collide and 2 Ways to Handle Them

TMTF 13: Intuition V.S Ego Why The Two Collide and 2 Ways to Handle Them

Hello Believers! Thank you so much for giving me your ear today!

I have so much to go into today but before I do, I want to invite you over to the Facebook Group because that is where all the chatter goes down! Come over to join us, learn even more, share your voice, grab a session with me, or just meet new like-minded people.

To start off today I am going to tell you that today's show is much longer because I have decided that since the show is already evolving I need to dig deeper and share more on the science-y side (just a toe dip, for now) some on the woo side as well, so therefore I need to do more planning. I am ok with that and it went really well.  I'm usually more of a flow-er but this was great! 

I also want to share with you that these are points that resonate with me and I am NOT TELLING YOU HOW TO BE, just take what works for you and go with it, if it doesn't feel right or you are not there yet, IT'S OK

Ok so before we move on some links:

So today's show was amazing! I had fun recording it for you and I KNOW your'e gonna get some damn good value outta it!

So with planning comes break down and that's what I'm going to give you.

4 Parts broken down and discussed but before that I go into a little about energy and what we are made up of- essentially stardust. 

We are made up of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen mostly and a few other essential elements in life. Our cells regenerate every 7-15 years or so, so we are forever evolving and changing and growing. We are consciousness on this planet in a physical human body (made up of energy) to grow and bring in the new all the time or whenever our intuition calls it to us.

So the breakdown:

  • What the Universe wants for us, when we are born 
  • How things change and why they change
  • Why the Intuition and Ego Colide
  • How to Deal with both Sides (2 Ways)

The Universe, God,Spirit, Intuition are all the same thing so call it what feels good to you in your mind and body.  I don't have 1 particular word i use, it's what ever flows from my intuition at the moment of writing or speaking so you will see many ways but it all means the same to me, intuition.

So what the universe want for us is LOVE, JOY, CONNECTION. We all come with this purpose in mind and we are set free on this planet earth to do that exactly in whatever way we are directed. We are here to grow and experience new things that help us grow and that thing can and most likely will change because again, we need and want growth and new things to keep evolving and stay ALIVE inside and out.

We change as humans simply because of programming. We are placed on the planet as little babies ready to take on the need and desires of GOD but things happen, we are traumatized, told what to do, told what to not do, told how to feel or what not to feel, we are programmed in school and told this is JUST HOW IT IS, told that this is the path that you take and thats it. 

Visit the rest of the post here.

Aug 03, 202051:54
TMTF 12: How To Tell The Difference Between Your Intuition and Your Ego
Jul 29, 202021:56
TMTF 11: Stuckness Lives in Your Subconscious

TMTF 11: Stuckness Lives in Your Subconscious

Hey Believers.... I think I may call my community that!

Are you in the Facebook Group yet? NO?? click here to join for free! I share tons there and give lots of value as well as connect with ya'll.

This morning I went live in the group and shared on that icky stuck feeling we take on in our lives, but it's not your fault! Listen in on an extension of the live in podcast form and why and where stuckness exists, and a tool you can use to begin to unstick yourself.


What If You Could View Your Thoughts and Change The Negative? Imagine That…

Jul 20, 202027:28
TMTF 10: Worthiness and Childhood

TMTF 10: Worthiness and Childhood

Hey! Welcome to the show again!

Today I'm sharing with you the importance of worthiness and where the lack of it comes from.

Join us in the FACEBOOK GROUP

Since middle school I can remember myself trying to hide.

I was quiet and kept my head down.

I didn’t want to be noticed at all. I had friends but I didn’t want to call attention to myself.

From age 11 I can remember looking around at school and thinking everyone else is so much better than me. They have it together. They are cooler, the girls a prettier, they are smarter (why can’t I get math dammit).

I don’t dress as cool 😎 and yet I didn’t want to call attention to myself so I stayed the same
(My mind at 11 was fighting with my body to fit in)

I remember seeing other girls with “boyfriends” and other girls belonging to big crowds of kids.

I just didn’t feel like I belonged to a crowd, I didn’t feel enough. Cool enough, pretty enough, smart enough. Everyone else was so therefore I don’t belong.

So I hid and hung out with my close friends.

I was quiet and I got quieter and more to myself as middle school 🏫 continued and even high school too.

I was ok. I was different. And I didn’t feel like I was enough in many departments. Looks, capabilities, smarts, style, more too.

I didn’t date in middle school or even high school.

When I liked a boy I would just watch him but NEVER would I EVER approach him. He was too cool for me and was in that “cool” crowd.

“I bet he didn’t even knew I existed”

I was an artist in school and I went to FIT in New York and even then I was constantly comparing myself to others. I would see their stuff and feel shame about mine. I would feel great about the project I was doing in private and then when It was time to share.... shame bomb 💣 and disgust.

Yup this was me. My self conscious 11-22year old self.

I did finally start dating a month before my 18th birthday but out of an awkward situation that got serious. Simply because (now that I look at it, in this hypnotherapist mind) I wanted to feel good enough for someone.

If you read this far you connect with this story somehow and I ❤️ you. You’re not alone.

Jul 14, 202025:08
TMTF 09: Self-Hypnosis on Releasing Anger

TMTF 09: Self-Hypnosis on Releasing Anger

Exactly what it says.
Come let me lead you to release pent up anger...
Jul 14, 202017:30
TMTF 08: Not Feeling Enough? It's NOT Your Fault
Jul 08, 202020:55
THTF 07: Digging Deep into Lauren and Welcome!
Jun 30, 202037:04
TMTF 06: I Want You To Know How To Get Unstuck In Life

TMTF 06: I Want You To Know How To Get Unstuck In Life

Impromptu show recording! I was feeling it and recorded it for you.

In order to "get unstuck" you need to understand that it is not about willpower or participating in an online challenge or rallying up your best girlfriends to do it together, it's about commitment, work, and consistency.

Starting a meditation practice may not be easy or sound tempting, BUT know that with a commitment to starting one comes a great feeling of accomplishment, self-development, you filling up your cup, and amazing mental and emotional experience.

With meditation and hypnosis you have the tool to access your subconscious mind, 

Just get going!

xoxo, Laurenjean

Dec 11, 201918:37
TMTF 05: Self-Hypnosis for Anxiety and Depression

TMTF 05: Self-Hypnosis for Anxiety and Depression

This episode was created for those dealing with anxiety or depression. To help you relax, feel lighter, happier, and content.

Working in tandem with a professional or group is reccommended as a supplement for better results.

For lasting results, listen to for the next 21 days straight to create new neural pathways in your brain.

Use the bathroom, find a comfy spot on a chair or your bed if you plan on going to sleep, grab your earbuds and r-e-l-a-x into my voice....

xoxo, laurenjean

Dec 09, 201934:45
TMTF 04: Meditation For Beginners

TMTF 04: Meditation For Beginners

In this episode I bring you through the most basic meditation to get you started.
Nov 26, 201916:16
TMTF 03: I Know You Want To Know About Hypnotherapy

TMTF 03: I Know You Want To Know About Hypnotherapy

Never in a trillion years did I believe I would be interested in the mind, getting to the root of my issues and dealing with them. I just thought that living with problems, being highly emotional, and regretful was a part of life.

In my 20's and up until my late 30's I didn't even begin to think of how to get past certain shits that got in my way.

For years I did not even know what that meant. I had no idea that I had deep rooted issues from my childhood and early adulthood.

I wasn't fulfilled in my career, relationships fell apart time after time, things in life were happening TO me, I had no control. I was just living day to day and dealing with the crap I got thrown.

I lived for those around me and made them happy.

Me happy?

What's that about? Isn't being a good person making others happy first? Learning to navigate how others felt?

Then came the ridiculous expectations from MYSELF (at the time I thought they came from the outside world)

Don't be weak

Don't be overweight

Don't be selfish

Don't speak up

Apologize for everything

Don't FEEL, cover everything up and do what you need to do to get by.

It'll all be ok in the end, just get through it, whatever IT was at the moment.

Not until about 4 years ago, right after I turned 36 did I start to dig deep (then it was deep), only now do I see that it was just a start to scratch the surface. If I knew then that it hadn't even started, well I might have become extremely depressed.

I have learned that there is much more than just realizing your thoughts, knowing where certain blocks come from in life and unconsciously trying to fix them.

Positive thinking can only go so far until you get so frustrated that NOTHING IS CHANGING!

Then come in the polarized thoughts...

I'm doing all the right things
I'm thinking positive

But also think about this.... Do you REALLY believe your positive thoughts or are they just bullshit you are feeding yourself?


If the mind and the body do not agree, not much is going to happen. You continue to feel stuck because the two aren't working as a team.

I found hypnotherapy in 2017 and acted on in 2019

Listen to the show for the rest!

Link for December Meditation Challenge

Link for Rapid Transformational Therapy FAQ

love, calmness, and joy, Laurenjean

Nov 22, 201926:04
TMTF 02: How The Mind Turns Thoughts To Emotion To Feeling

TMTF 02: How The Mind Turns Thoughts To Emotion To Feeling

In this episode I am going to bring in the "some science" part of the show to you.
If you are listening to this show you are beyond the wondering part of how the mind works and you want the deep down reason, the science behind of how it works. But you could use it explained in a way that is comprehendible.
Until I started to understand the science behind it, I had a hard time understanding my emotions and making what I wanted to happen actually happen. I would wish and hope and "do" everything that I was told to gain control of my feelings, but still NOTHIN.
Whatever I did to keep myself calm in a situation, just did not work.

Problem was I just didn't get it. I didn't feel it and it just didn't make sense why my efforts weren't working.
All of the above?
Understanding is POWER
You want to be able to make sense of the reactions that happen within your body to make your inner world is just how YOU WANT IT.
If you don't gots this, you just don't got it.
So, I am am going to give you a more detailed run down of the processes that happen within our bodies and the mind to help you make this all finally make some f-ing sense but below I have bullet pointed it for you.
So what are the steps that our bodies go through to make a thought an emotion and then a feeling?

First understand that our minds act as if they are a radio station, we receive signals inside the mind, we are electrical beings.
When we receive these electrical signals from the universe, our neural networks are creating chemicals and firing and wiring together, they receive the thought, they are the radio. This thought happens after an experience occurs. ex. you are jolted or surprised when there is a knock at your front door.
From there, the thoughts goes to the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that helps to maintain internal balance) and creates a chain of neuropeptides (protien like molecules) that are like the chemical version of the particular emotion your body would have expereinced based on the thought the mind created.
Once the hypothalamus has created the neuropeptides, they shoot up to the pituitary then down through the bloodstream and this is when the thought becomes a feeling in the body, when it starts to affect the organ systems and its cells.
Once in the cells, the neuropeptides look to hook onto cell receptor sites and activate the proper feeling based on the emotion they hook onto.

Imagine you understand this...
What can you change now?
Suppose you can now predict what will happen to the mind when a thought enters. You have more control then your ever did before because now you have the power of understanding and to change how you react to a particular experience.
It's all in your control...
You just need to change the way you react to create a new better feeling within your body.
You got this...
xoxo, laurenjean
Nov 15, 201921:56
TMTF 01: Imagine You Could Understand The Mind...

TMTF 01: Imagine You Could Understand The Mind...

Imagine you could understand the mind.

Imagine you could understand it enough to CHANGE it, Changing the thougts in the mind, changes your entire life.

In this episode I go over:

  1. #1 Priority of the mind
  2. Subconscious v.s Conscious Mind
  3. Brain wave states and what occurs in each during childhood development
  4. 3 MAIN rules of the mind.

xoxo, laurenjean

Nov 08, 201925:05