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The Network Hour

The Network Hour

By Molly

Listen to professional women and men talk about the complexities, challenges and successes of navigating their professional careers while juggling their personal lives. We talk about and do a lot of networking on this show as well, since I'm the networking queen. I hope you learn from their stories and professional advice. HAVE FUN LISTENING and SUBSCRIBE! Become a Paid Subscriber:
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AI Interviews - SparkHire/HireVue

The Network Hour Jan 26, 2024

Microwave Networking

Microwave Networking

In this episode we talk about how we are living in a society where everything seems to be microwaved or expected to be.

Engaging in professional networking with the intention to get results fast can be counterproductive and can lead to disappointment.

Here is why you should avoid using a microwave approach to networking:

1. Relationships takes time and are more valuable when you take time to get to know the person and build rapport. Quick transactional interactions fail to establish the trust and people can sense when you are fake.

2. Insincerity - People can smell bull a mile away. They appreciate the genuine interest and value in connections. A rushed approach shows your interest in self serving endeavours.

3. Missed Opportunities for True Collaboration - Relationship that are build on trust, authenticity and good rapport leads to valuable opportunities such as mentorship, collaboration and long-term partnerships. Your microwave approach will surely hinder these opportunities.

4. Do you want to be know as the selfish networker? Reputation is everything. No one will want to engage with you if your only purpose is for numero uno

5. Limited Network Growth: Quick approach might lead to a lot of networkers added to your network in the beginning but these connections are less likely to be maintained or grow over time. Deep relationship naturally expand your network as trust and mutual support develops.

To foster effective professional networking, focus on building genuine relationships by showing interest in others, offering help, and maintaining regular, meaningful interactions. Remember you have to invest the time and effort to get your ROI. If looking for a job make sure to do your research, develop your brand, and adopt a networking strategy that is well thought out and not engaging in quick superficial tactics.

May 22, 202425:49
Compliments of Reddit: Exit Interview Approach & Lessons Learned from Career Failure

Compliments of Reddit: Exit Interview Approach & Lessons Learned from Career Failure

In today's episode we discuss some stories written by Reddit users asking for career advice. I found the story about the exit interview particularly interesting because it was relatable and something that I know a lot of people have experienced or are experiencing currently. Navigating a toxic work environment can be difficult. It's important to know when to leave and how to leave. I hope that my advice in this episode will help someone who is struggling in their approach.

Happy Listening!

Please share and download the episode.

For career advice book a consultation with me on my website at

Apr 19, 202422:56
Developing a Career Plan!

Developing a Career Plan!

Why is developing a Career Plan important? Well A career plan list your short term and long term goals and the steps you take to achieve those goals. A career plan can help to give you clarity, uniformity and organization in planning your goals and developing strategies to meet them.

In this episode I share 8 effective steps to take when developing your career plan.

1. Identify Your Career Options

2. Prioritize

3. Make Comparisons

4. Consider Other Factors

5. Make a Choice

6. Set SMART Goals

7. Create Your Career Action Plan

8. Meet with a Career Advisor/Coach

For more information on what I share in this episode you can visit:

And for more resources and coaching please visit and book a consultation.

Please share and download this episode for your reference.

Mar 29, 202425:51
Taking A Career Break

Taking A Career Break

Todays episode is based on a LinkedIn News article talking about career breaks. Reshma Saujani, the founder and CEO of Moms First spoke about how to navigate and talk about their career break.

See link to the article:

In this episode, I expound not that article and give my own perspective and thoughts on taking a career break or even explaining a gap on your resume and career.

I hope you enjoy the episode. Feel free to share your own experience on this topic.

Download and share this episode with a friend and have the conversation.

Mar 01, 202421:08
Understanding Value and Worth

Understanding Value and Worth

In this episode we outline the meaning of value and worth and how sometimes they are used together and also at times used to mean the same thing. We also, discuss how both words have two different meanings, however knowing one helps you to know the other.

What do you think about both words? How do you use them in your everyday talk? Let's discuss

Please download and share this episode and have the discussion with your colleagues and friends.

Feb 20, 202428:45


Are Genzers speaking up more and elevating their voice in the workplace more than Millenials? It seems as though Genz mantra is we are not working for free and our work-life-balance is important. What can Millenials learn from Genz and what can Genz learn from Millenials?

We discuss a few in this episode.

Please share, download this episode and subscribe to the podcast to hear more discussions like this one.

Feb 02, 202422:40
AI Interviews - SparkHire/HireVue

AI Interviews - SparkHire/HireVue

AI is here and it's here to stay. Employers are now using AI with platforms such as Sparkhire and Hirevue to sift through applicants for the jobs they are offering.

Is this a good thing? Like I said in this episode I think it's one more thing that job seekers have to be prepared to overcome in their process.

According to Voomer (source) questions are pre-recorded and you are allowed a certain amount of time to prepared and answer these questions. The AI tracks everything from your eye contact to your facial expression and more.

How can jobseekers prepare for this kind of interview?

1. practice

2. Use sites like to get you prepare with simulations and practice questions

3. Record yourself using laptop or phone and watch it back

4. Seek help from professional like coaches, hr personnel, your network

5. Network, Network, Network - Put yourself in face to face situations where you can share your personality and value giving you a leg up and positioning this AI interview as just a formality.

I wish all you job seekers the best in your job search.

For more advice and tips visit my website and book a session with me.

Please like, share, subscribe and download this video. Your support is appreciated.

Jan 26, 202435:31


In today's episode we explore the pressing topics that are in the headlines from a professional perspective and in true Network Hour fashion.

We break down:

1. Hunter Biden and Congress

2. Trump Rhetoric

3. Johnathan Majors and Coretta comment

4. Taraji P Henson and Value/Worth

5. Harvard President resigns - Claudine Gay

We hope you enjoy the episode.

Share and Subscribe.

Jan 12, 202428:33


Looking back at 2023 and really understanding the challenges and learning from the mistakes. Looking forward into 2024 and setting some new goals and adopting a new attitude and mindset to foster growth.

Jan 05, 202412:16
Workplace Interactions - This is not Highschool

Workplace Interactions - This is not Highschool

Welcome to episode 1 of our new series workplace interactions. In this letter we react to a problem the writer is having with her co-worker.

Nov 13, 202324:37
Workplace Interactions - Trailer

Workplace Interactions - Trailer

We spend most of our time working in the office and often times we have interactions with our co-workers or bosses. In this trailer I read a small snippet of a letter sent to me about a woman having problems with her co-worker.

Stay tuned for the episode where we dive deeper into this letter.

Nov 10, 202300:47
Work-Life-Balance - My Personal Story

Work-Life-Balance - My Personal Story

We hear the phrase work life balance all the time and share the sentiment that it is important but how many of us actually incorporate it into our daily lives.

A couple of weeks ago I got a rude awakening of how I was neglecting myself and not paying attention to the life balance in the phrase work life balance.

Weeks of being sick and me still thinking about work brought me to the realization that my priorities were off balance. I needed to start prioritizing me more. So I've made some changes and I'm urging you to do the same and become the best version of YOU.

Sep 22, 202331:41
Self-Sabotage with host Molly Creese

Self-Sabotage with host Molly Creese

Are you self-sabotaging consciously or unconsciously?

In this episode, I talk about self-sabotage and how easy we can fall into that behavior of self-sabotaging. Often times it is something that has become a part of who we are and how we show up. We also self-sabotage out of FEAR; and so it affects our personal and professional success as well as our mental health.

Stop Self-Sabotaging:

1. Learn how to identify unhelpful patterns and behavior

2. Become more self aware - you might need to seek therapy

3. Identify the behavior that is blocking or does not match the goal you are trying to achieve

4. Do not be perfect Patty. Everything does not have to be perfect

5. Set boundaries

6. Stop being busy bee and actually take time for self

7. Do not Procrastinate

8. Do not be afraid to communicate your needs. ASK FOR HELP!

Aug 18, 202328:35
Molly's Tip of the Week: How to Offer Value to your Network

Molly's Tip of the Week: How to Offer Value to your Network

Networking is about building and maintaining valuable relationships. A relationship entails of two people or multiple people. There must also be value to the relationship. Each person must work on the relationship and build, support and encourage each other to grow. Networking is not selfish and your network is not a mechanism for you to just feed from. Engage in giving vs asking all the time. In this episode, I outline some simple actions that can be taken to add value to your network.

Continue to build your relationships and keep networking!

Aug 08, 202305:29
Molly's Tip of the Week - First Impressions

Molly's Tip of the Week - First Impressions

We all know that it takes 10 seconds or even less for someone to form an impression of us. Now, I recognize that might not be who we are, we might just be going through something at the time, however it is important to be mindful that sometimes that first impression can completely turn someone away from you. A negative first impression can cost you a job, a business opportunity, a networking connection and so much more. My tip in this video is to be more self-aware. Pay attention to your non-verbal cues. It's better to explain and be authentic in saying no right now, rather that faking and coming off disingenuous. As much as we don't like it, first impressions matter. On a positive note sometimes you can come back strong from a first impression if you put in the work and show people a different side of who you are. We are all here to grow and learn.

Jul 28, 202303:20
The Burden of Being a Leader with host Molly Creese

The Burden of Being a Leader with host Molly Creese

Are you a leader? Can everyone be a leader? I personally believe that everyone is not called to be a leader because leadership is very hard and can be a burden. Without the ability to understand, overcome and step-up, a lot of people do not have the capacity to be leaders. Leadership can be emotionally draining and stressful. Sometimes doing meaningful work does not allow you to be happy all the time and a leader has to be able to reconcile with that.

Here are some burdens of being a leader:

1. Other's don't care as deeply as you.

2. People question your motives all the time

3. People mostly think about themselves, while a leader show up thinking about everyone else

4. Little to no appreciation

As a leader undertaking all these challenges, it can be depressing at times and overwhelming. It is important to remember your WHY (purpose) for doing the role as leader. Take solace in knowing that you are touching lives, affecting change and creating an impact in the lives of others and your community.

Please like share and download this episode.

For leadership coaching, book a consultation with me:

Jun 23, 202328:27
Jun 09, 202329:59
Finding and Elevating Career Confidence with Special Guest Speaker Lauren Durbin - Career Change Coach - Tyche Career Coaching
May 04, 202330:14
The STRONG Black Woman In Relationships with Special Guest Mss Francois of The Mss Francois Show

The STRONG Black Woman In Relationships with Special Guest Mss Francois of The Mss Francois Show

In this episode of The Network Hour, I sat down with Mss Francois of The Mss Francois Show to talk about the topic: 'The Strong Black Woman In Relationships'. Listen to us talk about our experiences, issues in society and how to move forward being the best person you can be.

Who is Mss Francois and how to get in contact with her:

Mss Francois is a creator, host, author and entertainers

She offers: Hosting Events, Relationship Expert, Brand Ambassador, Media Maker Expert, Speaking Engagements, TV Show Sponsorship Spots and Sponsored Social Media Content.

contact or get to know more:

We hope you enjoy this episode. Please share and download and subscribe to the podcast.

May 03, 202350:36
A Discussion About Wellness with Guest Speaker Danielle Medina of Fit N Play Mama LLC

A Discussion About Wellness with Guest Speaker Danielle Medina of Fit N Play Mama LLC

We spend 4 years in a pandemic that made us stressed, work a lot and for some of us eat a lot. Because of the panic and the restrictions of going out side a lot of our fitness routines went by the way side. In this episode, I speak with Danielle CEO and Founder of Fit N Play Mama about fitness and nutrition. She shares some great tips on how to start the fitness process and maintain healthy eating habits.

Danielle is the creator of Fit N Play Mama LLC, a fitness/ yoga and nutrition educational resource for adults and children. She offers consultations, classes and coordinates workshops to teach the importance of staying active and eating healthy throughout life. As a certified fitness/ yoga expert, culinary educator, nutritionist and mom, she focuses on empowering her clients through providing them with easy and practical mindful fitness routines and meal plan cooking guides. 

Connect with Danielle:


Instagram: @fitnplaymama


Please share and download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast

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Mar 30, 202339:45
How to Let Your Skills Guide Your Job Search, based on LinkedIn Article - host Molly Creese

How to Let Your Skills Guide Your Job Search, based on LinkedIn Article - host Molly Creese

Sometimes we put ourselves in a position to not be successful when we do not highlight our skills during our job search.  We know that the job search can be very difficult but it is important to put your best foot forward and show case your value.  Here are some point on leading with your skills:

1. Identify your soft skills, hard skills and transferable skills

2. Lead with those skills to boost your chances

3. Be intentional about the job you want and approach your job search strategically

4. Incorporate your skills into your resume, cover letter and value proposition

5. Mention your skills when you network

Focus on the value your bring to the table.  Be intentional about the job you want and ensure the company values match yours.  Do not be scared of professional development, upskilling might be necessary in your job search.  Embrace growth.

Please subscribe and share this episode.

Mar 13, 202324:41
Women's History Month Edition - Gender Gap: Professional Women vs Professional Men with guest Tammy Wyllie

Women's History Month Edition - Gender Gap: Professional Women vs Professional Men with guest Tammy Wyllie

According to, an average of 1821 new businesses start per day by women in 2022. 16% of start-ups had at least one female founder.

Amidst all the opening of businesses there are still challenges that female business owner face compare to their male counterparts.  Survey's show that women are less likely to apply for loans vs men.  This all has to do with the challenges faced when seeking financing.  Some more challenges that women business owners face are:

1. Equal access to financing

2. Regulations

3. Sufficient family support

4. Being taken seriously

5. Owning your accomplishment

6. Balancing business and family life

7. Building a supportive network

In this episode, Tammy and I discuss these challenges face by women business owners and also shared our own experiences as well as tips on how to stand in your power.

Please share, download and subscribe to our podcast.

Mar 03, 202348:12
Overcoming Fear of Failure with Host Molly Creese

Overcoming Fear of Failure with Host Molly Creese

In this episode, we tackle fear and failure in a real way.  So often we allow fear and the fear of failing to cripple us from achieving our goals. We become stagnant and in a place of stuck.  We doubt ourselves and even self-sabotage.  A lot of time we prevent opportunities from coming our way because of that fear.  In life, at some point you will experience failure, the important thing is how you deal with it and how you push forward.

Listen to here some of my own stories and tips on how to move past that fear and become the best version of yourself.

Please remember to share, download and subscribe to this podcast to keep getting great and insightful topics like this one.

Feb 24, 202329:24


In this episode we are tackling some of the headlines in LinkedIn News and examining how it relates to everyday professionals.  We specifically focused on 3 articles in this episode:

1. US adds over half a million jobs by Cate Chapman, Editor at LinkedIn News

2.4-day workweek idea hits state lawmakers by Todd Dybas, Editor at LinkedIn News

3. Where next for Tech Workers by Riva Gold, Editor at LinkedIn News

Visit and check these articles out

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Follow us on Instagram @wenetworkservices

Feb 03, 202328:22
Do Not Lie On Your Job Application

Do Not Lie On Your Job Application

George Santos used lying to get elected and get into congress.  The lies allegedly on his job application are extensive and exaggerated.  His is now suffering the consequences of his actions.  His colleagues are calling for his resignation, the people of his constituency who elected him is becoming skeptical of his ability to represent them in congress and his credibility is shoot. 

In the regular world of job search it is frowned upon for a candidate to lie on his/her application.  According to a survey 93% of people know someone who lie on their resume, 75% of employers have found a lie on a resume, 53% of hiring managers suspect candidates aren't totally honest on their resumes. highlights 6 reasons why lying on your resume is a no no and the consequences:

1. You can get caught - Perfect example, George Santos was caught. Employers do their due diligence when hiring

2. You damage your credibility - People will no longer believe what you say

3. The lies will continue - You have to cover up one lie with another lie with another lie

4. You constantly looking over your shoulder: live in fear 

5. You cannot do the job: In over your head

6. You can be fired

When applying for a job, be authentic and let people love you for who you are and what you bring to the table.  It is easy to improve on your skills vs lying about them.

Jan 20, 202320:09
Hitting the Reset Button with your host Molly Creese

Hitting the Reset Button with your host Molly Creese

2022 for me has been a year of challenges, stress, opportunities and growth.  Looking back we have gone through a lot as a country and as people.  It is important to look back, make a note of things and move forward.  In this episode, I discuss some personal challenges, stressors from things happening around us and ways on how to move forward.

First, is to Mentally declutter - remove all negative thoughts, self doubt, imposter syndrome and everything that is a hinderance to your growth in 2023

Second, conduct an audit of 2022. Do a SWOT Analysis

Third, Assess goals - continue those that you have not yet accomplished. Look over and make adjustments if you have to. Make some action items and work towards them. Tick off and celebrate

Last but not least make new goals and build towards them.  We were place on this earth for greatness and to create impact, so do not limit yourself. Push beyond the stars.

Please share and download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast, it only $4.99.  Thank you and Happy New Year!

Jan 06, 202325:15
Professional Happiness with Special Guest Speaker Maudelyne Maxineau

Professional Happiness with Special Guest Speaker Maudelyne Maxineau

I've been having such a great time with my guest discussing the topic 'Professional Happiness'.  Listening to the different stories gives me more conviction on why professional happiness is so important and should not be left on the back burner.  

If we examine our lives on a daily basis, at some point we find that a lot of sacrifices are made to the expense of our professional happiness.  

In this episode, Maudelyne shares the importance of professional happiness to her and the steps she is taking to maintain her professional happiness.

Maudelyne Maxineau is a transformative administrative leader and has worked in higher education for 14 years. Maudelyne focuses on student development and engagement of all ages. She is the current author of three children's books rooted in Black history. Maudelyne's biggest inspirations are her two sons and husband. She enjoys learning and writing about her ancestors and networking with other professionals in her spare time.

To purchase Maudelyne amazing books, visit:

Please download and share this episode with someone who needs to hear this message.

Subscribe to The Network Hour, podcast and invite a friend to subscribe as well.

Nov 29, 202236:17
How Creativity Relates to Professional Happiness with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Caroline Brookfield

How Creativity Relates to Professional Happiness with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Caroline Brookfield

This episode was truly an amazing one.  The talented creator, author, comedian and veterinarian Dr. Caroline Brookfield stop by The Network Hour to discuss: 'How Creativity Relates to Professional Happiness'. 

In this episode, Dr. Caroline shares her own creative journey and how she express creativity.  She mentions that there is creativity in all of us.  Believe it or not Dr. Caroline says that what we do at work, whether you are an Accountant that do spreadsheets or a clerk that book meetings all of that is exercising your creativity.

We also, discussed the difference between creativity at work and creativity at home or on downtime.  She also highlights that often times judgement and fear can stifle creativity, giving the example of wanting to open a jewelry business and being seen as weird for it.  Dr. Caroline further says that, "people tend to put you in a box of what they think you should do, and when you break out of that box then comes the judgement." " We must feel free to do whatever we are passionate about and not be restricted base on society standards or our own self judgment." Her advice: "Go back to that thing from childhood that you liked to do, or that idea that you never realized and do it, be your creative self and believe in your creativity."

In a nutshell - when we are more creative without boundaries or judgement, we are free to explore and grow, that in turn presents a form of happiness and fulfilment. 

To learn more about being creative Dr. Caroline recommends reading: The Reluctant Creative, a book that she has written and really explain that everyone can be creative.  The Reluctant Creative is sold on Amazon

To Connect with Dr. Caroline Brookfield:




Please remember to share and download this episode. Subscribe to The Network Hour, podcast and invite a friend to subscribe as well.

Oct 18, 202244:21
Professional Happiness with Special Guest Speaker Tammy Wyllie

Professional Happiness with Special Guest Speaker Tammy Wyllie

We are having so much fun bringing you this series entitled Professional Happiness.  We have had some amazing guest speakers to share their opinions and experiences on the topic and we are excited to introduce you to Tammy Wyllie in this episode.  Tammy is an amazing and powerful woman hailing from the beautiful island of Trinidad with warm weather and nice blue water beaches.  She is my Caribbean sister and a woman of great poise and intelligence.

Tammy is the founder of ResumeSmith with over ten years of working in Workforce Development. She has a fervency for propelling job seekers into building rewarding careers. Throughout her journey, she gained expertise in recruiting, training, curriculum planning & development, talent acquisition, and business development. She is thrilled with the opportunity to bring value and affect change. As a result, her work in nonprofit began and her interest in resume writing blossomed. Tammy’s time as a recruiter exposed her to several resumes and she quickly realized that there was an urgent need for help with people marketing their professional skills in a way that resonates with hiring authorities.

In our conversation' Tammy was very candid about her experiences and she shared great knowledge on how to achieve professional happiness:

Here are some tips from Tammy:

1. Do not limit yourself

2. Do not take yourself too seriously

3. Walk in your true essence and apply self- talk (self encouragement)

4. Find out who you are - personality assessment test, take feedback

5. Research companies to make sure they offer what you want

6. Develop and finding your true professional identity

7. Build a solid foundation

8. Internal Consistency - build confidence - assurance

9. VERY IMPORTANT - Identify your Allies

10. Believe in yourself and your value - How do people see you?

We hope you thoroughly enjoy this episode.  Please share and download this episode. 

Subscribe to our podcast The Network Hour.

Oct 02, 202234:32
Focusing on Your Professional Happiness - Series Cont with Your Host Molly Creese

Focusing on Your Professional Happiness - Series Cont with Your Host Molly Creese

Continuing with the series on Professional Happiness I wanted to share some of my experiences with you and give my opinion on why there are so many shortages in workers and why employers are feeling the stress of it all. I give tips to employers on what they need to be doing to attract and keep talent.  I also advise employees to pay attention to their happiness and make it a focal point in their career.

Professional Happiness is important and essential to your mental health, physical and emotional stability.

I encourage you to take control of your professional happiness and make decisions that are good for you and your family.

For coaching book a consultation today:

Sep 09, 202227:33
Professional Happiness (Part 2) with special guest speaker Kim Welcome

Professional Happiness (Part 2) with special guest speaker Kim Welcome

In this episode, we continue with our discussion on the pursuit to Professional Happiness.  Our guest speaker Kim Welcome shares what professional happiness means to her, tips on how you can achieve professional happiness and why focusing on your happiness is important.

Kim Welcome is a communication expert who draws from her BA in communication, 15 years as a sales and marketing professional, training as a voice actor, and experience as a smooth jazz artist, to teach her clients to communicate in a way that builds relationships, conveys confidence and garners cooperation. She started her company Influential Voice over 13 years ago when she realized her background provides the very skills every professional needs to successfully thrive in the corporate space. She incorporates the psychology of marketing, sales principles and the skillful use of the voice to empower teams, leaders and those seeking career advancement.

She is particularly passionate about transforming high-performing, overlooked corporate women into recognized leaders, by teaching them to communicate in a way that builds bridges, conveys leadership and increases their power to influence. As a communication expert, she has coached hundreds, helping professionals garner promotions, politicians win elections and even a shy pageant hopeful snag the crown.

Learn more about Kim at:

Aug 31, 202255:56
Professional Happiness (Part 1) with Special Guest Speaker Krystle Jenna Dookoo

Professional Happiness (Part 1) with Special Guest Speaker Krystle Jenna Dookoo

In this episode, Krystle Dookoo shares her story of professional happiness and the challenges she's faced on her journey to achieve that happiness. She also shares helpful tips on how to achieve the professional happiness that you want and push pass any obstacles that might come in your way.

Krystle Dookoo is the Founder + Owner of Imagerie Mentors. Started as a Social Media Marketing company in 2015, Imagerie Mentors has evolved into a business that focuses on teaching others the skills they need to create and build an effective and strong network online.

Krystle is a firm believer in community building, and enjoys creating a space where people can come together and connect with one another. The goal is to encourage support and to bring together entrepreneurs and professionals alike. Her passion for helping students with their educational and career goals is something that she has held on too and always believe that education is truly the way towards achieving ones goals and visions.

When Krystle isn’t working, she loves figuring out what to cook in her kitchen, exploring NYC and finding out where next she should travel to.

To Connect with Krystle:

Follow and message her on LinkedIn:

Please share and download this episode and become a paid subscriber to this podcast.

Aug 10, 202242:05
Let's Talk! Professional Happiness with Host Molly Creese

Let's Talk! Professional Happiness with Host Molly Creese

Often times we find ourselves in unhealthy working environments because of circumstances or situations beyond our control and that can lead to professional unhappiness.  In this episode, I share my own experiences on my professional journey and decisions I made that lead me to being professionally unhappy.  I also, outline tips and actions that we as individuals/employees/companies must take to foster a healthier working space and attitude that can lead to professional happiness.

I do hope that you enjoy this episode, that will be the beginning of a new series called "Professional Happiness". Stay tuned for more guests and more discussions on this topic.

Please share and download this episode. Give it to someone that might be having these challenges and are trying to figure out their own professional happiness.

For Career/Business Coaching book a consultation today:

Jul 29, 202229:60
A Conversation on Growth, Lessons and Life, with Special Guest Speaker Marsha Gregg, Fiscal Officer and Financial Coach

A Conversation on Growth, Lessons and Life, with Special Guest Speaker Marsha Gregg, Fiscal Officer and Financial Coach

Jul 02, 202240:26
Special Guest Speaker Michelle Brown, Entrepreneur - With Her Story of Strength, Determination and Purpose

Special Guest Speaker Michelle Brown, Entrepreneur - With Her Story of Strength, Determination and Purpose

In this episode of I discuss with Michelle her journey, ups and downs, challenges and her determination to move forward and be successful. She also highlights her purpose for helping others.

More on Michelle below:

Michelle hails from the beautiful twin island of Trinidad and Tobago.  She migrated to the US in search of a better life and has an extensive background in the medical field.  She was an Office Manager for almost eighteen years at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the nation.  Michelle holds a Bachelor's degree in Human Services, she is a Notary Public, Certified Skincare Consultant, and an Entrepreneur.   Michelle has a passion for helping others and believes that her purpose is to enhance lives globally by teaching others how to tap into their given talents in order to live their fullest potential. As an Entrepreneur Michelle is excited about helping families enhance their lives via business ownership which would allow them to access more resources and impact future generations. She believes in treating everyone the way she would like to be treated and she lives by this golden rule.

We hope you enjoy the episode and Michelle's story inspired you to not stray from your part, go after what you want, fulfill your purpose and win.

To speak more with Michelle:

Contact information:-

Personal Cell - 917-753-4108

Business Number - 609-535-3799

Email -

IG - legacyinternational

Thank you for listening. Remember to become a subscriber of the podcast, download episode and share with your network.

Jun 03, 202238:24
A Young Black Woman Entrepreneur Story! Guest Speaker Aerika Miles CEO/Owner of i Am Brown Originations LLC.

A Young Black Woman Entrepreneur Story! Guest Speaker Aerika Miles CEO/Owner of i Am Brown Originations LLC.

In this episode of the Network Hour podcast I sit down with the awesome, driven, inspirational and solopreneur Aerika Miles owner of I AM Brown Originations LLC.

Aerika is very ambitious and passionate about the advancement of her community. She is invested in promoting black businesses and this is evident in the business she chose.  i AM Brown Originations focus on promoting black small businesses by offering their goods through vending machines thereby elevating their exposure.

Aerika is constantly innovating and finding ways to break societal barriers and establish positive awareness. Her business i AM Brown is constantly growing and creating a positive impact in the Dallas/Forth Worth Texas area and beyond.

In our discussion Aerika speak of her challenges, the change she wants to see and how she is planning to move forward in her business and career.

As a young black woman and entrepreneur, Aerika advises others to chase their dreams, go after what they want and to be persistent.

For more information on i AM Brown Originations LLC:

To listen to more episodes and exclusive content become a subscriber and join the Network Hour TRIBE! We are happy to have you.

For career and business coaching book a consultation today:

May 06, 202252:00
Realize Your Vision with Special Guest Speaker Sheila Andres of Realize Your Vision Coaching/Consulting
Apr 06, 202249:18
Kierra Sheard, No Sleep Overs- Why is it Important to be Selective of Your Circle?

Kierra Sheard, No Sleep Overs- Why is it Important to be Selective of Your Circle?

In this podcast Professor Joan Pierre, Tynesha Fraizer and your host Molly Creese. We discussed a popular story that had Twitter and the blogs buzzing. Kierra Sheard sharing in an interview that she will not allow her friends to sleep over at her house with her new husband but will get them a hotel room. I commend Kierra for her honesty and totally see where she is coming from. The girls and I discuss our experience with friends and allowing people to get to close.  We concur that it is important to be selective of your circle.  We are not saying that people should not have friends but we are expressing the need to be intentional, have discernment and know the reasons people come around you. 

We hope you enjoy the discussion.

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Mar 17, 202244:59
There is no Limit to Your Growth (Trust the Process) with Special Guest Speaker Desiree' T Kinney, CEO The Business Matchmaker

There is no Limit to Your Growth (Trust the Process) with Special Guest Speaker Desiree' T Kinney, CEO The Business Matchmaker

Desiree' Kinney is the CEO of The Business Matchmaker. She is also currently working on creating her very own tv show The Business Matchmaker and working on her own book.  She has been featured on various tv shows as well as magazines such as: CBS2 News, NY1 News, News 12, FEMI Magazine, Voyage LA and more. Desiree' is also a singer, songwriter and entertainer.

In this episode of The Network Hour podcast I discuss with Desiree' her journey, challenges and her successes now. Desiree' stressed the importance of her family being a support and creating that foundation of happiness. She further went on to add that her father was instrumental in encouraging her creativity.

Desiree' says, in your business and career branding is essential, and to make sure that you're memorable and leave a personal trade mark.

Desiree' talked about overcoming adversities and her experience with the loss of her loved one, her advice to others experiencing life's challenges is to remember to give yourself permission to feel, have self-care and take a me day. She also mentions women wanting it all is not healthy and that it does not create a good life balance, the most important is to find your happiness from within and create that trajectory for your life and not to let society dictate.

Some additional great words of advice from Desiree':

  • Protect your energy
  • Find your happiness
  • Find your voice that says I am good, I am powerful
  • Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card and the way you make others feel is your trade mark

To get in touch with Desiree':

Connect with her on LinkedIn -


Instagram: the_business_matchmaker


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Mar 09, 202245:32
Your Selfcare and Wellness with Special Guest Speaker Weightloss Coach Kristin Wood of Kristin W Wellness
Mar 02, 202242:19
 2022 New Beginnings with Special Guest Speaker Jennifer Anderson, Positivity Coach and Founder of Thankful Hearts Coaching

2022 New Beginnings with Special Guest Speaker Jennifer Anderson, Positivity Coach and Founder of Thankful Hearts Coaching


In this episode, I sat down with Positivity Coach and Founder of Thankful Hearts Coaching, Jennifer Anderson to talk about new beginnings in 2022.  We discussed the importance of knowing who you are, acknowledging your value and your worth and adopting a positive mindset. Jennifer, also mentioned her struggle of believing in herself and how important it was to have a mentor who motivated and believed in her.  She mentioned when planning for your goals it is important to be selective in who you talk to and share your ideas with, not everyone will understand and be supportive of your dreams.  Jennifer shares her decision to step into her business fulltime in 2022 and the challenges she overcame to get to this point.

Jennifer's advice to others:

1. Seek mentorship

2. Believe in yourself and your dreams

3. Be strategic in who you discuss your dreams with

To Contact Jennifer for her services as a Positivity Coach:



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Jan 19, 202234:41
Your Setback Is Not Where It Ends! with Special Guest Speaker Regina Whylly

Your Setback Is Not Where It Ends! with Special Guest Speaker Regina Whylly

In this episode, I sit down with Regina Whylly an amazing woman of God who is filled with drive and purpose.  She is an inspiration and testimony to women all around the world through her show 'The Whole Woman", which touches over 1/2 billion people. Regina is a journalist of more that 20 years, a mother and she hails from the beautiful Bahamas. 

Regina shares how the concept of her tv show came to be, the challenges she faced, and the bold moves she made to accomplish her goal. She believes in clarity of your vision and surrounding yourself with people that will understand your vision and help you work towards it.  Regina further highlights that persistence and determination are essential to your journey.  Staying in the valley is not an option but a hindrance to your growth. 

Things that Regina want women to know:

1. Believe in yourself

2. Look at who you are. Look at the parts you don't like and deal with them. Face your own mess

3. Seek counseling - therapy

4. Surround yourself with people who will uplift you. Build a support system

5. Your growth is a process, do not give up on the journey

To connect with Regina:

The Whole Woman Network



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Nov 03, 202138:03
Challenges Women Face In Business with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Sandi Webster

Challenges Women Face In Business with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Sandi Webster

Our amazing guest speaker Dr. Sandi Webster is a serial entrepreneur, a pastor's wife, CEO, mentor, and an inspirer to women.  Her passion is to help entrepreneurs gain financial freedom by owning businesses.  She is the Chief Learning Officer of her brand, Sandi Webster Coachsulting.

In this episode, I discuss with Dr. Sandi extensively the challenges women face in business. Based on her experience, Dr. Sandi shares the challenges she faced along her career journey and how she overcame them by positioning herself in places to be taught. She shares that at times mentors will seek you out without you even asking. 

Dr. Sandi also talked about selling her 150 employee marketing company and stresses the importance of documenting your processes.  She mentions that business owners should move out of the day-to-day of the business, staff up, your job as a CEO should only be strategic planning - being the conductor.

Dr. Sandi's advice to women business owners and entrepreneurs:

  • Confidence is very important. Believe in yourself, there is nothing you cannot do
  • Keep God at the center of your life and go to him for support
  • Just go out and try. Failure is not a bad word. Failure is learning. Learn to pivot

To connect with Dr. Sandi:

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Oct 27, 202154:57
Entrepreneurship (Black Excellence) Men Edition! with Special Guest Speaker Norville Barrington, Chairman of Barrington's Holdings

Entrepreneurship (Black Excellence) Men Edition! with Special Guest Speaker Norville Barrington, Chairman of Barrington's Holdings

In this episode, I sit down with Mr. Norville Barrington, husband, father, business professional, and entrepreneur.  Norville is the Chairman of the Barrington's of Brooklyn LLC with holdings in Bccelerator Inc a company that helps entrepreneurs in the development of a business plan that is essential to starting a business.  He is also the COO of the TekAvenir Group Government Contracting, COO of the Blaque Net App and so much more.  Along his journey, Norville expresses that he did not start out on what some people might consider the right foot.  Amidst setbacks and challenges along the way, he highlights the importance of being focused, accepting failure, seeking out support, and collaborating.

When asked about advice and tips he would give to entrepreneurs, Norville states:

  • Stop being selfish with your 100% of zero
  • Be consistent - momentum is critical
  • You have to be in it to win it - It's important to be in the room, do the work and put yourself out there
  • Have a plan #1
  • Don't be afraid to fail - keep trying
  • Document your processes

To connect and learn more about Norville and his work:

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Oct 20, 202147:47
Leadership (Black Excellence) with Guest Speaker Andrew Hamilton President of the National Black MBA New York Chapter

Leadership (Black Excellence) with Guest Speaker Andrew Hamilton President of the National Black MBA New York Chapter

In this episode of 'The Network Hour' podcast I was delighted to sit down with Andrew Hamilton, husband, super dad, professional in Supply Chain Management, and President of the National Black MBA Metro New York Chapter to talk about leadership.

In our discussion, Andrew shared his great experience being a member of the NBMBAA and the president of the NBMBAA NY Chapter.  The New York Chapter is 1000 members strong and counting, and focuses on black excellence and creating a positive impact in our community. What exactly is the chapter doing to affect change and create not just an impact but a global impact?

Programs such as The Leaders of Tomorrow Program - a free mentorship program for high school students that runs 6 months out of the year, The Financial Literacy Channel that focuses on black economic wealth, Nutritional Literacy - combating health issues in our community, Lift Every Voice which highlights people in our community, The Entrepreneurial Summit - educating people on building their own, Community Conversations highlighting current issues and The Real Estate Series that educates our community on homeownership. These are all programs developed by the National Black MBA NY Chapter to create opportunities and pour back into the community.

Andrew also outlined the challenges faced in the leadership role of the NBMBAA NY Chapter and how he overcame and learn from them. He mentions being influenced and mentored by other leaders within the organization such as Sharon Busy, Chuck Roberts, Bruce Thompson, and Jessy Tyson just to name a few.  Andrew in this year's (2021) NBMBAA National Conference received the 'President of the Year Award'. The New York Chapter also received the Membership Award and the Leadership Channel Award all under Andrew Hamilton's leadership.

How was Andrew able to be a great and effective leader? He states that he is forever learning, he recognized the talent in his team and listen to his team, and having mentors to learn from, becoming that student, very important.

Andrew states the attributes of a good leader are:

  • Be an excellent follower
  • Have self-awareness
  • Recognize your time in that seat
  • Move from good to great - ever-improving and recognizing room for improvement
  • Have a good heart, focus, simple steps, and mindset

To register and become a member of the National Black MBA New York Chapter please visit:

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Sep 29, 202133:58
Digital Inclusion with Special Guest Speaker Anthony Sanford, Assistant Director for Digital Inclusion, City of New York

Digital Inclusion with Special Guest Speaker Anthony Sanford, Assistant Director for Digital Inclusion, City of New York

What is Digital Inclusion?  Lately, we have been hearing a lot of buzz around the word inclusion, everyone having the same opportunities, companies, as well as states and government, need to be more inclusive but what exactly is ' Digital Inclusion, and why is it necessary to talk about?  In this episode of 'The Network Hour' podcast, I sat down with Anthony, a friend and colleague, and someone working in the space of digital inclusion to discuss the topic.  We discussed how the pandemic has really pushed the issues we face with digital inclusion to the forefront exposing barriers such as affordability, accessibility, quality technical support, and education.  Anthony highlights that minority areas are affected the most because of these barriers.  He also shared the steps being taken by NYC to combat these issues and create a community where everyone has the opportunity to gain access to the internet.

To hear a lot more please listen to the episode and start the discussion in your own homes, organizations, and among your friends.  Our voices amplified can bring about the changes necessary in this space.

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Sep 22, 202137:20
Content Creation Strategies For Solopreneurs with Special Guest Speaker Kris Hughes, Content Strategist & Ghostwriter - Founder of Zanate Ventures

Content Creation Strategies For Solopreneurs with Special Guest Speaker Kris Hughes, Content Strategist & Ghostwriter - Founder of Zanate Ventures

Content Strategy is something that can be most challenging for solopreneurs. I was excited to sit down with Kris Hughes, Content Strategist & Ghostwriter, Founder of Zanate Ventures, and creator of Content Snacks to talk about strategies solopreneurs can adopt when creating content.

As business owners, we have all gone through the ups and downs of owning a business and building a brand that speaks to your audience. In this episode, Kris shares the challenges he faced opening a business in the middle of covid-19 and how he pushed through it with the support of his family and gaining that first client on LinkedIn.

Kris also highlights what is content creation and why it is important for solopreneurs.  He states that taking control of your voice is paramount.  You must control what people see in you and your brand both professionally and personally. Failure to control the narrative leaves people to assume what you do and who you are and that can be problematic. What is the secret sauce that separates you from the competition?

A few more nuggets dropped by Kris in this episode:

Do's and Dont's on Linkedin when creating content

1. Don't do mass tagging

2. Don't connect and pitch

3. Do find consistency

4. Post on the same days

5. Comment on content before posting yours

Kris is an amazing content writer and has given us so much great takeaways in this episode.  Please feel free to share, download and support this episode and podcast. We only bring you the best guests and valuable content.

To connect with Kris Hughes:

Visit his website at:

Look out for his Substack Newsletters

Support his new product - you can find on Linkedin called Content Snacks

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Sep 15, 202134:11
How Can Copywriting Help Your Business? with Special Guest Speaker & Copywriter Ginika Ebenebe

How Can Copywriting Help Your Business? with Special Guest Speaker & Copywriter Ginika Ebenebe

In this episode of The Network Hour podcast, I sat down with the amazing and talented Copywriter Ginika Ebenebe to gain some understanding of copywriting and how it can be instrumental in growing your business.  Ginika is a professional who lives in Canada but is originally from South Africa.  She is following her dreams of being a writer and is actively using those skills to help small businesses.

In this episode, Ginika shares exactly what copywriting is. She explains that copywriting is a form of marketing that is persuasive written content that is used to motivate people to take action. For example, a copywriter would be instrumental in writing ads, the about me page on your website, your bio on your LinkedIn or business page to grab the reader's attention and make them want to subscribe to your content or buy your product.

Ginika outlines that having a content writer for your business is not only important but necessary to the growth of that business.  One important thing to note when hiring a copywriter is to choose the right one for your business or industry. Another important point to note is that copywriting is an investment and it makes sense to hire someone that can relate to your business, understand what you're looking for, someone that will ask valuable questions, and give you a good turnaround time. Remember to also give thorough information to the copywriter to enable a good creative brief.

To Connect with Ginika Ebenebe visit her LinkedIn page below:

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Sep 01, 202131:12
Stop Doubting Yourself! With Host of this Podcast and Coach Molly Creese

Stop Doubting Yourself! With Host of this Podcast and Coach Molly Creese

So many times we doubt ourselves and it hinders us from moving forward and achieving our goals.  It is important to get rid of self-doubt, believe in yourself, and adopt a positive mindset.  I encourage you to see the power within yourself and realize that you are worth everything good that is coming your way.

Some steps to take to eliminate self-doubt:

1. Recognize and Realize your value.

2. Do not compare yourself to others - your timeline is different - you don't know what they went through to get where they are.

3. Adopt positive thinking.

4. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are supportive and productive.

5. Engage in good conversation.

6. Validate yourself

7. Often times you are your hardest critic. Give yourself a break

8. Do not be afraid to look back at past achievements. Sometimes we have to look back to move forward.

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Aug 06, 202134:25
Email Marketing and Social Media Tips with Special Guest Kristi Mitchell, Marketing Strategist & Data Expert

Email Marketing and Social Media Tips with Special Guest Kristi Mitchell, Marketing Strategist & Data Expert

In this episode of The Network Hour, I sat down with the amazing Kristi Mitchell, Marketing Extrodinaire to talk about a topic that puzzles and is very challenging for new entrepreneurs, 'Email Marketing and Social Media.'  I would be lying if I didn't say that these two things scare me sometimes.  As a new entrepreneur, it can be challenging to find the content to put in an email, make it sound interesting for the audience and then figure out the ins and outs of marketing said email.  I was so excited to have Kristi on my podcast to shed some light on the topic.

A few takeaways:

1. Develop your email list and your list is never too small you have to start somewhere.

2. Do not stress yourself to send out an email, find the time that suits you best whether it be once a month or every 3 months.

3.Do your research and find out who your audience is and target your email and content to that audience.

4. Figure out what you want to provide: resources, sell ect.

There are so many more great tips in this episode. Please enjoy and take notes.

To connect with Kristi:

1. You can message her on LinkedIn at Kristi Mitchell

2. Check out her websites for more resources at

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Aug 04, 202135:23