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You Contain Multitudes

You Contain Multitudes

By Theora Moench

You Contain Multitudes with Theora Moench is a podcast that explores the question --

“What if we’re not just here to live… but to live well?”

It’s a conversation meant for the black sheep who chafe at being put into a box and who naturally find themselves questioning the status quo in favor of a better world and more fulfilling life.

If you’re like me you feel like a little bit of a rebel and you don’t like being put into a box, and this show is designed to give you all the permission and encouragement in the world NOT to narrow your scope, but to widen and deepen your unique youness.
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What We Really Want: Awakened Partnership with Ethan Henson

You Contain MultitudesApr 26, 2022

Demystifying Money: Grounded, Tangible Ways to Build Wealth No Matter Where You’re Starting with Hannah Koenig

Demystifying Money: Grounded, Tangible Ways to Build Wealth No Matter Where You’re Starting with Hannah Koenig

Hannah Koenig is back on the show to discuss how to cultivate financial stability and sustainability. In part one of our conversation, we covered what’s going on in the coaching industry and how we’re working to address the systemic issues that we see in it. On today's episode, Hannah pulls back the curtain on how to heal your relationship to money, where to begin with your financial literacy journey, and the three stages of building wealth.

It’s easy to see Hannah as the multiple six-figure CEO that she is today and think that she’s always had her finances figured out. The reality is that she grew up with a warped perception of money and didn’t trust herself to have a bank account less than ten years ago. She wanted to break the generational cycle of living in debt and constantly feeling stressed by money, so she tried all different methods to learn about wealth.

What she discovered was that there’s only a small handful of financial products that are designed by women for women. So many of us are missing out on life-changing amounts of wealth and financial opportunities because of the major gaps in the market. Hannah has made it her mission to help entrepreneurs develop their financial intimacy and feel more empowered about their future. Listen in to hear her tangible and approachable advice for activating your financial abundance.

Topics Covered:

  • Why the majority of six-figure earners are living paycheck-to-paycheck
  • How to recognize when you’re experiencing lifestyle and cash flow inflation
  • The current systems and structures that exist within the financial sector that don’t benefit women and minorities
  • Tips for creating a value-based budget
  • Hannah’s opinions on investing in cryptocurrencies or other financial trends

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Aug 30, 202201:17:14
Examining The Coaching Industry: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly with Hannah Koenig

Examining The Coaching Industry: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly with Hannah Koenig

Hannah Koenig is a business and financial educator, speaker, and the founder of The Lead Well Summit. She’s all about having grounded, tangible conversations about the coaching industry, and today’s episode is no exception. We unpack our observations and thoughts about the current state of the coaching industry, and ways that we can work to address certain structural problems.

I believe in the power of coaching and I’ve experienced the magic that can happen on both sides of the client-coach relationship. But, for Hannah and I, there have been points where we’ve experienced a level of ethical and cognitive dissonance with the industry. Hannah describes the relief she felt when she gave herself permission to go against the typical emulation model and work in a way that was more aligned with her values and vision.

We talk about the gaslighting, gatekeeping, and information siloing that often happens in the coaching industry. Hannah highlights the gaps in the awareness and priorities of a lot of business coaches, and what she’s doing to address those issues with her clients and community. We also touch on the reality of burnout and strategies to avoid it.

Remember to tune in next week to hear part two of our conversation where we cover how to increase your financial power and build wealth.

Listen to the episode on
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • Recognizing business models and structures that cause more harm than good
  • Creating systems that serve the majority of coaches
  • Digging deeper on the discomfort that Hannah and I have felt on our entrepreneurial journeys
  • What an emulation model is and why it doesn’t work
  • Why it’s so important to engage in real, honest conversations about coaching

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Aug 23, 202201:07:36
Liberation and Cannabis with Tekisha Harvey

Liberation and Cannabis with Tekisha Harvey

I’m joined by Tekisha Harvey, founder of TH Consulting, co-founder of CannaCurious, and Head of Marketing at FlowerHire, a premier cannabis recruiting agency. When Tekisha first started experimenting with cannabis, she felt like there wasn’t a space in the industry for high-achieving, professional women like herself to learn more and connect. Together with Diana Sanmiguel, she launched CannaCurious, a digital women’s magazine that showcases the many ways that cannabis can enhance a woman’s lifestyle.

In our conversation, we peel back the layers of propaganda surrounding the cannabis industry. Tekisha shares what her cannabis journey has been like and highlights the positive ripple effect that it’s had on her life. She describes how she’s been able to take more ownership over her health, stand in her power, and uphold her boundaries. On a broader scale, we discuss how dismantling the stigma associated with cannabis is helping more women tap into their personal liberation.

Tekisha and I also chat about the vision behind CannaCurious and how it’s evolved since its inception in April 2020. Through the growth and changes, the mission has remained the same: to give a voice to the marginalized communities who are transforming the cannabis industry and provide them with a platform to share their stories. Listen in to learn more about Tekisha and the inspiring work she’s doing around the education and accessibility of cannabis.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What Tekisha loves most about working in the cannabis industry
  • The history behind the Schedule I drug classification and some of the work being done to change that
  • The intersection of cannabis accessibility, education, and personal liberation
  • Cannabis as a tool to take an active role in your own care
  • The ‘cannamom’ movement that is helping normalize parents and caregivers who use cannabis

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Aug 16, 202241:11
Creating Unconventional Romance through Astrology with Julie McGill

Creating Unconventional Romance through Astrology with Julie McGill

I'm joined by Julie McGill, aka Jules, an attorney turned astrologer and founder of The Cosmic Gem. Jules and I explore how she uses astrology to help people explore their true purpose and ideal relationship structures.

We dive into how your birth chart informs the blueprint of your desires, values, what you find beautiful, and what you feel called to do in life. She shares what her personal romantic relationship looks like and how she used astrology to notice her (and her partner’s) patterns. In opening herself up to unconventional relationship structures and non-monogamy, it also allowed her to deepen her intimacy with her true desires.

Jules emphasizes that we don’t need to turn the concept of relationships on its head, but rather test places where the traditional model may not suit everyone, as well as support and encourage people to really find what works with them. There’s a lot of shame and taboo around people who deviate from the norm, but there’s something to celebrate about the fact that this is the first time in human history that relationships are for the purpose of happiness and fulfillment, not just survival and economic prosperity.

Tune in to hear our conversation about how astrology can help you tap into your authentic self.

Listen to the episode on
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What our birth chart can tell us about how we show up in partnerships
  • Finding a balance between living your truth and projecting what freedom means to you on to someone else
  • Opening our understanding of what relationships are, why they work, the way they work
  • Tools for rekindling the spark with your partner
  • Jules’s observations about generations of Pluto and Libra and Pluto and Scorpio
  • How we can look at our needs, accept that about ourselves, and really fulfill it in a way that serves our partnership

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Jul 26, 202255:43
Response to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Response to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

In my reflections on the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, I’ve been thinking about what sustainable activism means to me and what it takes to create true change. I’ve realized that the first step is to get really honest about what my country is and what it isn't. I’ve needed to adjust and let go of the idealized version of the US that I had in my head.

Another part of creating real change is to regulate the nervous system. People in power are leveraging our dysregulated nervous systems to get us to show up on election day the way they want us to, donate our money, and get complacent. A major part of regulating the nervous system involves leaning into conversations that are challenging, even triggering, and staying in that complexity with people we love, unpacking ideas together, and holding each other accountable.

Opting into long change requires more work than bickering with keyboard warriors on social media threads, but you have a greater impact in these nuanced, civil discussions. I'm more interested in efficacy and creating a world where women, children, people of color, indigenous, and LGBTQIA+ identifying folks are safer. I’m not perfect, but I’m dedicated to figuring out how to show up for those communities, rather than collapsing into this self-righteous desire to be angry and eventually burn out.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What sustainable activism is and how I engage in it
  • My thoughts on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade
  • Conversations that I’m having with people of all different political backgrounds
  • Why it’s so important to take yourself out of fight or flight mode before getting into political discussions
  • Tapping into the power we have to educate the people around us

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Jul 19, 202237:02
Coming Out. I'm Queer!

Coming Out. I'm Queer!

I’ve been on a journey of dismantling and reassembling my own understanding of what's most true for me when it comes to my sexuality. I have fallen wonderfully in love and I'm in a queer relationship right now. It has radically shifted my lived experience of how I get to be loved and how someone can be capable of loving me. The labels that feel supportive to me right now are androsexual and demisexual, and I explain how I’m using those terms for myself.

I’ve felt a divide between who I truly am and how I was professionally presenting to the world for a while now. I was confusing the need to niche down with not showing up for LGBTQIA people. I became aware of the volume of what I didn't know, as well as the blind spots of my own privilege.

Through the Queer Competency Course I did with Terra Anderson and conversation with other queer people in my community, I’ve realized that I’ve been intensely connecting gender to sexuality. It’s been such a liberating experience to detach masculine energy from the body that may or may not hold it. Listen in to hear more about how I’ve been exploring my queerness and rewriting limiting narritives I’ve held about sexuality.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • Reflecting on the ways that the patriarchy punishes men for feeling their emotions
  • What learning about non-monogamy is teaching me about my own window of tolerance and how I value investing energy and relationships
  • Confronting the resistances and discomforts I had in my body that I never realized, like internalized homophobia and transphobia
  • Making sure I'm showing up in sustainable and actionable ways to further liberate LGBTQIA people
  • How I came to the conclusion that I identify as androsexual and demisexual

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Jul 12, 202234:37
Speaking Truth to Power with Anaïs Matthey-Junod

Speaking Truth to Power with Anaïs Matthey-Junod

Today, I’m joined by a Junior Energy Expert at the International Organization for Migration, Anaïs Matthey. I met Anaïs on the Antarctic expedition cruise that I went on last year and I was immediately drawn to her fearlessness when it comes to challenging conversations. We reflect on our thoughts about the carbon footprint and privilege that goes along with the expedition cruise, as well as the innovation and education that we experienced on that trip.

A lot of Anaïs’s work is rooted in the intersection of climate change and social justice. We get into details of her current project in Mozambique, which is focused on improving energy access for people who have been displaced by the 2019 tropical cyclones, one of the worst storms on record to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere. We talk about the primary challenges linked to sustainable energy access and decarbonization efforts in displacement settings. Plus, we discuss the current technology available for bringing clean energy access to off-grid communities and how Anaïs is dedicated to empowering people experiencing displacement.

Anaïs also touches on how she’s developed such a passionate, intimate relationship with sustainability and highlights some of the teachers and mentors who have inspired her along the way. We round out our conversation by sharing advice for people who want to dive deeper into learning about what they can do on an individual level to fight the climate crisis.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • The importance of celebrating innovation while also challenging greenwashing
  • Fostering resilience in displaced communities by providing sustainable energy solutions
  • An overview of Anaïs’s recent humanitarian trip to Mozambique
  • How systems of power prevent advocacy and activism
  • Why it’s crucial to do work that aligns with your values and contributes to wellbeing of our home planet

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Jun 28, 202248:36
The Magic of Queerness and Pleasure Activism with Terra Anderson

The Magic of Queerness and Pleasure Activism with Terra Anderson

I’m joined by Terra Anderson, the founder of Embody Emerge and the Queer Competency Certification. They are a leading voice for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the sex education, health, and embodiment industries, and someone I personally consider my support system as I navigate my sexuality. I recently had the pleasure of taking their Queer Competency course in an effort to reconcile the deep incongruence between the business that I was leading and then the way I was living my personal life. Even though I signed up for the course for professional reasons, I ended up learning so much about my own queerness and how I show up in this world.

We dive into what pleasure activism means to Terra and how they are creating work around it, specifically with their new course called Peace & Pleasure. We discuss how we can cultivate a deeper relationship with our own bodies as an act of liberation and embrace the radical spirit of queerness. We break down the superpowers of queerness and talk about queerness through the lens of history. I also unpack my feelings around coming out as queer and posting about it on social media.

Topics Covered:

  • The ways in which pleasure can be a revolutionary act
  • Examples of pleasure activism
  • My experience in the Queer Competency Certification Course
  • How queerness in and of itself starts to liberate people, just by being in proximity to it
  • Terra’s advice for people who don’t feel queer ‘enough’
  • What being in integrity and embodying my queerness means to me

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Jun 21, 202248:56
Maybe You WERE Burned By A Business Coach

Maybe You WERE Burned By A Business Coach

How many times have you been put in a position of feeling like if you really wanted your business to grow, then you would overcome your fear and commit to working with a business coach? Have you ever been explicitly or implicitly told that if you didn’t work with a particular coach, it meant that you’re not actually committed to your company and having the impact that you say you want? In the circles that I’m part of, so many of us have experienced this misalignment with business coaches, but it’s not a topic that’s spoken about publicly.

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how we’re often taught to misdiagnose our resistance and not trust our instincts by sales coaches who are marketing themselves as business coaches. I describe the personal audit that I’ve done to recognize the ways I was still holding on to predatory sales practices and reprogram my mindset for how to show up in my business. I also share how I’ve started my own form of business coaching through the lens of the nervous system and how I help my clients work on conducting their business in a way that feels ethical and equitable.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • Why business coaches aren’t the same as sales coaches
  • Challenging the rhetoric that clients responsible for their shortcomings, but coaches are responsible for their success
  • Recognizing that coaches are often the product of the same indoctrination that they went through
  • Giving yourself permission that the feelings you're having are real, and that they might actually be an intelligence that's trying to communicate a lesson to you
  • Realizing I can be the business coach that I wish I had

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Jun 14, 202252:06
Life After Reaching the South Pole with Ben Saunders

Life After Reaching the South Pole with Ben Saunders

I’m joined by Ben Saunders, a record-breaking polar explorer, acclaimed keynote speaker, and climate tech investor. Ben is another incredible person that I connected with on my trip to Antarctica last year and I immediately knew that I wanted to have him on the show to share his story. He is one of three people in history to ski solo to both the North and South poles, he holds the world record for the longest ever polar journey on foot, and has covered more than 4,500 miles (7,242km) on foot in the polar regions since 2001.

Ben and I chat about how he’s enjoying the process of storytelling, particularly sharing what’s happening in the polar regions and behind-the-scenes of what private companies are doing for the climate crisis. We touch on how growing up without a strong male role model gave him a uniquely blank slate and the freedom to pursue his interests, regardless of how outrageous they may have seemed to the people around him. His relationship to his purpose has changed since his first expedition, but his ability to break through his own limits and capacity has not.

Ben describes his current mission of exposing the real Antarctica to young people and inspiring them to share the story of the region. The one thing that unites humans on these expeditions is the pursuit of peace and science, and Antarctica is a template for how we can actually get it right. Listen in to learn more about Ben and his takeaways from his years of polar exploration.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What happened when Ben achieved his all-consuming goal that he’d been going after for 15 years
  • Challenging the assumption that happiness exists in external validation
  • The true freedom and possibility of Antarctica
  • Rejecting binaries in all areas
  • His hope and optimism about reversing the climate crisis

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Jun 07, 202254:31
Creating the Life I Want Differently Than the Way I Wanted To

Creating the Life I Want Differently Than the Way I Wanted To

Five years ago, I felt like I was ready for the person that I wanted to co-create life with. But since I came to that realization, I’ve found myself in two major relationships with people who had unhealed avoidant attachment systems, resulting in a lot of heartbreak and little progress towards building the life that I’ve dreamed of. My desire to find my collaborator and start a family has pressurized new connections, and when things haven’t worked out, my expectations and reactions have been disproportionate to the relationship.

As a dating and relationship coach, it can feel frustrating that I can help others have these incredible breakthroughs in their romantic life, but I can’t seem to create for myself. I’ve decided to make a really bold decision regarding my home and motherhood, and I’ve noticed a huge shift in my approach to dating. This commitment has taken the pressure off finding my life partner because my dreams are no longer dependent on a relationship.

I wanted to put this episode out there for anyone who feels like they’re caught in a waiting feedback loop. Let this be an example of how an unexpected decision towards what you really want can set you free from the disappointment of life not turning out exactly how you expected it to.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • Accepting that life doesn’t always pan out the way we imagined it, but learning to embrace reality
  • The moment I realized that I don’t have to stay stuck
  • Plans for my future home in the San Juan Islands in Northern Washington
  • Deciding to start a family on my own
  • How this breakthrough has affected my love life

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Jun 01, 202218:03
The Single Most Important Tool For Creating an Intentional Relationship

The Single Most Important Tool For Creating an Intentional Relationship

One of the most powerful tools that I have developed and used with my clients is an Intentional Relationship Covenant, or a set of non-negotiable agreements that you make with yourself. This contract is an anchor that helps you become more aware and really show up in a way that is consistent with your values and priorities as a person relating with other people on the planet. These principles help us choose higher integrity forms of relating and cultivate intentional, mature, and regenerative relationships.

In today's episode, I’m sharing the fourteen commitments on my list and a brief explanation behind each one. I touch on the impact this practice has had on my partnerships, how this contract has improved the quality of my life and relationships, and tips for creating your own list.

Here is my Intentional Relationship Covenant:

  1. See things as they are.
  2. Communicate courageously.
  3. Set healthy boundaries with myself and others.
  4. Uphold agreements.
  5. Let others be responsible for how they show up.
  6. Choose courage over fear, and choose love over fear.
  7. Own my own wellbeing.
  8. Open my heart and lean in when I most want to protect and pull away.
  9. Am I planting seeds now for the culture I want to share with this person?
  10. Remember that the other person has a history of heartbreak that also needs healing.
  11. Bet on the connection to be able to handle problems. Choose to be collaborators, not antagonists, always.
  12. Choose grace and compassion for them, and for me.
  13. Apologize as soon as possible and attend to the repairs that are needed.
  14. Remember that you are inherently lovable. You do not need to help anyone to choose you. Someone who is able and ready will be clear and their intentions and act accordingly.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • The reason why it's so powerful that you make these agreements with yourself
  • How to get started with creating your own Intentional Relationship Covenant
  • The story behind how and why I came up with this tool
  • Examples of covenants that I’ve helped clients customize
  • Details about my personal Intentional Relationship Covenant
  • Why it’s vital that these commitments are non-negotiable

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May 24, 202242:34
Space Junk & Sustainability with Alessandra Capurro

Space Junk & Sustainability with Alessandra Capurro

I’m joined by sustainability engineer Alessandra Capurro for an expanding conversation on the space industry and the role that it plays in conservation and environmental sustainability. Alessandra is currently completing her master’s thesis and working with the European Southern Observatory to integrate more sustainable practices into their day-to-day operations.

We met on an expedition cruise to Antarctica and while we were there, we discussed the paradoxical tension between wanting to research these untapped environments, but doing it in a diesel-fueled vessel. There’s a parallel argument happening in the aerospace industry, because there is so much research and data about sustainable development from space, but at the same time, one rocket launch produces up to 300 tons of carbon dioxide into the upper atmosphere. The whole process can feel counterproductive, so I wanted to learn more about it from Alessandra’s perspective.

Alessandra explains the cycle of space debris, how it happens, and what the implications of this type of pollution are. She highlights startups like ClearSpace that are working on technology to grab inactive satellites and debris from the atmosphere and safely recycle it here on Earth. We touch on the shift in leadership values with newer generations, the downfall of industries who rely on the assumption of infinite resources, and the value in making personal choices to reduce your carbon emissions.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • Examples of how the space sector is contributing to sustainable development
  • The pros and cons of private operators like SpaceX
  • What has to happen if we want to be able to stay in a 1.5 to 2 degree warming range
  • Where certain industries can incorporate sustainability into the very fabric of their policies and practices
  • What we have to demand from our governments and corporations

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May 17, 202253:38
Is it Hard to Date as a Dating Coach?

Is it Hard to Date as a Dating Coach?

I often get asked what it’s like to date, as a relationship expert, and I can honestly say that because I practice what I preach, it’s not that hard. I’m continually investing in learning how to communicate, take care of myself, heal, and move through the world with a default compassion. Doing this work helps me stay curious about other people, commit to showing up authentically, and bring a certain playfulness back into dating.

My preferred dating method is to be out into the world, doing things I love in spaces that light me up, and meeting people organically in those environments. But, that’s been challenging given that I’m currently living in a rural area and things are slowly opening up post-pandemic. So, like most people, I’m on dating apps and meeting more people in the sort of ‘blind date’ setting.

Online dating can feel exhausting, but I’m sharing where I’ve been able to improve my approach and energy around meeting people via apps. I dive into why it’s so important to be your true self when you’re dating and show up in a way that you feel really good. I also talk about situations where I’ve had to confront my own internalized stereotypes about certain careers and lean into uncomfortable conversations.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • My contributive, authentic, and intentional style when it comes to dating
  • Why I prefer to meet IRL instead of spending a lot of time chatting online
  • The commitments that I make to myself before I go on a date
  • Planting seeds for the culture of the partnership that you want to have
  • Recognizing denial tactics and glossing over red flags when dating

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May 10, 202223:04
Relationship Code Words

Relationship Code Words

One of my favorite relationship tools is to come up with a code word that is designed to help pattern interrupt something hard that's happening for one or both people in the connection. It’s a way to show up for each other in a healthy, loving, and collaborative way, and help each other feel more seen and supported. I share three examples of how this has shown up in my relationships and others that I’ve witnessed, including my dad and his partner, and a couple that I coach in The Relationship Dojo.

When you use code words, it signals to your partner that you’ve agreed to show up in a certain way. It’s a powerful tool to implement if you’re noticing things that are not supporting your relationship to grow or really choose each other. It’s also helpful for tapping into your unconscious programming and confronting your triggers.

One of the most important parts of implementing a code word is coming up with a phrase that matches the energy of where you want to move towards. It’s also crucial that everyone in the relationship commits to never using it against each other. I share some tips for how to create your own code words and introduce them into your partnership in a sustainable way.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What code words are
  • How code words can help your relationship exist in a higher vibrational space
  • The experience of people with avoidant attachment adaptation
  • Mapping out the safety that you need with your partner
  • My advice for how to get started with code words

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May 03, 202221:29
What We Really Want: Awakened Partnership with Ethan Henson

What We Really Want: Awakened Partnership with Ethan Henson

I’m joined by masculine/feminine and polarity dynamics coach Ethan Henson. Ethan has been a healer, mentor, and guide for me, and has played an integral role in my masculine healing. We discuss some of the groundbreaking work that Ethan is doing for promoting restorative masculinity and partnerships as an ecosystem of co-healing.

We’ve all heard of toxic masculinity, which is the distorted, oftentimes violent, and desensitized expression of masculinity. Restorative masculinity is the antidote to that. It’s all about tapping into the full range of light and dark emotions and confronting parts of consciousness that are usually rooted in the lack of presence and love during key childhood developmental stages.

Ethan subscribes to the idea that if you want to teach really powerful relationship work, you have to do it with a partner. That’s why he’s creating a new program where the end game is to gain conscious governorship over the relationship between masculine and feminine and tap into fourth-dimensional relating. We talk about the momentum, power, and reflection that's needed to really break down our reality and woundings. We also touch on the future of conscious partnership and where the awakened, intentional partnership movement is headed.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • How his near-death experience at the age of 20 put him on his spiritual path
  • The impact that his female spiritual teachers have had on his relationship with women
  • Restoring the non-verbal feminine language
  • Why confronting toxic masculinity isn’t inherently emasculating
  • Navigating masculine darkness
  • Filling the gap of next-level coaching programs for relationships
  • The collective momentum that third-dimensional relationships are expiring

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Apr 26, 202252:20
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Bill Diamond

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Bill Diamond

Today, I’m joined by Bill Diamond, President and CEO of the SETI Institute, which is America’s only organization wholly dedicated to searching for life in the universe. Bill and I actually met on an Antarctic expedition cruise to chase a total solar eclipse last year. I was immediately drawn to how Bill explained the work going on at the SETI Institute and his perspective on astrobiology, and knew I wanted to have him on the show to take the conversation a step further.

We discuss the considerations for interstellar travel and some of the challenges of sending biology over extraordinary distances. Bill stresses the importance of the discoveries made on The Kepler Mission and explains why statistically, there is a very small chance that we’re alone in our galaxy. Bill highlights one of the most technologically advanced and complex systems humans have ever built, the James Webb telescope, and the design process behind the equipment.

We also get into the intersection of astrobiology and climate change. There’s no denying that the ‘new normal’ is becoming more severe, extreme, and dangerous every year. Bill shares some of the initiatives at SETI to study the impact of climate change on biodiversity, habitable conditions, and life forms. Tune in to learn more about the fascinating advancements happening at the SETI Institute and beyond.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • The daunting timescale of space travel
  • What to consider when it comes to UFO phenomena
  • One of the most stunning discoveries in recent history
  • What astrobiology is
  • The four different directorates at NASA and what they’re responsible for
  • The mission behind the James Webb telescope
  • How the study of life beyond Earth help us save this planet

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Apr 19, 202201:01:28
ADHD and Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship with Megan Kierstead

ADHD and Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship with Megan Kierstead

There was such a powerful response to my solo episode where I shared my experience with ADHD and neurodivergence. I wanted to take it a step further and invite today's guest, Megan Kierstead, on the show to go deeper on how to find success and happiness as a person with a neurodivergent brain. Meg is a social scientist with over a decade of experience in researching humans and how to improve their lives, and she particularly focuses on the intersectionality of anti-oppression, chronic illness, mindset, feminism, and neurodivergence.

Meg was diagnosed with ADHD at 23, and she says that she felt an immediate sense of clarity and a weight lifted off of her shoulders. The constant battle to finish her homework or struggle to get research papers handed in on time suddenly made more sense. Like so many girls and women, she trained herself to hide a lot of the symptoms of ADHD because she didn’t want to be an inconvenience or be seen as disruptive and challenging. Instead of white-knuckling through life and feeling drained by taxing tasks, Meg has embraced her diagnosis and learned how to optimize her energy and talents.

We talk about some of the major misconceptions that are out there about people with ADHD, and how people with neurodiversity can empower themselves to build a successful career based on their passions. Meg shares her tips for people who want to redesign their life and discover where to be intentional about their energy. Listen in to hear more about our conversation about the power of unconventional thinking and following the threads of your curiosity.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What neurodivergence is
  • Why neurodiversity in society is actually a good thing
  • My journey with ADHD medication
  • Why it’s especially depleting for people with ADHD to do things that are physically, emotionally, and/or mentally difficult for them
  • Where nuerodiversity intersects with feminism and the anti-oppression mindset
  • How Meg’s rebellious side has evolved over time
  • How Meg helps people redesign their lifestyle and business

Guest Info




Instagram: @megkierstead

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Apr 12, 202250:48
Integrity is The Future of Business with Mark Palmer

Integrity is The Future of Business with Mark Palmer

The idea of employee’s overall well-being a core value in a company is a relatively new idea, but today’s guest, Mark Palmer, has been a champion of this philosophy for over 20 years. Mark is a thought leader, author, consultant, and entrepreneur who specializes in leadership and organization change management, strategic performance, and workforce solutions innovation. Among his many titles, he is co-creator of the Position Success Indicator; The Job Fit Calculator; and LaborGenome™ Talent Mapping technology. He describes himself as someone who helps organizations become more holistic and come up with proactive solutions for company alignment.

We discuss what the future of work looks like and the intersection of personal welfare, restorative justice, sustainability, and the success of organizations. Mark shares his unique insight into how the work environment has shifted historically and what he sees trending in different markets now. We talk about how many organizations have changed the way they prioritize their bottom line and ways that revenue is tied to the employee and client experience.

We also get into some examples of where we’ve seen these practices work in companies, including a local grocery store chain all the way to Google. There’s a lot of evidence of how improved working environments have an impact on revenue, success, growth, and industrial reputation of the company. Mark rounds out our conversation by sharing advice for leaders who want to maximize the psychological safety of the people and clients within an organization.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • My personal experience with Mark’s approach to crisis management
  • How the human experience is broken down relationally, professionally, and personally
  • What it means to create spaces where people feel psychologically safe
  • The connection between profitability and a supportive work culture
  • Approaching change by assigning milestones and project-driven progress
  • Leadership’s role in making comprehensive changes

Guest Info

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Apr 05, 202255:27
Pro-Commerce and Anti-Capitalism

Pro-Commerce and Anti-Capitalism

I am anti-capitalist but pro-commerce. Those might seem like conflicting statements, but in today’s episode, I break down ways that we can bring creativity back into the free market and dismantle the toxic system that capitalism breeds. In theory, supply and demand should work. But, the practical applications of capitalism are driven by money, greed, and resource hoarding. Not to mention, the environmental impact that major corporations have on our planet is unfathomable.

As consumers, we’re in a position to demand that corporations leverage their influence and power as a company to make the world better than how they are finding it. With the rise of movements like B Corps, of Benefit Corporations, and other businesses that prioritize social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency, we can really put our money where our mouth is.

Billionaires create a wealth sink that's extracting wealth from our economy and extracting its capacity to stimulate more innovation and more growth. There’s not a labor shortage, but rather a collective consciousness of people who are unwilling to work for less than living wages while their bosses are on vacation on their private islands. This is a highly debated topic, so let’s dive in.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • The difference between capitalism and commerce
  • The negative ripple effects of capitalism
  • The link between capitalism and the current climate crisis
  • Intersectional environmentalism
  • My decision to leave AT&T
  • What we can do as consumers

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Mar 29, 202217:15
Herpes. Let's Talk About It.

Herpes. Let's Talk About It.

With herpes, often the stigma is worse than the physical symptoms. This is my stand for seeing beyond the diagnosis and getting real about what it means to have herpes. Now, this isn’t meant to minimize people’s experience with this condition, but in today’s episode, I’m sharing my perspective as a coach, friend, and romantic partner of people with herpes.

If you're sexually active, there's a very high likelihood that you have been exposed and carry the antibodies, aka have herpes. In fact, after the age of 35, it's estimated that one in three people carries the antibodies. There’s a lot that can be done about management and prevention so that it doesn’t interfere with your life.

Despite it being so common, stigmatization is rampant. The misinformation and fear-mongering is, in large part, a direct result of anti-sex propaganda in the 70s and 80s from church organizations. The intensity of the stigma compared to the symptom presentation of herpes is so unbelievably disproportionate, so let’s dive into why that is and how we can change the narrative.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • The reality of testing positive for herpes
  • Why we need to reduce the stigma of herpes
  • Getting educated on the contraction and risk mitigation of herpes
  • My experience being intimate with my partner who had herpes
  • How to approach the STI conversation with a potential sexual partner

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Mar 22, 202210:10
Preventing Burnout and the Enneagram with Sandhya Sudhakar

Preventing Burnout and the Enneagram with Sandhya Sudhakar

Today, I’m joined by Enneagram expert and founder of Self At Work, Sandhya Sudhakar. We discuss typologies and how they can help us identify parts of us that we know exist, but might not have the vocabulary to verbalize. Sandhya describes how growing up, she excelled in school, eventually landed a high-paying job, and did everything that she thought would make her family proud. She was supposed to feel happy, but something was missing.

Sandhya discovered Enneagrams and found so much comfort in the insight that the typology provided. Understanding her Enneagram type allowed her to evolve, be more present in her day-to-day, and become more receptive. It also played a major role in her healing from burnout. In today's conversation, Sandhya explains how understanding your Enneagram can help with burnout prevention and recovery, and I share how I’ve been working with her on that process.

We talk about ways that burnout starts to present itself in the lived experience of different Enneagram types. My hope is that if you notice some of the patterns that we talk about in this episode, you might find clarity in an Enneagram reading or other typology resources.

Listen in to learn more about Enneagrams and the powerful insight that it can provide in your self-discovery journey.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • What an Enneagram is
  • Two huge takeaways that I got from my Enneagram reading with Sandhya
  • Sandhya’s journey with Enneagrams
  • A breakdown of different Enneagram types
  • The realities of burnout
  • Conducting business in a way that doesn’t drain you or go against your core values
  • Addressing repressed anger and resistance
  • Sandhya’s vision for her upcoming event

Resources Mentioned:

Guest Info

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Mar 15, 202258:54
Being Saved vs. Being Safe

Being Saved vs. Being Safe

Today, I’m sharing something that’s been on my mind lately: the difference between “being saved” by a partner and “being safe” with a partner. I’ve identified the damsel-in-distress energy that I brought to my previous two relationships and the major power differential that it created. My desire to be saved became a source of depletion for my partners rather than energy enrichment. Also, when they failed to show up the way I needed them to, it furthered my sense of feeling unsafe, unmet, and alone in the partnership.

I’ve been working on cultivating safety in my own body in order to empower myself both as an individual and a romantic partner. I think it’s so important that both partners contribute to safety in a relationship and actually take turns being an anchor for it for themselves and each other. In today’s episode, I explain why we’re actually predisposed to sabotage experiencing the exact safety we seek and how to reverse that outcome.

Listen in to hear about how healing your relationship with safety can foster intimacy, co-healing, and powerful partnerships.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • How I confused being taken care of by a partner with wanting to be saved by a partner
  • Where this energy stems from in my life
  • Why relationships with this kind of imbalance fail
  • How to create safety in your own nervous system
  • The importance of modeling co-regulation in families with children

Special Offers:

  • Want to put the FUN and SACRED back into your love life? Join my Devotion Ninja workshop where we’ll touch on relational consciousness, ethical polarity, communication tips, actionable strategy, and relationship as the ultimate playground for growth. Sign up here!

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Mar 08, 202212:20
What I mean when I talk about "Devotion"

What I mean when I talk about "Devotion"

What if I told you that the honeymoon phase never has to end? Relationships can become more sacred, passionate, safe and sustainable over time if both parties are devotional. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about what devotion means, and in today’s episode, I break down how I understand, teach and practice devotion.

I discuss John Weinland’s shorthand for the three layers of relational consciousness: the selfish, the healthy and the sacred. I give examples to help you understand which stage you’re in and ways that you can fold this sacred practice into your current or future relationships. It’s possible for both you and your partner to get your needs met while also serving Love in the world, but everyone involved needs to be excited to play in that third sacred dimension. Part of my work is to provide resources and tools to help facilitate that.

Listen in to find out how you can exist in an infinitely creative relational space and flourish in your relationship.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • My journey to cultivating my understanding of relationships
  • What true devotion actually means
  • John Weinland’s three stages of relational consciousness
  • What a sacred relationship looks like
  • Thinking beyond the binary of needs getting met
  • Why sacrificial energy doesn’t have a place in a healthy, devotional relationship

Special Offer:

  • Want to put the FUN and SACRED back into your love life? Join my Devotion Ninja workshop where we’ll touch on relational consciousness, ethical polarity, communication tips, actionable strategy, and relationship as the ultimate playground for growth. Sign up here!

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Feb 28, 202223:26
Living Liberation, Rest as Resistance, and Pleasure as Path to Purpose with Melissa Elysian

Living Liberation, Rest as Resistance, and Pleasure as Path to Purpose with Melissa Elysian

Today, I’m joined by life coach, psychedelic healer, and podcast host, Melissa Elysian! Melissa and I discuss the concept of rest as resistance, the pressure to always be transforming yourself, and using pleasure as a guiding compass. We also talk about psychedelic assisted healing, and the inspiring work that she’s doing with plant medicine.

Melissa defines her quality of life, resistance, activism, and healing on her own terms. When asked what feels precious and tender to her lately, she notes that rest, nourishment and pleasure have felt like life sustaining forces. We share how we’re rejecting the model of entrepreneurship that glorifies being overworked, and instead actively embracing the slower season of life that we’re in.

Today’s episode covers how to rethink your approach to goals by living in the present. Melissa shares a story of how she energetically aligned with the connection she wanted and the universe responded by putting her partner in her path. We also talk about our intimate relationship with mortality, and the connection between grief and aliveness.

Listen in to hear more of our conversation about sacred success, manifestation, and healing.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

  • The intersectionality of rest and resistance
  • Getting clear on what manifestation means
  • Making the moment a temple
  • The differentiation between following the aliveness and collapsing into what's comfortable
  • Being mindful of why you’re doing something
  • The multidimensionality of pleasure
  • The benefits of plant medicine and psychedelic therapy

Resources Mentioned:

Guest Info

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Feb 21, 202258:45
Why Love Is Not Enough
Feb 17, 202216:23
The Rollercoaster of Restructuring My Business (and why I lowered my rates by 66%)
Nov 08, 202131:07
Embodied Leadership with Nadia Munla

Embodied Leadership with Nadia Munla

In this episode we talked about:

  • How did we meet, burnout and body wisdom
  • The disconnection between humans and nature
  • How we left behind the honeymoon period with the internet and social media
  • Nadia's story: from living in a war zone, being insecure in her feminine body, baton her 9-5 to full-time coaching
  • Dropping into your body and experiencing the world through the vessel that is your body
  • Physical intimacy, the stories we internalized, and finding what you like and what you don't like
  • Embodying leadership and trusting your body and how we need to hear nature calling us back
  • Spring cleaning your life to start the journey of embodiment
  • The importance of getting to know your body's “yes” and “no”
  • Nadia's signature program and how you can join!

“The more we are connected to our body, the more we are connected to nature’s wisdom”

“We are just trying to reconnect to what’s actually ourselves and we get to that through our bodies”

Learn more and connect:

Instagram: Connect with Theora on Instagram

Facebook Group: Join the Facebook Community!

Relationship Dojo: Check out the Relationship Dojo here!


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Nadia is an Embodiment & Intimacy Coach who helps visionaries reach embodied expression in their love and leadership.

She is the creator of Embody by Nadia™ ( an embodiment method that has helped thousands of women reconnect to their pleasure, power and play.

Embody has been featured at the Health Coach Institute, Soul Camp (East & West), Goddess-on-the-Go, World Domination Summit, and many other events/retreats in Bali, Peru, Tulum and Hawaii. Embody has been taught at a UK Women’s Prison, at an Eating Disorder Clinic and will soon teach classes to teens and WOC fighting depression.

Nadia’s core belief is that embracing our full range is the way we access our deepest potential and create space for an Embodied Union that heals the planet.

Nadia trains women in embodiment through her signature program Embody by Nadia™.

You can find her at and on Instagram @nadiamunla.

Nov 01, 202153:28
Body Dysmorphia to Body Love - How Your Relationship with Your Body Can Evolve For the Better
Oct 18, 202123:15
Taking Polarity off the Pedestal
Oct 09, 202112:40
ADHD - Disorder or Superpower: Defining your relationship to neurodiversity on your own terms
Oct 09, 202124:28
Let's Talk About Sex Baby: Balking Convention and Claiming Your Sexuality on Your Own Terms
Oct 09, 202120:45
Finding Divinity: from Abject Skepticism to Finding My Own Flavor of Spirituality
Oct 09, 202122:38
The Origin Story: How I walked away from a thriving business that secretly made me miserable to "follow my own damn bliss"
Oct 09, 202125:32
Welcome to Wild and Precious Radio!

Welcome to Wild and Precious Radio!

Welcome to Wild and Precious Radio!

Sep 25, 202102:28