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The Pausecast

The Pausecast

By Rachael O'Meara || The Pausecast

The Pausecast is a podcast series to support you to rise to your next level of leadership using the insights and tools of Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Human Potential, Psychology, Existentialism, and Personal Development. Get tips & expert guests known for cutting edge work as you develop your BEING in service to your LEADING. Rachael O’Meara, MBA, MA, ACC is an exec leadership coach, TEDx speaker and Author of Pause: Harnessing the Life Changing Power of Giving Yourself a Break and Pause The Journal: How to Intentionally Write to Create Your Dreams.
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Ep. 147 What's your body EQ?

The PausecastMay 21, 2024

Ep. 148 Know the 4 I's as a Transformational Leader
May 28, 202417:41
Ep. 147 What's your body EQ?
May 21, 202418:08
Ep. 146 PRACTICE "I am the healer"

Ep. 146 PRACTICE "I am the healer"

In Ep. 146 of The Pausecast...

We go through a meditative breathwork session using the mantra, "I am the healer" along with the breath pattern:

- Halo Active

- Bliss Breath

repeat 3x and then

2 top holds

1 bottom hold

After this practice, I invite you to journal or write down anything that comes up in your mind. Verbal processing sometimes isn't always available when we practice, so journaling can help process and integrate the session for you.

Enjoy, and don't forget the power of breathwork and its tremendous benefits (see Ep. 141 for the written benefits of breathwork)!

May 14, 202451:05
Ep. 145: VIP Scott Shute x-LinkedIn, Corporate Influencer, Author of Full Body Yes

Ep. 145: VIP Scott Shute x-LinkedIn, Corporate Influencer, Author of Full Body Yes

In Ep. 145 of The Pausecast... - Join Scott in a Compassion Pause, and why compassion helps your ROI at work. - Scott's LinkedIn story and how it ties in with mindfulness and leadership - What it means to have a Full Body Yes - How Scott witnessed his Orange Rhino as a sign and why it's on the cover of his book - 4 steps to get more change from work, and how to do it from the inside out - How Scott's latest endeavor, came about and how it helps entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and enterprises be great collaborators and leaders LINKS: -

COUPON CODE: podcast24 for an extra free month of membership (plus existing 30 days to trial) - that's 60 days of free membership Listen and Subscribe on YouTube:

Why you need to know Scott: Scott is at the intersection of the workplace and ancient wisdom traditions. He blends his experience as a Silicon Valley executive with his lifelong practice and passion as a wisdom seeker and teacher. In his most recent role at LinkedIn, Scott was the Head of Mindfulness and Compassion programs. He has been a pioneer in creating workplace mindfulness programs and advancing the discussion around compassion in the work context. His latest venture, Changing Work, seeks to curate the best practices of conscious business and make them more widely available. He is the author of the award-winning book "The Full Body Yes". Learn more at

May 07, 202435:26
Ep. 144 How to break the procrastination cycle for good
Apr 30, 202414:16
Ep. 143 How to Heal Lonely Leader Syndrome (LLS)
Apr 23, 202416:31
Ep. 142 How to 10x your downtime as a corporate leader
Apr 16, 202417:35
Ep. 141 PRACTICE When I am true to myself I align with my purpose

Ep. 141 PRACTICE When I am true to myself I align with my purpose

Research tells us that cultivating a sense of calm and presence through breathwork, you can make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and lead with authenticity and compassion.

Here's a few more research-backed benefits to know about the power of conscious breath:

  • Stress Reduction: Significantly reduce stress levels by activating the body's relaxation response. This can lead to lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and promote feelings of calmness and relaxation.
  • Improved Mental Clarity: Enhance cognitive function and mental clarity. Research suggests that deep breathing techniques can increase oxygen flow to the brain, improving focus, concentration, and decision-making abilities.
  • Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Regulate emotions more effectively. Studies have indicated that mindful breathing practices can help decrease negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and anger while promoting feelings of positivity and emotional balance.
  • Better Sleep Quality: Promotes relaxation and improve sleep quality by calming the nervous system and reducing bedtime stress.
  • Increased Resilience: Research suggests that incorporating breathwork into daily routines can improve resilience and overall well-being.
  • Enhanced Immune Function: There is evidence to suggest that meditative breathwork can positively impact the immune system. Increase the activity of immune cells, improve circulation, and support overall immune function, helping the body better defend against illness and disease. Yes, please! 🙌🏼
  • Reduced Blood Pressure:

So, my leader friends, do take a moment today to pause, breathe with me, and connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Your body and mind will thank you for it. 🌟 #MeditativeBreathwork #HealingTrauma #CEOsuccess

In Ep. 141 of The Pausecast...

✅ Discover the power of intentional practice using meditative breathwork how it is 10x more powerful than m🙃ediation alone

✅ Learn the breath pattern: Halo active (2 part breath), blow breath shorter inhale/exhale snapping belly out, top. hold x2)

✅ Discover why it's important to align so that you can show up more in your own empowered leaders self

Watch and subscribe on YouTube:

Reading Reference: Pocket Mantras by Tanaaz Chubb

Apr 09, 202442:16
Ep. 140 Jessica Grossimer Reimagining Workplace Well-Being

Ep. 140 Jessica Grossimer Reimagining Workplace Well-Being

In Ep. 140 of The Pausecast...

- Join a Pause led by Jessica

- Jessica's story and her "crisis of purpose"

- How to take a long pause from work and feel even more purposeful

- How Jessica's book, Reimaging Workplace Well-Being works for culture and purpose

- The biggest 50th birthday gift Jessica gave herself in 2021

- The No. 1 Question to ask yourself if you're looking for feel more purposeful and better well-being, and how well-being usually doesn't address it

- How to address what can come off as spiritual at work regardless of what you believe or your background

- How to support purpose-driven practices from the company / leadership side

- How you can honor your spiritual path at work

- The 3 things needed to update your corporate wellbeing scorecard

Watch on YouTube:

About Jessca Grossmeier:

Jessica Grossmeier, PhD, MPH is an award-winning researcher, speaker, and author of Reimagining Workplace Well-being. She is a leading voice in workforce well-being and was recently recognized as one of the most influential leaders in health promotion. Jessica currently works with employers and well-being service providers to identify evidence-based practices to support employee well-being and foster a culture of health.

About host Rachael O'Meara

Rachael O’Meara, MBA, MA, ACC is a leadership and executive coach helping successful leaders learn the proven tools and strategies to rise to their next level of leadership - without the overwhelm. Her previous thirteen years at Google helps her have a pulse on what it takes to be a successful leader as partner of SIC Venture Studio and in her private practice. Her first book Pause was a top business book for your career, and Pause the Journal came out in 2022. She's been featured in the New York Times,, HBR, and on the TEDx stage. Learn more at 

Apr 02, 202435:25
Ep 139: How to go to the next level of thinking as a high EQ leader

Ep 139: How to go to the next level of thinking as a high EQ leader

In Ep. 139 of The Pausecast...

- What and why you need to know about wEQ as a high EQ leader

- The evolution of going from IQ to EQ to wEQ in the workplace, and why wEQ is necessary now more than ever in the business world.

- How IQ doesn't cut it anymore as a corporate leader, period.

- How EQ doesn't cut it anymore as a corporate leader, but wEQ does.

- What systems thinking is, and how to think in terms of systems at work

- What the function of a system is and how it has to do with wEQ

- The impact you and your team can experience going from EQ to wEQ in the workplace. It's big!

Mar 26, 202418:26
Ep. 138 - How to be a focused exec and NOT do 'all the things'
Mar 19, 202412:27
Ep. 137 Practice: "I'm always supported through the twists and turns"

Ep. 137 Practice: "I'm always supported through the twists and turns"

In Ep. 137 of The Pausecast...

Join me in this meditative Breathwork Session - 33 minutes of intro, breathing and knowing I've got you and you've got you through the twists and turns of life! What gets to be here today? Our Breath Pattern I'll guide and lead you through: Halo active (inhale nose, exhale mouth audibly) Blow breath (shorter breath in and out thru mouth, snapping belly on the exhale) Halo active Blow breath Top hold

Afterwards, notice what feels different for you, and if anything has shifted or change.

It's so important to apply the practices that can make us more impactful, better leaders.

This is definitely one to try.

Mar 12, 202433:14
Ep. 136: Lisa Thee on career pivots, AI and human trafficking oh my!

Ep. 136: Lisa Thee on career pivots, AI and human trafficking oh my!

In Ep. 136 of The Pausecast... - Learn why Yoga Nidra is such a great go-to Pause - Lisa's story in the book, "Go!" which is part memoir, part career toolkit, part ethics - How Lisa made her career move from corporate to 'accidental entrepreneur' and founding Minor Guard - an app to prevent humantrafficking. - How Lisa's 2016 plunge into AI as an Intrapreneur at Intel has served her - Digital Device Pauses and what works best and the tech Lisa uses to help her family create rules around digital device pauses. - Why corporate leaders need to know the business value of AI - How to access Lisa's ebook

Listen on YouTube here:

Other links referenced:

  • Yoga Nidra:
  • Lisa's Free gift: A preview of her book, Go! Why you need to know Lisa: Lisa Thee is a renowned thought leader and expert in the fields of artificial intelligence, career transformation, and ethical technology. With over two decades of experience, Lisa has dedicated her career to driving innovation and empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-changing world. Lisa's passion for harnessing the potential of AI to create positive change led her to become a sought-after international keynote speaker, inspiring audiences around the globe with her insights and vision. She has been honored with numerous awards, including the "2023 International Impact Book Award" for her groundbreaking book, "Go! Reboot Your Career in 90 Days”, 2023 Gold Viddy award for Long Form Series “Navigating Abroad”, and she is finalist for the 2023 Executive Of The Year - Stevie Awards for Women in Business. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Minor Guard, an AI software company dedicated to online safety, Lisa combines her technical expertise with a commitment to ethical AI practices. She is also known for her work with leading healthcare and technology organizations, including Microsoft and UCSF's Center for Digital Healthcare Innovation. Lisa's TEDx talk, "Bringing Light To Dark Places Online: Disrupting Human Trafficking Using AI," exemplifies her dedication to using technology for social good. She is a respected advisory board member and board director for organizations at the forefront of technology, ethics, and human rights. Connect with Lisa and discover more about her work, insights, and transformative ideas. Join her on a journey of empowerment, innovation, and ethical leadership. Talks about: #AI, #Entrepreneurship, #HumanTraffickingAwareness, #WomeninSTEM, #AIEthics
Mar 05, 202434:29
Ep. 135 Are you a corporate mystic leader?
Feb 27, 202421:41
Ep. 134 Why it matters to be more self-aware and learn more about yourself
Feb 20, 202412:10
Ep. 133 PRACTICE "I am ready" breathwork for corporate leaders
Feb 13, 202420:37
Ep. 132 Collaboration is the new competition Priscilla McKinney
Feb 06, 202439:32
Ep. 131 Recipe for Resilience: Turning Workplace Change into a Success Story
Jan 30, 202413:33
Ep. 130 Are you "belonging" as a corporate executive?
Jan 23, 202416:56
Ep. 129 Ten things to love about being a high EQ Exec - part IV
Jan 16, 202425:24
Ep. 128 PRACTICE: "I release any limits I place on myself"

Ep. 128 PRACTICE: "I release any limits I place on myself"

In this Ep. 128 of The Pausecast...join Rachael for an experiential integrative breathwork session that's designed specifically for corporate execs who want to be even more successful...

- Learn 2 powerful breath patterns: The Halo Active and The Tri-Active breath and how they can be used together, along with a few top and bottom holds

- Adopt our powerful mantra and intro to why this info is so important based on our self-limiting beliefs that we all have.

- Write down any insights, aha's or how you feel after the practice to integrate this practice even more and experience even more benefits.

Keep this episode on hand for a little refresh or reminder of how powerful your thoughts are, and how it can shift your programming in service to even more success.

Jan 09, 202414:55
Ep. 127 - Dr. Bob Wright - Excelling as a Transformational Leader

Ep. 127 - Dr. Bob Wright - Excelling as a Transformational Leader

In Ep. 127 of The Pausecast...

- Meet Rachael's leadership mentor, Dr. Bob Wright

- Join Dr. Bob in his personal mantra pause

- Why you need to know your "unfinished business" and what that means

- Why the 5 primary emotions are, why they matter and what you need to know about them to have more pleasure

- How projections and transferences appear on the job, and how pausing helps

- How we tell ourselves if we do or don't matter

- Why it's so important to incorporate pausing in work situations

- Learn and follow along with the Wright Developmental Model and the 6 levels you may find yourself at based on emotions, existential principles, and developmental stages.

About Dr. Bob Wright, MCC

A leading thinker in human development, Dr. Bob Wright co-founded the Wright Foundation for the Realization of Human Potential, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people live their best lives to create a world that works for everyone. He also co-founded and was a Professor of Transformational Leadership at the Wright Graduate University.

An internationally recognized visionary, educator, program developer, author, speaker, and consultant, Dr. Bob Wright has been recognized by Crain’s Chicago Business as a top executive coach to leaders and entrepreneurs nationwide.

Dr. Wright’s revolutionary Integrative Model of Human Growth and Development provides a practical application of theory into everyday life, helping countless individuals understand themselves, strategize and take action to reach their potential. Called “the most powerful comprehensive model of its kind,” this model formed the core curriculum at the Wright Foundation and Graduate University.

Contact him at and for more information visit

Watch on YouTube (and get a visual of the Wright Transformational Model):

Jan 02, 202442:22
Ep. 126 - 3 Keys to Enjoy the Holiday Stress Free

Ep. 126 - 3 Keys to Enjoy the Holiday Stress Free

In Ep. 126 of The Pausecast we are all over how to wrap the year stress free as a corporate leader...

- Pause with Rachael to create your next year vision and word

- How to pause and absorb the wonder of this time of year and how it benefits you and those around you

- How to avoid the pitfalls of the holidays like draining drama and fixed mindset

- How bringing in play can set us up naturally to learn and enjoy the holidays

- How being more grateful leads to more joy, wonder, and productivity

Dec 26, 202321:25
Ep. 125 - How to be an extraordinary executive leader
Dec 20, 202317:18
Ep. 124 - PRACTICE "New doors are always opening for me"
Dec 12, 202317:11
Ep. 123 - How corporate leaders can create a better work culture
Dec 11, 202327:40
Ep. 122 A New Dawn at Work: Empowered Leadership with Dr. Leslie Carr & Rachael O'Meara
Nov 28, 202340:18
Ep. 121: Top 6 reasons burnout happens at work
Nov 21, 202322:14
Ep. 120: PRACTICE "I am all that I need"
Nov 14, 202343:32
Ep. 119: Ellen Langer The Mindful Body: Thinking our Way to Chronic Health

Ep. 119: Ellen Langer The Mindful Body: Thinking our Way to Chronic Health

Known as "the mother of mindfulness", in Ep. 119 we join Ellen Langer, PhD who shares about her life-changing work that's in her latest bestselling book, The Mindful Body: Thinking Our Way to Chronic Health.

This book is a game changer and full of supported research on how the Mindful Body works, and what we can do to move from our current world of chronic illness and stress to chronic health. Here's a sneak peak into Dr. Langer's work and this incredibly insightful and helpful read.

In Ep. 119 of the Pausecast...

- Know the difference between mind-body unity vs. mind-body connection and why this matters so much for your decision making process.

- Understand the difference between work-life balance vs. work-life integration, and the predictability that goes along with it.

- Know the No. 1 question to ask anyone (or yourself) if you are feeling stressed.

- The difference between "trying" vs. "doing"

- Why "hope" is bad

- How cancer patients and all leaders benefit from The Mindful Body in ways that support remission and curing of cancer.

...and so much more!

Watch directly on YouTube: ⁠⁠

About Dr. Ellen Langer

​Dr. Ellen Langer, Ph.D., is a social psychologist and the first female professor to gain tenure in the Psychology Department at Harvard University. She is the author of eleven books and more than two hundred research articles written for general and academic readers on mindfulness for over 35 years.

Dr. Langer has been described as the “mother of mindfulness” and has written extensively on the illusion of control, mindful aging, stress, decision-making, and health and has received numerous awards for her ground-breaking research.

About Rachael O'Meara, Executive Leadership Coach

Rachael O’Meara is a transformation leadership coach who empowers overwhelmed, successful corporate leaders to reclaim their lives and thrive at work and beyond. She launched The Pausecast to help listeners be more self-aware as they learn how to intentionally shift their behavior and live purposeful, empowered lives every day.

Nov 07, 202341:13
Ep. 118 - What's your leadership SQ?
Oct 31, 202309:57
Ep. 117: 3 Steps to Master Recovery as a Corporate Leader
Oct 24, 202322:50
Ep. 116 What women leaders can learn from ChatGPT
Oct 17, 202318:47
Ep. 115 PRACTICE "I am exactly where I'm supposed to be."
Oct 10, 202320:58
Ep. 114 - Christine Comaford - Smart Tribes & EI

Ep. 114 - Christine Comaford - Smart Tribes & EI

In this episode 114 of The Pausecast...

  • Experience a guided pause led by Christine.

  • Why we’re "meaning making machines".

  • The SmartTribe Emotional Wheel and how to use it to guide your feelings (view graphic in link)

  • The percent of humans who can name their emotions at any time.

  • The 3 questions you need to ask yourself to get any new outcome.

  • What to do when you’re in “critter state” to get out of it, and how long to spend on it.

  • The four stages (view graphic) maneuvers through conciousness.

  • Christine’s journey through EST at the tender age of 15 years old.

  • The power of nature and the impact it can have on us

  • Christine's secret to life!

    About Christine Comaford

    Bill Gates calls her “super high bandwidth.”

    For over 30 years Leadership and Culture Coach, Serial Entrepreneur, and New York Times bestselling author Christine Comaford has helped leaders navigate growth and change.

    Christine is sought after for providing proven strategies to shift executive behavior to create more positive outcomes, enroll and align teams in times of change, profoundly increase sales, product offerings, and company value.

    Her coaching, consulting and strategies have created hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenue and company value for her clients. The potent neuroscience techniques she teaches are easy to learn and immediately applicable to help leaders see into their blind spots, expand their vision, and more effectively influence outcomes.

    Christine believes we can do well and do good, using business as a path for personal development, wealth creation, and philanthropy.

    Connect with Christine: - to receive invites to free webinars, get brain-based resources, videos, etc

    About Rachael O'Meara

    Rachael O’Meara is an author, TEDx speaker, and executive coach who helps leaders rise to their next level of leadership, including deal-making EQ using the proven systems & tools based in neuroscience and psychology.

    As a result of working with Rachael, LPs, VCs, and founders are more effective and amplify their impact and learn the skills to get there. After thirteen years at Google in client services and sales she has a pulse on what it takes to be a successful & transformational leader. She is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), has an MBA from Fordham University, and a Master’s in Transformational Leadership and Coaching from the Wright Graduate University.

    She is a 8-time rowing national champion and currently competing as a master’s rower and triathlete, and survived biking across Iowa at RAGBRAI.

    She is also a trauma informed breathwork facilitator.

Oct 03, 202332:49
Ep. 113 Are you a Stressed and Pressed Exec (PSE?)
Sep 26, 202328:39
Ep. 112 - 3 Hacks I learned about leadership driving across the country

Ep. 112 - 3 Hacks I learned about leadership driving across the country

In this Ep. 112 of The Pausecast...hear about my Florida to California driving - You don't need to have a big trip planned - you can still apply these 3 hacks to being better leader no matter how much time you have (which is why they work so well!)

- I share the top 3 hacks I got to be a better leader.

- Why it's so important to get out of your comfort zone

- How to access your gut brain which is an essential skill as a corporate leader

- Why we need to push our limits

- How to be more present for yourself and others and what it will do for you

Watch on YouTube:

Sep 19, 202314:32
Ep. 111: Pause Practice - "I am purpose"

Ep. 111: Pause Practice - "I am purpose"

How purposeful are you feeling right now?

In this Ep. 111 of The Pausecast...

- Practice integrative breathwork using the mantra and prompts "I am purpose"

- How to determine how purposeful you are right now

- How to define purpose

- How aliveness is related to feeling more purposeful


Watch on YouTube:

Sep 12, 202327:08
Ep. 110 Chip Conley and The Modern Elder

Ep. 110 Chip Conley and The Modern Elder

In this episode 19 of The Pausecast...

  • Experience a distraction-rich, focused pause led by Chip

  • Learn how to ramp up your "DQ" or digital IQ and how it's a predominant skill

  • Know what makes up a modern elder at any company and how we need more age diversity and "Menterns"

  • Greyglers, Modern Elders, and more wisdom at work

  • Why talking "taboo" is key to being a Modern Elder

  • How the magic of Burning Man lends itself to knowing oneself

  • What Viktor Frankl, Pause, and the Modern Eldern Elder all have in common

  • Learn what Chip does to stay on his growth edge

Chip Conley is founder of the Modern Elder Academy (MEA) and is a hospital entrepreneur and NYT best selling author. His book, Wisdom@Work, forms the core of MEA's curriculum and is inspired by his experience - as both a mentor and an intern ("mentern" - when he was will into his 50's, as Airbnb’s Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy.

About Rachael O'Meara

Rachael O’Meara is an author, TEDx speaker, and executive coach who helps leaders rise to their next level of leadership, including deal-making EQ using the proven systems & tools based in neuroscience and psychology.

As a result of working with Rachael, LPs, VCs, and founders are more effective and amplify their impact and learn the skills to get there. After thirteen years at Google in client services and sales she has a pulse on what it takes to be a successful & transformational leader.

She is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), has an MBA from Fordham University, and a Master’s in Transformational Leadership and Coaching from the Wright Graduate University.

She is a six-time rowing national champion and currently competing as a master’s rower and triathlete, and survived biking across Iowa this year at RAGBRAI. She is also a trauma informed breathwork facilitator.

Sep 05, 202329:55
Ep. 109: Still in the spiritual closet at work?

Ep. 109: Still in the spiritual closet at work?

I'm putting two topics that most people don't associate together - CORPORATE LEADERSHIP and SPIRITUALITY!

...and I'm here to share that you can have both...knowing stepping out of the spiritual closet at work will serve you - I share how to do this as you your next steps right here in Ep. 109.

I admit, I'm still terrified to come out of my spiritual closet myself y'all - but today I'm ripping the bandaid off, in the hopes that you too know your whole and complete self can have the courage to do the same and step on your Courageous Path to BE!

The Backstory

For months this podcast topic was luffing like clean linens left hanging out to dry. Just sitting there on my list of topics to record...hoping one day it would get recorded!

Well, the time has come, and here are 12 minutes of my story and why this is so important, especially as a corporate leader who is ready to rise to your next level of leadership thru EQ Mastery! Part of my story I share is on this spiritual topic that I don't dwell on often when I share a few minutes of my burnout story...but today you'll hear it in what I call my own "spiritual awakening."

And, it includes Burning Man and the meditation camp I stayed at (where I didn't meditate), which is a pivotal part of my awakening - which is happening this week so it's only fitting this episode debuts 12 years after my first of 4 Burning Man events.

In this Ep. 109 of The Pausecast...

- My story of how I burned out and how it led me to walk through some spiritual doors I couldn't "unwalk" through

- How to create your own version of spirituality at work and what that means

- Why it's so important to bring your whole self to work

...and so much more!

Watch on YouTube:

Like this topic or want to hear more, let me know!

Aug 29, 202314:10
Ep. 108: How to Map Your Flow for Corporate Executives
Aug 22, 202313:59
Ep. 107: How to activate your inner leader as a female executive
Aug 15, 202328:03
Ep. 106 - PRACTICE "Things are always working out in my favor"
Aug 08, 202319:58
Ep. 105 - Dr. Ellen Langer on Mindfulness for Women Leaders

Ep. 105 - Dr. Ellen Langer on Mindfulness for Women Leaders

In this episode 105 of The Pausecast...

  • An experiential active noticing pause led by Dr. Langer

  • What active noticing is, and how it can help you manage stress or get out of overwhelm

  • Difference between defensive pessimism and mindful optimism is, and how it can help you cope with uncertainty

  • The 2 things about stress everyone should know

  • How being hopeful means one is already negative

  • Why we should all be focused on work life integration, and not work life balance

  • Why play and engaging needs to happen more

  • What we can learn from copulating rats, The Simpsons, and how the mind defaults to think.

    About Dr. Ellen Langer

    ​Dr. Ellen Langer, Ph.D., is a social psychologist and the first female professor to gain tenure in the Psychology Department at Harvard University. She is the author of eleven books and more than two hundred research articles written for general and academic readers on mindfulness for over 35 years.

    Dr. Langer has been described as the “mother of mindfulness” and has written extensively on the illusion of control, mindful aging, stress, decision-making, and health and has received numerous awards for her ground-breaking research.

    About Rachael O'Meara, Executive Leadership Coach

    Rachael O’Meara is a transformation leadership coach who empowers overwhelmed, successful women to reclaim their lives and thrive at work and beyond. She launched The Pausecast to help listeners be more self-aware as they learn how to intentionally shift their behavior and live purposeful, empowered lives every day.

Aug 01, 202340:46
Ep. 104 - How to build the best team as a corporate exec
Jul 25, 202328:57
Ep. 103 - How I burned out of Google

Ep. 103 - How I burned out of Google

In this Episode 103 of The Pausecast...

- Hear my story of how I burned out of Google at 38 years old - anxiety and all

- Who Rollo May is, what he has to do with living purposefully, and his existential psychology that resonates with "inherent tragedy" of living in the modern age.

- What I did differently and how facing my own neurotic anxiety helped me stay out of overwhelm and how it can help you too.

- Learn about Rachael's upcoming e-course, 8 Weeks to Purposeful Living that features thought leaders like May, Carl Rogers, Viktor Frankl and topics like flow state and learned helplessness so that you can live more purposefully for the rest of your life with their tools and concepts.

Go here for more info:

Jul 18, 202312:19
Ep 102 - PRACTICE - I release any limits I place on myself as a corporate leader

Ep 102 - PRACTICE - I release any limits I place on myself as a corporate leader

In Ep. 102 of The Pausecast, we have another breathwork practice and mantra, "I release any limits I place on myself and know that all things are possible."

- Why we place limits on ourselves

- How to overcome these limits using the power and practice of somatic healing via breathwork

- Learn the breaths that lead to releasing limits

Thanks for joining me on this breathwork practice - how did it go for you? Reply back and let me know, thanks!

I got you and you got you,

Rachael ❤️

Jul 11, 202327:35
Ep 101 - VIP Michael Bungay Stanier - Do Great Work

Ep 101 - VIP Michael Bungay Stanier - Do Great Work

In this VIP episode of The Pausecast... we open the vault and bring back Michael Bungay Steiner(!), a world class coach to thousands of executives and best selling author of the book The Coaching Habit.

Brene Brown calls his book The Coaching Habit, "A Classic!"

He's also very ozzie and funny which I really enjoyed, and one of my favorite mentors I follow.

In Ep. 101 of The Pausecast...

  • Experience a guided pause led by Michael
  • Learn how to be more coach-like and notice your inner-advice monster
  • Learn how to build in slower responses to advice, and stronger prompts to stay curiou
  • The secret to working less hard but having more impact
  • Why it pays to be lazy, be curious, and to be more coach like
  • Michael’s story on how he found his coaching roots 
  • Why saying NO is a game changer and leads to more yeses 

2 hard questions we should all be willing to answer. 

About Michael Bungay Stainer

Michael Bungay Stanier is the author of six books which between them have sold more than a million copies. He’s best known for The Coaching Habit, the best-selling coaching book of the century and already recognized as a classic. His most recent book The Advice Trap focuses on how to tame the Advice Monster.

He founded Box of Crayons, a learning and development company that helps organizations move from advice-driven to curiosity-led. They’ve trained hundreds of thousands of managers to be more coach-like and their clients range from Microsoft to Gucci.

Michael was a Rhodes Scholar and plays the ukulele badly. He’s Australian, and lives in Toronto, Canada. Learn more at

About Rachael O'Meara, MBA, MA, ACC

Rachael O’Meara is an executive coach who helps corporate leaders rise to their next level of leadership by mastering their emotional intelligence or EQ - without the overwhelm, stress, or burnout. After thirteen years at Google she has a pulse on what it takes to be an outstanding leader. Her book Pause was a top business book for your career, and Pause the Journal debuted in early 2022. She’s been featured in the New York Times, and on the TEDx stage.

She is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), has an MBA from Fordham University, and a Master’s in Transformational Leadership and Coaching from the Wright Graduate University. She is a six-time rowing national champion and currently rowing in Sarasota, FL. She is also a trauma informed breathwork facilitator. Learn more at

Jul 04, 202335:35
Ep. 100 ❤️ - 100th Episode Celebration 🎉

Ep. 100 ❤️ - 100th Episode Celebration 🎉

In Ep. 100 of The Pausecast...

- Review the storyline of The Pausecast, and how it all started

- Some of Rachael's favorite moments and guests of The Pausecast

- Why it's important to celebrate wins, even if they're seemingly small or hard to think off

- What to expect going forward

Thank you for being part of the Pausecast journey!

Watch this episode and subscribe to The Pausecast on YouTube:

I love creating The Pausecast episodes for you - so let me know what you find helpful or want to know or hear more off...and we'll do that in Season 2 (yes, a season is 100 episodes LOL)!

And...we're celebrating with the visually stunning Pausecast Podcast new graphic design, by Patricia Bello

Patricia Bello is an experienced and professional graphic designer ready to help you reach your marketing goals. With her creative eye and design expertise, she'll make sure your projects stand out from the crowd. Let Patricia Bello help you take your business to the next level - contact her on her site or LinkedIn services page.

What's your favorite episode?

Leave me a message or comment anywhere you find me!


If you are ready to rise to your next level of leadership through EQ Mastery, share this episode, or your favorite episode anywhere on social media and tag #pausecast100 to be entered into a contest to win a PAUSESOME, fun gift to celebrate the 100th episode together!

You will be entered once I see the tag, ✅ - You can do this on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook! ❤️

Contest runs June 27-July 4th midnight.

Every post is one entry to win!!

Jun 27, 202308:36
Ep. 99 - The blueprint to thrive in a corporate layoff

Ep. 99 - The blueprint to thrive in a corporate layoff

In this Ep. 99, we get into how to make the best of a layoff as a laid off leader.

Whether it's your 1st job out of the gates, or you're a seasoned executive, this is a must-listen to episode.

Instead of feeling more stress and wondering how you're going to make it beyond this seemingly unfortunate event, what if you had the blueprint for how to structure your time, your job search, and to make the most out of your circumstances?

What you may not know if that you can actually thrive as a laidoff leader - not survive - but thrive. And I tell you how to do it in this episode.

If you would like more resources if you are currently in a rut, laidoff, or know someone who is laidoff, also check out Ep. 79 "3 uncomfortable truths if you are laid off."

That is about how to be a mental ninja / mentally prepare if you are laid off, where Ep. 98 is more of a tactical and strategic approach to manage your time and energy during this very unstructured time. Many of the tools & resources are cited from Pause the book, which is ideal for any executive who finds themselves in a forced pause BTW!

Subscribe and watch the video on my YouTube Channel here:

Key links discussed :

Pause the Book:

Pause the Journal:

Subscribe and rate this weekly Pausecast so you don't miss more - or share this episode with someone who could use some support: or YouTube channel  @RachaelOMeara1  

- Join Rachael's Pause to Thrive Women's Leadership Community: 

- Direct Message me "blueprint" and I'll share more tools with you. Or leave me a message if that's easier right here!

Jun 20, 202326:38