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The Raw Truth Digger

The Raw Truth Digger

By Lilia Ackerman

This program is about relationships, from self, spiritual, love, family, to money relationships. In this community we emphasize the importance of addressing any conflict with love and forgiveness. These two marvelous ingredients have the power to dissolve and resolve any conflict. First you must walk in the tunnel of Personal Development, it is something that no one can do for you. It is time to dig out limiting beliefs, and habits that are between you are your dream life to make room for your New Life. But you don't have to do it on your own. I am here to walk you every step of the way.
Currently playing episode

Key No. 4 Your Mission/Action

The Raw Truth DiggerJun 04, 2022

An Interview with our Star "Robin Ayers"
May 29, 202445:02
An Interview with a Star "Janessa Finley-Ford"
May 16, 202456:55
Como supercar tus miedos!

Como supercar tus miedos!

En este episodio, veremos:

• Por qué el miedo al fracaso y el hecho no sentir que llenas las expectaciones de la familia frenan a empresarios potenciales.

• Los miedos ancestrales y las dudas sobre uno mismo pueden superarse reconociendo de donde procede esos miedos.

• Superar el miedo y encontrar la libertad a través de la autoexpresión.

• Lily Ackerman enfatiza el amor y el perdón como clave para resolver conflictos en todas las relaciones.

• Es el miedo Verdadero o imaginario?

Apr 06, 202436:52
What is Fear

What is Fear

In this episode, you will find:

  • Overcoming fear and pursued dreams despite generational limitations:
  • Why Fear of failure and no living up to family expectations holds back potential entrepreneurs.
  • Ancestral fears and self-doubt can be overcome by recognizing and separating truth from falsehood.
  • Overcoming fear and finding freedom through self-expression.

Mar 22, 202424:38
Los Ninos Durante El Divorcio

Los Ninos Durante El Divorcio

En este video encontraras:

  • Como la dinamica familiar puede verse alterada por el odio hacia uno de los padres.
  • Como evitar involcrar a los ninos en conflicos personales
  • El dano emocional al hacer comentarios contra uno de los padres, y como esto puede cambiar la percepcion de como el nino ve a la madre o al padre.
  • Discusion sobre la importancia de dejar librs a los ninos en los conflictos familiares.
  • Soluciones.

Mar 08, 202422:58
Let the children free from your personal battle

Let the children free from your personal battle

In this episode we are talking about: *The emotional damage when making comments against one of the parents, and how this can change the perception of how the child sees the mother or father

*How to avoid involving your children in personal conflicts

How the family dynamics can be altered by hate against one of the parents

Feb 09, 202415:53
Where is the power of your words coming from?

Where is the power of your words coming from?

Words are only words; they are like empty shells. In this video find the what gives power to your words. 

Mar 18, 202317:22
El poder de las palabras

El poder de las palabras

Tus palabras son instrucciones que le das a tu vida para bien o para mal. 

Dec 10, 202227:14
Quien esta en Busca del Amor?

Quien esta en Busca del Amor?

En este episodio hablaremos sobre la diferencia entre el corazón roto y una vida amorosa sana. Cuando se esta en busca de una nueva relación, es importante saber dónde se encuentra, y cuáles son tus creencias referente al amor.  Tus creencias y tu pasads experiencias podrian interponerse para encontrar el amor, y tambien se interponen en tener una Buena relacion con la familia

Dec 03, 202222:45
Who is Looking for Love; A Healthy, or a Broken Heart?

Who is Looking for Love; A Healthy, or a Broken Heart?

In this episode we will talk about the difference between a broken heart and a healthy love life. When looking for a new relationship, it's important to know where you are, and what your beliefs about love are. Your beliefs and your past experiences could get in the way of finding love, and they also get in the way of having a good relationship with your family. 

Nov 26, 202228:21
Como Surge el Amor

Como Surge el Amor

En este episodio hablamos de como surge el amor. Disfrutenlo!

Nov 11, 202223:05
How Love Emerges

How Love Emerges

Is it one way, or multiple ways how love emerges? Let's find out!

Nov 05, 202214:48
Que es el Amor

Que es el Amor

En este episodio hablamos de que es el amor, cuales son los componenetes del amor. Con este episodio empezamos una seria que nos llevara a  profundizar acerca del amor.  

Sep 08, 202243:24
What is Love

What is Love

In this series about love we are starting with the million-dollar question "What is LOVE"
This series is with the intention to help you to improve your relationships with self, love, family, community, and the world

Aug 01, 202249:25
Key No. 4 Your Mission/Action

Key No. 4 Your Mission/Action

Action is Alchemy, and Alchemy is transformation. By taking daily mini action, it brings you closer, until you complete your Life Vision.
Now you have your Blue Print to fulfil your Life Vision. Congratulations!

Jun 04, 202233:08
Key No. 3 Estado Actual

Key No. 3 Estado Actual

En este episodio hablamos acerca de la importanicia de saber Quien Eres antes de llevar a cabo tu mision, y quien nececitas ser para ejecutar tus metas diarias, semanales, mensuales. Todo depende de en cuanto tiempos te planteas llevar a cabo tu meta.  Te ayudara para ver tu progreso personal, mental, y espiritual. 

May 19, 202231:55
Clave 2 "El Porque"

Clave 2 "El Porque"

Despues de que tenemos una clara idea de que es lo deseamos obtener en nuestras vidas, estamos listos para encontrar el motivo de PORQUE lo queremos. El porque nos impulsa y motiva seguir hacia adelante en momentos de debilidad, resistencia, y cuando tengamos dudas. 

Apr 29, 202232:22
Present State

Present State

By now we know what is what we want, that is our "Vision" - Why we want that we want, our "WHY" Today is about "Present State", Who I am in the now before I start creating my mission. To have an awareness of who I am, and what my habits are, it will help you to make adjustments, and the necessary changes in order to execute the actions steps to get to your Vision. Enjoy!

Apr 29, 202222:40
The Why - Part 2

The Why - Part 2

In this episode we talk about The Why in your Life Vision. When we don't have the WHY, we don't have the driven power to get to our destination

Apr 23, 202230:57
Key No. The Why

Key No. The Why

After we have a clear idea of our vision, it is time to ask "Why do you want what you want?" To have a meaningful  WHY is very important. It will help you in moments where you want to give up, feel weak, or doubting if what you are doing is worth it. 

Apr 22, 202230:57
Clave 1 "Vision"

Clave 1 "Vision"

Hay 4 claves importantes para materializar nuestras metas. Clave No. 1 es saber con claridad cual es "La Vision para tu Vida"

Apr 04, 202223:42
Life Vision - Part 1

Life Vision - Part 1

There are 4 major keys to materialize our dreams. In this session we are talking about the First Key "The Vision"

Mar 21, 202215:53
La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 5

La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 5

*De un lugar vacio, desordenado, y llena de obscuridad - A - Un lugar ordenado,  de luz, y una tierra que se podia usar en toda su expansion.  Esto lo podemos aplicar en nuestra vida personal. * El Universo ha sido creado para suplir todas las necesidades del Ser Humano, y para su gozo visual.   - No hay necesidad de sentir miedo, porque todo ya esta provisto para nosotros.  *Las intenciones de Dios fue que el hombre viviera en abundancia y felicidad, no una vida mediocre e infeliz - El Universo habla por si solo al ver abundancia y belleza en todo su esplendor y expa

Mar 07, 202226:22
Spiritual Lessons to live in Victory - Life Through the Eyes of God

Spiritual Lessons to live in Victory - Life Through the Eyes of God

Part 5 *From void, disorder, and darkness - To - order, light, and a useful land in all its expansion. We can take this as a blue print for our lives

*The Universe has been created to fulfill all human's needs, and enjoyment - No reason to fear anything when everything have been provided

*God intended for men to have an Abundant life, not a mediocre one - The Universe speak by itself to show the abundance in it

Feb 28, 202229:36
La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 4

La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 4

*El ser humano que no vive en el espiritu, se llena de miedo, anciedad, rabia, o celos - El que vive en el espiritu tiene vida

*Se le dio dominio al ser humano sobre todos los animales, plantas, peces, y sobre toda la tierra, incluyendo sus pensamientos y emociones

*El hombre tiene el DNA espiritual de Dios. Al hombre se le llamo Ser Viviente. Somos llamados a vivir en plenitud y abundancia

Feb 22, 202227:14
Part 4 Life through the eyes of God

Part 4 Life through the eyes of God

In this episode:
* When we don't live in the spirit, we experience more fear, anxiety, rage, jealousy, etc. *The spirit of God is Life *Human beings were given dominion over all animals, plants, fish, and all the earth. But also dominion over our mind, and emotions, we are the stewards of the world *Man has the spiritual DNA of God - We born with everything we need to succeed. 

Feb 14, 202228:49
La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 3

La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 3

Nacimos para vivir en la luz, no en la obscuridad. Genesis nos muestra que la obscuridad es una senal en nuestras vidas para trabajar en areas que necesitan ser iluminadas. El ceador del Universo desea que vivamos en abundancia y no en mediocridad!

Feb 07, 202221:23
Spiritual Lessons to live in Victory - Life Through the Eyes of God Part 3

Spiritual Lessons to live in Victory - Life Through the Eyes of God Part 3

We can go from darkness to Light by allowing ourselves to experience what we really want. God intended for us to have an abundant life. 

Jan 31, 202220:23
La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 2

La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 2

El poder de las palabras *Amor-Dar+Servir *Que semillas (pensamientos/emociones) estas cultivando a diario

Jan 24, 202224:02
Spiritual Lessons to live in Victory - Life Through the Eyes of God *Part 2

Spiritual Lessons to live in Victory - Life Through the Eyes of God *Part 2

The power of words: Words are to edify, or destroy *Intentions are the fuel of our words *Love=Give+Serve others *Decide what kind of seed (emotions/thoughts) you are watering. 

Jan 17, 202225:09
La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 1

La Vida Atravez de los Ojos de Dios - Parte 1

*Concentrarnos en la solucion - No en el problema *Vivir un Dia a la Vez *Los Problemas son una invitacion para crear una solucion *Nacimos para Crear vida, amor, y para llevar nuestros suenos a la realidad *El incluir a Dios en nuestro diario vivir, nos llena de un poder espiritual que nos ayuda a sobrepasar cualquier obstaculo

Jan 10, 202225:17
Life Lessons from Genesis

Life Lessons from Genesis

Part One out of 4
In this chapter of Genesis we can apply important lessons to our daily life troubles
1) Concentrate in the solution and not the problem
2) Any problem is an invitation to create a solution
3) When we include God in our lives, we are empower to overcome life troubles

Jan 01, 202212:39
What The Raw Truth Digger is about

What The Raw Truth Digger is about

Purpose of my podcast

Dec 31, 202115:42
Energy (Secondo Part)

Energy (Secondo Part)

How thoughts, daily life choices, our words can sick, or heal our bodies. And how it can lead us to experience a miserable, or into a state of Happiness
Mar 01, 202117:13


This is the first of 3 parts of “Energy” This episode talks about. What is energy, What are the 5 leyers of energy, and what are the sources of energy. Enjoy!!
Feb 15, 202127:07
What is the EGO

What is the EGO

What is role of the EGO in our lives

Feb 08, 202113:37
Magnify people’s gifts, or their Flaws

Magnify people’s gifts, or their Flaws

Everyday we have the choice magnifying the gifts, actions, or the flaws. What is going to be?
Feb 01, 202153:46
The Grand Opening

The Grand Opening

Welcome episode!

Dec 29, 202005:48