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Emmaus Road Church | Fort Collins, Colorado

Emmaus Road Church | Fort Collins, Colorado

By Emmaus Road Church | Fort Collins, Colorado

Emmaus Road Church in Fort Collins, Colorado seeks to be formed as followers of Jesus through faith practices, community, and liturgy. We desire to work for justice, love, peace, and hope as demonstrated through the life and teachings of Jesus.
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Pentecost, What the Spirit is Like

Emmaus Road Church | Fort Collins, ColoradoMay 19, 2024

Annual Meeting | Present, Pursue, Partner

Annual Meeting | Present, Pursue, Partner

Sermon Scripture: Colossians 1:3-23

This week we hear the stories and look at the evidence of all that God is doing among us at Emmaus Road. We will hear from our pastor, treasurer, and each of our ministry leaders the details of our ministry over the last year and the amazing opportunities that lay before us. This is a highlight in the life of our community as we take a peek behind the scenes into the ministry and stewardship of Emmaus Road Church.

May 27, 202401:12:04
Pentecost, What the Spirit is Like

Pentecost, What the Spirit is Like

Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:1–21

On the day of Pentecost, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit will not be confined to temples or sleep on altars, nor will it be limited to a special, select few, instead it will be for all people and in all places. For some reason however, this was not the experience for most people who were gathered together on that day in Jerusalem thousands of years ago.

Seemingly the dynamic power of God in the Holy Spirit had been tamed and put in a box. It had been so long since it moved among the people that some wondered if those days of mystery and power were over, but the prophets kept saying, “wait, watch, see, pay attention.”

May 19, 202429:13
Made New | For the Sake of the World

Made New | For the Sake of the World

Sermon Scripture: John 17:6-19

God does not love and sanctify us holy in spite of the world, but for the sake of the world, and this has been his position from the very beginning.

We have not always understood this, we have not always been very good at living this way, yet the truth remains, we have been given life, forgiveness, restoration, and holiness for the sake of the world that still lives in the shadow of hostility toward God.

May 12, 202434:32
Made New | Love Each Other

Made New | Love Each Other

Sermon Scripture: John 15:9-17, 1 John 5:1-3

Christian faith involves trusting that at the center of the universe is a God overflowing with love for his world, which means that the purpose of human existence is to receive this love that has come to us in Jesus and then to give it back out to others, creating an ecosystem of self-giving love in all aspects of our lives.

When Jesus says, “Love each other, “ this is what he means, but how do we do that?

May 05, 202430:18
Made New | Abide in Me

Made New | Abide in Me

Sermon Scripture: John 15:1-8

As Jesus describes himself as The Vine, and his friends as the branches, he is giving his followers key principles for finding peace and purpose in life — especially when things seem dark, bleak, or shallow. 

When you and I today consider how to live and love as best we can in the midst of challenging circumstances, Jesus is reminding us that true satisfaction, true success, comes from intimacy in relationship with Jesus. And a beautiful byproduct of this kind of living is that we then are enabled to fulfill our purpose, to bear fruit.

Apr 28, 202434:09
Made New | Peace Be With You

Made New | Peace Be With You

Sermon Scripture: Luke 24:35-48

When Jesus designates his followers as witnesses, a term that becomes very important in Acts, he is saying that they have seen in him the fulfillment of God’s plan for the world’s salvation and that, by the very nature of that plan, they are called to share the story — to be his witnesses.

Apr 14, 202422:45
Made New | What’s The Plan?

Made New | What’s The Plan?

Sermon Scripture: John 20:19-31, 1 John 1:1-2:2

Like the disciples gathered in the upper room when Thomas asks to see Jesus for himself, we wrestle with the aftermath of the cross and resurrection. 

The season of Eastertide is one in which we wrestle with the hope of big promises and the reality of broken and tough situations. It is a time when we must choose whether we will live in the consolation of Easter or the desolation of the tomb.

1 John 1:1-2:2 helps us address this question; “Is there life after Easter?”

Apr 07, 202433:37
Easter | Look Again

Easter | Look Again

Sermon Scripture: John 19:41—20:18

To be able to honestly proclaim, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed,” we, like the characters in our scripture passage this morning, must affirm that four important things are happening in our lives. You might say we are being invited to experience four things developing in our lives.

  1. Jesus makes and keeps his promises

  2. Our lives develop and bear fruit in cycles

  3. Jesus shows up in surprising ways

  4. (and) Christ has no body on earth but ours!

Mar 31, 202428:30
Palm Sunday | A Different Kingdom

Palm Sunday | A Different Kingdom

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:1-11

As we consider the crowds who met Jesus in praise and later condemned him to death for not suiting their needs, I hope we can humbly ask ourselves, “In what ways (big or small), do we push Jesus aside when his Kingdom does not align with ours?”

May we say NO to our preferential kingdoms, no to the kingdoms of the culture around us. Kingdoms of evil and domination, but even kingdoms masked as good or just when they do not align with the values of Christ. May we say YES to the Kingdom of peace, mercy, forgiveness, healing, and freedom that Jesus taught and which changes the world quietly-persistently-unstoppably.

Mar 24, 202430:50
The Lenten Journey, LIGHT BRINGERS

The Lenten Journey, LIGHT BRINGERS

Sermon Scripture: John 12:20-33

Here on this 5th week of Lent it is not jumping the gun, nor stealing the thunder from our upcoming Easter celebrations to talk about the cross. In some ways we talk about the cross all the time, but in others ways we don’t talk about the cross enough. It would be tragic to not call attention to the subversive nature of Jesus’s obedience to journey toward, and ultimately to endure the cross.

Mar 17, 202434:12
The Lenten Journey, IN THE LIGHT

The Lenten Journey, IN THE LIGHT

Sermon Scripture: John 3:16-21, Ephesians 2:1-10

The Spirit’s work in our hearts is an open invitation of naming our imperfects and leaving them with Christ on our altars. As the Lord renovates the space of our lives, we often see the dust begin to settle right back where it has been cleared away.

Today we hope to consider how to make the cleansing and purification of our hearts in Christ stick. How can we  live lightly and freely? How do we move from the dark into the light?

Mar 10, 202430:49
The Lenten Journey, FIDELITY

The Lenten Journey, FIDELITY

Sermon Scripture: John 2:13-22

Today as we return to our lenten passages we make a jump from the Gospel of Mark’s accounts over to the book of John. Today’s text focuses on the question “What does it mean to be the faithful church of Jesus?”

Mar 03, 202430:33
Missions Sunday, Dr. Floyd Cunningham

Missions Sunday, Dr. Floyd Cunningham

We are excited to have Dr. Floyd Cunningham join us to tell of the many wonderful things God is doing all around the world through Nazarene missions. The Pape family and Floyd were together in the Philippines for many years. 

FAITH PROMISE is used by many local churches to raise financial support for world missions. The Church of the Nazarene, of which Emmaus Road is a member, has one of the longest running, globally supported missions programs in the World.

Feb 25, 202443:45
LENT 2024, The Journey

LENT 2024, The Journey

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:9-15

During the weeks of Lent we become especially mindful of all that alienates us from God, indeed, of the human evil that nailed Jesus to those rough beams. This we lament with sadness. At the same time, we understand that by his death Jesus secured for us forgiveness and eternal life.  We are like; prisoners whose release draws near, refugees on our way back home, patients for whom the treatment is working.

We are invited to identify with Christ in his journey from the beginning of his public ministry to the events of Holy Week leading to his victory over sin and death on the cross.  We start Lent by joining Jesus in a place of solitude.

Feb 18, 202430:15
Epiphany, Transfiguration Sunday

Epiphany, Transfiguration Sunday

Sermon Scripture: Mark 9:2-9

The season of Epiphany begins just after Christmas with the story of Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. As Jesus emerges from the water, a cloud appears and a dove descends and the voice of God is heard to say, “You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.”

And here, on this day of Transfiguration, Epiphany ends with another moment of divine revelation, “This is my beloved son, listen to him.” Once again and even more dramatically we see his glory revealed and hear the confirming voice of the Father. 

For the disciples who experience this amazing and powerful epiphany, it is a transformative moment. The same transformative work that God still enacts in our lives today.

Feb 11, 202427:22
Epiphany, A Recipe For Endurance

Epiphany, A Recipe For Endurance

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:29-39

The Kingdom has come through Jesus for a specific purpose; to renew humanity and creation to its original design by overcoming the obstacles that prevent us from union with God and one another — but how are we doing at living this calling?

How are you caring for your physical, emotional, and mental health? We can endure surprisingly challenging seasons and situations, but without an effective care regimen, we will not last forever.

And secondly, what is your WHY? WHY are you doing the things you do? Without a strong WHY, you will be prone to hitting your breaking point much sooner than you otherwise would.

What is your current recipe for enduring life?

Feb 04, 202432:55
Epiphany, Louder Than Words

Epiphany, Louder Than Words

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:21-28

The Kingdom of Heaven’s authority is undeniable and it is not segregated to certain locations and aspects of our lives. And unlike the authority demonstrated by other power hungry rulers, the stance that Jesus’s authority takes is all together unique. It is so compassionate and focused on the welfare of humanity — you might say it is humanist, for the Kingdom’s concern begins and ends with people; hearts, minds, souls.

In our passage today, Mark draws our attention to two major things Jesus is demonstrating; authority to inspire our minds and authority to bring healing and restoration to our bodies and spirits. Both lead to freedom, healing, and rescue.

Jan 28, 202435:06
Epiphany, Repent and Believe (It’s Just Not What You Think)

Epiphany, Repent and Believe (It’s Just Not What You Think)

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:14-20

“The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”

This simple, two sentence phrase holds the key to the entire human condition. It identifies what is broken and it offers the solution that God felt so strongly about that he came to dwell among us, just to show the way. Perhaps, the unfortunate part of this proclamation is that it has a couple of words that provide a challenge for us in hearing this invitation for what it is. 

Join us as we explore what it means to know and be known.

Jan 21, 202434:29
Epiphany, The Light Has Come

Epiphany, The Light Has Come

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-3

In this season of Epiphany between Christmas and Lent, it is customary to focus on the life and ministry of Jesus, because the revelation of God with us in Jesus is what we have been waiting for! In Matthew 2, the Magi demonstrate for us four elements critical to experiencing epiphany in our lives. Join us as we explore and worship together.

Jan 07, 202433:49
Christmastide, Let The Music Play

Christmastide, Let The Music Play

Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:22-40, Isaiah 61:10-62:3

The community of faith matters! Why else would Mary and Joseph in their poverty make the effort to bring Jesus for dedication? How else could Simeon and Anna have known the tune which they were listening for? How else could they have known what consolation to bring to others? How else could they have been so perfectly poised to lead the community in God’s new song of life?

What will be our song in the coming year?

Dec 31, 202332:19
Advent, A Place To Dwell - Joy to the World

Advent, A Place To Dwell - Joy to the World

Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11, Luke 4:16-30

When we take up the call and join in the work of giving to others a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit. When we work to build up the ancient ruins; to raise up the former devastations; to repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations, joy and rejoicing will be our reward.

But we must fight for our joy lest we be overwhelmed by the size of the task at hand.

Dec 18, 202336:50
Advent, A Place To Dwell - The Road Home

Advent, A Place To Dwell - The Road Home

Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11

And when God came in the Christ child born at Christmas, when God heard and answered our cries and dwelt among us, we were offered a gift which could never be taken from us. Was it surprising? Was it what we expected? Yes.

This second Sunday of Advent, we too are offered the gift of peace, but this is not a blissfully ignorant peace falsely assuming that everything in our world, in our nations, in our communities, or in our homes are just fine. Instead this gift of peace permeates all our being even as we long for justice in the world.

The peace of Christ be with you!

Dec 11, 202332:20
Advent, A Place To Dwell - Where is God?

Advent, A Place To Dwell - Where is God?

Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 64:1-9

The season of Advent is such a welcome annual reminder that we desperately need hope, love, peace, and joy in our world, because Advent is all about longing and anticipation. It is a time to identify with the longing our spiritual fathers and mothers experienced awaiting the coming of the messiah in the first Advent.

Dec 03, 202323:06
Worship Christ The King

Worship Christ The King

Sermon Scripture: Psalm 95:1-7a

On Christ the King Sunday we direct our attention into the BEING of our faith, because in God’s wisdom, through our church fathers and mothers, it is clear we need to exercise both our BEING and our DOING of faith. The invitation of Christ the King Sunday, of Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Easter, Pentecost is to enter into the story of Jesus through adoration, longing, receiving — it is to enter into worship.

Praise is due because we are God’s own people; praise is due because he all together loves us and desires relationship with us. Praise is due because God is our Maker and the redeemer of the world. The God who created all, breathes life into all, sustains all is alone worthy of our praise.

Nov 26, 202319:41
Entrusted, Using What You Got

Entrusted, Using What You Got

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 25:14–30

The book of Matthew packs a handful of stories about the return of Christ into chapters 24 and 25 and they all have variations on the same theme. Are we watching, are we waiting, are we ready, are we faithful, are we living the lives of devotional and action that we proclaim we are living?

We often view the parable of the talents (silver) as one of multiplication or return-on-investment of God in our life, and while there is nothing wrong with applying it that way, today I want us to see this as a story about the third servant.  This is primarily a story about the causes that may lead us to squandering that which we have been entrusted with, because we have been entrusted with a LOT!

Nov 19, 202334:10
Entrusted, Who is Responsible for my Oil?

Entrusted, Who is Responsible for my Oil?

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 25:1–13

Join us as we explore the Parable of the 10 Virgins.  As we recognize ourselves in the wise and in the foolish virgins, we will also discover ways in which God has entrusted us with the work of God's Kingdom.

Nov 12, 202325:29
Entrusted, To Be Servant Leaders

Entrusted, To Be Servant Leaders

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 23:1-12

Throughout the book of Matthew these scribes and Pharisees have been on the wrong end of quite a few accusations; “They preach but do not practice!” “They lay unjust burdens upon the people.” “They do all their deeds to be seen by others.” But, with introspection, we all carry a piece of the hypocritical heart in each of us. There are many factors that feed this, but ultimately the antidote for hypocrisy is humility and grace.

When we set aside our preferences, our indulgences, our honor — and mop the floor, we not only recondition our spirits with simple satisfaction, but we might begin to feel the assurance and acceptance that we so desperately crave in the pleasure of serving others.

Nov 05, 202333:54
Entrusted, The Simple Gospel

Entrusted, The Simple Gospel

Sermon Scripture: Deuteronomy 34:1-9, Matthew 22:34-40, Deuteronomy 6:4-8, Leviticus 19:1-2,15-18

Just as Jesus commissioned Peter to, "Feed my sheep," so to have we been entrusted with the work of the Kingdom. When we see ourselves as needed, responsible, and contributing to the Kingdom, then amazing transformations can happen. The call to faithful service is not always easy to respond to, but all things are possible when we realize how much God loves us and trusts the church to care for the world.

Oct 29, 202323:42
Seeds of Faith, Insist on the Presence

Seeds of Faith, Insist on the Presence

Sermon Scripture: Exodus 33:12-23

Throughout all the ups and downs of the Exodus stories, all the triumphs and failures, all the starts and stops, this one thing never changes. Moses insists on the Lord’s Presence among the people and guiding the people. “Show us your Glory or Lord.”

Oct 22, 202331:14
Seeds of Faith, Don’t Settle

Seeds of Faith, Don’t Settle

Sermon Scripture: Exodus 32:1-14

And all throughout scripture, old testament, new testament, and beyond, all throughout church history, God has been calling us to be aware of our Egypt problem.

For as much as we desire to be free and whole, we equally desire to feel safe and in control of our lives and environments. So when we are uncertain, we tend to craft answers and solutions for ourselves rather than relying on God.

Oct 15, 202332:21
Seeds of Faith, The Presence and the Pattern

Seeds of Faith, The Presence and the Pattern

Sermon Scripture: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-27, Matthew 21:33-44

Among Hebrew scholars, it is well accepted that most modern Biblical translations of the Ten Commandments have misrepresented the intent of Exodus 20. The words might work, but they don’t really fit the spirit of God’s work in the Exodus event. The “commandments” begin with an act of redemption. The law begins with grace. So why would we assume these are heavy burdens laid on us with wagging fingers and furrowed brows? God isn’t commanding obedience; God is inviting us into a new way of being with these verses. We shouldn’t read them as commandments as much as descriptions.

This week we invite you into the Presence and Pattern of God at work in our lives.

Oct 08, 202326:06
Seeds of Faith, Embracing Uncertainty

Seeds of Faith, Embracing Uncertainty

Sermon Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7

We all have a working model of reality that we try to fit the world we experience into. These are the rules, laws, and expectations not only for nature and science and biology, but also for society and relationships and experience.

But when our model is shaken, we often look to our leaders to explain it all, to assure us, to close the gaps for us, otherwise all that we have crafted to prop up our understanding of the world might begin to come crashing down around us.

Oct 01, 202328:07
Practicing Generosity | Partners In Blessing

Practicing Generosity | Partners In Blessing

Sermon Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:1-4, 8:7-9, 8:12-15, 9:6-12

In 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, Paul is detailing some general principles for giving that still guide us today; generous giving should be done wisely and faithfully, giving should come from love and joy rather than obligation, and it is a privilege to give as partners in the Kingdom of Heaven

Join us to discover six ways in which we can engage in generous giving in partnering with God in the work of the Kingdom.

Sep 24, 202348:04
Practicing Generosity | Gifts of Resource

Practicing Generosity | Gifts of Resource

Sermon Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19

In a fallen world like ours, where corruption is so tempting to our hearts, money can certainly reveal the taint that is in all of our hearts. And of all the topics that we grapple with in our modern world, money is one that the scripture has LOTS to say about. There is an over abundance of warnings, admonitions, and counsel on money through the Bible. 

The love of money after all gives birth to all kinds of evils as the scripture says, but money in and of itself is not evil and it has great potential for serving God and serving others. So the way we use our money ought to reflect the character of the God who has saved us.

Sep 17, 202336:46
Practicing Generosity | Gifts of Self

Practicing Generosity | Gifts of Self

Sermon Scripture: Romans 13:8-10, Philippians 2:1-8

According to Jesus, the whole point of the Old Testament law, and of all the commandments, was to teach Israel how to love God and to love their neighbor. (Matthew 22:36-40).

Last week we spoke about the generosity of God as demonstrated by Jesus and we focused on the mindset of abundance rather than that of scarcity. The beginning of generosity comes from this shift in focus, but the essential next step is the transition of a heart turned inward to that of an outward focused heart.

Sep 10, 202340:31
Practicing Generosity | Living In Abundance

Practicing Generosity | Living In Abundance

Sermon Scripture: Luke 12:22-34

Creation is an expression of God’s generous love. He’s the host, and we are his guests in a world of opportunity and abundance. But God does not stop there. We’re then called to keep the party going and to spread his goodness. This is a beautiful picture, but it’s not the way we tend to experience the world. Instead, all too often we experience a world of scarcity and struggle, NOT abundance.

God is exceedingly generous, and even when our circumstances or our mindset might deceive us into a posture of scarcity, he reminds us that by trusting him we can experience abundance in lavish proportions — providing more than enough to join him in becoming a generous host to all that we meet.

Sep 04, 202334:04
Practicing Fasting | Stand With The Poor

Practicing Fasting | Stand With The Poor

Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-12

Fasting is a way to bridge this gap, between “the haves” and “the have nots.” Going back at least as far as Isaiah 58, it has long been a vehicle for biblical justice, a way for those with too much food to share with those in need of food.

This simple practice of giving away the money we would have spent on ourselves has the potential to transform not only the lives of the poor, but also our own lives and communitie

Aug 28, 202340:44
Practicing Fasting | To Amplify our Prayers

Practicing Fasting | To Amplify our Prayers

Sermon Scripture: Acts 13:1-3, Jonah 3:3-10

Fasting and prayer go together. Like two wings of a bird, together they take flight. You can pray without fasting, and you can fast without praying, but when you combine the two, there’s a noticeable amplification of our prayer before God. 

This comes as no surprise, since fasting is a kind of praying with our body. When the request of our heart is coupled with the yearning of our body, our prayer is purified of its dross and presented like a precious metal before the Father, for him to do as he will.

Aug 20, 202334:31
Practicing Fasting | To Grow in Holiness

Practicing Fasting | To Grow in Holiness

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18, Romans 12:1-2

When we fast, at least four things are happening in our body and soul; it’s weaning us off the pleasure principle, it’s revealing what’s in our heart, it’s re-ordering our desires, and it’s drawing on the power of God to overcome sin.

Our fight is not against the body — the body is broken, but it is a good gift. Our fight is for the body. It’s against the flesh, or sinful appetites within us all. And fasting is one of the most powerful disciplines of the Way to free our body and soul from the chains of sin and the prison of shame.

Aug 13, 202337:27
Practicing Fasting | Offering Ourselves to God

Practicing Fasting | Offering Ourselves to God

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18, Romans 12:1-2

When we fast FROM food or activities we also fast TO something. We fast TO Jesus. After all, hunger only results when you long for something more of what you do not have, and in Jesus, there is always more for us if we seek.

The body is the sphere where our discipleship to Jesus becomes real. Where it’s not just an idea or even a feeling, but a practice. Or what Jesus called a Way of life.

Aug 06, 202335:38
Practicing Prayer | Being With God

Practicing Prayer | Being With God

Sermon Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

In prayer, we learn with quiet confidence that God is at work building a place for himself in our hearts and mind. This is not done by painful deconstruction of our lives but is simply accomplished when we intently look at God’s glory as revealed in Jesus and are being transformed.

Jul 30, 202326:24
Practicing Prayer | Listening To God

Practicing Prayer | Listening To God

Sermon Scripture: John 10:2-5, Deuteronomy 6:4-5

As we mature, we begin to pray our own words, but in time, we desire not just to speak to God, but to listen to God — to hear God’s voice. The desire to hear and understand God’s voice in prayer is a Spirit-generated desire in the heart of a disciple of Jesus.

God comes to each of us inside the contours of our own life – our personality, background, stage of life. In fact, you likely already hear God way more than you realized, but like young Samuel in the Temple, you may not recognize it as God yet.

We will consider six ways we hear God’s voice.

Jul 23, 202337:38
Practicing Prayer | Talking With God

Practicing Prayer | Talking With God

Sermon Scripture: Luke 11:5-13

This week we will be focusing on talking WITH God, which simply means, “sharing with God what is on our mind.” In this, our prayers will include a few critical elements.

  1. Gratitude — talking with God about what is good in your life and world

  2. Lament — talking with God about what is evil in your life and world

  3. Petition and Intercession — asking God to fulfill his promises to overcome evil with good.

May we embrace prayer as we ask God to act and do things only he can do in the world; as we give God the space to do what only he can do in us.

Jul 16, 202334:52
Practicing Prayer | Talking To God

Practicing Prayer | Talking To God

Sermon Scripture: Luke 11:1-8

Jesus did all sorts of amazing things, but the disciples do not ask Jesus to teach them how to heal the sick, or to cast out demons, or perform miracles. They ask him to teach them how to pray.

The disciples were smart enough to know that Jesus was experiencing something in prayer that they were not.  Prayer wasn’t a duty, but a delight. He really enjoyed his Father’s company. In prayer Jesus was drinking from and replenishing a deep well, and they wanted a taste of the water.

Jul 09, 202338:21
Practicing Sabbath | WORSHIP

Practicing Sabbath | WORSHIP

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 12:1-8

The sabbath is a means by which we enter into what Jesus called “the kingdom, or the reign, of God.” It’s a day when God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. But sabbath is so much more than a set of do’s and don’ts that we etch into our lives. 

There is a heart orientation to sabbath life that is freedom for us and this freedom unlocks the delight and worship that is vital in keeping sabbath from becoming sabbish.

Jul 03, 202330:07
Practicing Sabbath | DELIGHT

Practicing Sabbath | DELIGHT

Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 58:13-14

Many of us have yet to learn how to enjoy God… believe in him, yes, learn from him, yes, obey him even, but delight in him? 

In the access we have to God, through Jesus’ death and resurrection and the coming of the Spirit, into the inner life of the Trinity, we get to participate in the flow of love and joy and peace between the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, just by setting our life before God and lifting up our heart to him in prayer.

This is true delight in the Lord.

Jun 26, 202320:34
Practicing Sabbath | REST

Practicing Sabbath | REST

Sermon Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:12-15

The Bible gives us 2 versions of the 1st Commandment on the Sabbath. At Sinai, Sabbath is about rhythm, In Deuteronomy, it’s about resistance.

We work more than ever before, we have more than ever before, and we’re still not happy. It’s Egypt all over again and it’s so easy to just get sucked into the culture. To feel like you just have to work those extra hours to get ahead. It’s so easy to just say, “Well, this is just how it is now.” But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Sabbath is a way to break our addiction to the twin gods of the west; accomplishment and accumulation.

Jun 19, 202340:01
Practicing Sabbath | STOP

Practicing Sabbath | STOP

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 20:8-11

Flip through any popular magazine, watch any show, scroll on you phone, and you will see all sorts of advertisements; a couple drinking coffee and reading the morning newspaper in bed, a man lounging on the couch playing the guitar, a group of friends on the beach for a picnic. What exactly are they selling? They are selling sabbath.

To sabbath, you don’t need to drop $69.99 on a new terry cloth bathrobe or blow half your paycheck on a new couch, you just need to stop.

Jun 12, 202338:26
Trinity Sunday - Experiencing God

Trinity Sunday - Experiencing God

Sermon Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2, Matthew 28:16-20, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

As we have been focused on the power and work of God the Father and God the Son through Easter, and of course the empowering work of God the Spirit last week on Pentecost, it is right for us to take a moment to pause in worship and honor the mysterious Triune God whom we worship.

It is always our inclination to explain all that there is to know about God on Trinity Sunday, but we will only scratch the surface of this eternal mystery and this will be okay.

Jun 04, 202330:39
PENTECOST | What Does This Mean?

PENTECOST | What Does This Mean?

Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:1-21

Pentecost marks the moment when the church received its empowerment for the work of God and his Kingdom and so to ask ourselves, what does this mean?

The work of God all throughout history has been in planning this party and the last thing you or I should do would be to limit who can join us in the celebration. God is inviting us to  a block party. Complete with dietary restrictions, and preferences, and languages, and customs and priorities that may not be like our own, but this is God’s party and it is a block party!

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church is both the sign AND the instrument of the launch of the church’s mission.

May 28, 202336:46