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The Shadow Sherpa hosted by Natalya Spicker

The Shadow Sherpa hosted by Natalya Spicker

By Natalya Spicker

A podcast dedicated to simplifying the process of finding the root of your anger, fear, shame, anxiety, unworthiness while learning how to turn each of these into powerful tools designed to dissolve and heal trauma. Ultimately, the secret to being a superhuman lies in understanding and embracing our weaknesses.
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Episode 16 - Love Yourself So Hard That...

The Shadow Sherpa hosted by Natalya SpickerAug 02, 2021

Episode 23 - Forgiveness can unlock Authenticty

Episode 23 - Forgiveness can unlock Authenticty

According to Wayne Dyer, Forgiveness is our means to taking back the power to manage and even design how we use our emotions. Here's a quick life hack on how you can start unlocking your authenticity one "I forgive you" at a time.

Aug 29, 202203:17
Episode 22 - What we focus on, expands

Episode 22 - What we focus on, expands

Wanna know what you look like on the inside? Look around you.
Aug 26, 202205:18
Episode 21 - We are in charge of what our life looks like

Episode 21 - We are in charge of what our life looks like

We are all born with a paint brush and a canvas. What’s on yours? How does it make you feel? If not joy, you can still make it so.
Aug 25, 202203:31
Episode 20 - The invisible jury judging us

Episode 20 - The invisible jury judging us

I was raised to give a damn about people’s opinions about me. Everything from how I dress, speak, walk, think, act, decide. Pretty much I outsourced my whole existence to be judged and measured by an invisible jury, that picked at random. I actually figured out who the jury is...the answer is revealed at the end.

Dec 06, 202104:02
Episode 19 - You have 1 job...

Episode 19 - You have 1 job...

We are simple in nature, yet tend to "drown in a glass of water" trying to discover our life purpose. It all starts with YOU. Listen on for more details on how to be the best at the 1 job we have all been assigned.

Nov 01, 202103:07
Episode 18 - Quick Ego Hack

Episode 18 - Quick Ego Hack

What is the best thing you can do when you're annoyed at someone? Serve them. Do something nice for them. This is the quickest way to dissolve the ego-based reaction you just had, and potentially soothe the trauma that may have triggered this person. Be the love you need in every situation.

Oct 04, 202103:55
Episode 17 - Forgive Yourself First

Episode 17 - Forgive Yourself First

The key to finding our center is through practicing forgiveness. Towards ourselves first, so that we can then forgive others truly. Take your power back elegantly and find your balance with this simple hack.

Sep 06, 202103:13
Episode 16 - Love Yourself So Hard That...

Episode 16 - Love Yourself So Hard That...

What's meant for us will never leave us. Become your standard and benchmark of love, fearlessly and no questions asked.

Aug 02, 202103:02
Episode 15 - Lovingly take your power back

Episode 15 - Lovingly take your power back

We give our power away so easily, and we don't even realize. Learn how to bring yourself to the present moment - where your power lives, so that you can understand your boundaries, understand who you are, and learn how to show up in your power in every situation, no matter how hard.

Jul 05, 202104:37
Episode 14 - Unlocking Abundance in 3 steps

Episode 14 - Unlocking Abundance in 3 steps

You are already abundant. In fact, we are as abundant as we dream of becoming. Once you reconcile this fact with your current mindset, you will start unlocking the abundance that has been waiting for you, for quite some time. These 3 tips will help put things into perspective a bit.

Jun 07, 202104:02
Episode 13 - I am AUTHENTIC

Episode 13 - I am AUTHENTIC

Each of us was made fearlessly authentic - yet, we tend to forget this whenever we let fear, anxiety and our insecurities get the best of us. Our power is rooted in the authenticity were were designed to live out. 

May 03, 202103:35
Episode 12 - Everything Is Happening For Me

Episode 12 - Everything Is Happening For Me

When you allow yourself to see EVERYTHING as a test (small or large), it somehow takes the sting out of the situation. Small shifts in perspective can really make a profound impact in how you navigate tough situations or emotions.

Apr 05, 202105:21
Episode 11 - My Morning Ritual

Episode 11 - My Morning Ritual

Morning rituals have changed the way I lead and start my day.

Just start with 15 minutes of meditation (close your eyes, pick one word or few words that resonate with you, and focus on that). Do this right after you wake up. Honor where it takes you, but do your best to stay consistent in your practice.

Mar 08, 202102:24
Episode 10 - I am ready for love...or am I?

Episode 10 - I am ready for love...or am I?

Calling in new love starts with understanding you who truly are, and how you truly need to be supported to show up as authentically as possible in any situation. It is only then that you will start vibrating at the same frequency as those you wish to attract.

Feb 08, 202104:57
Episode 09 - What question would you ask your soul?

Episode 09 - What question would you ask your soul?

It’s not every day your soul taps you on the shoulder to have a conversation. But knowing that it’s possible to connect with it at any time during the day, has me wanting to consistently ask it questions. For the first time yesterday, I heard my soul’s voice and it sounded just like mine.
Jan 31, 202111:30
Episode 08 - Defining Abundance

Episode 08 - Defining Abundance

Take a moment to ask yourself “How do I Define Abundance?” When you are done, read it out loud and sit with how that answer made you feel. Remember this feeling and these words - as they are a truly reflection of your purpose.
Jan 29, 202110:28
My Morning Ritual for Grounding

My Morning Ritual for Grounding

It doesn't take much to create a morning ritual.
All you need is 15-20 minutes right after you wake up. 

Something to prompt your thoughts, a big deep breath, and silence to connect with your heart.

I used Palo Santo/Incense to clear my aura and relax me, Amethyst and Smokey Quartz Crystals as well as a 365 Guidebook called Become What You Are by Wayne Dyer. I also have a dedicated spot in my living room that is only for this ritual.

Jan 04, 202102:24
Full Moon Release for the New Year

Full Moon Release for the New Year

In this episode, I release the baggage from 2020. Handing it off, letting it go, and freeing up the space to welcome change, transformation, forgiveness and growth. I wish you a Happy New Year and a life full of love, happiness and wholeness.
Dec 31, 202007:38
Episode 07 - Samantha Navarro, Fearlessly Moving Into The Life of Your Dreams

Episode 07 - Samantha Navarro, Fearlessly Moving Into The Life of Your Dreams

Follow the brave story of Product Innovation guru, Samantha Navarro,  who left her comfort zone compelled by a deep trust that her dream life awaited her across the Atlantic ocean. Facing the unknown, she realized that with a simply mind-shift, she was able to unlock and enjoy the life she knew was always waiting for her.

Sep 12, 202025:08
Episode 06 - Vivi Villagra & Carrie Guzanick, How to reinvent yourself to find purpose

Episode 06 - Vivi Villagra & Carrie Guzanick, How to reinvent yourself to find purpose

Take an intimate deep dive into the beginning of Agni Miami - more than a yoga studio, it's a way of life inspired by its founders, Carrie and Vivi as they searched for the connections and tools that would eventually lead them to create a community of love, compassion and empowerment in South Florida. Visit their website for available classes, events, certifications and support at

Sep 05, 202018:18
Episode 05 - Josybel Martinez, First Coffee, then Designing a Life You Love

Episode 05 - Josybel Martinez, First Coffee, then Designing a Life You Love

Josy is an incredible HR professional and a wonderful Life Coach who has impacted and helped so many people from different parts of the world through her First Coffee, then Things movement. I am fortunate to have witnessed some bad ass life designing with Josy's help. Join us in this episode as Josy shares the transformation she underwent when she came to the US from the Dominican Republic with one mission she accomplishes every day: Designing a life she loves, and showing others how to do the same.

Aug 30, 202028:52
Episode 04 - Bob Burg, Living Life the Go-Giver Way

Episode 04 - Bob Burg, Living Life the Go-Giver Way

Bob Burg, known for his epic best selling Go-Giver series, joins us and shares a behind the scenes look at how the Go-Giver movement got started, how it has impacted him personally, as well as where it is leading him. An endearing and powerful journey into Bob's insightful look into the mechanics of success by the mindful art of selling by adding value. 

Aug 22, 202031:47
Episode 03 - Hermann Spicker, The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence

Episode 03 - Hermann Spicker, The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence

Join your host Natalya Spicker as she shares how her own brother has become an inspiration through his practical yet powerful outlook on life. Hermann Spicker is responsible for working with some of the largest brands known to mankind and he shares some simply and innovative ways to always strive for success - even during a Pandemic.

Aug 16, 202014:54
Episode 02 - Natalya Spicker, Pivoting from Fear to Fearless during the Pandemic

Episode 02 - Natalya Spicker, Pivoting from Fear to Fearless during the Pandemic

The Pandemic caught us all off guard. It also gave us the biggest reason to pull a 180, and shift our perspectives about it. In this episode, Natalya Spicker shares her Pandemic journey, how it impacted her both professionally and personally, only to discover it was the blessing she had been manifesting for as long as she can remember.

Aug 09, 202040:31
Episode 01 - Natalya Spicker, The Journey Begins
Aug 01, 202026:34
Teaser - The Shadow Sherpa Podcast hosted by Natalya Spicker

Teaser - The Shadow Sherpa Podcast hosted by Natalya Spicker

First episode airs on 08/01/20 - visit to stay connected.

Jul 26, 202002:11