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The Skill Stack Podcast

The Skill Stack Podcast

By Ray Mclennan

The speed of change in the world is getting faster. You need new Skills to keep up.
Every new skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Your value to the world grows through just 1% marginal gains, through compounding and the Entourage effect
You just need to improve by 1% in specific skills to be in the top 20%. If you’re in the top 20% in a number of skills that go well together, you will end up with enough skills, stacked in such a way that you will be sought out by others and as a result you will have more confidence, be happier, healthier and earn more money.
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#031 - Dealing With Judgement

The Skill Stack PodcastMar 10, 2020

# 046 - Sometimes No is what You Need to Hear

# 046 - Sometimes No is what You Need to Hear

People need to feel that they are in control…so when they think they are being sold to, they will say No...and if you accept their “No” and give them permission to say “No” as many times as they like, then they feel safe and in control.

The word No can also be hidden.  It might not even be the word “No” that you hear…it might be a variation of “No”…and you need to be on guard and listen for these verbal clues.  Clues such as;

I need to talk to my boss, my partner, my wife etc etc

I don’t understand it.

I can’t afford it.

I don’t think I need it

It’s not what I want

I don’t need it now

I think I need a different version

…and so on.

When I hear the word “No” I like to push back a bit.

And by listening to this podcast you will learn how to do that. 

Sep 15, 202018:53
# 045 - 9 Phrases that Create Immediate Action

# 045 - 9 Phrases that Create Immediate Action

Why is it that words can have such a dramatic effect on human behaviour?

Well you only have to go back 2 million years because it’s your 2 million year old reptile brain that controls virtually everything you think about and therefore every action you take following that thought. 

Your 2 million old brain is constantly alert and on the lookout for problems. It especially likes anything that can potentially cause you danger and this means that many people live in a constant state of fear.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the acronym F.E.A.R. which stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.

Montaigne the great French philosopher (1533 – 1592)  said “He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears” but I like his most famous quote:  ”My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened”

Even in the bible over 2,000 years ago there is a quote in Job 3:25 that says “That which I have feared has come upon me.”

The very act of thinking about something can make it happen or bring it into being.

William James the father of modern psychology  (1842 – 1910) said  that “That the greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.”

That’s crazy isn’t it?

Thoughts travel faster than anything in the universe…and you will all have examples of that.  A thought can travel so quickly in your own brain from thought to action or a thoughts can spark your hormones into releasing chemicals that either inspire you or deflate you.

So years and years before "The Secret" or before anyone “bought into” the idea that thoughts are things….and thoughts most certainly ARE things….we see many of the great thinkers in life acknowledging that as being true.

So, if thoughts are things and thoughts alone can make things happen, then the use of words will allow  your thoughts to affect someone else’s brain.

We are, after all, just moist robots, programmed by language.

(Before we get into the 9 Phrases That Create Immediate Action,  I want you to remember one crucial thing; that whenever you start something new, something for the first time, you will not be very good at it. That doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you use these as and when you can.)

These came from a great book by Chris Voss entitled: Never Split the Difference - Negotiating as if your life depended on it.  I thoroughly recommend it to you.

1. “Is now a bad time to talk?”

2. “Have you given up on this project?”

3. “How am I supposed to do that?”

4. “What does it take to be successful around here?”

5. “My name is Ray.  What’s the Ray discount?”

6. “Your offer is very generous. I’m sorry that just doesn’t work for me.”

7. “I don’t see how that would ever work.”

8. “Why would you ever do business with me?” or “Why would you ever change from your existing supplier, they’re great.”

9. “It seems like you strongly value the fact that you’ve always paid us on time.” Or “It seems like you don’t care what position you are leaving me in.”

Sep 08, 202027:20
# 044 - 9 Foundations for Success

# 044 - 9 Foundations for Success

Foundations. Very important for without them you cannot build anything meaningful.  And if you do build something without strong foundations then you run the risk of it all eventually falling down.

Here are 3 examples where stronger foundations can make a significant difference.

1. Studying for a degree:

A 2010 study by a collection of five Canada-based psychology professors found that of students who register for a four-year university degree programme, 25% drop out before completion - the root cause being a lack of vision and goal-setting.

In an attempt to improve this statistic, the study helped students through a four-month goal setting process, with their results showing a significant improvement in academic performance in comparison to students who did not partake in goal-setting.

2. Unexpected windfalls of income

Take the lottery winner who becomes an overnight millionaire or even multi-millionaire…according to BBC Capital it’s a sad fact that within 3-5 years lottery winners are twice as likely as ordinary people to declare bankruptcy and within that same time frame over 35% of them do just that…over a longer timeframe even more fall by the wayside.

3. Starting a business.

Unfortunately, the statistics for new business owners are even worse.

According to the CBI in the UK 60% of businesses fail in the first 3 years.

“According to Investopedia, the four most common reasons why small businesses fail are a lack of sufficient capital; poor management; inadequate business planning; and overblowing their marketing budgets - all of which have either direct or indirect ties to a company’s vision statement and their goals.”

So if foundations are so important, why don’t more people make an effort to work on them?

The answers I get most often are:

1. I don’t know what to do

2. I have no time to do things like this

3. Other things take priority

What that tells me is that either what you’re doing is not a priority in your life or you are working outwith your values…you might not even know what they are or if you do, you won’t know what you values are. Which is ironic because the first of the 9 Foundations is Values.  What are yours?

You not only need to do these and find out, but you ought to be able to reel them off to anyone who least reel of the first 5.

So the 9 Foundations of a solid business are:

1. Values – as the founder – what are yours?  Find them at

2. Vision – Do you have a clear picture of the purpose of your life?  If not, spend time setting one out and have fun doing it.

3. Pick the most ordinary business that fits both your values and your vision

4. Constantly Improve that business.

5. Listen to your customers – get to know them better than anything

6. Respond to what your ideal customer tells you

7. Set the highest standards

8. What’s Your Story?  Why do you want to do this? What motivated you?

9. Live the story every day

Jul 23, 202027:35
# 043 - Subliminal Trigger words that Work - 11 Magic Words for Maximum Impact

# 043 - Subliminal Trigger words that Work - 11 Magic Words for Maximum Impact

In a world of sameness, in a world of competition, in a world where there are similar products, budgets and resources, how come some people struggle and others seem to breeze through attracting customers and cash with ease?

Successful people and businesses know what to say and the order in which to say it for maximum impact.

  1. Could You…?
  2. I’m not sure If It’s For You…
  3. Are You Open-Minded?
  4. What Do You Know About….?
  5. How Would You Feel If…..?
  6. Imagine If….
  7. When Would Be a Good Time…?
  8. You Have 3 Options
  9. Two Types of People
  10. If, Like me….
  11. Most People…..

3 Things To Do Now

1. Print off The List – Keep it close and start using it

2. Check Through Your Marketing and make adjustments

3. Use the Words Every Day – in a conversation, in an email or in new social media posts that you put out.

Jul 14, 202031:06
# 042 - How to be the Best You Can be in Your World

# 042 - How to be the Best You Can be in Your World

You may already believe you’re the actually the best at what you do. Especially if If you’re a man (for this tends to be how most men think) you will think that you are better than average at most things – driving especially. But chances are, you’re not. Chances are, you’re settling in, settling for “it will do”, getting along, doing the best you can in the circumstances you’re in. There are challenges and things are tough.  They’re tough for everyone.  But as they say you can make progress or you can make excuses but you can’t make both.

When I said that to some of the 1-2-1 clients I talk to each month, it prickled a few egos and there was a bit of push-back.  Which is good in a way as it usually means that progress will be on the other sde of a breakthrough.

But it’s actually quite amazing when I ask this or talk about this,  how quickly people will metaphorically stand up and defend not just the status quo, the way things “are”  but the inevitability of it.

We’ve been taught since forever that the world needs people who join in and who are followers, not just leaders. Not everyone can lead, can they? We’ve been taught that fitting in can be a lot better for us than standing out,  (I’m thinking of the first year in High School here) and that good enough is just that…it’s good enough.

Which might have been fine in a previous time.  It might have been fine if your anonymously working for a company.  It’s certainly fine if you work in the public sector – I know many people who work in the public sector and they are almost actively encouraged to do the basics or even less - … but that doesn’t work so well in the private sector. It certainly doesn’t work so well if you’re self-employed in what is in effect a winner-takes-all world.

So what to do about it?

Provide value at fair exchange.  Then leverage it.

Anyone, anyone who has done well in business has provided value at fair exchange.  If they didn’t, they wouldn’t make any money.  It’s as simpe as that.

So if you’re going to do it….do it well and you will be rewarded accordingly.

And if you’re going to do it well, do it better.

The way you become the best in your world is by quitting the stuff where you can’t be the best. Delegate it out.  Leverage it. That leaves you the resources to invest in getting through the slump and the drag in time towards becoming the best.

It’s that simple.

Stop doing what you’re not good at and concentrate on what you are good at.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

Join us on Facebook. You can also get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack and on Instagram

email us on:

Jul 07, 202020:59
# 041 - Had a Bad Lockdown? Here's How to end it Well

# 041 - Had a Bad Lockdown? Here's How to end it Well

What is a slump and why do we need to get through it?

A slump is a general malaise.  A feeling of being down in the dumps.  Unable to shake off a feeling of lethargy.  Lack of energy.  “Valley time” as it can sometimes be called.  The valley is the look of the graph if you were tracking say, your energy, a fall in sales calls made, a drop in effort.  You might normally be trundling along at an energy level of 7 out of 10 but now it’s 2 or 3 on the same scale…yet you know that sooner or later you’ll get back up to 7 or even higher.

You might nomally make 10 calls a day now you’re making none!

You may send 20 emails and now it’s 3 or 4…and those are the ones you want to send.  The ones you don’t want to send or the people you don’t want to contact…well, those unsent emails or unmade calls are piling up in your head and adding to the burden.

You are failing to move forward.  You are static.  Not in motion.

That reminds me of something you all ought to be reminded about.  The Rules of Motion.

Sir Isaac Newton the great mathematician and physicist  - who was born about 12 miles away from where I’m recording this  at Woolsthorpe, Colsterworth a few miles south of the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire, Middle England - was famous for his 3 laws:

Newton's Three Laws of Motion

Newton's three laws of motion may be stated as follows:

  1. Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it.
  2. Force equals mass times acceleration [  ].
  3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Another way to describe the first law is: An object at rest, remains at rest unless something acts on it.

Another quote popped into my head:  If you want something done, give it to a busy person.

In other words, when you’re in a slump…or at rest…you need some external force or action to get you going.  Busy people don’t need this force as they are already in motion.

This is the motivation you need, this is the kick-start, the prod.

Get things done now and your memory of the lockdown in the years to come, will be a good one.

Jul 03, 202018:48
# 040 - Are You Really an Entrepreneur?

# 040 - Are You Really an Entrepreneur?

Are You Really an Entrepreneur

But don’t be under any illusions, being an entrepreneur is not easy…but it is fantastic.

I can honestly say that right now in 2020 it’s probably the best time ever to think about working for yourself. For being entrepreneurial.

This is truly an entrepreneurial age.

Here are 6 reasons why:

1.  It’s never been easier to start-up a business or to offer a service

2.  It’s never been cheaper to start up a business

3.  Information and guidance is everywhere, free on Google if you need it

4.  Massive amounts of money have been invested in infrastructure to make things easy for you. The internet. Payment portals. Challenger banks. Upwork. Affiliate opportunities through eBay and Amazon and hundreds of thousands of other companies.

5.  Huge incredibly cheap distribution and supply chain networks

6.  Massive free or very cheap marketing systems such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn where you can zero in and target your ideal customers anywhere in the world

And it’s going to get better.

Here are another 6 reasons:

1. Population is growing all over the world…especially at level 3 and 4 where they can afford to buy goods and services online.

2. People are living longer.

3.The internet is getting better and more security is in place to keep your data and money safer that ever before and it will get better.

4. Future technological advances in the internet of things and Artificial intelligence will open up even more opportunities.

5. Innovation is encouraged more than ever.

6. Access to funds from Crowdfunding and cryptocurrencies is growing

And the number of people wanting to learn about all of that is growing as more and more people realise there is no job security anymore.

So are you really an entrepreneur?

Could you handle the downside?

Because if you can, the upside is pretty good…and it's getting better!

Join the Skill Stack Facebook or Instagram Groups.  Contribute.  Ask questions.  Invite answers. Join us on Twitter @theskillstack

Go back and listen to some of the other podcasts.  They all have notes and all have action points of useful things for you to do.

To quote a great 20th century thinker, Joseph Trumpeter. "Do not wait for the gales of creative destruction to wash over you."

Download the Skill Stack e-book 22 Doomed Industries  and make sure that when creative destruction does come, you are not left shocked, swimming without a costume on and no lifejacket.

Jun 09, 202023:58
# 039 - Future Shock - 7 Tips on How To Cope When It Hits

# 039 - Future Shock - 7 Tips on How To Cope When It Hits

Future Shock is a 1970 book by the futurist Alvin Toffler, where he defines the term "future shock" as a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies. The shortest definition for the term in the book is a personal perception of "too much change in too short a period of time".

This Shock can have a detrimental affect unless you're prepared for it.

For those who can cope…. We are in the age of innovation.

So what does this require of you?


1. Accept that massive change is here and don’t get upset by it.  It is neither good nor bad it simply IS.  Do not be frightened by it but at the same time don’t get too excited.  Work on your mindset and retain balance.

2. Talk more to people who understand this is happening. Get in community with similar people.  Join masterminds and groups of people who want to progress.  This will help you feel balanced and not alone or isolated.

3. Make a plan.  Whatever you are doing now take a long hard look at it.  Are you creating value?  Will you still be kept on by your employeer or will your services still be in demand?  If not, or if you think not, you need to plan changes now.  (bear in mind that with furloughed staff and an apparet recession on the horizon, most employers will be looking to cut back on their biggest expense…staff!)  You need to be in a position to remain because they can’t do without you, or you need a lifeboat in the form of your own business.

4. Are you upskilling?  Have you looked at the skills that will be required? I’m guessing that by listening to this podcast (or reading this book) that you have a desire to make some changes.  You need to innovate and make your own skills become vital and in demand by your customers…to do that you need to learn how to market properly and sell your services so that you are in demand and have a steady stream of new clients.

5. Work on the skills you need on a daily basis. Remember it’s not about developing a skill 100% it’s about incremental increases in a set of specific skills that will help you the most.

6. Take control of your financial future.  Have you worked out your own financial targets? Do you know what is required to meet them?

7. Get a strategy in place to implement your plan.

Whatever you do, switching off this Podcast and carrying on as before is not an option.

Join the Skill Stack Facebook Group.  Contribute.  Ask questions.  Invite answers.

Go back and listen to some of the other podcasts.  They all have notes and all have action points of useful things for you to do.

To quote another great 20thcentury thinker, Joseph Trumpeter. Do not wait for the gales of creative destruction to wash over you.

Download the Skill Stack e-book 22 Doomed Industries  and make sure that when creative destruction does come, you are not left shocked, swimming without a costume on and no lifejacket.

May 26, 202024:38
Bonus Session - Using Zoom Like a Pro

Bonus Session - Using Zoom Like a Pro

During the Lockdown, many millions of us have been using Zoom and Skype and Google Hangouts and Microsoft Teams - plus other video conferencing tools...many for the first time!

I've been using Zoom for a few years now and here are some tips for using it more effectively.

If you’ve ever joined more than three people on a Skype or Zoom conference call, I hope you’ll appreciate these tips, and perhaps use them and share them.

If you don’t pay for Zoom some of the features might not be available but most of them will be. But chances are that you are using Zoom in some kind of work environment, so it pays to be as professional as you can

Remember The Skill Stack is not about being excellent at any one thing…it’s about having a variety of useful skills for the 21stCentury to give you the edge over your competition and to make you a better person.  This will give you more confidence, create less stress, make you happier and in turn a more valuable member of society…which will also eventually filter through into more cash in your bank.

1. Sit close to the screen. Your face should fill most of it.  Keep slightly to the right or left…not exactly in the middle and leave an inch or so showing over your head.

2. Your name. When you’re logging in, Use your name properly or your name and location so that when you talk and people can see, then know who you are and where you are.

3. Changing a setting. The default Zoom setting is to show the full screen face of the person talking.  Change this to show everyone.

4. Microphones and Headsets. Use an external microphone or headset.

5. Consider if you ever have background noise issues such as dogs barking or kids upstairs or if you’re in a public place.  Krisp (with a K) is noise-cancelling software and it’s free.

6. Mute. When you’re not talking, hit mute. If you’re on mute, press and hold the space bar and you can be heard.

7. Eating. Don’t eat during the meeting.  It’s ok to drink tea or coffee but don’t slurp.  And remember that mute button.

8. Listening and engaging. When you’re on mute during an audio call, you can do whatever you want. But when you’re on mute on a video call, you need to act like you’re truly engaged. Nod your head. Focus on the screen.

9. Your Phone.  If you have to use your phone whilst on zoom, lift it up and use it in front of you below the camera.

10. Lighting. Don’t sit with the window behind you. A little effort on lighting goes a very long way. Test it out beforehand.

11. Talking. When you’re talking, spend some time looking at the camera, not the screen. You’ll appear more earnest and honest this way.

12. Time. When you’re talking, go slow. No one is going to steal your slot.

13. Walking. Don’t walk if you’re using a phone, it’s very off-putting for others as they get distracted by the movement…but also…you run the risk of walking into someone or something!

14. Background images or setting. If you have a green screen it’s a good idea to use it and to use a bespoke, non-Stock images of your own.

15. Leaving. If you have to go to the toilet or answer the door, let people know in the Chat box…send a message to everyone to say you need to drop out for a minute.

16. Hosting. If you’re hosting a zoom session, it’s a good idea to send out an agenda and a start and finish time.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

You can learn more at:

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

May 15, 202021:36
# 038 - Communication - 11 Tips on How Not To Suck at it
May 13, 202022:03
Bonus Session - Feeling Lazy? Here's What To Do About It

Bonus Session - Feeling Lazy? Here's What To Do About It

Bonus Session - Feeling Lazy? Here's What To Do About It.

In this unusual time. More people are staying at home in lockdown.  Some people have to work from home whilst many others have the "luxury" of doing nothing.

I don't know about you but I would much rather be working from home that doing nothing!

But here's the thing, people are not lazy, they are just uninspired and need an objective, a target, a goal. They need to be moving towards something that inspires them.

This lack of energy is caused by mucscles being under-utilised and energy stagnates.

Sleep inertia can also cause you to feel lazy during the day.  This sleep inertia is caused by sleeping longer. We no longer need to get up and commute, so more time in bed.  We can stay up late. But all of that compounds and will lead to sleep inertia which can lead to you wandering around your home in a hypnagogic trance - almost like a teenager!

So what do you do if you can't concentrate?  If You struggle to work at home>  If you're feeling tired all the time?

I spoke to people who have worked at home for years and asked them these questions.  The answer is Routine.  Get into a routine. A good routine and stick to it.

But that aside, here are 6 other things that you can do to stave off the lazy feelings and yo cure sleep inertia.

1. Workout

2. Go out

3. Do something for someone

4. Get creative

5. Plan something to look forward to

6. Make a nutritious meal

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

You can learn more at:

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

May 05, 202010:16
#037 - Adaptability and Fortitude - Why it's so important and why you need it

#037 - Adaptability and Fortitude - Why it's so important and why you need it

The following statement is often attributed to the famous scientist Charles Darwin: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Adaptability as a skill refers to the ability of a person to change his actions, course or approach to doing things in order to suit a new situation. ... It encompasses being able to effect changes in a course of action with smoothness and timeliness, without any major setbacks.

Adaptability means being open to ANY new challenge or changing situation, regardless of your background and skills, and refusing to place preconceived judgments on the challenge or presume it's something you can't handle, or won't like.

As a differentiating valueAdaptability means ability to change and maintain effectiveness in a changing environment. The critical ingredient to adaptability is remaining effective when everything is changing

Often confused with Survival of the fittest.

Darwin uses the phrase "survival of the fittest" in chapter four of his groundbreakng book “On the Origin of Species” to describe the process of natural selection. But he did not coin the phrase. It was borrowed from English philosopher Herbert Spencer, who first talked about survival of the fittest in his Principles of Sociology.

The world is changing rapidly and that’s down to Four things: Abundance, Asia , Automation and AI

The first 3 were extensively written about by Daniel Pink in his 2006 book “A whole new mind” – The newest addition is AI

· Abundance: prosperity has allowed westerners to fill their lives with material goods but not fulfillment – the search for meaning and happiness goes on.

· Asia: workers from Asia are taking over the role of knowledge workers.

· Automation: any job that is dependent on routines can be replaced or reshaped by technology: eg computers that can program other computers; medical diagnoses that can be done online by patients

 * AI: This is the branch of computer sciences that emphasises the development of intelligence machines, thinking and working like humans. For example, speech recognition, problem-solving, learning and planning.

To be able to be adaptable we will need six essential aptitudes; he calls them the Six Senses: Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning.

For the list of jobs in the future, Click on this link:  Jobs of The Future

It’s the mindset skills that make up the larger portion of required skills in the future.

Having them makes being adaptable easier.  Having a variety of useful skills makes you mentally more able to cope with change.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

You can learn more at: 

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Apr 28, 202035:37
#036 - How To Get More Done in a Day

#036 - How To Get More Done in a Day

How To Get More Done In A Day

First of all, leverage as much as you can.  But here is how to control your day to get the most out of it and to let you get on with your core skill/profession.

1. Wake up at least an hour earlier. 2. Make a daily to-do list. 3. Do the hardest things first. 4. Clear your desk. 5. Exercise in the morning. 6. Write out Your Routine 7. Focus on one thing at a time. 8. Start saying “No” more often. 9. Get enough sleep. Get good sleep 10. Keep your emails organised. 11. Shut off social media. 12. Read emails and documents properly. 13. Schedule chunks of uninterrupted time. Pomodoro 14. Put your headphones on….or in 15. Meditate before starting work. 16. Eliminate meetings. 17. Make 60-second decisions.

18. Outsource everything.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Apr 24, 202032:52
#035 - How to get Anyone to Take Action - 6 Steps

#035 - How to get Anyone to Take Action - 6 Steps

How to Get Anyone to Take Action in 6 simple steps.

1. Limit their options - not too many choices.  They need to believe they are in control. Remember the analogy of the jam in the supermarket or my wife shopping curtains.  Less is better when it comes to getting someone to take action.

2. Set Deadlines - Any task will contract or expand depending on the time given. Let people know they must act NOW! ... or within a very short timeframe or they will lose the offer.  This acts the same as when we are told we can't have something; we tend to want it more and also remember scarcity.  The human desire for something increases when there is less of it.

3. Use Isaac Newton's law of inertia.  Objects in motion tend to stay in motion; get them to do something.  Something small can lead to something bigger. Buying something for a small price can lead to buying something from you of a higher price.

4. Another useful law is that of expectation.  People will do what you expect if you do it with confidence.  "Follow me"!  "Go there" especially if you walk off in that direction.

5. Watch how people process information.  If you want People to do something, make it easy.  If you want to discourage them, make it sound complicated.  My son taking out the recycling is a great example.

6. But wait...there's more!  The add-on is a great way to get someone to do something...and add on can increase sales by as much as a third. IN fact any small additional benefit for taking action now will always go down well.

So that is it.  6 Steps.

But always remember the number one rule when it comes to getting someone to do something for you or with you - they ideally need to like you and also trust you, so use their name as often as you can.

Whilst you're here, there is an offer for the next 3 days only. Go to the website as join the Skill Stack and you will get 6 weeks worth of direct 1-2-1 coaching with me...not my  But wait! That's not all.  I will show you some simple ways to earn back 10 times the cost of the programme. But this is only open to the first 10 people who join in the next 3 days.

Go to the site.  Do it now!

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Apr 21, 202025:50
#034 - How to Make quick changes

#034 - How to Make quick changes

How To Make Quick Changes.

You are not the problem.  Your approach to the problem is the problem.  This is a system and process flaw not a personal one.

It’s true what employers say, people don’t work…systems work.  People don’t fail. Systems fail.

Michael Gerber has been saying this for years in his seminal book: The E-Myth – Why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it.

I first came across this over 20 years ago. It was brought to my attention by a group of accountants called Ran One (Results Accountants network)

This is a mindset changing book and the suggestions in it do work.

So in order for you to make changes, you need to adjust your mindset – and it’s easier than you think.

Bear in mind that this makes no distinction between starting a behaviour or quitting a behaviour. Between good habits or bad habits…and there are certain things that apply across the board when it comes to changing.

1.  Stop critisising yourself – it’s not you… it’s the system you use (or don’t use)

2.  Take any challenge you have and break it down into small steps. (like eating an Elephant…one bite at a time)

3.  If you do make a mistake, recognise it, own it, learn from it and move on.

When you follow a simple system you will get quick wins.  There will be times when you say to yourself “Hey this really works!”  That’s important.  It’s important that you celebrate these wins as that will reinforce the behaviour and you will want to do more.

So keep score.  In your phone, in a book or in a Journal, make a note of coincidences and times when you catch yourself making the small changes necessary.

1.  Stop beating yourself up it’s not your fault. This is a process error not a human one.

2.  Take very small steps and measure what you are doing…after all it’s not the mountain that holds you back, it’s the pebble in your shoe!

3.  Celebrate the wins.

Some of the best changes are made when 3 things come together.

1.  You actually really want to make the change – you are willing - make sure that you do

2.  You have the ability to make the change.  You can actually do it. You are not physically prevented

3.   Something must make you do it. Reminder

If you have any questions or want to ask me about anything in this podcast, you can join the Skill Stack on Facebook or in Twitter @TheSkillStack or you can email us directly; or if you would like to discover the power of accelerated personal growth you can sign up to the Mindset, Training and Strategy modules at

Once again, thank you for listening and I’ll hope to talk to you again on the next episode which is Episode #34  - How to Get More Done in a Day

And remember;

“The greatest investment you’ll ever make is investing in yourself.”

Apr 14, 202022:10
#033 - The World's Largest Work-From-Home Experiment

#033 - The World's Largest Work-From-Home Experiment

The Worlds Largest Work from home experiment

This is the World’s Largest “Work from Home Experiment”

People who are optimistic about the future will win.

Let’s think about Fear for a moment.  Fear is just a seed.  It must settle in your imagination as it can produce nothing without imagination + or – (positive or negative and it gets magnified)

If I take a look in your garden 3,6,9 months from now I can clearly see what seeds you have planted.

If you hold on to fear it will seriously impact upon you.

Play this game with patience. Not fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway and be very careful of your emotions around fear as they will actually increase your chance of becoming ill.  Fear creates stress hormones and they will reduce your bodies ability to fight off infection.  Your immunity will become compromised.  Do not let it (fear) take hold.

Who Needs help right now? Who has a problem?

1. People who currently have a problem are employees working from home with kids.

2. Companies struggling to keep staff productive.

3. Entrepreneurs lacking digital processes.

Who has the potential to Grow?  

Think about all the companies who have massive potential.  Online anything really!

So remember, Money does not disappear in a recession it changes hands.

What Resources are available to you?  

What subscriptions are you keeping?  If you're keeping them, so is everyone else.

Strategy – Checklist – What gifts, skills, talent, knowledge and expretise could you digitise to help others? How did you reach your goals or overcome adversity in the past?

Money goes to people who solve meaningful problems. –

Strategy – What Pulled You Through? What is Important to you?

Tactics – Do what you love?

Think about your daily MMA's Money Making Activities – KRA's Key Result Areas – HVA's High Value Activities – DMO's Daily Method of Operation

Remember to keep up a routine and follow the routine.  It's not discipline you need it's a routine and accountability.

More on that in the next episode.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Apr 07, 202018:42
Bonus Session - Coping in a Crisis

Bonus Session - Coping in a Crisis

Mindset and Strategy - Coping in a Crisis

So coping in a crisis.

It’s important that we all do our bit.  Play our part in being part of the solution and not the problem.

So COVID-19 - Some Wise Words - Mindset and Strategy - Coping in a Crisis

Okay for those of you who have been listening to The Skill Stack Podcast for a while you will know that I am very keen on mindset.

In fact The Skill Stack starts with 12 modules on mindset then 12 modules on training then 12 models on strategy and how to put the training into practice.

So let’s get into some things to help you cope and some ways to quickly implement these coping mechanisms.

The way we feel at the best of times is triggered by outside events.

And that can and does change how we act.

And the way we act can then reinforce how we feel.  It’s a spiral that we need to watch out for and break out of.

You cannot control the situation but you can control your reaction.

What will you learn today? Who will you teach?

Here is what I’m going to teach. Coping in a Crisis.

So here we go:  22 Tips for Coping in a Crisis;

1. Don’t Panic – Breathe. Stay Calm.

2. Reactions – Everyone reacts differently

3. Right Now Is the Worst Part

4. There will be Good Parts

5. Routine – Establish one early and stick to it.

6. Meals – Take the time to prepare them

7. Privacy – Let each person have their own space

8. Exercise -  regardless of age – do it

9. Drink – Alcohol, tea, water – everything in moderation

10. Stocking Up – Food yes but don't forget things like lightbulbs, toothpaste, toothbrushes and washing power.

11. Transport-  Bicycles are best

12.Connect -  Keep in touch with people.

13.Help For Others - Help friends and your local community.

14.Medicine – have the basics to hand

15.Arrange Help for You.  Ask for it if you need it - there are no prizes for suffering in silence. is brilliant and start to follow Jack Black Mindstore on Facebook for some great tips, advice and videos on mental health.

16.Restrict Social Media Time

17.Limit Your News Exposure

18.Expect More Change

19.Small things can make a big difference

20.Sense of Humour – Don’t lose it and seek it out where you can.

21.Underlying problems don’t go away.

22.One Day This Will Be Over

The main thing is, be kind to yourself and others.  You’re feeling anxious and stressed, that’s millions of years of evolution and is a coping mechanism.

This time though, you are not alone in this crisis.  You are not alone in feeling this way…millions of others are as well…but millions of others are also working to fix things on your behalf.

You need to do your bit.  You need to ensure that you are part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Remember that running away from your problems is a race you will never win.

And if you do one thing…just one thing…of all the things listed in this episode….make it that you prepare a routine.  Write it out. Follow it.  Make sure others in your family follow one as well.

Put up little post-it notes around your house with the routine and the timings on it and follow it to the letter.

Mar 26, 202026:23
#032 - How To Sleep Better and Wake up Fresher

#032 - How To Sleep Better and Wake up Fresher

How To Sleep Better and Wake up Fresher

Do you or anyone you know, have sleep "issues"?

It's a very common problem and one that I can say used to affect me badly...but for the last 20 years I have slept soundly every night and woken up at the same time every day without an alarm clock.  Here's how I do it and the good news is that you can do it as well.

It is usually fear of something that stops us from falling asleep or if we wake up in the middle of the night, it can be the fear of something that keeps us awake and keeps our mind "spinning".

On the two-day courses I have asked people to use these techniques (called the pathway to sleep - created by Jack Black at to get a good night sleep and wake up fresher.

Here is the pathway to sleep.

1. Create a house in your mind. Ideally in the country. Make it as big or as small as you like. You design it. It's your ideal house.

2. Within the house create a room, a big comfortable bedroom called the sleeping quarters. Make it as luxurious as you wish.

3. In the room have a big comfortable bed and at the end of the bed have a wall with a huge clock face on it for setting the time to wake up.

4. When you go to bed at night and prepare for sleep, visit this house and enter the sleeping quarters. Sit on the bed and take 3 deep breaths.

5. In your minds eye, look at the clockface on the wall and see the hands move to a time when you want to wake up. Make it 06:11 or 06:43  It doesn't have to be on the hour or half hour. (Do NOT use an alarm clock as back-up!)

6. Fall back into the bed. Take another 3 deep breaths. Relax from head to toe. Each time say, "I am falling into a deep, deep sleep".  So Relax my head - I am falling into a deep, deep sleep.  Relax my face - I am falling into a deep, deep sleep...and so on all the way to your feet and toes.

7. Wake. Check the time and laugh because It Only Works!!

Now 7 things ti remember from the podcast

1. The brain can only process one conscious thought at a time so use positive self-talk when facing up to your fears

2. Fear exists only in the mind. Take action and step into what you fear and you will discover it no longer exists.

3. Do away with your alarm clock and set your own opportunity clock in your mind within your sleeping quarters

4. Use the Pathway to sleep every night and you will get better at it and your quality of sleep will improve.

5. Take advantage of waking up early to get up, go for a morning walk or read a motivational book. (If you don't normally do this, put a note beside your bed as a reminder.

6. Keep a notebook by your bed to record ideas that come to you.

7. Take a note of your dreams to harness more of your creative capacity.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Mar 17, 202029:05
#031 - Dealing With Judgement

#031 - Dealing With Judgement

Dealing With Judgement

8 simple steps to deal with judgement

1. Keep it in perspective

2. Know The source.  If they don’t know you personally, don’t take it personally

3. If it’s useful feedback, learn the lesson

4. Are they judging you or are you judging yourself?

5. If You are being judged – why? See Number 3…learn the lesson

6. Focus on what matters to you, not someone else

7. Realise when it’s time to leave….sometimes you just need to block people

8. Shift Your focus – see the good

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Mar 10, 202023:23
#030 - Overwhelm - How To Deal With It

#030 - Overwhelm - How To Deal With It

Dealing With Overwhelm

Understand Exactly Why You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Many of the people I deal with on a  1-2-1 basis, such as clients and Mastemind attendees tell me that from time to time they are feeling overwhelmed by running their business and by Life in general!

It doesn’t matter whether your business is brand new or 20 years old, whether you are young or old...there are many things to juggle as a business owner, as a mother, father, brother or sister. You are not alone in feeling this way, and there are some very common reasons why we feel overwhelmed in business and in life:

· Trying please everyone (usually, but not always this is a common female trait.)

· Trying to focus on or get too many things done at one time – not to be confused with multitasking

· Being too optimistic about how much time it takes to do a task (This should only take me 5 minutes!) Yeah right!

· Adding too many appointments and projects to your daily or weekly calendar

· Not saying “no” to people and projects

Notice how all these things are a CHOICE you have made? Every time you make a choice to do too much, you are actually making a choice to feel stressed and overwhelmed.  You can stop this as you are in control.

To Deal With Overwhelm

1. Just Say No

2. Clear Desk...clear mind

3. Do What's most important first. Eat That Frog!

4. Do. Dump.Delegate or Destroy

5. Work towards results not for the sake of being busy.  What are your Key Result Areas (KRA's) and Income Generating Tasks (IGT's)

6. Create a Routine

7. Do just 4 tasks a day

8. Admit to yourself that it never ends - but it IS something you can control

9. Celebrate

10. You don't have to get it right but you have to get it going - Perfection will kill you and your business.  Strive to get it done regardless!

11. Action defeats worry.  Get moving. Stop thinking about it.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Mar 03, 202025:07
Bonus Session - Subliminal Ways to Earn More

Bonus Session - Subliminal Ways to Earn More

This episode has no intro or outro music.

It is just Ray talking in a relaxing manner to get into your subconscious mind and help you make changes that will help you earn more money.

Feb 28, 202008:36
#029 - Stress - How To Deal With It

#029 - Stress - How To Deal With It

Dealing With Stress

What is Stress?

Stress: In a medical or biological context stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tensions. These are manifest in a variety of symptoms

Stresses can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal (abnormal thought process, illness, or from a medical procedure)

10 Tips for Dealing With Stress

1.  Avoid or reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol, illicit drugs and nicotine.

2.  Go For A Walk - Take some exercise.

3. Get More Sleep - Learn Sleep Techniques

4. Learn To Relax - some great advice here:

5. Share Your Thoughts - Talk to someone If You Want to talk to me boo a date and time here:

6. In Your Journal, write out a Stress number from 1-10 and what triggered it.

7. Take Control - write out the problem and a number of suggested solutions.

8. Manage Your Energy and Get a Routine

9. Say "No" more often

10. If You Don't Feel Well - Rest.  Stop.  Recover and recuperate.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Feb 25, 202036:01
#028 - 11 Excuses that stop you making progress
Feb 18, 202052:41
#27 - Daily Routine - Important Skill to Work at

#27 - Daily Routine - Important Skill to Work at

Routine does indeed equal results.

Daily Routine.

Divided into 3 parts - Morning - Daytime - Evening

The irony is that the morning routine starts in the evening – with your Journal.  - I mentioned in Episode 24 that having a journal led to some surprising results – this is one of them. A routine is good. A routine gets results

Having a routine does the same.

Take 5 minutes before you relax for the evening or before you go to bed and just jot down the things you need to do.

In the journal there is the ONE thing that you absolutely must do and 3 other things you want to do.

So the night before …take a few minutes to take a look in your calendar and jot down (write out in the daily journal) the things you want to get done.

Morning Routine

1.  Get up  - for me that’s around 6am – no alarm clock – (see Podcast episode No #032

2.  Drink water (ideally with lemon and sea salt)

3.  Exercise  HIT for 15 mins max (see Podcast Episode No #010)

4.  Shower/shave/ablutions – 15 mins

5.  Check journal and tasks – emphasis on Gratitude - 5 mins

6.  Send out emails – max 30 mins (see Podcast Episode # 026)

7.  Post on social media – 15 mins max

8. Day job – core skill – get on with your life – You should have at least 4 - 6 free hours a day for this.  Which from an efficiency point of view is extremely good. – The average worker does 2 hrs and 34 minutes of work a day according to a question on Quora in May 2012 and again in 2016 and 2019 They referred to articles in. and

And to get 4-6 hours of real work done, there’s a routine for that!

Daytime Routine

First of all, leverage as much as you can.  But here are 11 ways to control your day to get the most out of it and to let you get on with your core skill/profession.

1.  Set out your Key Result Areas (KRA’s) Income Generating Tasks (IGT’s)  and measure your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – (More on that in  podcast episode No #031)

2.  Never answer the phone (see Podcast episode No #022)

3.  Change your voicemail message to let people know you don’t listen to voicemails – it stops phone tennis!

4.  Never respond to an email (see Podcast Episode No #026 Controlling your email)

5.  Don’t book meetings unless they are at a time that suits your energy

6.  Learn to say “No”

7.  Have a pa or VA or system to handle calls such as

8.  Set specific times for calls and meetings using and

9.  Turn on out of office message responders. Nudge people to your social media or FAQ’s

10.Have a pa or VA or gatekeeper filtering incoming messages, emails and requests such as

11.Make full use of transcription apps and software to document things.  Such as  Temi or

Evening Routine

1. Get out your Journal - Write out your plans for tomorrow

2. Review your Goals/targets/Aims/Vision Board (Photos in an album that you can look at and absorb)

3. Brush teeth - prepare for bed

4. Sleep technique - see Podcast Episode No #032

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Feb 11, 202022:17
#026 Efficiency Tips - Control Your Email

#026 Efficiency Tips - Control Your Email

Control Your Email.

Here’s how.

1.  Create 4 new folders

2.  Delete everything in your inbox

3. Only do emails 3 times a day

1.  Create 4 new folders

Folder 1 is Awaiting Urgent Reply

Folder 2 is Immediate Response

Folder 3 is General

Folder 4 is Marketing

Now if you put an exclamation mark ! in front of those words, they should appear at the top of yout folder list and not in alphabetical order way down the list of other folders you might have already created.

2. Delete everything in your inbox.  Yes you heard me.  Your inbox should say zero emails.

Go for it. It's Refreshing.  You could move everything into General in one fell swoop or you could allocate chosen emails to folders - takes longer but it might be for you.  Even if you put them into General you can still search for them

3. Only do your emails 3 times a day.

Between 0600 and 0700

Then at 11am

Then at 4pm

Two Great Websites for controlling email:


All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Feb 03, 202021:04
#025 - 12 Quick Ways to Become Successful

#025 - 12 Quick Ways to Become Successful

12 Quick Ways to become successful.

1. Listen to The Skill Stack Podcast

2. Join The Skill Stack online

3. Don’t Manage Your Time. Increase Your Energy.

4. Outsource More

5. Do not Spend Too Much Time on Social Media…unless

6. You Need To Think Like a Business

7. Be a Positive Thinker

8. You Need to Establish Targets and Systems

9. You're a Perfectionist – Don’t be

10. Manage Your Money Properly

11. Be Constantly Learning

12. Think Bigger

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Dec 17, 201926:48
#024 - Having a Journal Works for the Strangest Reasons

#024 - Having a Journal Works for the Strangest Reasons

Having a Journal is not just for kids or students.

Many top business people use one every day.  One guy I know who earns c$5m - $9m a year with his social media training company  has created his own template based around his own targets.

If it's good enough for him and many others, then it is a skill or habit you need to consider and ideally, to start.

There are good emotional and psychological reasons why having (and writing daily in a journal works for you;  reasons you might not expect!

If You want to get yourself a journal, there are 3 good ones

1. Best Self Journal -

2. Inspire Now Journal -

3. Brendan Burchard - High Performance Planner - Go to Amazon and search for this.

Some studies have also found longer-term benefits of expressive writing for emotional health outcomes, including mood/affect (Pennebaker et al, 1988; Páez et al, 1999), psychological well-being (Park & Blumberg, 2002), depressive symptoms before examinations (Lepore, 1997) and post-traumatic intrusion and avoidance symptoms (Klein & Boals, 2001). However, the findings for emotional health are not as robust or as consistent as those for physical health.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

Follow us on Twitter @TheSkillStack

email us:

Online course:

Nov 19, 201918:04
#023 Do this and You Will Succeed - Why You Need This vital Skill

#023 Do this and You Will Succeed - Why You Need This vital Skill

Public Speaking

This is not about giving a speech to 300 people from a stage.  Public speaking is a skill that you need to learn if you ever talk to more than one person at a time, either in conference calls, webinars, recording videos or talking to a group in person.

You can of course grow your business by talking one to one.  But you can really grow your business by talking one to many!

When it comes to the subject of public speaking, I've only ever heard three responses.

So, People fall into 3 categories when this subject comes up.

1.  I hate it and won't do it

2. I like it and will speak anywhere

3. I want to do it but I don't know how

Those who hate it probably have a fear of public speaking.  If so, there are some tips on how to overcome that fear.

If you like it and will speak anywhere, you can do even better with a system.  Improve your speaking by just 1% in the right area and you can potentially add a lot to your personal value.

If you want to do it but don't know how, you need a system that works.

In this episode Ray describes how he made over $120,000 in his first year as a proper professional speaker.  He knows many people who make that from speaking per month using the same system he describes in this podcast.

But like any great system, you need to use the ingredients in the right order!

Look out for Earn The Honour and The Pentagon - these two things alone will transform your public speaking.

Here are the 7 tips (so you don't need to write them down whilst listening in a car or travelling!) Plus one Bonus!

1. Start Small - practice in front of small groups first

2. Prepare thoroughly - Stand in front of a mirror. Check your equipment and your timings

3. Do not just memorise words - let the talk flow

4. Avoid common bullet points

5. Reduce Stress - No looking at your 'phone before you go on stage

6. Find a Friend to Focus on - meet people before you go "on stage' shake hands, say hello at the coffee break.

7. Engage the Audience - eye contact and get them to raise hands and ask questions

8. Bonus - Earn The Honour of being chosen to speak - tell the audience, why you're there!

The Pentagon - 4 Tips to remember to structure ANY talk

1. What is It? (spend 5% of your time on this)

2. Why are you doing it or talking about it ? (30%)

3. How will you do it? (40%)

4. What all goes wrong...overcoming objections (15%)

5. When do you need to do this or start this? (10%)

If you want to attend one of the best public speaking courses in the world, currently held in the us: or DM us on Twitter @TheSkillStack

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Oct 22, 201934:53
#022 - Efficiency Tips - Control Your Phone!

#022 - Efficiency Tips - Control Your Phone!

Control Your Phone

Cell phones, mobile phone, smart phones...they have many names.

One thing is certain, smartphone addiction is growing and it's sapping your energy and your creativity and it's time to take back control with these top tips.

First of all, here is a list of apps that can help you to exert more control over your 'phone (I know, Irony Klaxon, get an app to control your app addiction!)

The newest app in this genre, Mute tracks screen-time and pickups, and logs your “detox streaks” with an emphasis on celebrating the latter.

Moment sets daily limits on your usage, and will even try to force you off the device with a barrage of notifications if you choose that option.

Space starts with a quiz to assign you a phone-user “type” (from Rabbit Hole Wanderer to Sticky Social Mitt) and then helps you set goals to change your habits.

Aimed at students, Hold tracks how much time they spend not using their phone, and converts that into points to be redeemed for real-world rewards.

Forest takes a different approach: starting the app plants a virtual tree, which grows for as long as you don’t quit the app (and thus use other ones), but dies if you exit.

But sometimes it’s the simple things; the little things that make the biggest difference. Discipline is one of them.

1. Get one of the apps above to help you

2. Do not use your phone as an alarm clock

3. Use pen and paper to record thoughts

4. Switch off your phone during the day

5. Do not take your phone into your bedroom at night

6. Turn off notifications

7. You are not a dog so stop acting like one

8. Are you choosing your 'phone over a relationship

9. A phone is a tool, not a ball and chain


Salehan, M. & Negahban, A. (2013). Social networking on smartphones: When mobile phones become addictive. Computers in Human Behavior, 29.

Stothart, C., Mitchum, A. & Yehnert, C. (2015). The Attentional Cost of Receiving a Cell Phone NotificationJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

van Deursen, et al. (2015). Modeling habitual and addictive smartphone behavior The role of smartphone usage types, emotional intelligence, social stress, self-regulation, age, and gender. Computers in Human Behavior, 45

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Sep 24, 201923:05
#021 - Energy Levels - How to Boost Yours

#021 - Energy Levels - How to Boost Yours

How to Boost Your Energy Levels.

It's not time-management you need to learn about, it's energy management.

Once you can manage your energy levels then you can start to make difference in your life.

There are a few small things to learn and understand.  Once you listen to this podcast and understand these small things; and more important, once you start to implement them into your daily life, you will learn a skill that only truly successful people know and use.  Then you will have the energy to start to put in place your vision.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Sep 17, 201917:57
#020 - Social Media - Yes You Can Make Money From it.

#020 - Social Media - Yes You Can Make Money From it.

Social Media

You are using your phone are on it for a number of hours every day. Why not learn to make money from social media?

For much more information on how to make money online yourself or for your business, go here:

or here:

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Sep 12, 201928:56
#019 - Persuasion Skills - How they work

#019 - Persuasion Skills - How they work


The ability to persuade is a powerful skill.

Before you can persuade anyone of anything you need to persuade yourself that you have (or can gain) the skills necessary to improve your life.

There are strong emotional reasons why persuasion works and how you can use them to your advantage. Fear is a powerful emotion

In they episode we look at the 4 major social fears that most people have.

1. Fear of Failure

2. Fear of being judged or rejected

3. Fear of Missing Out  - FOMO

4. Fear of the Unknown or uncertainty

10 Signs You Might Have a Fear of Failure

The following list is not a professional diagnosis, but if you feel that more than one or two lines in this list are very characteristic of you, then you might want to examine the issue further, either by doing more reading about it or talking to a professional.

1. If you worry about what other people think about you.

2. If you worry about your ability to pursue the future you desire.

3. If you worry that people will lose interest in you.

4. If you worry about how intelligent or capable you are.

5. If you worry about disappointing people whose opinion you value.

6. If you tell people beforehand that you don’t expect to succeed in order to lower their expectations.

7. If you have trouble imagining what you could have done differently to succeed.

8. If you often get last-minute headaches, stomach pain, or other physical symptoms that prevent you from completing your preparation.

9. If you often get distracted by tasks that prevent you from completing your preparation which were not really as urgent as they seemed at the time.

10. If you tend to procrastinate and "run out of time" to complete your preparation adequately.

Next we tell you what to do about these fears and how you can overcome them.

We finish off with 12 points to cover of most of the main fears.

1. Do the work. Don’t be lazy

2. Stop waiting.  The time is now.

3. Rely on yourself.  No one else cares enough. They have their own battles.

4. Be practical.  Getting on in life is not a theory.

5. Get up early. Be productive early. Don’t sit around all day waiting for motivation.  You don’t go anywhere to get motivated.  It’s internal.

6. Don’t be a cry baby. Life is hard. Get on with it.

7. Don’t associate with idiots.  Pick your friends carefully.

8. Do not waste time on things you can’t control.

9. Stop kidding yourself.  It’s embarrassing.

10. Don’t try to please people. It’s sad.

11. Don’t put toxic substances in your body.  It’s stupid and you will need it to get around for a long time.

12. Stop doing the same thing and hoping change will come

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Sep 01, 201932:23
#018 - What do You Want? 3 - Freedom

#018 - What do You Want? 3 - Freedom

We all want Freedom...or at least a version of it that fits our definition.  In this episode Ray asks if we are prepared to pay the price that comes with gaining our Freedom.  The other two big things we want are Time and Money, covered in earlier podcasts.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Aug 27, 201916:60
#017 - Profile of Success - Handling emotions

#017 - Profile of Success - Handling emotions

Growing and developing new skills means confronting emotions. Sometimes unwelcome emotions. Dealing with your emotions is a huge step towards success in life and in business.  I first heard this talk on Mind and Emotions by George Zalucki many years ago in a talk called Profile of a Champion and it has always resonated with me.  I wrote to him asking permission to use this as it's so profound and as I get older it all makes absolute sense to me now.  

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Aug 13, 201954:45
#016 You have IQ and EQ what about AQ?

#016 You have IQ and EQ what about AQ?

In an ever changing world it's important to take any opportunity to improve.  You can improve your IQ by doing some tests, by doing crosswords and puzzles, you can improve your EQ or Emotional Intelligence by meditation, be therapy or by learning in groups. But what is AQ and why is it so important.  After seeing thousands of Pitches for investment, Ray McLennan noticed that the founders or entrepreneurs who demonstrated greater AQ seemed to grow their company and get better results. If you are faced with a challenge, how do you answer the question "What if.....?"  If you can answer that with any kind of certainty...then you might be overflowing with AQ.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Jul 16, 201920:28
#015 What is a Polymath?

#015 What is a Polymath?

The phrase "Jack of all Trades, Master of None" is used in a derogatory manner.  It implies that if you don't focus on one thing, you will never succeed.  This podcast shows many examples of people who did succeed in a variety of disciplines or sectors.  Sure, there are ties when you need to specialise, but for most people, knowing a bit more about more things in the 21st century is a good thing.  To increase your value to the world, to yourself and to your family, you need to grow your skills and you need to stack them in a specific order.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

May 14, 201919:09
#014 How to Change Your Subconscious

#014 How to Change Your Subconscious

Your brain has two parts to it; conscious and subconscious.  The problem is that they speak two different languages.  One uses the language of logic and the other uses emotion.  Humans have evolved over thousands of years with certain gifts already built in to our subconscious brains. To succeed, you need to be able to talk to your subconscious in language it understands.  This podcast explains how you do that.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Apr 16, 201916:54
#013 - Live TEDx Style Talk - London Feb 2019

#013 - Live TEDx Style Talk - London Feb 2019

Ray and The Skill Stack business is a lifetime member of .  This talk explaining The Skill Stack in a TEDx time and style was given by Ray to the UK members of B1G1 at County Hall, London on the 12th of February 2019 Ray is introduced by Steve Pipe. Selling courses online is just our excuse to allow us to do the stuff that really matters. When you listen to this podcast, we make sure that for every listener we make sure a child in the Third World gets access to fresh, life-saving water. When you join the online course, we make sure that we; 1.  plant a fruit tree in Malawi  2. we restore the sight of an elderly person in India,  3. we fund a social entrepreneur also in India  and  4. we help a woman join a business training programme in Malawi for one year. You can see the impacts we have made here: 

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important. For all the underlying links and transcript, go to: You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack email us on:

Mar 28, 201921:18
#012 - Why Are We Here?

#012 - Why Are We Here?

The following podcast is a précis of extracts from common themes in all the major religions of the world. 

It is an extract from every major discipline connected to human activity such as psychology and psychoanalysis. It is not a religious text designed to do anything other than inform. 

It's probably the best answer I have come across when I get asked the question: "Why Are We Here?" meaning, on planet earth and my only agenda is to make you aware of its existence. 

If you're anything like me when I first read it, you may not fully understand it after one, two or even three listens but that’s ok.  

If you think it’s complete rubbish, set it aside and read it again in five years time.  

There will be a time when it will make complete sense to you. 

If you’ve recently suffered a bereavement in the family it may offer you some comfort.

It seems to me the best answer yet to the question “Why are we here” But what do I know?

What I do know is that information such as this helps to grow your consciousness and intelligence and just listening makes you that 1% better today than you were yesterday...and that..after all is what The Skill Stack is all about.

Mar 08, 201907:03
#011 - Psychology - How to Get Someone to Take Your Advice

#011 - Psychology - How to Get Someone to Take Your Advice

You have a great idea but no one is listening to you.

There are 4 strategies to consider.

1. People tend to respond to solutions, especially if they think the spark for the idea came from them.

2. Tell them this is not new thinking but it's consistent with what they already do.

3. Tell them you don't have all the answers, but you do know this....

4. Be enthusiastic. It's contagious.

You will have heard this before, but decisions are based on emotion not logic. You only use logic to justify a decision.

Offer a plan for proceeding.

Explain how your idea will prevent something bad from happening.

That way, you can get someone to take your advice or listen favourably to your plan.

You don't need to be an expert in Psychology, but it is one of the things you should make a bigger than normal effort to learn.

Remember, with Skill Stacking, you are seeking marginal gains, not to become a PhD student in it.....

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Mar 07, 201913:49
#010 - Getting Fit without going to the Gym
Feb 19, 201910:23
#009 - Bad Habits. Six Strategies on How to Break them

#009 - Bad Habits. Six Strategies on How to Break them

No one likes a Bad Habit, whether it's smoking, procrastination or drinking too much wine - we all have something we want to change and the good news is that it only take a few small steps to make that change for the better.  In fact a 1% change is all it takes!

So if you want to change something;

1. Do it now.  Strike while the iron is hot.  If you want to stop smoking, decide today, right now, that you're stopping.  What can you do immediately?  If you want to Thank someone for doing something for you, send them a text now. Pick up the 'phone now and call them.  If you don't, you will probably remember in a week or so and by then it's too whatever it it now.

2. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink right?

Well you can if you add salt to the horse's oats!

What Positive or Negative actions can make you do something?

Positive action on going to the gym might be to leave your gym bag right in front of your door so you have to step over it to get out. Or better still, leave your work clothes IN the gym locker so you have to go there to get them.

Negative actions include (if you want to give up smoking) stop putting them in your mount and stop buying cigarettes!

Simply stop buying the things that form part of your habit.

Don't want to drink at home? Stop buying beer or wine or anything that you want to stop drinking.

You could always leave your corkscrews in the car or garden so that you have to go and get them.

3.  Coffee shops know that you can be tempted to buy more.  They put big food items at the front of the shop and gradually smaller ones as you get to the checkout.

They want you to reward yourself with a cake or a small chocolate.

Beware of rewarding yourself for things you haven't done.

4. Create a new tradition.  Everyone remembers Christmas and every year it happens.  We travel to meet family and we eat together.  It's all part of the bonds that keep a family together.  But what about old friends?

Create your own traditions to keep in touch with old friends, for example, you could arrange to meet up on Easter Monday every year.

You could agree to meet up in the first weekend of September every year to go to a show or the first Sunday of the month.  Create your own tradition.

5. If you want to break a bad habit, use the Good.Bad. Good. Bad strategy.

So before you drink coffee or wine, drink a glass of water.  That way if you have three glasses of wine, you will have had 3 glasses of water.

Before you eat a biscuit, eat an apple.

What can you do in your life using the good, bad, good bad strategy?

and finally

6. Pain and Public humiliation.

There must be consequences and pain for you if you fail.

What pain can you create?

If you're setting a goal to lose 10 pounds of weight in a month, then give a chunk of money in a sealed envelope today to a friend - $100 or $200 or whatever would be a painful amount for you. Weigh yourself. Both of you note down the weight and both of you note the target weight and date.

In one month, if you fail to hit the target, your friend posts the money to a cause you dislike (or hate) or buys a ticket to a rival sports team or makes you wear a rival sports team jersey for a week at work!

There is a great website that can help with this called

They allow you to nominate a cause and nominate a referee (someone who knows you and knows your target)

You set a date, pay an amount and if you fail to achieve your target, your referee can send the money to the despised cause, or if you hit your target, they send it back to you.<

Feb 14, 201911:46
#008 - Four Experts Chat about Skills

#008 - Four Experts Chat about Skills

It's a breakout session at a Social Media Masterclass and 4 experts gather in the green room to talk about some of the vital Skills you will need to consider.

Nigel Best talks about Facebook ads.

Sean Toal is an old school ad man (think Mad Men on TV!) and he talks about Copywriting.

Robert Upright is a master trainer when it comes to public speaking and selling.

Lou Farr is an e-commerce expert.

One thing they all agree on is that in today's workplace, things are changing fast and the need to upskill or add new skills to help you grow personally and in business is vital.

Listen in to their combined 125 years worth of life and business experience with tips and anecdotes to encourage you.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Feb 07, 201919:02
#007 - What do You Want? 2. More Time

#007 - What do You Want? 2. More Time

You would be surprised by the number of people who don't know what they want in life.

They think they know, but when they really, really know? 

In my experience that is usually answered by  an "Um, I'm not so sure." or  "Yes I want more money..." and we covered that in Episode 4

In this episode, if your big desire is for more time then we have some tips for you to get more out of each day.

But, the big conundrum is that you can't manage time.

I don't really get all the time-management books and just seems odd to me. And I'm not alone in thinking like that.

So if you can't manage time what can you do to get more out of the 24hrs in a day that we all have?  All of us get the same amount of time; even Elon Musk who seems to do more in  a week than most people can do in a year - how does he do it?

Here are some tips to get more done in a day:-

1. Put Your Phone away

2. Don't answer the phone - get someone else to do it for you! Either a pa (personal assistant) or a VA (Virtual Assistant) see number 5.

3. Don't respond to emails when they ping up on your phone or computer (In fact, turn off all these notifications)

4. Book Meetings at a time that suits you and your energy.

5. Get a pa or a VA to answer for you. Many times they can deal with whatever the caller wants. Divert your calls to them.

6. Have tight times for meetings or calls.  Ideally 15 mins for a call and 30 mins for a meeting (if the meeting is absolutely important or is a first time meeting)

7. Filter all requests for your time. Again divert calls to a pa or VA

8. Turn on your auto-responders and turn off your voicemail - or at least leave a message that says you don't listen to voicemails and to email or text your pa or VA

9. Say "No" more often - divert requests to your pa or VA or to (next item) your online diary.  Have someone else available to answer logistical questions and you stick to your core Skill.

10. Get an online booking system to manage any requests for your time.

There are a number of them and a lot of them are free such as and there is and

Doing any one of these on a regular basis will start to increase your efficiency by 1% - and that's what we mean by Skill Stacking.  Once you start to Stack the 1% skills on top of each other, you grow your value to the world and ultimately your confidence and bank balance.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Jan 31, 201921:57
#006 - What's Your Core Skill?

#006 - What's Your Core Skill?

Everyone has a core skill.  It's what you mostly do to bring in the cash and put food on the table and a roof over your head.  Many other people are also good at that one core skill that you have.  What do you need to do, learn or acquire move yourself up into the top 20% or top 10% or even the top 1% in the world?

Take a look at your profession and project forward by 3 years.  What will your profession look like?  Will it be affected by artificial intelligence. Is new software making your role redundant.  Could a robot replace you?

Look around at your co-workers.  Who do you think the company would keep?  Who would they fire?  What roles will be made redundant? What are you going to do to make sure that you are not in the next lay-off?

In future podcasts we will be interviewing many different people from different sectors and asking them for their views of the future.

You will hear from doctors, dentists, chiropractors, truck drivers, train drivers, policemen, property developers, social media coaches and trainers.

If you would like to know how the future in your profession will be, send us an email and we will include in a future Skill Stack podcast.

But no matter what profession you are in, there are some core skills that everyone should possess.  The Skill Stack will show you what they are and why they are important to you to protect your earning future.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

or by email

Jan 21, 201911:57
#005 - How To Grow Your Value

#005 - How To Grow Your Value

Are you giving value to the world, to your job or  profession, to your relationships? More importantly. Do you value yourself?

In this episode Ray explains what value is and the simple steps you can take to make that 1% improvement in your own value.  These simple steps add up and compound over a short space of time to  increase your value exponentially.

The Wealth Formula is W = V + (FE) x L

Wealth = Value plus Fair Exchange

The two books mentioned were: Life Leverage by Rob Moore and Money by Rob Moore

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

Email us:

Jan 18, 201917:56
#004 - What Do You Want? 1. Money

#004 - What Do You Want? 1. Money

Knowing what you want is crucial to making progress in life and business.

In this episode we look at Money.

The number 1 reply I get (eventually)when I ask people through 1-2-1 coaching "What is it You Want?"  is...Money. I can fix things if I have more money.  In this podcast there are 10 things for you to consider to get more money.

In future podcasts we will cover some of the other things people want such as Time and Freedom

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

email us on:

Jan 15, 201924:50
#003 - Mindset, Training and Strategy

#003 - Mindset, Training and Strategy

You cannot climb the ladder of success if it's against the wrong wall.  What is your wall?

Most people start off at strategy and then go and get some training and when it doesn't work they blame the world. They look out from themselves when they need to look inside themselves. It's Mindset that makes the massive difference.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

Jan 14, 201916:10
#002- Why You Need To Skill Stack

#002- Why You Need To Skill Stack

Gales of Destruction are blowing towards the sector you work in.  It's coming in your direction and you need to be ready.  

If you do nothing, you will get blown away.

The good news is it's not as hard as you think. 

In just one area of AI or technology, Blockchain will dramatically affect 22 different sectors of business - is one of them yours? 

Listen in to find out.

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack

Jan 14, 201914:32
#001 - What is The Skill Stack

#001 - What is The Skill Stack

What exactly is The Skill Stack? If you're only really good at one main thing, then you are leaving yourself exposed to a rapidly changing world.

It's no longer good enough to have one or two good skills.  These days you need to have a variety of the right life and work skills just to stand still.

In this first episode Ray explains the importance using the example of the best team in the world.  In one of the most highly competitive sports they are not only a little bit better, they are head and shoulders better...and it only took them 18 months to get there.  Want to know how you can apply their simple strategies into your own life? 

All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important.

For all the underlying links and transcript, go to:

You can get us in our Twitter/Facebook/Instagram account: @TheSkillStack

Jan 14, 201934:27