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The Soccer Specialist

The Soccer Specialist

By The Soccer Specialist

The Soccer Specialist Podcast is for players, parents, and even coaches that love soccer and want to discover ideas, tips and strategies focused on individual player development. Things like: building confidence, becoming mentally tough, improving 1v1 play, finishing, ball striking, how to get faster, and lots lots more. We'll talk about how coaches and parents can better support players, and strategies, tips and training ideas players can use to reach their potential in the best game in the world. For even more check out
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This One Thing Is Missing From Soccer

The Soccer SpecialistMay 19, 2024

Next Level Your Passing And Finishing

Next Level Your Passing And Finishing

Just because you completed a pass doesn't mean it was a good pass. You may have cost your team an opportunity to score a goal. Let's talk about it!

Jun 02, 202411:08
The Ultimate Soccer Development Game

The Ultimate Soccer Development Game

If you want to improve almost everything about your soccer game, you need to be doing this.

Here's just some of what this one game will help you with to become a better soccer player.


  • Reaction Time
  • Change of Direction
  • Agility
  • Speed
  • And more


  • Decision-making
  • Awareness and anticipation
  • Reading the game
  • And more


  • First touch
  • Both feet
  • Ball Striking
  • Creativity
  • And more

Have a listen right now and level up your game!

May 27, 202417:56
This One Thing Is Missing From Soccer

This One Thing Is Missing From Soccer

Welcome back to the show! If you're a typical youth soccer player, this is probably missing from your development. Learn what Phil Neville said about Ronaldo and what it means for your own development.

May 19, 202418:44
The Ultimate Soccer Playing Secret

The Ultimate Soccer Playing Secret

There are many things you need to do when you don't have the ball at your feet. You need to constantly check your shoulder, scan the field, find the space to support the ball, and know what you're going to do with it before you receive it. How do you make that happen? It's not what you think! All of that and a LOT more inside the latest episode of The Soccer Specialist Podcast!

May 13, 202412:57
One Thing You Need To Remember On Your Soccer Journey
Apr 24, 202413:20
1 Thing You Should Never Do And What To Do Instead

1 Thing You Should Never Do And What To Do Instead

This drives me crazy! You've probably had teammates who do this during the game and it's anything but helpful. Here's how to fix it and make you and your teammates better players. Plus a bunch of other stuff you need to hear!

If you haven't checked out Chasing Greatness you can do so at

Here's just some of what you'll discover:

  • What elite really means, why it matters, and how to use it to speed up your development
  • 3 different types of goals you need to set
  • 5 things you need to consider when setting goals if you want to make sure you set goals that truly matter
  • 7 things you need to know about habits for long-term soccer success
  • Discover how to use the #1 confidence builder to crush doubt, skyrocket your progress, and put your development on an entirely new level
  • 8 ways to start getting comfortable outside of your comfort zone
  • Unlock mental toughness through failure and mistakes and why you'll never succeed if you don't embrace failure

Check it out at

Apr 16, 202412:54
What Separates Elite Players From The Pack

What Separates Elite Players From The Pack

If you want to separate yourself from the rest of the pack and become an elite player, this is what you need to do.

If you haven't checked out Chasing Greatness you can do so at

Here's just some of what you'll discover:

  • What elite really means, why it matters, and how to use it to speed up your development
  • 3 different types of goals you need to set
  • 5 things you need to consider when setting goals if you want to make sure you set goals that truly matter
  • 7 things you need to know about habits for long-term soccer success
  • Discover how to use the #1 confidence builder to crush doubt, skyrocket your progress, and put your development on an entirely new level
  • 8 ways to start getting comfortable outside of your comfort zone
  • Unlock mental toughness through failure and mistakes and why you'll never succeed if you don't embrace failure

Check it out at

Apr 08, 202418:35
Part 3 Confidence For Crushing Game Day

Part 3 Confidence For Crushing Game Day

Part 3 is the final part to this short series. We are going to finish our deep dive into the most important confidence builder in existence. It's the very foundation of confidence building. If you ignore this, you can forget about heading out onto the pitch with confidence levels so high you can't help but dominate.

If you haven't checked out Chasing Greatness on Amazon you can do so at

Here's just some of what you'll discover:

  • What elite really means, why it matters, and how to use it to speed up your development
  • 3 different types of goals you need to set
  • 5 things you need to consider when setting goals if you want to make sure you set goals that truly matter
  • 7 things you need to know about habits for long-term soccer success
  • Discover how to use the #1 confidence builder to crush doubt, skyrocket your progress, and put your development on an entirely new level
  • 8 ways to start getting comfortable outside of your comfort zone
  • Unlock mental toughness through failure and mistakes and why you'll never succeed if you don't embrace failure

Check it out at

Mar 20, 202419:16
Confidence For Crushing Game Day Part 2

Confidence For Crushing Game Day Part 2

We are going to continue our deep dive into the most important confidence builder in existence. It's the very foundation of confidence building. If you ignore this, you can forget about heading out onto the pitch with confidence levels so high you can't help but dominate.

If you haven't checked out Chasing Greatness on Amazon you can do so at

Here's just some of what you'll discover:

  • What elite really means, why it matters, and how to use it to speed up your development
  • 3 different types of goals you need to set
  • 5 things you need to consider when setting goals if you want to make sure you set goals that truly matter
  • 7 things you need to know about habits for long-term soccer success
  • Discover how to use the #1 confidence builder to crush doubt, skyrocket your progress, and put your development on an entirely new level
  • 8 ways to start getting comfortable outside of your comfort zone
  • Unlock mental toughness through failure and mistakes and why you'll never succeed if you don't embrace failure

Check it out at

Mar 13, 202412:59
Confidence For Crushing Game Day

Confidence For Crushing Game Day

In honor of the release of Chasing Greatness - Simple Strategies for Unbreakable Confidence and Elite Performance Every Time You Step on The Pitch we are going to start a deep dive into the most important confidence builder in existence. It's the very foundation of confidence building. If you ignore this, you can forget about heading out onto the pitch with confidence levels so high you can't help but dominate.

If you haven't checked out Chasing Greatness you can do so at

Here's just some of what you'll discover:

  • What elite really means, why it matters, and how to use it to speed up your development
  • 3 different types of goals you need to set
  • 5 things you need to consider when setting goals if you want to make sure you set goals that truly matter
  • 7 things you need to know about habits for long-term soccer success
  • Discover how to use the #1 confidence builder to crush doubt, skyrocket your progress, and put your development on an entirely new level
  • 8 ways to start getting comfortable outside of your comfort zone
  • Unlock mental toughness through failure and mistakes and why you'll never succeed if you don't embrace failure

Check it out at

Mar 03, 202416:22
You Need To Do This Or You'll Struggle Later

You Need To Do This Or You'll Struggle Later

You might be a wizard with the ball when you're nine. What happens after that? Let's talk about it.

Feb 09, 202405:11
Tiffany Milbrett Creativity, Failure and More
Jan 24, 202420:50
You Need THIS to Compete At A Higher Level
Jan 17, 202412:25
The Secret Soccer Success Formula
Jan 09, 202415:01
3 Training Mistakes You Need To Avoid

3 Training Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Do you train on your own? Of course, you do! Glad to hear it. In this episode, we cover 3 common training mistakes most youth soccer players make during their sessions. Fix these and you'll find your training will produce better results in less time. You'll take your skill development to another level a lot faster than you would have otherwise.

If you're enjoying The Soccer Specialist Podcast please check out the Supporters Club at to help support the show for less than a cup of coffee.

Take a listen and improve your play now!

Jan 04, 202412:24
Happy New Year Soccer Family

Happy New Year Soccer Family

Wow.  2024.  Really?

 It's gone so fast that it took me a minute to figure out why Baby New Year 2024 stopped by earlier to chat about all things youth soccer (she's a big fan).

 I asked Baby New (I call her Baby New - we're ride or die) how she felt about all the memes, motivational quotes, and sayings out there this time of year.

 People are excited.

 I told her she may be the most popular baby new year EVER!  Til next year of course, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

 Parents and players can't wait to get back out on the pitch!

 She didn't seem all that excited though.

 It turns out she's stressed out about all the pressure. 

 I asked what she meant and she said everyone always expects the new year to be magically different and better than the previous one.

 Then she dropped the bombshell. 

 She said it's not going to be different.

 WHAT?!  No one wants to hear THAT!

 Thankfully, she clarified.  Hit play and let's talk about it!

Jan 01, 202411:34
2 Key Components You Need To Improve Game Day Performance

2 Key Components You Need To Improve Game Day Performance

As a soccer player, you know the ability to change direction quickly, efficiently, and effectively is an important part of the game. Soccer players are having to change direction all the time. Often, it's in reaction to something else happening on the pitch. For example, a defender in a 1v1 situation is going to need to be able to change direction well in response to what the dribbler is doing. If not, he's going to get beat, or worse, get nutmegged or end up on their butt. Check out what the difference is between change of direction and agility (they are not the same) and how you can train them properly to improve your own performance. Don't forget to check out

Dec 19, 202315:23
7 Things You Must Master To Play At The Next Level

7 Things You Must Master To Play At The Next Level

As you move up in competition the game changes. Things that worked at a lower level at age 8 aren't going to work at a higher level when you're 13. But there are specific parts of your game you can improve that will help you be able to compete and excel at the next level. Take a listen now and discover 7 things you need to master to play at the next level.

Nov 29, 202323:26
5 Ball Challenge, Overcoming Adversity and More

5 Ball Challenge, Overcoming Adversity and More

First, we'll talk about the importance of learning to overcome adversity and challenges, how Dest is a bad example of doing so, the ultimate 5 ball challenge (you'll love this) and more! You'll also get the details on the ultimate holiday gift deal at Thanks!

Nov 21, 202317:45
#1 Confidence Builder

#1 Confidence Builder

Inside this amazing episode, we discuss the #1 confidence builder you need to know to take your game-day performance to the next level. We'll also share wisdom from Nick Saban and more! So much more!! It's almost shocking. Have a listen.

Nov 16, 202317:34
What These Athletes Can Teach You About Development

What These Athletes Can Teach You About Development

In today's episode, we tackle the tough challenge of being overlooked as a player. What does it mean if you get benched or cut? How come you aren't getting better as fast as your teammates? Does this mean you'll never catch up or be the player you want to be? Listen to the stories of these athletes and discover how this can help you on your journey. Let's get it!

Sep 18, 202315:23
Carli Lloyd Was Spot On

Carli Lloyd Was Spot On

After a very so so three games and being inches away from getting knocked out of the World Cup in the group stage for the first time every, Carli Lloyd had some words of wisdom for the national team that no one else seems brave enough to say out loud. Here's how it can help you become a better soccer player! Let's get it!

Aug 01, 202317:60
Dreams Goals Action and Kobe

Dreams Goals Action and Kobe

Do you have dreams or goals for your soccer? Let's dive in on what you need to do to reach them. You'll even hear from Kobe Bryant on his "secret" to greatness. And a whole lot more. Have a listen!

Jul 13, 202316:55
The Biggest Secret To Your Soccer Success

The Biggest Secret To Your Soccer Success

If there's one piece of advice I can give you to help you with your soccer development, it's in this episode. Have a listen!

Jul 08, 202314:06
How To Bounce Back From A Thrashing And Big Mistakes

How To Bounce Back From A Thrashing And Big Mistakes

I ran into one of my players earlier this week. She's home after completing her freshman year in college. She'll be 20 in October! Crazy! Seeing her reminded me of one of our most interesting seasonal journeys (and her biggest goal ever scored). Come take a trip down memory lane with me and learn some valuable lessons about how to overcome set backs and huge mistakes. Let's go!

Jun 09, 202325:39
How Confidence Impacts Soccer Performance

How Confidence Impacts Soccer Performance

Confidence is a crucial part of performance. It's a topic I get asked about all the time. So let's dig into it a little bit in this the latest, and longest episode that we've ever done! Confidence directly affects a player's decision-making, risk-taking, and ability to perform under pressure. When a player feels confident, they are more likely to take calculated risks, make quick decisions, and trust their instincts. On the other hand, when a player lacks confidence, they may hesitate, make poor decisions, and second-guess themselves, which can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities. Let's dig in!!

May 29, 202323:18
A Pro Footballer Should Be Able To Do This

A Pro Footballer Should Be Able To Do This

How is it that a pro footballer can't do THIS? That's crazy! This is what happens when you don't get out of your comfort zone. Learn all about it and how you can be even better than this guy! Plus, a crazy walk off game winner, Alanis Morissette, and so much more. Take your game to the next level (don't you always wonder how many levels there are?)! Oh, and my first rating that isn't 5-star! Let's get it! Have a listen!

May 21, 202321:51
How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Elevate Your Game

How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Elevate Your Game

Way too many players stay in their comfort zone. But you'll never grow or develop as a player this way. Take a listen to this episode to discover seven (or is it eight?) ways to get out of your comfort zone starting today. Learn how to spend time in the UNcomfortable zone, where great things happen!

May 15, 202319:33
The #1 Obstacle To Development And More
May 07, 202323:01
The Comfort Zone Isn't Where Development Happens

The Comfort Zone Isn't Where Development Happens

Why do we let players stay in their comfort zone? How is this helping in any way? You don't develop or grow in your comfort zone. Let's talk about it. Oh and there's some good 1v1 stuff, too! Enjoy!

Apr 30, 202319:44
All The Small Things For Chasing Greatness

All The Small Things For Chasing Greatness

Actions, expectations, goals, outcomes, behaviors, schoolwork, guitars, pop culture references and more... all leading to soccer greatness! Come hang out with us and start chasing greatness!

Apr 25, 202318:55
Motivation Is Not Going To Help You Become A Great Player

Motivation Is Not Going To Help You Become A Great Player

High levels of motivation aren't going to help you become a great soccer player. On this episode of The Soccer Specialist Podcast we talk about what will! Join us on your journey to chasing greatness!

Apr 13, 202317:07
Soccer Done Differently

Soccer Done Differently

Okay, there's some chat about eating between tournament games, Ted Lasso, and even Band of Brothers! What? Exactly! You simply have to listen!

Mar 29, 202320:36
How Playing A Dirty Team Can Transform Your Performance

How Playing A Dirty Team Can Transform Your Performance

Yep, that's right. We owe a lot to dirty teams. They can help take your performance to an entirely new level... IF you approach the experience the right way. Learn how inside and discover how it can happen for EVERY game you play, not just against the dirty teams.

Mar 23, 202316:08
Blood Sweat and Tears

Blood Sweat and Tears

Take a look at what it takes to become the best player you can possibly be, learn how one moment can change everything and how to use it to your advantage.

Feb 27, 202317:12
A Story of a Soccer Girl And Her Unexpected Season

A Story of a Soccer Girl And Her Unexpected Season

One day she was a keeper on a very low-level team.  The next she was the starting (and only) keeper on a much, much better team that has their sights set on a conference title.  How'd she do?  Come on in and learn about the triumphs and the tears and maybe take away a few powerful nuggets that can help you on your own soccer journey.

Feb 08, 202321:03
Your Mind Plays A Crucial Role In Your Performance

Your Mind Plays A Crucial Role In Your Performance

Your mental game plays an important role in your physical game on the pitch.  Have a listen as we discuss three different athletes and how their mental game had a huge impact, positive and negative, on their physical game.  Don't dismiss the mind.  If you want to achieve excellence on the pitch you need to train your mind just like you train your body and your skills.

Jan 22, 202316:58
What The USA, Lionel Messi and The World Cup Can Tell You About Development

What The USA, Lionel Messi and The World Cup Can Tell You About Development

Finally, we talk about the World Cup!  Why did the US lose to the Netherlands?  Take a listen and find out and you'll also discover how it can help you become a better soccer player!  What's so great about Messi? Did you know he might be a better X than he is goal scorer? Find out what, why and how it can help you and your development.  

Dec 20, 202217:48
Are You A Special Player?

Are You A Special Player?

From participation trophies to 'everyone makes the team' trends where a club creates as many teams in an age group as it can based on the number of players at tryouts, it seems all you players are special.  Is this true? And does that mentality really serve players best and help your development?  Let's examine who isn't special, who is, and how it can be you!

Nov 17, 202215:21
A Very Special Episode 100

A Very Special Episode 100

That's right! The Soccer Specialist Podcast has survived to it's 100th episode!  I wasn't sure we'd get to episode 10 but here we are! Have a listen.

Oct 13, 202221:06
If You Want To Be A Great Soccer Player You Need To Understand This

If You Want To Be A Great Soccer Player You Need To Understand This

I'm saddened and frustrated by how I often I come across the "my 8 year old is an attacking mid, my 9 year old is a keeper, my 7 year old is a striker..." stuff.

99.9% of "Elite" youth players in America can't control the ball at their feet or check their shoulder! Your 11 year old is NOT a position!

Please don't worry so much about what position your young player plays (when they are young they should play them all anyway). They need to become soccer players, not strikers, or wingers or attacking mids. Who knows where they will be needed or wanted when they are older, trying to play at a higher level. They should be developing as soccer players, NOT soccer positions!

Come on inside and learn WHY this is important and HOW it can help you become an even better player!

Sep 28, 202211:05
Are You Too Short To Be A Good Soccer Player?

Are You Too Short To Be A Good Soccer Player?

A player (that the coach selected for the team) asked what he could do better to get playing time.  The coach told him to gro.  WTH!?!!  Are you kidding me?  As you can imagine this nonsense fired me up!  Hopefully there's something useful in here for you, like all the things you can do to be a great player that have ZERO to do with your height!

Sep 24, 202221:46
How 10 Days Changed Everything About Soccer Development

How 10 Days Changed Everything About Soccer Development

Story time!  Discover how 10 days changed everything for a team, my view on development and how it can help you become a better player, too!  Listen!  Listen now!  Ha!

Aug 04, 202214:58
Why Working On Your Weaknesses Will Doom Your Development (Do This Instead)

Why Working On Your Weaknesses Will Doom Your Development (Do This Instead)

Conventional wisdom is to spend a lot of time working on your weaknesses. Is that really the best way to go about becoming a great soccer player?  Let's take a deep dive into the reality of that wisdom and see if we can come up with a better plan for your development.  Take a listen!

Jul 24, 202215:33
A Tale Of Two Games

A Tale Of Two Games

Have you ever seen (or been a part of) a team that is playing really well and then it completely collapses?  Or they are getting dominated and manage to turn it around?  It's like watching two very different games in one.  Come take a listen as I walk down memory lane to talk about two games just like that... and what you can take away from  the experience to make you a better player.

Jun 21, 202219:08
Finding the balance, Playing in college and so much more

Finding the balance, Playing in college and so much more

Yes, the game should be fun.  It doesn't mean it will be fun every second.  What does that mean for your training?  What if you want to play in college? Do you need to be on some fancy national league team? All this and more.  Have a listen.

May 19, 202219:20
How The Story Of An Unwanted Horse Can Make You A Better Soccer Player

How The Story Of An Unwanted Horse Can Make You A Better Soccer Player

Could horse racing be the key to your development as a soccer player?  Sounds crazy, right?  Maybe not so crazy.  Take a listen and find out!

May 12, 202211:31
It All Ends In Two Weeks

It All Ends In Two Weeks

Can you believe it?  Sounds crazy but it's true.  What can you learn from it?  Guess you'll have to listen!

May 05, 202209:07
The Key To Making Off The Ball Runs Successful

The Key To Making Off The Ball Runs Successful

One of the most difficult things in youth soccer is understanding how to make off the ball runs successful.  Too many players don't want to commit to them unless they know they are going to get the ball. This dooms the run to failure before it even happens.  Take a listen and learn simple secrets to turning off the ball runs into a success that also make the passer a much better player with the ball.

Apr 26, 202216:45
14 Confidence Building Tips To Boost Your Performance on the Pitch Part 2

14 Confidence Building Tips To Boost Your Performance on the Pitch Part 2

This is part 2 of last week's episode, focusing on 14 different ways to help build your confidence.  Last week we covered the first 6 and today we'll talk about tips seven through 14.  Have a listen!

Apr 20, 202212:05