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The Money Whine & Cheese Club with Sara Fernandes

The Money Whine & Cheese Club with Sara Fernandes

By Sara R Fernandes

Hi! This podcast is for you if you are ready to build the Life you want through organizing, decluttering and living! Here we, my guests and I, talk about money, mindset and (life's) Miracles! In no particular order!
You are not here to work at a job you hate and buy stuff you don't need to impress people you don't like! Living is so much more than that! You are here to live your life's purpose, on purpose!
I think that #moneymatters, #mindsetiskey and #livingmybestlife are just a few key mindset fixes I want to help you adopt so you can progress in your own journey!
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What is a Zero Balance Budget and why you need one

The Money Whine & Cheese Club with Sara FernandesApr 21, 2024

What is a Zero Balance Budget and why you need one
Apr 21, 202414:26
Why Align your Lifestyle with your Money
Feb 15, 202419:56
How to get out of debt when you have a low income
Feb 06, 202425:50
5 Steps to creating your Financial Vision Board
Jan 04, 202413:43
5 Steps to a No-Spend January
Dec 29, 202324:17
Why should he pop the question if you don't want to commit to it?
Nov 23, 202313:20
How to say No to your kids without bringing up money
Nov 16, 202312:14
How to Navigate a Joyful Holiday Season on a Budget
Nov 09, 202309:55
How to save money this Holiday Season - 5 tips to try out
Oct 26, 202321:25
How to quieten the noise around us (E2S3 - Spotify only)
Oct 12, 202323:52
How to focus and quieten the noise around us
Oct 12, 202311:06
E1S3 - Accountability - Update on Money, W(h)ine & Cheese and Life
Oct 06, 202319:55
5 Things we shouldn't ignore when we start Budgeting
Apr 20, 202314:44
How to Change from a Scarcity Mindset into an Abundance Mindset in 5 Steps
Apr 06, 202313:39
How to stick to your Budget without Sacrificing your Lifestyle - 5 Steps to Achieve Financial Stability
Mar 30, 202320:32
Why you desperately need a Plan for your Money!
Mar 23, 202314:47
Ep 7 - Why Women don't want to take care of their finances?!
Mar 16, 202312:10
Ep 6 - Let's talk about Budgets - 4 most common ones are...
Mar 09, 202324:48
EP 5 - How to take charge of your financial future - no it's not budget
Mar 02, 202316:03
How to navigate these Crazy financial times! Five steps to keep you going.
Feb 16, 202319:07
How to Budget for Beginners!
Jan 26, 202318:11
What is a No-Spend Week and why you should have one
Jan 12, 202315:54
What does my beauty routine has to do with your budgeting?
Jan 05, 202316:19
Creating a Vision Board for 2023... better yet, a Vision Movie with Deborah Kalantari
Dec 22, 202244:41
How to navigate the Holiday Season's overwhelm!
Dec 15, 202213:02
All this Meal Planning, Cook Once Eat Twice with Shelly Smith
Dec 08, 202230:29
How to declutter Your life to make more money!
Dec 01, 202219:44
How to Create your Best Mind, Body and Life with The Disruptive Yogie's Claire Nutton

How to Create your Best Mind, Body and Life with The Disruptive Yogie's Claire Nutton

Nov 24, 202237:00
Life Coaching with Fiona Pimentel

Life Coaching with Fiona Pimentel

In the spirit of sharing my Village with you, meet Fiona Pimentel.

Fiona is my Friend and my Coach. She's been Coaching for a while and I'm happy for you to get to know her as she's responsible for getting me to do rather than to think about doing! It's a good thing, believe me! 

You can get in touch with Fiona here:

And find out all about her here:

If you would like to be Coached by Fiona (it's powerful!!) you can go here:

Her next round of Group Coaching will be called Cowardly to Courageous. A 4-Week program for women only.

Fiona's retreat is Healing Waters and it will happen: 20-26 May 2023.

As usual you can go here to find more about me! 

Nov 17, 202233:43
How to navigate the Holiday Season without breaking the bank!
Nov 10, 202221:17
Let's talk Sales: Heart to Heart Sales to be exact with the one and only Becky Colwell!

Let's talk Sales: Heart to Heart Sales to be exact with the one and only Becky Colwell!

This one is, especially, for my Entrepreneur friends.

Being an Entrepreneur, deciding to say no to the 9-5, the steady pay check and paid vacation is not easy. If anything we are Unicorns! Not everyone has what it takes... no, that's not right, not everyone will do whatever it takes to do it... and that's ok!

For me, it's been a journey, I've grown so much personally and in my business that it sometimes scares me. The truth is, I wouldn't have done it without my Squad! My Mastermind Rockstars! My village, because my friend, it does take a village! And if you haven't got yours yet, start building it because life becomes sweeter when you do!

Which is why, during the months of November and December, you will meet people from my "village". Women who are scared but do it anyway! Women, who are willing to travel to meet once a year anywhere in the world! Women who support each other no matter what! Exceptional women that turn your victories into reasons to push you that little bit further, and failures into dance parties! Because there are no failures only growth as far as they are concerned. 

I am so honoured to be part of this Squad I can't even imagine life without these women. 

This week you have the privilege of meeting my Business Bestie, the Amazing Becky Colwell!

Becky is the brains (and everything else!) behind Heart to Heart Sales. She is the go-to mentor if you want to sell without feeling slimy! 

If you want to meet her, work with her or just say hi follow the links 👇

You can find out more about Becky Colwell and Heart to Heart Sales here:

Your free training on your discovery call can be found here:

Follow Becky on socials here: 




The Heart to Heart Sales podcast can be found here:

Nov 03, 202245:42
How to join the challenge "The Miracle of Manifesting Wealth" with Diana and Sara
Oct 27, 202233:20
Our Self-Worth is not that!

Our Self-Worth is not that!

Have you ever thought of your self-worth as other than how much money you make at your job? 

Now, be honest, if not to me, to yourself! We all have done this, which is ok, as long as we set the record straight with ourselves! 

This year has been very insightful for me, as I left my JOB and started my own business and making little to no money at the beginning was very hard!  If you don't think this is you, listen and then tell me!

As always, you can find me 👇

and if you have any questions for me or suggestions you can contact me 👇

Oct 20, 202224:46
How to Manifest your Dream Life in 5 Steps
Oct 13, 202231:44
Money Mindset and Miracles - Become Money Confident Bootcamp
Sep 29, 202224:30
How to create a Plan for your life and money!

How to create a Plan for your life and money!

Heads up: the sound is far from perfect, actually I thought about not even publishing this episode but that's exactly what has been keeping me from recording and sharing so much information with you! The fear of being rejected, the fear that it's not good enough... so today is the day that I let go of all that fear and just do it anyway. So, I ask of you, get past the sound and listen to the information because it's valuable and important. 

My commitment to you is that I keep sharing episodes because they are valuable not because they are Emmy worthy! That being said, I always want to do my best and keep getting better at what I do, but today, this is it! Can you relate? Do you avoid sharing valuable information with others because you think it's not "presented" in the best way? Let me know!

As always you can find me @the_sara_fernandes

Sep 22, 202233:56
How to not feel overwhelmed going into September!

How to not feel overwhelmed going into September!

Do you feel like Summer (as great as vacation is!) disrupts your year and derails your plans and goals?

In this episode, learn to give yourself some grace and do a reset! Make September feel like it's a New Year, a clean slate!

As always you can find me 👉 ; @the_sara_fernandes

and 👇

Aug 19, 202223:33
Why I don't talk about the B word anymore!
Jul 28, 202215:35
Track your time, track your money!
Jul 11, 202217:11
How is my self-help routine similar to your (lack of) success with Budgets!

How is my self-help routine similar to your (lack of) success with Budgets!

How about it? 

I sometimes feel like everything is wrong with me only by the amount of self-help books I read! I might have a problem guys! 😂

Have you decided which budget is best for you? How about just starting here, go to the link and click on Ready to Become Who you are meant to be!

Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you! If you have a second consider leaving a review so I know if this type of content is serving you!

you can find me at

May 25, 202216:19
Back to the Basics - staying motivated to keep going

Back to the Basics - staying motivated to keep going

Hi Friend!

I know that the topic this month is necessary but a bit tough! We all know we should create a plan for our money right where we are today and yet we resist it! Why do you think that is?

I’ve been talking and writing about this for over a year now and I get the same responses from readers today that I got a year ago!

I Know it feels so hard to get into the finances and figure out what we earn and how much we actually spend, not what we think we spend, but what we actually spend! And take notes and go back because we feel we missed some vital information and that’s why maths isn’t working!

You need to remember something, the fact that you have taken the first step and taken a look at your finances, it’s huge! This is the step most people dread (yours truly included if you remember when I first started out!) but it’s this step that is going to make it possible for you to a) be ok with where you are, no matter where that is, and know you are doing what you can right now and b) get the fire under you to get to a better place.

Just like in redesigning your life, you can not know where you want to go and how to get there if you don’t know where you are to begin with! That’s just how it is! And it doesn’t matter if you have a lot of money or if you feel you are struggling every single month. If you don’t know exactly where you are, you won’t be able to get anywhere.

There are steps you can take and things you can put in  place to ensure you stay on track to achieve all these things. You can get an accountability partner, a coach (I can help you here!), apps, routines… There are lots of ways you can try to help you stay the course! Don’t commit to the first thing you try! You can try multiple things and decide which works best for you and go from there.

The biggest tip I can give you is...

Go here 👇🏻 to learn all about budgets and creating plans for your money!

May 19, 202212:59
When the only “magic“ is to just get started with your budget!

When the only “magic“ is to just get started with your budget!

o, This month I’m not actually going to be talking (writing) about a topic. Well, I am but it’s one I love to talk about, money! I’ve had some feedback on the topics I choose to write about. Most people want to “Redesign “ their lives but it seems like so much work! Others want to get out of debt but “where to start“!!! Everyone wants a magic pill that they can take before going to bed and , voilà!, they wake up in a new life.

I want to say that “I hear you“! And I hate being the bearer of bad news but… it doesn’t exist! It does not work like that! It doesn’t matter what you are trying to change in your life, be it health, money, a new partner, you have to work at it. You have to actually pay attention and be intentional for things to happen.

When dealing with our money, that’s exactly how it is too! I mean you can take short cuts and go all in and half starve yourself to death and cut all the fun from your life, yes, you’ll save money! Until two weeks later, when you get resentful and binge on life and it’s fun and spend all the money saved and then some!

So I have a different proposition for you! Why don’t you start where you are, right now? Why don’t you start by creating a plan for you! Why don’t you start where you are, right now? Why don’t you start by creating a plan for your money, just the money you have coming in every week and all the money you have going out? No agenda, no paying debt, well, not more than your payments, no cutting lifestyle… just knowing how much is coming in and how much is going out!

It sounds like a foreign concept but, tis is the first step to creating the life (financial life) you want! Yes, I realise that I’m not asking you to cut anything from your life or to start paying more on your debt. And yes, I do believe that this is the first step to become rich! If that’s your goal! This is where your life starts and it’s from here that it will tell you how you are going to live.

If I ask you right now, how much money do you need to live every week, do you know? Can you tell me the amount? Do you get anxious by me just bringing it up? Why? I know why, but do you?

You get anxious because you don’t know where you are at, with your money. it’s not that you have a lot of credit cards or because you owe a lot of money, it’s because you don’t know. And you are scared to find out because it might be even worse than you think! Am I right? I can help you with that, get on a free discovery call with me and let’s get to the root of this!

I don’t need to keep telling you that I’ve been there and I’ve done that! But I will continue telling you that until you hear and I’ll also tell you that, it’s probably not as bad as you think! Your brain...

Want to see if we can work together?

everything else: 

May 07, 202212:02
Conversations with Friends: Kyira Wackett is my awesome guest this week!

Conversations with Friends: Kyira Wackett is my awesome guest this week!

Participant #1:

Hi, Kyira. I'm here with Kyira, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about her. So, she is a mental health therapist and speaker, has a master's degree in counselling psychology, and works in the mental health field since 2012. In 2017, was awarded the Score American Small Business Award for her work in mental health and for her work with her community project. Very impressive. Now, who else is Kira?

Participant #2

Yeah, I don't think I'm ever going to get comfortable when someone's reading your bio and you're steering it right next to me because you're like, okay. But also, I love the question of who are you besides these couple of bullet points, because I know we're going to talk a little bit about shame today. And one of the ways that our views of self gets so limited is when we only see ourselves as a few bullet points, whether those are good, bad, or neutral. But when you sort of reduce the human experience to a few things. So, yeah, I am a therapist. Like you said, a business owner. I'm a mom. My daughter turned two at the end of February. So mom to a toddler. And I would say that is my biggest journey of learning and experiencing and probably the most exciting iteration of shame work that I've done as a person so far. I live in Portland, Oregon. I'm married to my husband, Jordan. And one of the things I'm Super pumped to be here about today is to just have these conversations around money and shame and this idea of how money, which is one of our three resources, time, money, and energy, how money can be such a freeing and such an inhibiting experience and commodity. And I would say just person to person. I'm here on a level of someone that's learning to work through that. What that means. How money paints our energy, our scarcity mindsets around time, and uncovering the ways that that impacts and or can move forward some of the choices and the values that we have.

Awesome. On this podcast, I talk about money. I talk about getting out of debt. I talk about behaviours and mindset. And because I've been on that journey myself, for the sake of this episode, we will just focus on me. It's safer that way. And at least I know what it was like for me. And again, there's a lot of shame when I talk to people about it. And they don't tell the truth because they're ashamed. They either have a lot of money or they don't have money or they have debt and they don't know how the other person is going to react. They feel judged. That's what I felt back when. So in 2012, we were Portuguese and we lived in Portugal. And in 2012, my husband lost his job and the economy was crashing and not everything was kind of going bad everywhere. So he lost his job. He got another job where he was earning less than a third of what he was making before. And we couldn't make ends meet. I was working. We have three kids. It was very, very hard. So we had to emigrate to get better paying jobs, to try to get out of all that debt and try to save our house and everything. We ended up losing everything. And at the time, I was ashamed. I don't know if I was a little bit ashamed, but I was having a victim mentality. Nothing was my fault. It was the economy. My group of friends just left us because we didn't have any money, so they didn't want to be our friends. But this was eleven years ago... the link to the book Kyira mentioned in the podcast

photo credit to 📷 by Annika Bielig Bussman of SOULBASE

You can find Kyira 👉

Thank you so much for listening! 

Apr 29, 202245:34
Redesign your life - Creating the “You are Here“ spot in your map

Redesign your life - Creating the “You are Here“ spot in your map

I asked you to look at hard things in your life but now comes the part where you get to use all that information and start moving forward in this journey!

Today we are going to “Create your RoadMap“ with the “You Are Here“ arrow! Remember when you go to a park or a shopping mall and there’s always an informative plan of the local with a “You Are Here“ spot or arrow? That’s there so that you can see where you are and then take the path to where you want to go next!

Today we are creating exactly that. The “You Are Here“ spot in your own RoadMap is the place where you will deposit all your values, beliefs and non-negotiables in your life. It’s the place you’ll come back again and again each time you take a path and suddenly you don’t feel aligned anymore with where you are going. You can always come back to the “You Are Here“ spot and take another path.

Maybe you know where you want to go, maybe you don’t and that’s ok, at least you know this is not where you want to stay and that’s huge! If you know where you want to go great, start working backwards to know what steps you need or can take today to get there. It doesn’t matter that you can do a tiny little thing today, what matters is that you are being intentional and starting!

Look, ideas are going to work, others are not, you will get things right the first time and others on your third or fourth time. It’s called life! S*** happens and we just get back to the basics and remember why we are doing this in the first place. Why do we want to live our life on purpose and with purpose?

So what does this living on and with purpose mean? Well, it means that you are going to refer to your values, beliefs and non negotiables to create your map and each time it doesn’t feel right, just go back and remind yourself what is really important to you.

Don’t compromise! I mean, sure, life is made of compromises but don’t do it where your values and beliefs are concerned! You will regret it. That’s probably why you are not happy right now with the life you are living anyway!

Again, go deep and ask yourself what those values, beliefs and non negotiables are for you. Let’s face it, if you are someone with a drive to do humanitarian work and helping war victims, working in a company where you are working 80 hours a week and there’s artillery involved is probably not aligned with who you are and definitely not the way you want to go moving forward!

Apr 25, 202211:19
How to Create the Life you want - Step 1...

How to Create the Life you want - Step 1...

Have you had a chance to think about last week’s question?

Well, I asked it because that’s one of the first things we ask a kid when we meet them. But guess what? It’s not really the correct question because, well, we don’t stop “growing“. Growth is the meaning of life itself! So the question really should be “what do you want to grow into?“ and we shouldn’t be asking it of only the kids, this is a question we should be asking ourselves and very often!

We are constantly growing and that means that what we thought we wanted yesterday may not be what we are aligned with today! And that shouldn’t keep us stuck in a situation, life or work related if we don’t feel well there.

I can hear you asking, so we just leave everything and go? Well, no! But it doesn’t mean we have to conform to the situation and complain about it and not do anything to change it.

Listen, we are all going to have seasons in our lives where we need to stick with the job, with the person or the situation. The real difference is what are you going to do about it to move forward and create that life balance you aspire! Or that life you want to live!

Just because you are in a job that is not at all fulfilling doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever, what are you putting in place today that is going to get you to where you want to be tomorrow! Am I repeating myself here? Well, has it sunk in yet? Or should I say it again another way? I will say it as many times as you need me to in as many different ways as needed! But you have got to hear it so that you can start moving forward!

What is the first step you need to take to embark on this journey? Well, you have to Start right here, right now with what you’ve got! This is the real key!

Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal, it’s the real deal! And today is the best next time to start this. I know what it’s like to want to wait until all the stars align and you hear the angels sing, but believe me, if that happened, you’d still need all the butterflies to be pink before you could start! It’s just that hard to leave our comfort zone. I get it, I’ve been there! In fact there are days that I am still there! You just have to decide that today is the day!

Apr 14, 202212:57
April is Redesign Your Life Month!

April is Redesign Your Life Month!

It’s April and if you are anything like me (and I think you are a little bit like me!) you are wondering where the h*** the first three months of the year went? Am I right? Is it just me or do you feel like you are just setting your goals for the year because, well, life decided to happen through January, February and March!!

If that’s you my friend, you are in for a treat! This month’s topic is the answer to your prayers! What else could we have asked for if not for a reset on our year, life, goals, , fill in the blank!

I’m going to give you the exact steps I used to Redesign my life and get it to what it is today. Now, before you ask, let me tell you, no, I ain’t there yet! To my perfect life, I mean! I’m still working on it, but if you keep reading you’ll see that life is not about the destination (we all know how that’s going to end!) it’s about the journey.

We have some power in deciding what we want that journey to look like. It can be more depressing or more joyful, we can decide that. We can also decide if we are going to be victims or “victors“ in our life. We can decide if we are going to react or respond to our life and the zillion situations we will face.

But before I lose you, let me tell you that we are starting this Redesign your Life by taking the first of the three simple steps! And the first step is: Drum roll please! Start right now, right here with what you’ve got!

Yep, it’s as simple as that! Do you know why most people are not taking action in creating the life they want to live? Because they are waiting to get to a better financial/personal/professional (whatever it is for you) situation. Now, can you tell me what your life needs to look like for you to start creating the life you really want to live?

And isn’t it a bit strange that you need to get somewhere to then start planning and creating the life you really want to live? Wouldn’t it just be easier to start planning that life right now? I need to tell you that I know exactly where you are coming from! This person I’m describing is me a few years ago, waiting to lose weight and pay debt and for the kids to grow up, so that, I could start thinking about creating the life I wanted!

But, I got news for you! You are never going to get there and be ready to take the next step! I’m sorry, that’s just how it is! There will always exist “something“ that will keep you from taking action! I know, I’ve been there.

So, for the month of April, let’s just make a pack, that we’ll take these three simple steps to Redesign our life! Are you in? I can promise you it will change your life. You will learn so much about yourself and the people around you that you will wish you’d started on this journey yesterday! But let me tell, the next best time to start, it’s right now, right here with what you’ve got!

I’ll give you the steps and next week we’ll start going over each one of them so that you get a better understanding of what it really means to redesign your life, where the concept was born and why you should really start on this journey...

Apr 07, 202211:27
Interview with Natalie LaRoche
Apr 01, 202201:05:37
WTF - What To Fight (for when you are struggling!)

WTF - What To Fight (for when you are struggling!)

We have looked at our spending habits, or rather, our spending tendencies and why some people prefer spending money on things rather than experiences.

We’ve talked about how to deal with a partner that is the complete opposite to us… and yet there’s still so much to talk about!

Every time I come back to talk about money, I always end up on Mindset. I know I’ve been at it for a while now but, I come to the realisation, like, every single day, that if your mind is not in the right space, you “ain’t got this“!

What I mean is, if you are trying to change your life circumstances, no matter what it is, you need to first get to the right place mentally to then be able to put in place whatever you need to get on your journey.

As an example, I can tell you yet again about my story and how we worked for years without seeing any traction on our debt payment. Yet, as soon as we changed our thoughts, our perspectives and then took action, everything started to shift.

You may argue that mindset and action go hand in hand, one walking beside the other. I do agree but to an extent. I mean if you are not reaching the right mindset to do what you want to do, or change what you want to change, you can take steps (action) to try to reach it.

It has happened to me before, that I was so uninspired that instead of mentally trying to change, I started to put into place small routines that would take me in the direction of changing my mind and get me to the mental place I needed.

Now, having done it both ways, my take on it, is that, it’s harder to take action before you are in the right head space to move forward. For example, for me it’s the healthy habits I want to implement that have a greater success with taking action first and then changing my mind.

I want to create healthy habits, not in a: “I want to lose weight and exercise 7 days out of the week“ kind of healthy habits. More like, I want to move my body at least 3 times a week and I want to eat healthier foods.

Now, in my mind I know what I need to do, but as soon as I think I need to give up chocolate what do I start craving? You got it! Chocolate! I’ve tried the whole routine of eating fruit and then bread and then finally the chocolate (you know instead of just eating the chocolate straight away! I know, I’m not very good at listening to myself!)

But if instead I tell myself I can eat whatever I want and for breakfast I start by having a protein shake instead of bread, butter and cheese… I then think well, if I didn’t have the bread in the morning, I’m not going to have any now… and then if I didn’t eat bread, I’m not going to eat french fries, I’ll make a salad (ok maybe 2 fries!) and then I’ll have tea in a really nice cup… see where I’m going with this? By taking a small step in the morning it’s going to keep me focused during the day (well, most days!) until I start to see some results, health wise, until my mind is finally on board...

If you are wondering how you can work with me to get over all those money blocks you didn't even know you had, or that you've been struggling with, visit my website:

Mar 24, 202215:08
Having vs Experiencing: My partner is my opposite! what now?

Having vs Experiencing: My partner is my opposite! what now?

Hi Friend! Nice to see you here again!

Well, I only have my own experiences to rely on and I will use that to explain to you, the best I can, how you can turn the situation around. I don’t mean how you can trick your partner into doing exactly what you want (but if you do figure it out let me know… research, of course!!) 😉

Seriously, I actually deal with this on a daily basis. I’m an “experiences“ kind of person and my better half, yes my husband, is a “things“ person. I’m sure you’ve had a little time to go over the differences but, let’s just name a few so that we are on the same page!

Me, The “Experiences all the way“ half of the marriage:

Love going to a restaurant and having an entrée as well as the cocktail, the main course, dessert and the wine to go with it all!

My husband, The “I love all things and I will pay extra for the one that gives me five more minutes of light in it’s overall life time“ half of the marriage:

Loves connected “everything“ at home, cars, watches, splurges on a bottle of Rum (but not on a shot of Rum at the restaurant) and tools (I doubt if he even knows what half of them do…)

See the difference? If you’ve been hanging around here for a while, you know that I love a nice Carolina Herrera bag that is probably way too pricey for what it actually is, but, if I have to choose between the bag and a trip to Bali, you bet your buns I’m going to take the trip! Sure it’s only a week but imagine the sunsets, the food and the drink and the sandy beaches and the plane ride (I love plane rides and plane food, hey! no judgement here and no I don’t need to fly executive to enjoy it!).

Now, ideally, I’ll have both thank you very much! But that’s not the reality for most of us! And I know what brings me more pleasure, and it’s going anywhere, as long as I’m going and I’m experiencing something new.

For my husband, this was just a waste of money, because at the end of that week you were left with… well, memories and a magnet for the fridge and not much else…

We both lived the same experience in very different ways! But, we’ve been together now longer than we’ve been apart so, we kinda rubbed off on each other. I think he now enjoys Experiences way too much!

One way you can support me and the work I’m doing is going to my website and subscribing to the newsletter that comes out once a week or buy one of my books available on Amazon. This way you can support me and get started on your new financial journey!

Thank you for being here. I appreciate you!

Mar 17, 202226:06
 Having vs Experiencing: Why it's important

Having vs Experiencing: Why it's important

This month we are talking about “Having“ vs “Experiencing“ when it comes to our spending.

In which of these two categories do you fall? Do you prefer to buy “things“ that you can use over and over again or that you can look at whenever you feel like it because it brings you joy? Or, do you prefer to spend your money on “experiences“ that will make you happy and you create memories that you can cherish forever?

If you are anything like me… you kinda fall in both categories! I know that back in the day when I suffered from FOMO, I wanted to buy all the things (which I did) and have all the experiences (which I had) and voilà, that’s how we got to know each other, you and I!!! But getting back to our little conundrum, it can be hard to decide which one of these two you identify most with. For starters, when you have little to no money, you have no choice but to buy things, like first necessity items! And when you do have money you can have both.

So why even have the discussion, you ask? Well, because when you are in the middle of it all, I mean when you start on your journey from no money to a lot of money (yes, I believe you can get there, because, Mindset, just go back to February and go through the materials, you can also get help here!) there will be a moment where you can (and you should!) spend some money on things that give you pleasure, that make you happy. I remember for me, before I knew myself as well as I know now… I wanted to buy things and go out and funds were very, very limited, so sometimes I ended up buying something and regretting it! Because I would much rather go and have a nice glass of wine (couldn’t afford the bottle or the dinner!) at a really nice bar by the beach. That’s why I think it's important for you to find out in which category you are in.

Also,  just because you can doesn’t mean you should, spend all your money on stuff and/or experiences if they are not bringing you joy or if you regret having done it later. Just because I can afford to go on a cruise, it doesn’t mean I’m going to do it (I get sea sick!), seriously, I’m not in a financial place where I consider it’s ok to spend $10.000 on a vacation, yet. Before you go check out the prices for a cruise, this is how much the one I would love to go on costs, there’s plane fares and 5* hotels in there as well!

Now, I am an experiences kind of person but it hasn’t always been this way. Back in the day, it was really important for me to “have“ a house, “have“ really nice things and especially “have“ a lot of things in my house. Family is very important to me, dinner parties were a constant at our house (almost every weekend) and I’d rather have that than go on vacation. Again, we both know I did both and here we are today!

My family values are still the same, however, I now appreciate much more some quality time in a nice restaurant with my family once a month and going out to have a nice glass of wine with my husband...

Mar 10, 202214:37