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The Perspective

The Perspective

By Stanly Sam

Welcome to The Perspective by Stanly Sam. The Podcast is all about human understanding about the ancient history of the books in the Bible and the Idea behind the Origin of the Bible and acts of humankind which generated an Idea of the existence of a mighty being called "The God".
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Introducing The Stan Perspective (Series Trailer)

The PerspectiveJun 26, 2020

#018 Theological Developments in Christianity

#018 Theological Developments in Christianity

Let's explore the theological developments in Christianity, including the Nicene Creed, the Trinity, and debates over the nature of God in early Christian history.

Feb 09, 202407:40
#017 God in the Enlightenment and Secularism

#017 God in the Enlightenment and Secularism

Let's analyze how the Enlightenment era and the rise of secularism challenged traditional religious beliefs and led to new conceptions of God, such as deism and pantheism.

Feb 02, 202407:37
#016 The Evolution of Monotheism

#016 The Evolution of Monotheism

Let's trace the evolution of monotheism from ancient polytheistic beliefs to the emergence of monotheistic faiths like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the impact of monotheism on the concept of God.

Jan 26, 202408:43
#015 Religious Revelation and Prophetic Traditions

#015 Religious Revelation and Prophetic Traditions

This episode is an exploration on the role of religious revelations and prophetic traditions in shaping the belief in God, with a focus on figures like Moses, Muhammad, and the Vedic seers.

Jan 19, 202408:06
#014 Philosophical Foundations of God's Existence

#014 Philosophical Foundations of God's Existence

Let's examine the philosophical arguments that have contributed to the idea of God's existence, including the cosmological, teleological, and ontological arguments put forth by philosophers like Aristotle, Aquinas, and Descartes.

Jan 12, 202407:40
#013 The Concept of God in Ancient Civilizations

#013 The Concept of God in Ancient Civilizations

In this Episode we Investigate how the idea of God originated in ancient civilizations, from the polytheistic pantheons of Mesopotamia and Egypt to the monotheistic beliefs of early Judaism.

Jan 05, 202410:16
#012 Understanding Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic Old Testament - Differences and Similarities

#012 Understanding Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic Old Testament - Differences and Similarities

The Protestant Bible, the Catholic Bible, and the Eastern Orthodox Bible are not the same book. 

Here's what you need to know about the difference.

YouTube :

Jan 01, 202107:43
#011 Tanakh / Hebrew Bible - Understanding Jewish Sacred Writings

#011 Tanakh / Hebrew Bible - Understanding Jewish Sacred Writings

Let's Talk about the three sections of the Hebrew Bible  - - Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim.

How are these sections arranged in the common Bible and what are the major differences. 

How Eastern & Catholic Churches use these same sections in their scripture yet have major differences in their collective Bible.

Visit my YouTube:

Dec 01, 202010:10
#010 Early Indian Biblical Translations

#010 Early Indian Biblical Translations

For centuries, Bibles in native language were not available, Syrian Bibles were used in few churches in the southern part of India, but now we have Bibles in different Indian Languages. In this episode, I’ll talk about the Early Indian Biblical translations done in our country by some influential Biblical scholars.

This episode is prepared after a lot of research done on this particular topic and is made on facts. Not intended to hurt the sentiments of any Individual, Community, Sect, or Religion. This podcast is merely made for Informational/Documentary/Educational Purposes. For further clarifications and information Contact:

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 29, 202015:07
#009 Idea Behind Indian Biblical Translations

#009 Idea Behind Indian Biblical Translations

A translation is when you replace each word in the original language with an exact equivalent in the target language. It is possible to translate between Greek and Hebrew, but not English. English requires capital letters at the start of each sentence and other places and punctuation in certain places.  Similarly, the Bible has been translated into different languages. One of those most difficult language translation work was done here in India.

This episode is all about the techniques and theories followed by the early linguistic scholars who mastered the skill of Bible translation from a Source language to the target translation language. Especially in a country like India where there are more than 1652 languages spoken.  Also how the early missionaries and scholars learned the language classifications in India just to do the translation work. This podcast episode sheds light on the translation part of the Bible, which seems a very simple job to do, but actually a time consuming focused work.

This episode is prepared after a lot of research done on this particular topic and is made on facts. Not intended to hurt the sentiments of any Individual, Community, Sect, or Religion. This podcast is merely made for Informational/Documentary/Educational Purposes. For further clarifications and information Contact:

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 19, 202017:01
#008 Origin of Bible in India

#008 Origin of Bible in India

The arrival of Christianity in India comes from the Acts of Thomas and a few more oral traditions recorded on documents in later centuries. This episode is all about the Origin of Biblical teachings in India. Sheds light upon the Syrian Malabar Nasrani people, who represent an ethnic community in Kerala, South India. Their tradition goes back to the beginnings of first-century Christian thought and the seven churches established by St. Thomas the Apostle among the natives and the Jewish diaspora in Kerala. They follow a unique Hebrew-Syriac Christian tradition which includes several Jewish elements along with some Hindu customs. They have a Syriac-Keralite heritage, their culture South Indian, their faith, St. Thomas Christian, and their language, Malayalam. According to the Acts of Thomas, Thomas's first converts in India had been Malabari Jews, who had settled in Kerala since the time of King Solomon of Israel. This episode is prepared after a lot of research done on this particular topic and is made on facts. Not intended to hurt the sentiments of any Individual, Community, Sect, or Religion. This podcast is merely made for Informational/Documentary/Educational Purposes. For further clarifications and information Contact:

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 12, 202013:16
#007 Modern Biblical Translations

#007 Modern Biblical Translations

The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The Latin Vulgate translation was dominant in early Western Christianity through the Middle Ages. Since then, the Bible has been translated into many more languages. English Bible translations also have a rich and varied history of more than a millennium. So, This Episode is a discussion about the early English translations which helped the current modern English bible to take shape.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 04, 202007:30
#006 Ancient New Testament Translations

#006 Ancient New Testament Translations

This episode is a discussion about the early translations of the second part of the Christian scriptures, The first translations (usually called "versions") of the New Testament were made beginning already at the end of the 2nd century. The earliest versions of the New Testament are the translations into the Syriac, Latin, and Coptic languages. These three versions were made directly from the Greek, later Monks, and Scholars in the early Christian Monasteries Copied it to further earlier translated versions that were retrieved and preserved in Museums and Universities and are frequently cited in the apparatuses of modern critical editions.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 04, 202004:54
#005 Ancient Old Testament Translations

#005 Ancient Old Testament Translations

This episode is a discussion about the early Old Testament translations of the Bible, Some of the first translations of the Hebrew Bible began during the Babylonian exile when Aramaic replaced Hebrew as the common language of the Jews living in and out of Israel. With most people speaking only Aramaic and not understanding Hebrew, the Targums were created to allow the common person to understand the Hebrew Bible as it was read in ancient synagogues. Then Later the Word spread all over the world to the corners in the form of different spoken languages.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 04, 202004:29
#004 Manuscripts/Codex

#004 Manuscripts/Codex

This episode is a discussion about the Bible manuscripts/ Codex. Bible manuscripts when compared to other ancient writings, stand-alone as the best-preserved literary works of all antiquity. There are thousands of existing Old Testament manuscripts and fragments copied throughout the Middle East, Mediterranean and European regions that agree phenomenally with each other. In addition, these texts substantially agree with the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, which was translated from Hebrew to Greek sometime during the 3rd century BC. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in Israel in the 1940s and '50s, also provide astounding evidence for the reliability of the ancient transmission of the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd centuries BC.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jul 04, 202006:35
#003 New Testament & Apocrypha

#003 New Testament & Apocrypha

This episode will help you to understand the completion of the New testament and the rejection of other 14 books termed as the apocryphal books.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jun 27, 202004:51
#002 Canonization & Old Testament

#002 Canonization & Old Testament

This episode will help us to understand that the word of God is completed in different situations and different writers, and it is combined together and is given to the church as the scriptures.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jun 27, 202006:05
#001 The Bible

#001 The Bible

Bible has 66 books with 1,189 chapters and 31,175 verses. But the original text was in the continuous running matter without any chapters and verses. Christians believe The Bible is the word of God and has developed in the socio-historical basis and also it is God-breathed.

Music by Chris Zabriskie

Jun 27, 202009:07
Introducing The Stan Perspective (Series Trailer)

Introducing The Stan Perspective (Series Trailer)

This Series is all about my sunday school teachings (which I published as a podcast ) about the ancient history of the books in the Bible and the Idea behind the Origin of the Bible.
Jun 26, 202000:57