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The Sweet Nine Podcast

The Sweet Nine Podcast

By Belynda Farias

Each week, show hosts and business owners, Belynda Farias and Candice Frazier open “table talk” with 7 Women Entrepreneurs and talk about the realities, challenges and successes of being a woman in today’s business market. They interview Entrepreneurs of all stages... and bring inspiration, encouragement and clarity to audience questions.
The Sweet Nine supports Business Women based on the 9 principles; Empowerment, Confidence, Connection, Growth, Balance, Leadership, Creativity, Wealth and Success!
Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am and Be a Part of the Nine!
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Episode 31 - SEO- Making an impact with your mission!

The Sweet Nine Podcast Apr 23, 2020

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Create your "Now is Wow!"

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Create your "Now is Wow!"

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Create your "Now is Wow!"

Oct 15, 202032:06
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Live in the Moment!

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Live in the Moment!

A very sweet day to everyone out there!

My name is Belynda Farias and I'm Candice Frazier.    Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine!

Today's Episode is about really focusing on Living in the Moment!

Living in the Moment as defined by the dictionary means to concentrate on the present, with little or no concern for the future.

Living in the Moment means to focus on the now, the present moment, what is happening today!

You see, when you live in the past, you live in depression because you can't go back to re-live or fix your past..... when you live in the future, you live in Anxiety, because you can't jump into the future before living today.... but when you live in the present, you are Creating! You are at the best place to live your best life! No anxiety, no depression, just satisfaction, joy, appreciation.

Let go of the negative, TODAY is an Amazing day!

Join us on Thursday for the must have #5 for living a Happy and Amazing Life!

Bye Everyone!

For more information, go to  or

Oct 14, 202036:54
Season 2 -Episode 8 - Must Have #3 - Do What you Love!

Season 2 -Episode 8 - Must Have #3 - Do What you Love!

Season 2 -Episode 8 - Must Have #3 - Do What you Love!

A very sweet day to everyone out there!

I'm Belynda Farias and I'm Candice Frazier.   Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine!

Today's golden nugget is a good one! We're going to be talking about "Must have #3" in the 9 must haves to happy living!

We're going to be talking about "Doing what you Love...."

What does it mean to "Do what you Love?"...

Well, it means to be connected to the things that Bring you Joy! Discovering what you love is the first key...

  1. Make a list: What are 5 things you love to do?
  2. Schedule time to do these things often
  3. Ensure you are fully present in the moment.

When you are living in the moment of what you love, you are fully connected to you, to your higher self, to your inner creative genius! This feels right. This feels aligned. This feels like you're in the perfect place, because you are.... you are in giving time to the your inner child to play, to explore, to learn, to be....

Can one really make a living from Doing What You Love?

The answer is YES! Thousands of People make a wealthy living from doing what they love!

Building a business where you love what you do, you will feel rewarded, connected and successful because you feel that creativity run through your veins and that brings you new ideas to keep growing your business.

When you're feeling connected, you feel Great! and it shows in your health, in your smile, in your vibe... your overall feeling is improved and that feels great!

In closing... Doing what you love is a big part of our happiness!

As Steve Jobs quotes: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Remember to take a photo and post it- share it! and tag us #THESWEETNINEGOLDMINE or #OCTOBERGROWTHCHALLENGE

Check it out on our website You can also go to our individual websites at and

See you Tuesday! Have a SWEET 9 Day and a FABULOUS Weekend!


Bye everyone!

Oct 08, 202032:13
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Happy Attracts Happy

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Happy Attracts Happy

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Happy Attracts Happy

Today we're so excited to bring you another gold nugget!

In today's show we're continuing our exciting October Series! based on our upcoming book "9 Must haves for Living Happy!"

October is the month for harvesting the gold! And we thought this book is the perfect compliment to living a life of GOLD!
Let's check in with our current happenings, what's going on today...

 THE OCTOBER GROWTH CHALLENGE... Last week on Thursday, we started this challenge! We asked you all to join us for 7 days in writing down on post it's, 1 thing you are grateful for everyday! How are you doing with this challenge? Did you keep up? How are you feeling?
The October Growth challenge is all about stretching us to new appreciation, new gratitudes, new learning, new self growth, leading us into an improved version of ourselves. Remember to tag us in your photos with the hashtag #thesweetninegoldmine or #octobergrowthchallenge

Happy is everywhere... There's many things that we get to experience in today's world, but only the things you focus on will come into your experience.    We'll, it's really about attention or focus. We're lucky to be able to choose our life experience simply by thinking it into being... whatever we're thinking about, we call more of that into our experience. this is what is called the law of attraction.

It's the intention of choosing what want to attract... this can be tricky as it really is all about FEELING it! What does this mean? We'll when you FEEL Happy, things will automatically show up that will bring you more things to FEEL Happy about. But if you're FEELING frustrated and using your words to kind of force a happy experience into your life, I'm afraid, HAPPY may not show up.... but Frustration will... because your dominant FEELING was Frustration.

It's the FEELING that moves the magic of attraction. So you have to ask yourself...
1. What am I Feeling right now?
2. What do I want?
3. How can I change my FEELING to something positive?
We'll this is coming up in the second part of our show...

OK. In closing... Happiness or Joy is what all humankind seeks.... to feel happy with ourselves, with our life experience... this all starts with YOU. Creating the happy life you want begins with YOU, with your thoughts, your words, your vibe... practicing and applying this new information will change your life!   Listen to the full show for all the Gold nuggets!  

Please join us in this weeks OCTOBER GROWTH CHALLENGE (week2)
For the next 7 days, write down 1 HAPPY thought, per day- on a post it note, and stick to your bathroom mirror... Remember to take a photo and post it- share it! and tag us #THESWEETNINEGOLDMINE or #OCTOBERGROWTHCHALLENGE or #HAPPYATTRACTSHAPPY

Yes go check it out! Okay, as Candice said, you can learn all about us on our website You can also go to our individual websites at and

See you Thursday! Have s SWEET 9 Day! and remember #BEAPARTOFTHENINE

Oct 06, 202025:55
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Appreciate All!

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Appreciate All!

Lesson 1 - Appreciate your life and all in it
A very sweet day to everyone out there!

My name is Belynda Farias and I'm Candice Frazier.
Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine!

This is our second season and once again, we're so excited to bring you another gold nugget!

 In today's show we're starting off our October Series!
This month we'll be talking about Our upcoming book 9 Must haves for Living Happy!

In this book we'll be sharing the easy formula to love life, to feel great and live your best life!
We've been gathering this delicious information, but not just gathering... but living it as a tried and true formula! It really works!
But before we dive into our first chapter... let's check in with our current happenings...

Wake up and smell the coffee!
You woke up and here you are...Alive and well!
Maybe things.. may not be perfect for you, yet here you are breathing, heart pumping, limbs moving... That sounds pretty good, right? It's a start to your day... it's all how you look at things and APPRECIATION is key!

Let's focus on the Attitude of Gratitude!
How often do you sit still and stand in gratitude for YOU! For your life, for your your body, for all the good things in your life? Being grateful for even the simplest things can feel amazing, which in return will bring for things for your to feel amazing about!

How does Appreciation or feeling Grateful apply to your Business?

Appreciating the fact you have a business is first! The fact that you are standing here, creating the entrepreneur adventure you wanted, is Awesome! You manifested this idea and here you are!

Appreciating your talents in your business, your willingness to learn more, your willingness to learn from your mistakes.... This appreciation is LOVE! Loving who you are and how your choosing to experience your life is great because you're validating you, understanding the part you play in life and loving YOU for trying new things!

For the next 7 days, Write down your Gratitude list on a post it and stick it to your Bathroom Mirror! Do not repeat items on your list, or if you must, write it differently. Each day add your new list or gratitudes...
In two weeks time, you'll see 60 things you are feeling grateful for...

Post a Picture and tag us in your posts #THESWEETNINEGOLDMINE

... Celebrate your commitment and we encourage you to KEEP DOING THIS for 30 DAYS! YOUR LIFE WILL BEGIN TO CHANGE!!!


In closing... The first part of our formula for the 9 Must haves for living Happy is APPRECIATION! I just want you to know... I appreciate YOU! You are here, listening or watching and connecting to us for a reason. And we love and appreciate your support for our mission. You are Amazing! You are Fabulous! You are in the right place and right time! Dream, my friends.... Dream BIG and Have Fun! Allow yourself to play with these ideas, Appreciate everything, Be grateful and watch your life change before your eyes......

Thank you for joining us today! Please join us next week for Lesson 2 in our new October series! Until then

For more information please visit us on our website at www.The or at and

Have s SWEET 9 Day! and remember #BEAPARTOFTHENINE

Bye everyone!

Oct 05, 202033:38
Season2 - Episode 5 - Give yourself a Break!

Season2 - Episode 5 - Give yourself a Break!

A very sweet day to everyone out there!
Belynda and Candice! Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine!
This is our second season and once again, we're so excited to bring you another gold nugget!

Today's focus is the last step in our list of 5 Things we wish we knew before starting a business, and we're today we're talking about Kindness.....
How does kindness play in our business? Well, we're going to be talking about that in just a minute.Section 1 -

Be Kind to YOU! Give yourself a Break
1)The key is to be creating and increasing the feelings of “satisfied”, “happy”, as well as rested and energized from exercise. High vibe – high vibration = prosperity.

2)You can not be your best self if you are run down. Self-care is essential.
Self care = greater creative energy and this allows for more inspired living.

3)Step back = more space to move forward into. More space to move into.
This includes taking time to exercise, rest and find more in the stillness than less in the movement.

Showing Kindness in you, your business and the world....

" Kindness is a feeling of good. A delicious, satisfying sensation that you've shared a friendly, compassionate, understanding and loving part of your being... Kindness is our hearts playing, conversing and enjoying our place in this world.... Kindness is pure loving energy that changes lives..."
- Belynda Farias

1) Kindness plays a role in everyday life and it can be applied to your business!
The definition of Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Customers love Businesses that are friendly, generous and considerate! Extending your kindness to your customers will bring you more prosperity, friendships and sales!
Kindness is one of the keys to a successful business.

2) Kindness in life...
Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without having an expectation of praise or reward. It is considered a virtue and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions.

Practicing kindness has a profound effect our own mental & physiological health, helping us to become happier and compassionate towards others. Being kind to others has been known to help boost our own immune system, slow down aging, elevate our self esteem and improve blood pressure.

In closing...Kindness improves our quality of life in the workplace as well as in our communities. It simply brings people together. Doing good for others feels great. Showing kindness to others is just as rewarding as receiving it from someone else.
Kindness is contagious and you never know just how big of an impact a small gesture of kindness can have. Stop and think before you talk or act (Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?).
And lastly, remember to laugh and enjoy life throughout your day... this too is its own act of kindness.

Thank you for joining us today! Please join us next week for a brand new month of new topics! In our October series, we're talking about our new book 9 Must haves for living Happy! Make sure you join us!
and make sure you check out our website to pre-order your Book!

For more information please visit us on our website at www.The or at and

Have s SWEET 9 Day! and remember #BEAPARTOFTHENINE

Bye everyone!

Oct 05, 202028:53
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Grow YOU and your Audience!

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Grow YOU and your Audience!

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Grow YOU and your Audience!

A very sweet day to everyone out there!

I'm Belynda and Candice! Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine!

This is our second season and once again, we're so excited to bring you another gold nugget!

Today's focus is number 4 on our list of 5 Things I wish I knew before starting a business, and we're today we're talking about Growth!.....

Growth in you, your relationships, and your business!

Section 1 -

Growth in You.

Personal development is an important tool in assisting your influential reach.

How are you going to lead others if your still working on leading yourself?

Self mastery is always critical as you expand your wisdom, your knowledge, your world expands with it....

Section 2-

Growth in personal and professional relationships

Friendships are an important part of our social lives and they can directly influence your mood and the way you feel. Here are a few things to think about:

1. Letting go of connections that do not serve you. Growth also means letting go. Sometimes we have people in our life that can be influential in the way you feel, bringing you down and bring lack of support or trust. This is not growth. You have to find a way to release that relationship or if it someone very close to you, finding a way to change the way you feel about their opinions and letting go of the influence their opinion hold will open new space, new opportunities for additional personal growth.

  1. How can I find new friends? Contacts?
    Branch out! –
  2. Going out of your comfort zone and engaging with those around you is the thing to do if you want to grow as a person.
    -Friendly and optimistic people are everywhere! Start a conversation with someone who seems positive and fun, you never know what fun road that will lead you to...
  3. Join meetup for a wide varied selection of groups available for every interest. Meeting people does not always have to be for business alone, try joining a hobby or sports group, get involved and volunteer somewhere that calls you... you'll find that following that route may bring your both new friends and business leads, sales, etc....
    -If you're meeting new people with your new found activity, you have to stay connected! Make a call, send a text, mail a card... or have a coffee or lunch... Work on building the friendship and invest your time in it. Be available for them even when things go bad and give your support.

Always surround yourself with positivity and you will see a huge improvement in the quality of your life.

Thank you for joining us today! Please join us next week for #5, in our September series. It's going to be a good one!

For more information please visit us on our website at www.The or at and

Have s SWEET 9 Day! and remember #BEAPARTOFTHENINE

Bye everyone!

Oct 05, 202034:13
Season 2 - Episode 3 - Invest but don't over do it!

Season 2 - Episode 3 - Invest but don't over do it!

A very sweet day to everyone out there! 

This is Belynda and Candice

Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine! This is our second season and once again, we're so excited to bring you another gold nugget!

Today's focus is number 3... on our list of 5 Things we wish we knew before starting a business, and we're today we're talking about Investing..... 

This isn't just any ol' topic, it's about Investing in your Business, what to do and what not to do....

Before we dive in, we want to Thank you for joining us and we want to invite you to join the tribe! You can go to right now and sign up to Join the Tribe! It's FREE! We're building a community of Amazing Empowered Women and whether you have a business or not, we want you to be a part of the adventure! who knows, you may be inspired to start that exciting business you've always dreamed about!
Sign up today and we'll send you a special access code to join our brand new VIP Group THE SWEET NINE TRIBE!

Come on....Join the NINE! It's TIME!

Let's get back to today's topic.... INVEST - but Don't over do it!

Part 1 -
Invest in YOU.
There are so many moving parts to being a business owner. If you are a creative individual, invest in new skills that can help you save money and help you grow your business. A course in graphic design, web design, marketing, sales, blogs... All of these new skills will not only expand your life resume, but save you lots of money in your business!
Read, (audio books) take courses, attend workshops, watch videos - The key is to gain wisdom and expand your mind, your Self, and your Business.

Part 2
Make a plan, Don't overspend.
Part of Investing is having a plan. When you wrote your business plan, you most likely wrote in your marketing budget.
-Plan your memberships, services, employees, online fees, etc..
-Focus on what is really necessary to advance your business and stay in budget.
-Don't sign up for something you're not sure you need unless you will commit to it.
--Cancel unnecessary fees to maximize your investment

Part 3
Re-Invest your earnings right back into your Business! As you grow your business, plan on reinvesting a portion or all of your profits back in your business and watch it multiply to meet your financial goals.

In closing, Investing is the trust and belief that you put into your business! Your Business IS your Investment! You're giving it your valuable time, your efforts and your hard earned money. This is the baby that you are feeding and nurturing into a well grown successful business. Choose your plan wisely. Take time to daydream and fine tune the details of your business and this will bring you the success you seek.

We appreciate all of you and wish you all only the best!  Have a Fabulous Day!

Bye Guys! 

Oct 05, 202034:06
Season2 - Episode 2 - Build A Good Plan!

Season2 - Episode 2 - Build A Good Plan!

A very sweet day to everyone out there! This is
Belynda and Candice

Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine! This is our second season and we're so excited to bring you the gold!

This month we're talking about the things we wish we knew before starting our businesses..... Today's vein of gold is all about the truth of success and how it may not happen overnight, but how it's already yours!

Part 1
- Write out your vision/dream in detail!!
(Build a detailed business plan)

Here are seven key components your business plan needs.
1.Executive Summary. The first and most important part of the business plan is the executive summary. ...
2.Company Description. ...
3.Market Analysis. ...
4.Organization and Management. ...
5.Goods and Services. ...
6.Marketing. ...
7. Financial Projections.

In Part 2  of today's show, we'll be focusing on your "Why"...... Make sure you stay tuned!

If you have not already subscribed to our show, make sure you do that TODAY! and head over to our website to join our Awesome Tribe of Women!

Thank you for joining us today!  
Remember for more information, log on to our website at and join us as a Free member!
Have a Great day! and we'll see you at the next show!

Oct 05, 202030:18
Season 2 - Episode 1- Success doesn't happen overnight!

Season 2 - Episode 1- Success doesn't happen overnight!

Welcome to the Sweet Nine Goldmine!  This is the kick off to our new season!  Season 2- Sharing golden nuggets of wisdom and inspiration!

This month we're talking about things we wish we knew before starting our businesses..... This is our first book in the series

Today's vein of gold is all about the truth of success and how it may not happen overnight, but how it's already yours!

First off, you have to know...You are already succeeding just by deciding to start your business!

The 3 tips to keep in mind are:  - Stay Focused, Work hard and Be Prepared...

- You started this business for a reason.. stay connected to the things that
excite you...
- There are many Entrepreneurs out there, YOU are unique, and will be successful, but make sure you're investing 100%
- You will come across stress, difficulties and hardships, but this is part of the
adventure... keep going

In part 2, we're talking about Mindset!  - Mindset is everything! Have a Positive vision!
An Entrepreneur with a Dream is powerful! They have vision, determination and grit, but the most important skill, gift and resource is MINDSET
1. Positive outlook
2. Intention
3. Accountability

What is the definition of Success?   A person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.
- What does Success mean to you? Write out your definition

In part 3 we talk about KNOWING........
-KNOW that it’s Coming, Success is yours!
- Success does NOT happen overnight, but it DOES happen! Maybe not all at once, but little by little you get to experience the magic of what an Entrepreneur experiences and though these lessons, you grow into an amazing Stronger more Confident You! That my friends is SUCCESS!

For more information please visit us on our website at www.The or at and

Have s SWEET 9 Day! and remember #BEAPARTOFTHENINE

Bye everyone!

Oct 01, 202034:11
Episode #58 - 9 Ways to Feel your Wealth Now!
Aug 26, 202001:00:13
Episode #57 - Success! 9+ ways to Tune into your Success!
Aug 13, 202050:48
Episode #56 - 9 ways to Tap into your Creative Side & Increase Creativity - Plus BONUS Business Tips

Episode #56 - 9 ways to Tap into your Creative Side & Increase Creativity - Plus BONUS Business Tips

Episode #56  - 9 ways to Tap into your Creative Side & Increase Creativity - Plus BONUS  Business Tips

Today's episode is one of my favorites!  We're tapping into ways to get your Creativity moving in your personal and professional life! There is so much creative power within you!  Everyday, we CREATE our experience, we're creating all the time, in words, in pictures, in thoughts, in dreams.... 

Learning easy steps to tap into your Creative Magic will help in designing the dreams you want to see in your life experience.  Join us for today show  and be inspired and motivated to work with your creative side!  

See you at the next show!

Belynda  and  Candice

If you'd like a FREE Copy of today's HANDOUTS -  9 Ways to Tap into your Creative Power,   9 Ways to Increase your Creativity

please email us at or sign up at our website at


1.   Free templates for marketing materials

2.   Next Day Business Cards under $20

3.    FREE Website

4.   $0.20 listing Fee to sell products

5.  - Domain Name sales

6.  -  $3 Photos available for your content

7. -  Quality Stickers for marketing materials

8. Telepromter App - Helps you with teleprompter set up for Videos

Aug 11, 202001:03:21
Episode 55 - 9 Reasons Women make Awesome Leaders
Aug 06, 202001:22:19
Episode #54 - Tips to Feel Empowered
Aug 05, 202051:51
Episode #53 - 9 tips to Boost your Confidence

Episode #53 - 9 tips to Boost your Confidence

Episode #53 - Boost  your Confidence with these tips! 

Today we're talking about awesome ways to connect to your Self Confidence.  There's plenty of ways to boost and grow Self Confidence, here's some tips to try.  Listen in to the full episode and get the full inspiration!  

9 Tips to Boost your Confidence 

1.  Start with small steps

2.  Focus on your Strengths 

3. What does Confidence look like for you? 

4. Understand the path of your Journey- Be patient

5.  Dress the part - stand in the Confident You!

6.  Use positive affirmations daily 

7.  Practice makes perfect - Practice feeling more confidence  

8.  Appreciate all you have learned that has lead you to the confident person you are today

9. Self love ALWAYS equals Self Confidence!

Jul 31, 202001:06:22
Episode # 52 - 9 Tips for personal and professional GROWTH

Episode # 52 - 9 Tips for personal and professional GROWTH

Episode #52 - 9 Tips for personal and professional GROWTH

Today's episode is a juicy one!  We're talking about growth in all areas of life!  Get connected to you for amazing growth, learning, expansion, and beauty in your life experiences.  Once you're connected to the best version of YOU, it'll flow to all the other areas of your life.  

We love being here in the Sweet Nine Podcast studio and sharing with you!  Remember to go to our website and sign up for our email list and updates on episodes and events!

Come join us for the next episode, on's gonna be another good one!

Belynda and Candice  



1)  Curiosity…no judgment. Judgment creates stagnation which limits growth . Curiosity will also reveal what is working and what is not.

2)  Give and receive daily. We grow more when we give away knowledge.

3)  Build relationship with self and others.

4)  Positive affirmations and mindset growth

5)  Communication with self and others

6)  Time management, AKA…don't waste time on things that do not generate revenue, connections or recharge your battery

7)  Work smarter not harder repurpose content, delegate where needed

8)  Consistency, resilience, and flexibility

9)  Always be learning. Use failures to see and fine tune from that contrast.  #52

Jul 28, 202001:16:58
Episode #51 - Connections! Why are they important?
Jul 24, 202058:30
Episode 50- 9 tips to Feeling more Balanced in life

Episode 50- 9 tips to Feeling more Balanced in life

Episode 50- 9 tips to feeling more balance in life

In today's show we're talking about the importance of getting into a more balance state for success as an  entrepreneur and in life.  

Follow us on as we share our passion to empower women worldwide through personal experience as entrepreneurs, through researched information on challenges we face in today's world, and through the shared knowledge of fellow women entrepreneurs.

Our shows are recorded on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Join us!  See you soon!

Belynda and Candice

Reach out to us at and 

Jul 24, 202001:12:10
Episode #49 - Business Spotlight - CLAYDAY STUDIOS

Episode #49 - Business Spotlight - CLAYDAY STUDIOS

Episode #49 - Business Spotlight - CLAYDAY STUDIOS  (

In today's episode we're excited to highlight a local business.  Business owner Belynda Farias shares her experience on owning a local ceramic arts studio and how it creates much more magic than just art...

Listen in and get the scoop! Want to have your business highlighted too?  Reach out to us and let's talk!

It's going to be a great show, Join us and #Beapartofthenine

Belynda and Candice 

Jul 16, 202050:32
Episode #48 - We're talking about Leadership...

Episode #48 - We're talking about Leadership...

Episode #48 - We're talking about Leadership!

Today's episode is all about Leadership.  This is an important quality within us all. How do we tap into the power or leadership, today we're talking about ways to connect, learn and lead into your Leadership role as a Woman Entrepreneur!

Join us and #Beapartofthenine!

Belynda and Candice 

Jul 16, 202001:16:35
Episode #47 - 9 Books every Woman Entrepreneur should read!

Episode #47 - 9 Books every Woman Entrepreneur should read!

It's another great day and The Sweet Nine Podcast!

In today's episode we share 9 best selling books that every Woman entrepreneur needs to read!  This was a list we're sharing from one of our favorite entrepreneur sites!  Read the Full article here 

We're here to help, inspire and motivate all women in their journeys... reach out to us if you have any questions, ideas, or comments!

See you at the next one!

Belynda and Candice


Full link to today's inspired article from


Here's the list of the 9 Great Book Reads!

1.  "Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead," by Sheryl Sandberg

2. "The Confidence Code: The Science And Art of Self-Assumance. What Women Should Know," by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

3. "Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Beig, Wisdom and Wonder," by Arianna Huffington

4. "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear," by Elizabeth Gilbert

5. "Shark Tales: How I Turned $1000 into a Billion Dollar Business," Barbara Corcoran

6. "Become An Idea Machine: Because Ideas Are The Currency of the 21st Century," Claudia Azula Altucher

7.  "Radical Self Love: A Guide to Loving Yourself and Living Your Dreams," by Gala Darling

8. "#GIRLBOSS," by Sophia Amoruso

9. "Girl Code: Unlocking Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur," by Cara Alwill Leyba

Jul 09, 202048:13
Episode #46 - Success Pitfalls, 9 Common Mistakes

Episode #46 - Success Pitfalls, 9 Common Mistakes

Episode #46 - Success Pitfalls, 9 Common Mistakes

Today we're talking about 9 common mistakes we see on our way to Success!  It's another great episode!   We're always excited to share

great tips, info and inspiration to Women Entrepreneurs everywhere!  Join us and be a part of the Nine!  #Beapartofthenine

Belynda and Candice 


Success Pitfalls - 9 Common Mistakes   (sign up for emails to get the weekly digital episode notes at

1. Afraid you'll Fail

2. Self Criticism

3. Negaive Chatter

4. Lack of Positive attitude

5. Feeling overwhelmed

6. Looking for approval

7. Trying to please everyone

8. Staying in your comfort zone

9. Losing sight of your vision

Jul 08, 202050:24
Episode #45 Build an Inspired Mindset

Episode #45 Build an Inspired Mindset

Episode #45 - Build an Inspired Mindset

In today's show, we bring inspiration, motivation and education on ways to build an Inspired Mindset.  We're always finding ways to bring joy and inspiration to our listeners and viewers and today we get to share some of the goodies we love!

Join us and be inspired with our 9 steps to Create and Build an Inspired Mindset Blueprint!

Belynda and Candice


INSPIRED MINDSET BLUEPRINT   (Get the full digital copy at


1. Define Goal

2. Take time to Visualize

3. See Positive in Contrast

4. Focus, Focus, Focus!

5. Experience the Positive feelings to create more


6. Future Journal

7. Meditation

8. Create

9. Enjoy your Dream Life!


Jul 04, 202046:37
Episode #44 Strength in Differences

Episode #44 Strength in Differences

Episode #44 - Strength in Differences...

A powerful episode as we dive into connecting to strengths in our differences, within ourselves, within our circles, within the world.  

In today's show we share 9 steps in connecting and understanding our true gifts, our strengths, and the beautiful differences that make us who we are!  It's another great show!

Belynda and Candice


Want to Connect and learn more? Reach out to us! We'd love to help!       




Jul 02, 202033:19
Episode #43 - Power Women Shine from Within!

Episode #43 - Power Women Shine from Within!

We all carry a bright shiny light within us that lights us up, lights up our pathway and brings light to the world!  In today's show, we talk about 9 ways to shine and we explore what it takes to shine on the Entrepreneurial Journey!  Listen in, its another great show!

Belynda and Candice, 

 for The Sweet Nine


9 Ways Women Entrepreneurs Shine! by Belynda Farias

1. They're Driven!

2. They have grit!

3. Always have a Positive Mindset!

4. They only DREAM BIG!

5. They have Perseverance!

6. They are Organized, have a plan and very Goal oriented!

7. They're Open to CHANGE

8. They accept FAILURE as part of the plan

9. They have Tennacity!


TOP 9 TO SHINE  by Candice Frazier  

1)  Eat Well

2)  Move Daily

3)  Get proper rest

4)  Stay well hydrated (water!)

5)  Get fresh air daily

6)  Meditate daily

7)  Speak well with integrity to self and others-don’t compare & despair

8)  Take nothing personal & always do your best

9)  Trust & Believe in the power and worthiness of self

Jun 26, 202001:03:19
Episode #41 - 3 Mistakes we learned in Business

Episode #41 - 3 Mistakes we learned in Business

Episode #41 - 3 Mistakes we learned in Business

Being an Entrepreneur is a true adventure and mistakes, or learning lessons, are a big part of the fun!  In today's episode we'll be sharing 3 areas of lessons we experienced in our entrepreneurial journey.... what we learned, what worked and what did not....

Listen in and get tips that may help you in your business decisions...

Belynda and Candice


Belynda's List of 3 Lessons learned

1. Investing too much too soon

2. Not having a plan for business growth

3. Allowing others to change the business goals 


Candice's List of 3 Lessons learned

1. Compare and Dispair

2. Hey Girl Messages don't work

3. Shiny Object Syndrome 

@WellnesswithCandice   Reset your Groove podcast 

Jun 18, 202001:11:20
Episode #40 - 9 Favorite Books We Love!

Episode #40 - 9 Favorite Books We Love!

Episode #40 - 9 Favorite Books We Love!

Books are Amazing!  Today we share 9 of our Favorites and how they have been an important part of our journey, our growth and our success!

Join in the fun as we dive into the world of inspiration, motivation, and greatness!  It's another great show, don't miss it!

Belynda and Candice


Our list of 9 Favorite Books for June!

1. The Secret

2. Big Magic

3. You are a Badass

4, Girl, Wash your Face

5, Becoming Superhuman

6. 100 ways to Motivate yourself

7. 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

8. The Prosperous Coach

9. Money Making Mom


Contact us:   instagram,com/thesweetninepodcast   @BelyndaFarias  @WellnesswithCandice  @CandiceFrazier

Jun 16, 202001:32:42
Episode #39 - The Power of Colors, Give your business a boost!

Episode #39 - The Power of Colors, Give your business a boost!

Can Color really influence your Business?  Can it Boost sales or gain followers/customers?  Today's episode is about the power of color and how they can impact the energy of your business!

Join us today and get in on the fun of Colors!!!  ARE YOU READY?  Let's dive into this juicy Subject!

See you in the podcast!

Belynda and Candice

Join us every week for delicious information on positive self discovery and boosting your business!  We  love to share, grow and learn together!  Be our guest and join the show!  Go to our to see the weekly topics...

Connect with us on social media!


Jun 11, 202001:09:54
Episode 38 - 9 ways to Boost your Immune system!
Jun 09, 202001:06:43
Episode 38 - Setting your mind to success!

Episode 38 - Setting your mind to success!

What is your success routine?  Today we're sharing 9 tips on prepaving your pathway to success!  lot's of great tips and info... join the fun!

Follow us on

Learn all about us at

May 19, 202001:25:07
Episode 37 - Taking Risks? or Not Taking Risks for Business.....

Episode 37 - Taking Risks? or Not Taking Risks for Business.....

Episode 37 - Taking Risks or Not?

Sometimes we get too comfortable in our safe space and we might have a little fear to take a business risk.....  In today's show we're talking about Taking risks to move our business to the next level!  Don't fear the fear... take the risks!

Follow us on

Learn more about us at 

May 19, 202001:01:42
Episode 36- Coronacation Business Boost

Episode 36- Coronacation Business Boost

Episode 36

What have you been doing during this Corona Quarantine?  In Today's episode we're talking about the Coronacation and how to give your Business a Boost during this time at home!

Follow us at

Learn more about us at 

May 19, 202048:46
 Episode 35- 10 Reasons why we love being a Woman Entrepreneur! - Episode 36

Episode 35- 10 Reasons why we love being a Woman Entrepreneur! - Episode 36

Do you love being a Woman Entrepreneur? We do! and on today's Episode, we'll be sharing 10 of our favorite reasons!  Join in on the Fun!  Share and comment why you love it too!

Follow us on

Learn more about us at 

May 19, 202001:01:12
Episode 34 - Social Media Platforms for your business

Episode 34 - Social Media Platforms for your business

Hey! Happy Tuesday!  Today we're talking about a few social media platforms that we use to help our businesses grow.  Listen in to hear all about our tried and true experiences that we have used and found successful for marketing our businesses!

Follow us on our video platform at 

Learn more about us at 

May 05, 202001:36:22
Episode 33 -Speak your Story! - Prepare for your stage

Episode 33 -Speak your Story! - Prepare for your stage

Are you ready for your stage?  Join us for today's episode as we share tips to "Speak" your story on Stage!

Join us live on  or learn more about us at 

May 05, 202037:34
Episode 32 - Branding Resources
Apr 28, 202001:07:58
Episode 31 - SEO- Making an impact with your mission!

Episode 31 - SEO- Making an impact with your mission!

Episode 31 - SEO: Making An Impact With Your Mission...
Learn about how optimization of your SEO is a beneficial tool to help to your business, and get your message in front of the right people. Listen in and share your questions, comments!

Learn more at

Comments/Tips from chat box on today's show
916-542-9853 mobile for contact
Keyword Tool Dominator
google analytics, google seo start guide, google webmasters youtube
pagerank, woo rank

#Beapartofthenine Join us!

Apr 23, 202001:19:38
Episode 30 - Tips to overcome your fears of being in front of the camera!
Apr 23, 202001:05:49
Podcast Platforms - Episode 29
Apr 16, 202001:11:42
Episode 27 - Network Platforms

Episode 27 - Network Platforms

Episode 27 - Network Platforms: Linked in, Meetup, Alignable and Shapr... a chat on what works for us

A special Thanks to my co host Candice Frazier, who shows us, even in back pain.... THANK YOU!

Today's episode is all about conversations on a few network platforms that can work for your business!  Are you on Linked in?

Alignable? or Shapr?  We touch on a few platforms that can add to your business and what has worked for us!

Join in on the conversation... We're live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30am on

Want to see more?  Go to our website at 

Apr 14, 202051:13
Episode 24 - Business Funding - How to look for money for your business

Episode 24 - Business Funding - How to look for money for your business

Today's show focuses on The Sweet Nine - Money: Access to Business Funding & Grants.

We will be discussing avenues to getting funding and grants to help grow your business. Listen in and let us know your questions.

REMEMBER!  Join us online for all meetups! during this "stay at home" time... soon enough we'll be back at our recording studio! :)

Want to be on the show? Make sure you reserve your seat and answer the questions. Once received our staff will contact you to confirm your attendance/participation on our Live Podcast show.
Only reserved confirmations are accepted, no walk ins please for this event.

Each week, show hosts and business owners, Belynda Farias and Candice Frazier open “table talk” with 7 Women Entrepreneurs and talk about the realities, challenges and successes of being a woman in today’s business market. They interview Entrepreneurs of all stages... and bring inspiration, encouragement and clarity to audience questions.

Go check out our website at

follow us on social media... facebook, instagram, youtube 

Apr 07, 202043:60
Episode 21 - New Focus - Flipping the Switch to Positive -

Episode 21 - New Focus - Flipping the Switch to Positive -

Episode 21 - New Focus - Flipping the Switch to Positive -

Thank you all for your continued support and love!  Today we tried something new and streamed live on Crowdcast as our new in-home podcast studio, and you know what?  It went Great!  A few technicalities at the beginning but not too bad for the first show!

Listen in and check it out at

We talked about 5 steps to Rise to Positivity and flipping the switch from negative to positive... lots of Great info to take it... 

Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Follow us on 

Thank you for our guest Whitnie Wiley, Shifting into Action, for joining us today and for your positive energy!  

At this time of change, we hope you are well and safe.  Thank you for chiming in and keeping in the positive... This time will soon pass and we will emerge a new world...  

Belynda and Candice

Belynda Farias, The Sweet Nine,

Candice Frazier, Reset your groove,

Mar 19, 202043:05
Top 20 Shamrock Success Tips Plus 1 more!- Episode 20 - The Sweet Nine

Top 20 Shamrock Success Tips Plus 1 more!- Episode 20 - The Sweet Nine

What can St Patrick's Day bring?  20 tips for staying POSITIVE in this time of chaos.....

Thank you to my co-host Candice Frazier, Reset your Groove, we challenged ourselves to come up with 10 positive tips each to share with our listeners and we came up with 21 positive tips!  Listen in as we share them with you all!


Get your FREE Digital Download.... go to  and claim your FREE Copy!


Mar 17, 202001:15:02
Episode 19 - Networking group - Maximizing your Networking Experience

Episode 19 - Networking group - Maximizing your Networking Experience

Episode 19 - Networking group - Maximizing your Networking Experience

What a Wonderful Show today!  We talked about 9 ways to maximize the networking experience.  What is networking?  

Which groups are the best for your business growth?  What groups connect to you?  Are they Fun?  Are you meeting the right people?

Listen in to the views as our Guests bring it to Table Talk!   Listen here!

Have a great weekend and we'll see you at the next show!

Love you guys!

Belynda Farias and Candice Frazier

Belynda Farias,

Candice Frazier,


Thank you to my special guests today!  We appreciate your time, your passion and mostly YOU!

Sheryl De Boo, One Simple Change to better health, 916-837-8175

Whitnie Wiley, Shifting into Action, 916-304-4742

Kathi Kridler, Blissful Hemp, 916-599-9669

Andrea Fruchier, Mandala Marketing, 916-693-5826

Kimberly Abassi, Stella and Dot, 

Mar 12, 202001:04:22


Episode #18   March 10, 2020


Read the complete Blog on today's episode....  Click  here

Our Key guest Kimberyly Abassi, with Stella and Dot, shared with us the new Spring collection and the new 2020 fashion trends....  

(We want it all! )

Our Key guest Kimberyly Abassi, with Stella and Dot, shared with us the new Spring collection and the new 2020 fashion trends....

Go see the full collection at

Are you prepared to be a Woman Entrepreneur?  Do you have the professional attire to represent your brand?Whether you prefer a traditional or trendy look, the important key is to Dress in your beautiful, confident, individual style that says "This is the professional me"

Episode 18 Podcast leads us into business etiquette in the business world.

THE SWEET NINE PODCAST SHOW             @thesweetninepodcast

Episode #18   March 10, 2020


Mar 11, 202001:03:32
TheSweet9 - SPARK TALK!- Modern Parenting, Part 1, Episode 1

TheSweet9 - SPARK TALK!- Modern Parenting, Part 1, Episode 1

TheSweet9 -  SPARK TALK- With Belynda and Jane - Modern Parenting, Part 1, Episode 1

Ever been curious about Parenting?  If there are new ways to connect with your children?  

Modern Parenting Part 1 talks about the beginning... our beginning as Mothers, as Parents as explorers in the world of parenting while trying to understanding the journey we began .........and then understanding ourselves and the experiences around us.... 

We invite you to join us as we dive into the beginning of Modern Parenting .....

Belynda and Jane 

Mar 09, 202029:52
Episode 17 - Facing Fears / 9 Ways to Overcome Fears

Episode 17 - Facing Fears / 9 Ways to Overcome Fears

Episode 17 - Facing Fears / 9 Ways to Overcome Fears

We all have Fears that challenge us into our growth... but what if we called them possibilities??  Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat...... but how does that apply to Business?  In today's episode we talk about 9 Fears that Women Entrepreneurs face on their Business journey and how we can overcome or at least begin to understand why these fears exist and  ways to accept and eventually trust the process.

Join us, as we open the table and listen to the expert views, share tips, and learn new things with the help of our special Guests!

Listen in Now  at


Want to be a part of the show?  Apply here  

Have an idea for a topic?  Let us know here

Need Speakers? Contact us


Special Guests:

Jane Taff, Spark your Brilliance, text janetaff to 64600

Phoenix Mac Donald, Phoenix Transformational Hypnotherapy, 916-298-4836

Whitnie Wiliey, Shifting into Action, 916-304-4742

Dr. Kristi Tompkins, El Dorado Naturopathic Medicine, (425) 877-0895


Show Hosts

Belynda Farias, The Sweet Nine,

Candice Frazier, Reset your Groove, 

Mar 05, 202001:18:05
Episode 16- Family Fallout - The Entrepreneur Balance -

Episode 16- Family Fallout - The Entrepreneur Balance -

Family Fallout - The Entrepreneur Balance -  Episode 16    

Today's Episode was Fabulous!  Full Show with 9 special Guests who shared their views on their journey as an Entrepreneur and Family Balance.

Listen in and connect to this real experience that Women Entrepreneur face...

Listen in at

Get your FREE Digital Download of Today's episode at 

Thanks to my Co-Host Candice Frazier, Reset your Groove,

and a BIG THANKS to our special Guest's today!  We love having you on our Show!

Angela Messina, Uforia Science, 530-416-0399

Sheila Lehr, LifeVantage, 916-247-9407

Sandy Finley, Finley Real Estate, 916-397-8649

Jane Taff, Taff Enterprises, 916-517-0342

Sondra Nunez, Mountain Valley Petroleum, 916-599-5975

Arlen Singh, Anelysse Marie Photography,

Andrea Fruchier, Mandala Marketing, 916-693-5826

Mar 03, 202001:05:27
Episode 15 - To Swear or Not to Swear - (WARNING* language content)

Episode 15 - To Swear or Not to Swear - (WARNING* language content)

Episode 15 - To Swear or Not to Swear - (WARNING* language content)

Thank you to all of our guests today, it was another FABULOUS SHOW!  We covered this strong topic, learning about the benefits of swearing, yes there are benefits..., and the things we should think about and how it may improve our insight.

Go Check it out! 

See you at the next show!

Belynda Farias, The Sweet Nine Network   

Want the Free Download of today's show?  reach out to us and we're happy to send it to you!  

Thank you to our Special Guests today:

Sheila Lehr, Lifevantage,

Jane Taff, Taff Enterprises,

Angela Messina, Uforia Science,

Phoenix MacDonld, 

and to my awesome co-host Candice Frazier, Reset your Groove,

Feb 27, 202054:31