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The Why Files. Operation: PODCAST

The Why Files. Operation: PODCAST

By The Why Files

Do you have natural curiosity, interest in scientific mysteries and a great sense of humor? You're in the right place! We cover brainy topics with comedy spin. I'm AJ , the Head Nerd In Charge. You might know me from the Discovery, Sirius-XM, A&E, MTV and Joe Rogan. The Why Files is a channel for people who are fascinated (obsessed) with science, science-fiction, bizarre history, weird facts, strange places, conspiracies and unusual people. Join us as we learn about the mysteries of the universe and have a few laughs along the way. ---- OFFICIAL
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Shattering the Illusion: Exorcism and the Truth About Possessions

The Why Files. Operation: PODCASTApr 14, 2023

Time-Slip Artifacts: Modern Objects in the Ancient World - Volume 1

Time-Slip Artifacts: Modern Objects in the Ancient World - Volume 1

The story of the human race is a story of technology.

One of our ancestors created fire and passed that knowledge along to the next generation. Then the invention of the wheel. Then agriculture, a writing system, mathematics, space travel.

Within our story, empires rise and fall. Technology progresses. Civilizations are born and die. The human race continues to innovate.

All of our innovations are built on previous ones. There could be no aqueduct without the arch. There could be no metal plow until someone learned how to mine iron. There could be no light bulb, no smart phone and no computer without first understanding electricity.

Our progress is linear. It's orderly.

But sometimes an object is discovered that's completely out of place and out of time.

A computer found on a sunken Roman ship. A power plant found in a 100,000 year old cave. Evidence of a nuclear reactor from over a billion years ago.

These objects shouldn't exist. But they do.

Their existence violates the natural order of human progress.

So if humans didn't create these items, who did?

Oct 13, 202337:50
Skyquakes, Upsweeps, Bloops and Sky Trumpets | Terrifying Sounds that Signal the End of the World

Skyquakes, Upsweeps, Bloops and Sky Trumpets | Terrifying Sounds that Signal the End of the World

The Book of Revelation says the end of the world will be announced with the sound of seven trumpets. Each blowing of the trumpet brings a new apocalyptic event. After the seventh trumpet: armageddon.

For centuries, people have reported low-frequency hums, the crack of thunder on a clear day and the sound of cannon-fire in the middle of nowhere.

Mysterious sounds have been heard at the bottom of the ocean and in outer space. And they’ve been heard long before modern machines and industry.

Recently, people have been recording and sharing videos of these loud, unnatural sounds.

And some of them? They sound a lot like trumpets.

Oct 11, 202333:42
The Horrors of Plum Island | Hybrids, Human Experiments and Weaponized Killer Insects

The Horrors of Plum Island | Hybrids, Human Experiments and Weaponized Killer Insects

In July 2008, the carcass of an animal washed up on the beach at Montauk Point Long Island. Local beachcombers are used to seeing dead animals. Seagulls, fish, crabs, even the occasional whale. But they had never seen anything like this.

Animal experts were brought in to identify it. They were stumped. It looked like part dog, part reptile and part rodent - with the beak of a bird. This animal, whatever it was, became known as the Montauk Monster.

But where did the Monster come from?

There could be only one answer. Plum Island.

Plum Island is just a few miles from where the monster was found.

Locals had heard rumors that this was a top-secret government facility that created bioweapons, engineered animal hybrids and maybe even experimented on people.

Sounds like a wild theory.

But then another animal washed up on the beach. Again, it couldn't be identified. And then another animal. And then two more.

In 2010, the *rumors* about Plum Island seemed to be true when something else was found on the beach. This time it wasn't a strange animal. It was a body. A human body.

Well... it was almost human.

Sep 29, 202334:55
The Rendlesham UFO Encounter and the Alien Message from the Future

The Rendlesham UFO Encounter and the Alien Message from the Future

The night after Christmas, 1980, was the last time Airman First Class John Burroughs would ever lead a normal life.

He was on patrol at an American-operated Woodbridge Air Force base in southern England. Woodbridge and nearby Bentwaters - called the Twin Bases were rumored to possess nuclear materials. This was the middle of the Cold War, and tensions were high.

The threat of nuclear attack, global escalation, and more, sat heavy on the shoulders of Burroughs and his fellow servicemen. But their job was simple: keep themselves, their nation, and their allies safe.

So, Burroughs conducted his nightly rounds, checking the perimeter for anything that threatened the peace.

Suddenly, a bright light descended from the sky. Then another. Burroughs watched as the lights fell into the forest surrounding the base.

When he and his team arrived to inspect the crash site, they were worried it was a Soviet incursion. But, what they found was far more terrifying than anything the Soviets could think of.

Sep 23, 202333:47
Many Worlds Theory: You're Living in a Universe | Can You Visit Your Other Lives?

Many Worlds Theory: You're Living in a Universe | Can You Visit Your Other Lives?

So, tell me... how do you like being a movie star? I can't imagine your life. You can't walk down the street without being mobbed by adoring fans. You attend power-lunches with your agent. You pose for pictures on the red carpet on your way to collect your third Academy Award. Your life sounds fun.

Wait, what? You're not a movie star? That's not your life? Well, maybe not in *this* universe, but there is a universe out there where your life is exactly as I described.

The "Many Worlds" or "Multiple Universes" theory says that anything that can possibly happen *does* happen. It just happens in a different reality that exists parallel to our own.

There's a reality out there somewhere where you're a best-selling author. There's one where you're a Nobel Prize winning scientist who cured cancer.

There's even a reality out there, where you're an evil dictator plotting to take over the world. And you enforce your will with an army of AI robots that you invented when you were a grad student at Stanford.

Yes, some of these alternate realities are more far-fetched than others. But they *are* all out there.

Scientists know how these realities are formed and people are working on technology to detect them.

But even if we *could* detect alternate universes, there's no way to visit them.

Or is there?

Sep 15, 202338:22
Ghost Lights or Alien Tech? Signals from Beyond the Grave or Beyond the Solar System?

Ghost Lights or Alien Tech? Signals from Beyond the Grave or Beyond the Solar System?

Here’s the scene. You’re driving down a secluded road. The only lights come from your headlights. The only sounds you hear are crickets and the hum of the engine.

Suddenly, a mysterious orb of light appears in the distance, floating a few feet above the ground. You get the sense that the light is aware of your presence. It darts around, beckoning you closer.

It can’t be another car. There’s nothing around for miles.

As you get closer to the light, it vanishes.

Finally, you arrive at a small town and stop at a diner for a bite. You mention your experience to the waitress.

She smiles and says, “You saw a ghost light”. She tells you the story of someone killed on that dark road many years ago. The light has been seen ever since.

Ghost lights, or spook lights, are seen all over the world. In some places, they’re thought to be spirits of the dead. Other places say they’re portals to another dimension. And others say they’re signals from another world.

Whatever they are, ghost lights are real. They’ve stumped scientists, skeptics... even governments for a long time.

They’re seen by thousands of people every year. There are even cases where people have followed a ghost light into the darkness, never to be seen again.

Sep 08, 202327:04
The Moon’s Dark Secret: Aliens Harvesting Human Souls

The Moon’s Dark Secret: Aliens Harvesting Human Souls

Your world is an illusion. Your choices are irrelevant. Your friends, your family, and everyone around you are just manifestations of your mind.

You’re a trapped animal in a cage: a virtual reality created more than 250,000 years ago for a single purpose: to use you as food.

Your emotions are food for those who created the cage. Feelings of happiness and joy are digestible. But those emotions are nowhere near as nourishing as sadness, malice, and especially anger. Pain on a small scale is good, but pain due to war, famine, and pandemics? That’s even better.

You’re born, you grow, and you spend the first third of your life learning how to live in a society that barely knows you exist.

Maybe you get married, have kids, maybe even grandkids.

Then, you die - and the pain ends.

But death is just the beginning. Because now, you get to do it all over again.

Sep 01, 202337:30
Rise of Atlantis and Fall of the Lemuria: The War that Sank a Continent

Rise of Atlantis and Fall of the Lemuria: The War that Sank a Continent

For thousands of years, the world has been captivated by the mystery of Atlantis. The concept of an ancient city hidden beneath the ocean is fascinating.

But what if there was not just a city, but an entire continent buried beneath the waves?

The continent of Lemuria is a massive landmass believed to have sunk in the Indian Ocean after some ancient, catastrophic event.

Atlantis and Lemuria are similar in that they’ve sparked numerous theories, legends and interpretations.

But Atlantis and Lemuria are very different in one way. There’s no proof of Atlantis.

Aug 25, 202328:34
Solving Cicada 3301: Decoding the Internet's Greatest Mystery

Solving Cicada 3301: Decoding the Internet's Greatest Mystery

Early in the morning of January 4th 2012, a strange message appeared on the internet. Just a few lines of text on an image, posted anonymously.

Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test.

There is a message hidden in this image.

Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the way through.

Good luck.


Many speculated that it was a recruiting tool for the NSA, CIA, MI6, or even the Masons.

But who was really behind it, and what was its purpose? Did it even have a purpose?

Whether it did or not, it didn’t matter. Because when you post a puzzle on the internet looking for “highly intelligent people”, that’s a challenge that’s simply *impossible* to resist.

So, the hunt for Cicada 3301 was on.

Aug 18, 202335:57
Ghost Hunting: The Science of the Other Side

Ghost Hunting: The Science of the Other Side

In 1901, Nikola Tesla had the most terrifying experience of his life. As he worked alone in his laboratory at night, he felt a presence.

He created a device to see if he could hear, or pick up any signals from whatever it was that he felt. He called it the “spirit radio”, and it worked.

Tesla wasn’t alone.

Throughout history, famous scientists, who helped shape the technology we used today, have spoken of ghosts and hauntings that shook them to their core.

And while you might think these are nothing more than ghost stories, you’re right.

But there is scientific data that supports the existence of ghosts. Data that has been suppressed… until now.

Aug 11, 202334:55
Finding Agartha: The Search for the Hidden City in the Center of the Earth

Finding Agartha: The Search for the Hidden City in the Center of the Earth

Cultures around the world have myths that speak of a mysterious underground kingdom that exists deep within the earth, hidden away from the primitive and violent surface-dwellers: which is us.

Picture a society untouched by time, unscathed by war, and unaffected by natural disasters. A culture thriving in the vast open spaces inside the Earth.

Throughout history, many have looked for physical evidence of its existence, tempted by stories of a peaceful but powerful subterranean civilization with advanced technology and ancient knowledge long forgotten by modern man.

This is the story of the underground Kingdom of Agartha and the explorers who’ve said that - not only is it a real place - but they know where it is.

Aug 04, 202335:26
The UFO Incident That Shocked Ariel School: Telepathic Extraterrestrials

The UFO Incident That Shocked Ariel School: Telepathic Extraterrestrials

September 14th, 1994 was a quiet night in Zimbabwe. Then suddenly, boom! An explosion startled people all over the country. Windows rattled. Doors shook.

Shocked and confused, people sheepishly stepped outside to see what happened. Everything looked fine. They went back inside.

But one woman wasn't satisfied. Cynthia Hind drove around the capital city of Harare, searching for the source of the sound but, nothing seemed unusual.

But back at home, Cynthia's phone rang relentlessly. She was a UFO investigator and witness reports were coming in one after another. The news claimed the sound was a sonic boom caused by a meteor shower. But Cynthia wasn't so sure.

Eyewitnesses near Lake Kariba described bizarre lights in the sky earlier that week. Lights in a row that moved erratically: fast then slow. First north to south. Then east to southwest. Meteors don't do that.

Cynthia suspected there was much more to the story. And two days later, she'd find out that she was right.

Jul 28, 202332:34
The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World

The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World

Stanley Kubrick is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Of his 13 movies a few are considered classics in their respective genres. Including the black comedy Dr. Strangelove, the highly-quotable anti-war commentary of Full Metal Jacket, and one of the most disturbing and enduring horror films of all time, The Shinning.

But in 1968, Kubrick released "2001 – A Space Odyssey". This is more than a classic. It's a masterpiece. And widely regarded as one of the best science-fiction films of all time, and probably the most influential.

This collaboration with science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke tells the story of an alien intelligence that visited Earth in the distant past, and left behind artifacts in the solar system.

The movie features groundbreaking special effects, which still hold up today.

In fact, the effects looked so good, that the movie gave the American government an idea.

Billions of tax dollars were invested in the space program but the Soviets were still years ahead of the United States.

NASA desperately needed to get to the moon before Russia, but they knew it was impossible. So they turned to one of the world's best filmmakers for help. Because when it came to the moon: if they couldn't make it, they'd fake it.

Jul 21, 202347:20
Indrid Cold, the Truth about Planet Lanulos and the Mystery of the Smiling Man

Indrid Cold, the Truth about Planet Lanulos and the Mystery of the Smiling Man

On November 2nd, 1966, Woody Derenberger was driving home from a business trip when he encountered an extraterrestrial being named Indrid Cold.

Cold communicated with Woody telepathically, and the two went on to be lifelong friends. Other people close to Woody, including family, friends, and even his therapist claimed that they, too, had experiences with Indrid Cold.

Woody wrote and published a detailed account of his experiences, and never went back on his story. Since the 1960s, the legend of Indrid Cold has become one of the most famous in all of UFO lore.

Taken at face value, this story sounds strange.

But the *real* story … is even stranger.

Jul 14, 202338:10
Artificial Intelligence Out of Control: The Apocalypse is Here | How AI and ChatGPT End Humanity

Artificial Intelligence Out of Control: The Apocalypse is Here | How AI and ChatGPT End Humanity

The story of humans began a long time ago.

Three and a half billion years ago protein molecules floated around the ooze called the primordial soup. Then something happened and a molecule made a copy of itself.

And then another copy and another. Soon these molecules arranged themselves into something called a cell.

Then cells clumped together and multiplied. Organisms were created. Over the next three billion years, the organisms became more complicated and more diverse.

375 million years ago one of those organisms crawled out of the sea.

4 million years ago hominids emerged. Hominids had large brains and advanced cognitive abilities. They could reason, communicate and cooperate.

200,000 years ago, homo sapiens, modern humans appeared. They developed agriculture, organized into civilizations and became masters of the planet.

The story of humans began a long time ago. But all stories end.

And according to many leaders in business, science and technology: we're in the final chapter. The part of our story where we finally go extinct.

And there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Jul 07, 202340:23
Forbidden Archaeology: Lost Giants of America | The Smithsonian's Biggest Secret

Forbidden Archaeology: Lost Giants of America | The Smithsonian's Biggest Secret

In 1886, mining engineer John T. Reid was told the Paiute legend

of a giant people defeated by the natives near Lovelock, Nevada. The last of the giants met their fiery end deep within the bowels of a cave.

Reid’s belief in this legend stirred great interest in the secrets held within Lovelock Cave.

Official excavations were undertaken in both 1912 and 1924 by the University of California, with reports telling of thousands of artifacts being recovered. Of these artifacts, the most puzzling were human remains. Well, they were *almost* human.

Skeletons measuring between eight and ten feet tall were said to be found during the dig. Skeletons belonging to who are now known as “The Lovelock Giants.”

Legends of people of enormous size are told across a myriad of cultures, And despite what we’ve been told by *mainstream* science, there *is* evidence to suggest they really existed. The remains of giants have been found all over the United States; and all over the world.

So why aren’t these amazing finds on display in any museum? Or taught in any classes? Or mentioned in any history books?

Because the existence of giants, for some reason, has been covered up.

Jun 30, 202340:37
The Truth about Roswell: Decoding Decades of Deception

The Truth about Roswell: Decoding Decades of Deception

It was a sunny afternoon on June 24th, 1947, and Kenneth Arnold was flying his small aircraft over Mineral, Washington. He was heading to Yakima but took a slight detour to look for a lost US Marine Corps plane. If he could find it, he’d collect a nice reward.

Flying near Mount Rainier, he spotted a shiny object in his plane's mirror. Then, he saw multiple flashes of light. It looked like a group of aircraft, flying in formation. But something was wrong - these 'aircraft' didn't have tails. And they were flying faster than anything he’d ever seen. After about two minutes, the objects vanished near Mount Adams.

When Kenneth landed in Yakima, he immediately told his friends and airport staff about his bizarre experience. By the time he reached Pendleton, Oregon, his story had spread. Reporters were eager to hear it.

In describing the odd movement of these objects, Kenneth said it was like a teacup saucer skipping across a lake. At that moment, the term “flying saucer” was born.

And over the next two weeks, events would unfold that would affect every person on Earth. And change the course of history.

Jun 23, 202348:39
Operation Mincemeat: The Shadow Catalyst for CIA's Dark Age

Operation Mincemeat: The Shadow Catalyst for CIA's Dark Age

On April 30, 1943, in the middle of World War II, a body washed up on the shore of Huelva, Spain. The deceased man was wearing a British military uniform. There was a briefcase strapped to his body containing British and American military secrets.

The man was Major William Martin, a British Royal Marine who was the single victim of a fatal plane crash at sea.

He had just returned from temporary leave in London, where he had gone to the theater and purchased an engagement ring for his fiancee, Pam.

But there was something very strange about Major William Martin.

He didn’t exist.

Jun 16, 202328:21
Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors

Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors

In December 1990, in a remote village above the Arctic Circle, two Russian scientists embarked on a daring experiment. Their goal was to enhance human “super-perception” or ESP.

They built a device that could shield subjects from electromagnetic interference and amplify their biological energy. The device was a large tube of rolled aluminum with a chair inside. As soon as the device was built, strange phenomena occurred around the village. Disc-shaped lights hovered around the lab. Balls of energy appeared and disappeared. The Northern Lights became so bright and vivid that they seemed to take physical shape. Inside the lab, anyone who approached the device felt an unexplainable sense of dread. It took a while to persuade anyone to try it. When the first subject finally sat in the chair, a flash of energy erupted that stunned everyone in the lab. The device worked. But it maybe worked a little *too* well. Not only did it boost people’s psychic abilities, it also enabled them to view any place in the world. And soon, they could view any place in time. In fact, these experiments confirmed a theory first proposed in the 1950s. That time, as we know it, doesn’t exist.

Jun 09, 202336:56
Aliens & Espionage: Crop Circles and the CIA Coverup

Aliens & Espionage: Crop Circles and the CIA Coverup

In 1974 a group of scientists beamed a message into space. The message, meant to be received by an intelligent alien species, described life on Earth.

Written in simple binary code, and using the most powerful radio telescope on the planet, the message was broadcast to a dense cluster of stars in the constellation of Hercules.

This exercise was just ceremonial; a way to demonstrate new technology in radio astronomy. Nobody was really expected to receive it. And even if they did, it wouldn't be any time soon. The nearest star in the direction of the broadcast is 25,000 light-years away.

So, the telescope was tuned to 2380 Megherz, aimed at Hercules, and fired up. The scientists congratulated each other, shook hands, and went on with their lives.

But 27 years later, something very unexpected happened with that message beamed into deep space.

We got a reply.

May 26, 202352:33
Surviving The Sixth Extinction: Are we too late?

Surviving The Sixth Extinction: Are we too late?

Of all the species that have ever existed on Earth, 99% of them are gone. Most of those were wiped out during what are known as "Mass Extinction Events".

Since life emerged on our planet, there have been five mass extinctions. Sometimes these events last many years. But sometimes a mass extinction can happen very, very suddenly.

Some scientists think we're on the verge of a sixth mass extinction. Others think it's already begun.

But the question everybody asks is: "Is there anything we can do to stop it?"

May 19, 202337:26
Varginha UFO Crash: Alien Contact, Government Denial and Coverup

Varginha UFO Crash: Alien Contact, Government Denial and Coverup

The North American Air Defense Command, known as NORAD, was established in 1958. It was to provide early warning and defense against Soviet bombers and missile launches.

But it wasn't long before NORAD would be monitoring skies around the entire planet.

Early in the morning, on January 13th, 1996, NORAD contacted Brazilian Air Defense to report an object entering the Earth's atmosphere about 200 miles Northeast of Sao Paolo.

When asked what type of object, NORAD said it was "unidentified". A few minutes later, it crashed somewhere near the town of Varginha.

The Brazilian Army and Air Force quickly scrambled to get to the crash site before any civilians did.

But they were too late. The craft was seen -- and the beings driving the craft: we're gone.

Over the next few days, a series of events would unfold that would change the lives of the people in Varginha forever.

Well, at least the lives of the people who survived.

May 12, 202327:55
Sacred Object or Ancient Weapon? Where is the Ark of the Covenant and what technology did it use?

Sacred Object or Ancient Weapon? Where is the Ark of the Covenant and what technology did it use?

Even though UFOs are seen everywhere: over the desert, over the ocean, over cities; there's no way to predict when and where they'll show up.

Well, no way except for one: build or detonate a nuclear weapon.

Since the dawn of the atomic age, UFOs have been seen -- and photographed -- during nuclear weapons tests and near nuclear weapons facilities.

The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most mysterious artifacts in human history. The Ark, a sacred chest made of wood and covered in gold, has been missing since 587 BC. Its last known location was Jerusalem, somewhere under the Temple Mount.

What does this have to do with UFOs?

In 2011, a UFO was hovering over the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It emitted a flash of light, then shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky.

This could be just a coincidence. But it could be that the craft was looking for the Ark.

The Ark of the Covenant is an object of extreme religious importance to over 2 billion people. But why would a UFO be looking for it? Because it's the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction ever created.

May 05, 202328:45
Martian Mysteries: What NASA doesn't want you to know

Martian Mysteries: What NASA doesn't want you to know

On July 25th, a NASA scientist was studying images of a region of Mars called "Cydonia" when something caught his eye.

He had to take a second to process what he was seeing. He grabbed a magnifying glass.

There was no doubt. On the surface of Mars, 140 million miles from Earth, was a structure in the shape of a human face.

It was huge; about a mile wide; and showed two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Around the Face were pyramids and structures that didn't look natural. They look like they were built... by someone.

The following day, NASA held a press conference. Of the thousands of photos sent back from Mars, all anyone asked about was The Face.

Who built it and why? Is it a message from an advanced civilization now long extinct? Is it a religious artifact? Is it solid like the Great Sphinx? Or could it contain chambers like the Great Pyramid?

Then NASA threw cold water on the speculation. They said there was a second photograph of the area taken shortly after.

And that photo showed that the face was nothing more than an optical illusion.

Small problem. That second photo doesn't exist.

So why did NASA lie?

The answer to *that* question is in the other pictures.

Apr 27, 202332:12
Mothman Returns: Point Pleasant Legend to Chicago Terror

Mothman Returns: Point Pleasant Legend to Chicago Terror

This legend beings as so many do.

Three gravediggers, working in a cemetery hear something overhead. They look up and see a creature: almost ten feet tall with massive wings perched on a high tree branch; staring at them with glowing red eyes. Then in an instant, it's gone.

Three days later, just a few miles away, two young couples burst into the local police station. Terrified, they report being chased by a tall man with wings and glowing red eyes.

More and more people would report seeing a creature that stood on two legs, was at least 8 feet tall, and had wings.

Some said it was half-man, half-bird; others said half-man, half-bat. But that name that stuck was "The Mothman".

Though The Mothman terrorized hundreds of people for a year, it never physically harmed anyone.

But 13 months later, that would change. And 46 men, women, and children would end up at the bottom of the Ohio River.

Apr 21, 202332:43
Shattering the Illusion: Exorcism and the Truth About Possessions

Shattering the Illusion: Exorcism and the Truth About Possessions

Here's how it starts. Maybe it's your mother or maybe your sister. She starts complaining of headaches and strange tingling sensations in different parts of her body.

Her discomfort escalates. She complains of hallucinations; she starts hearing voices.

Then the seizures begin. She has trouble walking and eating. And maintaining control of her bladder.

The seizures become violent. She thrashes around her bed for hours. You try to restrain her, but she suddenly has impossible strength.

Her moods become erratic. She swings between fear and anger and sadness. Her speech becomes ragged and deep. She has sudden outbursts where she barks out phrases in Latin and Aramaic; languages she doesn't speak.

Then, for no reason at all, the symptoms suddenly stop. And she's back to her normal self. Frightened and exhausted, but it's still her.

Her doctor can't find anything wrong with her. Psychiatrists and neurologists can't explain what's happening.

This scenario happens to hundreds of families every year from all over the world; of every different culture and religion.

And when this *does* happen to someone you love, and there's nobody else to call; you call an exorcist.

Apr 14, 202327:40
America's Secret Space Program and the Alien Connection: SOLAR WARDEN

America's Secret Space Program and the Alien Connection: SOLAR WARDEN

Gary McKinnon was obsessed with UFOs; and believed governments were covering up evidence that UFOs exist.

In the year 2000, he decided to do a little digging. Gary was a computer expert so what better place to dig than on US government computers?

What he found was so shocking that it sent the entire United States government into a full-blown panic.

In fact, the US spent 10 years trying to prosecute Gary. He was looking at 70 years in federal prison.

But what information did Gary find that could cause the US government to become so aggressive?


Apr 07, 202328:56
What's Hiding Underneath Denver Airport? The Truth about the Strangest Airport in the World

What's Hiding Underneath Denver Airport? The Truth about the Strangest Airport in the World

It's just a matter of time before it happens. Some catastrophic event that wipes out a large percentage of the Earth's population; and forces the human race to "reset".

Maybe one of the 30,000 "Near Earth Objects" being tracked by NASA finally hit the Earth. Causing an extinction event on par with what wiped out the dinosaurs.

Or Earth's poles finally shift. And, without its magnetic field, the planet is exposed to the raw destructive power of the Sun's radiation.

Or maybe, on his deathbed, a dictator decides to go out in a blaze of glory; and launches his entire nuclear arsenal.

It's just a matter of time before one of these, or one of another dozen doomsday scenarios plays out.

And when that happens, world leaders like the President of the United States and Vice President will be immediately taken to underground facilities designed for this event. Key members of Congress and the military will also be taken to secure locations.

But what about civilians? There ARE facilities around the world designed to house many thousands of people. But who gets saved while the rest of us are left behind? Who makes that decision?

And where are these facilities? Well, I don't know where VIPs go if they live in Europe or Asia, or Australia. But in the United States, these chosen few? They go to Denver.

Mar 31, 202328:38
The Gateway Process: the CIA's classified Space & Time Travel system that you can learn

The Gateway Process: the CIA's classified Space & Time Travel system that you can learn

The United States military is always looking for new ways to create super soldiers.

They use performance-enhancing and mind-altering drugs. They're currently experimenting with brain implant technology. They've even explored genetic engineering to try and *breed* the perfect soldier.

But those are nothing compared to what happened in 1983; when Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell submitted a very unusual and detailed report to US Army Intelligence.

It was called "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process". This is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve an out-of-body experience for the purpose of intelligence gathering.

But Colonel McDonnell's report went much further than that. An advanced Gateway participant can not just project their consciousness to a different place; They could pull their consciousness completely out of this reality. They could travel anywhere in the universe, and at any point in time.

The report revealed that our universe doesn't actually exist. It's a construct, created by our mind. By using the Gateway Process, you can exit the construct and see reality for what it really is.

The 30-page Gateway report was immediately classified for one simple reason: anyone can learn to do it.

Even you.

Mar 24, 202329:54
CIA Declassified: What Backwards Secrets are you hiding in your Reverse Speech?

CIA Declassified: What Backwards Secrets are you hiding in your Reverse Speech?

In 1983, David Oates dropped his walkman into the toilet.

If you're under 40 years old, a walkman was a portable cassette player.

If you're under 30, a cassette was how we listened to music in the stone age.

Anyway, after being dropped, David's tape player would only play tapes in reverse.

At first, he found this entertaining. There were lots of songs that contained hidden messages that you could only hear if you played them backward.

But *those* messages were placed there intentionally.

Soon, David discovered messages hidden in human speech that were NOT intentional. Messages that were put there by the speaker's subconscious.

Turns out, we all do this. In fact, when we lie, our subconscious actually encodes the *truth*, backward, inside the lies that we tell.

This is *really* interesting. Because that means, the truth about every conspiracy is right in front of your nose.

Mar 17, 202336:31
The Emerald Tablet Contains the Secret to Immortality | The Philosopher's Stone from Atlantis

The Emerald Tablet Contains the Secret to Immortality | The Philosopher's Stone from Atlantis

Which would you prefer? Eternal life or unlimited wealth? How about both?

For that, you need The Philosopher's Stone: a substance that can turn base metals into gold, and grant you eternal life.

The Book of Aquarius contains the instructions for The Philosopher's Stone. Although the process can take years, the ingredients are simple. You have them in your home right now.

The Book of Aquarius is derived from many older texts. Including one very mysterious artifact: The Emerald Tablet; which contains not only the recipe for immortality but the secret to everything in the universe.

This knowledge has been around for centuries but has been suppressed. Until now.

Medieval alchemists received this knowledge from the Arabs a thousand years ago. The Arabs got it from the Egyptians two thousand years before that.

But the Egyptians received this knowledge 36,000 years ago. From the most advanced culture on Earth.

The Emerald Tablet comes from Atlantis.

Mar 10, 202327:30
Tesla's Most Destructive Weapon | The Tunguska Event: Comet Impact or Death Ray Experiment?

Tesla's Most Destructive Weapon | The Tunguska Event: Comet Impact or Death Ray Experiment?

On June 30th, 1908, a mysterious explosion shook the remote Siberian region of Tunguska. The blast flattened 80 million trees across 800 square miles. Every plant, every animal, every insect in the blast radius was vaporized. The shockwave was felt as far away as England.

It looked like a comet impact, yet, no crater was found and no debris was discovered. Scientists still can't explain what happened.

But... at that exact moment, on the other side of the world, Nikola Telsa was conducting his latest experiment: transmitting massive amounts of electricity through the atmosphere.

Tesla activated the generators in his lab and fired up Wardenclyffe Tower for one final, dramatic test: and sent *millions of volts* of electricity into the sky.

After the test was complete, Telsa looked at the readings on his equipment and said: "Oh no."

Mar 03, 202327:07
Are all the UFOs an invasion or has Project Blue Beam finally begun?

Are all the UFOs an invasion or has Project Blue Beam finally begun?

Your world is not as it seems. Everything you know to be true is a lie. 

Hidden behind the façade of our everyday lives is a secret and powerful organization with a dangerous agenda. To manipulate the minds of the masses and usher in a new world order. They call this program "Project Blue Beam".

If the program is successful, we won't see it coming. Borders between nations will be dissolved; all religions will be dismantled; and technology will be turned against us.

The architects of Project Blue Beam will distract us with false flag operations like global pandemics, strange weather events, and news reports of UFOs being shot down all over the world.

What's frightening is: the general population will go along with Project Blue Beam, willingly; without resistance.

Even more frightening?

It's already begun.

Feb 27, 202328:45
Sergei Ponomarenko : The UFO Time Traveler

Sergei Ponomarenko : The UFO Time Traveler

On April 23rd 2006, a man in his early 20s was seen in Kyiv, Ukraine staring at a high-rise apartment building. Witnesses described him as looking confused and anxious. They thought he might have been a lost tourist.

The man approached two police officers and nervously asked for directions... to a place that no longer existed.

The officers asked the young man for identification. But, there were two problems with his ID.

One, his documents were issued by the Soviet Union; which no longer existed.

The second problem: according to his birth date, this *young* man was born in 1932.

Feb 10, 202321:57
Georgia Guidestones Destroyed by a Villain or a Hero?

Georgia Guidestones Destroyed by a Villain or a Hero?

On July 6, 2022, a bomb detonated on a 5-acre plot of farmland in Elberton, Georgia. The explosion destroyed a large monument that had stood on the property for over 40 years.

Known as "The Georgia Guidestones", it was four monolithic slabs of granite, weighing over 230,000 pounds, that contained a set of rules for a more peaceful and orderly society. 

The identity of the builder was a mystery for 40 years, but today I'll tell you who he was. 

But why did he want to keep his identity a secret? Probably for the same reason the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed.

Because, according to the Guidestones, the way to a perfect society is through a one-world government, genetic and racial purity, and massive global depopulation.

In other words: A New World Order.

Feb 02, 202324:47
He found Giants then the Government Found Him | What really happened to Andrew Dawson?

He found Giants then the Government Found Him | What really happened to Andrew Dawson?

Andrew started his TikTok account in July of 2021, and he posted all the typical things. Videos of friends, of work, his girlfriend, his dog, and just him goofing around.

But starting in April, 2022, his posts would take a strange turn; and Andrew Dawson would become the center of one the biggest internet mysteries in years.

Every story I cover on this channel is a suggestion from you and almost every one of them falls into one of a few categories.

UFOs, Government cover-ups, men in black, missing persons, and giants.

Well, today's episode has all of these.

This is the bizarre story of Andrew Dawson.

Jan 26, 202325:25
Apollo 20: The Secret Mission to the Moon to Salvage an Ancient Alien Spacecraft

Apollo 20: The Secret Mission to the Moon to Salvage an Ancient Alien Spacecraft

The Apollo spaceflight program lasted from 1961 to 1972. 

Apollo 11 was Neil Armstrong's famous first step. Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to the moon. 

In all, 20 Apollo flights were planned but Apollo 18, 19 and 20 were canceled.

But in 2007, a retired astronaut blew the whistle and claimed Apollo 18, 19 and 20 *did* happen. But they were highly classified. He knows this because was the commander of Apollo 20.

He said the reason these missions were kept secret is because of what they found on the moon.

Well, not just *what* they found -- also *who* they found.

Jan 19, 202329:24
CIA Classified Book about the End of the World | The True Adam & Eve Story

CIA Classified Book about the End of the World | The True Adam & Eve Story

In 1966 a well-known engineer released a book with information that could impact everyone on earth. But before anyone could read it, it was classified by the CIA.

We only learned of its existence a few years ago because of a Freedom of Information request.

The CIA only released 57 pages of the original 284-page manuscript. And those pages have been, in the CIA's own words, "sanitized".

Why does the CIA think this book is so dangerous that they had to hide it from the public for 60 years; and continue to hide most of it?

It's because the man who wrote it describes the end of the world.

Jan 12, 202327:09
The Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abduction | The Weirdest Story You'll Ever Hear

The Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abduction | The Weirdest Story You'll Ever Hear

Nov 30, 1989, just after 3 AM. New York City. Janet Kimball was driving over the Brooklyn Bridge when her car stalled and slowly rolled to a stop.

After a couple of failed attempts to get the car started, Janet was hit by a bright light. Bright enough that she had to shield her eyes. 

The light was coming from an apartment building. Janet thought maybe someone was shooting a movie. Not unusual in New York City. 

Then she saw that the light was coming from a saucer-shaped craft hovering *above* the building. OK, it's a science fiction movie, Janet thought.

But it wasn't a movie. This was happening for real.

As Janet's eyes adjusted to the brightness, she saw something levitating in the light. Objects floating up to the saucer.

When she focused, she realized they weren't objects. They were people.

Well, one of them was.

In an instant, the light went out, and the saucer plunged into the East River.

There were 23 eyewitnesses to this event, including one of the highest-ranking politicians in the world.

And people being transported to a UFO by a beam of light in the middle of New York City? That isn't the weirdest part of the story.

Jan 05, 202334:33
Thanks a Million: Year End Wrap and Story of The Why Files

Thanks a Million: Year End Wrap and Story of The Why Files

Thanks a Million: Year End Wrap and Story of The Why Files



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Dec 30, 202216:07
Shadow People and The Hat Man | Who are they? What do they want?

Shadow People and The Hat Man | Who are they? What do they want?

Here's how it happens.

You're drifting off to sleep; or maybe you wake up in the middle of the night. You feel a presence in the room.

You see something out of the corner of your eye. You try to look but you can't move. You try to call out, but you're unable to make a sound. There's an invisible weight on your chest. Even breathing is difficult.

You strain to look and then you see it. The shadow of a person. You can't detect any features but every instinct you have tells you: this is entity is not friendly.

You hear a light hum, maybe a rush of air and the dark entity vanishes.

You've just encountered a shadow person. 

This one was pretty benign, but there are some shadow people sightings that are more intense. More real. These encounters can be traumatic and in some cases: violent.

I should know. Because it happened to me.

Dec 24, 202226:37
Smithsonian Cover-Up: Ancient Egyptians and Giants in the Grand Canyon

Smithsonian Cover-Up: Ancient Egyptians and Giants in the Grand Canyon

In 1908, President Teddy Roosevelt wanted to declare the Grand Canyon off-limits to all timber and mining operations. It would take another 11 years for Congress to designate the Grand Canyon a national park.

Sensing a final opportunity for adventure, explorer G.E. Kincaid took a boat down the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon. The canyon was rich in minerals like gold, silver and copper and Kincaid wanted to see what he could find before the area was closed off for good.

About 40 miles up-river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, Kincaid saw stains in the sediment formation about 2,000 feet up. He tied off the boat and got out to investigate.

Kincaid couldn't find a trail, but after a short hike he found something interesting covered in desert brush. Steps. Hundreds of them. Carved in sandstone. Steps that wound their way up to a high shelf on the side of the canyon.

He followed the steps until he came across a cavern entrance. An entrance that was clearly man made.

Kincaid entered the cavern and turned on his flashlight.

On the walls he saw writing. But it wasn't English or Native American writing. It was Ancient Egyptian Heiroglypics.

Kincaid lifted his flashlight and saw that the tunnel ran far into the distance.

He didn't realize it at the time, but this was only the beginning.

Dec 16, 202224:25
The US Military's Secret Flying Saucer Project | Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs)

The US Military's Secret Flying Saucer Project | Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs)

In 1988, aerospace designer Brad Sorenson went to Norton Air Force base for the annual air show. The show was the chance for aerospace companies and military contractors to show off new technology to top military and government officials. Brad wanted to network and maybe grab a new client or two.

At some point, Brad got turned around and separated from his group. He hopped into another group and ended up in a large hangar watching a presentation given by a three-star general.

At first it was the typical rundown for various top secret aircraft. Brad figured he was in the right place.

He wasn't.

The general  signaled to someone and a huge curtain was pulled, revealing three aircraft that nobody was expecting.

Dec 08, 202228:28
Proof of Reincarnation | Dorothy Eady: Ancient Egyptian Priestess Reborn

Proof of Reincarnation | Dorothy Eady: Ancient Egyptian Priestess Reborn

3-year old Dorothy was playing, then accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. She hit her head and was knocked unconscious. When her parents found her, she wasn't breathing.

They called a doctor who rushed over immediately. Dorothy's mother broke down when the doctor said there was nothing he could do. Her little girl was dead.

The doctor left and returned an hour later with Dorothy's death certificate and gently discussed arrangements for the little girl's body.

But during this conversation, shuffling was heard coming from Dorothy's room. They ran upstairs and there she was, playing in her room like nothing happened.

The doctor examined her again. There was no sign of injury.

He had no explanation. He said it appeared as if Dorothy had come back from the dead.

He didn't realize how right he was.

Dec 01, 202218:38
From Amityville to Annabelle | The Truth of Ed and Lorraine Warren's Scariest Case

From Amityville to Annabelle | The Truth of Ed and Lorraine Warren's Scariest Case

From Amityville to Annabelle | The Truth of Ed and Lorraine Warren's Scariest Case

Ed and Lorraine Warren are maybe the most famous paranormal investigators in history.

They've worked on more than 10,000 cases. Some of which have been made into books and movies. The Conjuring films are based on the work of the Warrens.

Today we'll look at a few of their scariest, most disturbing cases and find the truth.

So turn off the lights and put the little ones to bed. It's going to get spooky.

Nov 24, 202236:28
Project Serpo: The Secret 10-Year Mission to a Planet 40 Million Light Years Away

Project Serpo: The Secret 10-Year Mission to a Planet 40 Million Light Years Away

What if you were offered the opportunity to visit another planet?

You get to experience the culture of an alien race, explore a new world; see and use technology that's 5,000 years ahead of ours.

Would you do it?

Before you answer, there are a few catches. You'll be gone for at least ten years. And when you return to Earth, all evidence of your existence will be erased. You have to start a new life, with a new identity; forbidden to tell anyone about what you experienced.

Now would you do it?

In 1965, 12 astronauts were sent to an alien planet as part of a human-alien exchange program. 13 years later the astronauts returned home.

Well, most of them did.

The mission commander wrote a 3,000-page report of everything his team experienced. First alien contact, the 40-light-year trip to the alien world, and everything that happened on the planet.

This is the true story of Project Serpo.

Nov 17, 202235:22
Spontaneous Human Combustion

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Here's the nightmare scenario. You stop by your elderly mother's house to check on her. You grab the doorknob. It's hot to the touch. You ring the bell and knock. No answer.

You fish out your key and open the door. You call out but there's only silence.

The air is warm. There's a sweet, smoky smell. But, nothing looks out of place.

Finally, you go into the living room and you see it.

In your mom's favorite chair, is a pile of smoldering ash. Completely unrecognizable as human.

Just as you convince yourself that this isn't your mother, you see her jewelry in the gray dust.

And then the grisly sight of your mother's feet, still in their slippers, on the floor by the ashes.

There was a fire. An intense fire. But aside from her chair, nothing is burned. Even stranger, everything in the house is covered with a thin layer of pale yellow grease.

Your mother was a victim of spontaneous human combustion. Though rare, it happens more often than you think.

According to at least one scientist, it could happen to anybody at any time — even you.

Nov 10, 202222:53
ALIEN WAR at The Dulce Underground Base | They Mysterious Death of Phil Schneider

ALIEN WAR at The Dulce Underground Base | They Mysterious Death of Phil Schneider

ALIEN WAR at The Dulce Underground Base | They Mysterious Death of Phil Schneider

Everyone's heard of Area 51. The top-secret facility in the Nevada desert. But nobody really knows what happens there. We have only rumors.

One rumor is that alien bodies have been recovered from UFO crashes. Those aliens have been autopsied and the subjects of medical experiments for years.

But have you ever heard of Dulce Base? Dulce is more secret than Area 51. And more sinister.

If Area 51 is the place where humans experiment on aliens; Dulce is the place where aliens experiment on us.

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Bentwaters-Lakenheath UFO report:

FBI Mutilations report:

Kirtland AFB Sightings:

Phil Schneider Preparedness Expo:

Dulce Base The Truth and Evidence from the Case Files of Gabe Valdez:

The Airforce UFO Cover Up That Drove a Man INSANE | They're LYING to US:

Phil final lecture:

Thomas Castello Interview:

Castello speaks out:

Saucers, Spooks and Kooks: UFO Disinformation in the Age of Aquarius:

John Lear on the UFO Coverup:

Nov 04, 202240:21
Every Event is Secretly Encoded in the Bible even YOUR Birthday (and the Apocalypse)

Every Event is Secretly Encoded in the Bible even YOUR Birthday (and the Apocalypse)

In September 1994, Yitzak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel received an ominous message. It was a warning that his life was in danger.

The sender of the message said this information was secretly encoded -- in the Bible.

Rabin ignored the warning.

A year later, the Prime Minister was assassinated.

The code hidden within the Bible not only predicted Rabin's assassination, but also predicted the date, and even the name of the killer.

Secretly encoded in the Bible, written thousands of years ago, are predictions of every major world event. Including terrifying events yet to come.

Oct 27, 202225:01
Alien Probe, Sentient Machine, Nuclear Weapon, or Junk? What is the Betz Mystery Sphere?

Alien Probe, Sentient Machine, Nuclear Weapon, or Junk? What is the Betz Mystery Sphere?

In the Spring of 1974, a large brush fire swept across the property owned by Antoine and Gerri Betz.

While assessing the damage, they noticed something very out of place.

Lying in the smoldering grass, was a highly polished, metal sphere. This became known as the Betz sphere or the Betz orb.

Terry Betz, Antoine and Jerri's 21-year-old son, went to pick up  the sphere. Although it was only 8-inches in diameter, it was extremely heavy.

Then the Betz family did something with the sphere that would change their lives forever. Something that the family would come to regret.

They brought it home.

Oct 19, 202221:46