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This Amazing Life

This Amazing Life

By Ryan O'Neill

This Amazing Life motivates and inspires listeners to take action so that they can live their own AMAZING lives!
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149. "How Can I Make An Impact?" - Intention of the Week

This Amazing LifeSep 09, 2021

149. "How Can I Make An Impact?" - Intention of the Week
Sep 09, 202109:47
148. "Don't Let Fear of Striking Out Prevent You From Playing The Game!" - Babe Ruth - Intention of the Week
Aug 31, 202112:19
147. "The Distance Between Dreams and Reality Is Action!" - Intention of the Week
Aug 22, 202113:59
146. "It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done!" - Nelson Mandella - Intention of the Week

146. "It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done!" - Nelson Mandella - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!
Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.
This week’s Intention of the Week is "It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done!"
I recently came across this quote by Nelson Mandella and I'm excited to explore it with you during our workouts this week.

"It always seems impossible until it's done!" How would you interpret this quote? How can we break this down into parts and make it relevant, realistic, or applicable for ourselves?

Let's start off with some examples. What if I said to you any of the following:

"In six months, you're going to run a marathon!"
"Starting next week you're going to learn a new language!"
"Before the end of the year, you're going to write a best selling novel!"
"You're now going to have an amazing relationship with everyone in your extended family!" (hopefully I got a few chuckles out of that one)
"You're going to have a positive impact on hundreds of people in your hometown!"
"I'm going to completely eliminate deserts!" (I can hear the gasps already)

While some of these examples may be realistic and others laughably overwhelming, it leads me to my first question for us to consider: how do we typically respond to adversity?

When our backs are up against the wall and we are well beyond our comfort zones, how do we feel? Are we excited at the prospect of growth and accomplishment or do we start to feel a large knot forming in the pit of our stomachs?

Both responses are perfectly normal but why do we feel one way over another? Is it our prevailing self-confidence or self-doubt? Is it an abundance or a lack of knowledge and experience? Are we surrounded by people who encourage us or unfortunately belittle us?
Let's consider a different perspective for a moment. What if we're solving a problem or creating something that's never been done before? How are we going to keep ourselves encouraged and motivated until we make it to our destination?

Can we look back on our own experiences, successes, and failures, to help guide us in the best direction possible? Or does the fear of the unknown overwhelm us into inaction?

Regardless of how big or scary our goals or challenges may seem, this week let's try to recognize how far we've actually come, use all of our knowledge, skills, experience, and surround ourselves with people that will help ensure our best chances for success : )
Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!
If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!
Have an Amazing Day!
Aug 16, 202109:33
145. "The Difference Between 'Ordinary' and 'Extraordinary' Is A Little 'Extra'!" - Intention of the Week

145. "The Difference Between 'Ordinary' and 'Extraordinary' Is A Little 'Extra'!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week's Intention of the Week is: "The Difference Between 'Ordinary' and 'Extraordinary' Is A Little 'Extra'!"

What does the word "extraordinary" mean to you? Can you think of a few examples of something you've experienced in your life that merits such a high amount of praise? Do you know or have you known anyone in your life that had such a positive impact on you that it's carried over into the future? Or have you ever been to a restaurant or event and noticed some attention to detail that took your experience from pleasant to truly memorable?

To me, the word makes me think of a place with some kind of a "wow factor," or someone who goes just a little bit more out of their way to have a positive impact. Mostly, what I think about is how someone or something makes me feel. By elevating my life and my experience in some way, I would certainly consider identifying someone or something as "extraordinary."

Another perspective to consider is what does "doing a little extra" mean to you? Is it finally holding yourself accountable to bring about some kind of goal or change you'd like to create? Or in some small way, does it mean working just a little harder or smarter to complete a big project or creative vision? 

Where do we draw the line between "doing enough," versus "going the extra mile"? (something that I'm sure a perfectionist would struggle with and could go as far back as school)

Right now, as you're reading this email, you could be having a completely different reaction which I thoroughly understand. Maybe for you, you feel like you're already being pushed to your limits mentally, physically, and emotionally at home, at work, school, or wherever else you're trying to make progress and get ahead, and that the thought of "doing more" makes you feel physically unwell. 

Doing "more" isn't always the end all/be all answer that some people may claim it to be.

If that really resonated with you, then maybe the little "extra" that could help you go from ordinary to extraordinary could be a little extra peace and quiet, time with nature, opening up more to a close friend or family member, or reallocating/reprioritizing your mental health.

While Nina and I were away for a few days, I had an unbelievable realization that in fact what I had needed wasn't a "vacation" but rather a "retreat."

By allowing ourselves the opportunity to truly unplug from most technology, social media, or even external and internal pressures we were experiencing, we we able to realize how much of a positive impact we could have on our lives just by reprioritizing (and in some cases eliminating) things that light us up versus things that cause us stress.

Is there currently an opportunity or need in your life to find a better way to reduce stress and fatigue? How could that help you elevate your life?

These are just some of the many different ideas and perspectives that we'll consider during our conversation.

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Aug 06, 202118:13
144. "I'm Actively Creating The Life That I Want To Live!" - Intention of the Week

144. "I'm Actively Creating The Life That I Want To Live!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "I'm Actively Creating The Life That I Want To Live!"

This week's IOTW reminds us of the power that comes from consciously and proactively living an intentional life. In our workouts this week week, we'll explore ways we can make this real and applicable for ourselves everyday.

The first thing that might be helpful to acknowledge is our relationship with time. We all have busy lives filled with schedules, routines, and even things that pop up we don't even plan for. Schedules and routines can be beneficial because they provide structure and help relieve some of the mental burden that comes with a lot of decision making. The question is, at what point are we strategically making smart decisions that enhance our lives versus going through the motions and living more on auto pilot.

This reminds me of two different supporting quotes I've seen recently: 'This isn't your practice life.' and 'Life is meant to be lived and not left on auto-pilot.' authors unknown.

How powerful and poignant are these? Regardless of religious perspectives or opinions, time is one of the most valuable resources that we have so why not invest it and make decisions that maximize our experience?

Let's move our attention to another key phrase in this week's IOTW: "actively creating," what does that mean to you? 

To me, I believe it's a call to action for all of us to recognize and take ownership of the things we can positively affect with our time, energy, effort, or a little extra help. "To create" means to bring something into existence out of nothing. Now that we're here in this life together, what is it that you want to create, feel, learn, or try?

With our thoughts, words, actions, choices, relationships, the things we say yes to, and the things we say no to, they all add up and either help us move closer or further away from the type of life we want to live.

By actively participating in the process of exploration, decision making, growth, and fulfillment, it helps bring us closer and closer the fullest expression of what hopefully you believe is your own version of an amazing life.

And this brings me to the last point I want to touch on in the email: your hopes, dreams, goals, and ideas.

How often do we allow ourselves the opportunity to pause, reflect, examine, brainstorm, or even daydream about the type of life experience that we truly want to have? How often do we pick lofty goals that we are firmly committed to working towards versus settling for things that are more realistic? How often do we allow our inner child to take advantage of the wonder and beauty that exists in the world before the hard realities of "adulthood" bring us back down to planet Earth? Or how often do we listen to our own hearts and intuition versus allowing the opinions and beliefs of others to prevent us from making the best decision for ourselves?

Again, we acknowledge and accept that there are certainly things that will happen outside of our control. Once we've allowed that to hold true, the rest is up to us to take the lead : )

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Jul 28, 202120:41
143. "Until I Decide That I'm In Control, What's Controlling Me?" - Intention of the Week
Jul 23, 202119:51
142. "The Actions of One Can Inspire Many!"

142. "The Actions of One Can Inspire Many!"

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "The Actions of One Can Inspire Many!"

Can you think of a time when someone you knew or a person you saw in passing did something that caused you to stop, reflect, and do something a little differently? Maybe a family member, a co-worker, a teacher, a friend, or even someone you follow on social media?

What was it about what the person said or did that really resonated with you? Was it a small act of kindness or did they overcome incredible odds?

Do you ever notice that you gravitate towards some people on specific topics, with a certain style, opinion, or energy about them?

What things do you actively seek motivation for to help you move forward in creating positive change?

Do you believe someone has to have a massive audience, established brand, or a lot of influence to motivate people into taking action?

Do you feel like you're in a position now to lead or inspire other people? Or is there something that's blocking you?

What prevents us from taking action? The fear of other people's opinions? Do we worry that what we say or do will not be accepted by others?

These are just some of the many things we'll discuss during this week's episode.

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Jul 17, 202119:32
141. "The First Step In Creating Change Is Saying 'YES'!" - Intention of the Week

141. "The First Step In Creating Change Is Saying 'YES'!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "The First Step In Creating Change Is Saying 'YES'!"

The first step to creating any real change in our life is saying "yes!" The question is what are we saying yes to?

Are we saying "yes, we recognize we want something to change in our lives"?

 Maybe we're saying "yes, we have a plan and know the direction we want to head moving forward"?

Are we saying "yes, we are finally ready to take the steps needed to create change"?

Or is it that we're saying "yes, I am committed to making this a real part of my life"?

Whatever we're saying "yes" to can be different every day, week, month, and year but the most important thing is the decision making component about moving forward and the action that happens as a result.

Another question for us to consider is why does it take us so long to actually say "yes" and do anything about it?

These are some of the many different questions and ideas that we'll be exploring together with this week's IOTW.

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Jul 02, 202111:25
140. "Keep It Simple!" - Intention of the Week

140. "Keep It Simple!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

Have you ever found yourself saying something that sounded like: "There's gotta be an easier way to do this!" or "This shouldn't be so stressful!" or "Isn't there a less complicated way?!" 

Building off of last week's IOTW "the next right step," this week we're reminding ourselves that sometimes the best thing we can do is to keep it simple!

This "simplification process" can apply to any area of our lives that we think is realistic and appropriate. Our expectations, conversations, the way we solve problems, go about work, shopping, coordinate an event, the gifts we give, or anything else that resonates with us. 

The how and what we go about simplifying in our lives will vary but the outcome will hopefully give us all more energy and peace of mind to reinvest somewhere else equally important to us.

Remember that just because something is simple, doesn't necessarily mean it has less value or significance. For example, imagine how much a parent might cherish a homemade card by their child as much, if not more so, than an fancy plaque award from their office.

This week, let's explore different areas of our lives we can control and have the opportunity to make things a little more simple to free up time and energy for other things that really matter to us!

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Jun 25, 202119:27
139. "The Next Right Step!" - Intention of the Week

139. "The Next Right Step!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can live your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This Week's Intention of the Week is: "The Next Right Step!"

What if any time we had a big decision to make, that was all we focused on? "The next right step." What would that look like to you and how would it feel?

Or do you ever get stuck in "analysis paralysis" trying to figure out your path forward? Does the lack of control or not knowing the outcome prevent you from making a decision at all?

What if instead, we lived in the present, used all of our knowledge and experience or all the advice and help we could get and simply made the best decision possible to keep us moving forward in a positive direction?

Would that help us feel less overwhelmed, anxious, or uncertain? Absolutely. Is that how it's always going to be? Probably not but that doesn't have to stop us from trying!

Everyone's path to "success" is going to look, sound, and feel different in the moment and how we define "success" can change often.

It could be as straight forward as following a recipe, going down a checklist of items one by one to make sure you get everything right. It could also be as deep and complicated as an major career/relationship decision that could affect your life or the lives of other people around you.

This means your "next right step" will change and evolve with you.

My hope is that by using this simple reminder, you'll be able to successfully navigate or overcome any big decision, challenge, or goal you face by knowing you're doing the best you can in the present to lead you toward the future you desire.

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Jun 18, 202117:49
138. "How Can I Make The Most of 'This'?" - Intention of the Week

138. "How Can I Make The Most of 'This'?" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is in the form of a question: "How Can I Make The Most of 'This'?"

What happens when you're presented with a new choice or a decision? What options or variables or outcomes do you consider? How long do you give yourself before deciding the next right step to take? Are you focused specifically on yourself or do you take into account the impact that your actions may have on other people?

Any time we're presented with a choice, an opportunity, or a challenge do we typically have a method for deciding what the right course of action is or do we find ourselves reacting based on the strongest emotion we feel in the moment?

When you're put in a position that really challenges you and takes you outside of your comfort zone, do you ever stop to notice how this new challenge or obstacle could help you to grow or expand to the next level?

If you say/think that the answers you give to all of those questions would "depend" then I would agree with you 100%.

Sometimes the "this" that we're considering could be a gift, an opportunity, or even a talent or a skill that we're exploring how to maximize the benefit for ourselves, our friends, family, companies, or beyond. Sometimes the "this" we're facing is just a flat out raw deal that you didn't expect or deserve but now we're trying to make a bad situation slightly better and move forward.

Whenever it's possible or realistic for you, can you pause for a moment and ask yourself this question: "how can I make the most of this?" If you can, you may find that your decisions and experiences become more intentional and purposeful.

It might not always be easy and it certainly might not happen right away, but this week let's try to focus on how we can make every moment, decision, and action we take in our lives really count for something and move in a better direction together : )

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an AMAZING Day!

Jun 11, 202112:09
137. "In Serving Others, We Can Find Ourselves!" - Intention of the Week

137. "In Serving Others, We Can Find Ourselves!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "In Serving Others, We Can Find Ourselves!"

One of my favorite quotes from Ghandi says that "...we can find ourselves when we lose ourselves in the service of others." 

What a beautiful statement. If we're going through a period when we feel lost, disconnected, or searching for a greater sense of meaning, we can always go back to helping meet the needs of other people to get us back on track!

If this week's IOTW resonates with you...what would that look like, sound like, or feel like? Where would you invest you time, energy, and effort? Or is there a group of people or a cause that you feel really drawn to supporting like children, the homeless, education, or anything else?

I can share from my own experience that this has been a gift to me during periods when everything else didn't feel like it was going right.  That by inserting myself into a new service opportunity, I was filled with a greater sense of love, purpose, and community that ultimately got me back on track.

With all of our busy schedules, the way that you might go about this might be different than someone else. If this week's IOTW resonates with you or calls to you, then my challenge to you is that you find one small way to insert yourself into a service opportunity or at least to be open to the idea of it and allow something to come to you naturally. You won't regret it : )

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

Jun 06, 202113:20
136. "Where DO I Want To Make Progress?" - Intention of the Week

136. "Where DO I Want To Make Progress?" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "Where Do I Want To Make Progress?"

This week's IOTW can be a very beneficial question for us to consider. Where do we want to make progress? Where do we want to grow? Or where do we want to continue moving closer and closer towards our "goals"?

We all have limited amounts of time and energy to invest in ourselves, our family, friends, jobs, etc. With all the things that you juggle at once, what is one area of your life that is a little higher on the priority list that you'd like to continue making some positive changes? 

Do we recognize how beneficial being able to answer this question is and the positive chain reaction it can cause from gaining clarity, choosing a direction, feeling purposeful, choosing the next right steps, and actually taking action?

Or do we need to take another perspective with the IOTW? Are we in a space mentally/emotionally where we aren't giving ourselves enough credit for our hard work and growth because we're trapped in a cycle of comparison in real life or through social media?

Another perspective we can take is what type of mindset or action steps should we be taking to help us achieve a little bit more progress when we're feeling completely stuck?! This one resonates with me a lot because being "stuck" is one of my least favorite places to be!

These are just some of the many things you and I will explore in episode 136!

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

May 28, 202109:06
135. "Identity!" - Intention of the Week

135. "Identity!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "Identity!"

One of my favorite ice breaker questions that my buddy and I ask people is: "what is something you want people to remember about you after the first time they've met you?"

Think about it or even better, ask your friends and family. You might be surprised to see/hear what people say and it's usually fairly telling as to what the person thinks is a priority to them in their life (for better and worse).

What do you identify with? What do you align with? What types of words, or feelings, or descriptions do you think you'd use?

What are some of the values and attributes that you associate with? Or maybe what are some of the qualities that you recognize in other people that you aspire to resemble?

Or maybe we need the reminder that our sense of "identity" doesn't have to be a fixes and permanent fixture in our lives. We grow, we learn, we adapt, and we change. So why should we feel like we have to carry the burden of someone else's "label" for who they think we are? Or why should we let ourselves by limited by our current circumstances, like a job, determine what we think and believe about ourselves?

This are just some of the many things that we'll be talking about in episode 135!

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

May 21, 202116:54
134. "One Of The Most Important Relationships We Have, Is The One With Ourselves!" - Intention of the Week

134. "One Of The Most Important Relationships We Have, Is The One With Ourselves!" - Intention of the Week

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "One Of The Most Important Relationships We Have, Is The One With Ourselves!"

How would you describe your relationship with yourself? Is it something that you ever consider or is it something that you actively avoid?

If you had to pick a few words, to describe the way you interact with yourself, which ones would you choose? Or if you had to pick a few emotions, which ones do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? Or what kind of language do you use when you're playing out some internal dialogue?

Are you consistently building yourself up and reaffirming your sense of value and purpose in the world? Or battling with feelings of guilt, shame, comparison, or unworthiness?

How do we define "relationships"? What's a "good one" compared to a "bad one"? Who is it that taught us about them in the first place? Were they positive influences or negative influences on our beliefs and perspectives about the way we treat ourselves and/or other people around us?

In a perfect world, everyone would have all of the answers and agree that they have an amazing relationship with themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally but we know the world isn't exactly perfect.

The question then becomes, if we have a good relationship with ourselves, then how can we make it great? Or if we have a challenging and painful one, then how can we make it better and healthier?

These are some of the things that we're going to be talking about during this week's episode and I hope that it's a helpful reminder for someone : )

Remember that you are UNIQUE, AMAZING, VALUABLE, and FULLY CAPABLE of creating the life you want and achieving the goals you set. It might not always be easy. Sometimes it takes a lot of hard work. Just know that you always have at least one person who believes in you and that's me : )

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

May 14, 202123:13
133. Recognizing, Celebrating, or Creating Positively Impactful Relationships In Your Life! IOTW: "Nurturing Relationships!"

133. Recognizing, Celebrating, or Creating Positively Impactful Relationships In Your Life! IOTW: "Nurturing Relationships!"

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "Nurturing Relationships!"

Welcome to Episode 133! This week's Intention of the Week was inspired by Mother's Day!

When thinking about the role of a "mother" in someone's life, the one word that felt like it encapsulated the feeling of a mother's love was "nurturing!" A prominent role in the life of any person who loves, encourages, and supports their growth. 

With this week's IOTW, we can actually apply it to several different perspectives so I'll be curious to see which one resonates the most with you. When you think of nurturing relationships, do you associate that with your own mother? A mother-like figure in your life? Someone who is either currently still here on Earth or someone who has passed on? Or would you take this IOTW as more of a reminder that we should be dedicating out time, energy, and effort to helping support, care for, and grow the relationships that we have in our lives?

There's no right or wrong answer. It's all about helping you to think just a little bit differently and see if there's an area of your life that you can take small action steps to improve your life or the life of someone else.

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram and send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free or head over to to learn more!

Have an Amazing Day!

May 07, 202112:49
132. How Challenges Can Set You Up For Success! IOTW: "Sometimes The Biggest Challenges We Face Help Us Create Our Greatest Opportunities!"
Apr 30, 202114:03
131. How Grow With A Mindset For Success! IOTW: "I'm Expanding Into New Opportunities!"
Apr 23, 202115:17
130. Intention of the Week: "Momentum!"
Apr 16, 202118:37
129. Intention of the Week: "Self-Confidence!"
Apr 09, 202126:45
128. Intention of the Week: "Renewal!"
Apr 02, 202117:29
127. Intention of the Week: "Fulfillment!"
Mar 26, 202117:31
126. Intention of the Week: "Be Curious, Not Judgmental!" - Walt Whitman

126. Intention of the Week: "Be Curious, Not Judgmental!" - Walt Whitman

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "Be Curious, Not Judgmental!"

This one is attributed as a Walt Whitman quote that Nina and I were introduced to recently by one of our new favorite tv shows, Ted Lasso (HIGHLY recommend it). 

In the episode, Ted has a hero moment and explains to the guy he's competing against that all his life he was an underdog and felt like people were looking down on him and judging him until he had a realization after reading this quote.

He realized that people looking down on him or thinking that he wasn't good enough wasn't an actual reflection of who he was as a person but rather a side effect of the other person's shortcomings. 

The idea stuck in my head. What if the world, as a whole, would be more curious than judgmental? What if instead of making snap decisions, predictions, or evaluations, people just wanted to learn about each other. Or what if we were more curious about our own lives and breaking through our perceived limitations than beating ourselves up and thinking we're not good enough?

This IOTW I think can be applied to three major areas. We'll talk about that and more in this week's episode!

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out my Instagram an send me a DM to try your first workout with me online for free!

Have an Amazing Day!

Mar 19, 202111:53
125. Intention of the Week: "Intuition"
Mar 12, 202114:19
124. Intention of the Week: "What Is My Goal?"
Mar 05, 202109:41
123. Intention of the Week: "The WE Over the ME!"
Feb 26, 202111:16
122. Intention of the Week: "Live Life In The Moment, Not In Your To-Do List!"

122. Intention of the Week: "Live Life In The Moment, Not In Your To-Do List!"

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week’s Intention of the Week is "Live Life In The Moment, Not In Your To-Do List!"

Imagine this for a minute...It's Monday and you already know it's going to be a packed week. Whether your single or married, kids or no kids, working or in school, there's a lot going on and you've got to stay on top of it all. What's your system? Sticky notes, Google calendars, reminders on your phone, or periodic alarms that go off during the day?

Somehow we need to stay organized and for many of us it comes in the form of the "To-Do List."

I totally get this. Over the last few years, even without kids, I've tried my best to be really focused with my time so I'm always prepared, planning ahead, and incrementally working towards my goals. Personally, I've done a mix of sticky notes, cell phone notes, calendars, reminders, etc. With that lifestyle, there potentially comes a certain kind of energy that I'd like us to be aware of and address if need be.

High performing individuals often measure their success based or real, tangible, and measurable results. Over time, their sense of self-worth or even happiness could get lost in the pursuit of those tasks/objectives and allow them to become more of a priority than people or things that actually matter in life.

What I'd like to offer with this Intention of the Week are two things:
1. Perspective shift - Instead of a "to-do list," what if we called it a "goal list" which shifts the energy away from something you "have to do" to something you "want to accomplish"?
2. Re-evaluating your sense of success and happiness - For my super over achievers that struggle with deriving their sense of happiness and self-worth from how far along they get on their list, this week we want to gradually work evaluating, redefining, or reconnecting you with your sense of happiness and untethering your emotional wellness from stemming from a mindset of "productivity over everything."

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

If you're interested, make sure to check out Ryan’s Instagram or head to to try your first workout with me online for free!

Have an Amazing Day!

Feb 19, 202120:49
121. Intention of the Week: "Life Is A Gift!"
Feb 12, 202118:43
120. Intention of the Week: "Authenticity!"

120. Intention of the Week: "Authenticity!"

Hi my name is Ryan and welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE! Every week, I offer a new “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success. 

This week’s Intention of the Week is "Authenticity!" 

Authenticity is one the guiding values that I really try to live by at home, at work, in my relationships and beyond. I know that when I'm living authentically that everything seems to be more natural and more aligned but does everyone experience a sense of authenticity? Maybe not. So how can we approach this intention to make it real, give practical examples of ways to proactively improve our sense of self-awareness, and help us make decisions that are aligned with your core values and beliefs? That's what we'll be talking about together in Episode 120! Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show. 

Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend! If you're interested, make sure to check out Ryan’s Instagram to try your first workout with me online for free! Have an Amazing Day!

Feb 05, 202114:43
119. Intention of the Week: "Change Is Inevitable. Growth Is Optional!"
Jan 29, 202113:22
118. Intention of the Week: "Everyone Has Value!"
Jan 22, 202115:49
117. Intention of the Week: "Healing!"
Jan 15, 202117:54
116. Intention of the Week: "It's Always A Good Time For Positive Change!"
Jan 08, 202111:58
115. Intention of the Week: "Dream Bigger!"

115. Intention of the Week: "Dream Bigger!"

Welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

Every week, Ryan brings you the “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

The Intention of the Week for this week is "Dream Bigger!" Dreaming to me is interchangeable with hoping, seeing, and believing which are all positive forces for incredible change in your life or in the life of someone else. 

Want to grow your business? Have a vision for positively impacting your community? Want to create something new out of nothing? These are all amazing ideas, so why is it that we feel the need to downscale these goals or to make them seem more "realistic"? That's when fear of failure, doubt, disbelief, or negative past experiences can come knocking at your door. Even with the set backs, disappointments, and frustrations that life brings us, what if we dared to believe that what we want is not only possible but we could go even bigger?! 

This week, I'm suggesting that instead of limiting our potential and believing we "can only do so much," that we reframe that idea into sounding like "I can do so much more!"

Make sure to check out Ryan’s Instagram or click here to take advantage of a FREE workout with Ryan online!

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show and have an AMAZING day!

Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

Dec 18, 202010:42
114. Intention of the Week: "Keep Going! 'It' Could Happen Tomorrow!"
Dec 11, 202007:33
113. Intention of the Week: "Learn from the Past. Live in the Present. Hope for the Future!"
Dec 04, 202013:10
112. Intention of the Week: "Small Blessings Grow Larger When You Share Them With Others!"
Nov 27, 202008:32
111. Intention of the Week: "Believe In Yourself!"
Nov 20, 202013:46
110. Intention of the Week: "Our Thoughts Help Shape Our Reality!"
Nov 13, 202008:58
109. Intention of the Week: "True Peace Comes From the Inside-Out!"
Nov 06, 202016:42
108. Intention of the Week: "The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It!"
Oct 30, 202011:26
107. Intention of the Week Follow Up: "Inner Strength"
Oct 23, 202005:09
106. Intention of the Week: "Commitment!"
Oct 16, 202016:10
105. Intention of the Week: "Hope Is A Renewable Resource!"
Oct 09, 202011:56
104. Intention of the Week: "I Am Filled With Gratitude!"
Oct 02, 202016:14
103. Intention of the Week: "My Potential Is Limitless, When I Believe I Have No Limits!"
Sep 18, 202014:28
102. Intention of the Week: "Inner Strength!"
Sep 11, 202015:01
101. Intention of the Week: "How and Where Do I Want To Invest My Time and Energy?"
Sep 04, 202014:16
100. Intention of the Week: "Perseverance!" (August 24 - 30, 2020)

100. Intention of the Week: "Perseverance!" (August 24 - 30, 2020)

Welcome to the show! This Amazing Life encourages and inspires YOU, the listener, to take action so that you can LIVE, LOVE, and LEAD your own AMAZING LIFE!

On Mondays, Ryan brings you the “Intention of the Week!” A tool, a mantra, or a guideline for you to use throughout your week on your own path to success.

This week's episode is a milestone! 100 Episodes!!!! In Episode 100 you'll hear Ryan talk about the Intention of the Week: Perseverance! Sometimes it can look like an ultra marathon runner finishing the last leg of a race. Sometimes it can look like a single parent just trying to make to the end of the week. Sometimes it can be a group of people fighting for social justice. Although it comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors...we all have opportunities to show up and keep showing up regardless of the challenges that come our way.

Whether you're trying to make it through the next 10 minutes or the next 10 years, you can do it!

Make sure to check out Ryan’s Instagram @ryanoneill88 for content on how he’s relating to the Intention of the Week and check back on Thursday for another episode!

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to the show and have an AMAZING day!

Please consider subscribing, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend!

Aug 24, 202017:28