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The Brilliant Adventures of Thomas J. Tooth

The Brilliant Adventures of Thomas J. Tooth

By Written and narrated by Carl Ekman; Edited by Rachel Ekman

Short stories to keep kids entertained while brushing their teeth!
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Thomas J. Tooth’s First Backpacking Trip

The Brilliant Adventures of Thomas J. ToothOct 24, 2021

Danielle Tooth's First Day of School

Danielle Tooth's First Day of School

The days were getting shorter, the summer sun was not so hot, and it was time to go back to school. Thomas J. Tooth was getting very excited about the coming year, but, Danielle, his little sister, was getting very anxious. This would be her first year, and even though she had been looking forward to it all summer, the closer it got the more she was dreading the first day. What if her teacher was mean? What if none of her classmates liked her? What if she got a less than perfect grade in one of her subjects? Thomas J. kept telling her she would love school, would do well, and wasn’t expected to be perfect.

It was the night before school started, and Danielle had packed her pencils, crayons, glue stick, and a box of tissues neatly into her new tooth princess backpack, along with her matching lunchbox and water bottle. She went to bed early and fell right to sleep but had a dream that she dropped her water bottle and it broke into pieces, and she needed to call home to have her mom bring her a new one.

The next morning Thomas J. was up early, but Danielle stayed in bed, awake, but hiding under the covers. Finally, her mom came in and said she needed to come out of her hiding place and get ready for school. After breakfast, she walked with Thomas J. to the bus stop. Soon the bus was there and they were on their way. Thomas J. had her sit by him on the bus, which made her feel much safer, and soon they were walking up the steps into the school. Thomas walked with her to her classroom, and she went in and found a desk. Her teacher seemed very nice, and asked everyone what his or her favorite thing was, they had done during the summer. Danielle told about camping at the ocean with her family, and building a fort out of driftwood on the beach. Everyone seemed to like her story.

Before she knew it, it was time for recess and she was glad to see her brother going outside at the same time. He saw her, came over and asked her if she was having a good first day, and she said it was okay. She hung around with Thomas J., because she didn’t know anyone else. One of Thomas J.’s friends, Johnny Plaque, saw them together, and kidded Thomas about his new girlfriend. Thomas just smiled and said, “Yes, isn’t she cute? Eat your heart out.” “A little young,” Johnny said, and then laughed and said, “It’s my sister’s first day, too.” Thomas J. played soccer with his friends and Danielle just ran around on the field, trying to get the ball, too. She saw Thomas J. at lunch time and he signaled to her to come over and sit by him. Johnny Plaque was there also and introduced Danielle to his sister, who had come to sit by him. Her name was Abby, and she was in Danielle’s school class. She asked Danielle if she liked to play four-square, but Danielle said she had never played it before. Abby said she and some friends were going to play it at lunch recess, and they needed one more to give them four, and she would show her how to play. After lunch Danielle was off with Abby, and Thomas J. was glad to see that she was fitting in and making friends. He saw her again on the way to the bus after school, and she asked if she could sit by him. She had made some new friends, but she still wanted to sit next to him on the bus ride home, so he wouldn’t feel lonely.

Thomas J. said that tomorrow would be easier, but Danielle looked a bit confused, and said, “You mean I have to go back?” “You’ve only started,” said Thomas J. “and it just gets better.”

Feb 18, 202205:24
Thomas J. Tooth Goes Camping at the Ocean

Thomas J. Tooth Goes Camping at the Ocean

Once upon a time, or actually it was many times upon a time, Thomas J. Tooth went with his family camping at the ocean. It was one of his favorite places to go, and he would play in the trees around the campsite, help make campfires, build forts on the beach out of driftwood, and sleep in a tent. His most favorite thing to do was walk on the beach and look for beautiful rocks, sand dollars, sea shells, and make the clams squirt up water.

One afternoon he was walking down the beach with his dad, and they walked for a long time and covered quite a distance. They finally got to an area where there were large rocks jetting out into the water, and with it being high tide, they could go no farther. Thomas and his dad looked through all the rocks and shells they had gathered, kept the nicest ones, then began their walk back towards the camp.  Thomas started walking in the water, and with it being a cloudy, breezy day, his dad reminded him to be careful and not fall into the water, because it was very cold, and they were a long way from the camp. As they walked, Thomas J. started looking down into the waves coming in and going out, and all of a sudden, he got thrown off balance looking at the moving tide, and tumbled right into the cold, wet ocean. His dad, who was walking close to him quickly pulled him out of the water and found Thomas J. totally soaked, cold and trying to catch his breath. He picked Thomas J. up and ran to the logs up on the beach, pulled Thomas’ wet clothes off, took off his own shirt, and wrapped Thomas up in it. Then his dad started running with Thomas J. in his arms. Even though Thomas was fairly dry, he was still cold, and so his dad ran as fast as he could. They soon realized how far they had traveled down the beach, because it was taking a long time to get back. After, what seemed like an eternity, they got into camp. There was a toasty camp fire burning, and it felt so good to Thomas J. Pretty soon there was some nice warm water, and Thomas got cleaned up, and put on dry clothes.

The family ate their dinner, made s’mores, and Thomas drank a big cup of hot cocoa, which warmed his insides. Then it was time for bed, so he brushed himself shiny clean, because the K-germ, or cavity monster was camping at the beach, too, and Thomas didn’t want to get a cavity.

Even though he had fallen into the ocean and got wet and cold, Thomas J. went to bed that night, in his nice warm sleeping bag thinking it was the best walk on the beach he ever had, because he did it with his dad.

Feb 18, 202203:53
Thomas J. Tooth’s Family Gets a New Baby

Thomas J. Tooth’s Family Gets a New Baby

One night at the dinner table, Thomas J. Tooth’s mom and dad told Thomas J. that their family was getting a new baby tooth. And that the tooth fairy would be visiting them in a couple of weeks to deliver the baby. Thomas J. was so excited and told them he wanted a baby brother. His mom said, “Well, we don’t get to choose whether it’s a boy or a girl.”

But Thomas J. insisted that he needed a little brother and that was final. He chose the name Daniel D. and started planning all the things they could do together. Play baseball, soccer, hike in the woods, fish, and play with Thomas J. Tooth’s cars. He asked his mom if his brother could sleep in his room and his mom said yes, but reminded him that it might be a baby girl tooth, to which Thomas said he was arranging with the tooth fairy that it would be a boy.

The next few days he started setting up his room for his new baby brother, and even helped his dad build a new bed. Thomas found a small cowboy hat and hung it on the bed post, and got his favorite baseball out of his closet and put it in the bed. Then he cleaned his room so that there would be nothing that could hurt the baby.

The big day came and Thomas J.’s mom and dad waited up that night for the tooth fairy to arrive. When she came, she delivered a beautiful little baby girl tooth. Thomas’ parents thought and thought how they were going to break the news to him. They decided that they would just show him his new little sister, and hope for the best.

They laid the baby in her new bed and waited for Thomas J. to wake up. In the morning, he jumped out of bed, saw the baby girl tooth, and looked at her for quite a while.

And then, very quietly said, “Oh, she’s a girl tooth. She’s just perfect. Can we name her Danielle?

His mom and dad said yes.

“I’m going to love having a little sister,” said Thomas J.

And he did.

Oct 24, 202103:11
Thomas J. Tooth’s First Backpacking Trip

Thomas J. Tooth’s First Backpacking Trip

**Based on a True Story**

Thomas J. Tooth was busy getting ready for his first backpacking trip with his dad. He had new boots, clothing, sleeping bag and a compass, and his dad had bought a new tent. The one thing that was not new was a backpack, that had been handed down from generation to generation.

Thomas J. had his gear all packed in it along with the canopy and stakes for the tent. He was so excited he hardly slept the night before. He and his dad got an early start the next morning and headed off to the wilderness. And before long, they were on the Duckabush Trail, headed for 10-Mile Camp.

Thomas was loving the hike, except by the time they got to 5-Mile Camp, at the top of the big hump, Thomas J.’s back was hurting and he mentioned it to his dad.

“That’s all part of backpacking,” his dad told them.

And they took a break for lunch and then continued hiking up the trail. After a day of hiking they reached 10-Mile Camp and Thomas J. was grateful to get the backpack off and to sit down for a well-deserved rest. He loved being in the woods. The beautiful trees, and river, and campsite. The thing he hadn’t enjoyed was carrying the backpack and the pain it was causing. They cooked dinner on their camp stove and Thomas J. had a great night sleeping in a tent for his first time ever.

The next morning, they had hot porridge for breakfast, did some fishing, and then were on their way back down the mountain. By the time they got to 5-Mile Camp, however, Thomas had had enough, took off the backpack, and told his dad could not hike another step carrying it. His dad finally came over and checked Thomas J.’s back.

“Oh dear,” he said. “Your back looks so sore.”

Then he checked the backpack and there was a park on the frame that was bent out, and jamming into Thomas J.’s back. His dad said he was so sorry he hadn’t checked earlier, and put gauze and tape over the sore spot.

For lunch they fixed instant chocolate pudding, which didn’t turn out very well, and ended up looking more like something a bear and left on the trail. They had a good laugh and then Thomas J. and his dad each grabbed an end of the backpack and together they carried it the rest of the way to the car.

When they were putting their gear into the car, Thomas J.’s dad said “You are one tough little tooth hiking that far in all that pain.”

Before the next hike, Thomas J. Tooth had a brand new backpack.

Oct 24, 202104:13
Thomas J. Tooth and the Marshmallow Field

Thomas J. Tooth and the Marshmallow Field

Near Thomas J. Tooth’s home was a large field of marshmallows. Thomas J. loved marshmallows, but children weren’t allowed to go near the field. One day during dinner, Thomas J. Tooth asked his dad why no one ever went near the field, even though everyone seemed to love the white fluffy treat. His dad just said it wasn’t safe and little teeth could get stuck out in the bog.

That wasn’t good enough for Thomas, and he decided to go investigate for himself. One day he went to the field and sure enough he got stuck, but he was soon free and hurried home. He was asked where he had been and why he was late for dinner. And when he told his mom and dad, he was sent to his room for not minding. Later, his Dad came in and said he didn’t want Thomas J. going near the marshmallow field because it was dangerous. Thomas J. told his dad that he was sorry and wouldn’t do it again.

It was only a few days later while out playing with his friend, Freddie Molar, that he told Freddy how he had gone to the marshmallow field and escaped unscathed. Freddie told him he thought Thomas J. was very brave for going, and Freddie said that he had always wanted to go too.

Thomas J., forgetting what his dad has told him, asked Freddy if he would like to go and Freddy said yes. It was a beautiful sunny day and

Thomas said they could go right then. They hopped on their bikes and rode to the field. As they were walking through the field, on the fluffy marshmallows, they begin to get bogged down.

Because the marshmallows were getting very sticky in the hot sun, they were soon completely stuck in marshmallows from head to root. Well, for the next couple of hours they just sat there, not being able to move and it began to get dark.

They finally heard a noise and started to call out, but to their horror they could see K-Germ off in the distance, and it looked like he was getting closer. The cavity monster, or K-Germ as they called him, was looking for little teeth to give give cavities, especially ones covered in candy.

“Oh, no,” they thought. “What can we do?”

But soon they heard Thomas’ dad, who was looking for them. Because he was an adult and was stronger and knew how to travel through the marshmallows without getting stuck, he got to them before K-Germ did. He cleaned them up with the toothbrush and toothpaste that he had brought and took them home to safety.

Thomas was sorry that he had forgotten what his dad hold told him. And from then on, he tried harder to mind his mom and dad.

Oct 24, 202103:38
Thomas J. Tooth and Awful Waffles

Thomas J. Tooth and Awful Waffles

One Saturday morning, it was Thomas J. Tooth’s birthday and he was up early because he and his dad were going fishing, and Thomas J. loved fishing almost as much as he loved birthdays.

But when he got up, he could hear there was a terrible storm brewing, with lightning, thunder, and lots of rain. It looked like they would have to stay home that day. He was very sad but then he heard his mom call from the kitchen, “Thomas! Awful waffles!”

“Awful waffles!,” thought Thomas J., and he made a beeline downstairs to the breakfast table. Thomas J. Tooth’s favorite breakfast was awful waffles. Now, awful waffles, you may ask him, “Why?” He would then politely explain that they are not in the least awful, but awful is short for awfully good — and I will add, they are indeed delicious.

There is a secret ingredient which I will share with you if you do not tell a soul — it’s vanilla, lots of it. Now if you were to add some homemade freezer jam, some whipped cream and butter, you would have a delicacy. Add to it bacon dipped in maple syrup, and Thomas J. wouldn’t complain a bit.

Thomas’ dad was the waffle chef in the family and he was busy baking. Thomas J. was deep into his first waffle with all the trimmings and bacon covered with maple syrup, before you could say, “Waffle.” And enjoying every bite. By the time Thomas J. was done with breakfast, he noticed that the storm had gone and he could see the sun shining through the window and knew it was time to get his fishing pole.

“Remember to brush well,” said his mom. “You are covered with jam, whipped cream, and syrup and K-germ may be out-and-about trying to make cavities.” “Okay,” said Thomas J., and he got so clean and shiny-bright, that K-germ wouldn’t dare come near him.

Sep 29, 202103:08
Thomas J. Tooth and the Birthday Party

Thomas J. Tooth and the Birthday Party

Thomas J. Tooth’s best friend, Freddie Molar, had invited Thomas to his birthday party. Thomas was very excited and had been looking forward to the party for days. He bought his friend a present and walked down the road to his friend’s house.

When he got there, Freddy told him his dad had filled the swimming pool with Jell-O, so they were going to go swimming in raspberry Jello-O water. The Jell-O had been added the previous evening and it was a cool night, so the Jell-O had set up, and when they jumped in the pool they just bounced up and down. That was so much fun that they spent the next hour jumping off the diving board into the Jell-O and bouncing.

The day turned out to be very warm so the Jell-O finally melted and they were able to go swimming in it and got covered in sweet sugary liquid. All those at the party were having so much fun in the pool, but then it was time for Freddy to open his presents, and after that they ate tooth fairy cake.

It was finally time to go home. There was a problem though — all the teeth were covered in Jell-O and cake, and they knew the cavity germ (who they called the K-germ) was out looking for little teeth to give them cavities and no one wanted to walk home. Freddy’s mother had planned for this and she brought out toothbrushes as party gifts for each tooth.

They got busy brushing themselves clean and sparkling white with fluoride toothpaste. So when the party going tooth went home, K-germ couldn’t touch them or give them a cavity.

Sep 26, 202102:13
Thomas J. Tooth and a Dog of His Own

Thomas J. Tooth and a Dog of His Own

Thomas J. Tooth wanted a puppy of his very own. He had been thinking of the breed of dog and what he was going to name him. One night he finally asked his dad if he could have a dog. His dad thought for a while and talked with Thomas’ mom and then said OK.

The next day when his dad came home from work, he had a box. Thomas J. Tooth tore open the box but inside was a stuffed toy puppy. “This isn’t what I wanted,” he said. “I want a real puppy.”

The next day his dad brought home another box. “Oh good,” thought Thomas. “Dad got me a real puppy.” He opened the box and there was a hotdog from the hotdog restaurant. “No dad,” he said. “I don’t want a dog to eat. I want a dog to play with and take care of.”

The next day his dad brought home another box, but inside was a puppy puzzle which said, “If you want a friend, be a friend.” Thomas J. Tooth thought it should’ve said, “If you want a dog, be a dog.” Thomas J. Tooth put the puzzle together and then went to bed.

The next morning was Saturday, and Thomas J. Tooth was just lying in bed and heard a funny sound. It was an anxious sound. It was a whimpering sound. He looked for where the sound was coming from, and it was from the box in the middle of his room. The box had holes in it and was shaking. He jumped out of bed and he open the box, and sure enough it was a little Cocker Spaniel puppy — just what he was hoping for.

He finally got the little dog he wanted, and he named him Lillapup.

Sep 26, 202102:19
Thomas J. Tooth and the Pink Lemonade

Thomas J. Tooth and the Pink Lemonade

During the summers, Thomas J. Tooth would set up a lemonade stand — a pink lemonade stand. Now the color of the stand wasn’t pink but the lemonade was. Each morning he would go to the local grocery store and buy frozen concentrate lemonade and mix it up and sell the icy cold drink to those in town. One morning, however, when he went to the store there was no pink lemonade in the freezer. “Oh no,” he thought, and he found the owner of the store and asked him why there was no pink lemonade.

The store owner looked very sad and said that he had ordered it from the wholesaler but none had been delivered. The wholesaler was just down the road, so Thomas J. hurried down to see them. When he arrived he ask about the pink lemonade and was told that the producer hadn’t sent them any, so they had none to send to the grocery store. So next, Thomas J. went down the road to see the producer.

When Thomas J. got to the production plant where they would take the pink lemons, squeeze them, concentrate juice, and freeze it, he found the foreman and asked her if she had any pink lemonade. But she said that there was none because the farmer didn’t have any pink lemons. She felt very sad too because she would stop by Thomas’ lemonade stand each day and get a nice cold cup of pink lemonade.

Thomas J. knew farmer who had the orchard, so he hurried down to see him and found him down in the orchard looking at the lemons. Thomas J. asked him what was wrong and he said that all of his lemons were very sad and yellow and sour. Thomas J. Tooth thought very hard for a couple minutes, and then he said to the farmer, “I have an idea.” He went out and started tickling the lemons. And he tickled them and tickled them until he tickled them pink, and they were happy and sweet again. The farmer went to work picking the lemons and sent them to the producer who hurried and got the frozen lemonade over to the wholesaler, who got it right down to the grocery store.

And, of course, Thomas J. Tooth was right there waiting for it, took it home, mixed it up, and had a great day selling pink lemonade to all those who came by.

Sep 26, 202103:23