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Christadelphian Tidings Magazine

Christadelphian Tidings Magazine

By Tidings Publishing

Select podcasts published by the Christadelphian Tidings Magazine
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Undisciplined Disciplined Prayer

Christadelphian Tidings MagazineDec 24, 2022

"Abba! Father!", by Duncan Kenzie
Nov 01, 202313:19
"The Apostle Paul: Praying On Behalf Of Others", by Shawn Moynihan

"The Apostle Paul: Praying On Behalf Of Others", by Shawn Moynihan

When one reads the Apostle Paul’s letters, one is struck by how often he prays for others. He is devoted to praying on others’ behalf. Paul is also firmly convinced that he needs others to pray for him. At least eight times, Paul asks others to pray for him (Rom 15:30-322 Cor 1:10-11Eph 6:18-20Phil 1:19Col 4:2-41 Thess 5:252 Thess 3:1-2Phm 1:22).

Paul’s teaching about prayer is based on the fundamental principle that praying for others is important and purposeful, for both the one praying and the one being prayed for: 

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4 ESV).

To pray on behalf of others is to do a good thing that pleases God, impacting both the one praying and the one being prayed for.

Sep 28, 202325:15
"Jesus and His Prayers", by Shane Kirkwood

"Jesus and His Prayers", by Shane Kirkwood

In Mark 1, we see the eager crowd had waited until sundown at the end of the Sabbath, and now they were at the door of the house, desperately seeking healing for themselves or a loved one. We are told, “and he healed many.” (v. 34).

But what of the others? For there were more; there would always be more! What to do?

Aug 29, 202312:09
"The Lord Be With Your Spirit", by Darren Tappouras

"The Lord Be With Your Spirit", by Darren Tappouras

Jesus' prayers, mainly on behalf of his brothers and sisters, were for spiritual blessings and insights about Inner Being transformation. Some time ago, I spent time carefully analyzing the prayer objectives of the Apostle Paul as narrated in his epistles or recorded of him in the Book of Acts. I created a spreadsheet with all the prayers of Paul I could identify and then classified them into two groups. The first group was about physical requests. The second was prayers for the “inner man.” I then broke down each prayer and identified the different items Paul requested in columns.

From this, I could identify Paul’s prayer priority and then extract a palette of divinely inspired prayer items. 

Read the full article here:

Aug 29, 202311:45
October Issue

October Issue

Tidings October 2023 Issue

Aug 23, 202322:16
"The Six-month Prayer Challenge", by Robert Prins

"The Six-month Prayer Challenge", by Robert Prins

Someone asked me how I would describe my ecclesia. I had to think for a moment before I came up with the right word.

“Invigorating,” I said.

It wasn’t always like that. In fact, about nine years ago, our ecclesia was anything but invigorating. Problem after problem tumbled around us. Health, mental health, and relationships were some of the urgent problems we faced. But that left us little time and energy to deal with other important issues like morale, direction, and spiritual growth.

Read the full article:

May 29, 202311:01
"Why Does God Encourage Us to Pray?" by Dev Ramcharan

"Why Does God Encourage Us to Pray?" by Dev Ramcharan

Without a doubt, our relationship with God is the most important one in our lives. And yet, we all know that it waxes and wanes, affected by the vicissitudes of circumstance, health, and mood. As I reflect on my own relationship with the Father, who has saved me from hopelessness, it occurs to me that the quality of my prayers reflects the tone and depth of all of my relationships. There is much work to do.

Apr 05, 202310:33
"The Surpassing Power Belongs to God" by Darren Tappouras

"The Surpassing Power Belongs to God" by Darren Tappouras

Understanding prayer within God’s purpose will have a lot to do with what we believe is happening in God’s plan right “Now,” today.

Mar 13, 202311:52
"Strengthened With Power In Your Inner Being" by Darren Tappouras

"Strengthened With Power In Your Inner Being" by Darren Tappouras

There appears to be a discrepancy between the prayer guarantees promised by God in Scripture and our own lived-out prayer experiences. Listen as Darren helps reconcile this difference. Read by Chris Sales.

Feb 16, 202314:06
We Do Not Know What We Ought To Pray For, By Darren Tappouras

We Do Not Know What We Ought To Pray For, By Darren Tappouras

We would all like to know how to pray better. 

Jan 09, 202314:31
Adam and Christ - By One Man

Adam and Christ - By One Man

To truly appreciate the legacy of Christ, we must build it in connection and contrast to the work of another legacy, that of Adam, right back at the start of Scripture.

By James Mccann

Jan 05, 202312:43
Undisciplined Disciplined Prayer

Undisciplined Disciplined Prayer

A recording by Bro. Chris Sales of David Lloyd’s article, Undisciplined Disciplined Prayer. "Disciplined is a word that could sound rigid, or worse, robotic and heartless. That can’t be prayer! On the other hand, “undisciplined” sounds all over the place, and mostly not in a good place. That can’t be prayer, either! This article suggests undisciplined disciplined prayer can be life changing. In fact, it has changed my life."

Dec 24, 202210:52
Preface to Ethel Archard's new book, "Job's Quest"

Preface to Ethel Archard's new book, "Job's Quest"

Ethel Archard recently completed her book, "Job's Quest" and the Tidings Magazine was pleased to publish it for our community. Listen to this recording of Ethel as she reads the Preface, which lays out the overall content of her book.

Sep 22, 202202:08