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Wake Up to Your Wellbeing

Wake Up to Your Wellbeing

By Tip the Balance

Your podcast for everything health and wellbeing! Wondering where to look for support? Need to find the next steps on your journey but don't know where to start? This series showcases the teams that work with Tip the Balance - Natural Nutrition and Wellbeing to help you find the right support for you!
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What is Spiritual Coaching?

Wake Up to Your WellbeingMar 10, 2021

What is it Now?!

What is it Now?!

The gap between the life we are living and the life we want or know we 'need' to be live can seem HUGE!

It is pretty common to feel like everything we want to achieve is always just out of reach. When it comes to our physical, mental or emotional health, the path ahead of us may need to be a little more disciplined than the one we are treading at the moment. Is there always something or someone that gets in the way of that?

Today's podcast poses some interesting questions as we tackle that myth that there is always something getting in our way. Are you ready to take a look at what that looks like for you? Are you ready to get really honest? Are you ready and willing, maybe, to feel a bit uncomfortable as we shine the spotlight on today's topic?

As always, a reminder that we can be found at and are ready and waiting to give you a listening ear and some support if and when you are ready to reach out.

Anything is possible with the right step at a time.

Enjoy x

Oct 26, 202319:41
Looking at the Bigger Picture - Head Up, Zoom Out

Looking at the Bigger Picture - Head Up, Zoom Out

When thinking about your Wellbeing Goals, whether that's your eating habits, exercise or the lifestyle choices that impact your emotional and/or mental health, it is easy to become focused on the quick win, short term goals and addicted to the instant gratification of the promise of the holy grail, quick fix, speedy solution. Obsessive head down focus on the here and now might not be the answer to long standing change. Today, we take a look at the value of taking a wider view of what you are trying to achieve, allowing for life's natural distractions and bumps in the road. A little more compassion, patience, but paired with commitment and dedication (supported by someone to hold you accountable) could be the better remedy for your long term positive future, bringing different energy to the whole of your life.

As always, if we can help, you can find all our contact details at

Sep 07, 202317:40
The Habits of a Highly Effective, Happy Healthy YOU!

The Habits of a Highly Effective, Happy Healthy YOU!

Stephen R Covey wrote a fabulous book back in 1989 called 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. It's a great read. Nowadays we are bombarded with information about how we should be living our lives. What we should eat, drink, how we should move our bodies, how, when and for how long we should sleep...lalala. What is worse, I find, is that when we start looking into this, every chuffer has an opinion and they are all contradicting each other! What happens? We end up paralysed into inaction and stay stuck. Stay unhappy, dissatisfied, ineffective, maybe even unhealthy. So my challenge to you i todays podcast is to look within. You know you, you've just forgotten how to trust that you know you! What do you really need?

May 05, 202316:56
Finding Joy in Simplicity

Finding Joy in Simplicity

Life can be busy. 

Life can feel complicated. 

It is so easy to miss the simplest of things as we get swept up in the chaos. 

If you're finding it difficult to spot these movement sin your own life, give us a shout and we might be able to help you find them.

Contact us via

Mar 14, 202310:47
Your Secret Garden - Letting Life Grow Again

Your Secret Garden - Letting Life Grow Again

Today's Podcast was inspired by a chance meeting with a friend and the spiral of gratitude it created.

When life deals us a blow and we experience a loss of any kind, it is all too easy to sit in the cavernous aftermath of trauma and feel like life will never be the same again. In today's Podcast I share with you a model that was shared in my own time of grief that really helped me and my children understand the possibility of both healing and growth after loss.

Having the courage to keep moving forward and living a life with hope is so important in the steps towards recovery and dare I say it, a chance to flourish once more. Whether the trauma you are experiencing is through the loss of a person, a job, a business, a house.....this applies to you.

If this resonates with you and exploring these thoughts and feelings more would be of benefit, please do reach out x

Feb 08, 202210:53
Self Sabotage and Unhelpful Associations

Self Sabotage and Unhelpful Associations

Limiting Beliefs are a pain in the ass! FACT!

Today's Podcast looks at the associations we make between our emotions and positive experiences of the past, that somehow turn them into negative limiting beliefs and stop us from revisiting habits and support systems that might actually really help us. 

Why do we do that?!

Whether it's the gym, a Zumba class, a running club, slimming club, lunch group or social circle, we can sometimes end up cutting off our nose to spite our face because we create a narrative that's utter BS!

I hope today's musings help you to stop and think about whether you are sabotaging your own future for the sake of saving face.

If it helps, please do get in touch and we can work out which of our referral partners can help you get back on track.

Feb 01, 202209:58
Is this Really a Short Term Win?

Is this Really a Short Term Win?

In today's Podcast we look at Time and are you using yours? It is so easy to sacrifice long term momentum for short term gain in 'stealing back' our time to do fruitless and futile things....but they feel good at the time right?!

Today's musings challenge you to catch yourself and see where your time and energy are going this week!

Jan 27, 202208:43
"Change Starts with Choice" - Improving my Health : A Man's Perspective

"Change Starts with Choice" - Improving my Health : A Man's Perspective

In today's Podcast interview we talk with Adam, a 40 something man, running several businesses and living life at 100 miles an hour!  What triggered the change in his lifestyle choices? How has he managed to make decisions to improve his health over the last year and stick to them? Hasn't his willpower been challenged?! Is it easier or harder to lose weight and get healthy when you're a bloke? What have been the surest to his success so far and what lies ahead?  Taking on board the #Change1Thing principle, see what is possible and how you need to perhaps change your thinking around your goals and your success criteria.  If you need a sounding board or help with accountability, give us a shout. Enjoy!

Nov 03, 202101:10:02
Wearable Neurotechnology - A Faster Path to Wellness?

Wearable Neurotechnology - A Faster Path to Wellness?

In today's referral partner interview, Carole Johnston of Sockingly Healthy talks to us about wearable neurotechnology and how it can help with a number of life's challenges. How do such things work? Can wearing patches, socks, insoles or sleeves really have the effect on our brains and the levels of coordination, concentration, focus, sleep habits, metabolism and even our sense of feeling pain?

Oct 21, 202140:51
Solution Focused Therapy and Hypnotherapy - What are they, how do they work and will they work for me?

Solution Focused Therapy and Hypnotherapy - What are they, how do they work and will they work for me?

In this wonderful Tip the Balance referral partner interview, Angie Hayes and I explore what Solution Focused Therapies are and why they are such a powerful tool for healing and recovery from a variety of life's challenges. We tackle many of the misconceptions and apprehensions people have about Hypnotherapy and how we can be reassured that this Clinical Tool is being used responsibly. In Angie's no-nonsense approach we peel back the layers of comprehending our mental health and begin to talk about how understanding the way the brain works can really help us get a grip on where we want to take our lives next. This way lies understanding, self-compassion, dropping the self-judgment and realising our worth and in Angie's safe hands, you will learn so much about yourself along the way!

Sep 06, 202101:07:48
What if We Didn't Have to Feel Shit all the Time?

What if We Didn't Have to Feel Shit all the Time?

Are you sick of feeling guilty? Like you've failed before you've even started? Tired of feeling like you're not getting anywhere, then maybe even going backwards?!

In today's Podcast we explore how switching the way we are looking at this, approaching each step, and the expectations we have before we get to that moment when we wonder if it's time to jack it all in.....

Life, health, fitness, relationships, business.....what if you didn't have to feel shit any more?

Jul 01, 202116:11
Female Connection - Playing to my Female Superpowers!
Mar 19, 202101:03:56
What to do When Your Body Hurts - Structural Therapies

What to do When Your Body Hurts - Structural Therapies

Do you struggle to get out of bed? Down the stairs easily? Tie up your shoes? Carry the shopping?

Are you in pain? 

Have you got a work or sports injury or an irritating, distracting niggle?

Are you living with something that is impacting your life in a big way? 

Are you aware of your body feeling a bit grumbly but you don't necessarily know why or what to do about it?

Meet our Structural Team!

Lauren and Sian are the amazing duo who run 'Frome Valley Osteopaths' here in South Gloucestershire, treating everyone from the youngest of babies to incredible octogenarians and beyond! In this interview the ladies discuss the multi-layered approach to treating people living with pain, from not only a mechanical point of view, but by building a relationship with their patients to create the right kind of safe space to support their recovery journey in terms of body, mind and spirit.

Blaise Penny-Kirkwood is a Bristol-based Rolfing Practitioner - working in a completely different field of structural integration - combining this hands-on therapy with his intuitive energy work, supporting his clients to realign and have a "better relationship with gravity".

These guys are incredible - they have an obvious fascination with the way the human body works (and doesn't) and awe-inspiring skills in allowing our bodies to 'show' them what is going on under the surface, their messages are truly powerful stuff!

Introducing  :     Lauren Manning and Sian Cook  -   Frome Valley Osteopaths

                         Blaise Penny-Kirkwood     -    Rolfing Practitioner at Aim2Be

Mar 16, 202138:14
Managing Feelings, Changing Behaviours and Rewriting Beliefs - How Havening Can Help You
Mar 16, 202131:53
Finding a PT - Breaking Down the Barriers and Finding the Right One

Finding a PT - Breaking Down the Barriers and Finding the Right One

We all have many preconceived ideas about fitness, gym bunnies, lifting weights, running, lycra, burpees, the lot!

Equally, we can all have many misconceptions about PTs!

In today's call I introduce you to 3 great PTs who make up 75% of our PT team here at Tip the Balance (more podcasts to come folks!)

Ed, Emily and Gemma talk candidly about how you can find the right PT and what it takes to embrace training and working out into your lifestyle, to guarantee greater chances of success. They have heard all your apprehensions before, but they also know what a bad rap PTs can get when they don't have their clients' needs at the very heart of what they are working towards. These guys are REAL people!

In a refreshing interview, our team talk about building relationships and trust, tapping into your goals, firing up your enthusiasm and supporting you to ride the ups, down, lows and awesome highs of reaching your fitness goals. 

In a competitive world, and an industry where egos can be bigger than the most bulging biceps, I am proud to air this great collaboration for you to enjoy. So sit back and begin building your belief that working alongside a PT might just be the perfect choice for you!

Introducing :  Emily Gazey-Mitchell : Ylime Fitness

                      Ed Mobbs :               EMPower

                      Gemma Jones :     Gem Wellbeing

Mar 12, 202150:07
Who Can Help Me With Grief and Loss?

Who Can Help Me With Grief and Loss?

Losing someone you love is absolutely shit! Let's not dress it up!

But when the dust settles and you need to try to find a new normal, putting life back together and working out what happens next, where do you even start?

In this podcast, Karen and I talk candidly about what got her to a place where she needed to put her own life back together and decide what came next on her path. She shares her high, lows, ups and downs on the journey to becoming Karen Sutton - The Widow Coach, specialising in the area of 'spousal' loss, now helping support clients all over the world.

If you are trying to find your way through the darkness yourself, tune in.

If you know someone who is struggling to find their way right now, tune in and share this podcast with them too.

If you are looking for an inspiring speaker to move people through messages of hope, responsibility and taking control of their own decision making, then listen in.

Actually, just sit back and listen to an incredible story from an incredible woman, my friend and fellow widow Warrior Karen.

Introducing :  Karen Sutton - The Widow Coach

Mar 11, 202149:03
Can I Work with a Sports Performance Dietician?

Can I Work with a Sports Performance Dietician?

From Olympic Pro-Athlete to Park-Run 'Recreational Athlete'; from youngsters playing lots of sport to the more seasoned amongst us who want to stay fit, mobile, energised and enabled, the wonderful Victoria has something in her toolkit to help you!

Working with a Sport and Exercise Performance Dietician and Coach may sound like something only to elite amongst us can tap into, but in this interview we explore how so many different people can benefit from working with someone like Victoria. 

We pull no punches....we cannot and will not do this for you.....but we CAN show you how education, inspiration, empowerment and ownership make all the difference in your pursuit of fitness, wellbeing and increased performance in those sports you LOVE.

Tune in to hear from our NHS registered Dietician and Sports enthusiast as to how she can help you crank up your pace, maintain your stamina, repair from injury, prepare for whatever challenges you are striving for and to be your very BEST YOU!

Introducing :   Victoria Prendiville - Sport and Exercise Performance Dietician

Mar 10, 202130:60
Reiki - What is it, How does it Work and Could it Help Me?

Reiki - What is it, How does it Work and Could it Help Me?

Introducing a true Wonder Woman!

Sarah Presley has worked in the field of Holistic Therapy for many, many years. 

Her wealth of experience in all things Meditation, Reiki and Spiritual Development makes her an incredibly safe pair of hands to support your continued journey of self awareness and healing.

Energetic 'Healing' is a mysterious world though! There are so many kinds of energy work, several kinds of reiki and a whole wealth of misconceptions around many holistic therapies. 

So today, Sarah and I talk about HER kind of reiki. We discuss how reiki has helped her personally as well as how she works with her clients ranging from those who come for treatments right through to training exceptionally talented Reiki Practitioners and now Reiki Masters too. 

Her powerful insight into how Reiki can help empower you to take control of healing YOURSELF is truly inspiring!


If you aren't even sure what Reiki is, this is an enlightening listen!

If you have heard of it but don't know what it involves, let Sarah explain.

If you think you might like to 'give it a go' but have some apprehensions, listen in for a little reassurance and an idea of what you can expect.

Ultimately, I hope you enjoy time with this wonderful human as much as I do x

Introducing : Sarah Presley

Mar 10, 202141:41
I Need Help to Support my Child - Where Could I Go?
Mar 10, 202159:37
Will Meditation Work for Me?
Mar 10, 202149:30
Kinesiology......Kinesi-What?! How Can That Help Me?
Mar 10, 202133:41
Pilates?... What is it and Will it Help Me?

Pilates?... What is it and Will it Help Me?

It was a real pleasure to interview Karen Mayor of Heka Pilates, who talks here with absolute passion about Pilates.

In this session we break down the myths about what Pilates actually is (no, it's not "easy yoga"!)

We look at why people might look at it as a therapeutic option, a tool for building strength, a technique-supporting practice and so much more!

Listen in to why Karen believes this is such a powerful thing to tap into, to support you to feel connected to your own body and to feel well again.

Introducing :    Karen Mayor of Heka Pilates

Mar 10, 202155:02
Getting Men Talking -Supporting Men's Mental Health
Mar 10, 202149:36
What is Spiritual Coaching?
Mar 10, 202132:41
What is Yoga and is it for Me?

What is Yoga and is it for Me?

In this herbal-tea fuelled conversation we help to break down some of the mystery around the ancient, yet uber trendy practice of Yoga. How would you know if it was for you? What do all these mysterious words mean? How do I know what kind of yoga might suit me? Do I really need to be as bendy as a pipe-cleaner?! Can I follow this from the comfort and safety of my own home? Tune in to find out more about this magical world of tranquility, calm and inner strength.

Introducing :

Natasha Kembrey

Aimee Smith    

Emma Caddick

Sarah Presley  

Mar 09, 202153:38