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By Tish Conlin

TishTalk podcast will inspire and educate. It will include conversations with health professionals, political activists, historians, financial experts, entrepreneurs and everyday people who are courageously working to make the world a better place for us all. Listen to learn and grow, laugh and cry with real people who care about the world.

Who is Tish? Tish is a high energy Entrepreneur, Author, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Black Belt Martial Artist, Resilience Coach, Emotional Intelligence Trainer and Speaker. She delivers great content and powerful interviews to educate and inspire.
Currently playing episode

Episode 128-Discussing Neoliberalism and risks with Open Banking

TishTalkMay 14, 2024

Episode 131-Interview with fired MPP Rick Nicholls on decision to pass on the jab.

Episode 131-Interview with fired MPP Rick Nicholls on decision to pass on the jab.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak for with former MPP Rick Nicholls who was fired by Doug Ford for not submitting to an experimental jab. He has since sat as an independent and run for the new provincial party, Ontario Party, along with sounding the alarm on local issues. He has no regrets.

Jun 02, 202457:42
Episode 130-How your land can be stolen from you-Private land registry fraud

Episode 130-How your land can be stolen from you-Private land registry fraud

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Canadian Martin McDermott who has spend over a decade researching the fraud behind the privatization of the land registry. Martin describes how his mother was defrauded of her home, why the land registry was privatized and darker agenda behind the digitalization of not only property ownership but also banking, currency and healthcare. This is a fascinating discussion with excellent ideas on protecting your property and ensuring this problem is corrected.

May 24, 202401:08:05
Episode 129-Standing Up for Canada with Alex Cargill

Episode 129-Standing Up for Canada with Alex Cargill

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with fellow Patriot Alex Cargill as we review the clown show going on in Canada. We cover a range of personal and political topics as well as some updates geopolitically and some simple ideas for those who want to get involved to help save Canada.

May 24, 202401:01:31
Episode 128-Discussing Neoliberalism and risks with Open Banking

Episode 128-Discussing Neoliberalism and risks with Open Banking

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with David Ward about the financial situation in Canada and internationally.

David and I discuss the dark side of Neoliberalism

along with some of the other recent geopolitical news that is moving forward Agenda 2030 like QR codes and Open banking. We also discuss positive news pieces from the growing resistance to the WHO and Big Pharma along with other topics.

May 14, 202458:32
Episode 127- Are we living in a kind of artificial simulation that keeps repeating after resets?

Episode 127- Are we living in a kind of artificial simulation that keeps repeating after resets?

In this podcast, I speak with Guy Crittenden about the work of Jason Breshears, Jordan Maxwell and others who have spent decades investigating strange phenomena, historical inaccuracies and patterns of dates and years. Whether you believe any of this or not, the podcast and presentation are well worth your time and hopefully will get you researching further yourself.

Apr 26, 202401:01:07
Episode 126-Mental Health Crisis in Canada

Episode 126-Mental Health Crisis in Canada

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with freedom fighter and Health advocate Jim Torma. We cover a range of topics including the recent budget announcement and the political future of Canada. We spend a lot of time discussing the alarming decline in physical and mental health in Canada as a result of the massive Covid fraud. We talk about Jim's background as the son of a Hungarian immigrant and some of the ways he and his wife have found a path to help others heal from their traumas. He discusses his work in Art Therapy with vulnerable groups we review ways every person can stay healthy during the intense battle for freedom playing out worldwide.

Apr 18, 202401:11:23
Episode 125-How to move from the blue pill to the white pill and red pill "normies" with Tax Expert Peter Merrick

Episode 125-How to move from the blue pill to the white pill and red pill "normies" with Tax Expert Peter Merrick

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Financial Tax planner and now American resident Peter Merrick. Peter and I discuss the series of events that woke him up and how he moved from being indifferent to being an active voice in the war against the west. We discuss how many people get stuck in a "black" pill state of despair and how to overcome this and move into being "white" pilled to best serve humanity and life. At the end of our podcast, Peter offers a few simple financial ideas for travel and financial planning for the current banking insecurity.

Apr 04, 202401:47:57
Episode 124-Interview with local Former Farmer

Episode 124-Interview with local Former Farmer

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with a Andy Mazer who was a former local farmer. Andy discusses his interest in farming from his youth, his transformation from believing the climate lies to waking up, farmer protests, the Canadian silence on the Moscow massacre and the future of Woke Canada.

Mar 30, 202455:08
Episode 123-Overcoming the Mind War

Episode 123-Overcoming the Mind War

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Author Donald Lee about his new booked called "The Way Forward: How to escape the control of the New World Order and heal from it's trauma." Here is the link to his book on Amazon.

Donald and I cover the importance of Awareness and Transformation in defeating the negative forces that are working to rip apart our lives, families, communities and countries. We review the web of fraud, the four stages of subversion and mind/body/spirit war that is bombarding us with negative messages to keep us living in fear and hate. Finally we discuss the only path forward which involves transforming ourselves and our communities and moving away from service to self towards service to service to others as a way of living.

Mar 22, 202401:18:37
Episode 122-Politics of Slavery & Geopolitical Update in the Middle East with Matt Ehret

Episode 122-Politics of Slavery & Geopolitical Update in the Middle East with Matt Ehret

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak to historian and prolific Author Matt Ehret (Rising Tide Foundation/Canadian Patriot- We start by discussing the harm of different political systems like neoliberalism which brought in "free trade" and the current deliberate deindustrialization and demoralization policies that has occurred in Western Countries to rob them of their sovereignty. We review the historical events that have led to the current tensions in the middle east and with Iran in particular along with how countries involved with BRICS are pushing back against the assault on national banks, industry and national independence from the technology and elite oligarchs who want a return to feudal impoverishment and an end to nation states.


Mar 13, 202453:07
Episode 121-Battling the Uniparty in Canada-Lessons learned

Episode 121-Battling the Uniparty in Canada-Lessons learned

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Patriot Peyman Askari from Vancouver. We take a deep dive into the recent Durham by-election that I ran in for People's Party. We cover voter apathy and the growing awareness of the Conservative empty suits. We tackle the serious issues caused by mass unsustainable immigration, our satanic deathcare system and the assault of freedom of speech along with ideas for the future.

Mar 09, 202446:56
Episode 120-Connecting the Dots-Geopolitical Update with Matt Ehret

Episode 120-Connecting the Dots-Geopolitical Update with Matt Ehret

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with historian Matt Ehret to make sense of the turbulent events happening around the world. Matt reviews the root causes of some of the issues including the debt bubble and financial crisis, wars, political incompetence and compares the world today to other significant historical dates in the past. Matthew is the author of the "Untold History of Canada" book series along with the "Clash of the Two Americas" which are must reads. He and his wife Cynthia are co-founders of the Rising Tide Foundation and both prolific Authors.

Jan 20, 202401:23:15
Episode 119-Saving Canada's Political system

Episode 119-Saving Canada's Political system

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Peter Taras who is the father of six, a loving husband and a concerned citizen who stepped up and ran for PPC in Niagara Falls Riding. Peter and I discuss the power giving to PMs to appoint unelected officials, the difference between first past the post and proportional representation, the corruption in both the Liberal and Conservative parties that promote parties that work for corporations, lobbies and Big Pharma instead of communities and how the PPC's platform and vision will help protect Canadian rights and improve lives in communities across Canada as the only federal party putting Canada first.

Jan 13, 202444:05
Episode 118-Update on the fight to exit the WHO with James Roguski

Episode 118-Update on the fight to exit the WHO with James Roguski

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with California based James Roguski about the fight to exit the corrupt WHO. He gives an update on the talks around amendments to the IHR (International Health Regulations) connected to dealing with pandemics and insights into some small wins that have occurred. We discuss current events including the fight to stop the shot and other recent geopolitical developments. If you live in Canada, please sign the petition to exit the who and bring this debate to Ottawa. I would love to take this up if elected to be the next MP of Durham in the upcoming by-election. Follow James on his substack or and support me in my by-election campaign at

Jan 04, 202447:39
Episode 117-What is POGG and why are elected officials taking an oath to corporations?

Episode 117-What is POGG and why are elected officials taking an oath to corporations?

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Shelagh McFarlane ( about her work to uncover the fraud behind municipal governments. We discuss her work with POGG (peace, order & good governance) and how our publicly elected officials are actually working for a private corporation. We review many initiatives being taken by citizens at the local level to untangle the fraud and hold elected officials accountable to the citizens. I will be presenting a 4th time myself at an upcoming town council meeting here in Durham.

Dec 19, 202301:21:54
Episode 116-Solving the Housing Crisis.

Episode 116-Solving the Housing Crisis.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Guy Crittenden about the housing crisis. We review the impact of mass unsustainable immigration on the growing homeless population and the unaffordability in rental fees for our youth. We discuss solutions and innovations that are coming in the future that will help many if allowed by municipalities who are being pushed into promoting high density homes and 15 minute cities. Guy is an editor, publisher and researcher as well as a certified Permaculture expert. Listen in to his informative presentation and share with family and friends.

Dec 09, 202301:27:20
Episode 115-Bruce de Torres on History, Lies and the Nature of Reality

Episode 115-Bruce de Torres on History, Lies and the Nature of Reality

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with New Yorker Bruce de Torres. Bruce the host of Worldstage on TNT Radio.Live, and author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free ( He is a former actor and entrepreneur who woke up to the nature of reality over a decade ago and has gone down many rabbit holes to find truth. Bruce and I discuss his book, world events and consciousness together in this deep dive conversation.

Nov 10, 202301:01:25
Episode 114-Died Suddenly with Dr. William Makis

Episode 114-Died Suddenly with Dr. William Makis

In this episode of TishTalk, I spoke to Dr. William Makis. Dr. Makis is a Canadian physician and whistle blower who has deep expertise in cancer, radiology, and authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Makis tells an unbelievable story of a medical cartel that has no interest in health or care and will gladly injure or kill millions. His story is sobering for those who are just waking up to the assault on humanity but empowering as it has caused a massive shift away from the Big Pharma model. His own persecution and dedication to the truth will inspire you to step up now.

Nov 01, 202301:47:07
Episode 113-Situation Update with Gene Decode

Episode 113-Situation Update with Gene Decode

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with Gene Decode. Gene goes over the situation in the Middle East and how forces on both sides are working against the people to fuel a no-win war. He discusses his political, historical, military and spiritual insights and how we can promote peace together for both sides.

Oct 28, 202301:02:12
Episode 112-Assault on Natural Supplements by Health Canada-Bill C-47 battle update

Episode 112-Assault on Natural Supplements by Health Canada-Bill C-47 battle update

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with Constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley ( on the battle to remove natural health supplements from Canadians. We review the multiple attempts by regulators in the past to push natural products into restrictive regulations and fees to bankrupt the industry both in the US and Canada by having them lumped with chemical drugs. Shawn discusses relevant cases of the past and present and talks about the importance of personal responsibility. He urges every Canadian to take peaceful and lawful action to force the withdrawal of Bill C-47 and other gross government overreaches and said doing nothing is the same as being on the wrong side of history in this spiritual battle taking place throughout the world between forces that want to subjugate every man, women and child and those who want us to claim our God given sovereignty and live in peace and prosperity.

Oct 20, 202301:14:41
Episode 111-Geopolitical and historical influences in Middle East and Germany

Episode 111-Geopolitical and historical influences in Middle East and Germany

In this episode of TishTalk, I spoke with historian Matt Ehret (the Canadian Patriot Review Rising Tide Foundation , Author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy.

Matt educates us on the many historical influences in the Middle East over recent decades and further back in history. He discusses the dark anti-human forces behind all wars and why they do not want peace with the Abraham Accords isn't profitable to globalists. Matt moves to discuss the history of Germany and how many of their great thinkers and musical geniuses influenced the world until the twentieth century when the rise of Nazism took hold and the Wars destroyed the country and brought the atrocity of the Holocaust. We end with a discussion on how a form Nazism or Fascism has overtaken many Western countries.

Note to new listeners: Fascism often contains the elements of militaristic aggression, contempt for electoral democracy, cultural liberalism, rule by elites and subordination of individual rights for the "good" of the nation.

Oct 13, 202301:44:15
Episode 110-The fight to exit the WHO update with James Roguski

Episode 110-The fight to exit the WHO update with James Roguski

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with James Roguski on the updates about the International Health Regulation Amendments, the WHO and the Pandemic Treaty, all which will give enormous unprecedented power to this corrupt one world organization. We discuss some the push back and where it is coming from and even update the situation in Canada with positive news. James encouraged everyone to share this video and visit his substack at

Oct 04, 202356:57
Episode 109-Winning the Mind War.

Episode 109-Winning the Mind War.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Author Donald Lee (What the Hell is going on?) about the Mind War that humanity is waking up to around the world. We cover the 5 tactics of 5th generation war that start with cancel culture to create polarization up until killing. We discuss the Mass Formation and the ways we can protect our mind from the active ways they work using technology and classic brainwashing to keep us in fear and apathy states. We end with some of the content from Donald's new book called "The Way Forward..." to choose a better path forward both individually and collectively focusing on personal power, liberty/responsibility and love.

Sep 27, 202301:08:46
Episode 108-The truth about parasites, viruses and electro-magnetic frequency devices with Amandha Vollmer.

Episode 108-The truth about parasites, viruses and electro-magnetic frequency devices with Amandha Vollmer.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with well-respected Naturopathic doctor Amandha Vollmer ( on a range of health topics and hidden truths. We discuss her beliefs about parasites, viruses, detoxifying from heavy metals along with how electro-magnetic pulses are being deployed for good or harmful purposes including healing frequencies, climate warfare and directed mind control. She reviews some ways to become a healthy and sovereign person, withdrawal consent from those who have weaponized healthcare and also some tips for healing and detox.

Sep 07, 202301:22:31
Episode 107-What is China's position on Imperialism and in the fight against the new world order?
Aug 30, 202301:59:44
Episode 106-Situation update. Geopolitical & political news and how to keep your family together.

Episode 106-Situation update. Geopolitical & political news and how to keep your family together.

In this episode of TishTalk, I review the geopolitical and political news from the world over the past few weeks including; the Republican Primary debate, Colonel Douglas MacGregor on the war in Ukraine, the coup in Niger, BRICS + summit and financial implications ahead for the dollar, Canada's 3 provinces push back on gender ideology, more fear mongering with new Covid variants and a personals story on why it is important in this 5GW to respond with love to those who attack or slander us (especially our families).

Aug 24, 202324:31
Episode 105-Iron WIll on What's happening now and what to expect next in the war on freedom.

Episode 105-Iron WIll on What's happening now and what to expect next in the war on freedom.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Will Dove who started the Iron Will report along with to provide truthful independent media to Canada's freedom movement in 2020. Will and I discuss a range of hot topics including the WHO power grab, the situation in Canada, banking collapses, what happened in Maui Hawaii and the continued assault on our economy, health, freedoms and families. We touch on the nature of the transhumanism agenda and how specific frequencies are being used to target subconscious brain activity in the jabbed according to new research by scientist Dr. Ana Mihalcea.

Aug 18, 202301:15:19
Episode 104-On the Frontlines of Canada's fight for medical justice.

Episode 104-On the Frontlines of Canada's fight for medical justice.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Dr. Mark Trozzi ( who has been on the frontlines of the battle to end the medical insanity happening in Canada and around the world. We discuss his experience during the Covid launch, his persecution by OCPS (Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons) for treating patients with known safe therapeutics instead of adhering to government sanctioned experimental drugs and the many government health policy tragedies that have occurred as a result of the censorship of truth and open scientific debate. We review the hard data on the mandated injections and go over strategies to detox and remove spike proteins from the body and discuss ways to fight the WHO power grab and help regain global health sovereignty.


Aug 12, 202301:11:05
Episode 103-Understanding Informed Consent in a world of medical Tyranny

Episode 103-Understanding Informed Consent in a world of medical Tyranny

In this Episode of TishTalk, I interview Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada (, Author, retired psychotherapist and father of a fatally vaccine injured son. In our conversation, we covered the lies used by Big Pharma like "safe and effective" to market untested and unsafe products. We discuss the removal of informed consent, the use of shaming techniques like "anti-vaxxer" to stop open dialogue and slander critical thinkers and the importance of people waking up to natural immunity, integrated and holistic health and taking personal responsibility for their own health decisions starting with the food they eat and the toxins they are exposed to daily. Ted ends on an hopeful note about the future as we discuss a better path forward and some of his current education initiatives at VCC for parents and children.

Aug 03, 202356:04
Episode 102-Relearning Education in a Woke World

Episode 102-Relearning Education in a Woke World

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Jeanette Easton who started an alternative education system called Refound Education ( We discuss the damage being done in the government funded education that fuels hate, division and mental illness with ideologies like CRT (Critical Race Theory) and SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity). We go over the tragic death of Principal, Richard Bilkszto who committed suicide over being called a "white supremacist" for refuting that Canada is a racist country by a student and others tragic consequences of this agenda. At the end we discuss how parents are starting to speak up and push back and how her new company is empowering non-woke teachers to connect with parents who want to exit the current school system and give their children a better education.

Aug 02, 202359:13
Episode 101-Is Russia an Enemy or a Friend to the West? History of Russia with Matt Ehret

Episode 101-Is Russia an Enemy or a Friend to the West? History of Russia with Matt Ehret

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with brilliant Canadian historian and Author, Matt Ehret ( about the forces at play both within Russia and around the world over the past few centuries. We cover Russia's role in the America civil war 1861-1865, the Russian sale of Alaska to USA, how the Russians' courage saved many from the Nazis in WWII, Russian leaders who helped fight imperialism and many of the deep state operatives who have tried to weaken and destroy Russia over the centuries. We talk about the Russian spirit and soul along with the depth of expression and talent with Russian writers and scientists and people who have endured massive struggle and tragedy to preserve Mother Russia. Matt just finished a documentary on the next country we will cover in detail in August-China- and I encourage you to watch and share this with as many people as possible: Chinese Election Interference: Five Eyes, NATO & the Ugly Truth of CSIS ⁠⁠  
Jul 19, 202301:41:19
Episode 100-The battle for Canadian Sovereignty with Kelly Anne Wolfe

Episode 100-The battle for Canadian Sovereignty with Kelly Anne Wolfe

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Kelly Anne Wolfe, CEO of The Canadian Democratic Defence Association. We cover a range of controversial topics including her story of repeated police brutality in 2020, her contribution to the freedom movement, her background in civil rights and why Canada today isn't a sovereign nation under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. She discusses her First Nations ancestry and their position on the current tyranny along with her court case and projects to reinstate Canadian Sovereignty.

Jul 13, 202301:00:08
Episode 99-Interview with a Canadian Freedom Fighter

Episode 99-Interview with a Canadian Freedom Fighter

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Canadian Freedom Fighter Steve Jovanovic. We discuss the intense emotional ups and downs of being awake and alone in Canada. We discuss his background before Covid, his experience with helping stop the agenda in schools and the many broken lives and stories we both have heard over the past few years. I give an update of news worldwide as well as some positive developments in getting people to be aware of what is happening.

Jul 07, 202346:39
Episode 98-How Bill C-47 will destroy the Natural Supplements industry and give Big Pharma massive power.

Episode 98-How Bill C-47 will destroy the Natural Supplements industry and give Big Pharma massive power.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Constitutional lawyer and President of Natural Health Products Association ( Shawn Buckley. We discuss how draconian Bill C-47 will negatively impact all holistic health professionals as well as consumers of any supplements or natural products. Shawn, who was also a founding member of the National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) looking into horrific government overreach and neglect during Covid, has significant experience fighting Health Canada and knowledge in this sector. We discuss the significance of this Bill in creating a complete medical and Big Pharma tyranny along with the WHO pandemic treaty, International Health Regulation changes and the Digital ID/Digital Passport.

Jul 07, 202301:06:59
Episode 97-How Electroculture can multiply farm and garden yield

Episode 97-How Electroculture can multiply farm and garden yield

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with one of the world's top electroculture experts from France, Yannick Van Doorne ( along with Canadian Angela Durante ( Angela and I speak about her homestead property and how she has grown all her own food on 2 acres for the past few years. Yannick joins us later and reviews different electroculture techniques and designs that he is teaching to farmers in Europe and around the world. We discuss the potential of electroculture to massively increase food abundance.

Jun 30, 202301:33:09
Episode 96-Expat Canadian Tax and Estate Expert on how far Canada has fallen into Totalitarianism and his spiritual awakening.

Episode 96-Expat Canadian Tax and Estate Expert on how far Canada has fallen into Totalitarianism and his spiritual awakening.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Peter Merrick, a Canadian Expat living in San Diego, California who is a Trust, Tax and Estate Practitioner and Author of three business textbooks. Peter and I discuss what prompted his decision to leave Canada with his wife and move to San Diego and the draconian changes to income tax that came into effect in Canada in 2017. We go over his observations on Canadian apathy that have created a society of virtue signaling and obedience that are creating massive societal harm especially with our youth. We explore Peter's own spiritual awakening and discuss the recent documentary we both attended by Vera Sharav called "Never Again goes Global" with the implications for what is unfolding today.
Jun 22, 202301:10:12
Episode 95-How witch hunts for Trump, General Flynn and Julian Assange are connected to RussiaGate.

Episode 95-How witch hunts for Trump, General Flynn and Julian Assange are connected to RussiaGate.

In this episode with Cynthia Chung, I speak with Author of "The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy", Historian and Editor in Chief and co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation. We discuss the historical deep state influences at work to discredit and destroy Trump, General Flynn and Julian Assange in depth in this podcast that are all directly connected to the RussiaGate lie. We also touch on some of the PSYOPS around the current obsession with blaming all internal issues on China and Cynthia has agreed to do a deep dive into this topic next month.
Jun 18, 202356:33
Episode 94-Why did artists and musicians go from rebels to tyranny and obedience enforcers?

Episode 94-Why did artists and musicians go from rebels to tyranny and obedience enforcers?

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with Opera singer Lisa Eden. Lisa, who was severely vaccine injured in her early 20's declined the experimental covid jab and lost her career overnight. She has spent the last few years trying to educate other artists about the government overreach and harm of mandates and talks about her experience. Our conversation starts with insights into the dark big pharma influence and profits behind the trans mania going on in western culture. We discuss the climate agenda with 15 minute cities to punish carbon dioxide "polluters" like cows and humans and push more taxes to offset our sins of breathing. Lisa finishes with a beautiful song "somewhere over the rainbow" although my sound system is not good so unfortunately, you will miss most of her high notes.
Jun 08, 202301:06:03
Episode 93-Music, War and Stepping into Courage

Episode 93-Music, War and Stepping into Courage

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Author Donald Lee, ( who is on tour to promote his newest book, "What the Hell is going on" and his spiritual message. Donald and discuss the actual war in Ukraine with Russia and move on to topics on the 5th generation war on humanity raging throughout the world. We cover the suspicious fires all over Canada, the weaponization of everything and the use of mass censorship to enforce the facade of democracy and choice. We explore the Marxist philosophy that is embedded in socialism as a stepping stone to communism and go over how we face this great threat and overcome it peacefully. We end off with a discussion on how music can raise our frequency and mood and the importance of being trapped by their weapon of fear porn.

Jun 08, 202301:14:19
Episode 92-Political Theatre, School Grooming, Russia's War & PPC

Episode 92-Political Theatre, School Grooming, Russia's War & PPC

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with former MPP Randy Hillier ( who was the first MPP to speak out in 2020 about the harm being done by government during Covid. Randy gives a shocking testimonial of how little any of the Mainstream parties actually do and the extent of political theatre that goes on to give the illusion of a democratic country. We discuss the truly disturbing sexualization of our children and the cult of child grooming for pedophilia and to induce trauma that has been going on for many many decades and is not covered by any media. We review the NATO war against Russia in Ukraine and end with a discussion about the bi-election in Manitoba for Max Bernier and the importance of voting for PPC to start the process of reform in Canada.

Jun 02, 202301:15:03
Episode 91-Christine Anderson returns to Canada with Vera Sharav-Event details and discussion

Episode 91-Christine Anderson returns to Canada with Vera Sharav-Event details and discussion

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Judy Stinson and Bethan Nodwell who organized the incredibly successful "What would Christine Anderson do" event in Canada. They are now organizing an incredible 2nd event with Christine and Vera Sharav to release the "Never Again" documentary and host a 2 day event with speakers ( for tickets) on June 16/17. We discuss the significance of bringing together a Holocaust survivor with a German woman fighting the current tyranny from a healing perspective. Our conversations covers other critical topics like the corruption in healthcare, the indoctrination of our children and the burn-out and stress we are seeing in the freedom movement after 3 years of non-stop fighting.

Jun 01, 202301:15:19
Episode 90-Geopolitical, Financial, Climate agenda and Taiwan Update with Matthew Ehret

Episode 90-Geopolitical, Financial, Climate agenda and Taiwan Update with Matthew Ehret

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Canadian historian Matt Ehret on the current situation worldwide. We explore the historical fight between Republic and Imperialist forces and the current efforts to destroy democracy with cultural destruction, economic destruction, war mongering, climate emergencies, medical dictatorships and use of the media propaganda arm. We review the history of China and the current reality behind the Taiwan situation. Matthew has a brilliant mind and a deep knowledge of historical and economic forces that have been used to shape countries for good or ill over the centuries and how we can learn from history with our current situation.

May 26, 202301:05:08
Episode 89-From Teacher to Investigative Journalist on Medical Tyranny

Episode 89-From Teacher to Investigative Journalist on Medical Tyranny

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with the founder of Brightlight News, Glen Jung, who a few years ago was an Elementary School teacher who did not agree with the masking of young children during Covid. Seeing the harm of government overreach in plain sight made it impossible to continue his job so he left teaching and started covering medical tyranny and trying to education Canadians on the truth. Glen and I discuss many topics, upcoming events and debate on a few of the deeper "conspiracy theories" that are being grappled with in the awake scientific community today.

May 25, 202355:01
Episode 88-Scientism myths, turbo cancers, graphene oxide, transhumanism and how to reclaim health with Dr. Young

Episode 88-Scientism myths, turbo cancers, graphene oxide, transhumanism and how to reclaim health with Dr. Young

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak again with internationally renowned Dr. Robert O Young ( a broad range of health topics include the reason for the rise of turbo cancers around the world post injection, the false myths of scientism that have been pushed on doctors and people for centuries, the role of graphene oxide as a superconductor for the 5G networks to implement the transhumanism agenda, how to create an alkaline system to repel and eliminate external pathogens and toxins and more.

May 13, 202301:39:56
Episode 87-The truth about the weather and climate with expert Mike Smith.

Episode 87-The truth about the weather and climate with expert Mike Smith.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Mike Smith, one of the world's leading experts in the application of weather science ( Mike is the Author of several books on this topic and also a patent holder for a number of weather devices. Mike and speak about his inspiration to study weather as a child in tornado prone Wichita , Kansas and how studying weather has shaped his life. We discuss the current climate narrative and the focus on CO2 in detail along with the government overreach with claiming we are experiencing unprecedented climate emergencies. We review the political fraud of attempting to move unsuspecting citizens to 15 minute/SMART cities under the guise of climate warming, “managed retreats” and sustainability. Mike has some strong words for individuals like Al Gore and Bill Gates who he calls reckless and driven by money and power.
May 10, 202350:32
Episode 86-The importance of community...but not in a 15 minute city.

Episode 86-The importance of community...but not in a 15 minute city.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Travis MacDonald, a professional engineer with a passion for community building and entrepreneurship who is founder of Elevate Community, and Elevate Local. We discuss the urgent need for like-minded people to join forces to create a new future in education, health and wellness, food and farming, businesses networking, social events, and preparedness and he reviews his platform's capabilities for helping entrepreneurs in achieving prosperity. We discuss the massive harms we are seeing from government policies and how communities have been impacted by the digital transformation in progress at Warp Speed in the SMART city initiatives happening all over the world.


May 01, 202356:37
Episode 85-Spiritual, Biblical, Geo-political and financial update on the War on humanity with Gene Decode.

Episode 85-Spiritual, Biblical, Geo-political and financial update on the War on humanity with Gene Decode.

In this MUST watch episode of TishTalk, I speak with legend Gene Decode, a 20+ year veteran of the US Navy and psychic with remote viewing gifts, on topics outside of many peoples current understanding. We discuss souls, ascension, the dark and light forces at work to free humanity, the dark use of AI for evil purposes, the status on DUMBS along with the impending demise of the cabal financial system and many other hot topics including the origin of the moon, clones and cyborgs, time travel and more. Please support Gene's incredible work by subscribing to his monthly deep dives at

Apr 20, 202302:17:30
Episode 84-How doctors become indoctrinated with the lies of Big Pharma.

Episode 84-How doctors become indoctrinated with the lies of Big Pharma.

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Dr. Emad Guirguis, who obtained a Medical degree from McMasters University and had a 30 year surgery practice. Dr. Guirguis speaks honestly about how medical schools indoctrinate young doctors to believe that only allopathic solutions are credible and to consider anything else "quackerie". He discusses his take on the Covid narrative based on evidence of harm along with the biblical warnings that foretold this time in history. We discuss the lack of ethics in medicine, the removal of the Hippocratic Oath and his books "Life in Medicine: Dream, Extremes and Political Schemes", "Children Speak: Unmasking the Effects of Lockdowns" and "The Doctor who became Emperor".

Apr 18, 202355:14
Episode 83-James Roguski on proposed IHR amendments and why we need to EXIT THE WHO

Episode 83-James Roguski on proposed IHR amendments and why we need to EXIT THE WHO

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with James Roguski ( from California. Before Covid, James had a completely different life but was called to tackle the criminal World Health Organization agenda (WHO) as his business was forcefully closed. James has spent the last few years, untangling the web of deceit within the WHO and educating the world on the proposed amendments which would allow the WHO to not only mandate "treatments" for people and animals and livestock but also remove holistic supplements from distribution and limit travel and movement if passed. James reviews the 3 main parts of the massive power grab and gives a clear and urgent call to action for everyone who sees how harmful this agenda is for everyone and why saying and doing nothing is giving consent for it to pass.
Apr 13, 202301:11:06
Episode 82-Cal Washington on the Spiritual warfare with Notice of Liabilities and how to defeat the evil agenda.

Episode 82-Cal Washington on the Spiritual warfare with Notice of Liabilities and how to defeat the evil agenda.

In this deep dive episode of TishTalk, I speak with Cal Washington (cofounder of to help people around the world reclaim their sovereignty and fight against the harmful agenda that is using Smart Meters, 5G, injections and geoengineering to change and control humanity. Cal discusses biblical prophecies and scriptures that have foretold this time in history and how we can win the war against the dark forces through commercial liability claims and non-compliance. He goes into detailed analysis of scriptures in Daniel, Job and the book of Enoch and gives his overview of why the elites are working to change human DNA and create human cyborgs with the technologies, injections and chemtrails. It is a fascinating discussion and offers biblically rooted solutions to reclaiming our God given sovereignty.

Mar 31, 202301:36:33