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Therapy Thursday

Therapy Thursday

By TJ Thomas

Join TJ Thomas, a clinical mental health therapist, every Thursday for quick and accessible lessons and tips about therapy and emotional health. Learning about therapy has never been easier! Check out TJ's Instagram @tjcounseling for more therapy and mental health content.
*Disclaimer: Podcast episodes are meant for educational purposes only. They are not therapy, and should not be used to replace any therapy, medication, or other mental health services recommended by your licensed mental health care professional.
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160. Getting Punched in the Face

Therapy ThursdayMay 11, 2023

183. Bad Advice

183. Bad Advice

There are lots of pieces of advice that sound good (like “never go to bed angry”) that actually might not be as solid of advice as we thought.
May 02, 202408:33
182. How to Find the Right Therapist

182. How to Find the Right Therapist

When you’re starting your therapy journey, it can be overwhelming trying to find a therapist. Finding the right therapist for you can be even more so. Trust me when I say you shouldn’t just go for the first therapist you find. You need to make sure it is the right fit for you and what you are looking for.
Apr 25, 202408:21
181. Excuses or Explanations?

181. Excuses or Explanations?

There is a subtle but important difference between an excuse and an explanation, and it primarily comes down to where responsibility is placed.
Mar 28, 202406:47
180. Fire Your Therapist

180. Fire Your Therapist

The best therapists should be constantly losing their jobs, because it means they’ve done what they were hired to do.
Mar 14, 202407:01
179. My Favorite Communication Hack

179. My Favorite Communication Hack

Communication is at the heart of ALL relationships, and miscommunication is often at the heart of many relationship problems. This hack can be a game changer for improving your communication skills!
Mar 07, 202409:20
178. Lessons in Forgiveness

178. Lessons in Forgiveness

Forgiveness is hard, and we sometimes make it harder by expecting it to be something that it’s not.
Feb 08, 202407:39
177. How to Spend Attention

177. How to Spend Attention

Attention is a limited resource that must be budgeted and spent much like our money. And what you spend your attention on makes a big impact on your mental health.
Jan 25, 202408:28
176. Say it Now

176. Say it Now

Don’t wait for the deathbed, the wedding, the Thanksgiving dinner, or any other big moment, to share how you feel with the people you love.
Dec 14, 202306:06
175. Expect the Expected

175. Expect the Expected

As we head into the holidays, it can help remove a lot of disappointment or frustration if you just expect the expected.
Dec 07, 202306:43
174. You Actually CAN

174. You Actually CAN

When we say that we “can’t” do something, that statement is almost never actually true. And recognizing what is the actual truth of the matter will create a much more empowering decision.
Nov 30, 202305:42
173. Discomfort vs Resentment

173. Discomfort vs Resentment

Life is about choosing which “hard” you prefer, and one of those choices is often between discomfort and resentment.
Nov 02, 202305:58
172. Never Say Never

172. Never Say Never

Absolute, black and white, all or nothing thinking, can be a very big problem for both relationships and individuals. In this episode, we look at where these thoughts are actually coming from and what we can do about them.
Oct 19, 202306:23
171. Don’t Do Your Best

171. Don’t Do Your Best

I don’t really love the advice that we give to people to “do your best.” Sometimes the pressure to do your best gets to be too much, and when people feel like they can’t do their best, they choose to do nothing.
Oct 12, 202305:40
170. Emerald Pools and Waterfalls

170. Emerald Pools and Waterfalls

Sometimes the pain caused by an unmet expectation is far worse than the experience itself. But the good news is that this "expectation pain" is optional!

Sep 28, 202305:47
169. Just Choose It

169. Just Choose It

If you are always struggling to make decisions because you are so concerned about making "the right choice" then I have some good news for you: there is no such thing!

Sep 21, 202306:11
168. You are Definitely Wrong

168. You are Definitely Wrong

Did you know it is 100% guaranteed that there is something you believe to be true that you are wrong about? Whether it's something scientifically that we just don't know enough about yet, or a narrative belief about yourself or the way you fit int he world, we all have beliefs that are wrong, and that are holding us back.

Aug 03, 202306:12
167. Misunderstanding Motivation

167. Misunderstanding Motivation

Sometimes we just don't feel motivated to follow through with things we have committed to. (Like, for me, today, recording this podcast.) And that's okay! In this episode we talk about why re-evaluating your initial reasons for committing to things is important to decide if it still aligns with your values, and how switching the way you think about motivation can help you get started.

Jul 20, 202306:58
166. Pay Attention!

166. Pay Attention!

Where we pay our attention has a drastic impact on the quality of our life, so make sure you are paying attention with intention!

Jul 06, 202306:39
165. This Too Shall Pass

165. This Too Shall Pass

Nothing is permanent. This might hit you as good news or bad news, depending on how you look at it. But the truth is that accepting this fact can drastically improve your overall happiness and life satisfaction, according to multiple studies.

Jun 29, 202305:50
164. I Am Not Enough

164. I Am Not Enough

Many people come to therapy feeling that they are "not enough" or "not good enough." But "enough" is subjective. And rarely do we stop to ask ourselves - "Good enough at what?"

Jun 22, 202306:41
163. Happy Isn't Enough

163. Happy Isn't Enough

The phrase "I just want you to be happy" is commonly used in all sorts of relationships, but it can sometimes be the very thing getting in the way of real happiness, particularly when two people have very different ideas of what "happy" means.

Jun 08, 202306:26
162. Common Queer Myths

162. Common Queer Myths

To celebrate Pride Month, today we are breaking down 3 common myths about LGBTQ+ people: that it isn't natural, that science doesn't support it, and that there are more now than before. Happy Pride!

Jun 01, 202307:12
161. Might as Well Start

161. Might as Well Start

If you've been putting off a project or change because you are worried about how long it will take, I like to remember this principle from today's episode: the time is going to pass anyway, so why not just start?

May 18, 202305:10
160. Getting Punched in the Face

160. Getting Punched in the Face

Did you know that getting punched in the face is a neutral situation? In this episode we break down why situations are neutral, and how our thoughts/opinions create meaning and feelings for us, using this rather painful example!

May 11, 202307:09
159. Upgrade Your Problems

159. Upgrade Your Problems

Problems are an inescapable part of life (and actually, something that our brain craves!) So instead of trying to get rid of or avoid all problems, let's try upgrading our problems to better ones, or problems that we'd rather be solving.

Apr 27, 202305:43
158. Why You Aren't Having a Breakthrough

158. Why You Aren't Having a Breakthrough

Many people (myself included) start therapy thinking that if they go for a while, they will have some sudden eureka-breakthrough type moment. The hard truth, however, is that therapy is not about sudden breakthroughs. It's about slow maintenance, and that can be boring sometimes.

Apr 13, 202308:02
157. Who is God?

157. Who is God?

I know that question is one of the biggest there is, but in this episode we explore who God is to each one of us by learning about the difference between a god-concept versus a god-image, and how exploring the two sides of our understanding of god can lead to a more fulfilling relationship with our faith and religious beliefs.

Apr 06, 202306:38
156. Mental Health and Gun Violence in America

156. Mental Health and Gun Violence in America

Every time a mass shooting happens, the same debate is sparked: what is to blame for this awful and continuing crisis? With yet another school shooting recently, and the predicable uptick of blaming the shooter's mental health, we are breaking down the truth about mental health as it relates to gun violence in America.

Mar 30, 202305:23
155. Signs You are Doing Better than You Think

155. Signs You are Doing Better than You Think

It's really easy to get down on ourselves when we are feeling stuck, or like we aren't making the progress we'd hoped for. This episode is all about reminding you of the progress you have made, the good you are doing, and the signs that you are probably doing better than you give yourself credit for!

Mar 02, 202305:26
154. Says Who?

154. Says Who?

There are a lot of "shoulds" that we pile onto ourselves. But you can stop and question them with a simple "says who?" You'll find that much of the time, it's just completely made up, and no one is actually holding you to that standard other than your own perceptions. 

Feb 24, 202304:03
153. How To Avoid Burnout

153. How To Avoid Burnout

Burnout has become more and more common in our world of constant hustle. And by the time burnout hits, it's really hard to get out of it. Like so many things in life, prevention is really the best policy. 

Feb 16, 202306:47
152. To Be or To Be Seen

152. To Be or To Be Seen

We all have qualities or characteristics that we hope to be - kind, loyal, smart, funny, etc. But it's important to ask ourselves whether we care more about actually being that trait, or just that other people perceive us as having that trait?

Feb 09, 202306:29
151. What Other People Think Does Matter

151. What Other People Think Does Matter

Your whole life you've probably heard some version of - "Don't care what other people think!" And it sounds like good advice. At first. But it pretty quickly starts to break down in real life. In this episode we discuss why what other people think about you actually does matter, why you should care about it, and how do care about it in a more healthy way. 

Feb 02, 202306:39
150. Accessibility Matters

150. Accessibility Matters

After a sickness-related hiatus, we are coming back and talking about an experience I had losing my voice, and how it opened my eyes to the issues we have with accessibility in our society. 

Jan 26, 202304:37
149. The Failure Bias

149. The Failure Bias

Our brains have a strong bias towards remembering our failures with much more detail and clarity than our successes, and a nasty habit of bringing them to the front of our minds at the worst times. In today's episode we talk about why that is and what you can do about it!

Jan 12, 202306:30
148. Move Over, Grandma!

148. Move Over, Grandma!

We have all experienced driving down the road when someone is going either waaaaay too slow or dangerously fast. And as we pass them (or they pass us) we have a seemingly uncontrollable urge to look over and see who the other driver was. In today's episode we talk about that urge and what it is doing for our brains. 

Jan 05, 202307:47
147. Anti-Resolutions

147. Anti-Resolutions

This New Years, instead of adding yet another goal that probably won't last til February and then leaving you feeling guilty for not accomplishing it, try setting an anti-resolution by choosing something from your life to get rid of, rather than trying to add another new thing. 

Dec 29, 202206:47
146. Be Unsurprised

146. Be Unsurprised

Being "unsurprised" this Holiday season is a great way to break cycles. You know the topics that will stir up problems. You know the family members that will do/say something a bit out in left field. So be unsurprised by that, and take your power back. 

Dec 23, 202205:46
145. Ditching Traditions

145. Ditching Traditions

Holiday traditions can be lots of fun, but they can also be a huge headache. When the downsides and costs of continuing a tradition outweighs the benefits, it is time to move on. In this episode we talk about why and how this happens. 

Dec 15, 202209:02
144. Live from the Traffic Jam

144. Live from the Traffic Jam

I come to you for this very special episode live from a traffic jam to put into practice the SOFAR model that we have discussed on previous episodes! Let’s take a look at this real world example of implementing the model.
Dec 08, 202212:10
143. Myths about Gender Affirming Care

143. Myths about Gender Affirming Care

There are a LOT of myths and straight up lies that have been circulating for a long time about gender affirming care. So today we are setting the record straight with facts and studies, not fear and hunches. 

Dec 01, 202214:27
142. The Science of Gratitude

142. The Science of Gratitude

We hear all the time about how gratitude can improve our mood, but did you know it can also improve your physical health? The psychological principles behind why this happens are fascinating. Check it out on this week's Thanksgiving episode!

Nov 24, 202205:47
141. They Might Be Happier

141. They Might Be Happier

Today we address a commonly held belief amongst many religious groups, political parties, businesses, etc - that a person will not be able to be truly happy if they leave the group. It's a dangerous belief that not only harms the person leaving, but can seriously limit our own happiness as well. 

Nov 17, 202209:30
140. Origins of Anger

140. Origins of Anger

Where does anger come from? Why do we feel it so intensely? Is it good or bad? Is it always a secondary emotions? There are a lot of questions to explore about anger on today's episode. 

Nov 10, 202206:58
139. Empaths 101

139. Empaths 101

Have you ever wondered why empaths seem to only take on the "negative" emotions around them, rather than attune to all the people with more positive emotions they meet? In this episode we talk all about empaths,  where this skill comes from, and why they are more likely to take on other people's sadness, distress, etc, rather than people's happiness or joy. 

Nov 03, 202206:48
138. You Got it Wrong

138. You Got it Wrong

We all get it wrong sometimes. The most common seems to be when we project our views, understandings, opinions, cultures, etc, onto other people. It helps reduce a lot of conflict and stress when you just communicate with someone about a perceived wrongdoing rather than assume they did it intentionally. 

Oct 27, 202206:11
137. TikTok Lied to You

137. TikTok Lied to You

TikTok and other social media have done a great job at increasing the amount we talk about mental health and therapy. Unfortunately, that has also increased the amount of false information about mental health and therapy. And considering GenZ use TikTok to search for information more than Google, that leads to a lot of incorrect and dangerous self-diagnosing. 

Oct 20, 202206:57
136. Validation 101

136. Validation 101

In this episode we dive into why validation is so important to us, how we so often get it wrong, and offer tips on how to do it better. Learning how to better validate people's emotions (including your own) can be a key step in improving overall mental health!

Oct 13, 202205:47
135. Gaslighting 101

135. Gaslighting 101

Gaslighting has become a very popular phrase to be thrown around during arguments, but most of the time I hear it being used, it is being used incorrectly. Gaslighting is not just lying or remembering events differently. In this episode we discuss exactly what gaslighting is, what it is not, and how you can tell the difference. 

Oct 06, 202206:17
134. No More Excuses

134. No More Excuses

If you've ever heard someone say "Well that's just how I am because I'm from New York" or "I'm a Scorpio so I can't help it" or anything like that, to justify misbehavior or mistreating other people, we need to put a stop to that. No more excuses. 

Sep 29, 202205:38