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Bedtime Bible Boys

Bedtime Bible Boys


A series of nightly recordings enveloping the pleasure of my life - Learning about our father with my sons.

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Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 The Law Points To A Savior

Bedtime Bible BoysApr 26, 2022

Matthew Chapter 10 Sending Out the Disciples Part 3

Matthew Chapter 10 Sending Out the Disciples Part 3

Tough reading on this episode, but we get through it and find encouragement and hope in what the Lord Jesus had to tell his disciples as he finished sending them off. 

Feb 15, 202316:38
Matthew Chapter 10 Sending Out the Disciples Part 2

Matthew Chapter 10 Sending Out the Disciples Part 2

Tonight we read the details Jesus gave the disciples concerning the mistreatment they would face as they went through Israel and gave the commission for which He sent them. We concluded that standing firm to the end was a message for the disciples at that time, and an encouraging promise for them and not a threat to our right standing with God through the work of Jesus Christ. 

Feb 08, 202319:11
Matthew Chapter 10 Sending Out the Disciples Part 1

Matthew Chapter 10 Sending Out the Disciples Part 1

The Lord offers his first commission to His disciples in this reading. We discuss what was unique about this first commission, what message they were supposed to carry and miracles they were to provide. This episode helps setup the context for the remaining instruction the disciples would receive. Jesus finishes with this - be innocent. Don't get entangled in improper places and behaviors. 

Feb 07, 202319:22
Matthew Chapter 9 Invitation to the Harvest

Matthew Chapter 9 Invitation to the Harvest

Maybe nature to our flesh, or perhaps nurtured legalism but it can be very easy to read the things Jesus had to say to the people He was talking to in the time period He was talking to them and assume that He was meaning to continuously reprimand us for some recent behavior. In this reading we see Jesus give the invitation to those who are willing to join Him in the harvesting of followers and we discuss how we believe Jesus is often comforting those he was speaking to and inviting them - not threatening and discouraging them. 

Feb 01, 202316:57
Matthew Chapter 9 Divine Interruption

Matthew Chapter 9 Divine Interruption

We continue our reading through Matthew chapter 9 and see Jesus, between miracles, having time for the people who came to Him. It reminds us that He always has time for us while challenging us to find time for those around us. We call these "divine interruptions" and they are gifts even though we often think of them as nuisances. 

Jan 31, 202315:17
Matthew Chapter 9 Always Your Father

Matthew Chapter 9 Always Your Father

Tonight we where Jesus told those questioning Him that His disciples were practicing a new wine - they weren't putting new patches on old clothes (mixing what Jesus had to bring with the old covenant) they were having a relationship with Him - the Father. We conclude with an affirmation to the children that all they did to be children is be born. After having been born they are always my children, no matter what. 

Jan 27, 202316:36
Matthew Chapter 9 Eating with Sinners

Matthew Chapter 9 Eating with Sinners

The theme for the next few episodes - Jesus is kind to those who can recognize faith in Him as their source, and he is more challenging to those who want to rely on their own righteous efforts. Tonight we explore this as Jesus is criticized by the religious leaders for eating with sinners. 

Jan 26, 202321:31
Matthew Chapter 9 Jesus Heals the Paralytic

Matthew Chapter 9 Jesus Heals the Paralytic

I had a great conversation with a friend tonight, he was very skeptical of healing. I understand why someone would be - we don't always get the healing we want and it's far easier to conclude that God no longer heals then it is to conclude that we lack the faith to receive. We are not claiming one or the other in all circumstances just that when you, and those around you have great faith and act on it the bible records Jesus as responding to this type of faith. Tonight's well known story about the paralytic is no different. 

Jan 25, 202313:43
Matthew Chapter 8 Jesus Miraculous Power

Matthew Chapter 8 Jesus Miraculous Power

In this chapter we find ourselves reveling when we consider the miraculous powers of Jesus and consider that our best option is to respond in faith. 

Jan 20, 202319:15
Matthew Chapter 8 Power of (One) Word

Matthew Chapter 8 Power of (One) Word

One word can have a lasting effect. It's one reason we should choose our words wisely and with thought. If our words offer encouragement then they can change the course of a life. In this episode we discuss the power of Jesus' one word to heal followed up with a discussion as to why it was not wise or well thought out to tell Christ, "I will follow you wherever you go." When I was a child (maybe 7 years old) I once told my Dad I could run faster than his truck - he raced me down the street and I lost bad. I learned I wasn't as impressive as I thought. Jesus uses this tact as well.

Jan 17, 202313:04
Matthew Chapter 8 Roman Centurions Faith

Matthew Chapter 8 Roman Centurions Faith

We continue in Matthews Chapter 8 with the story of a gentile - a Roman leader - demonstrating faith that Christ has dominion over everything: effectively calling Him God. It was easier for a gentile, someone who never felt an obligation to the law, to see this then it was many of Christs' Hebrew followers. 

Jan 10, 202313:44
Matthew Chapter 8 Leprosy Cured by Faith

Matthew Chapter 8 Leprosy Cured by Faith

This is a fun episode that we only wish we would have published earlier. If you can't recall the conversations we have been having concerning the meaning of the sermon on the mount, go back and listen to those episodes. If you found Jesus' first proclamation in the beatitudes "blessed are the low in spirit" to be confusing, then this chapter will clear up exactly what the means. Possibly the only person who really left the sermon feeling blessed was a leper who certainly had every reason to be low in spirit. 

Jan 09, 202312:55
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 7 Judging, Knocking, Entering

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 7 Judging, Knocking, Entering

Sorry for the long break. Tonight, we continue Jesus' discussion with the people as recorded in Matthew and what He had to say concerning seeking truth, seeking God. 

Jan 06, 202314:41
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Seeking HIS Righteousness

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Seeking HIS Righteousness

What does it mean to seek HIS righteousness? Often times we see Christians pursuing their righteousness and not HIS. Christ instructed us in the sermon on the mount to pursue the perfect and holy righteousness of God if we wanted to live without worry. How we could ever actually accomplish this - He doesn't tell us but we discuss how, and it is more restful than one would think. Come join. 

Sep 14, 202219:52
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Fasting and Money

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Fasting and Money

What do fasting and money have in common? Both can be outright corrupt when the Heart of our father is not the centerpiece of our efforts and desires. Jesus speaks to this during the sermon on the mount and we unpack it as a family with a few fun tangents on things like moths and mothballs. 

Sep 13, 202213:36
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Forgiven or Forgive To Be Forgiven

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Forgiven or Forgive To Be Forgiven

Jesus left modern-day Christians a difficult verse in Chapter 6:15 and 16 when he said, "Forgive others and be forgiven, but if you will not forgive others then God will not forgive you". In this episode we take and defend the position that Christ was not giving statutes on how to be forgiven and remain saved as a believer but that he was again setting a bar, or standard using the Law and God's perfection to show the people that they could not live up to His holy standard and that this would ultimately turn the zealous and earnest heart towards their need for God's mercy. 

Sep 08, 202218:57
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Purpose of the Sermon on The Mount

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 Purpose of the Sermon on The Mount

Tonight we followed up our history lesson with a quick review of how understanding the history helps us understand the purpose of the sermon Jesus gave and how it can be applied towards the peace that comes with understanding eternal security through all that He was able to accomplish. We look forward to getting back on track and finish up chapter 6 in the next episode. 

Aug 31, 202214:02
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 The Importance of Context

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 The Importance of Context

In this episode we take a pause in going forward with the Sermon on the Mount in order to review the history of the Jewish people and gain an appreciation for who Jesus would have been teaching and how they would have heard what Jesus was saying. So often we get conceited enough to think that everything Jesus said was directed to us, when, although I am confident the Spirit can work through scripture to reveal things to us in our present lives, He was actually speaking to other people. Context is important, and even during the last few episodes we have lost the sense of context in an effort to apply what Jesus said to our exact scenario here and now. Let's discuss what He meant there and then. 

Aug 31, 202238:07
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 For Him or For Show

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 6 For Him or For Show

Tonight we discuss the idea of leading a spiritual life to impress other people versus doing it as a natural response to the Spirit in us and to have a deeper relationship with our Father. We conclude the scripture portion with the Lord's prayer and get into a discussion on eternal security. It is a little choppy and out of place, but we had to leave it in as a good segway into the next recording. 

Aug 29, 202211:21
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 5 Turn Your Cheek

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 5 Turn Your Cheek

Jesus gives us another impossible task in this reading tonight concerning turning the other cheek and loving your enemies and those we persecute you. When we apply how Jesus behaved during the injustices that were done against Him, then we can see that he meant the principles literally under the old law and that to receive the kingdom of heaven they would have to be done perfectly - which of course He did. We discuss a few applications into how the spirit of this perfection can overflow into far less perfect actions as we mature throughout our lives. 

Aug 25, 202218:26
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 5 Let Your Yes Be Yes

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 5 Let Your Yes Be Yes

In this episode we what Jesus had to say about gouging out eyes, divorce, and speaking with integrity. We still reached the conclusion that only Jesus can perfectly do the things of which He spoke, but that we can still apply them to our life as a weapon against the ultimate plans of sin in our lives. 

Aug 25, 202216:29
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 5 Intro to Sermon on the Mount

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 5 Intro to Sermon on the Mount

This is an introduction episode to Jesus giving the sermon on the mount. We discuss the purpose of the sermon and interpretations of forgiveness and God's will and finish off by a life application of straining to be reconciled to your brothers and sisters. 

Aug 24, 202223:02
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 4 Fishing For People

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 4 Fishing For People

On this night we read and discussed what it meant to follow respond to the call of Jesus to follow Him and concern our interests with the interests of the Father. 

Aug 23, 202217:24
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 4 Jesus' Temptation

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 4 Jesus' Temptation

Tonight we read about Jesus being tempted in the desert and Brock gives us some thought inspiration as to why Jesus was tempted in the way he was. This period of Jesus life, marked the beginning of his ministry and what he accomplished for us was life giving. Ultimately Jesus proved the word correct, "resist the devil and he will flee from you."

Aug 09, 202215:15
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 4 The Baptism of Jesus

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 4 The Baptism of Jesus

Why would Jesus choose to be baptized? In this episode we read the end of Matthew chapter 4 and discuss this question. Come enjoy with us. 

Aug 08, 202213:39
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 3 John's Baptism

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 3 John's Baptism

In this episode we discuss the baptism of John the baptist. Where did baptism come from originally? What was different about John's baptism? And why did John's baptism vex the Jewish religious leadership at the time? We answer these questions and more, and begin to discuss what application the baptism of John (in water) has for the life of a believer in the new covenant. 

Aug 03, 202215:29
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 2 The Wise Men's Conviction

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 2 The Wise Men's Conviction

Join us tonight as we share the often error filled story of the wise men's visit to Jesus. His majesty and the truth of the prophecies concerning him can inspire us just as they did the Magi from the east. 

Aug 01, 202213:44
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 2 Joseph's Blessing

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 2 Joseph's Blessing

Last episode we talked about the curse within Joseph's bloodline. In this episode we discuss how the fire he had to walk through was not an easy one, but how the Lord gave him everything he would need to endure it and as a consequence Joseph enjoyed a blessing as a father than no other man on this earth will ever know. Be courageous in the fires that await you - God is with you. 

Jul 07, 202216:15
Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 1 Christ's Prophetic Lineage

Bedtime Bible Boys Matthew Chapter 1 Christ's Prophetic Lineage

We took a snap turn into the book of Matthew tonight in an effort to recenter our hope on grace. We have enjoyed the Old Testament very much, but it just seemed the right time to take a break from judgement prophecy and record through the New Testament starting with the first gospel. This first chapter allows us to take a look at some controversial prophecy involved in Christ's birth and challenges the reader to accept Him for precisely who He is - the son of God. 

Jun 30, 202218:06
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 21 Listen While Your Prospering

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 21 Listen While Your Prospering

The Father challenges us with a great lesson in Jeremiah chapter 21, which is to listen while you are still enjoying peace and prosperity. Do not wait for the natural consequences of sin to take hold of your life and torture you. Listen to Him while you are still prosperous and limit the entry opportunities of Satan and his kingdom into your life. We love our Father, the time is now. 

Jun 21, 202215:10
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 20 Applying Christ to Jeremiah

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 20 Applying Christ to Jeremiah

In this episode and chapter we talk about responding to the movement of the Spirit inside you as well as slowing down to capture how life under the new covenant in Christ is different than what the Israelites would have faced during the old covenant in the law. This is a special episode to me, I enjoyed recording it and publishing it. 

Jun 09, 202212:32
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 20 Fire Inside The Bones

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 20 Fire Inside The Bones

Jeremiah uniquely describes what it feels when the Spirit of the Lord starts compelling us from within, like a fire inside our bones that won't be put out until we move without regard for who it offends - even if it means doing something fear to do. 

Jun 08, 202211:27
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 18 The Potter's Clay

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 18 The Potter's Clay

Tonight we continued through the book of Jeremiah, fast-forwarding to chapter 18 where we are provided with the analogy of being clay and allowing God to be the potter. Clay is compliant to what the potter does, it does not argue or rebel and because it allows the potter to form it - it ultimately becomes a new creation of clay into something beautiful. 

Jun 06, 202218:28
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 13 While We Were Still Sinners

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 13 While We Were Still Sinners

We see Jeremiah's obedience to the Lord's instruction and shades of new covenant foreshadowing when the Lord takes dirty rags to tie around his waist. In Christ we have a Father who saved us while we were still sinners, and if He saved us while we were sinners and there was nothing beautiful in us then surely He will secure us to Himself. 

May 13, 202212:37
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 12 Everlasting Compassion

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 12 Everlasting Compassion

We start this episode of capturing one of the discussions we would normally edit out. For some reason it was on our heart to talk about this and share it with our listeners and hope to encourage some that if others are speaking poorly of you, and slandering you with gossip - take heart, for Christ has overcome this fallen world and your identity and value is derived from Him and not from what others say out of the overflow of hurt in the heart. We finish with a reminder of God's long suffering, patience and everlasting compassion as He promises to bring his children back to their inheritance. 

May 11, 202212:40
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 11 Correction Continued

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 11 Correction Continued

Tonight we focus on yearning for correction from our Father. When we know we are doing His work, we don't have to fear the things of this world but these passages give reason for fear, especially before the covenant paid for in Christ. Jeremiah offers another prayer of correction showing us a way to get back in step with the work of the Father. 

May 11, 202211:44
Bedtime Bible Boys Ch 10 Praying for Correction

Bedtime Bible Boys Ch 10 Praying for Correction

In one of the shortest episodes to date, we somehow pack in a light discussion before getting into Jeremiah's prayer to the Lord that he would correct him with justice. Jeremiah shows an earnestness of heart that is good for us to follow, that even when it involves discipline and refinement and discomfort we press in to what the Lord has to help us grow. 

May 10, 202208:24
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 10 Rejecting Idols

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 10 Rejecting Idols

In tonight's episode we are reminded that it is our Father's desire that we would come to Him as the source of our hope, trust, and fulfilment, and that our worship would be reserved for He alone. So gripping is the conversation that Brock fall's fast asleep with audible snores. (Laughs) He is a good kid. 

May 05, 202210:28
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 9 Fathering, Flesh, Identity and Taxes

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 9 Fathering, Flesh, Identity and Taxes

This is really a special episode with a poetic ending. I am sto proud of this moment I was able to share with Tre in the last minute of this episode. But on to The Word - it is so inspired that even on the 9th straight chapter of prophecies involving pain and suffering to the Israelites we still are able to find pearls and gems as we open the word and learn about fathering, flesh life versus spirit life, our identity in Christ - and a tangent on taxes. Enjoy. 

Apr 28, 202214:25
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 9 Acknowledge The Lord

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 9 Acknowledge The Lord

In the midst of our sin, our father asks us to acknowledge Him. For his benefit? Yes, He loves us But much more for our benefit. 

Apr 27, 202213:60
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 The Law Points To A Savior

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 The Law Points To A Savior

Please forgive us for the long time since we've had a release. Between some events, some general illnesses and a couple surgeries we have been out of sync in recording, editing, and producing. But we haven't fell behind in reading the word every night. This recording was completed about a month before it's production date and we enjoy a long intro trying to get to the point that the Law fulfills its purpose when we become aware that a savior is our only chance. This leads us to a journey of entering into a dependent relationship on the finished work of Jesus Christ and living actively with Him and the Spirit in us. 

Apr 26, 202210:36
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 Repentant Spirit

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 Repentant Spirit

We had a hard time finding a title for this episode. It seems like we have been on the consequence of sin and the importance of repentance for a while here in Jeremiah. I suppose it is a message the Lord really wanted to get through. What we can remember to give us hope in our pursuit of a closer relationship with Him, is that the chains that hold us back have already been broken by Christ and that with Him we have what it takes to run that pursuit hard while having the knowledge of knowing that we will win. 

Apr 06, 202215:27
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 Are We A Blessed Nation?

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 8 Are We A Blessed Nation?

The Lord gives Jeremiah a difficult message to give the Israelites in this chapter, but forewarns the prophet that the people will neither listen to him nor change their ways. In the end we ask ourselves: do our nations, our communities, our households have similar behaviors in conduct to the people of Jeremiah's time? And can we reasonably expect to be held as a blessed nation based on those answers. It's a challenge and one that we can reign in with the help of a life led by Christ. 

Apr 05, 202209:56
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 7 Den of Robbers

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 7 Den of Robbers

Tonight we see Jeremiah prophecy in two ways: one directly to the people of Israel during his time and one as words that Jesus will say when he sees the temple corrupted during his life. What we take from this, is that we enter time with Him we should not do so as a liar or a thief, but as a child who knows that we need his grace and mercy. 

Mar 31, 202208:38
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 6 Spiritual Refinement

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 6 Spiritual Refinement

Jeremiah gives us an illustration of hardened hearts in the people of Judah. This challenges us to maintain hearts of clay, open ears to what the Lord may have to tell us. This may mean refining by fire but we know that if the Lord has something for us that requires fire, then he has something better for us we couldn't otherwise have on the other side. Join us for a fun conversation as we read Chapter 6 in Jeremiah. 

Mar 29, 202216:23
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 6 Rest for Yours Souls

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 6 Rest for Yours Souls

Tonight we let the kids read the word which serves two purposes: it allows the word to speak for itself rather than us speaking for it, and it offers the sweet sounds of a child reading with a childlike faith. As we get older the stress and difficulty and condemnation of this life can put us in a constant state of work, fear, and anxiety. In this chapter, Jeremiah offers words from the Father which parallel those of Christ that when we follow Him (the good way) we find rest for our souls. 

Mar 29, 202209:56
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 5 Blessings Given in the Light

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 5 Blessings Given in the Light

Tonight, we have finally edited an episode after a pretty long break. There has been no shortage of things to mend our time during this pause and to our nightly listeners we apologize but of course the aim of this broadcast is to present the word in such a format that encourages listeners to connect with the young people in your life by leading a similar thing in your household and grow in your relationship with the Father. Enjoy this episode in Jeremiah where we are reminded of a simple principle about receiving blessings. 

Mar 25, 202211:42
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 5 For The Sake Of One

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 5 For The Sake Of One

We rewind the Old Testament clock and read a story from Genesis where Abraham challenges the mercy of God as this passage in Jeremiah reminds us of the mercy God has for even one honest heart. We relate it to leaving the 99 to save the 1, in the New Testament and remember that we are and will always be the righteous one because we received that identity from and through the only righteous one - Jesus Christ. 

Mar 03, 202213:10
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 4 Misunderstanding the Good News

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 4 Misunderstanding the Good News

It happened in the old and it happened in the new, sometimes our understanding of the good news is limited and it's easy to see it only through the lens of our worldview. It's important to remember that God doesn't share that worldview and is not constrained to seeing one single point on the spectrum of time. In this episode we see that the Israelites expected one thing, and got another just like the Pharisees. 

Mar 02, 202215:19
Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 3 Merciful God

Bedtime Bible Boys Jeremiah Ch 3 Merciful God

In tonight's episode we discuss the statutes related to the overwhelming mercy our father has for us as His children. Remembering that there is no sin greater than can be redeemed by the blood of Christ is the New Testament version of this mercy, and nothing can undo his work. 

Mar 01, 202214:08