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Toby Yo The Lifestyle Journey Podcast

Toby Yo The Lifestyle Journey Podcast

By Toby Yo

This is all about truth. I've created this podcast to capture and share this lifestyle journey I am on.
Seeking the truth and living authentically. Connecting with the Self as we explore this existence!
You can expect me to go deep into: Spirituality, Biohacking, health, fitness, training and anything that is real to me.
Get ready to Learn and Grow with me on this journey!
Currently playing episode

#1 VanLife | Lessons: Challenge your own Beliefs. Free yourself from yourself. Embrace Change.

Toby Yo The Lifestyle Journey PodcastAug 28, 2022

Soul Source Waters | Toby Yo & Stivan Yovchev

Soul Source Waters | Toby Yo & Stivan Yovchev

Join us for a deep soul chat! (528hz background music)

As we dive deep into the dream, health, nature, life, water, seasons, balance and the beautiful vision unfolding.

If you have any questions or would love to join our upcoming event this SUNday message me or Stivan!

Big Love to you my brother Stivan for being who you are and co-creating the dream

Thank you for listening!

May 27, 202401:07:36
The SEARCH | This is where I am at (2023)

The SEARCH | This is where I am at (2023)

Today I feel called to share deeply about my internal struggles. The search I'm on for something more. The despair I have fallen into. 


Toby Yo

Mar 07, 202326:46
ZENCLEANZ | The WHY (Interview: Founder Daniel Li Ox)

ZENCLEANZ | The WHY (Interview: Founder Daniel Li Ox)

I hope you enjoy this interview with Daniel Li Ox. For me this chat was very insightful and inspiring. I'm currently on day ONE of the gut cleanse and beginning a cleansing period for the next 30 days.   

We go deep into the life changing power of these enzymes. 

The WHY behind ZenCleanz and Daniels vision.  

How my allergies healed from the liver flush.  

The 2 New Cleanses: FLOW Blood & Lymph + INSPIRE Lungs.  

And so much more! So very grateful for these cleanses and ZenCleanz which has really changed my life.   

*** This is my affiliate link which will provide an automatic discount:   

Thank you for all your support on this journey.  

Blessings, Toby Yo

Feb 06, 202301:06:21
RANT | Let's Go Deep

RANT | Let's Go Deep

Just recorded myself speaking quite passionately about what is important to me right now. What I see in the world. Changes need to be made. First withinb ourselves and then outside. Taking our power back.

Peace & Love,

Toby Yo 

Oct 19, 202210:32
#1 VanLife | Lessons: Challenge your own Beliefs. Free yourself from yourself. Embrace Change.

#1 VanLife | Lessons: Challenge your own Beliefs. Free yourself from yourself. Embrace Change.

This is a raw solo episode I recorded while in my van parked deep in nature. Having some big breakthroughs and realisations. 

Feels good to record and share this with you

Aug 28, 202224:58
#47 | Repeating Thought Loops, Anxiety, Overthinking.

#47 | Repeating Thought Loops, Anxiety, Overthinking.

Sharing what has been going on in my mind recently. How I'm moving through it. Awareness. 

Another stage of the journey

Jun 04, 202207:53
#46 The Journey Unfolding | Leaving Home, New Van, Change, Letting Go, New Beginnings
Mar 29, 202219:27
ZenCleanZ | Detoxing with Enzymes, Autophagy on Steroids, (Full Interview with Founder Daniel Li Ox)
Feb 11, 202201:11:17
2022 | My intention

2022 | My intention

Hey Fam,

It has been a slow start to this year for me. I feel like I'm still finding my footing. This is my intention for this year. I am excited to see where following this path leads me. 



Jan 21, 202214:03
#45 LIFE | VALUES. VIRTUES. (Staying true to yourself)

#45 LIFE | VALUES. VIRTUES. (Staying true to yourself)

Hey fam

Last podcast for this crazy year 2021!

This is one of the most important lessons I've learned in my life. It is a daily practice. Life long practice and journey. 

Finding what resonates with your being and holding your virtues close. 

Much love, Happy new year, All the blessing to you, See you next year on this podcast! 

Toby Yo 

Dec 27, 202118:36
REVIVIFY HEALTH | Supplements, Biohacking, Health (Stefan Filippo)

REVIVIFY HEALTH | Supplements, Biohacking, Health (Stefan Filippo) 

(Discount Code: Tobyyo) 

Detailed Show notes on everything we spoke about + Links to products and supplements: 

Thank you for listening & supporting Love Toby Yo 

Nov 15, 202151:55
My experience: 10-day Silent Vipassana

My experience: 10-day Silent Vipassana

I just got back! This is my full experience of the 10-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat. It was a huge challenge and struggle. 10 days silence. 11+ hours a day of meditation. No stimulations. It's a deep journey within the mind and body. Really took me some places. I'm excited to see how this unfolds.

I'll free flow this podcast and let what comes comes.
I hope you get value from listening to my experience. 

Oct 17, 202131:07


This is what the lifestyle is all about 

Oct 04, 202113:15
How I am Handling my Mind

How I am Handling my Mind

Peace of mind is what I crave. Stillness. Rest when I'm resting. Switch it on when I need it. Switch it off when I'm done. For most of my life my mind has been running at full speed. Rarely switching off. This is how I'm handling it and working to be teammates with it. 

Hope this may help. 

Sep 17, 202107:53
Therapy. Vulnerability. Come Back.

Therapy. Vulnerability. Come Back.

Reflections. Real talk. What is natural. Finding our truth. Being you. 

Sep 09, 202119:24
Reflections | When your mind is in a muddle

Reflections | When your mind is in a muddle

I woke up in a muddle today. This is me unravelling my racing mind. 

Aug 27, 202109:34
Key #1 | BALANCE

Key #1 | BALANCE

BALANCE. Feel so good about sharing this podcast with you. This has been one of the new lessons I've learnt. It's everywhere in life. It is part of our journey to self mastery.


Toby Yo

Aug 17, 202116:49
#37 Mushroom Journey | Going Deep, Psychedelics, Healing

#37 Mushroom Journey | Going Deep, Psychedelics, Healing

Really felt the call to share a bit about my recent journey. Offer some guidance for those of you that also have chosen to walk this path.
I honour you.

Hope this may be of service. If you need anything or want to connect please feel free to reach out to me via Instagram: @tobyyo01

Mush love ;) 

Toby Yo

Jul 27, 202126:18
#36 | Times of change. Building new.

#36 | Times of change. Building new.

My new website!

Lots coming up! 

Jul 04, 202111:04
#35 SPIRIT | Finding Flow, Listening, Trusting
Jun 07, 202116:21
#34 Facing the discomfort, Ceremonies, Stillness

#34 Facing the discomfort, Ceremonies, Stillness

May was a huge month. So many ups and downs. I found myself sitting in the worst feelings I've ever felt. Coming through to the other side and learning some valuable lessons. Remembering more.
Sharing from the heart. Letting spirit Flow. Loving the journey of life. 

May 30, 202114:29
#34 Facing Stress, Anxiety, Life Challenges, Being Honest with Yourself

#34 Facing Stress, Anxiety, Life Challenges, Being Honest with Yourself

I find myself going through repeating cycles of highs followed by periods of lows filled with stress, anxiety and so much inner turmoil taking me away from fully living life. I'm exploring it deeper and I will find a way. 

May 09, 202119:28


"All disease begins in the gut"
Today I hope to provide you with the energy and knowledge to better take care of your body and in particular your gut health!

For those who want to get anything I've been talking about. This is where I buy my biohacking supplements from.

Love to you all

Toby Yo

Apr 05, 202124:59
PART 1: Beginning Your Inner Journey! (Where we are at now)

PART 1: Beginning Your Inner Journey! (Where we are at now)

It all starts building up... and if left unchecked we'll reach a tipping point. I've hit so many points in life already where I've wanted to throw in the towel and just fk it and leave it all behind. It seems to be more and more common these days.
All I want to do right now is share exactly how it is for me. The ups and downs. And keep it real and authentic so you can follow my journey and see whats real no faking life. 

Love to you all,

Toby Yo

Mar 23, 202121:27
#31 BIOHACKING & HEALTH | Longevity, Essential Health Supplements (Longevity Expert Peter Kahler)
Feb 23, 202133:07
#30 MIND | What I'm Working On, Overcoming Negative Thoughts!

#30 MIND | What I'm Working On, Overcoming Negative Thoughts!

I'm aware of the old negative thoughts that have been undermining my life for years. Hijacking my mind and putting me in a state of constant noise and stress. I'm now working on accepting this, and flowing with it to transform these thought patterns to work for me. Instead of clouding my mind and taking me away from what is important and right now!

Feb 04, 202113:43
#29 EXPERIENCE | Ayahuasca and Life with Cam Emett

#29 EXPERIENCE | Ayahuasca and Life with Cam Emett

Special Guest interview talking about the experience of Ayahuasca in Peru. 

Jan 28, 202151:59
#28 JOURNEY | Trips, Plant Medicines, Lessons!

#28 JOURNEY | Trips, Plant Medicines, Lessons!

Reflecting and sharing personal lessons and messages I got last year through my seeking and journeying! 


Jan 16, 202113:45
#27 LIFE | My Search For Meaning (2021)

#27 LIFE | My Search For Meaning (2021)

It has been a pretty intense last few weeks. Mind has been going crazy with thoughts. Today I want to share them with you. And some things I have learnt or going to try out.

Currently trying to be more selfless and live in service. Accept life exactly how it is.



Jan 08, 202122:04
#26 LIFE | FOMO, Traps, Challenges, Commit to Life! (End of 2020)

#26 LIFE | FOMO, Traps, Challenges, Commit to Life! (End of 2020)

Last podcast of the year! 

Reflecting on this years lessons, realisations, challenges and all the juicy experiences.

This is been the most internally challenging year of my life. Even though externally everything was perfect... So strange.

All part of the Journey :)

Dec 28, 202027:50
#25 JOURNEY | Life Lessons, Ceremony, Connection & Remembering

#25 JOURNEY | Life Lessons, Ceremony, Connection & Remembering

Sharing openly some realisations, thoughts and lessons I've come to recently.
Through seeking, life and the beautiful experience of life. 

Peace & Love,

Dec 04, 202024:34
#24 BIOHACKING | Sleep of the GODS!

#24 BIOHACKING | Sleep of the GODS!

A solo podcast where we can all geek out on sleep!
Optimise sleep, time in bed, energy, restfulness and all that good shit!
Hope this helps. I've put everything I know into this short podcast
Oct 30, 202022:03
#23 SELF | Relationships, Intimacy, Self Love (Ester Zazzaro)

#23 SELF | Relationships, Intimacy, Self Love (Ester Zazzaro)

Something different. Raw chat with Ester.
An embodiment empath and intimacy coach. This is some inner work I have been doing. 

Much Love

Oct 25, 202049:23
#22 JOURNEY | A Tough Trip & Realisation of Myself

#22 JOURNEY | A Tough Trip & Realisation of Myself

Sharing a big realisation and reminder for life. 

It's easy to get caught up in all of the noise of the world and fall into expectations. 

This trip really helped me a lot. 

Sep 30, 202016:28
#21 JOURNEY | Huge Change, Flow, Free Fall, Letting go to Life

#21 JOURNEY | Huge Change, Flow, Free Fall, Letting go to Life

So much huge change happening right now. 

Life is one crazy journey. It's fun to not know what is next. This is the best part! 

Sep 10, 202013:48
#20 LIFE | Change, Struggles, Uncomfortable Energy, Finding Myself!

#20 LIFE | Change, Struggles, Uncomfortable Energy, Finding Myself!

Sharing all parts of the journey. Recently times have been tough. But that is ok. It's all part of it. This is how I'm living and riding the wave.
It's all just life.

Love you all,


Aug 30, 202012:42
#19 LIFE | Feeling unworthy, Being ok with it
Aug 21, 202013:52
#18 LIFESTYLE | Challenge yourself, Fuck the Comfort Zone!
Aug 11, 202015:36
#17 THE JOURNEY | My Intention, Changes, Letting Go to LIFE

#17 THE JOURNEY | My Intention, Changes, Letting Go to LIFE

Opening up raw and real. I've been experiencing huge life changes this last month. I feel like I'm really in free fall and have no idea where life is taking me. It's fun, scary but overall NOW is the best time of my life! I'll be sharing more on this journey as time goes on!

Peace & Love,

Toby Yo 

Aug 07, 202019:18
#16 TRUTH TALKS | Energy, Frequency, Water, Health, Vegan, TRUTH (Chris The WOLF Delaney)
Jul 17, 202001:58:23
#15 LIFE | This is what I do
Jul 10, 202015:07
I invite you into the depths of my MIND, LIFE & SOUL
Jun 19, 202018:51
#13 BIOHACKING | The crazy lengths we go to optimise ourselves! Is there a limit? (Mark Curry - Savvy Beverage)

#13 BIOHACKING | The crazy lengths we go to optimise ourselves! Is there a limit? (Mark Curry - Savvy Beverage)

This was so much fun speaking this crazy language of extremes, health and life with a fellow biohacker!  We could have gone on all day! But did our best to keep it crispy and fun! 

It's great to support local Australian businesses doing the right thing!

Discount Code: TOBYYO

I hope you enjoy this one

Jun 12, 202001:47:06
#12 NOOTROPICS | Smart Drugs, Microdosing, Enhance (Daniel Stone from Neuratech)
Jun 02, 202059:40
#11 PEP-TALK | Biohacking, Health Peptide Talk with Nutritionist Kyal Van Der Leest

#11 PEP-TALK | Biohacking, Health Peptide Talk with Nutritionist Kyal Van Der Leest

Get BPC-157: (Discount: TOBYYO) Show notes: Kyal Van Der Leest is a Nutritional therapist and student Naturopath. Today he discusses healing peptides like BPC-157, and a variety of other health topics from Biohacking, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Supplementation,  Detox, Mould Exposure, EMF’s, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Diet. 0:30 - Background; his journey from nutrition to naturopathy biohacking and beginning his supplement business. 4:00 - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) 7:34 - BPC-157 - Body Protection compound; Kyal’s experience using this peptide. What is does and how it helps? Anecdotal evidence of how it helps the body as well as mechanisms and safety of use. 19:32 - How and why his business, LVLUP Health was formed and created. 24:26 - Other Peptides. Larazatide acetate, a promising peptide for helping with coeliac disease. GHK-Cu: The cosmetic ‘barbie peptide’ for skin health, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and skin Anti-Aging, as well as collagen network formation. 27:40 - SARMs: Selective androgen receptor modulators; LDG4033, RAD140, YK11, MK677. Mechanisms, side effects, use. 32:38 - Kyal and Toby’s supplement and biohacking protocols and routines 41:00 - Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMF). 44:00 - EMF’s Mechanism of Damage on the Body and Mitigation: Magnesium L-Threonate,  Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Citrate. 52:40 - PUFAs; The worst fats that can ruin your health. How they became a staple in our diet. 1:00:15 - Diet experimentation: vegan vs carnivore diet. Pork consumption cautions. 1:06:31 - Final thoughts LVLUP Health: LVLUP Health BPC-157 Blog article w/ references: Red light panels kyal suggests: Mitogen Health:, EMR PBM: EMF effect on mould:

May 24, 202001:10:29
#10 PURPOSE | Where to Start, Finding your feet.

#10 PURPOSE | Where to Start, Finding your feet.

Short solo episode I recorded for you.
If you find yourself overwhelmed and don't know where to begin. Or just wanting to get back on track with yourself. 

May 21, 202015:44
#9 LIFESTYLE | Ironman, High Performance, State of Being! (Shelden Walker)
May 18, 202001:00:04
#8 JOURNEY | My First Kambo Ceremony Experience (Toby Yo)

#8 JOURNEY | My First Kambo Ceremony Experience (Toby Yo)

Sharing my Kambo experience from last thursday If you have any questions or feedback and want to connect find me on IG! 


May 12, 202026:05
#7 BIOHACKING | Emotions, Supplements, Hacks and Deep chats (Lucas Aoun)
May 06, 202049:52
#6 LIFESTYLE | Healing, Plant Medicine, Kundalini & More! (Dr Maheer)

#6 LIFESTYLE | Healing, Plant Medicine, Kundalini & More! (Dr Maheer)

Amazing chats with Dr Maheer! Sharing a lot of his wisdom and tips for living a balanced and fulfilling life!

May 03, 202001:24:01