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Getting Through This with Tom and Scott

Getting Through This with Tom and Scott

By Tom Saunders

The podcast that's 40 years in the making, because they're both procrastinators. Comedy writer Tom Saunders and political comedian Scott Blakeman help you navigate The New Normal, which is The Old Normal for them, since their comedy careers already require that they spend huge amounts of time at home. Their show peers back into the past, stares unflinchingly at the present, and imagines a more hopeful future, with flights of fancy and many tangents as well.

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Episode 657

Getting Through This with Tom and ScottJan 09, 2024

Episode 692

Episode 692

Scott’s Paris anecdote with no mishaps yields joy not jealousy promising to end war in months
May 27, 202436:36
Episode 691

Episode 691

Paris to New York we discuss the portal from NYC to Dublin and our friends amazing reactions!
May 24, 202436:11
Episode 690

Episode 690

Scott’s appreciation of his loud neighbor may lead to his long sought Nobel Prize for Neighborliness. And Tom is also on track to be the first to win the Nobel Prize for Cleaning the Nobel Prize.
May 10, 202435:37
Episode 689

Episode 689

Tom goes back to 1887, without our soon to be completed Time Machine, to West Orange, New Jersey, where the future was invented almost 150 years. Yes, the Edison campus is preserved just as it was when the Wizard of West Orange created his wondrous inventions for all the world to see!
May 08, 202436:33
Episode 688

Episode 688

As Co-Mayor of Irving Place with Tommy, Scott proclaims the State of our Street to be strong. And Tom encourages Scott to pursue his non legal career as a lawyer without a law degree who nonetheless defends both of them from those who seek to take their self appointed, unelected roles away.
May 08, 202435:16
Episode 687

Episode 687

If anyone who is jealous of the 143 times we deserved a Nobel Prize with this podcast, and decides to file articles of impeachment against us in our roles as self appointed, unelected Co-Mayors of Irving Place, we have a simple legal strategy that you don’t even have to be a Yale lawyer to use. Although you can wear a Yale sweatshirt to court anyway.
Apr 30, 202435:34
Episode 686

Episode 686

Scott is complimented on his outerwear by two different employees at Trader Joe’s, a place that should be the role model for the world. Tom thinks that supermarket self checkout machines should talk to you and engage in casual banter.
Apr 29, 202435:60
Episode 685

Episode 685

We don’t just talk about how time seems to be flying by, we try to do something about it. And we don’t do it on the shoulders of those dreamers who came before us. But a cheerleader definitely should be able to say that she won an award on the shoulders of Greg.
Apr 23, 202435:11
Episode 684

Episode 684

In a shocking admission, Tom reveals that he routinely ignores requests to update apps online. Scott, on the other hand, earnestly clicks the Update box immediately, so he doesn’t miss out on anything. Can he influence Tom and other folks who choose not to update? No such updates required to listen to this episode.
Apr 20, 202435:11
Episode 683

Episode 683

When Scott proposes an idea to make the temperature in NYC always range from 60 to 90 degrees, Tom suggests that Scott introduce the idea at Davos. But he cautions that the rapturous ovation Scott will ultimately receive will be preceded by an uncomfortable hour punctuated by one slow clap every few minutes.
Apr 16, 202436:12
Episode 682

Episode 682

Tom drives back in time when he visits the grand old architecture of Richmond and Charleston. Then he’s back to the present when he stays at a DC hotel called the Sslamander. Scott’s intrepid research reveals that most salamanders look like a cross between a lizard and a frog. Which explains why a hotel would want to be named after them.
Apr 08, 202435:09
Episode 681

Episode 681

Tom worries that he will be chastised for “double bucket listing”, but Scott assures him, in his role as a “podcast only” lawyer, that since bucket law is nonexistent, there are no grounds for him to suffer any consequences for his bucket list wish of traveling from chilly temperatures to a balmy climate in Charleston, after already doing so in Savannah.
Apr 04, 202434:21
Episode 680

Episode 680

Now that Scott is going to bed and waking up early, does that make him 50 percent qualified to be a farmer? Tom is also an early riser these days but fears he won’t be effective feeding slop to the pigs.
Mar 30, 202436:17
Episode 679

Episode 679

Tom proposes another in our long line of inventions- this time it’s inflatable pants. Should he invest all of his assets into this idea even though no prototype exists? One thing we know for certain, on a different front, is that eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches make you feel and appear younger, which is why Scott suggests a Biden commercial showing him enjoying a PB&J with Jill.
Mar 27, 202436:06
Episode 678

Episode 678

Tom takes Scott and Ginger to dinner at the famed steakhouse Peter Luger, and it’s a dream come true for a kid from Brooklyn who had never before eaten there. Even the space age technology of the “doggie bag” was impressive, especially since Tom and Scott didn’t get into a tugging match that spilled over into the entire restaurant, with the patrons on their hands and knees vying for the precious scraps of steak that fell out of the bag during their tussle, which thankfully did not happen.
Mar 25, 202435:19
Episode 677

Episode 677

Thanks to a crumbling retaining wall at Tom’s house, Scott learns the difference between cement and concrete, and vows to share his newfound knowledge with the free world.
Mar 19, 202436:18
Episode 676

Episode 676

A trip to Kaaterskill Falls in the Catskills used to require traveling by a horse drawn carriage offering a bumpy, unpleasant ride. Now Tom zips up the Palisades Parkway in padded luxury in just 2.5 hours. Why isn’t this travel breakthrough on the front pages of every major metropolitan newspaper?
Mar 18, 202434:57
Episode 675

Episode 675

Our kind of town Chicago is, as Scott sings its praises from his visit earlier this week. Our theme is once again “time”, as Scott devises a plan to not lose an hour sleep when we set the clocks ahead. Tom tells the story of his first elevator ride ever, at Marshall Field, which we hope to rescue from the clutches of Macy’s and return to the city and its people. For that, we would happily accept two keys to the city, but in key card format or on the phone app.
Mar 15, 202436:04
Episode 674

Episode 674

Why do pundits refer to what a President says in the State of the Union speech as a “laundry list”, which is something that doesn’t exist. Plus, we would like to see a State of the Union where a couple addresses Congress about the state of their relationship, a different kind of Union, with a rebuttal after the speech by the other partner. And Scott would love to be the opening act for the speech, which he imagines would elicit hearty laughter and back slaps from both sides of the aisle.
Mar 08, 202435:41
Episode 673

Episode 673

We won’t ask you to answer a brief survey after you listen to this episode. We imagine a dystopian future where the typical survey for your Amtrak ride forces you to compose a 5,000 word answer that details your every thought as you stare out the window from Penn Station to 30th Street Station in Philadelphia.
Mar 08, 202435:07
Episode 672

Episode 672

This leap year’s February 29 didn’t make the front page headlines, but we’re thankful for the bonus extra day, which gave us the gift of time. We propose, in addition to our previous call for an eight day week, to put February 29 on your wall calendar every year. Why? It’s about time.
Mar 01, 202435:07
Episode 671

Episode 671

We slide into the baseball jersey and pants controversy, as Scott is a uniform “expert” going back more than 30 years. Will players someday ask to be traded to a team with colors they like? If the authentic jersey is so thin, will the replica jersey be made of tissue paper? Plus, how to deal with agents who go to a coffee shop after playing basketball, wearing long, baggy shorts that look like dresses?
Feb 27, 202435:17
Episode 670

Episode 670

We’re the first to propose that our nation’s Poet Laureate be elected by the voters of the US. This will necessitate a campaign with candidates reading their poetry at diners and rallies across the country, complete with negative ads.
Feb 23, 202436:15
Episode 669

Episode 669

Tom’s breaking news makes us throw out our planned scripted opening, and do an entirely improvised episode. Our second attempt to have a dinner party with Sandy and Ginger is postponed when Tom takes a nasty fall at a coffee shop. He’s happily on the mend, but the question remains. When will the dinner party actually happen?
Feb 23, 202436:22
Episode 668

Episode 668

After describing his glorious Valentine’s Day dinner with Ginger, Scott is encouraged by Tom to pitch his story to Hallmark, and ask for more money than anyone has before. And if they balk at that price, then quickly accept even less than their original offer. Plus, we reintroduce our idea that most films should be 15 minutes with only happy moments, and no conflict or drama. It’s the gift of time.
Feb 16, 202435:02
Episode 667

Episode 667

The Super Bowl gives us some ideas for NFL reform. Instead of just penalties for excessive celebration after a touchdown, let’s give bonus years for a well executed end zone dance routine. Plus, let’s have a fan do color commentary since we come up with what the highly paid analysts say seconds before they do.
Feb 13, 202437:19
Episode 666

Episode 666

Scott celebrates Tom’s birthday 23 days late, but that’s how we procrastinators roll. But a fine lunch was had by all, punctuated by the lively art of conversation. One thing remote workers miss are those office birthday parties that provide copious amounts of cake on a regular basis. What if someone delivered that piece of cake to a remote worker’s apartment and what would ensue?
Feb 08, 202435:08
Episode 665

Episode 665

Tom becomes the “Einstein of Modern Dentistry” by applying his high stepping walking technique to avert trips and falls, to protecting teeth from being broken. His rubber sidewalk proposal is endorsed by The Great Pedestrian Scott, who will lend his support through full page ads in defunct magazines Life, Look and Saturday Evening Post, which we will bring back with a full staff for one issue only just to run the ad.
Feb 06, 202436:34
Episode 664

Episode 664

Instead of the predictably harried and put upon sitcom husband who hates shopping, Tom and Scott love perusing the aisles of Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, especially with their girlfriends. If Trader Joe’s ran our government, it would run incredibly efficiently, and our leaders would wear Hawaiian shirts and be super friendly and helpful.
Feb 01, 202435:02
Episode 663

Episode 663

What does a “One Sport” like Tom do at the end of his beloved football season? Spoiler Alert: He’s not going to curl up in a fetal position. And Scott angles for a sideline reporter job talking only about uniforms.
Jan 31, 202435:25
Episode 662

Episode 662

As a 20 year old student, Scott once roamed the aisles of a supermarket nervously wondering what he could make for the first dinner he had to cook for his roommates. This week, Scott made a culinary breakthrough when, thanks to Ginger’s training, he cooked a salmon dinner. Food for thought and laughter.
Jan 27, 202434:58
Episode 661

Episode 661

Once again we announce an exciting new trend. The cozy movement. Yes, cozy and comfortable are the new words to live by, especially during these cold winter months. And since cozy actually sounds like what it means, it’s easy and fun to get cozy any time of the day.
Jan 23, 202434:38
Episode 660

Episode 660

The big news in DC isn’t the deal to avert a government shutdown, but Scott’s chance encounter there with Senator Joe Manchin. But the even bigger story might be that Scott wore earmuffs for the very first time shortly before he saw the Senator and his entourage at an iconic DC hotel. There are a million more questions than answers in this exclusive, not ripped from the headlines story.
Jan 19, 202436:02
Episode 659

Episode 659

Helpful tips on what to do and what not to say, if your guests don’t recognize your Pulitzer Prize at your apartment. Plus, we propose a bold new way to hedge your bets in the unlikely event the elevator is out in your building, when you’re expecting guests for dinner. Serve a small alternative dinner party in a corner of the lobby.
Jan 17, 202436:29
Episode 658

Episode 658

Scott scoops the Times again by revealing the new acronym TGIT. Thank God it’s Thursday, which is the new weekend. And Tom gets another scoop from his fiancée about workers returning to the office. You can wait a month to read it in the Times or hear it all right now on this episode.
Jan 13, 202436:11
Episode 657

Episode 657

Tom escapes a Bonfire of the Vanities-ish detour in the Bronx, which leads us to a joyous jaunt on our soon to be completed Time Traveler machine. Yes, we’re settled into a plush circular booth at Ciro’s circa 1950’s, telling the likes of Bogart, Lombard and other stars about the future. They laugh at first, but eventually we gain their trust, and their friendship.
Jan 09, 202436:16
Episode 656

Episode 656

Does Tom’s sea cure and Scott’s Gourmet Get Well diet make them candidates to be President at Penn or Harvard? Plus, Scott has an added edge at Penn since he already owns Penn sweatshirts and T-shirts. And Tom would be the first person in his family ever to President of Harvard.
Jan 03, 202435:38
Episode 655

Episode 655

On the second day of 2024, Tom introduces a look back at the first one, which is a lot easier than going through a whole year. Scott shakes up the nutrition and health industry by rolling out his Gourmet Get Well Diet, which features fresh food and fine cuts of meat and fish, that bring you back to good health.
Jan 02, 202435:31
Episode 654

Episode 654

Scott reveals for the first time that the first time he ate Chicago’s iconic Marshall Field created Frango Mints was just last Saturday at their Christmas Eve dinner that didn’t happen because of the elevator outage. And it was well worth the wait! It’s a Chicago centric end of year episode that you should listen to an hour earlier than you usually do.
Dec 30, 202336:24
Episode 653

Episode 653

We present a very different kind of Hallmark holiday movie called The Elevator Pitch. A planned Christmas Eve dinner with Tom, Sandy, Scott and Ginger is derailed by an elevator outage in Scott and Ginger’s building. But what happens next is stuff you can make up, but no one would believe you if you did.
Dec 26, 202335:47
Episode 652

Episode 652

Tom discovers magical, space age shirts that don’t need to be ironed and even washed! But amidst that joy, Scott reveals the awkward coming of age story of the workshirt he bought in high school that turned out to be an uncool permanent press shirt.
Dec 22, 202335:42
Episode 651

Episode 651

Scott sings the praises of his new neighborhood Murray Hill, and its famed Park Avenue, and all he needs now is George Peppard’s narrow lapeled 1960’s navy suit from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Plus, our continuing Adventures in Obscurity, where we reference William Windom’s short lived “My World and Welcome To It”.
Dec 19, 202336:39
Episode 650

Episode 650

Tom’s “sea cure” miraculously returns him to good health after a 24 hour malady. But an anxious and arduous flight connection in Frankfurt threatens to undo his health and sanity.
Dec 18, 202335:45
Episode 649

Episode 649

In the first known podcast transmission from a cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea, Tom tells tales of his adventures on the high seas, including visits to Sicily, Genoa, Malta and Marseille, and how he lost his jacket and pants along the way.
Dec 13, 202335:25
Episode 648

Episode 648

In an historic throwback “two topics” episode, Scott chronicles his moving journey to a new apartment, and grapples with whether he should refer to himself as Mr. Park Avenue. Tom and Sandy prepare to take to the high seas for the second time in a month, and wonder whether the same people from the first cruise will join them on this one.
Dec 05, 202334:47
Episode 647

Episode 647

Tom and Scott see a screening and Q&A of Maestro, and they ponder becoming the new Siskel and Ebert. But cooler heads prevail, and Scott is content to sit on a hopefully not too reclining cushioned seat and remain The World’s Greatest Audience Member. And Tom prefers his non reviewer aisle seat to stretch his leg, except when the cast and director walk down the aisle
Nov 28, 202336:36
Episode 646

Episode 646

Tom’s dishwasher installation doesn’t go off without a hitch, but thanks to Tom, it’s not the end of the world! And the world owes Tom a debt of gratitude, that he will forgive.
Nov 21, 202335:22
Episode 645

Episode 645

In the process of moving, Scott discovers artifacts of procrastination, like the Johnny Carson book that he has been on page 60 for seven years, and The Power Broker where he is on page 180 out of 1147 pages. Will his new apartment inspire him to someday finish those books?
Nov 17, 202335:24
Episode 644

Episode 644

In a landmark departure from his previous belief that compelling travel stories should have elements of disaster, Tom goes from a reluctant cruise participant to a cruse aficionado and booster. And his riveting tale of his 8 day cruise to the Bahamas is a rave review.
Nov 14, 202335:49
Episode 643

Episode 643

Scott puts aside his longtime fear of being egged on Halloween, and takes an evening walk amongst crowds of costumed trick or treaters and their parents. Does that make him a trick or treater too, even though he never asked for candy from a doorman?
Nov 03, 202334:43