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Money Shifts by Tom Young.

Money Shifts by Tom Young.

By Thomas W Young

Money and how we lose it unknowingly and many times unnecessarily. Financial Mastery Coaching was created to help millions survive the financial crash that is evident. Check out and begin to realize doing the same over and over but expecting a different outcome is, well, not smart.
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EP # 706, “What is Rainbow Currency?”

Money Shifts by Tom Young.May 17, 2024

EP # 709, “What is the Great Reset?”

EP # 709, “What is the Great Reset?”

We have all thought about what is happening around the world. The Great Reset and depopulation that is being talked about by the Elites at Davos and The World Economic Forum. What does this mean to you and me? Once the bait is taken it’s hard to get freedom back.
May 24, 202413:00
EP # 708, “What is NESARA, GESARA?

EP # 708, “What is NESARA, GESARA?

In the last several years we have heard more about conspiracy theories than any time I can recall. The issue is how many of these have come to be true? It's amazing the people I meet that make a statement about President Donal Trump that just isn't true regarding his track record 4 years ago, at the same time the deep state was trying anything to destroy him and our country.
May 22, 202421:18
EP # 707, “Will the Financial System Crash?”

EP # 707, “Will the Financial System Crash?”

As more information becomes available, we realize the possibility is Increasing daily for the possibility of a complete crash of our FIAT money. The debt has become so large it will be impossible to pay it back. If so, then what? Let me share some information to help you survive the coming crash.
May 20, 202408:57
EP # 706, “What is Rainbow Currency?”

EP # 706, “What is Rainbow Currency?”

From conspiracy theory to truth. How will I know what is true and what is not? I have been following this for some time and have set up an account in Rainbow Currency. Many things in the last several years were reported as conspiracy theories. WOW! The truth will hurt many who don't do any research. Listen up!
May 17, 202416:34
EP # 705, “” Rainbow Currency!

EP # 705, “” Rainbow Currency!

I have been wanting to talk about this for some time however, until now I didn't connect enough dots. I believe the time is very near when this will be implemented. Rainbow Currency was an idea a few years ago and now seems very real. Listen up!
May 15, 202419:34
EP # 703, “You Cause Inflation, the Three Sides of the Coin.”

EP # 703, “You Cause Inflation, the Three Sides of the Coin.”

The three-sided coin is a challenge to your thinking. Have you ever seen a three-sided coin? Many things we do and think about would be solved if we could only see the three-sided coin. We are the biggest promote of Inflation, did you know that? Listen up as I explain.
May 10, 202417:12
EP # 700, “Rules of Financial Success.”

EP # 700, “Rules of Financial Success.”

There are rules and there are rules. The rules we typically follow are the basic rules promoted by the financial world. Remember, this is the information that maximizes their financial success not yours. listen up to the sure way to find success.
May 06, 202418:19
EP # 701, “Why set Goals?”

EP # 701, “Why set Goals?”

knowing the difference between dreams and goals. Many are Dreamers and never set goals to achieve the Dream. With out a specific plan and a date to complete the goal means nothing will happen but frustration and regret. Listen how to set meaningful goals and achieve them.
May 06, 202411:41
EP # 699, “Financial Success 101.”

EP # 699, “Financial Success 101.”

Sometimes we look for the big bang and forget the basics. Let me explore the basic of creating financial success. How can I tell I am winning at this quest? Taxes, Risk, Regulations, Inflation, and Devaluing the money. These are the headwinds you must understand and learn how to overcome.
May 01, 202419:24
EP # 698, “What is your WHY?”

EP # 698, “What is your WHY?”

Everything in life requires a why! Why do we go to bed, eat, go to work, and so on. Our future also requires a why, when I ask people their goals for their future, I sometimes hear, "I just want to be able to pay my bills" These statements plant in your mind the results you will receive. Be careful what you tell yourself. Let me explain.
Apr 29, 202418:28
EP # 697, “Real Financial Education Provided with Proof!”

EP # 697, “Real Financial Education Provided with Proof!”

Most people want to know how to get ahead financially. They are willing to follow advice for people that are in a position of influence. This does not always work out. some don't want you to know how they got ahead or maybe they just look like they got ahead. Keeping up with the Jones's is another fallacy some people fall for. I don't think necessarily the person giving advice should be rich but be able to mathematically prove the results. Listen up!
Apr 24, 202414:57
EP # 696, “Compounding Interest VS Passive Residual Income.”

EP # 696, “Compounding Interest VS Passive Residual Income.”

Learning how money works for the rich people of the world is a challenge for all of us. This is critical information necessary to have a financially secure future. Planning for retirement is more about developing Passive Residual Income than how much money do I have or need at retirement. Planning by building Passive Residual Income lets you know where you are always in the process. Let me explain!
Apr 22, 202417:09
EP # 695, “Create Multi Generation Wealth.”

EP # 695, “Create Multi Generation Wealth.”

Hi everyone, our talk today is about creating multi-generational wealth. People don't understand this because they have never seen it for themselves. I want to share a couple stories of my clients that will hopefully excite you to the possibilities.
Apr 17, 202418:22
EP # 694, “Conspiracy of Money & Security!”

EP # 694, “Conspiracy of Money & Security!”

It is almost like a spy novel to find out the truth about how to save money and become financially secure. Many people chase this result without ever really finding real financial security. Why do you think this is? I will try to explain it in simple terms. Everyone in the financial world is striving to get control of your money and the advice we receive is about their success not yours.
Apr 15, 202412:11
EP # 693, Part V “The Family Money Farm the CFO Project.”

EP # 693, Part V “The Family Money Farm the CFO Project.”

Learning a new way of thinking is never easy. Learning new things and putting them into practice is never easy. Everything in life is a learning process if we are open to learning, many aren't willing to do what is necessary to win the game. Why is that? FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real!
Apr 12, 202414:36
EP # 692, Part IV “The Family Money Farm - The Legacy “

EP # 692, Part IV “The Family Money Farm - The Legacy “

Gone but not forgotten! Build a beautiful financial life and retirement and at the same time leave behind the Foundation for the next generation. The education process is in The CFO Project. Becoming the teacher and coach for the next generation.
Apr 10, 202413:06
EP # 691, Parr III “The Family Money Farm & Cash Flows.”

EP # 691, Parr III “The Family Money Farm & Cash Flows.”

Learning to manage money differently can be very challenging. We have always been led by others around us to do things a certain way. Our parents, Aunts and Uncles, friends we have met along the way and finally the Financial world with all their advertising and promotions. It permeates every level of our lives. Who should we be taking directions from? That is the question.
Apr 08, 202416:02
EP # 690, Part II “The Family Money Farm Legacy.”

EP # 690, Part II “The Family Money Farm Legacy.”

We don't plan on what to do about our Legacy. We all have a Legacy, and it can be the wealth we leave behind, the knowledge we left for our children or humanity. This is also known as the example, we leave. The first professional talk I did was "BTE, Be The Example" this is what we contribute to the future. How we live our lives most likely molds the next generations.
Apr 05, 202415:38
EP # 689, Part I “The Family Money Farm and the Federal Reserve.”.

EP # 689, Part I “The Family Money Farm and the Federal Reserve.”.

When we think of the Macroeconomic waves created by the Banks and the Federal Reserve that leads to inflation and devaluing of the monetary note called money. What can I do as an individual to slow down or stop the Federal Reserve?
Apr 03, 202417:25
EP # 688, “Family Money Farm Finances.”

EP # 688, “Family Money Farm Finances.”

I have found that you can only maximize your financial success when you are in control of all your cash flows. This is about the banking process that you learn to manage on your own with coaching. That's the only way I know that will get you real wealth. Listen in on some examples.
Apr 01, 202420:19
EP # 687, Part X “What is Infinite Banking & Parallel Paths?”

EP # 687, Part X “What is Infinite Banking & Parallel Paths?”

We all travel on parallel paths in our lives. One path is about Protection and the other is Wealth Accumulation. The results are very disturbing since, 95% end up dead or dead broke. This has always challenged me and my thinking. Most of the Financial education I have received is very tainted as to who it benefits. Let's Explore.
Mar 27, 202416:11
EP # 686, Part IX “What is Infinite Banking & Actuarial Science?”

EP # 686, Part IX “What is Infinite Banking & Actuarial Science?”

Hi, everyone the idea that a life insurance can produce wealth has been proven over and over. Banks use it, Corporations use it, and the public is kept in the dark. Here is my question, Isn't there money that needs delivered when we die to our loved ones? I believe all would answer yes to the question. Now How do I do this without losing money? Listen up!
Mar 25, 202413:21
EP # 685, Part VIII “The Infinite Banking Concept the Why.”

EP # 685, Part VIII “The Infinite Banking Concept the Why.”

Every real thing we do does or should have a why attached. Why are we doing what we are doing? This is the fundamental basis for success. Remember success is a journey not a destination. Your reasons for doing things should always start with a why. When I meet new people in my office or online, the discussions always are about the why.
Mar 20, 202418:55
EP # 684, “The Infinite Banking Concept, the story.”

EP # 684, “The Infinite Banking Concept, the story.”

I see that some has commented this is BS. It amazes me how broke people that have never done anything becomes an expert at something even when Banks BOLI, Bank Owned Life Insurance. COLI Corporate Owned Life Insurance. have figured it out. Remember, the number of companies that offer this type of life Insurance is less than 1% of the marketplace that exceeds 850 companies. The secret is here with no risk.
Mar 18, 202418:24
EP # 683, Part Vl “What is Infinite Banking?”

EP # 683, Part Vl “What is Infinite Banking?”

Let’s talk about the storage of capital and how to possibly eliminate the government and taxes from your life. Have access to your capital for emergencies and opportunities. Without all the information and studying the information correctly we end up with wrong bad decisions.
Mar 15, 202417:28
EP # 682, Part V “What is Infinite Banking Process?”

EP # 682, Part V “What is Infinite Banking Process?”

Managing Cash Flows are the secret to creating Passive Residual Income and Wealth. I Have a unique way to find cash flows, they are currently being lost by most folks. Helping people to save astonishing amounts of money and create Wealth beyond their expectation.
Mar 13, 202414:20
EP # 680, Part lll “What is Infinite Banking?”

EP # 680, Part lll “What is Infinite Banking?”

As we continue our journey finding the truth about being your own Banker, we have to examine the why's of the journey. Why should I do this and what is the benefits that are received from the process? I will try to fill in the blanks as we go thru the information. My purpose is to help you get the most out of your future with the least amount of taxes and expenses.
Mar 08, 202418:26
EP # 679, “Part II, “What is Infinite Banking Concept?”

EP # 679, “Part II, “What is Infinite Banking Concept?”

This is challenging to say the least. I had computer melt down last week and now I'm back. Infinite Banking Concept by R. Nelson Nash. This is a life changing concept if your open minded enough to clear out the clutter put there by the financial world. Let me try to help you.
Mar 06, 202408:11
EP # 676, “4 Goals to Financial Freedom!”

EP # 676, “4 Goals to Financial Freedom!”

Does your ship have a rudder? Ships without a rudder get lost at sea. Our
financial and personal lives are driven by goals. Either we set goals for
ourselves or the people around us, i.e.. our boss at work sets our goals.
Being Goal orientated is very important. Written down goals work best.
Listen up!
Feb 23, 202417:22
EP # 675, “How to Break a Poverty Mindset!”

EP # 675, “How to Break a Poverty Mindset!”

Hi folks, it all comes down to how we think about all things future. The
planning has to happen before action comes. When you go on a trip or
vacation, doesn't it require planning. You not only have to know where you
are going, you also need to know where you are starting from.
Feb 21, 202411:57
EP # 674, “The Financial Success System!”

EP # 674, “The Financial Success System!”

We must figure out where we are going before we start our journey. Thinking
the path through first is essential for a successful journey. Life is a
journey, and we are on that path all our lives. Today we will talk about how
to develop that path with surety and positive expectation.
Feb 19, 202414:56
EP # 673, “Do the Politicians Eat Their Young?”

EP # 673, “Do the Politicians Eat Their Young?”

We have politicians in America that see no future. They are spending money
that won't exist for decades and then some. Why do they feel they can just
spend, spend, spend, and never have to pay the money back. What created this
thinking? I has to stop or there will be no tomorrow for America.
Feb 16, 202412:29


In the recent years we have seen several banks fail and be taken over by the federal Reserve. This I believe in their own makings by the way they have raided interest rates. The rising interest rates cause bond values to drop. This is the core reserve the banks have. When this reserve reduces below their required reserve level they are in default.
Feb 14, 202415:39
EP # 670, “The Real Financial Education!”

EP # 670, “The Real Financial Education!”

If 95 % are ending up dead or dead broke, what is the chance I will get the truth? The correct information is is conflict because the Financial World makes money on your money only if you do it their way. Think about it, their way simply gives them all your money, more ongoing, they keep control a long time, and give little back. That doesn't sound like a plan for your success!
Feb 02, 202408:55
EP # 669, “The Secrets of PEM. (Personal Economic Model)

EP # 669, “The Secrets of PEM. (Personal Economic Model)

In my 48 years working in the Financial Services industry, I was blessed to meet a man 35 years ago that changed my life. He continues to do so even today. I am launching the Greatest Financial Education program in the financial industry. Already fully adopted by several US Colleges including the University of Florida. You have access to the college Curricula here.
Jan 31, 202408:30
EP # 668, “The Financial Conspiracy Theory!”

EP # 668, “The Financial Conspiracy Theory!”

Hi Everyone, today we look at the 30,000-foot view of where we ae and where we are headed. This includes the January 6 riots at the Capital. All these events and outcomes create challenges for us. The politicians play their own game. This is my theory of what and why things happened as they did.
Jan 29, 202414:17
EP # 667,”Are you Prepared for the Crash?”

EP # 667,”Are you Prepared for the Crash?”

There is so much going on right now it's hard to explain it all. The Federal Reserve is currently in default and making decisions for their survival not ours. The interest rates have gone from .25% to 5.25% and now they are talking about lowering the rates. I ask why since inflation is not controlled and not gone away!
Jan 26, 202414:58
EP # 666, “The 4 Most Important Retirement Questions!”

EP # 666, “The 4 Most Important Retirement Questions!”

Are we asking ourselves the right questions about our finances and future retirement plans. I think not. We must be prepared to find answers to the 4 most important questions. listen up to find out and learn how to fix the problems.
Jan 24, 202413:29
EP # 665, “Am I on my way to financial ruin?”

EP # 665, “Am I on my way to financial ruin?”

What habits of finance have you been taught? The ones that make the financial world richer or the secret ones to enhance your financial future. This is a real challenge, many things we are taught not only by our parents (who were taught by the financial world). People of influence have a huge impact on our decisions making process.
Jan 22, 202417:13
EP # 664, “Prosperity Secrets!”

EP # 664, “Prosperity Secrets!”

The secret is so simple that people just don't believe it. It all starts with us. Faith, Belief, and Action that requires us to set goals.
Jan 19, 202412:39
EP # 663, “The ongoing Crash of America!”

EP # 663, “The ongoing Crash of America!”

We see only bits and pieces from time to time about what is going on in our world. The Elites of the world want more power over us and therefore they are working overtime to crash the American system. We must stand up and let it hit us in the chest. I call it the 30,000-foot view. Let me explain.
Jan 17, 202419:07
EP # 661, “Friday Success Thoughts.”

EP # 661, “Friday Success Thoughts.”

How do you start your day? With a positive launch or a negative slow-moving day? This is the first step in finding success of any kind. How you think and start your attitude for the day will most likely set the tone for your day. If you expect positive results, you'll have a better chance of getting them.
Jan 12, 202412:48
EP # 660, “Mind Suggestions for Success.”

EP # 660, “Mind Suggestions for Success.”

As I have said and promoted, the road to success in anything starts with the 6 inches between your ears. Faith, Belief, Action is required for success in any endeavors you choose. Having a self-talk that you repeat twice a day, once in the morning and once at night is the foundation. Memorized and repeated several times a day works even better.
Jan 10, 202413:47
EP # 659, “The Secret of Success in 2024.”

EP # 659, “The Secret of Success in 2024.”

Let's start with what do I have to Think, then we will talk about doing. Setting goals that are realistic and attainable if you are willing to do the work. Example, I am a 74-year-old kid, and still working on improving myself physically and mentally. Are You?
Jan 08, 202412:31
EP # 658, “Success Goals for 2024!”

EP # 658, “Success Goals for 2024!”

Some people set New Years resolutions, a few set Goals.
The answer lies in the writing down goals and action plans. This would include any obstacle's that would stand in your way and how you would handle them.
Jan 03, 202414:01
EP # 657, “Hail Mary, 2024!”

EP # 657, “Hail Mary, 2024!”

Are you prepared to fight for America in 2024. This is the most important year in a lifetime. What is at stake? Everything, and we better stand up and let it hit us in the chest and stop allowing the information to pass over our head unknowingly.
Dec 29, 202317:01
EP # 656, “Why People Fail.”

EP # 656, “Why People Fail.”

We are programed to fail. Our education, the workplace, and even our family help us to fail. Why is it that 95% of the people end up dead or dead broke? There must be a reason for this when we live in the greatest country in the world and have opportunity surrounding us each day.
Dec 27, 202317:33
EP # 655, “How are they Stealing from you?”

EP # 655, “How are they Stealing from you?”

Many of the expenses we have are not real, not understandable and can be eliminated. Simply thinking differently can save you thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands. You have been programmed to think a certain way that feeds the financial world more than you know.
Dec 22, 202312:41
EP # 654, “Velocity of Money & Multiplier Explained.”

EP # 654, “Velocity of Money & Multiplier Explained.”

The concepts and Principles are unlearned and not taught in schools, not even at the MBA levels. I have several clients that are MBAs, and they all ask the same question. Why doesn't anyone teach this stuff at schools? Well, that is a long and short explanations for this, and it is basically that they don't want you to know.
Dec 20, 202314:01
EP # 653, “secrets of Cash Flow Management!”

EP # 653, “secrets of Cash Flow Management!”

Asset management is what everybody talks about. Active or Passive management. Well, Cash Flow Management is where the wealth is really created. It creates painless discipline relating to saving more and having more. Check it out!
Dec 13, 202312:40