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By Transfigured

Long form discussions on the identity of Jesus
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Dr. Ann Jervis - How the Apostle Paul understood time

TransfiguredMay 07, 2024

Basil - Part 2 : Biography, Commentary on Genesis 1, and letters

Basil - Part 2 : Biography, Commentary on Genesis 1, and letters

This is our second episode about Basil the Great. We cover his biography in more detail and talk about his commentary on the creation account in Genesis. We mention John Calvin, Origen of Alexandria, Michael Servetus, Russel Brand, Bret Weinstein, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Constantine, Constantius, Theodosius the Great, Athanasius, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine, Mani, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Naziuanzus, and more.

May 31, 202401:26:28
In Biblical Unitarianism what is the relationship between the divine and the human?

In Biblical Unitarianism what is the relationship between the divine and the human?

I am reposting an interview I gave on  @gpxavier  's channel on the topic of "What is Biblical Unitarianism?" and "What is the connection between the divine and the human". I would highly recommend you check out GP's channel for more great content. Original Video here:

May 24, 202401:34:04
Tertullian's Christology - Jesus as a demigod in training
May 20, 202401:08:58
Dr. Dustin Smith - Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John

Dr. Dustin Smith - Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John

Dr. Dustin Smith is the host of the  @BiblicalUnitarianPodcast  and a New Testament scholar at Spartanburg Methodist College. In this episode we discuss his new book about Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John. We mention James Dunn, Michael Servetus, the Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, Philo of Alexandria, and more. Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John:

May 14, 202401:53:24
Dr. Thomas Gaston - Historical Evidence that Biblical Unitarianism is the Original Christology

Dr. Thomas Gaston - Historical Evidence that Biblical Unitarianism is the Original Christology

Dr. Thomas Gaston has a PhD in Theology from The University of Oxford and a Masters in the History of Christianity from the University of Birmingham. He is the author of a new book "Dynamic Monarchianism: The Earliest Christology?" which argues that Dynamic Monarchianism, often called 'Biblical Unitarianism' in today's parlance, has strong historical evidence for being the earliest Christology. We mention Theodotus of Byzantium, Paul of Samosata, ARtemon, Pope Victor I, Justin Martyr, Ignatius of Antioch, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hermas, Beryllus of Bostra, Origen of Alexandria, Irenaeus of Lyon, Tatian, Clement of Alexandria, Athenagoras, Melito of Sardis, Constantine, Plato, Numenius of Apamea, Plotinus of Alexandria, Eusebius, Photinus of Galatia, Athanasius of Alexandria, Hipploytus, Tertullian, and more. Book Link:

May 10, 202401:15:16
Dr. Ann Jervis - How the Apostle Paul understood time

Dr. Ann Jervis - How the Apostle Paul understood time

Dr. Ann Jervis is a Professor Emertia of New Testament at the University of Toronto and a Priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. She is a unique proposal for understanding how the Apostle Paul conceptualizes time, and what implications that has for understanding the rest of his theology. We discuss these ideas mentioning NT Wright, James Dunn, David Bentley Hart, Dale Martin, and more. Paul and Time :

May 07, 202454:28
St. Basil the Great - Part 1: On the Holy Spirit

St. Basil the Great - Part 1: On the Holy Spirit

This video continues the church fathers series with Sam and Hank. This is our first episode about St. Basil the Great, the Cappadocian Father. We mention Origen of Alexandria, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Nazianzus, Eunomius, Aetius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, John Calvin, William Lane Craig, John McArthur, Athanasius of Alexandria, Hilary of Poitiers, Theodosius the Great, Constantine, Tom Holland, Paul Vanderklay, Julian the Apostate, and more.

May 02, 202401:29:30
Brendan Graham Dempsey - What is metamodernism? What does it mean for Christianity?

Brendan Graham Dempsey - What is metamodernism? What does it mean for Christianity?

Brendan Graham Dempsey is an author, thinker, and youtuber who has thought deeply about the topic of metamodernism. We discuss what that even is, and what is means for a vibrant Christianity going forward. We mention  @johnvervaeke  , Jordan Hall, Soren Kierkegaard, Virginia Woolf, Hans Nollein, Fr. Stephen DeYoung, Athanasius, James Tabor, and many more. Brendan Graham Dempsey's youtube channel :  @BrendanGrahamDempsey  Sky Meadow Institute: Brendan Graham Dempsey on  @PaulVanderKlay  :

Apr 22, 202401:34:32
Andrew Perriman - Is Jesus YHWH? And what does that mean for us today?

Andrew Perriman - Is Jesus YHWH? And what does that mean for us today?

Dr. Andrew Perriman returns to discuss the debate between Dr. Dale Tuggy and Dr. James White on the topic of "Is Jesus YHWH?". We discuss multiple of the passages brought up in the debate. We also discuss the larger questions of how these theological questions fit into the narrative context of our time and what that means for the future.My First Convo with Andrew Perriman: Perriman's blog: Andrew Perriman's book "In the form of a god" :

Apr 18, 202401:22:32
Fr. Stephen DeYoung - John 1 & Icons in the Early Church Fathers
Apr 08, 202402:45:12
Paul Anleitner - Evolution, Creation, and the Cosmic Nature of Christ

Paul Anleitner - Evolution, Creation, and the Cosmic Nature of Christ

Paul Anleitner is the host of  @DeepTalksTheology  . We have talked multiple times before. This conversation focuses specifically on the subject of evolution, how to wrestle with a creationist upbringing, understanding Genesis in its original context, thinking about how Christology fits together, and many related subjects. We mention Charles Darwin, Origen of Alexandria, Athanasius of Alexandria, Maximus the Confessor, Jonathan Losos, John Vervaeke, John Walton, Miroslav Volf, Joseph Campbell, Jordan Peterson, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Soren Kierkegaard, Karl Jung, Sarah Coakley, Nancy Percy, Bret Weinstein, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , Epicurus, Dmitri Belyaev, David Sloan Wilson, and many more.

Apr 04, 202401:44:06
Jesus and the Divine Name - Is Jesus YHWH? No! But also Yes
Mar 25, 202401:21:31
Response to Lord of Spirits: Athanasius was an iconoclast

Response to Lord of Spirits: Athanasius was an iconoclast

This video is a response to the Lord of Spirits. I argue that Athanasius was indeed an iconoclast and that they misunderstood my argument and didn't properly represent it. I mention Athanasius of Alexandria, Plotinus, Irenaeus of Lyon, Clement of Alexandria, Josephus, Paul Vanderklay, Fr. Stephen DeYoung, Fr. Andrew Damick, Gavin Ortlund, Jordan B Cooper, Jonathan Pageau, and more. Lord of Spirits Episode: Sam and Hank on Athanasius: Gavin Ortlud (  @TruthUnites  ) on Icons: John Carpenter article: Twitter thread on icons: Gavin and Fr. Stephen DeYoung on (  @TheTransfiguredLife  ): Jordan B Cooper on (  @PaulVanderKlay  ): Sam and Hank on Irenaeus:

Mar 16, 202401:26:33
Dr. Jonathan Losos - Does Evolution have a destiny?

Dr. Jonathan Losos - Does Evolution have a destiny?

Dr. Jonathan Losos is a Professor of Biology at Washington University in St. Louis. He is one of the leading figures in the field of evolutionary biology. He has specifically studied anole lizards, the adaptations to various islands, and has made groundbreaking findings in the area of convergent radiation. We mention David Resnick, Lee Dugatkin, Stephen J Gould, Charles Darwin, Simon Conway Morris, and many more. His book "Improbably Destinies" : His book "The cat's meow" :

Feb 27, 202401:08:10
John Vervaeke - AI Sages & AI Demons: Discerning the Spirits of our Digital Age
Feb 23, 202401:18:22
Jordan Hall - Christianity is the religion that is not a religion to address the meaning crisis

Jordan Hall - Christianity is the religion that is not a religion to address the meaning crisis

Jordan Hall is a thinker, truth seeker, and all around fascinating guy. We talk about the meta-crisis, the meaning crisis, religion, artificial intelligence, Christianity, suffering, and the religion that is not a religion. We mention Jordan Vervaeke, Paul Vanderklay, Jonathan Pageau, Bret Weinstein, David Sloan Wilson, Ian McGilchrist, Fr Alexander Schmemann, and many more.

Feb 21, 202401:30:47
Moises Pacheco - The Deep Christian Symbolism of Harry Potter

Moises Pacheco - The Deep Christian Symbolism of Harry Potter

Moises Pachoeco is the pastor of Grace in Garfield CRC church in Chicago. We talk about the Christian Symbolism of Harry Potter. We mention Jordan B Peterson, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, John Vervaeke, and many more.

Chicago Meetup :

Feb 14, 202401:37:09
Sean Finnegan - The Kingdom of God: Jesus's forgotten central teaching
Feb 09, 202401:24:49
Dr. Dru Johnson - Evolution, Creation, Randomness, and the Hebraic roots of Science

Dr. Dru Johnson - Evolution, Creation, Randomness, and the Hebraic roots of Science

Dru Johnson is visiting associate professor at Hope College in Holland, MI and the director of the Center for Hebraic Thought, editor at The Biblical Mind Host of The Biblical Mind podcast: Co-host of the OnScript Podcast: Hath Darwin to do with Scripture? We mention Tertullian, Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins, Michael Behe, Fredrick Nietzsche, Sean Carroll, Bret Weinstein, Aristotle, Plato, and many more.

Feb 05, 202457:45
Response to Gavin Ortlund - Is the Trinity in the NT? No!!

Response to Gavin Ortlund - Is the Trinity in the NT? No!!

 @TruthUnites  Gavin's Video: My First Response to Gavin:  @PaulVanderKlay  on my response to Gavin: My video on The Development of Doctrine: My video on John 1: My video on the worship of Jesus:

Jan 31, 202401:04:26
Hank Kruse - The Beauty of Liturgy in the theology of Benedict XVI

Hank Kruse - The Beauty of Liturgy in the theology of Benedict XVI

Hank Kruse talks about the theology of the liturgy in the work of Karl Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI). We mention Origen of Alexandria, Tripp Parker, John Calvin, Hans Van Balthasar, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Berengarius, Bonaventure, Justin Martyr, Ignatius of Antioch, and more. Karl Ratzinger - Introduction to Christianity:

Jan 26, 202401:10:24
Malcolm Collins - How to design a religion to the survive the intergenerational fertility collapse

Malcolm Collins - How to design a religion to the survive the intergenerational fertility collapse

Malcolm Collins is one of the hosts of  @SimoneandMalcolm  He and his wife published His appearance on  @ChrisWillx His and Simone on  @PaulVanderKlay  : We talk about fertility collapse, religion, and how to design a religion that can resist this pattern.

Jan 23, 202454:49
Will Barlow - Speaking in Tongues: In Scripture, In Practice, and the Science

Will Barlow - Speaking in Tongues: In Scripture, In Practice, and the Science

Will Barlow is the Pastor of Compass Christian Church. In this video we discuss speaking in tongues. We mention NT Wright,  @PaulVanderKlay  , Justin Welby, Victor Weirwille, and others. Compass Christian Church -  @compasslou  youtube - Will's 7-part series on Speaking in Tongues - Will's debate on Speaking in Tongues - Will's talk with  @restitutio8765  -

Jan 09, 202401:26:07
Did St. Nicholas really slap Arius at the Council of Nicaea?

Did St. Nicholas really slap Arius at the Council of Nicaea?

This is a special Christmas episode looking into the question "Did St. Nicholas really slap Arius at the Council of Nicaea?" Constantine and the Divine Mind : Interview with Kegan: Interview with Richard Rubenstein: Episode about Arius:

Dec 22, 202346:39
Hilary of Poitiers - The First Trinitarian Theologian

Hilary of Poitiers - The First Trinitarian Theologian

Hilary of Poitier was a Bishop in western France in mid-fourth century. He is one of the first Trinitarian Theologians who would be able to pass later orthodox standards. He plays a very interesting role in the history of the fourth century. We mention Athanasius of Alexandria, Arius of Alexandria, Constantius, Constantine the Great, Julian the Apostate, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Michael Servetus, Karl Barth, and more.

Dec 01, 202301:18:21
Antonio Huizar - Noahide Judaism and Christological Explorations

Antonio Huizar - Noahide Judaism and Christological Explorations

Antonio is a friend of mine and frequent conversation partner. He discusses his own theological journey and asks me some tough questions. We mention  @PaulVanderKlay  , Aaron Renn, Bethel McGrew,  @ParkersPensees  , Soren Kierkegaard, Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, Bart Ehrman, Tripp Parker,  @JamesTaborVideos  , Brandon Duke, Paula Fredriksen, William Lane Craig, Dale Tuggy, Beau Branson, Joshua Sijuwade, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyon, and many more.

Nov 20, 202302:14:38
Nathan Massie - the real Ignatius of Antioch

Nathan Massie - the real Ignatius of Antioch

Nathan is the Assistant Pastor at the Oregon, IL Church of God:

We talk about Ignatius of Antioch and which of his writings are authentic and what what means for his theology. We also mention Clement of Rome, Justin Martyr, Sean Finnegan, Irenaeus of Lyon, Eusebius of Caesarea, Paul of Samosata, James White, John Calvin, JB Lightfoot, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Origen of Alexandria,

Nathan's GoFundMe:

Nov 08, 202301:15:30
The development and diversity of Christology in Early Christianity

The development and diversity of Christology in Early Christianity

This video describes the variety of development of Christology in early Christianity and tries to determine which theology has the best claim on being the original teaching of the apostles. This video summarizes lots of information from my church fathers series. I mention Clement of Rome, Shepherd of Hermas, Artemon, Theodotus of Byzantium, Paul of Samosata, Photinus of Galatia, Justin Martyr, the Epistle of Barnabas, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Irenaeus of Lyon, Theophilus of Antioch, Novatian, Ignatius of Antioch, Alexander of Alexandria, Arius of Alexandria, Constantine, Origen of Alexandria, Fr. John Behr, Athanasius, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, Valentinus, Martin Luther, and more.

Oct 28, 202302:02:56
John 1 - How I interpret it as a Biblical Unitarian

John 1 - How I interpret it as a Biblical Unitarian

This video is a longer version of a presentation I will be giving at the UCA Conference on Oct 19-21. This is my interpretation of the Prologue of the Gospel of John. My apologies about the bing noises, I forgot to silence my calendar notifications. UCA Conference Registration: My talk with Fr. John Behr: My talk with Troels Engberg-Pedersen: My response to Gavin Ortlund:

Oct 05, 202302:03:26
Marcellus of Ancyra - The unclassifiable and forgotten fourth century giant

Marcellus of Ancyra - The unclassifiable and forgotten fourth century giant

Marcellus on Ancyra was a very important and influential Bishop who played a large and influential role in the Fourth Century Arian Crisis. However, he is largely forgotten. His theology is unique and doesn't really fit in any category. We mention Eusebius of Caesarea, Eusebius of Nicomedia, Constantine, Athanasius of Alexandria, Origen of Alexandria, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Arius of Alexandria, Hillary of Poitiers, Photinus of Galatia, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Nazianzus, and more.

Oct 03, 202301:14:48
Jordan Daniel Wood - Tradition, Incarnation as Creation, and Final Union with God

Jordan Daniel Wood - Tradition, Incarnation as Creation, and Final Union with God

Jordan Daniel Wood comes on my podcast for a second time. We continue to talk about his book "The Whole Mystery of Christ" and about Maximus the Confessor. We mention Origen of Alexandria, Athanasius, Sergei Bulgakov, Nestorius, Arius, Maurice Blondel, and many more.

History and Dogma Podcast -

The Whole Mystery of Christ -

Sep 11, 202301:50:28
A response to Gavin Ortlund on the Trinity and Incarnation + an Invitation to Conversation

A response to Gavin Ortlund on the Trinity and Incarnation + an Invitation to Conversation

This is an invitation to conversation, dialogue, and constructive critique to Gavin Ortlund. In this video I give some commentary on a video he made about the Trinity and then give a presentation which argues that the doctrine of the Trinity developed over time and should be rejected by Protestants.

Sep 06, 202302:06:00
Tripp and Hank - Christian Nationalism Discussion

Tripp and Hank - Christian Nationalism Discussion

Tripp and Hank join me to discuss Christian Nationalism and what all the controversy is about. We are critical of both the pro-CN and the anti-CN sides and try and suggest some better alternatives and give greater context to the conversation. We mention Doug Wilson, Stephen Wolfe, William Wolfe, Eusebius of Caesarea, Constantine the Great, Athanasius of Alexandria, Charlemagne the Great, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Michael Servetus, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, and more.

Aug 21, 202301:28:52
Luke Thompson - Problems with Confessionalism

Luke Thompson - Problems with Confessionalism

Luke and I have another conversation specifically processing confessionalism in churches and its strengths and weaknesses and related that to our prior church experiences. Luke's Channel:

Aug 18, 202301:19:56
Sam Tideman - Christology, Worship, and the Eucharist: Should Christians Worship Jesus?

Sam Tideman - Christology, Worship, and the Eucharist: Should Christians Worship Jesus?

This is a presentation I gave at the 2022 Unitarian Christian Alliance Conference. The topic is on the biblical definition of worship, the meaning of the eucharist, whether or not early Christianity worshiped Jesus, and what that means for Christians today. I mention Larry Hurtado, Joshua Sijuwade, James Dunn, Thomas Aquinas, Richard Rubenstein, Sean Finnegan, Pliny the Elder, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and more. Unitarian Christian Alliance 2023: Personal Update: Original Video:

Aug 15, 202358:37
Personal Story and Channel Update
Aug 14, 202333:12
Aphrahat the Persian Sage - A view into early Assyrian Christianity

Aphrahat the Persian Sage - A view into early Assyrian Christianity

Aphrahat was a Persian Aramaic speaking church father. Not much is known about him and he is also not very well known. Hank and Sam continue their church fathers series and explain why he should be more well known. We mention Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Athanasius, Constantine, Origen of Alexandria, Arius of Alexandria, and many more.

Jul 06, 202301:21:50
Tripp and Hank - Calvinism Discussion

Tripp and Hank - Calvinism Discussion

My friends Hank and Tripp come on to talk about Calvinism. We mention John MacArthur, Bill Hybels, John Calvin, Michael Servetus, Jacobus Arminius, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Joe Biden, Henry VIII, Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Charles Spurgeon, James White, William Lane Craig, and many more.

Jun 15, 202301:19:23
Athanasius - Part 4: His Later Life and the Emergence of Trinitarianism
Jun 07, 202301:20:01
Athanasius - Part 3: His Life and Times

Athanasius - Part 3: His Life and Times

This is another episode in our church fathers series. We talk about the life and times of Athanasius from . We mention Timothy Barnes, Karl Max, Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia, Constantine, Constantius, Constans, Marcellus of Ancyra, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and more. Athanasius - On the Incarnation - Part 1 : Athanasius - On the Incarnation - Part 2 :

May 24, 202301:04:34
Jon (Montaneist) - Montanism, the Eucharist, and Christology
May 12, 202301:39:43
Will Barlow and Dustin Smith - Debate Review: Is Jesus YHWH? Samuel Nesan/Kyle Essary

Will Barlow and Dustin Smith - Debate Review: Is Jesus YHWH? Samuel Nesan/Kyle Essary

Dustin Smith and Will Barlow discuss their recent debate with Samuel Nesan and Kyle Essary on the topic "Does the Bible Teach that Jesus is YHWH?". We mention Dale Tuggy, Sean Finnegan, and many others. Original Debate Video: Dustin's  @BiblicalUnitarianPodcast  on Misunderstanding in John: Will's Church: Compass Christian Church in Louisville, KY: Restitutio Debate Response: My conversation with Will : My conversation with Dustin :

Apr 28, 202301:23:57
Athanasius - Part 2: On the Incarnation

Athanasius - Part 2: On the Incarnation

In this video we discuss Athanasius of Alexandria and his two part works of "Against the Heathen" and "On the Incarnation". We mostly focus on "On the Incarnation". This is part 2. We mention Origen of Alexandria, Tertullian, Irenaeus of Lyon, Hippolytus, Arius of Alexandria, Anthony of the Desert, Paul of Samosata, Constantine, Alexander of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea, Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, Bishop Barron, John Calvin, Billy Graham, Pope Benedict, Thomas Aquinas, Jordan Peterson, Marcellus of Ancyra, and Ayn Rand. On the Incarnation Part 1 - St. Anthony of the Desert -

Mar 21, 202301:02:13
Fr. Stephen DeYoung - Veneration, Jesus, Protestantism, Essence/Energy, and Theosis

Fr. Stephen DeYoung - Veneration, Jesus, Protestantism, Essence/Energy, and Theosis

Fr. Stephen DeYoung is an Eastern Orthodox Priest at Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Church in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is also the author of multiple books and the host of the "Lord of Spirits" podcast and the "Whole Counsel of God" podcast. We mention Troels Engberg-Pedersen, Cerinthus, Moby Dick, The Ascension of Isaiah, Beau Branson, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory Palamas, Maximus the Confessor, Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Michael Servetus, William Ellery Channing, and many more.   

Religion of the Apostles - 

Our First Conversation - 

My Presentation at the UCA -

Mar 15, 202302:18:43
Jordan Daniel Wood - Maximus the Confessor, Tradition, History, and Christology

Jordan Daniel Wood - Maximus the Confessor, Tradition, History, and Christology

Jordan Daniel Wood is a Catholic theologian and stay-at-home dad of four young daughters. He holds a PhD in Historical Theology from Boston College. I have talked with him before with John Vervaeke, and Nathan Hile. We talk mostly about his book "The Whole Mystery of Christ" and Maximus the Confessor. We also mention Hans Urs von Balthasar, Friedrich Nietzsche, Barton Stone, Alexander Campbell,  John Piper, Tim Keller, NT Wright, Marcion, Origen of Alexandria, Athanasius of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, Fr John Behr, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Aquinas, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius Ponticus, Josephus, Hillary of Poitiers, Cyril of Alexandria, Dionysius the Areopagite, Karl Rahner, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Nestorius, and many more.  

The Book "The Whole Mystery of Christ" : 

Our previous conversation on Grail Country:

Feb 15, 202301:53:17
Athanasius - Part 1: On the Incarnation

Athanasius - Part 1: On the Incarnation

In this video we discuss Athanasius of Alexandria and his two part works of "Against the Heathen" and "On the Incarnation". We mostly focus on "Against the Heathen". This is part 1 and part 2 will focus more on "On the Incarnation". We mention Origen of Alexandria, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Arius of Alexandria, Constantine, Eusebius of Caesarea, Martin Luther, Bishop Barron, John Calvin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and many more.

Feb 10, 202301:07:23
Bethel McGrew and Tripp Parker: Commentary on Tom Holland, Douglas Murray, and Stephen Meyer.

Bethel McGrew and Tripp Parker: Commentary on Tom Holland, Douglas Murray, and Stephen Meyer.

My friends Bethel McGrew and Tripp Parker return to Transfigured to do a commentary on the recent conversation hosted by the Hoover Institution with Tom Holland, Douglas Murray, and Stephen Meyer called "Does God Exist?"  

The original conversation: 

Our last conversation:

Jan 27, 202301:44:28
Michael Bird - The Divinity of Jesus in Early Christianity

Michael Bird - The Divinity of Jesus in Early Christianity

Dr. Michael Bird is Academic Dean and lecturer at Ridley College and an Anglican Priest. He is the author of multiple books and a well know research in early christianity and the New Testament. We talk about his new book "Jesus Among the gods". We also mention Troels Engberg-Pederson, Bart Ehrman, Andrew Perriman, Richard Bauckham, NT Wright, Larry Hurtado, Jeremiah Coogan, David Litwa, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Philo of Alexandria, Plato, Tertullian, Ignatius of Antioch, John Calvin, Marcellus of Ancyra, Athanasius of Alexandria, Paul of Samosata, Theodotus of Byzantium, and many more.   

Dr. Bird's book "Jesus Among the gods": 

Dr. Bird's twitter:

Dr. Bird's substack:

Dr. Bird's youtube channel:

Jan 19, 202354:16
Andrew Perriman - The Preexistence of Christ and Narrative Historical Theology in post-Christendom

Andrew Perriman - The Preexistence of Christ and Narrative Historical Theology in post-Christendom

Dr. Andrew Perriman has a PhD from the London Bible College, He is involved with a missional church in Westbourne Grove, London, and he the author of multiple books. In this interview we mostly talk about his newest book "In the Form of a god: The Pre-Existence of the Exalted Christ in Paul". We mention NT Wright, James Dunn, Richard Bauckham, Gordon Fee, James McGrath, Eusebius of Caesarea, Constantine the Great, and more.   

Andrew's Blog: 

The Book:

Jan 17, 202301:27:20
Council of Nicaea - Part 2: Arianism, the Creed, and dating Easter

Council of Nicaea - Part 2: Arianism, the Creed, and dating Easter

This is the second video on the Council of Nicaea in Sam and Hank's ongoing church fathers series. We specifically discuss neoplatonism, Plotinus, Origen of Alexandria, Constantine the Great, Arius of Alexandria, Athanasius of Alexandria, Alexander of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea, Arthur Holmes, Peter Adamson, and Khalil Andani and more.   

Council of Nicaea Part 1 - 

Arthur Holmes on Middle Platonism - 

History of Philosophy without any gaps: Plotinus - 

Khalil Andani on Islamic Neoplatonism -

Jan 06, 202301:08:36