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It's the show that talks about stuff on purpose! Join your hosts Dustin & Ky as they travel the multiverse of sight and sound, exploring music, movies and all manner of pop culture ephemera, all scrutinized under a deranged microscope. You like it weird? Then you'll love TRAPPO.
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TRAPPO's Mail Bag #30! (Behind The Scenes Of The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards)

TRAPPO!May 10, 2024

The Glenn Danzig Episode!

The Glenn Danzig Episode!

At long last, the show that talks about stuff on purpose is discussing the life and work of the man, the myth, and the legend that is our dear uncle Glenn Danzig. It's been a long time coming, and now that time has finally arrived! So for all of you dear listeners who have been asking us to "talk about Danzig" since we started this podcast, you're welcome.

Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about Glenn Danzig and his music. Just visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and sound off in a comment or two! And if you're feeling a bit more verbose, you could always share your surely complex thoughts on Danzig in a well-composed email (CLICK HERE), which we would very much appreciate. We're also all over social media, so if you want to follow TRAPPO, and who wouldn't, you can do so at your leisure over on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK), and we'll be glad to have you aboard!

Thanks for listening!

Jun 07, 202401:20:14
New Music Showcase: "Quilt Floor" from Mama Zu

New Music Showcase: "Quilt Floor" from Mama Zu

TRAPPO has returned with another New Music Showcase this month, because we have listened to the people and know exactly what you want. This week, we're talking about Quilt Floor, the debut album from a band that doesn't exist called Mama Zu. This album's journey to completion is a long and bittersweet one, so let's just jump right in, shall we?

We strongly encourage you to read Mama Zu producer Linwood Regensberg's account of finishing the album he recorded with late bandmate and friend Jessie Zazu at Talkhouse by CLICKING RIGHT HERE. It's well worth your time.

And if you'd like to check out Quilt Floor for yourself, just CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp page and listen at your leisure.

It's a New Music Showcase, so of course there's a poll. Do you think Quilt Floor belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and vote. The fate of Quilt Floor is up to you, dear listener. So vote. Get on that.

While you're hanging around on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), why don't you scroll down just a little bit and leave a comment? Tell us what you think about Mama Zu, Those Darlins, or whatever else is on your mind. We'd love to hear whatever you have to say. And if what you have to say can't be constrained by a pitiful blog comment, just CLICK HERE to share your prodigious thoughts via email! We'll be your friends for life.

We're also all over social media for some inexplicable reason. Just CLICK HERE to follow TRAPPO on Instagram and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads, and we can have a whole lot of fun together, shitposting and sharing memes and just generally getting into shenanigans, which is always a great decision.

Thanks for listening!

May 31, 202425:33
In Review: The Outwaters (2022)

In Review: The Outwaters (2022)

The show that talks about stuff on purpose is back! This week, we're discussing 2022's ambitious found footage marvel The Outwaters, the brainchild of writer/director/actor/producer/cinematographer/sound designer/editor/special effects guru Robbie Banfitch! If you'd like to watch this enigmatic gem for yourself, it's currently streaming on Screambox and Tubi, which is free, so you now have no excuse not to watch the movie.

Checkmate, nerds!

Join the conversation! CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and tell us what you thought of The Outwaters, share your favorite found footage movies, or just tell us whatever else is on your mind. If you'd like to share what's on your mind in a more elaborate format, please feel free to send us an email (CLICK HERE), and we'll be your friends for life.

We're also on social media. That's cool, right? CLICK HERE to follow TRAPPO on Instagram, and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads, and we can waste a little precious time together shitposting on the internet while the world slowly burns. Robbie Banfitch is also on Instagram, so you should probably follow him, too. CLICK HERE to do that. Which you should.

Thanks for listening!

May 24, 202401:05:22
New Music Showcase: "Faire Ça" by Meril Wubslin

New Music Showcase: "Faire Ça" by Meril Wubslin

TRAPPO is back with another one of those New Music Showcase things you all seem to enjoy so much! This time around, we're taking a closer look at Belgian/Swiss new folk trio Meril Wubslin's imaginative new album Faire Ça! If you'd like to check out their album for yourself, just CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp and satisfy your curiousity, which we highly recommend.

This being a New Music Showcase, there is, of course, a poll that requires your attention. CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and vote in said poll. Do you think Faire Ça belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Do you think it belongs in a landfill? Either way, we want you to vote! The poll will remain open until our next episode goes live, whenever that may be.

Join the conversation! CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave us some comments. Tell us what you think about Meril Wubslin's music, share some suggestions for future episode topics, or just tell us what's going on in your life right now. TRAPPO is a good listener. If you'd like to share your thoughts in a more elaborate manner, feel free to send us one of those cool new email thingies the kids all seem to love. CLICK HERE to do just that.

We're also all over that social media scene, if it's something you're into. CLICK HERE to follow us on Instagram and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads and we can waste a little time together every now and then. It might even be fun! Probably not, but stranger things have happened.

Thanks for listening!

May 17, 202422:60
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #30! (Behind The Scenes Of The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards)

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #30! (Behind The Scenes Of The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards)

The show that talks about you on purpose is back with it's 30th installment, dear listener! And what better way to celebrate this momentous occasion than with a special behind the scenes look at the monumental achievement that was the 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards! We're addressing your questions and comments regarding the show that was, as well as pulling back the curtain and revealing the nuts and bolts behind this stupidly ambitious project that drove at least one of us to the brink of madness. Do you want to know how the 2023 TRAPPYS were put together? No? Too bad, because we're gonna tell you anyway!

Join the conversation! Tell us what you thought about the 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards, our little glimpse behind the scenes of the program, or whatever else might be on your mind. CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and sound off. We'll do our best to address your comments in a future episode of the show. If your thoughts are more elaborate, feel free to share those thoughts in a long-winded email! Just CLICK HERE to do that, and we'll be your friends for life.

Social media? Who needs it? As it turns out, TRAPPO needs it. TRAPPO needs your social media adoration. Follow TRAPPO on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) and join us on our ongoing quest for total social media domination.

Thanks for listening!

May 10, 202449:03
TRAPPO's Old Music Showcase! (Buddy Holly & Moondog)

TRAPPO's Old Music Showcase! (Buddy Holly & Moondog)

This week on the show that talks about stuff on purpose, we're beginning a new and wonderful journey that we're all very excited about! Welcome to the inaugural Old Music Showcase! That's right, we're dusting off some older gems in our shared musical past, shining them up and presenting them once again for your listening pleasure.

This time around, we're talking all about rock & roll pioneer Buddy Holly and his debut album 1957's The "Chirping" Crickets, as well as the one-time "Viking of 6th Avenue" himself, the enigmatic Moondog and his breakthrough 1953 collection of experimental music, Moondog On The Streets Of New York.

Please feel free to join the conversation! Share your thoughts on the music we've discussed on this latest episode, and if you have any hidden musical gems from the past you'd like to bring to our attention, pass those suggestions right along! Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave us a comment at your leisure! If you feel like you have a little more to say, you could always send us a lengthy email (CLICK HERE), which we always appreciate! We're also all over social media if you just can't get enough TRAPPO in your diet. CLICK HERE to follow us on Instagram and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads!

Thanks for listening!

May 03, 202455:25
Spring-O-Ween!!! (2023's Dark Harvest)

Spring-O-Ween!!! (2023's Dark Harvest)

Happy Spring-O-Ween! To celebrate this festive occasion, the show that talks about stuff on purpose is getting festive discussing 2023's Dark Harvest, director David Slade's much-delayed adaptation of the 2006 Halloween-themed novella from writer Norman Partridge! Both the film adaptation and source material are spoiled in their entirety, so fair warning!

Dark Harvest is available to watch on Prime Video.

Join the conversation! Tell us how you commemorate Spring-O-Ween by leaving a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), or by sending us a long-winded email (CLICK HERE)! We're also all over social media, so check us out on Threads (CLICK) and Instagram (CLICK) and join the TRAPPO revolution!

Thanks for listening, and long live Sawtooth Jack!

Apr 26, 202451:37
The Merrill Strand Experience!

The Merrill Strand Experience!

Once upon a time, a kindly stranger sent us a lovely, well thought out email that recommended a big pile of music they wanted us to check out. Then we promptly ignored that email for months and months, not out of malice, but sheer laziness. In an effort to make amends, we made the decision to check out all of the music our dear friend Merrill wanted us to listen to, and now there's an entire episode dedicated to discussion of all that music. So get comfortable, because it's going to be a long and bumpy ride.

Here it is, Merrill. You're welcome.

What did you think of all the music we discussed in this veritable marathon of an episode? Tell us all about it by leaving a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) or sending us your very own email (CLICK HERE) chock full of musical recommendations that we might eventually tackle in a guilt-ridden episode! We've also got a poll on our latest post, since we couldn't come to consensus regarding a couple of Merrill's picks, so you really should visit the blog (CLICK HERE) and vote in that incredibly important poll. Don't let Merrill down, not like us!

We're also on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) if you want to follow us and join TRAPPO's social media revolution. It's gonna be a bloodbath!

Thanks for listening!

Apr 19, 202401:19:47


On this very special episode of the show that talks about stuff on purpose, your hosts Dustin & Ky are discussing the latest epic release from the Queen herself, Cowboy Carter from Beyoncé! The way we figure, everybody else is already talking about it, so we might as well follow the trends for once and share our opinions on this monumental musical work of art, now that you've already heard a thousand other, more informed opinions and since moved on with your life.

So join us as we sell out!

Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about Cowboy Carter, Beyoncé's greater oeuvre, and why we should never talk about mainstream music again. Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave a dozen spiteful comments telling us that we're just embarrassing ourselves here and really need to pack it in. You could also send those thoughts in a long-winded email (CLICK HERE), which we would very much appreciate.

Would you like to follow TRAPPO on social media? Do you want to join the revolution? Then CLICK HERE to 'gram with the TRAPS and CLICK HERE to Thread yourselves into oblivion! We're saving a seat for you down at the social media hacienda.

Thanks for listening!

Apr 12, 202450:41
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #29!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #29!

Welcome to the 29th installment of the show that talks about you on purpose! This time around, things get a little weird as we discuss your feedback on a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to, Dorthia Cottrell's Death Folk Country, poseurs, contrarians, the horrors of seasonal depression, our dream of an official TRAPPO cook book, the importance of voting, recurring equipment failure, crippling shame, Frank Zappa controversy, and a whole bunch of other stuff that probably won't make any sense to anybody. So enjoy it!

Would you like to join this crazy conversation? Probably not, but you're more than welcome to take part. All you have to do is visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave some comments on the post of your choosing. Tell us what you think of the state of modern pop culture in our dying world! We'd love to know your opinions! You could also send those complicated thoughts in a long and rambling email (CLICK HERE), and we'll probably respond to you at some point in the future.

We're also on social media, if by "social media" you mean Instagram and Threads. Come Thread with us (CLICK) or 'gram with us (CLICK) at your leisure! We'd love to bombard you with a bunch of our inane banter on a semi-regular basis, so please join us on social media! Or don't. Either way, we're cool.

Thanks for listening!

Apr 05, 202449:11
The Quiz That Never Ends!

The Quiz That Never Ends!

TRAPPO has heard you loud and clear, dear listener! You wanted another quiz, and now you've got it! Welcome to the inaugural episode of "The Quiz That Never Ends"!

It's a quiz, but it does have an ending, so don't freak out or anything. It's only called "The Quiz That Never Ends" because it feels like it will go on forever. Join your host Dustin as he leads his contestant Ky on a journey through a battered and broken pop culture landscape in search of non-existent prizes! It's gonna be a blast!

Join the conversation! Tell us what you thought of the latest episode, or just share potential topics for future episodes by visiting the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leaving a comment! If you're feeling more verbose and would like to get something off your chest, feel free to share those thoughts in a bloated email (CLICK HERE) and we'll be glad to read whatever you send us!

TRAPPO is also on social media. Mostly Threads (CLICK) and maybe on Instagram (CLICK) from time to time, but that's pretty much it. Come to Threads and hang out with us! Follow us on Instagram if that's your kink. We don't judge. Just as long as you have a good time without hurting anybody, TRAPPO is cool with it.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 29, 202436:10
The Horror Trivia Quiz Episode!

The Horror Trivia Quiz Episode!

Hello, Horror Heads!

This week on TRAPPO, we're trying something a little different. Ky decided out of the blue that he wanted to test Dustin's horror movie knowledge with a physical quiz he acquired somehow, so now it's an official episode of the show that talks about stuff on purpose, and that's all there is to it. So how well does Dustin do? And how much tangential rambling in between questions will there be?You'll have to listen to find out!

Here's a cool idea, dear listener! Why don't you play along? Grab a pencil & paper and keep score, then when the quiz is over head on over to the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave us a comment telling us how you fared. We'd love to know your scores. While you're there on the blog sharing your own scores, tell us other things. Do you like this whole quiz thing? Would you like us to try this out again sometime? Maybe you'd like to tell us how much you hate this particular episode and that we should never try this again. That's perfectly fine. Just tell us some stuff!

And if you'd like to tell us more stuff than can be contained by the confines of a blog comment, you are in luck! There's this new thing we call email, perhaps you've heard of it? You can send us an email. You can send us several emails. Tell us a whole bunch of stuff in emails, friends. CLICK RIGHT HERE to do that, if it's the kind of thing you're into.

Do you like social media? We don't! But we're out there, trying our best to convince strangers that our show is actually worth their valuable time! You can follow us there on social media if you want. CLICK HERE to visit us on Instagram, which we update regularly, or CLICK HERE to find us on Threads, where we hang out all the time and actually engage with others. So basically just come on down to Threads and chill with the TRAPS. That's where all the cool kids are, after all.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 22, 202444:51
New Music Showcase: "I Am The Dog" from Sir Chloe

New Music Showcase: "I Am The Dog" from Sir Chloe

TRAPPO is back with another New Music Showcase! This time, we're discussing I Am The Dog, the debut album of Vermont indie rockers Sir Chloe! If you'd like to check out the music, which we strongly suggest you do, just CLICK HERE to check out Sir Chloe's Bandcamp!

Since this is a New Music Showcase, that means it's time for you to vote! Just CLICK HERE to visit our blog and decide the fate of I Am The Dog right now! Do you think SIr Chloe's debut album belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Then CLICK HERE to vote and make your voice heard!

While you're hanging out on our official blog, you might as well scroll down a bit and leave a comment, since it doesn't cost you a thing. Tell us what you think about Sir Chloe's music, clue us into Vermont's indie music scene, or just share some of your family's cherished recipes. Just CLICK HERE to leave us come lovely comments. If you're feeling a bit more verbose, feel free to share your thoughts in a long-winded email. CLICK HERE to do just that. We'd sure love to hear from you.

TRAPPO is also all over social media, if by "all over" you mean Instagram and Threads, because that's where we are. Do you want to 'gram with the TRAPS? CLICK HERE to 'gram with us! Do you want to Thread with TRAPPO? CLICK HERE to tie some knots, or whatever it is we're supposed to do with thread. I don't know. Just follow us on social media, kids. We'll probably follow you back.

That's it for now, dear listener. Visit the blog, vote in the poll, leave us some comments and send us some emails, and follow us on Instagram and Threads.

Thanks for listening!

(There are some audio issues in this episode that are inherent to the recording and while we've tried to mitigate the issue as much as possible, anomalies occasionally pop up)

Mar 15, 202421:31
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #28!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #28!

We're back with a brand-new episode of the show that talks about you on purpose! On this very special edition of TRAPPO's Mail Bag, we're discussing the fallout from our fabulous BLACK SUMMER month back in August of last year. We got a fair amount of opinions on our Black Metal coverage, and we manage to discuss most of them on this episode. We also throw down a little trivia regarding the song "Unbelievable" from EMF. It has nothing to do with Black Metal, so that's just pretty par for the course regarding our track record with the musical genre. Santa Claus also puts us on the naughty list for some reason.

Would you like to join this incredibly productive conversation, dear listener? If so, then may I direct your attention to the official TRAPPO blog? Just CLICK HERE to visit that lovely little blog and leave a comment on the post of your choosing. Do you have any recommendations to share? Maybe you'd like to give us some of your beloved family recipes? Either way, just CLICK HERE to leave a comment. If you're feeling a bit more verbose, you could always send us an email. We love reading your emails. CLICK HERE to do just that.

We're also all over social media, by the way. Of course, our definition of "all over" social media really just means Instagram and Threads, so just CLICK HERE to 'gram with us and CLICK HERE to Thread with us. We'll probably follow you back.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 08, 202429:14
New Music Showcase: "Afternoon X" by Vanishing Twin

New Music Showcase: "Afternoon X" by Vanishing Twin

We're back with another one of those super popular New Music Showcase things that you all seem to love so much! This time around, we're discussing Afternoon X, the latest offering from UK psychedelic pop outfit Vanishing Twin! You can check out the music RIGHT HERE if you're interested, and you should be very interested.

And don't forget to vote in our latest poll! If it's a New Music Showcase, that means it's up to you, dear listener, to decide the final fate of Afternoon X. Does Vanishing Twin's latest release belong in the illustrious TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? It's your call! CLICK HERE to visit our blog and make your choice!

Join the conversation! Tell us what you think of Vanishing Twin and their new album, or just tell us whatever is on your mind. We're not picky. If you've got any suggestions for future episode topics, if you want to share some beloved family recipes, or maybe you just want to tell us about your plans for the weekend, just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and let us know. And if you'd like to share those thoughts in a more long-winded fashion, you can always CLICK HERE to send us a delightful email, which we always appreciate.

We're also all over that social media scene, if that's how you get your kicks. Just follow us on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) for the complete TRAPPO experience. What is the complete TRAPPO experience? You have to follow us to find out. Is it worth your time and effort? Absolutely not, be we'll probably follow you back. So come Thread with the TRAPS at your earliest convenience! You'll be glad you did.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 01, 202424:08
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #27!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #27!

The show that talks about you on purpose is back, dear listener! This particular episode (which was culled from a once-lost recording made in June of 2023) is a bit of a strange one, if we're being honest. Things start off well enough. We discuss feedback regarding the music of Art d'Ecco and Kim Gordon, which is fine. Then a whole bunch of other stuff happens. Bad jokes are shared. Ramblings occur. Museums are visited. Machines rise. Paranoia rears its ugly head. And a whole bunch of people really dislike Skinamarink. Buy the ticket. Take the ride.

Would you like to have a conversation, dear listener? Because there's a conversation going on right now, if you can believe it, and we would love you to be a part of that conversation. Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave a comment. Tell us what you think about stuff. About things. Have you seen any good movies recently? Are you willing to share any cherished family recipes? Whatever's going on in your life, feel free to share it with us. We want to know what's happening. CLICK HERE to visit the blog and tell us what's happening. You could also tell us what's happening with an email, if that's something you feel like doing. CLICK HERE to do that.

TRAPPO is also all over the social media landscape. We're not necessarily doing anything interesting on social media, but we're there. And by "all over", I mostly just mean Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK), a subsidiary of Instagram. Do you 'gram? Is that a thing? Because if you 'gram, you could always 'gram with the TRAPS. Let's 'gram together, dear listener! CLICK HERE to 'gram with us! And CLICK HERE to Thread with TRAPPO and feel complete for the first time in your life!

Thanks for listening!

Feb 23, 202435:52
In Review: DRAGONSLAYER (1981)

In Review: DRAGONSLAYER (1981)

This week on the show that talks about stuff on purpose, we're shining a spotlight on 1981's fantasy cult classic DRAGONSLAYER, the delightful story of a beleaguered sorcerer's apprentice who bites off more than he can chew when he decides he's ready to do battle with a very old and very angry dragon that's made an uneasy peace with a nearby kingdom. It's a tale as old as time, a fairy tale for the ages, but this particular tale puts a fascinating spin on the old fantasy tropes with which we're all so familiar.

So join us on this spectacular journey into a distant past that never was, a time of myth and legend, of powerful wizards and foul monsters, an epic age of heroes and kings! Join us as we celebrate the one, the only... DRAGONSLAYER.

Join the conversation! Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and tell us what you think of DRAGONSLAYER. You could also send those thoughts in a long-winded email if you're feeling more verbose. You can CLICK RIGHT HERE to do that. We're also all over the social media scene, if that's the kind of thing you're into. Follow us on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) if you're looking for the complete TRAPPO experience.

Thanks for listening!

(This recording was rife was audio-related issues. Some of these issues could be edited around, and some simply couldn't. We apologize for the frequent problems you will encounter while listening, but these issues were out of our control and we don't think they greatly detract from the overall episode.)

Feb 16, 202401:13:39
New Music Showcase: "Anatomy Of Sight" by Malka

New Music Showcase: "Anatomy Of Sight" by Malka

It's time for another New Music Showcase! This week, we're taking a closer look at Anatomy Of Sight, the latest release from MALKA, also known as multi-talented Scottish musician Tamara Schlesinger. You can check it out for yourself RIGHT HERE.

What did you think of Anatomy Of Sight? Do you think it's worthy of inclusion in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? It's time for you to make the final decision! We've got a poll posted over at our official blog, and we want you to vote, vote VOTE! Just CLICK HERE to visit the post and vote in our lovely poll, which will remain live until our next episode is unleashed! Remember, CLICK HERE to vote!

While you're hanging out at our official blog (CLICK HERE), go ahead and keep the conversation rolling along by leaving a comment or two. Tell us what's on your mind. Have YOU listened to any cool music recently? Seen any good movies? Maybe you checked out a really neat book at your local library and want to tell somebody all about it, but none of your friends seems all that interested? TRAPPO is interested. Tell us all about the cool stuff you like, and who knows? We might end up talking about it on a future episode. Stranger things have happened.

Like emails, for example. People sometimes send us emails. They tell us all about a lot of different things. One time a listener informed us all about their surprisingly busy schedule of sexually charged pagan ceremonies. We're not asking you to share such candid details, of course. But we're not not asking. So if you have any cool stories you want to share with complete strangers on the internet, just go ahead and direct those missives RIGHT HERE and send us an action-packed email! You'd be a lot cooler if you did.

Speaking of cool, people sure do love that social media stuff, don't they? TRAPPO is al over the social media, in case you were wondering. We're camped out on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK), so if you want to follow an obscure, surly pop culture podcast on those platforms (and ONLY those platforms), feel free. We'll be your friends for life. Or at least until we lose interest and cancel TRAPPO, which could honestly happen any day. We never have any concrete plans, after all. We just fly by the seat of our threadbare pants.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting!

(Did you forget about the poll? CLICK HERE to vote!)

Feb 09, 202421:11
66.6 KTRP Presents The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards!
Jan 26, 202401:22:59
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #26!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #26!

The show that talks about YOU on purpose is back for the first time in 2024! We're opening up TRAPPO's Mail Bag once again to address your feedback, dear listener! This time around, we're discussing the state of American comic books, what it feels like to be Jack "The King" Kirby", Dustin finds his self-confidence, TV presenter Jeremy Wade makes an appearance, the Impossible Cutlass Supreme rears its ugly head, demons are summoned, there's a little slime, reader playlists are shared, Gotham City is in danger, and a whole bunch of other stuff also happens. It's a whole lot of fun.

If you'd like to be a part of this ongoing enthusiastic conversation, we'd love to have you aboard. It's so easy to do! All you need to do is click THIS LINK to visit our official blog and leave a comment. Tell us what's on your mind. What did you think of our latest episode? Do you have anything you'd like to recommend to us? Maybe you just need to get something off your chest. TRAPPO is here for you. Just click THIS LINK and tell us what's happening in your neck of the woods. You could also share your complex and fascinating thoughts in an email if you're so inclined. Just click THIS LINK to send us one of those fancy emails, and we'll be your friends for your life.

TRAPPO is also all over that social media thing. Do you do social media? If so, you need to follow TRAPPO, because that's where all the cool stuff is going down. Follow TRAPPO on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK), and that's it. We're not on whatever cesspool of human filth the former Twitter has become, and we don't do the TiKToks or whatever else. So if you want to follow TRAPPO, you know what to do. If not, then you also know what to do.

Thanks for listening!

Jan 20, 202438:57
New Music Showcase: "Holy Waters" by Puma Blue

New Music Showcase: "Holy Waters" by Puma Blue

Happy 2024, dear listener! In this first new episode of the new year, we're taking a closer look at Holy Waters, the latest full-length album from the UK's Jacob Allen, A.K.A. dream-soul maven Puma Blue. Check it out at your leisure, CLICK HERE to listen to Holy Waters, then follow THIS LINK to our blog and vote in the NMS poll! You get to decide whether or not Holy Waters is inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on! So make an informed decision! The poll will remain open until our next episode goes live!

While you're hanging out on our official blog (CLICK HERE) voting in that sweet poll, scroll down just a little bit and leave a comment sharing your thoughts on Holy Waters, and if you've got any recommendations for future episodes you can go ahead and share those as well. We'd love to hear your thoughts. If those thoughts need a bit more breathing room than a blog comment can offer, feel free to send us an email (CLICK HERE), which we always greatly appreciate.

We're also all over that social media thing the kids seem to like so much. Follow TRAPPO on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) for the complete TRAPPO experience, whatever that is.

Thanks for listening!

Jan 06, 202414:30
Dec 25, 202301:19:46
The Frank Zappa Can(n)on!

The Frank Zappa Can(n)on!

It's the last episode of TRAPPO for the year, so we figured we might as well go big! After over two years of listeners asking us to cover Frank Zappa, we're finally building our very own Frank Zappa Can(n)on! Now you can listen along and vehemently disagree with each and every one of our choices!

Join the conversation! I'm sure we're big stupid idiots who didn't highlight any of Zappa's best music, so go ahead and let us know! Visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and let us know how what we may have missed in a sternly worded comment! While you're there, go ahead and suggest topics for future episodes that we may not get to for several years! We also have an email address if you feel like sending us a really long diatribe regarding how we're not really Frank Zappa fans. Go ahead and CLICK HERE to do that.

Are you on social media? Because TRAPPO sure is! And TRAPPO wants to be friends with you! Just follow us on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) for the complete TRAPPO experience!

Happy holidays and thanks for listening!

Dec 23, 202301:03:13
In Review: All Eyes (2022)

In Review: All Eyes (2022)

This week on the show that talks about stuff on purpose, we're discussing the 2022 indie Cryptid thriller All Eyes, a film by The Brothers Greenlee. It's the story of a disgraced podcaster who seeks redemption by traveling to Oklahoma to help a beleaguered farmer trap and kill a local legendary monster... and this monster is positively covered in eyeballs. Hence the film's name. Now you understand, eh?

Do you have anything to tell us regarding All Eyes, the Brothers Greenlee, or even the state of Oklahoma? What about the musical Oklahoma!? Maybe you just want to tell us something about the latest cool album you listened to, or you want to share a delicious family recipe. You can do that. We'd love to hear from you. Just go to our official blog (CLICK HERE) and leave us a comment. Leave us several comments. Comment as often as you please. We also have an email address if you'd prefer to share your thoughts more privately. Just CLICK HERE to do that.

We're all over social media. That's for sure. We don't understand it, and to be completely honest we find it terrifying, but we're still out there, plugging away on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK), so if you're looking for the complete TRAPPO experience, whatever that is, follow us all over those social media platforms. Because we'll probably follow you back.

That's it for now, but thanks for listening!

Dec 16, 202348:44
New Music Showcase: "Hollow World" by Orbiter

New Music Showcase: "Hollow World" by Orbiter

This week on TRAPPO, we're doing another one of those New Music Showcase thingies that people seem to tolerate so well. Have you heard Hollow World, the debut album from Finnish psych/doom outfit Orbiter? No? Then you need to get on that! Check out our latest New Music Showcase and we'll tell you all about it, dear listener!

We've got a poll! I know it's very exciting! You get to choose whether or not Hollow World from Orbiter is inducted into the illustrious TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on! Just click THIS LINK to visit our official blog and vote! Do you love this stuff and want to see it immortalized in our amazing can(n)on, that we're going to use to blast all the cool stuff into outer space for aliens to obsess over until the end of time? Then vote YES! If not... just don't vote. Or vote NO, if you really want to pour more negativity into the world.

While you're there (on our blog), leave us a comment, please. We want to know you thoughts on Hollow World. You can also tell us all about the cool new music you're listening to. We'd love to hear all about that. Just CLICK HERE to do that. We're also all over social media. Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK). Check us out all over the interwebs. Because if you're online, you can be best friends with TRAPPO. And you definitely want to be best friends with TRAPPO.

We've also got our TRAPPO Music Awards poll up (CLICK HERE TO VOTE) until December 27th. Twenty-one eclectic categories waiting for your voting prowess. Who's going to win? Vote, then find out in January when the 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards are broadcast all over the net!

Thanks for listening!

Dec 09, 202319:19
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #25!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #25!

The show that talks about you on purpose is back! This time around, we're discussing listener responses from our month-long Good, Great or Garbage experiment back in February. Why has it taken us so long to respond to your comments from February? Put simply, the raw audio from this recording was lost for quite a while, and it's just taken us a bit of time to get back around to this. Sorry about the delay, dear listeners. It will happen again.

We're also talking about the Chuck Norris action classic Invasion USA, for some reason. Also video games! We don't really play a lot of video games, but somebody asked us about video games, so we talk about them. People play Stardew Valley! And Metal Gear Solid! There are a few recipes shared, as well. That's pretty exciting. Then things get weird. You'll need to listen to find out how far off the rails the conversation gets.

Join the conversation! Follow THIS LINK to the official TRAPPO blog and leave us some comments! Share some of your own recipes with us! Tell us about your own transcendent sexual experiences if that's something you're into. Or just tell us what you've been listening to recently. CLICK HERE to do that. You could also send us an email if you were so inclined. CLICK RIGHT HERE to do that. Send us some emails and we'll be your best friends forever.

We're also all over that pointless social media thing the kids seem to like to much. We're on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK CLICK) and even Threads (CLICK CLICK CLICK), so follow us on social media for the complete TRAPPO Experience!

Thanks for listening!

Dec 02, 202359:14
New Music Showcase: "Death Folk Country" by Dorthia Cottrell

New Music Showcase: "Death Folk Country" by Dorthia Cottrell

What better way to celebrate Black Friday than by taking a little road trip to Death Folk Country? It's not just a recent solo album from Windhand frontwoman Dorthia Cottrell... it's also a state of mind. It's also the newest edition of TRAPPO's New Music Showcase! So listen to your 63rd favorite podcast discuss these cool tunes for a little while this weekend, when you're not bludgeoning other consumers in a mad dash to buy a cheap TV at Walmart or whatever it is you people do when you're not listening to TRAPPO.

If you'd like to listen to Death Folk Country for yourself, which we highly suggest you do, just CLICK RIGHT HERE and satisfy your sinister curiosity.

Since this is a New Music Showcase, you know that means we've got a new poll over on our official blog for you to check out. It's just part of the whole format. You should be used to it by now. So just click THIS LINK to visit our blog and vote in our poll! Do you want Death Folk Country in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Then vote, dammit! Vote like you've never voted before! If you don't want Death Folk Country in the Can(n)on... then I guess you could also vote if you were so inclined. I would suggest against it, but whatever. Just vote. Vote! VOTE!!!

And join the conversation while you're over there on the blog (CLICK HERE). Leave a comment. Tell us what you think of Death Folk Country. Tell us what you think of Windhand. Tell us what you did on Black Friday. Or anything else, really. Just share your thoughts. We want to know your thoughts. We've also got an email address you could use if you wanted to share even MORE of your thoughts. Just CLICK HERE to send us an email if you have a lot of cool stuff you'd like to share with us.

Do you like social media? Of course you don't. But you use it anyway. TRAPPO is on social media. We're on Instagram, BlueSky, and Threads. Because Threads is a thing. We're all over that social media stuff, so follow us wherever you follow other people and brands and animals and sex workers and whatever else for the complete TRAPPO experience. You'd be a lot cooler if you did.

Thanks for listening, and don't forget to VOTE!

Nov 24, 202317:14
Double Feature: Victory Over The Sun's "Dance You Monster To My Soft Song!" and Das Koolies' "DK.01"

Double Feature: Victory Over The Sun's "Dance You Monster To My Soft Song!" and Das Koolies' "DK.01"

This week on the show that talks about stuff on purpose, we're taking a closer look at a pair of recent-ish releases: Dance You Monster To My Soft Song! from avant-garde metal artist Victory Over The Sun and DK.01 from electro-pop veterans Das Koolies. It's a full throttle musical thrill ride here on TRAPPO, so strap in and get ready to have your minds blown!

We, being the hosts of TRAPPO, would very much like you to join the conversation. What conversation? Why, the conversation occurring right this very moment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE to visit)! Just click that link (or THIS ONE) and leave a comment. Leave twelve comments. Tell us a whole bunch of things. Did you ever see a ghost? Have you ever seen two ghosts engaging in any obscene sexual acts? We want to know all about that in particular. Or anything else, really. See any good movies recently? Tune into any cool music? Maybe you saw a grasshopper? We want to know. If you're reading this text and have something to tell us, use THIS LINK to visit our official blog and spill your guts. We'd sure appreciate it.

We'd also greatly appreciate it if you shared your unfettered thoughts in a long-winded email (CLICK HERE to do just that), so feel free to send us an email. Or seven thousand emails. Nothing in between. No half-measures from our dear listeners. So send us some emails. We'll be your friends forever if you do.

We've also got the whole social media thing covered, if that's more your speed. TRAPPO's on BlueSky, Instagram and Threads, so be sure to visit us there for the complete TRAPPO experience, whatever that means. Social media may be a flaming cesspool of wretchedness and terror, but at least it's a way to waste the hours on our way to the cold, cold grave!

Thanks for listening!

Nov 17, 202352:10
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #24!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #24!

It's time, at long last, for another episode of the show that talks about you on purpose! That's right, dear listener... the Mail Bag is filled to the brim with your feedback, and now we're going to dump all that feedback into the floor and pick through all the dross to find a few comments that might actually be worth our time. Only kidding, dear listener. We don't pick favorites with your feedback. We even read the lame comments. Not that there are any. Never from such fine listeners as yourselves.

This time, we're addressing the state of modern cinema (not a lofty topic in the least), the slow death of the local shopping mall, nostalgia for smoking in shopping malls as they slowly die, the greatness of 1985's hilarious consumerist satire The Stuff, and some other things. We can't give it al away right here in the description. That would be foolish. So listen to the show, please!

And if you're still reading this, then perhaps you'd like to join this conversation, meaning the conversation you've heard in this episode. Don't worry about having to talk about smoking in malls or shoegaze music, however. You can share your opinions on just about anything. We just like hearing from you. As long as you're not a bigot. If you're a bigot, then just go jump into a wood chipper. Otherwise, just visit our official blog (CLICK HERE) and leave a comment on the post of your choosing. You can go back to our very first post and leave a comment. We don't mind. Just leave us a comment. Tell us what's on your mind.

You could also send us an email if you're feeling more verbose (CLICK HERE), which we always greatly appreciate. We're also on social media! TRAPPO is all over that social media thing. If you're in the mood, you can follow us on Instagram (CLICK), BlueSky (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK). We want to be best friends with you. Yes, YOU. If you're reading this, we want to be your best friends. So follow us on social media.

Thanks for listening!

Nov 10, 202325:53
New Music Showcase: "Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love?" by Kara Jackson

New Music Showcase: "Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love?" by Kara Jackson

Spooky season is over, dear listener. For now, the show that talks about stuff on purpose is moving on from one format (KTRP) that nobody listens to, in order to focus on another format that nobody listens to. That's right! It's time for another New Music Showcase! Please try to contain your excitement, friends.

This week, we're looking at Kara Jackson's debut album, Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love? Kara Jackson, the immensely talented National Youth Poet Laureate from Oak Park Illinois, has given us all a gift with this album, dear listener. And you owe it to yourself to check it out. Let the beauty and melancholy of Kara Jackson's music change your life. You also owe it to yourself to listen to our New Music Showcase which discusses the beauty and melancholy of Kara Jackson's music.

You can listen to Kara Jackson's music HERE.

Now it's time for a poll! It's the whole point of the New Music Showcase! Follow THIS LINK to visit our blog and vote in the poll. Just scroll down a bit and vote YES or NO. Do you want Kara Jackson's music in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Then vote YES. If you don't have a soul, then vote NO. It's really that simple. The poll will remain open until our next episode goes live.

But while you're on our blog, just scroll down a little further after you reach the poll and leave a comment. Tell us what you think about Kara Jackson's music, our latest New Music Showcase, or really anything else. You could always tell us what you'd like to hear us discuss in a future episode. We appreciate your feedback.

You could also send us an email if you're feeling frisky. Our address is Send us some emails. Yes, I said some emails, as in more than one. Send us ALL the emails. Every last one of them. Send us pictures of your old Halloween decorations, or maybe just some pictures of socks. They don't have to be your socks. We're not picky.

Do you like social media? Because TRAPPO is all over that. We're on Instagram, we're on BlueSky, and we're on Threads. What is Threads? We don't know, but we're there, doing something. So if you want the complete TRAPPO experience, whatever the hell that is, you know what to do. And if you're not on BlueSky and would like an invite, we might have a few codes left, so you could get in touch with us and we might hook you up. Because we're cool, generous dudes.

Listen to Kara Jackson's music. Vote in the poll. Join the conversation. Friends forever. Thanks for listening!

Nov 03, 202320:11
KTRP PRESENTS: "Transmissions From Elsewhere: Cryptids"
Oct 31, 202301:04:36
KTRP PRESENTS: The "Haunted" Hit Parade!
Oct 27, 202301:03:15
In Review: The Last Broadcast (1998)

In Review: The Last Broadcast (1998)

The spooky season is upon us! Naturally, that means it's time for TRAPPO to talk about scary movies! This time around, we wanted to bring some much-needed attention to what is, sadly, a largely forgotten pioneer of the "found footage" genre, 1998's The Last Broadcast, directed by DIY cinematic trailblazers Lance Weiler and Stefan Avalos. We think it's a movie that deserves a reappraisal, and we sincerely hope that you'll give it a chance this Halloween when you're looking for something to watch that will send shivers up your spine. It's currently on SHUDDER, AMC+ and Tubi for your viewing pleasure, so if you haven't already ventured into the Pine Barrens to search for the Jersey Devil with the "Fact or Fiction" crew, take a chance this October. You'll be glad you did.

There's a conversation going on right now at the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE to visit), and we want you, yes YOU, to be a part of it! Head on over to our blog (CLICK HERE) and tell us what you think of The Last Broadcast, share some of your favorite found footage titles, or just tell us what you think of the current state of horror cinema. We'd love to hear your feedback. And if you're feeling more verbose, you can always share that feedback in the form of a long-winded email (CLICK HERE), which is always much appreciated. We're also on BlueSky (CLICK) and Instagram (CLICK) if you're interested in the whole social media thing.

Thanks for listening, and don't forget to join us next week as we share another seasonally appropriate broadcast from our favorite fiends over at 66.6 KTRP...

Oct 20, 202301:19:18
Essential Albums, Volume Three (Part 2)

Essential Albums, Volume Three (Part 2)

We're back with the second part of our incredibly long season three premiere! Eleven albums down, and eleven more to go! Which amazing new musical masterworks will be inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on in this scintillating episode? Tune in to find out, dear listener!

There's also a conversation going on right now, and we'd love you to be a part of it. What conversation? Where conversation? Why conversation? Look, just go to official TRAPPO blog right now (CLICK HERE to do just that) and leave a comment. Other people already have. Really cool people. Don't you want to be one of the cool people? Join that amazing conversation, and let's all be best friends. Tell us what you think about our essential picks, share some of your own essential albums, or just talk about whatever you want. We don't really care. If you've got something you need to get off your chest, just spill your guts on the blog (CLICK HERE).

We also have an email address that's incredibly lonely, because people just don't pay a lot of attention to it. It's, by the way. If you listen closely, you can hear our sad old email address weeping, gently carried on the breeze. Please cheer our email address up by sending us an email! That's the only cure for this affliction. Send us an email. Tell us things. Tell us all the things. In an email. Or several. Several emails would be even better. Send us several emails, dear listener, and we'll love you forever.

Do you like social media? Of course you do! Did you know that TRAPPO is on social media? We're on Instagram (CLICK HERE) and also on BlueSky (CLICK HERE), where all the cool kids are hanging out. So follow us there if you want what we like the call "the complete TRAPPO experience", which we promise is not a sexual euphemism. At least not yet, anyway.

That's it for now, everybody. We'll be back next year to begin our annual celebration of the spooky season, A.K.A. the most wonderful time of the year. It's gonna be a real blast.

Thanks for listening!

Oct 13, 202301:14:29
Essential Albums, Volume Three (Part 1)

Essential Albums, Volume Three (Part 1)

TRAPPO is back for season three with a two-episode premiere! It's time for more essential albums to be inducted into the illustrious TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on, and this season we're turning it up to eleven! That's eleven albums, dear listener! Eleven albums per host, meaning twenty-two albums in total. That's a lot of essential music, and that's why we needed two episodes to share it all with you! So here's the first half of this super-sized discussion for your listening pleasure!

It's time to join the conversation! What conversation? Only the greatest conversation on the entire internet! Follow THIS LINK to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave your feedback! Tell us what you think of our essential picks so far, share some of your own essential albums with us, and tell us what you hope to hear from us in season three! We always love reading your feedback, either on the blog (CLICK HERE to visit) or via a long-winded email (CLICK HERE to send us one of those), which we also greatly appreciate. We're also on Bluesky (CLICK HERE) and Instagram (CLICK HERE), so if you want to follow TRAPPO on social media, you know what to do.

Thanks for listening, and stay tuned for next week's conclusion to our essential season premiere! You don't want to miss it!

Oct 06, 202357:43
The Un-Skippable Mix-Tape!

The Un-Skippable Mix-Tape!

It's the second-season finale of the show that talks about stuff on purpose, and we've got a doozy for you this week, dear listener! It's been a while since we've done a mix-tape here on TRAPPO, so we thought we'd wrap up our second season with another one of those beauties. But not just any mix-tape, friends! This is a very special mix-tape, one that's near and dear to our hearts. We call it "The Un-Skippable Mix-Tape"! What exactly does that mean, you may very well be asking. Well, what does the term "un-skippable" mean to you? That's what this mix-tape is. We've curated a selection of songs that we never skip when they come up on "shuffle". That's it. That's all there is to it. Un-skippable songs. That's the playlist. I mean the mix-tape. We make mix-tapes here on TRAPPO. Because we're old and out of touch. You might think a mix-tape filled with un-skippable songs might be an easy thing to come up with, but you'd be wrong, because we take this stuff seriously. I'm gonna be real with you folks: we agonized over this mix-tape. A lot of hard choices were made to get to this point, to create the perfect mix-tape of immaculate, un-skippable music. And now you get to hear us build this impossible tower of perfect music, track by track, on the season finale of TRAPPO! So enjoy it. That's an order. Enjoy this episode. You have no choice.

Join the conversation! Leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE to visit said blog) and tell us how badly we screwed up creating an "un-skippable" mix-tape, then share your own lists of music you consider "un-skippable". We'd love to read those lists, if for no other reason than to harshly judge your pathetic musical taste. Are you brave enough to let TRAPPO trash your sacred musical cows? Leave a comment on roll the dice! (CLICK HERE to visit our stupid blog) If you're feeling more verbose, you're always more than welcome to send your playlists and accompanying thoughts via email! Our address is, so feel free to send us an email! We know you use email. Everybody does. So just send us an email. Send TRAPPO an email. Or don't. It's your choice. We'll be fine either way.

Thanks for listening, thanks for helping us cross the finish line with season two, and we'll see you soon for season three!

Sep 23, 202301:05:24
TRAPPO's Comic Book Cavalcade!
Sep 09, 202346:04
The Black Summer Album Exchange!

The Black Summer Album Exchange!

BLACK SUMMER concludes with this special album exchange! We begin by choosing two Black Metal-related albums recommended by listeners from TRAPPO's Black Metal Mail Bag: "Orphans Of The Black Sun" by Mütterlein & "Fear Not The Dark nor The Sun's Return" by Vulgarite. Then we conclude with a pair of personal picks: "Dopethrone" from Electric Wizard & "Blight Witch Regalia" from Cicada the Burrower.

BLACK SUMMER might be wrapping up, but the conversation never has to end. Just head to the official TRAPPO blog and leave a comment. It's that easy. Tell us what you think about the music featured on this week's episode. Share your thoughts on Black Metal in general. CLICK HERE to visit the blog. You could also send us an email if you're feeling a little more verbose. Just CLICK HERE to do that. We know you won't, but the option is there. We always appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for joining us throughout this miserable season. BLACK SUMMER lives on forever in our withered hearts, and in the darkness that dwells within our corrupt souls. Thank you for listening.

Aug 25, 202359:41
SPOTLIGHT: "Origin of the Alimonies" by Liturgy

SPOTLIGHT: "Origin of the Alimonies" by Liturgy

BLACK SUMMER rages on with this exhaustive SPOTLIGHT episode focusing on musician Haela Ravenna Hunt-Hendrix's Transcendental Black Metal band Liturgy, more specifically their fifth full-length album, 2020's epic Origin of the Alimonies. This is a deep dive, everybody. A lot of seemingly disparate topics are covered here, but it all makes some semblance of sense in the end. I think. Maybe this whole episode just sounds like the ramblings of crazy people grasping at straws while trying to connect a whole bunch of dangling threads after listening to some amazing music, but that's for you to figure out. It's BLACK SUMMER, dammit. We're allowed to takes things a bit too far. What kind of show would this be if we didn't?

(one quick note: this episode was recorded several months ago, and in the interim the artist in question has chosen to be identified as Haela Ravenna Hunt-Hendrix. The episode refers to the artist as "Hunter" throughout, and moving forward, whenever the artist or her work is mentioned on the show we will use her chosen name)

Join the conversation! Go to the official TRAPPO blog and leave a comment! Share your thoughts on Liturgy, Origin of the Alimonies, Haela Ravenna Hunt-Hendrix's art and theology, or whatever else. We don't mind, as long as you're not a bigoted prick. Please don't be a bigoted prick. CLICK HERE to visit the blog and leave a comment. You could also send us email if you have something more substantial to share. CLICK HERE to send us an email, which we would greatly appreciate. That's it for now, but we'll be back next week to bring this exalted BLACK SUMMER to a close.

Thanks for listening!

Aug 18, 202301:06:08
TRAPPO Investigates... "The Black Gaze Connection"

TRAPPO Investigates... "The Black Gaze Connection"

The horrible glory of TRAPPO's BLACK SUMMER continues unabated with a deep dive on the "Black Gaze" phenomenon with a brand-new episode of TRAPPO Investigates. Once upon a time, we began a new series here called TRAPPO Investigates with an episode called "What Is Shoegaze", and just about everybody who listened to that particular episode had something negative to say about it. Apparently we just didn't do a very good job of investigating "Shoegaze", and listeners were pretty eager to let us know. That was back in January, and we're finally following up with our second installment of this nascent series a scant seven months later, so I think we're striking while the iron is hot. And coincidentally (not coincidentally), the topic we're discussing this time around is not only Black Metal-adjacent, but also "Shoegaze"-adjacent, so we get to royally upset two fan bases at once with our latest episode!

So what the hell is "Black Gaze"? That's the question we're asking this week. Seriously, what the hell is this "Black Gaze" thing? Do you know? Could you tell us? Leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog, telling us everything you know about "Black Gaze". You could also tell us all about how much this episode sucks and how much we suck because we don't understand music or the popular culture or literally anything else. That's cool. Just type some words out below and share your thoughts. CLICK HERE to visit our blog and leave a thousand comments! Do you use email? Do you have an email address? We do. It's You could send us an email if you would like. You probably won't, but you could. And we would love to read your emails. Preferably out loud on the next episode of TRAPPO's Mail Bag! But we won't hold our breath.

That's it for now. BLACK SUMMER rages on next week with more wholesome fun!

Aug 11, 202336:29
TRAPPO's Black Metal Mail Bag!

TRAPPO's Black Metal Mail Bag!

Two Mail Bags in a row?! It's an embarrassment of riches as we begin our impromptu month-long exploration of the world of Black Metal with this very special installment of TRAPPO's Mail Bag! This episode addresses a whole bunch (like a lot) of listener comments relating to Black Metal and... other things that will not be mentioned here. It's a real journey, folks. Let's just leave it at that.

This is just the beginning, as TRAPPO is dedicating the entire month of August to Black Metal in a feature we've cleverly dubbed BLACK SUMMER!

You're welcome.

There's also a conversation going on right now, this very moment, at the official TRAPPO blog, and we want you to be a part of it. Just click right here and leave a comment on the post of your choosing. You can tell us what you think about this whole Black Metal thing, share some of your musical recommendations, or just berate us for not taking any of this seriously enough. Either way, your feedback is always welcome. We also have an email address that nobody ever uses, but you could always surprise us with a fresh missive. It's, by the way. That's our email address. Send us some electronic mail, if you so wish. We always appreciate those.

That's it for now, but be sure to join us all this month as BLACK SUMMER continues!

Aug 04, 202345:26
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #23!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #23!

This time around on the show that talks about you on purpose, we're picking up the holiday slack by reading a bunch of listener feedback from our Christmas-themed episodes. Think of it as a Christmas in July kind of thing. That's festive and timely, after all. We discuss the classic film It's A Wonderful Life, our favorite adaptations of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, stuff that didn't make the final cut of our KTRP Christmas special, the music of an obscure nu-metal outfit called September Mourning, the films of late director Stuart Gordon, a brief interlude with the iconic Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, and for some inexplicable reason, the hit pop country song "Islands In The Stream" from Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. There's a bunch of other stuff in there, too. The episode's over an hour long, after all. But we'll leave a few surprises in there for you to discover on your own. You're welcome.

Join the conversation! Click here to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave some comments! Leave seventeen comments on any post that catches your fancy. Just tell us some stuff. Leave a name when you comment, however. Please. Don't just stay anonymous. You don't have to use your real name. Just type a string of random letters and numbers if you'd like. We don't care. Just please, for the love of all things sacred, don't assault us with another deluge of "anonymous" comments. You're better than that, dear listener. So just click here and share your feedback, and we may address it on a future episode. We'll probably address it on a future episode of the show. You could also send us an email, because we have a dedicated email address. It's, and it's waiting for you to use and abuse. Fill our inbox with delicious emails. If we depended on consuming emails to survive, we'd have starved to death a long time ago. Luckily we don't live in a topsy-turvy world like that, but we'd still love to read your long-form thoughts in a much appreciated email. Either way, we'll be okay. But we'd be a little more okay if you sent us an email. Tell us whatever you feel like, even if it's not pop culture-related. Share some precious family recipes. We love that stuff.

Thanks for listening!

Jul 21, 202301:02:52
The TRAPPO Double Feature!

The TRAPPO Double Feature!

Welcome back to the show that talks about stuff on purpose! This time around, we're seeing double! Not content to tackle either an EP Exchange or a movie review, we've decided to mix things up and do both, because we're completely out of control! In this episode, we're discussing the 2018 self-titled debut from electro-punk outfit The C.I.A. and the soulful 2021 EP Bloodline from Gabriels. But that's not all! We're also talking about writer/director/actor Shinichi Fukazawa's underground 1995 cult hit Bloody Muscle Body Builder In Hell, A.K.A. "Japanese Evil Dead"! Pretty exciting stuff, kids!

Join the conversation! What conversation? Why, the conversation that's going on right now, this very moment, on the official TRAPPO blog. Follow this link and tell us what's on your mind. Do you have thoughts about the stuff we discussed in this latest episode? Maybe you want to share your thoughts regarding the ongoing implosion of the Hollywood studio system. Or perhaps you have some cherished family recipes you'd like us to know all about. Follow this link and leave us those comments. We also have an email address, if you'd like to share your thoughts but would prefer to be a bit more verbose. We know you won't use it, but here it is regardless: It's a real email address. Use it. Send us an email. Tell us things. Whatever you want. We don't care. Just send us an email sometime. We'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for listening!

Jul 14, 202356:05
New Music Showcase: "Onyx" by Jackie Extreme

New Music Showcase: "Onyx" by Jackie Extreme

It's time for a brand-new episode of TRAPPO's New Music Showcase! We're taking a closer look at Onyx, the latest full-length release from the enigmatic Jackie Extreme. Who is Jackie Extreme? What is Jackie Extreme? If you want to find out, just tune in!

And if you want to listen to Onyx for yourself, just CLICK HERE!

We've also got a poll set up over on the official TRAPPO blog that we'd love you to check out. Just CLICK HERE and make a momentous choice. As is customary with the New Music Showcase, you get to decide whether the music we showcase is inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on. This is a big deal, folks! So CLICK HERE and let your voice be heard!

Join the conversation! Leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog! Tell us what's on your mind. What do you think about Jackie Extreme? What's your take on the Barbie/Oppenheimer debate? Share your thoughts! Just CLICK HERE to visit the blog and do your thing. You could also send us an email if you're feeling more verbose. Our email address is

Listen. Vote. Comment. TRAPPO.

Jun 30, 202316:34
TRAPPO's Mail Bag #22!

TRAPPO's Mail Bag #22!

We're back with a brand-new edition of TRAPPO's Mail Bag, the show that talks about you on purpose! This time around, we're discussing feedback regarding the 2022 TRAPPO Music Awards, responses to responses about a Batman-related episode, the dubious merits of Vincent Gallo and his side hustle as a gigolo, candy (because somebody wanted to share their thoughts on candy), Bruce Springsteen and the insane ticket prices for his most recent tour, a bunch of people complain about TRAPPO's "worthless" shoegaze episode, and we're haunted by the morbidly obese ghost of baseball legend Babe Ruth. It's a whole lot of fun, I guess.

Would you like to join this scintillating conversation, dear listener? Probably not, but the option is there. We sure would appreciate it if you did. All you have to do is visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave a comment. Any comment. We don't care. Tell us whatever's on your mind. As long as you're not a bigoted asshole, we'll probably read your comment on a future episode. You could also send us an email, which absolutely nobody does anymore, but we feel compelled to keep sharing our email address, because we just love that specific thrill of disappointment whenever we check to see if we've received any new emails only to see an empty, lonely inbox. It's, if you're interested. You're not, but we suppose you could be. Send us an email. Remind us that we're still alive. Or maybe we're just ghosts invisibly haunting the worldwide web.

Either way, thanks for listening. If you listen. Which you don't. But if you do, thanks for that. We love you, dear imaginary listener.

Jun 23, 202327:20
New Music Showcase: "Oh Me Oh My" by Lonnie Holley

New Music Showcase: "Oh Me Oh My" by Lonnie Holley

Welcome back to the latest New Music Showcase here on TRAPPO! Now we may not be able to call our nascent ongoing series "a success" as of yet, but we're gonna keep plugging along, because we're just a pair of stubborn fools who want to share some neat new-ish music with our rapidly dwindling audience! Our latest offering to the new music gods is Oh Me Oh My from legendary outsider artist Lonnie Holley! Who is Lonnie Holley, you may well ask? You can learn a little more about this fascinating figure by clicking right here, and we really think you should. Suffice to say, the man has led a truly intriguing life, and his late-period forays into the musical realm have proven thus far to be incredibly moving and heartfelt, and Oh Me Oh My is no exception. So just listen to the episode, okay? And if you want to listen to Lonnie Holley's Oh Me Oh My, just click this string of words right here and listen away!

We've got a poll over on the official TRAPPO blog that we'd sure love you to participate in, if you would be so kind. Just click this thick link to decide whether or not Oh Me Oh My is inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on. It's up to you, dear listener! The poll will remain open until the next episode of TRAPPO goes live, which will probably be next week, but considering our recent track record, who honestly knows? Either way, we desperately want you to vote in this poll. Lonnie Holley needs your votes.

There's also a conversation going on right now, and we'd love you to become a part of that. Just visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave a comment on the post of your choosing. Tell us what you think about the New Music Showcase so far, share your thoughts on Lonnie Holley's music, or just type whatever's on your mind. We don't care. As long as you're not spilling any bigoted tea, it's all good. You could also send us an email if you were so inclined. You probably won't, but that door is always open. Just direct those theoretical emails to and we may read your rambling thoughts on a future episode of the show.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting!

Jun 09, 202320:04


Hey! Have you heard of TELLY? Not the English slang term for television, dummy! The brand-new "free" ad-supported television called TELLY that's supposedly coming later this summer! If you haven't heard of TELLY, then let your good friends here at TRAPPO tell you all about it! Or you can just read this reasonable article from WIRED that discusses TELLY in some detail. That would be quicker. But not as entertaining! Is the dystopian future we've all long-feared finally arrived?! Is TELLY the new vanguard for the surveillance state? Is TELLY our new friend? Or is TELLY our greatest enemy? Let's stoke each other's fears and paranoia this week on the show that talks about stuff on purpose!

There's a conversation going on right now, and we want you to be a part of it! Just go to the official TRAPPO blog EMAIL! and give us some love! We might be getting a little desperate over here, so send us some emails!

Thanks for listening, and welcome, TELLY, our new televisual overlord!

Jun 02, 202326:04
Album Exchange: "WAR" by I Speak Machine & "ECHT" by La Colonie de Vacances (French Summer Camp!)

Album Exchange: "WAR" by I Speak Machine & "ECHT" by La Colonie de Vacances (French Summer Camp!)

It's time for a good old-fashioned album exchange! This time around, we're talking about WAR from I Speak Machine and something called ECHT from La Colonie de Vacances, which roughly translates to "summer camp". What does that mean? Listen to the episode to find out, I guess. Have you ever heard any of this music? If not, you can listen to WAR RIGHT HERE and you can listen to ECHT RIGHT HERE. Click them links and listen to some groovy tunes. And after you've listened to the episode and the groovy tunes, click THIS LINK to vote in our latest poll! WAR's fate is in peril! Are you an intelligent human being who thinks it belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Are you a big dummy who doesn't appreciate good music and thinks it's just a musical succubus that drains you of your very life essence? Click HERE to voice your opinion!

And while you're there, why don't you go ahead and join the conversation? Leave us a comment telling us what you think about the music featured in this episode, or really whatever else catches your fancy. We really just love feedback. Speaking of feedback, we also have an email address. It's, if you're interested. Send us an email if you feel up to it. We do so enjoy reading your delightful emails, dear listeners. That's pretty much it. Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting. Oh, did you not vote? Then click THIS LINK to vote. Did you click the link? You really should. Bye!

(Sincere apologies to both I Speak Machine and La Colonie de Vacances for this low-energy and scatter-brained episode. You deserve better.)

May 19, 202347:44


Hello again, dear listener. TRAPPO, the show that talks about stuff on purpose, has returned with a brand-new episode of our beloved New Music Showcase! We know you're very excited for this. You've been looking forward to it. And we here at TRAPPO are more than happy to oblige. So what new music are we showcasing this week? Thank you for asking. It's a recent release from an artist named Pauline Bedarida, A.K.A. , called Cociage, and we are here to tell you all about it, because that's what the New Music Showcase is all about. Is this new music worth your time? Maybe. Maybe not. You have to listen to find out. That's the whole point of the podcast. Why would we just tell you what we think about Cociage right here? We went through all the trouble of making this whole podcast all about Cociage, and the least you can do, dear listener, is actually listen to the damned thing. So do that.

Discover the disturbing majesty of Fuck Jungle for yourself by clicking here to listen to Cociage!

And now it's time for a poll! That's right, dear listener! Every episode of TRAPPO's New Music Showcase is accompanied by a poll. That's just part of the format. We don't get to decide whether or not these new releases make the cut and get inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on. You do. With a poll. You'll find it right here, at this link. Click this link to find the poll. There are two options: YES and NO. This isn't difficult. Do you think Cociage belongs in the Can(n)on? Then vote YES. If you don't want Cociage in the Can(n)on, then vote NO. We shouldn't have to explain polls to you. So vote. Listen to the episode, then listen to Cociage, then vote. Vote with your heart, dear listener. The results of the poll will be announced when our next episode goes live, whenever that is.

There's a conversation happening right now, dear listener. It's not a particularly active conversation at the moment, but it's still a conversation, and we want you to be a part of it. All you have to do is follow this link to the official TRAPPO blog and leave a comment. Tell us what you think about Cociage. Do you think it's awesome? Do you think it's beneath contempt? We want to hear your opinions. You could also tell us just about anything else that might be on your mind, should you be willing to share. Just tell us things. All the things. We want to know what's going on out in the world right now, because we don't get out much. If you're so inclined, you could also send us an email. You probably won't, but we need you to know that you always have the option. The address is, by the way. If you've got a lot of stuff to say, just send us an email. We'd love to hear from you. Unless you're just going to be a bigot or an asshole. Then we'd rather you just keep all that to yourself.

Thanks for voting, and thanks for listening!

May 12, 202319:22
In Review: Skinamarink (2022)

In Review: Skinamarink (2022)

Welcome back to the show that talks about stuff on purpose! In this delightful episode, we're gonna be blabbing about a "movie" that has taken the hipster horror world by storm! It's 2022's Skinamarink, which is a very awkward title to say out loud! Just go ahead and say it out loud a few times right now. Marvel at how the word utterly fails to roll off the tongue! And no, we're not talking about Skinnamarink, the song from Sharon, Lois & Bram. Actually, that's not true. We do, in fact, discuss the Sharon, Lois & Bram song a little bit in this episode, because we were left with precious little choice. What does that have to do with 2022's experimental horror flick Skinamarink? Something, dear listener. Something. Have you seen 2022's Skinamarink? If not, you probably should. You should at least try. Maybe you'll like it. Maybe you'll love it. Maybe you'll curse the day it was released. Either way, TRAPPO wins. Bottom line: if you've got a fetish for movies filled (to the brim) with dimly-lit shots of carpets and beige walls, we have the movie for you! It's streaming on SHUDDER right now. It's also coming to blu-ray on June 20th, and you can pre-order it today, if that floats your boat. I guess you could pirate the movie if you want to be a complete asshole. But don't do that. Support independent artists. That's super important, kids.

Join the conversation! Which conversation? The conversation that's going on right now on the official TRAPPO blog! Just go there and leave a comment on the post of your choosing. You can tell us what you think about 2022's Skinamarink if you feel up to it. You could also tell us literally anything else. Just don't be a bigot or an asshole and you're always welcome. We also have an email address. It's, if you're interested. Send us an email. Tell us things. Tell us ALL the things. Type some stuff for us to read. Words on the internet. That's what we love here at TRAPPO.

Thanks for listening!

May 05, 202343:17