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Winny 十分鐘中英語說

Winny 十分鐘中英語說

By Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行

跟著 Winny & York 用十分鐘中英語談旅遊和生活~ 兩人自小住紐澳,目前定居墨爾本。曾經以八公斤行李環遊世界 325天,與大家分享踏遍世界七大洲、84多國的故事! Taiwan-born Winny & York grew up in NZ & Aus. They travelled around the world in 8kg carry-on to 84+ countries & 7 continents. 10 min bilingual stories in both Mandarin Chinese & English. Currently in Melb. 目標是每兩個禮拜更新一次~現語音檔曾用於台灣教育電台「教育行動家」Global Village英文單元中。 * Blog: * FB: * IG: * YouTube: 【出版作品】 * 2019《跟著Winny勇闖中美洲》→ * 2018《地心引力抓不住的冒險家》→
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EP.18 巴拿馬運河—世界七大工程奇蹟 Panama Canal- Wonders of the Modern World

Winny 十分鐘中英語說Apr 22, 2021

EP.33 澳洲鬧鬼的世界遺產—亞瑟港 Port Arthur- the haunted UNESCO site

EP.33 澳洲鬧鬼的世界遺產—亞瑟港 Port Arthur- the haunted UNESCO site

你們知道澳洲有許多地方鬧鬼嗎? 位於塔斯馬尼亞的亞瑟港 ,是澳洲第二主要鬧鬼的地方! 在十八世紀時這裡成為英國與愛爾蘭重刑犯的關押所。 1996 年更發生了改變澳洲槍枝管理法律的槍擊案! 這集將會跟大家介紹這座白天風景優美,但晚上令人毛骨悚然的世界遺產。

想了解更多關於亞瑟港的歷史嗎? 歡迎連結 →澳洲-世界遺產-port-arthur-亞瑟港/

Did you know that there are plenty of haunted places in Australia? Apparently, Port Arthur in Tasmania is the second most haunted place in Australia! Not only this place used held convicts back in the 18th century, a massacre also happened back in 1996 which changed the gun laws in Australia! In this episode, we shall share the story behind this infamous UNESCO site.

Want to follow our self-drive itinerary in Tasmania? Link here→

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Nov 18, 202110:09
EP.32 歐洲第三豐富古蹟的國家—保加利亞 Bulgaria- The third archaeological rich country in Europe

EP.32 歐洲第三豐富古蹟的國家—保加利亞 Bulgaria- The third archaeological rich country in Europe

保加利亞是繼希臘以及義大利、第三多古蹟的歐洲國家,從公元1年前就被羅馬帝國統治。 而首都索菲亞這個地區早在西元 7000 多年前就有人居住! 如果說這個城市幾乎是蓋在羅馬帝國的古蹟上也不為過! 這集將會跟大家介紹這東歐國家以及城市,告訴各位有什麼好吃、好玩的吧!

想了解更多關於保加利亞嗎? 歡迎連結 →歐洲-bulgaria-保加利亞-古蹟/

Bulgaria is a land filled with history and is the third archaeological rich country following Greece and Italy. The capital- Sofia was founded 7000B.C by the Thracian tribes and was ruled and occupied by many different superpowers, such as the Romans and the Ottomans. Today, Sofia is a modern city but the history of this place could be seen everywhere, from the ground floor of a hotel to the subway stations. In this episode, we shall share some fun facts with you about this city and the country itself.

What to learn more about Bulgaria? Link here→

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Nov 04, 202109:12
EP.31 搭上陌生人的摩托車?在加德滿都與藝術家購畫 Riding with strangers? Story of purchasing artwork in an artists house in Kathmandu

EP.31 搭上陌生人的摩托車?在加德滿都與藝術家購畫 Riding with strangers? Story of purchasing artwork in an artists house in Kathmandu

Oct 21, 202109:20
EP.30 橫跨歐洲與亞洲的伊斯坦堡 Istanbul- the city that spans between Europe & Asia

EP.30 橫跨歐洲與亞洲的伊斯坦堡 Istanbul- the city that spans between Europe & Asia

伊斯坦堡是座令人不釋手的城市,充滿著豐富的色彩、歷史以及人俗風情!由博斯普魯斯海峽分開著,是全世界唯一行跨歐洲以及亞洲的城市! 這就是為什麼伊斯坦堡含有豐富的亞洲以及歐洲的特色,就算待好幾天也感覺不夠! 這集將會跟大家介紹這擁有萬種風情的城市。

想閱讀完整的伊斯坦堡攻略嗎? 歡迎連結 →伊斯坦堡-景點-兩天-自由行-攻略/

Istanbul is a vibrant city full of cultures, colours and histories. It is one of the largest cities in the world with population of 14 million and growing! Located on both sides of the Bosphorus strait, it is the only city in the world that spans across Europe and Asia physically and culturally. It is almost impossible to run of out things to do in Istanbul. However if you have limited time like us, I will share with you what we did during our two days in Istanbul!

What to see the full itinerary? Link here→

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Oct 07, 202109:47
EP.29 玻利維亞的天空之鏡 World's Largest Mirror in Bolivia's Uyuni

EP.29 玻利維亞的天空之鏡 World's Largest Mirror in Bolivia's Uyuni

當初會來到南美洲的玻利維亞,就是為了要看世界上最大片的天空之境。 雖然氣溫寒冷、需搭乘無數飛機及交通工具才能抵達的烏尤尼鹽湖,但被鏡面包圍的世界讓一切都那麼值得。 不過其實我們差點就因為功課不足而錯過這片美景! 趕緊來聽聽我們的故事,不要像一些人一樣與這片景色擦肩而過吧!

想詳細閱讀玻利維亞的天空之鏡網誌,歡迎連結 →玻利維亞-鹽湖-uyuni-天空之鏡/

Imagine the world’s largest mirror just beneath your feet, stretching endlessly in all directions. The moment was beyond magical. The world's largest mirror in Uyuni salt flat was the reason why we visited this small South American nation of Bolivia. Do not miss out on this episode if you want to learn more about one of the most beautiful places in the world!

What read up on Bolivia's largest salt lake in Uyuni? Link here→

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Sep 23, 202108:23
EP.28 尼加拉瓜的火山群 Volcanoes in Nicaragua
Sep 09, 202108:60
EP.27 隱藏在河岸中的神祕馬雅遺址—亞斯奇蘭 The Mayan Ruin that's only accessible via boat ride- Yaxchilan
Aug 26, 202108:26
EP.26 希臘最浪漫的聖托里尼 & 美食 Greek Food in Santorini

EP.26 希臘最浪漫的聖托里尼 & 美食 Greek Food in Santorini

希臘料理基本上就是基於地中海飲食, 而地中海飲食算是全世界最健康的飲食之一。 原因就在於地中海飲食使用大量的橄欖油、蔬菜、 香料、穀類、美酒以及各種肉類,而希臘最浪漫的島嶼— 聖托里尼美食也不例外。這集將會簡單告訴大家我們在這座美妙的島嶼上到底吃了什麼,希望不會讓另一頭的你感到肚餓!

想了解更多關於聖托里尼上的希臘美食嗎? 歡迎連結 →希臘-santorini-聖托里尼美食/

Greek cuisine is essentially Mediterranean cuisine which is known to be one of the healthiest diets in the world! Food in Santorini is no different. They are in abundance of olive oil, herbs, lemon juice,  vegetables, fish, wines and various meats. In this episode, we will briefly introduce Santorini and its food to you.

What to know more about the Greek Food in Santorini? Link here→

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Aug 12, 202110:08
EP.25 越南的恆恩洞 : 露宿世界第三大的洞穴,兩天一夜叢林探險 Exploring the 3rd largest cave in the World- Hang En in Vietnam

EP.25 越南的恆恩洞 : 露宿世界第三大的洞穴,兩天一夜叢林探險 Exploring the 3rd largest cave in the World- Hang En in Vietnam

說到越南這個東南亞國家,大家通常第一個想到的是下龍灣。不過越南另一個世界遺產 “豐雅洞國家公園”  可是探險者的天堂。 這個地方擁有 300多個奇特的石洞, 是全世界最大石灰岩地形的地區之一, 裡面有許多特殊造型的鐘乳石。於是我們決定參加這鮮為人知的兩天一夜叢林探險,挑戰全世界第三大的洞穴恆恩洞 !沒有想到這趟健行比尼泊爾 EBC 更難,我不只被水蛭咬,還好幾次差點被急流沖走!這集就跟大家分享我們的冒險故事吧!

想讀完整三天兩夜的恆恩洞冒險嗎? 歡迎連結 →越南-豐雅洞國家公園-恆恩洞-hang-en/

Not many people realized there are plenty of cave systems in Vietnam, especially in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, with more than 300 unique caves to explore! In today's episode, we are going to talk about our 2D1N adventure exploring Hang En Cave- the 3rd largest cave in the world. Not only we got bitten by leaches, we almost got washed away by strong river currents. Stay tuned for this unforgettable adventure!

Want to read up more travel blogs? Link here→

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Jul 29, 202110:08
EP.24 前往拉脫維亞 2003年才被公開的蘇聯秘密基地 The Secret Soviet Bunker in Latvia

EP.24 前往拉脫維亞 2003年才被公開的蘇聯秘密基地 The Secret Soviet Bunker in Latvia

很多人沒有想到在波羅的海三國中間的拉脫維亞裡居然藏著 2003 年才被公布的蘇聯秘密基地!在一個看似在深山小鎮內的康復水療中心,地下居然藏著這麼大的秘密! 這裡深在地下九公尺,上面有五公尺的鋼筋水泥能夠阻擋原子彈爆炸的威力。 而且面積占地下兩萬平方公尺,能夠讓兩百多人以上住上三個月都不用出去,比希特勒蓋給自己的地堡還大!這集將會簡單介紹這項黑暗景點給你聽!

想閱讀完整的蘇聯秘密基地的遊記嗎?? 歡迎連結 →蘇聯秘密基地-拉脫維亞-soviet-bunker-ligatne/

Hidden deep beneath the rehabilitation spa centre in Ligatne- a small  village in the middle of a national park is a secret soviet bunker built to protect the soviet political elite in case of a nuclear attack during the cold war. The 213,000 square foot hideout, completely self-sustainable and could support 250 people for up to three months! Do not miss out this episode if you want to know this dark tourist destination!

What to know more about the secret Soviet bunker in Latvia? Link here→

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Jul 15, 202109:46
EP.23 不再是《毒梟》的首都!帶你前往哥倫比亞的波哥大!Narcos no more! Bogota- the capital of Colombia

EP.23 不再是《毒梟》的首都!帶你前往哥倫比亞的波哥大!Narcos no more! Bogota- the capital of Colombia

大家聽到哥倫比亞,第一個對它的印象絕對是影劇《毒梟》,而首都波哥大則是其中一座大本營。 然而,這只是外界對它的刻板印象,這座城市近十年改變了許多,人們也不希望他們鍾愛的城市永遠是與毒品扯上邊。 這集將會跟大家介紹這座富有魅力的拉丁美洲首都,看看它有什麼不為人知的祕密吧!

想了解更多關於哥倫比亞首都的旅遊攻略嗎? 歡迎連結 →哥倫比亞-bogota-波哥大/

When people first heard about Colombia, usually they think of the TV series "Narcos". What they didn't realize is that people in Colombia have been trying hard to not associate their beloved country with drugs & violent crimes. In this episode, we will take you into Colombia's capital- Bogota, so you get a glimpse of what this South American gem has to offer.

Want to read up more travel blogs? Link here→

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Jul 01, 202109:51
EP.22 巨大的摩艾石像、神秘的復活節島 The mystery of Easter Island & Giant Moai

EP.22 巨大的摩艾石像、神秘的復活節島 The mystery of Easter Island & Giant Moai

我相信到復活節島旅遊是許多人的夢想,尤其那些巨大的摩艾石像,更是令人著迷。 不過復活節島是全世界最偏僻的地方之一,距離所屬國家智利的距離大約 3750公里,而離大溪地也約 4050公里,連最接近的島嶼也要2081公里遠! 這就是為什麼飛到這裡的機票以及當地消費跟智利本土比起來非常貴。 不過想要省錢的話,一定有方法! 這集將會簡單介紹復活節島給你聽!

想了解更多關於復活節島的旅遊攻略嗎? 歡迎連結 →復活節島旅遊/

Travelling to Easter Island has always been a dream of ours, we were particularly fascinated by the giant Moai statues! However, as Easter Island is one of the most isolated places on earth, everything here is a lot more expensive than mainland South America. Being cheap backpackers, there are obvious ways to save money. In this episode, we will discuss how to travel Easter Island on budget and what to expect in this one of the most remote places in the world. 

What to learn more about staying on Easter Island on a budget? Link here→

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Jun 17, 202109:24
EP.21 秘魯的亞馬遜熱帶雨林 Peruvian Amazon
Jun 03, 202108:50
EP.20 背包客該如何省錢煮飯?心得大公開 How to eat on a budget while travelling around the World?

EP.20 背包客該如何省錢煮飯?心得大公開 How to eat on a budget while travelling around the World?

我們以前短期出國的時候,頂多三餐吃便宜的漢堡來省錢,從來沒有真正想過自己煮能夠省多少。 直到第一次長途旅行,才發現原來自己煮可以省這麼多! 經過一整年的磨練,從這輩子見過最爛的廚房(例如鍋把都要斷了, 只有在曾祖母家才會看到的爐台…)到一般的廚房,這集將會就整理出一些背包客如何省錢煮飯的心得跟大家分享!

想詳細了解當背包客該如何省錢煮飯嗎? 歡迎連結 →背包客省錢煮飯-必須品清單-心得大公開/

I don't think we've ever realized the amount of savings one can achieve just by cooking ourselves until we started traveling long-term. After a year of backpacking, we've been through some of the most basic kitchens you will ever see! Hence in this episode, we are going to share some useful tips with you on how to save money and eat on a budget while traveling around the world. traveling

Want to read up on the full blog on how to eat on a budget while travelling? Link here→

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May 20, 202110:05
EP.19 澳洲的大堡礁三天兩夜潛水記 Finding Nemo in Great Barrier Reef- 3D2N Dive Boat

EP.19 澳洲的大堡礁三天兩夜潛水記 Finding Nemo in Great Barrier Reef- 3D2N Dive Boat

有看過迪士尼動畫《海底總動員》嗎? 那麼應該對澳洲的大堡礁不陌生吧! 這裡是全世界最大的珊瑚礁群,全長超過兩千六百公里,面積將近三十五萬平方公里。 這片自然奇景不只在一九八一年被譽為世界遺產,更是世界七大自然奇蹟之一。 我們有幸來的此區,搭上三天兩夜的潛水船,一探這世界的奇景! 

想了解該如何大堡礁潛水嗎? 歡迎連結 →大堡礁潛水-澳洲-pro-dive-凱恩斯/

Have you ever seen the Disney animation "Finding Nemo"? If you did, you probably familiar with the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. This is the largest coral reef in the world, over 2600KM in length. It has been rated as one of the nature wonders of the world as well as an UNESCO site! We will be talking about our 3D2N dive boat trip over this magnificent region of the world.

Feel free to read up our blog for other travel tips→

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May 06, 202109:06
EP.18 巴拿馬運河—世界七大工程奇蹟 Panama Canal- Wonders of the Modern World

EP.18 巴拿馬運河—世界七大工程奇蹟 Panama Canal- Wonders of the Modern World

巴拿馬運河是許多人對中美洲最底端的國家— 巴拿馬唯一的印象。 學生時期這個名詞不斷在教科書出現,不過真正了解它為什麼改變全世界的人並不多。 想想以前船隻如果要從美國東岸到西岸,需要一路航向世界底端— 阿根廷的烏斯懷雅再繞上來。而打通巴拿馬運河意味著太平洋可以直接連接到大西洋,航線從兩萬多公里降成八千多公里!不只減低運輸成本,也打通全世界的經濟動脈。

不過船隻通過運河的速度很慢,大約需要八到十小時才能經過全長 87公里的運河。來聽聽看我們拜訪被譽為「世界七大工程奇蹟」的一天吧!

想閱讀更多關於巴拿馬運河及遊記嗎? 歡迎連結 →巴拿馬-世界七大工程奇蹟-panama-canal-巴拿馬運河/

Have you ever heard of the country Eswatini? If you haven't, that's completely normal, as the country changed its name from Swaziland in April 2018. It's a small country, only 200km X 130km in size, 10km drive we were in another city already. It is also the only African country that has a diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. Want to hear more about our 3D2N self-driving trip here? Stay tuned!

Feel free to read up our blog for other travel tips→

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Apr 22, 202109:54
EP.17 台灣唯一在非洲的邦交國:史瓦帝尼 The last kingdom of Africa- Eswatini

EP.17 台灣唯一在非洲的邦交國:史瓦帝尼 The last kingdom of Africa- Eswatini

史瓦帝尼 (Kingdom of Eswatini)這個非洲小國對許多人來說應該很陌生。 陌生是應該的,因為該國家在 2018年四月時才把用了百年的名字「史瓦濟蘭(Swaziland)」改為 Kingdom of Eswatini 史瓦帝尼! 史瓦帝尼原本屬於英國的保護區。 在 1968年9月6日獨立後馬上與台灣建交,是我國在非洲唯一的邦交國,也是非洲最後一個君主專制國。 想了解這個不為人知的小國嗎? 來聽聽我們自駕三天兩夜的故事吧!


Have you ever heard of the country Eswatini? If you haven't, that's completely normal, as the country changed its name from Swaziland in April 2018. It's a small country, only 200km X 130km in size, 10km drive we were in another city already. It is also the only African country that has a diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. Want to hear more about our 3D2N self-driving trip here? Stay tuned!

Feel free to read up our blog →

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Apr 08, 202109:48
EP.16 在葡萄牙遇見廢墟與世界遺產的美麗邂逅 The Beautiful Crumbling City of Porto

EP.16 在葡萄牙遇見廢墟與世界遺產的美麗邂逅 The Beautiful Crumbling City of Porto

波多是葡萄牙第二大城,好幾次登上不同旅遊頻道的最划算的歐洲城市排行榜。老城區在 1996年被歸於世界遺產,葡萄牙城市獨有的磁磚幾乎貼滿所有的建築物。碼頭旁邊的五顏六色的屋子隨手拍都像是個明信片。不過這城市卻有個獨特的現象...那就是到處充滿被遺棄的廢墟建築?到底是為什麼呢?趕快聽這一集吧!


Porto is the second-largest city in Portugal and is becoming a popular tourist destination in recent years. With red-colored tiled roofs built on a gentle slope, this UNESCO old town overlooks the Douro river. As it is one of the cheapest European cities to visit and still have great food and great views. No wonder it was elected best European destination in 2012, 2014 and 2017.

However, this city has some "unique" sights: abandon buildings everywhere. Want to know what's the reason behind all this? Don't miss out on this episode of Porto

Want to read up on Porto? Follow the link to read it up! →

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Mar 25, 202110:08
EP.15 前往祕魯馬丘比丘的4天3夜印加古道 4D3N Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

EP.15 前往祕魯馬丘比丘的4天3夜印加古道 4D3N Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

我從小時候就對祕魯神秘的印加帝國建造的「天空之城」馬丘比丘抱著一生一世一定要去朝聖的夢想!前往馬丘比丘有兩種方法,一種是搭火車上去;另一種是跟著印加帝國的遺跡,繞著安第斯山脈健行走四十五公里的印加古道。這個步道會經過最高海拔 4200 公尺的山區,最後一天才從太陽門觀看到馬丘比丘的全景!這集將會簡單介紹我們前往夢想之境的路程!


For me, Machu Picchu is a dream destination and a place that I must visit in my lifetime. It is an ancient sacred city completely untouched by the Spaniard's colonialization. There are two paths that reach Machu Picchu. The first way is taking public transportation along the flat route and the second way is to trek the 45 KM along the Andes Mountain on the Classic Inca Trail. 

The Classic Inca Trail is a path that requires one to climb two peaks with one reaching 4200 M over 4 days period. It is an extremely rewarding hike and definitely the path that we those to reach the sacred city of Machu Picchu. This episode contains a brief outline of our dream destination.

Want to read up our full 4D3N diary on our Inca Trail to Machu Picchu? Follow the link to read it up! →

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Mar 11, 202108:47
EP.14 六百多萬具人骨的巴黎的地下公墓 & 黑暗景點 Exploration of the dead in Paris & its Catacombe
Feb 25, 202110:19
EP.13 來趟印度瑜珈之旅吧!與披頭四一同在瑜珈發源地 My 7 day Indian Yoga Retreat at birth place of Yoga

EP.13 來趟印度瑜珈之旅吧!與披頭四一同在瑜珈發源地 My 7 day Indian Yoga Retreat at birth place of Yoga

自從看過從同名小說改編成電影的《享受吧!一個人的旅行》(英文:Eat Pray Love),人生清單上就多了一項「印度瑜珈之旅」。在印度,瑜珈非常盛行,從北到南都有不同的特色。最後我們選擇印度北方的喜馬拉雅山脈腳下的小鎮–Rishikesh,這裡曾經是披頭四冥想與靜修的地方!想知道七天的瑜珈假期是如何嗎?千萬不要錯過這一集!
Ever since the movie “Eat, Pray, Love“, I have always wanted to go on a yoga retreat like Julia Roberts in the movie. By definition, a yoga retreat is a withdrawal to focus on the practice of yoga. It can either be in a luxury resort or a budget getaway. Yoga retreat in Rishikesh is a particularly popular option as this northern Indian town is often referred to as “The Yoga Capital of the World”. This town was also the place The Beatles came for inspirations!
Want to know more about it? Tune in now! Want to read my whole yoga retreat experience at Rishikesh? Follow the link to read it up! →
Want to get the full guide on how all the places to see on Great Ocean Road? Follow the link to read it up! →
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Feb 11, 202109:58
EP.12 大洋路:澳洲最美的沿海公路 The Great Ocean Road: The most iconic road trip in Australia
Jan 28, 202110:14
EP.11 前往澳洲的紅中心,世界最大顆的石頭之一 Australia's Red Center- Visiting Uluru (Ayers Rock)

EP.11 前往澳洲的紅中心,世界最大顆的石頭之一 Australia's Red Center- Visiting Uluru (Ayers Rock)

曾經被稱為艾爾斯岩(Ayers Rock)如今被改名為烏魯魯(Uluru),是澳洲的紅中心,也是世界上最大的石頭之一。
Uluru or Ayers Rock is one of the largest rocks in the world, right in the centre of Australia.
In this episode, we are going to share some interesting faces about Uluru, such as why climbing the rock is no longer allowed and why this place is cursed. Stay tuned!
Want to know more travel tips? Feel free to read up our blog →
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Blog: (雙語,bilingual)







Jan 14, 202109:59
EP.10 南極,一起到世界的盡頭吧! Antaractica! Together to end of the world.
Dec 31, 202009:15
EP.09 秘魯亞馬遜熱帶雨林 Adventures in Peruvian Amazons!
Dec 17, 202008:26
EP.08 如何在南美洲保持安全?How to stay safe in South America?

EP.08 如何在南美洲保持安全?How to stay safe in South America?




My friend used to tell me that if you've never been mugged, that means you've never been to South America! This made us super worried before the trip even started. Luckily we took all precautions and followed these "rules", successfully survived our 4 month trip in the continent! Listen to what tips we have to offer!

Want to know more travel tips? Feel free to read up our blog →

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Dec 03, 202008:44
EP.07 在墨西哥七彩湖掉眼鏡 Lost glasses in Mexico's Lake Bacalar

EP.07 在墨西哥七彩湖掉眼鏡 Lost glasses in Mexico's Lake Bacalar



What's the scariest thing that can happen on a trip if you are short-sighted? Losing your glasses or contact lenses of course! This is a story of how my husband lost his glasses in Lake Bacalar, the second biggest lake in Mexico and one of the local's favourite honeymoon destinations. 

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Nov 19, 202008:26
EP.06 世界七大工程奇蹟?伊泰普水壩 Seven Wonders of the Modern World: Itaipu Dam

EP.06 世界七大工程奇蹟?伊泰普水壩 Seven Wonders of the Modern World: Itaipu Dam

記得當我踏入伊泰普水壩的時候,第一句話就是 WOW!沒想到人類可以蓋出如此巨大的物體。

自從看過國家地理頻道的紀錄片《偉大工程巡禮》(Mega-structures)之後,就一直嚮往參觀世界七大工程奇蹟之一的伊泰普水壩 。這座屬於巴西與巴拉圭兩國的伊泰普,是僅次於中國三峽大壩的全球第二大水電發電廠;不只提供了巴拉圭百分之八十五的電力,也提供了巴西百分之十七的人民所需的電量。依賴此發電廠的人民高達五千萬人,相當於澳洲人口的兩倍!


I can still remember clearly the first time we stepped foot into Itaipu Dam, it was a jaw-dropping experience! Ever since we watched the documentary Mega-structures on National Geographic, we've always wanted to visit Itaipu Dam- one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World. This dam is the second-largest hydroelectric dam in the world, providing 85% of Paraguay's population and 17% of the people in Brazil. That's a total population twice the amount of Australia!

Want to know more about our experience visiting the Itaipu Dam? Feel free to read up our blog →

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Nov 05, 202009:53
EP.05 吸血鬼的故鄉?中古世紀的羅馬尼亞 Dracula's Hometown at Transylvania

EP.05 吸血鬼的故鄉?中古世紀的羅馬尼亞 Dracula's Hometown at Transylvania

有看過美國動畫《尖叫旅社》(Hotel Transylvania)嗎? 裡頭的吸血鬼是不是很逗趣? 這集將會帶大家進入位於東歐的羅馬尼亞,來看看吸血鬼的發源地 Transylvania 到底是什麼地方吧! 搞不好想像中的吸血鬼其實與現實大不同呢!

想知道更多關於羅馬尼亞中西部地區 Transylvania 外西凡尼亞的攻略嗎?歡迎連結網誌:羅馬尼亞-吸血鬼故鄉-城堡-transylvania/

Have you ever seen the animation "Hotel Transylvania"? There's a reason why the movie was named after Transylvania! That's because many people believed that this was where the legend of vampires were born! However, this could be far from the truth. To find out, tune into this episode! Unfortunately no blog was created for this location, will just have to listen to my voice.

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Oct 22, 202008:22
EP.04 羊頭?蝸牛?摩洛哥馬拉喀什食記 Weird Food Adventure in Morocco's Marrakesh

EP.04 羊頭?蝸牛?摩洛哥馬拉喀什食記 Weird Food Adventure in Morocco's Marrakesh



There are certainly many weird, exotic food to try in North Africa especially in a country like Morocco.  In this episode, we will take you to the UNESCO Djemaa El-Fna Square in Marrakech and see what kind of interesting food they serve up!

Want to know more about what to eat in Marrakech? Feel free to read up the blog →

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Oct 08, 202008:60
EP.03 達爾文的加拉巴哥群島 Charles Darwin's Galapagos Island

EP.03 達爾文的加拉巴哥群島 Charles Darwin's Galapagos Island

想來到世界上最獨特的地方之一嗎?加拉巴哥群島在南美洲的厄瓜多,被 Travel & Leisure 雜誌譽為世界上最棒的小島!當年達爾文就是在這座群上觀察物種,才寫出進化論。想了解更多嗎?趕快收聽!


YouTube 影片:

Rated as one of the best islands by Travel & Leisure magazine, the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Galapagos is where Charles Darwin got the idea of evolution from! This place is so isolated, the majority of the wild lives are uniquely here! Click in to hear more about it!

Want to know more about travelling in the Galapagos Islands? Feel free to read up our blog →

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Sep 24, 202008:51
EP.02 阿根廷的文化衝擊 Cultural shock at Buenos Aires 初訪首都:布宜諾斯艾利斯

EP.02 阿根廷的文化衝擊 Cultural shock at Buenos Aires 初訪首都:布宜諾斯艾利斯

第一次與老公雙人錄音~跟大家聊南美洲第一站在阿根廷首都 —布宜諾斯艾利斯的文化衝擊。


First recording with my husband, talking about the cultural shock we faced in Buenos Aires, our first stop in Latin America.

Want to know more about travelling in Buenos Aires? Feel free to read up the blog →

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Sep 22, 202008:03
EP.01 如何八公斤環遊世界? How to travel the world in 8 kg carry-on?

EP.01 如何八公斤環遊世界? How to travel the world in 8 kg carry-on?




First time on the show, so got to introduce myself! This episode is about how we ended up quitting our jobs and how did we travel around the world in 8 kg carry-on?

Packing list: 

Tutorial video:

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Sep 03, 202007:57