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The Overton Anchor

The Overton Anchor

By Travis Day

Politically marooned traditionalist Canadian, providing you with the counternarrative talking points. Unapologetic & authentically myself. Glorious & Free!
Currently playing episode

An introduction

The Overton AnchorFeb 03, 2022

Phantoms Vs. Actual Monsters

Phantoms Vs. Actual Monsters

Welcome back to another episode! Apologies for the delay in releasing this episode as I had spent some time home last week visiting family in hospital.

In this episode we dig into more about Trudeau's decision to revoke the emergencies act, the hypocrisy of many situations unfolding in Ottawa that also include our Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, and we also talk about the horrific escalation as Russia invades Ukraine. What does this mean for us? And what does this also mean about how we report our own current affairs/news?

I'll likely be making some changes as well. Tune in to get my takes on recent events, and how I'll be covering some moving forward.

If you'd like to show me some support, you can head over to This podcast is Ad-free and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

Also as always,

Stay Glorious & Free.

Mar 02, 202255:46
Flip-flop Furey

Flip-flop Furey

Alright guys, spicy episode today! The release of this episode was temporarily delayed as two major topics unfolded: The invocation of the emergencies act by Justina Trudump, and Newfoundland finally holding a press conference in relation to dropping all -almost all- Covid restrictions by March 14th. Also...sadly, the violation of my own bodily autonomy in order to return to my career after 8 weeks of sitting at home with no pay. I dig into my own story around this, and fully highlight what risks exist, even though I'm sitting in the chair as a product of coercion, being fully informed about multiple severe side effects that can occur. Lovely. 

Anyway, passports and masks are gone! But...For some reason, mandates are not? As of March 14th, an unvaccinated person can go train and sweat for two hours in a gym for example, but the mandate for employment will still exist, and they won't get their job back at the same gym they just worked out in...Because: SCIENCE.

Isn't it great? The Science. Capital T, Capital S. Trademark, with a stamp of foolishness, and hypocrisy.

In this episode, we dig in to these two major topics, and I break down Newfoundland's press conference, and the absurdity of some of their statements and rhetoric, even when announcing the "Return to normal," in about a month. 

Such as the suggestion/recommendation for continued masking EVEN FOR OTHER ILLNESSES. See? New normal. "It's just a piece of fabric on your face," says our CMOH Dr. Janice Fitzgerald.

She then goes on to say, "Provided you have received your booster dose, you can start getting back to your regular activities such as walks, card games, and family dinners." NOPE, I'm not exaggerating. That's exactly what she said. If you're triple boosted, you can finally get back to your walks or family dinners. What's the implication if unvaccinated than? No family for you? Despicable statements.

Anyway, join me in my opinionated and abrasive fashion as I break these down further.

As usual, the podcast is currently Ad-free. If you'd like to support my endeavors head on over to where you can donate in increments of $5 and leave me a message if you like! More blog posts and sources to come in the future as well.

Stay Glorious & Free!

Feb 17, 202201:15:26
Guest- Dr. Kaveh Kavoosi

Guest- Dr. Kaveh Kavoosi

Hello again everyone! I am so pleased to bring you a conversation today with Dr. Kaveh Kavoosi, an emergency physician in Ontario, Canada. Let me quickly preface this by saying not only is he a one of a kind doctor, but he is also a font of deep, spiritual wisdom. You will see in this podcast that he is a beautiful empath that is deeply connected to Source. He speaks freely and in a manner that directly appeals to our humanity, and desire for story. We talk about many different things over the course of the two and a half hours, from the more tangible issues like Covid policies, into the philosophical and esoteric muse of the human condition, trauma, healing, mental health, and much more.

This is truly one of the most fruitful conversations I've EVER had in my life, and I couldn't be happier to share it with you. And Kaveh if you're reading this, know that you've had an incredible impact on me, and I believe you will continue to do so in the world at large. You are certainly Fit for Service, my friend. 

And again, as of right now, I'm happy to say this long-form podcast is also ad-free. However if you'd like to personally support me and more of this type of content, I ask that you please head over to where you can donate directly in $5 increments if you like!

Thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate & leave a review, it really helps!

Stay glorious & free! 

Feb 09, 202202:22:16
The Stringent State

The Stringent State

Welcome back to The Overton Anchor episode 2! I've got a spicy episode for you guys today.

I continue to produce this podcast Ad-free and I am still on unpaid leave from my nursing career. All I ask is that you please consider leaving a review, rate the podcast, and if you'd like to personally support me, head over to: where you can read occasional blog posts and leave a message with a donation if you like. 

 Today we discuss the "stringency index," and how Canada fares in comparison to other countries as our pandemic response continues. It's interesting how one can feel optimistic yet look around themselves and also feel they're living in some upside-down, or dystopian medical state. In this episode I highlight some of the absurdities of Canada's pandemic response, as well as dive into some specifics in Newfoundland's data in order to highlight this. As well as holding our politicians and public health officials accountable for current statements, as well as statements in the past that can only be lies or political theatre at this point. 

We talk further about the freedom convoy movement and this breath of fresh air for a country that has been disproportionately affected by rules, mandates, and bureaucratic red tape with what seems to be zero responsibility, public transparency, or accountability. 

Feb 07, 202201:00:55
Guest- Ryan Guay: Diagnosed Vaccine Injury

Guest- Ryan Guay: Diagnosed Vaccine Injury

Welcome to my first guest episode of The Overton Anchor everybody!

This episode is ad-free and so I ask that if anybody would like to support me, I've set up a page on:

You can choose to donate increments of $5 (1 coffee) or multiples of the same. Being on unpaid leave from my nursing career has certainly taken a toll, but I will always try to bring you the best content possible through authenticity and story-telling that is currently uninterrupted with ads.

And this episode right here is one hell of a story. Ryan Guay was 17 years old when he took the covid vaccine and was subsequently hospitalized approximately 10 days later with acute chest pain that was nearly immobilizing over the course of 24h. Ryan drove himself to the hospital overnight after waking up with radiating & burning pain throughout his chest. Ryan is an athlete that frequently goes to the gym and also takes care of his body and diet. 

In this podcast, we take a deep dive uninterrupted into Ryan's story, his multiple hospital visits, initial diagnoses (that now appear to be wrong), the consequences of this decision for him over the summer, and his following school year, where Memorial University of Newfoundland were far from "inclusive and accepting." 

I know this is a long episode, but I told Ryan from the outset that he has an incredible and shocking story. A type of story that DESERVES long-form attention, with no media or political biases/objectives or conflicts of interest.

I hope you enjoy this eye-opening episode with Ryan. Keep in mind this brave young man is only 18 years old at the time of this recording, and was 17 years old when first hospitalized with potentially life-threatening illness, and treatments that ultimately altered his entire summer after graduation. 

Thank you so much for tuning in.

Glorious & Free! 

Feb 04, 202202:28:01
Truck you, Trudeau

Truck you, Trudeau

Welcome to episode 1 where we take a deeper dive into current affairs, and will follow this weekly update structure along with some guest episodes as well.

On todays episode, I talk more about the inspiration behind the podcast and the title, and we dig into the current Canadian trucker phenomenon sweeping the Country, instilling hope in the hearts of Canadian's, but of course attracting its fair share of haters as well. 

We further explore the story of one of Newfoundland's former Premiers, Brian Peckford, and how he is currently suing the federal government for violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Another interesting fact? Brian Peckford is the last first minister alive today that actually worked on this foundational document, able to speak to the legalities of the written word, but also the spirit of such a document. And it is his honorable opinion that Justin Trudeau has violated these fundamental rights of Canadians. 

Regardless what you think about the current Covid situation and state of the political sphere, this is undeniably one of the biggest stories in Canadian history. And undeniably one of the biggest failures of Federal Government to properly address these issues.

Finally I end off with some Newfoundland Covid stats, to give others an understanding of the anomaly that is our tiny Island province.


Truck you, Trudeau!

Glorious & Free! 

Feb 03, 202201:04:18
An introduction

An introduction

Welcome to the first episode of the Overton Anchor, a podcast that strives to dig deeper into the uncomfortable and controversial truths. A platform where I, Travis Day, aim to bring you an authentic experience and shed light on current events, health paradigms, global affairs, political musings, from a patriotic and unapologetic Canadian perspective. 

In this episode, you'll get to learn more about what this means to me. You'll get to explore the concept of the Overton window, and how this framework will guide the analogy of the podcast, allowing us to make direct comparisons and visualize the state of the world we currently inhabit. Including the current health/Covid landscape...

I am a 28 year old Registered Nurse, or at least I was, until I was placed on unpaid leave for 6 weeks now fighting against a vaccine mandate, and being a strong voice on the side of fundamental nursing values such as fully informed consent, and bodily autonomy/right to refuse medication or medical interventions. I have been outspoken and unapologetic to the shifting medical Overton window and the "New Normal," or newly accepted gripping hypochondria that is being thrust upon us. 

Tune in to this episode and many more as we go on a deep dive down some of these rabbit holes, deconstructing mainstream narratives and politically maroon ourselves in search of the capital "T", Truth. 

Glorious and Free!

Feb 03, 202244:10