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Connecting Knowledge

Connecting Knowledge


The Connecting Knowledge Salon series is a weekly conversation for curators, creators and lifelong learners about personal knowledge management, tools for thought and experts from the world of knowledge.
Currently playing episode

Tools for Knowledge :: Salon #01

Connecting KnowledgeFeb 17, 2022

Tools for Knowledge Recap :: Salon #02

Tools for Knowledge Recap :: Salon #02

Feb 21, 202228:02
Tools for Knowledge :: Salon #01

Tools for Knowledge :: Salon #01

#01 Tools for Knowledge

Insights from the first episode of the Connecting Knowledge Salon presented by

The Salon series is a weekly conversation for curators, creators and lifelong learners about personal knowledge management, tools for thought and experts from the world of knowledge.

Rise of digital knowledge management tools

Our first Salon was focused on tools for knowledge. Similar to tools in our kitchen, where we all use various utensils for different purposes, there’s are more and more tools for knowledge tailored for different needs. Rather than looking for one tool to fit a user’s knowledge management needs, we should think about a stack of knowledge tools serving different purposes.

These days classical tools of knowledge like pen, paper, and books are joined by digitally advanced tools that make the process of acquiring and retaining knowledge a lot easier and faster. For example, Obsidian and Roam are being commonly used as tools for thinking and to maintain a library of notes. Notion is being used by many businesses as a workbench for text. Whereas, Apple Notes and Drafts are used for quick capturing information or maintaining an easily accessible shopping list.

3 step knowledge management journey by Massimo Curatella

@maxcuratella has built an impressive archive of blog articles ( and distilled his lessons in a course (, helping you develop a daily writing habit. He shared “For the past 40 years, I had notes everywhere, I kept writing notes and they kept getting lost.. until, I started managing them using tools of knowledge”.

According to Max, to successfully manage your knowledge, one should follow a three step process.

  1. Firstly, users should identify their purpose behind knowledge management which could range from writing a book, sharing with someone or even to learn more about an interesting subject.
  1. Secondly, identifying an easy and most importantly fast tool for capturing thoughts is very essential. According to Max, the moment of wanting to capture an insight is “magical” and nobody would like to lose it because of the speed of the tool they are using.
  1. Lastly, users should develop a knowledge management mindset by being consistent in building a habit of quickly capturing knowledge and insights.
The right fit for your knowledge management needs by Indy Neogy

Indy shared in our Salon “The most useful pieces of connected knowledge for me are the ones that I actually do something with and possibly create something out of.” Without this, even though a connection might exist but the essence would float away!

Indy makes good use of his smart knowledge management techniques by synthesising different sources in his Mind Atelier ( blog and newsletter. Accord

Feb 17, 202237:59