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Trinity High Wycombe and Cores End United Reformed Churches - Sermons 1 year ago. #AllAreWelcome

Trinity High Wycombe and Cores End United Reformed Churches - Sermons 1 year ago. #AllAreWelcome

By Trinity URC1Y

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Sunday, 14th May 2023 - Part 2 - Restoration and renewal

Trinity High Wycombe and Cores End United Reformed Churches - Sermons 1 year ago. #AllAreWelcomeMay 16, 2024

Sunday, 4th June 2023 - Part 2 - The journey from Advent to Easter and beyond.

Sunday, 4th June 2023 - Part 2 - The journey from Advent to Easter and beyond.

  • Reading: Matthew 28.16-20 (Good News) read by Norma
  • Short Address Trinity Sunday marks the culmination of the Christian year, reflecting on the journey from Advent to Easter and beyond. Our church is named Trinity Church, emphasizing the unity and diversity of God's nature. The disciples worshiped Jesus, recognizing him as both truly human and divine. Doubts and questions are allowed in the journey of faith, and there is room for sceptics within the church. Jesus declares his authority over heaven and earth, bridging the divide between the divine and human realms. The commission is given to spread the universal message of God's love to all people. The message is for everyone - all backgrounds, all sexualities, all races, and all religions. Baptism is a way to immerse people in the love of God and introduce them to the lifestyle of following Jesus. Learning and obedience are essential in deepening our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. Jesus promises to be with us always, even though unseen, and provides tangible signs of his presence in the sacraments. The worship concludes with gratitude and assurance that Jesus is with us until the end of the age.

Jun 06, 202412:50
Sunday, 4th June 2023 - Part 1 - Feeling Tired?

Sunday, 4th June 2023 - Part 1 - Feeling Tired?

  • Introduction for all ages: ‘tired?’ Tiredness is a common experience for everyone, including children and adults. Tiredness can be caused by various factors, such as physical exertion, work, boredom, or lack of sleep. Rest and renewal are necessary for maintaining energy and motivation. Isaiah describes God as the Everlasting One who never grows tired or weary. Trusting in God can lead to renewed strength and spiritual vitality. Those who rely on God for help will find their weaknesses uplifted and their strength restored. The imagery of rising on wings like eagles symbolizes gaining a new perspective and transcending daily struggles. Even though eagles may not be present in the local area, the concept of being lifted by a powerful bird can be inspiring. God's ability to lift and carry us signifies the potential for divine support and guidance. Reflecting on the image of a red kite soaring in the sky can remind us of God's capacity to uplift and renew us.
  • Reading Isaiah 40:12-17,27-31 (Good News)

Jun 03, 202409:01
Sunday, 28th May 2023 - Part 2 - Welcoming each wonder

Sunday, 28th May 2023 - Part 2 - Welcoming each wonder

  • Reading: Acts 2: 1-21 NIVUK
  • Sermon followed by time of quiet reflection "Welcoming Each Wonder" by Tom Gordon. A boy named Nathan and his questions about God. Nathan asks his grandmother about what God is like and how he can be present even though he can't be seen. His grandmother uses the analogy of soap slipping out of one's hands to explain the presence of God. Nathan realizes that God, like the soap, can disappear but always comes back. The story highlights the idea that God is always there, even if we can't see Him, and we just know when He is present. The work of Wycliffe Bible translators and the importance of translating the Bible into native languages. The story encourages sharing our experience of God in a language that others can understand. A reminder that the spirit of God is always speaking to us, even if we may not always be listening.

May 30, 202421:52
Sunday, 28th May 2023 - Part 1 - Looking forward to Pentecost?

Sunday, 28th May 2023 - Part 1 - Looking forward to Pentecost?

  • Reading: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
  • Talk for all ages - Looking forward to Pentecost? Pentecost or Whit Sunday was a highly anticipated and cherished event The whole city of Sheffield, regardless of religious affiliation, looked forward to this occasion. The churches in different areas would come together, accompanied by uniformed groups and bands, to march in a procession towards the park for celebrations. The event included singing, pageantry, and the crowning of a queen. It was a significant and joyful gathering that brought people together to celebrate something meaningful to everyone involved. Reflecting on the nostalgia and the sense of community and togetherness that characterized the event

May 27, 202408:25
Sunday, 21st May 2023 - Part 2 - When things are hard, don’t despair

Sunday, 21st May 2023 - Part 2 - When things are hard, don’t despair

  • Reading: Matthew 13.1-9
  • Short Talk – when things are hard, don’t despair The reading starts with a sense of doom and uncertainty but shifts to a hopeful and merciful atmosphere. Gardening and growing things can be challenging, with pests and diseases causing frustration. The reaction of destroying pests has had a negative impact on the climate and land. The reading emphasizes the need for balance in personal lives and in the world. God is portrayed as being present and assuring that everything will be well. Joelle encourages the fields and animals to rejoice and not be afraid. The reading concludes with the promise of God pouring out His spirit on His people. The anticipation of Pentecost and the words of Joel being spoken by Peter The promise of God's spirit leading through difficult times and towards a new world The text calls for openness to the spirit and the renewal of the Earth.

May 23, 202404:37
Sunday, 21st May 2023 - Part 1 - Watch the world

Sunday, 21st May 2023 - Part 1 - Watch the world

  • Introduction for all ages: ‘Watch the world!’ Christian Aid week officially ended yesterday. Some information about Christian Aid's current work. There will be a film about Esther and an introduction to pigeon peas. Pigeon peas biscuits are being offered at a local shop. Christian Aid connects with people across the world through their work and the products consumed. Television and YouTube provide opportunities to connect with other nations. The speaker asks if anyone watches TV programs from abroad or foreign language programs. Some people enjoy watching skiing and the Grand Prix. "Professor T" and "The Big Bang Theory" as examples of foreign shows. A film from Malawi is coming up, highlighting the friendly people and the country's reputation as the heart of Africa.
  • Reading: Matthew 13.31-34

May 20, 202412:33
Sunday, 14th May 2023 - Part 2 - Restoration and renewal

Sunday, 14th May 2023 - Part 2 - Restoration and renewal

  • Reading: Revelation 21 & 22 vv1-5
  • Sermon The prophet Zechariah, along with Ezra and Nehemiah, facilitated the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple after the Jews' return from Exile in Babylon. The temple rebuilding was delayed due to local politics and opposition from the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Persian king Atasurpses. After 20 years, the people were reminded of their identity as God's chosen people and were motivated to rebuild the temple. The prophet Zechariah announces God's word and emphasizes the urgency for action and restoration. God promises to restore safety and good fortune to the people of Jerusalem, bringing peace and blessings. Despite ongoing challenges and injustices in the world, God remains present and offers salvation through Jesus Christ. The Book of Revelation, written by John, provides encouragement to the persecuted Christians and reassurance of God's ultimate purpose. Accepting the Water of Life offered by Jesus symbolizes spiritual sustenance and eternal life. The teachings from these ancient texts remind us of the unchanging nature of human beings, God's faithfulness, and the opportunity for personal restoration and renewal through forgiveness and faith. The world is characterized by difficulties, inequalities, injustices, and the actions of bossy, greedy individuals who cause harm to others. Through embracing the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, individuals can experience personal restoration, renewal, and have their names written in the book of the Lamb.

May 16, 202416:53
Sunday, 14th May 2023 - Part 1 - Forgiveness

Sunday, 14th May 2023 - Part 1 - Forgiveness

  • Reading: Zechariah 8 v1-13
  • All age Talk: Forgiveness The theme of the service is forgiveness and renewal. Sharing their thoughts on forgiveness. Forgiveness is explained as apologizing to someone after being rude and them forgiving you. Examples of situations that require forgiveness are discussed, such as being hurt or having something damaged. Forgiveness is acknowledged as a difficult process, both for individuals and for God. The reading from Zechariah in the Old Testament illustrates God's forgiveness towards the Israelite people after their exile in Babylon. The Lord's Prayer emphasises the importance of forgiving others as we ask for God's forgiveness. Humans are not deserving of God's forgiveness, but God's mercy allows for forgiveness when we recognize our mistakes and are truly sorry. The challenge of genuinely being sorry when seeking forgiveness. The significance of forgiveness in the service's theme of forgiveness and renewal.

May 13, 202408:56
Sunday, 7th May 2023 - Part 2 - Differing reactions to the coronation ceremony

Sunday, 7th May 2023 - Part 2 - Differing reactions to the coronation ceremony

  • Reading John 14. 1 – 10 (The Message) Linda Curley
  • Short Address Different people in the church have varying reactions to the coronation ceremony. Some appreciate the colorful uniforms, vestments, and rituals, while others prefer something simpler. There is a mix of emotions, including discomfort when the ritual becomes disconnected from Jesus on the cross. King Charles, like any human being, experienced nervousness and anxiety during the anointing. The greater truth of the ceremony is that Jesus is exalted above all, and every knee should bow to him. The readings draw us into the wonder of who Jesus is and how he brings us to the Divine reality. "God Save the King" reminds us that we all need saving, and God has a part to play in our nation. King Charles has a representative role that goes beyond politics and arguments. The speaker hopes that King Charles will preserve the nation's laws and diversity. The letter of Peter reminds us to draw spiritual sustenance from God's love. The sharing of the Lord's Supper reminds us that we all need sustenance and to draw close to God. We carry burdens on our shoulders, but we can come to God's table to be sustained. The Lord is good, and we can taste that goodness and carry it with us. All the time, God is good, and we can draw close to Jesus to experience his goodness.

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Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram:

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May 09, 202415:26
Sunday, 7th May 2023 - Part 1 - Did you see it, were you there?

Sunday, 7th May 2023 - Part 1 - Did you see it, were you there?

  • Did anyone watch or attend the coronation. Past coronations, including that of King George and Queen Mary in 1911. There are two women alive who were born around the time of the 1911 coronation. My granddaughter slept through the recent coronation. Many people watched the coronation of King George VI in 1937 and Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. The history of the monarchy and the republic in England. Memories of the recent coronation and what was special about it. The horses, lifeguards, and mounties in the coronation procession. Christian Aid week and the importance of ordinary people in making a difference. Everyone is important to God, not just VIPs.
  • Introduction to today’s readings
  • Reading: 1 Peter 2.2 – 10 NIVUK

#Church #Worship #Sing #Organ #Faithful #Jesus #URC #UnitedReformedChurch #Blessings #GoodNews #NIV #NIVUK #Bible #Lessons #King #GoodNews #Hymns #AllAreWelcome #JoinIn #Christian #WarmSpace #WednesdayCafe #RejoiceandSing #Compassion #Lent #PrayForTurkey #PrayForUkraine #PrayForPeace #Coronation #KingCharles #KCIII #TheMall #BuckinghamPalace #StateCoach #EveryoneIsAVIPToGod #SummarisedWithChatGPT #ChatGPT #GoogleBARD #BARD #LLM

Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram:

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May 06, 202414:03
Sunday, 30th April 2023 - Part 2 - The Great "I Ams"

Sunday, 30th April 2023 - Part 2 - The Great "I Ams"

  • Reading: John 10.11 – 16 NIVUK read by Kitty Address The Great "I ams" Jesus describes himself as "I am" seven times in John's Gospel. Each description ("I am the Good Shepherd," "I am the bread of life," etc.) takes us into the heart of who Jesus is. "I am" is not just a personal description but echoes God's words to Moses in the desert. In John's Gospel, "I am" is linked to the fundamentals of life. The Shepherd lies down in front of the entrance and protects the sheep through the night. This intimate picture of the Shepherd is full of trust and care. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows us through and through and wants to protect and keep us safe. The Gate is the cross, where Jesus protects, leads, and opens up heaven and God's love to us. Jesus is both the king of kings and the outcast, the one who is poor and rejected.

May 02, 202413:45
Sunday, 30th April 2023 - Part 1 - ‘Recognise that voice?’

Sunday, 30th April 2023 - Part 1 - ‘Recognise that voice?’

  • Introduction for all ages: ‘Recognise that voice?’ Missing Easter at Trinity due to scheduling conflicts. During Good Friday, the church had stations of prayer, including one titled "The Buried Grain," where people were invited to plant a pinch of seed into a tray of soil. This links to the Bible verse where Jesus compares his death to a buried grain that produces new life. The speaker sees the growth of the planted seeds as a symbol of Jesus' love within us, reverberating down the centuries and producing fruit in the lives of billions of people. The Bee Squared program ( that encourages people to plant wildflowers to support bees and other insects crucial to life. Jesus is referred to as the Good Shepherd and the gateway to God's loving presence. Jesus' sheep recognize and trust his voice, and the speaker asks the audience to think of a voice they trust, like Mary Berry's recipe or Winston Churchill's wartime speeches. There are many voices out there today, and the speaker urges the audience to choose which voices they trust. Reading: Psalm 23 NIVUK read by Kate

Apr 29, 202410:01
Sunday, 23rd April 2023 - Expect the unexpected

Sunday, 23rd April 2023 - Expect the unexpected

  • We all make plans Sometimes plans don't go as expected. It can be difficult to deal with unexpected events. Faith in God can help us deal with unexpected events. The story of the Road to Emmaus shows how Jesus can come alongside us in unexpected ways. We should be open to expecting the unexpected. We should pray for those who are struggling. We should have faith in God, even when things don't go our way. The story of the Road to Emmaus shows how Jesus can come alongside us in unexpected ways, and give us hope when we are struggling. We should be grateful for God's presence in our lives, and pray for those who are struggling. We should renew our commitment to discipleship, and live our lives in a way that honors God. Have faith in God, even when things don't go your way.

Apr 25, 202406:43
Sunday, 23rd April 2023 - Part 1 - Hide and seek, hidden in plain sight

Sunday, 23rd April 2023 - Part 1 - Hide and seek, hidden in plain sight

  • Talk for all ages:

How long ago did you last play hide and seek? Jesus walking with the disciples, hidden in plain sight. Jesus was not noticed by the disciples when he was walking with them. We can sometimes be so focused on our own problems that we don't see the miracles or the ordinary everyday things that are right in front of us. We should pray that God will open our eyes and our hearts to see him in ways that we don't expect.

Apr 22, 202401:60
Sunday, 16th April 2023 - Part 1 - Faith and family

Sunday, 16th April 2023 - Part 1 - Faith and family

  • Reading: 1 Peter 1. v3-9 (Read by Sue )
  • Reading: John 20. v19-31 (Read by John) Talk The words "faith", "family", and "staff" to illustrate the importance of support. A stick can help people get through muddy fields. Workers support their bosses. Music supports Charles so he knows what to play in what order. In India, wooden sticks are used as scaffolding. People need support in different ways. We should all be there to support each other.

Apr 15, 202409:17
Sunday, 9th April 2023 - Easter Sunday - Part 2 - The power of first impressions

Sunday, 9th April 2023 - Easter Sunday - Part 2 - The power of first impressions

  • Address The power of first impressions. A TV advert that illustrates the importance of getting the full picture before making judgments. First impressions can lead to error and prejudice. The Easter story and the power of first impressions. Mary Magdalene's initial impression upon finding the empty tomb was reasonable. Peter and John rushed to verify Mary's report but only saw that the body was gone. Mary stayed at the tomb and encountered Jesus again. The wonder and mystery of the Resurrection are beyond human understanding. Waiting on God and risking vulnerability can lead to a deeper understanding of truth. The truth of the Resurrection is that Jesus Christ is risen.

Apr 11, 202409:50
Sunday, 9th April 2023 - Easter Sunday - Part 1 - Eggs, eggs, eggs

Sunday, 9th April 2023 - Easter Sunday - Part 1 - Eggs, eggs, eggs

  • Eggs have been given during this time of year before Christianity because it represents new life in spring. Jesus' new life is different from a physical life because he is outside of time and space. To change and experience new life, one must break out of their shell, just as a chick must peck out of an egg. God calls us to live a loving life and trust in Him, which may require breaking out of our old habits and fears. Jesus has already broken through death and sin, and through Him, we can find a new life. The Easter message is that Jesus' resurrection brings new life and the possibility of eternal life.

Apr 08, 202407:50
Sunday, 2nd April 2023 - Part 2 - You don't need a long sermon

Sunday, 2nd April 2023 - Part 2 - You don't need a long sermon

  • Reading - Philippians 2.5-11 NIVUK
  • Short Address You don't need a long sermon, you just need a Palm Cross to connect you with the world church A palm cross connects us with the World Church and with the crowd that welcomed Jesus on Palm Sunday. The crowd that welcomed Jesus was a mixture of people, some curious, some caught up in the Jesus movement, and some who wanted something new. Jesus's entry into Jerusalem was a protest against the way things were, with Roman and religious authorities pressing down on the people. Jesus's entry into Jerusalem was also a celebration of an alternative way of life, based on love and justice. The crowd welcomed Jesus with palm branches and cloaks, symbolizing their willingness to lay down their lives for him. Jesus's death on the cross was a sacrifice for the sins of the world and a victory over hatred and division. We are called to follow Jesus's example of humility, love, and forgiveness. We are called to work for justice and peace in the world. Palm Sunday is a time to reflect on the meaning of Jesus's life and death and to commit ourselves to following him. Palm Sunday is a time to celebrate the hope and joy that Jesus brings to the world.

Apr 04, 202422:54
Sunday, 2nd April 2023 - Part 1 - Water and crosses

Sunday, 2nd April 2023 - Part 1 - Water and crosses

  • Introduction: ‘Across the world today – water and crosses’ Palm crosses are a symbol of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem because they are made from palm leaves, which were used to welcome Jesus into the city. Palm crosses are a symbol of victory because they represent Jesus' victory over death. Palm crosses are a reminder of Jesus' suffering and death because they represent the cross that Jesus was crucified on. Palm crosses are a symbol of hope and new life because they represent Jesus' resurrection. Palm crosses can be recycled or composted because they are made from natural materials. WaterAid is a charity that provides clean water and sanitation to people in need around the world. Sado is a girl from Ethiopia who had to walk five hours to collect water every day because she lived in a village that did not have access to clean water. Malala is a girl from Madagascar who can now go to school because of a water tap in her village. The water tap was installed by WaterAid. Palm crosses are a symbol of our connection to the world church and to people in need around the world because they are made by people in Tanzania and used by Christians all over the world. Taizé chant: ‘We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ’ (recording)

Apr 01, 202408:37
Sunday, 26th March 2023 - Part 2 - Lazarus, a story of hope

Sunday, 26th March 2023 - Part 2 - Lazarus, a story of hope

  • The story of Lazarus is a story of hope, as it shows that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of resurrection. Jesus is human and experiences grief, as he weeps for Lazarus. This shows that Jesus is not just a divine being, but also a human being who can understand and empathize with our suffering. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, as he raises Lazarus from the dead. This shows that Jesus has the power to overcome death and bring new life to those who believe in him. The story of Lazarus is a sign of God's glory, as it shows that God is powerful and can bring new life out of death. We should raise our awareness of signs of hope, as there are many things in the world that give us hope, even in the midst of difficult times. We should empower our community to do the same, as we can all work together to spread hope and light in the world. We should wait patiently for the resurrection, as we know that one day Jesus will return and make all things new. We should not be afraid to weep, as it is natural to feel grief when we lose someone we love. We should trust in Jesus, as he is the only one who can truly give us hope and life. We should believe in the resurrection, as it is the foundation of our faith and the hope of our salvation.

Mar 28, 202414:43
Sunday, 26th March 2023 - Part 1 - What makes us human?

Sunday, 26th March 2023 - Part 1 - What makes us human?

  • What makes us human? What helps bring people down to earth? What makes people human is their ability to connect with others and to show compassion. We are all connected, even if we don't always feel it. We should never underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness. The Queen, Tony Blair, and the Bishop of Birmingham are all examples of how humanity can be seen in everyday life. The story of Lazarus shows how Jesus' humanity intrudes in the most interesting way. Jesus is not just a divine being, but also a human being who can understand and empathize with our suffering. We should always strive to connect with others and to show compassion. Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life. We should never forget that we are all human and that we should treat each other with respect and dignity. The world would be a better place if we all made an effort to be more human.
  • Reading - John 11: 1-45

Mar 25, 202405:49
Sunday, 19th March 2023 - Part 1 - Instinct to protect

Sunday, 19th March 2023 - Part 1 - Instinct to protect

  • Reading Luke 13.34 read by Kitty Bird
  • Jesus said, ‘Jerusalem…How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!’
  • Short talk: ‘Mothering – instinct to protect’ Linking to the reading where Jesus pictures himself as a mother hen. The instinct of protecting their young is shared among animals, including elephants, lions, cows, and birds. It's important to respect animals' protective instincts when we come close to them. Jesus longs to protect the human family and lead them into a better way of security, safety, peace, and dignity. Imagine ourselves and other people as little chicks or goslings under the wing of Jesus. Mothering Sunday is not just about celebrating biological mothers but also all kinds of people who care and protect others. The importance of empathy and understanding in mothering. The speaker encourages the audience to think about how they can protect and care for others.

Mar 18, 202410:02
Sunday, 12th March 2023 - Part 2 - Well, well, well

Sunday, 12th March 2023 - Part 2 - Well, well, well

  • Reading: John 4.6 - 15
  • Reading: John 4.16 – 30
  • Short Address Wells are significant places in the Bible, and many important meetings took place at wells. Jacob's Well, located in modern-day Palestine, is the most famous well in the Bible. Maria, who lives in a small island in El Salvador, has to travel to the mainland every day to fetch water because there is no mains water on her island. Many women in low-income countries have to do this kind of work every day. In the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman, both were thirsty and had to act to quench their thirst. The physical and spiritual aspects of our lives are intertwined and essential to our well-being. The American theologian Sally McFague believed that the interconnection of our souls and bodies brings us life in all its fullness. We should value both physical and spiritual water as essential to our life and well-being. We should recognize and accept everyone as brother and sister, as well as being accepted as a child of God. We should be thirsty for the Water of Life.
  • Followed by 2 or 3 minutes of quiet reflection on these questions: - Do we welcome and value both the physical water and the spiritual water as essential to our life and well-being? - What do they teach us about recognising and accepting everyone as brother and sister? - What do we learn for ourselves about being accepted as brother or sister, and a child of God? - Are we thirsty for the water of life?

Mar 14, 202418:26
Sunday, 12th March 2023 - Part 1 - ‘Wells, water and well-being’

Sunday, 12th March 2023 - Part 1 - ‘Wells, water and well-being’

  • Reading: Psalm 95. 1 – 7
  • Talk for all ages: ‘Wells, water and well-being’ The story of Jesus meeting a Samaritan at a well and the importance of water in our lives. Water has been treated with great respect throughout history and is often seen as a holy place linked to particular local saints with healing miracles. A church in Bierton, North of Aylesbury, linked to a Christian woman from medieval times called Asif. Rivers, especially chalk streams, are important for wildlife and need to be looked after for the benefit of both wildlife and ourselves. Sewage is sometimes dumped into our rivers, which is surely a disgrace to our nation. The psalm used in the service reminds us that the planet belongs to God and the oceans belong to God, their maker. A new high seas treaty by the United Nations to create large protected areas of the oceans to safeguard marine biodiversity. Water is a key theme in Lent this year with support for Water Aid, which provides clean water and sanitation to many poor communities around the world. The effects of climate change on water supplies in many poorer nations and the need to create water and sanitation services that last and can come back quickly online after a climate hazard. Women's voices and experiences are essential in adapting to climate change, and they must be heard and acted upon.

Mar 11, 202411:37
Sunday, 5th March 2023 - Part 2 - The Repair Shop, Nicodemus (and pliers ;-) )

Sunday, 5th March 2023 - Part 2 - The Repair Shop, Nicodemus (and pliers ;-) )

<li>Short Address: The Repair Shop and the team of experts who restore old and broken items. </li>
<li>In August 2021, the team met with Prince Charles and learned about his foundation's work in training young craftspeople. </li>
<li>Charles gave the team a piece of pottery made for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and an 18th-century clock to repair. </li>
<li>Jay Blades, one of the show's hosts, grew up in Hackney, and he and Charles bonded over their shared interests in apprenticeships and heritage crafts. </li>
<li>The encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus in the Bible is similar to the meeting of Blades and Charles in that it brings together people from different backgrounds who share common interests. </li>
<li>Nicodemus is a Pharisee and a member of the ruling council in Jerusalem who comes to meet Jesus at night. </li>
<li>Nicodemus recognizes that God is at work in Jesus's ministry and life. </li>
<li>Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again to see the kingdom of God. </li>
<li>This spiritual rebirth is about a fundamental change that enables us to see the kingdom of love, justice, and peace where God is at the center. </li>
<li>Jesus teaches that his followers must become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. </li>
<li>The kingdom of heaven is a place where God is at the center and all are of equal worth in the eyes of God.</li>
<li>Prayers for the world with the response "So, God of compassion: open our hearts, to welcome all."</li>
Mar 07, 202419:39
Sunday, 5th March 2023 - Part 1 - Help! I Need Somebody

Sunday, 5th March 2023 - Part 1 - Help! I Need Somebody

<li>All age talk: ‘Help! I need somebody!’ </li>
<li>The Beatles and their song "Help" as an example of asking for help. </li>
<li>What helps you get through the day - things like daily devotions, friends, family, and nature. </li>
<li>The importance of turning to God for help, as well as offering help to others. </li>
<li>The Jars of Change appeal, which involves setting aside money over Lent to donate to the charity. </li>
<li>The charity's focus this year is on providing clean water and sanitation to communities in need. </li>
<li>Stories of two young women who have benefited from the charity's work. </li>
<li>The idea of giving and helping others, even in small ways. </li>
<li>A reminder that help can come from God and from our willingness to offer help to others. </li>
<li>Reading: Psalm 121 NIVUK </li>
<li>Reading: John 3.1-17 NIVUK</li>
Mar 04, 202417:15
Sunday, 26th February 2023 - Part 2 - Promises, grace, temptations, and ditches

Sunday, 26th February 2023 - Part 2 - Promises, grace, temptations, and ditches

<li>Drawing inspiration from the hymn "Father Lead Me Day by Day" and Jesus' identity affirmation from God during his baptism. </li>
<li>The assurance of being saved by grace is necessary in our lives. </li>
<li>The promises of God should be hidden in our hearts to remain steadfast during temptations. </li>
<li>The full armor of God should be worn to stand firm against the devil's schemes. </li>
<li>Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, and we must use his name to resist temptations. </li>
<li>Jesus' response to temptations was quoting the word of God. </li>
<li>The spirit drives us into unusual and unexplored places. </li>
<li>The spirit is at work whenever people speak the language of love, dream of a new community, and reach out to one another. </li>
<li>God is gracious and picks us up when we stumble and fall into ditches along the way. </li>
<li>Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, and goodness is stronger than evil, love is stronger than hate. </li>
<li>As children of God, we need to have the promises of God hidden in our hearts and be sure of our identity in Him. </li>
<li>Temptations will come, but we can stand firm by putting on the full armor of God and using the Word of God to resist the devil's schemes. </li>
<li>The Spirit may also drive us into unusual and unexplored places, and we need to be open to following His leading. </li>
<li>Ultimately, we can take comfort in the fact that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, and victory is ours through Him who loves us.</li>
Feb 29, 202411:17
Sunday, 26th February 2023 - Part 1 - A daily Lent program to follow

Sunday, 26th February 2023 - Part 1 - A daily Lent program to follow

<li>The meaning and history of Lent, a season of penitence and self-denial observed to prepare for the Easter celebration. </li>
<li>The importance of prayer, self-examination, and repentance during this period, as well as reading and meditating on God's word. </li>
<li>A creative Lent daily program, which includes different activities for each day of the week </li>
<li>Sunday: Social media fast </li>
<li>Monday: Keep silence for at least 10 minutes </li>
<li>Tuesday: Do a prayer walk around your neighborhood </li>
<li>Wednesday: Fast your way (in a manner that is appropriate for your personal circumstances and needs) </li>
<li>Thursday: Connect with a friend by calling, texting, or sending an email </li>
<li>Friday: Read and reflect on God's holy word </li>
<li>Saturday: Rest and refresh. </li>
<li>Lent is our opportunity to grow in faith and devotion to Christ. </li>
<li>Introduction to Bible readings </li>
<li>Readings: Psalm 32 NIVUK and Matthew 4:1-11</li>
Feb 26, 202407:14
Sunday, 19th February 2023 - Part 2 - Wonderers, worshippers and witnesses’

Sunday, 19th February 2023 - Part 2 - Wonderers, worshippers and witnesses’

<li>Reading: Matthew 17. 1 – 9 (The Message)</li>
<li>Short talk: ‘wonderers, worshippers and witnesses’ </li>
<li>The topic of reflection is the story of the three disciples who went up the mountain with Jesus and witnessed the splendor of God. </li>
<li>A reflection on four words related to the story of Jesus and his disciples on the mountain: wonder, worship, witness, and work. </li>
<li>Wonder: Take a step back and wonder at the mysteries of God's presence, creation, and scripture during the season of Lent. </li>
<li>Worship: The disciples' worship involved listening to Jesus, listen deeply to Jesus in scripture as the heart of worship. </li>
<li>Witness: Witness to the reality of Jesus with humility and through both words and actions. </li>
<li>Work: The disciples were invited to be part of the work of Jesus, we should pray for and participate in God's work in the world today. </li>
<li>The disciples' experience on the mountain was a revelation of divine light that they could not put into words. </li>
<li>The disciples' response was to worship, but they had a lot to learn about true worship, which involves following and listening to Jesus. </li>
<li>Listening to Jesus is at the heart of worship and is an essential aspect of our tradition. </li>
<li>After wandering, worshiping, and listening, we are called to be witnesses of Jesus, but our witness can be mistaken if we fail to witness to the reality of Jesus. </li>
<li>Witnessing requires humility and a deep understanding of the love of God. </li>
<li>We are encouraged to pray for God's work in the world and for our part in it.</li>
Feb 22, 202410:40
Sunday, 19th February 2023 - Part 1 - Mountains, the number 40, and Lent

Sunday, 19th February 2023 - Part 1 - Mountains, the number 40, and Lent

<li>Readings: Exodus 24.12-18 NIVUK</li>
<li>Short Talk: ‘A mountain top experience’ </li>
<li>The story of Moses and the giving of the Ten Commandments is a significant moment in the faith story. </li>
<li>The invitation from God for Moses to come up the mountain was initially frightening but is seen as gracious. </li>
<li>Mountains have been sacred places in many different cultures and faiths, and they speak of powers beyond our own. </li>
<li>The Holy God is described as a mystery, appearing as cloud, blazing light, and fire. </li>
<li>The law that Moses was given on the mountain would make the Israelites a holy people as they live by the Commandments of honoring God and loving their neighbor. </li>
<li>Moses stayed on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights, which is significant in both the Old and New Testaments. </li>
<li>Lent is a period of 40 days, leading up to the eve of Easter, and represents a journey towards the Mountaintop of Easter day. </li>
<li>The signs of spring, such as snowdrops, are a symbol of God's renewing love and a reminder of the presence of Jesus. </li>
<li>The prayer at the end of the passage is a reminder to seek hope and peace during the darker days and to be enlightened on our journey through Lent and beyond.</li>
Feb 19, 202410:51
Sunday, 12th February 2023 - Part 2 - Worry less, trust God more

Sunday, 12th February 2023 - Part 2 - Worry less, trust God more

<li>Reading: Romans 8. 18 – 25 NIVUK </li>
<li>Address: Our age is characterized by anxiety and worry. Hyper-connectivity in a globalized world increases our exposure to anxiety and worry. </li>
<li>Some people are more prone to anxiety than others. </li>
<li>God will take care of what comes our way in life. </li>
<li>Life is more important than material possessions. </li>
<li>Focusing on the present moment and giving attention to what God is doing can alleviate worry and anxiety. </li>
<li>Worry is illogical and misses the point of life. </li>
<li>Trusting God and living one day at a time is the way to true peace. </li>
<li>As Christians, we're called to have faith in God's care and provision. </li>
<li>Worry and anxiety are incompatible with this faith. </li>
<li>Trust that God knows your every need, not just your wants. </li>
<li>Live each day with gratitude and reliance on Him. </li>
<li>Today is the only performance we'll give. </li>
<li>Let's make the most of it by trusting God, living with purpose, and rejoicing in His goodness. #faith #trustGod #dontworry #liveonedayatatime #rejoice</li>
Feb 15, 202416:46
Sunday, 12th February 2023 - Part 1 - Don't worry, be happy

Sunday, 12th February 2023 - Part 1 - Don't worry, be happy

<li>Opening Prayers and Lord’s Prayer</li>
<li>Reading: Matthew 6. 25 – 34 NIVUK </li>
<li>All age talk:</li>
<li>Worrying is a common experience that is not always easy to overcome. </li>
<li>We often worry about trivial things that waste our time and energy. </li>
<li>Jesus wanted people to be free of constant worrying. </li>
<li>Worrying about a job change and how it turned out to be unnecessary. </li>
<li>Jesus advises us to put our worries down and not let them make our lives hard. </li>
<li>Life will have its ups and downs, and worrying only makes it worse. </li>
<li>Trusting in God and his love can help us cope with life's challenges. </li>
<li>We should focus on living one day at a time instead of worrying about the future. </li>
<li>God will bring us safely through life's difficulties and to heaven. </li>
<li>Trust in God's love and rely on Him to help us cope with life's challenges instead of worrying about things that are outside of our control.</li>
Feb 12, 202409:22
Sunday, 5th February 2023 - Part 2 - Jesus fulfilling scripture

Sunday, 5th February 2023 - Part 2 - Jesus fulfilling scripture

<li>Jesus's message regarding the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) and the law and the prophets. </li>
<li>Jesus did not come to abolish these scriptures but to fulfill them. </li>
<li>Jesus' coming rejuvenates the message of the old, not ends it. </li>
<li>Matthew, a Jewish Christian, uses the phrase "to fulfill what was written through the prophet" 12 times in his gospel. </li>
<li>How the New Covenant, a new relationship with God, comes from the old, and how Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy of this New Covenant. </li>
<li>The idea of a New Covenant comes from the Prophet Jeremiah, who longs for a law of love to grow in people's hearts. </li>
<li>Jesus comes to fulfill the message of the prophets and begins his ministry by quoting from Isaiah's prophecy of the Spirit of the Lord. </li>
<li>The law and the prophets remain vital, but they are to be interpreted with the help of the Spirit of the Lord. </li>
<li>This interpretation is summed up by the two great Commandments: love the Lord and love your neighbor. </li>
<li>The law and the prophets are not to be used legalistically, but with the help of the Spirit. </li>
<li>The challenge is to understand how Jesus fulfills the law and the prophets, and how they remain relevant in light of his coming. </li>
<li>Prayers for the world</li>
Feb 08, 202413:02
Sunday, 5th February 2023 - Part 1 - The light shines on, candlemas, the number 40

Sunday, 5th February 2023 - Part 1 - The light shines on, candlemas, the number 40

<li>All age talk: ‘the light shines on’ We are in February already! </li>
<li>Candlemas, 40 days after Christmas, not really marked at Trinity URC </li>
<li>The number 40 is special in the Bible, as it represents a significant period of time (e.g. Noah in the Ark, Moses on Mount Sinai). </li>
<li>The presentation of Jesus in the temple told in Luke's gospel was 40 days after his birth. </li>
<li>Simeon and Anna recognized Jesus as a light and gave thanks to God. </li>
<li>Candlemass is a time to remember the light of Jesus and to be lights ourselves. </li>
<li>Jesus is the light of the world and invites us to be lights. </li>
<li>We can be be lights and reflect the light of Jesus in our lives. </li>
<li>Reading: Matthew 5.13 – 16 NIVUK </li>
<li>Introduction to the readings: think of words like Renew that begin with RE with the meaning of ‘Again’ </li>
<li>Reading: Isaiah 58.1 – 12 NIVUK </li>
<li>Prayer Lord who mends, help us to RE store. Lord of fresh ideas, help us to RE new. Lord who lifts us up, help us to RE build. Lord who gives us life, help us to RE vive. In our world and our church, in everyday life, Lord, help us to be RE freshed by you.</li>
<li>Reading: Matthew 5.17 – 20 NIVUK </li>
Feb 05, 202417:03
Sunday, 29th January 2023 - Part 2 - A New Covenant

Sunday, 29th January 2023 - Part 2 - A New Covenant

<li>Jesus's message regarding the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) and the law and the prophets.</li>
<li>Jesus did not come to abolish these scriptures but to fulfill them.</li>
<li>Jesus' coming rejuvenates the message of the old, not ends it.</li>
<li>Matthew, a Jewish Christian, uses the phrase "to fulfill what was written through the prophet" 12 times in his gospel.</li>
<li>How the New Covenant, a new relationship with God, comes from the old, and how Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy of this New Covenant.</li>
<li>The idea of a New Covenant comes from the Prophet Jeremiah, who longs for a law of love to grow in people's hearts.</li>
<li>Jesus comes to fulfill the message of the prophets and begins his ministry by quoting from Isaiah's prophecy of the Spirit of the Lord.</li>
<li>The law and the prophets remain vital, but they are to be interpreted with the help of the Spirit of the Lord.</li>
<li>This interpretation is summed up by the two great Commandments: love the Lord and love your neighbor.</li>
<li>The law and the prophets are not to be used legalistically, but with the help of the Spirit.</li>
<li>The challenge is to understand how Jesus fulfills the law and the prophets, and how they remain relevant in light of his coming.</li>
Feb 01, 202412:01
Sunday, 29th January 2023 - Part 1 - Well I'm blessed

Sunday, 29th January 2023 - Part 1 - Well I'm blessed

<li>All age talk: Well I’m blessed!’ and ‘Bless you!’ </li>
<li>Use of the word "bless" and its variations in the context of Christianity and worship. </li>
<li>Counting one's blessings and giving thanks to God, even on difficult days. </li>
<li>Photographs sent in by members of the congregation during worship. </li>
<li>Sharing our own blessings </li>
<li>Linking to the Beatitudes </li>
<li>The importance of blessings in the Christian life and the act of giving thanks to God. </li>
<li>The joy of having a good pudding as a blessing and enjoying a good apple crumble. </li>
<li>Reading: Psalm 15 (The Message)</li>
<li>Introduction to the readings </li>
<li>Reading: Micah 6.1 – 8 NIVUK </li>
<li>Prayer: What does it mean to act justly today? (pause) Lord guide us in your Way of justice What does it mean to love mercy? (pause) Lord guide us in your Way of mercy. What does it mean to walk humbly with our God? (pause) Lord guide us in our journey with you. Deepen within us, faith, hope and love, in Jesus’ name. Amen. </li>
<li>Reading: Matthew 5.1 – 12 NIVUK</li>
Jan 29, 202419:10
Sunday, 22nd January 2023 - Part 2 - Blessings

Sunday, 22nd January 2023 - Part 2 - Blessings

<li>Address Reflecting on the meaning and use of the word "bless" and "blessings." </li>
<li>The different ways in which the word can be used and the importance of matching words of blessings with actions of blessings. </li>
<li>The experience of blessing a teddy bear at a hospice </li>
<li>Many prophets remind us that blessings cannot be taken for granted and must be matched by actions of blessing. </li>
<li>The importance of being blessings to others and not taking the blessings we enjoy for granted. </li>
<li>Sharing food with leaders from other churches to mark the end of a week of prayer for Christian Unity. </li>
<li>I pray that we will be a church that blesses our wider community that risks blessing unsuitable people and unsuitable things </li>
<li>May we all know that glorious blessing of Jesus and be that blessing to our hurting world</li>
Jan 25, 202415:53
Sunday, 22nd January 2023 - Part 1 - Are you called to follow?

Sunday, 22nd January 2023 - Part 1 - Are you called to follow?

<li>Reading: Matthew 4:12-23 NIVUK</li>
<li>All age talk ‘Are you called to follow?’</li>
<li>"Following" people on social media websites, and how the younger generation may interpret this differently than older generations.</li>
<li>Can you identify these icons?</li>
<li>Different social media websites use different terms for following people (e.g. followers on Twitter, subscribers on YouTube).</li>
<li>Does following on social media cost you anything?</li>
<li>The real cost of following someone on social media may be a mental one, contrast with Jesus asking someone to "follow me" in the Bible.</li>
<li>If Jesus were on Twitter, it would be interesting to see how many tweets he would produce, and how many people would follow him.</li>
<li>Social media today doesn't cost us anything in terms of money, but the cost may be more mental or emotional.</li>
Jan 22, 202408:23
Sunday, 15th January 2023 - Part 2 - What gifts shall we bring?

Sunday, 15th January 2023 - Part 2 - What gifts shall we bring?

<li>Talk: ‘What gifts shall we bring?’ </li>
<li>The Wise Men are often depicted in Christmas imagery as arriving at the manger with the shepherds, but they may have arrived later, when Jesus was a child. </li>
<li>The Wise Men are not named in the reading and little is known about their origins or how far they traveled. </li>
<li>Gold, frankincense, and myrrh, unusual gifts for a baby. </li>
<li>The story of the Wise Men is traditionally part of the celebration of Epiphany, which is usually celebrated on January 6th, 12 days after Christmas.</li>
<li>Focusing on the Wise Men's story separately from the celebration of Jesus' birth allows us to appreciate their significance. </li>
<li>The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh are said to symbolize Jesus as a king, God and a sacrifice for humanity respectively. </li>
<li>What gifts shall we bring to Jesus.</li>
Jan 18, 202415:28
Sunday, 15th January 2023 - Part 1

Sunday, 15th January 2023 - Part 1

<li>Bible reading: Isaiah 60 Verses 1-6</li>
<li>Bible Reading: Matthew 2: 1-12</li>
<li>Epiphany Prayer of Confession Loving God, you guided the wise men to Bethlehem, offering a light for their path, and in faith they responded. Forgive us that all too often we fall short of their example. Gracious Lord, have mercy. You offer us guidance in innumerable ways – through the light of your word, the illumination of your Holy Spirit, the fellowship of your church, and the encounter of prayer, yet so often we either fail to hear or refuse to see. Gracious Lord, have mercy. We are too preoccupied with our own small affairs, eyes only for the immediate moment, our vision impeded by trivial concerns, so we fail to recognise where you are leading us, Gracious Lord, have mercy. We believe we know just where we are going, just what we want from life, and exactly how we can get it, and we resist any suggestion that we need to think again. Gracious Lord, have mercy. Loving God, forgive us our foolishness, our stubbornness, our weakness. Gracious Lord, have mercy. Forgive our pride, our lack of faith, our closed minds. Gracious Lord, have mercy. Forgive us for ignoring your guidance, for resting your will, and as a result so often walking in darkness. Gracious Lord, have mercy. Meet with us again we ask, and may the light of your love shine in our hearts, so that we cannot but see it or fail to respond in grateful praise and joyful service. Gracious Lord, have mercy, in the name of Christ .Amen</li>
Jan 15, 202406:40
Sunday, 8th January 2023 - Part 2 - Baptism and the servant

Sunday, 8th January 2023 - Part 2 - Baptism and the servant

<li>Sermon - Baptism </li>
<li>Similarities between statements in Isaiah and Matthew. </li>
<li>Both passages begin with God declaring that the servant is his chosen one and in whom he delights or is well pleased. </li>
<li>In Isaiah, the servant may be referring to the audience and others in a plural sense. </li>
<li>The servant in Isaiah is described as humble and not war-like. </li>
<li>Reflect on how they can embody this servant-like humility in their own lives. </li>
<li>Both passages in Isaiah and Matthew launch mission for people. </li>
<li>Isaiah 42:2 tells us that the servant will not shout or lift up their head. </li>
<li>We should reflect on our own humility and how it relates to the servant in Isaiah.</li>
Jan 11, 202411:58
Sunday, 8th January 2023 - Part 1 - Who is the servant?

Sunday, 8th January 2023 - Part 1 - Who is the servant?

<li>Reading 1 – Isaiah 42:1-9 </li>
<li>All age talk – Who is the servant? </li>
<li>The identity of the "servant" in Isaiah 42. </li>
<li>Initial understanding is that the servant is Jesus. </li>
<li>Uncertainty about the true identity of the servant. </li>
<li>The servant could be the nation of Israel. </li>
<li>The servant could be Jacob, whose nickname was Israel. </li>
<li>Isaiah wrote this passage before Jesus' birth. </li>
<li>Reading – Matthew 3:13-17 </li>
Jan 08, 202410:18
Sunday, 1st January 2023 - Part 2 - Time, clocks, Greeks, and choices

Sunday, 1st January 2023 - Part 2 - Time, clocks, Greeks, and choices

<li>Reading: Revelation 21.1-6a NIVUK</li>
<li>Short Address: ‘God makes new’ </li>
<li>How people have celebrated the start of the new year. </li>
<li>A message from a daughter who chose to go to bed instead of celebrating the new year. </li>
<li>The chaotic nature of recent years and the hope for a better 2023. </li>
<li>People's attitudes towards time can vary based on their mood, age and circumstances. </li>
<li>An inscription on an old clock at a Cathedral in Chester that speaks about how time slips away as a person ages. </li>
<li>Ancient Greek language has two words for time, Chronos, which is chronological time and Kairos which is the special moments that stand out.</li>
<li>Ecclesiastes, a philosopher, who talks about the flow and ebb of time and the choices one must make during different times. </li>
<li>The choices one must make during different times</li>
Jan 04, 202413:46
Sunday, 1st January 2023 - Part 1 - What's the time?

Sunday, 1st January 2023 - Part 1 - What's the time?

  • Introduction: What’s the time? 
  • Second Sunday of Christmas, 8th day of Christmas 
  • American Samoa and Western Samoa timezones 
  • Saint Jerome and his view on the relationship between Sunday and the "son of God" 
  • The symbolism of eight maids of milking being given as a gift. 
  • Lighting the Christmas Candle  
  • Reading: Ecclesiastes 3.1-13 NIVUK

Jan 01, 202410:20
Blessings - Monday 25th December 2023 - #AllAreWelcome

Blessings - Monday 25th December 2023 - #AllAreWelcome

Blessings from Trinity United Reformed Church High Wycombe - Join us for worship every Sunday #AllAreWelcome - Subscribe to receive notifications when we post new blessings and other items . - Like our blessings ❤️ or leave a comment sharing what they mean to you. 🙏 - Share this video with friends and family to spread the light of God's word. 🔄 Where to find us: Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: What's on: Mastodon: #Blessings #Church #God #YoutubeShorts #Shorts #Relax #Mindfulness #TakeItEasy #BirdSounds #Garden #urc #UnitedReformedChurch #reels #TrinityChurch #KnowThatYouAreLoved #Jesus #BlessingsToYou Need inspiration and encouragement to start your week off right? Let our blessing sink deep into your spirit and uplift you through the trials and victories ahead. 👂🔥

Dec 29, 202300:41
Advent readings - Psalm 126 - A Song of Ascents

Advent readings - Psalm 126 - A Song of Ascents

Advent readings from our services. Follow the Christmas story through scripture Join us for worship every Sunday #AllAreWelcome - Subscribe to receive notifications 🔔 when we post new podcasts. - Like our podcasts ❤️ or leave a comment sharing what they mean to you. 🙏 - Share this podcast 🔄 with friends and family to spread the light of God's word. Where to find us: Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: What's on: Mastodon: #Church #God #Scripture #Bible #BibleReading #Scriptures #urc #UnitedReformedChurch #TrinityChurch #Jesus #Worship #FreeEntry #NoCharge Go Deeper into God's Word. 📖 Listen to Scripture Readings from Our Church Services 🙌 Do you want to connect more deeply with the living word of God? Let these podcasts soak into your spirit and speak truth into your circumstances today! 👂🔥 From comforting psalms to empowering gospel texts, these selections will replenish your soul and reveal God's heart to you in a fresh way! ❤️

Dec 29, 202301:06
Sunday, 25th December 2022 - Part 2 - Telling the story

Sunday, 25th December 2022 - Part 2 - Telling the story

<li>The power of words in telling the Christmas story.</li>
<li>The four Gospels (Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John) present the story differently.</li>
<li>Mark starts by describing Jesus as the Son of God and goes straight into his adult life.</li>
<li>Luke puts the story in context of the Roman Empire and focuses on the humility of Jesus and the message of peace.</li>
<li>Matthew, with his Jewish background, focuses on the prophecy of Isaiah and the coming of the Magi, while John begins with a meditation on the word, describing Jesus as the word of God becoming flesh.</li>
<li>John presents the story in a more spiritual and profound way, emphasizing Jesus' divine nature and role in the creation of the world. He describes Jesus as the word of God becoming flesh and highlights the connection between God's communication and human language. He also presents Jesus as the light of the world and the saviour of humanity, giving a deeper understanding of the significance of his birth.</li>
Dec 28, 202311:29
Blessings - Sunday 24th December 2023 - #AllAreWelcome

Blessings - Sunday 24th December 2023 - #AllAreWelcome

Blessings from Trinity United Reformed Church High Wycombe - Join us for worship every Sunday #AllAreWelcome - Subscribe to receive notifications when we post new blessings and other items . - Like our blessings ❤️ or leave a comment sharing what they mean to you. 🙏 - Share this video with friends and family to spread the light of God's word. 🔄 Where to find us: Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: What's on: Mastodon: #Blessings #Church #God #YoutubeShorts #Shorts #Relax #Mindfulness #TakeItEasy #BirdSounds #Garden #urc #UnitedReformedChurch #reels #TrinityChurch #KnowThatYouAreLoved #Jesus #BlessingsToYou Need inspiration and encouragement to start your week off right? Let our blessing sink deep into your spirit and uplift you through the trials and victories ahead. 👂🔥

Dec 28, 202300:53
Advent readings - Isaiah 61 v1-4 8-11 - The Year of The Lord's Favour

Advent readings - Isaiah 61 v1-4 8-11 - The Year of The Lord's Favour

Advent readings from our services. Follow the Christmas story through scripture Join us for worship every Sunday #AllAreWelcome - Subscribe to receive notifications 🔔 when we post new podcasts. - Like our podcasts ❤️ or leave a comment sharing what they mean to you. 🙏 - Share this podcast 🔄 with friends and family to spread the light of God's word. Where to find us: Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: What's on: Mastodon: #Church #God #Scripture #Bible #BibleReading #Scriptures #urc #UnitedReformedChurch #TrinityChurch #Jesus #Worship #FreeEntry #NoCharge Go Deeper into God's Word. 📖 Listen to Scripture Readings from Our Church Services 🙌 Do you want to connect more deeply with the living word of God? Let these podcasts soak into your spirit and speak truth into your circumstances today! 👂🔥 From comforting psalms to empowering gospel texts, these selections will replenish your soul and reveal God's heart to you in a fresh way! ❤️

Dec 28, 202302:33
Advent readings - John 1 v19-23 - John the Baptist Denies Being The Messiah

Advent readings - John 1 v19-23 - John the Baptist Denies Being The Messiah

Advent readings from our services. Follow the Christmas story through scripture Join us for worship every Sunday #AllAreWelcome - Subscribe to receive notifications 🔔 when we post new podcasts. - Like our podcasts ❤️ or leave a comment sharing what they mean to you. 🙏 - Share this podcast 🔄 with friends and family to spread the light of God's word. Where to find us: Website: Podcasts: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: What's on: Mastodon: #Church #God #Scripture #Bible #BibleReading #Scriptures #urc #UnitedReformedChurch #TrinityChurch #Jesus #Worship #FreeEntry #NoCharge Go Deeper into God's Word. 📖 Listen to Scripture Readings from Our Church Services 🙌 Do you want to connect more deeply with the living word of God? Let these podcasts soak into your spirit and speak truth into your circumstances today! 👂🔥 From comforting psalms to empowering gospel texts, these selections will replenish your soul and reveal God's heart to you in a fresh way! ❤️

Dec 27, 202301:13