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By Troubled

Since the Assimilation of the Indigenous, which persists today, America has had a predatory preference for mass legal child abduction, trafficking, abuse, torture and murder.

The "Toughlove" based 'Troubled Teen Industry' was spawned by "America's Most Dangerous Cult", Synanon, and funded by the US Govt. WHICH has been simultaneously funding unethical and involuntary social psychology experiments on children while publicly decrying their tactics as "brainwashing" and "torture".

Still, this multi-billion dollar industry traumatizes hundreds of thousands a year leaving millions with CPTSD...
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Senate Hearing & Testimony on MO HB557 & 560

TroubledApr 14, 2021

Justice for Zhina Amini & FREEDOM for Iran #MahsaAmini

Justice for Zhina Amini & FREEDOM for Iran #MahsaAmini

I will try to get help typing show notes (arms in braces) until then here Snowflake: AND Abeer’s podcast: I also have 75 episodes on the situation in Iran on my TikTok @m0rr1gu #ZhinaAmini #JinaAmini #IranProtests #MahsaAmini
Sep 29, 202201:28:59
URGENT: Residential School Survivors  (& Descendants) Call to Submit Testimony (and Ally Action Items)

URGENT: Residential School Survivors (& Descendants) Call to Submit Testimony (and Ally Action Items)

Last week, the first volume of the report on the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigation was released. Last year, the first Indigenous Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, created the initiative after the discovery of 215 unmarked graves of Indigenous children by Canada’s Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in May 2021. If YOU are a Survivor of Institutional Child Abuse (w/in the so-called "Troubled Teen Industry": Conversion Therapy, Wilderness Therapy, Bootcamps, Boarding Schools), or one of our allies, it is imperative to support the Indigenous Communities of Turtle Island through this review and reconciliation. Please center, elevate and amplify Indigenous Survivors and Advocates.

READ Indian Country Today's coverage for a summary and follow for more information.

The National Boarding School Healing Coalition is requesting people who attended a boarding school or are a descendent of a boarding school attendee to submit their written testimonies to the House of Natural Resources Committee by May 26. Email submissions to and CC NABS at

The National Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has put together a suggested outline for written testimony for individuals to follow if needed:  

  1. dentify yourself, your Tribe, and the boarding school you attended a. Boarding School: what school did you or your family member attend, and what year(s) did you/they attend? 
  2. State your position of support for “H.R. 5444 the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act” 
  3. Personal story that you are comfortable sharing. This is often the most powerful part. 
  4. Conclusion: Restate/review your position at the end of your testimony 
  5. Thank the committee or task force for the opportunity to speak a. “Thank you to the Natural Resources Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States” There is not a limit to the length of your statements. Your written testimony will be on record in the House of Congress.

YOU can support the first targets of the US' Historic prevalence of mass, for-profit, legal, child abduction, detention, trafficking and torture schema by sharing this brief update episode and ALL of the links below to help make sure that ALL Survivors of the Residential Schools for the Indigenous are aware of their opportunity to submit testimony. We are disheartened that after centuries of Survivors speaking up, and a year of investigation, the US Government is allowing mere days for Survivors to step forward and share traumas they may have kept locked away for decades. STILL, raise awareness for this update in #everychildmatters and then do the following:

  1. Read the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools Act HR5444 & SB2907
  2. Support HR5444 & SB2907 (Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools) via ResistBot Text PCGYYN to 50409
  3. SIGN the Petition to "Demand Thorough Searches of Residential School Lands for Native Children Remains"

Podcast on this Friday!

May 18, 202211:25
Sucker Punch: 18 Years After Escaping the So-Called "Troubled Teen Industry"

Sucker Punch: 18 Years After Escaping the So-Called "Troubled Teen Industry"

18 years ago, I became a legal person and was allowed to simply walk out of the pedo run kiddie prison I'd been detained in in the Catskills. I wasn't allowed to "walk away" when they forced me to eat my vomit, or while the last boy I had a crush on was choking to death on his own blood in front of me - but somehow, something about my 18th birthday, changed everything.
18 years later and I'm barely beginning the process of deconstructing my experience within the so-called "Troubled Teen Industry" at the Family Foundation School in Hancock New York.
I'd like to thank the film, Sucker Punch, for breaking the blocks I had built the dismissive delusion of my "boarding school" upon.
Let's discuss a few of the things I learned from my one year of access to therapy.
For those of us with CPTSD from Tough Love, it's imperative that we recognize DARVO when it happens. While I'm not endorsing DBT, or suggesting these tactics have worked for me, we discuss the Dear Man technique.
And scoop this Daily Mail article on our team, focused on Circle of Hope and Agape Boarding School thanks to the advocacy of Amanda Householder and Colton Schrag (to name two of many). We appreciate the shout-out to Family School Survivors, if you are one and would like to participate in upcoming articles, please reach out.
If you'd like to connect with the Reverend Chris Wilson (who breaks down the difference between "boundaries" and "rules" for us) you can find them on Instagram HERE @ExiledFaith if you are interested in addressing your religious trauma or learning more about the toxicity of "purity culture", we could not recommend them more.
Please send in any audio clips for our #justiceforcornelius episode
Please rate and write reviews for the podcast on itunes, Spotify and Facebook and connect with us across all social media platforms @TalkTroubled
Until then, #iseeyousurvivor and keep #breakingcodesilence #maythefourthbewithus
May 04, 202201:54:21
Surviving Survivorland: the Institutional Child Abuse Movement in Ireland, Canada and the USA

Surviving Survivorland: the Institutional Child Abuse Movement in Ireland, Canada and the USA

Let's talk about Survivors of Institutional Child Abuse on a global scale. Sometimes its imperative to scroll it back to comprehend the scope of the entire cake we're cut from.
Historically institutionalized communities are calling upon the international community to activate and assist them in moving their advocacy forward.
This week is #MMIWAwareness and the root of the rot of institutional youth abuse in the USA and Canada were the "residential schools" for the Indigenous. There is so much valuable insight to glean from how Survivors have pushed for reform, redress and reconciliation. But as we continue to benefit from Indigenous cultures, we must likewise center, elevate and amplify their voices as we move forward with any action items or advocacy in/on Turtle Island. As the rising toll of indigenous children confirmed stolen by the Church and State's institutional atrocities surpasses 10,000 in Canada, we implore you to jump on hashtags like #everychildmatters and help to proactively expand the visibility of these Survivors and Advocates. With that in mind, please follow and support one of our favorite Nonprofits in Canada, led by an MMIW Survivor and Second Generation Residential School Survivors @ChildrenFirstSociety on all socials and activate via their website:
In Ireland there are over 9,000 children confirmed killed by the Church and State in their residential homes including the Mother and Baby Homes. Please join the Survivors and Advocates via #motherandbabyhomes. If you're particularly interested in the institutional targeting of Irish Travellers in Ireland definitely support best selling author of "The Tinker Menace" Laura Angela Collins. You can support Travellers and other Nomadic Communities in the EU/UK via #WeRoamWithYou and #StopTravellerHate
With everything we have to learn from the successes in these communities, as well as the obstacles they face, our hope is that we can apply this knowledge to our own quest for justice while also becoming more accessible, inclusive, diverse and accountable. We haven't used the hashtag #breakingcodesilence in a while but since we bring it up, we may as well include it here. We have to expand and round out our table of leadership, access and visibility so that all Survivors can see themselves represented whether they be from wilderness therapy, conversion therapy, religious boarding schools, or any Tough Love flavor of the so-called Troubled Teen Industry. And we must recognize when we individually or collectively DARVO ourselves and the community by deflecting the trauma we deny in ourselves and projecting it outward.
Checkout "Take Back Your Life Recovery" by Dr. Janja Lalich, next deprogramming series for Survivors of High Control Groups starts in May:
We hope you will join us as we move forward into this next stage of our crucible, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported us thus far. Follow us @TalkTroubled everywhere, visit our website and rate/review us on iTunes/Spotify/Facebook.
May 01, 202201:39:32
Amanda Householder sues Circle of Hope, Agape Boys Ranch, Berean & Agape Baptist Churches, as a Birthday Gift to Herself

Amanda Householder sues Circle of Hope, Agape Boys Ranch, Berean & Agape Baptist Churches, as a Birthday Gift to Herself

Welcome back to Troubled, a podcast by/for Survivors of Institutional Youth Abuse. 

THANK YOU for being here for the third season of our Independent self archival project. Two seasons bootlegged together over a cell phone, recorded in an old Prius wasn't too much for you? Well, masochism may pay off here as we embark on our most personal missions yet and play the cards we've held closest throughout the collective crucible of advocacy in a time of Covid.

Super quick 31st birthday catch-up with Amanda Householder, who just filed a lawsuit against her parents, Boyd and Stephanie Householder, owners of Circle of Hope Girls Ranch AND their complicit and culpable cohorts - Agape Boarding School for Boys, Agape Baptist Church and Berean Baptist Church. We won't be getting into the nitty gritty of the details today, out of respect for Amanda, but we HIGHLY recommend you read the Kansas City Star Article "I was born into this." Daughter of Missouri reform school sues parents over abuse" by Judy Thomas and Laura Bauer, two rare gems of journalistic integrity. It is incredibly difficult to find ethical media allies of this caliber and we would just like to thank these women for how they have treated Survivors of Institutional Abuse throughout the last year of consistent coverage in Missouri. We wish they weren't an exception, but we are infinitely grateful they're both committed to exposing this crime against humanity as it plays out in their backyards. 

Forgive us our ADHD and self-defense, in this and every episode. We look forward to exploring the specific traumas of ourselves and our peers who were forever altered relationally by peer-on-peer attack therapy, but we'll also briefly address it in this update. 

We hope that Survivors will see other Survivors making moves and taking names as invitations or challenges to do so themselves. We hope that you will join us on the frontlines at every fork in the road. We also understand that for a historically invalidated community, and collectively gaslit community, that it can be triggering to see the mic passed to the next advocate. Often we can feel as if we are being spoken for, or over, or disregarded entirely. But every opportunity for a Survivor to speak, is an opportunity for Survivors to be heard. If we believe that we are stronger together, then we cannot continue to allow our community to reenact our trauma. MANY Survivors are neurodiverse, many of us experience RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria) - especially since it's the most common symptom of ADHD. Even if we don't have RSD dialing up the perception of rejection, we HAVE been abandoned, excluded, silenced, and otherwise pariah-ed to the point where you don't even need 'confirmation bias' to perceive the world as wholly unsafe, as well as the people in it. I dig it. I'm living in this world with you. 

PLEASE let us be aware of how we deflect and project ourselves onto the world around us. We cannot move towards an exclusionary policy as we curate our collective movement.

Please join us in advocating for youth rights to liberate all kids in cages, from the border, through foster care, to the ToughLove so-called Troubled Teen Industry.

Until next time, #iseeyousurvivor and THANK YOU to all of our allies

Mar 01, 202229:09
Jul 02, 202133:35
#justiceforcornelius: Looking Back on Lakeside with the Director of Case Management
Apr 29, 202101:15:22
Join US & Stop UHS

Join US & Stop UHS

UHS (owner of Provo Canyon) is currently under a 5 year Federal Observation Probation due to a recent $117 million settlement with the Department of Justice so that, even though they were guilty over everything below, they can continue to extort our tax dollars. 

"The government alleged that between January 2006 and December 2018, UHS facilities admitted as patients federal healthcare beneficiaries who were not eligible for inpatient or residential treatment because their conditions did not require that level of care, while also failing to properly discharge appropriately admitted beneficiaries when they no longer required inpatient care. The government further alleged that UHS facilities billed for services not rendered, billed for improper and excessive lengths of stay, failed to provide adequate staffing, training, and/or supervision of staff, and improperly used physical and chemical restraints and seclusion. In addition, UHS facilities allegedly failed to develop and/or update individual assessments and treatment plans for patients, failed to provide adequate discharge planning, and failed to provide required individual and group therapy services in accordance with federal and state regulations." Full Department of Justice Public Statement

Even though we all know exactly who UHS is, they are not only surviving, but thriving. 

Currently, UHS has finalized an application to expand in Oregon. Survivors & Supporters Assemble. 

The public is invited to submit "comment" to Oregon as they decide whether or not to approve a 50 million dollar UHS expansion (NEWCO). PLEASE organize, activate and amplify to recruit mental health and human rights organizations to submit public opposition to this notoriously abusive and fraudulent company from further causing harm to Oregonians. There's a reason the OHA rejected their previous application, and sure promises of a blood money dump into the local economy is not enough to pay for the silence of those they've harmed. As an individual, if you have personal experience with UHS, please also submit comment. We highly recommend posting a public testimonial on YouTube so that public awareness can reach a critical mass. However you choose to advocate, please remember that in order for your public statement to be officially counted and effective in Oregon, it MUST be submitted via the contact information below. 

To the care of Pamela Krecklow


800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 465

Portland, OR  97232

We highly recommend checking out CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) International's public comment HERE for an excellent summary of advocates concerns AND the perfect example of what Oregon needs from organizations opposing. 

Our favorite part about the hearing (included in this podcast) is that the "local allies" UHS cites are not only present in the public hearing, but in OPPOSITION. It says a lot when all your supporters (with one exception) are your employees or your paid Goon/Transporter/Kidnapper. 

Please rate/write review for Troubled wherever you cast your pods (in particular on itunes) so that other allies can find us. 

UHS is a GIANT in the troubled teen industry, it is imperative that they not be allowed to expand their empire. 

May the force be with us #nomoresurvivors

Apr 21, 202101:24:54
Pieces of Victory: "Realistic Hope" with Jeneen Miller

Pieces of Victory: "Realistic Hope" with Jeneen Miller

TW/CW: Season 2 EP2 was recorded between Jeneen Miller of Pieces of Victory and Miranda Sullivan from Troubled, shortly after they met in Missouri during the November Right to Rights Rally. Mental Health and technical difficulties have kept this long awaited treasure from you, minimal updates to the content are included in the Outro. 

Pieces of Victory is a Show on YouTube that features many of our Survivor friends and Heroes. Jeneen's book (which is unfortunately totally true) is also available, and we highly recommend it. 

Everything is on the table, getting dished and dissed. 

What do "statutes of limitations" for abuse say about our society? How does r*aping little gay boys convert them to heterosexuality? 

We discuss Conversion "therapy" Torture in the USA, and Jeneen's good friend, advocate and Survivor, James Swift (aka Fifi Frost). Catch them both on Netflix's Haunted Season 2 EP3 and read James' Memoir "Rusted Rhistestones".

We remember all the Survivors who came before us, who recruited us to the movement they created, and who LITERALLY gave their lives to this and us. Michele Ulriksen was the first Survivor to write about Victory Christian Academy in her book, Reform at Victory: a Survivor's Story. She is also responsible for recruiting her Victory Sister, Jeneen, to the frontlines. This is all for her. This is all for them. And for the children today, so that someday, there will be #nomoresurvivors

RESPECT to our Sh-eros in public office, Senator Sara Gelser of Oregon and Representative Keri Ingle of Missouri. We see you, we hope to vote for your for higher office STAT. 

For regular updates on Agape Boarding School or Circle of Hope Girls Ranch as it pertains to the investigation and leaks which would put us 6-feet-under if we didn't run through our allies, SUBSCRIBE to the Kansas City Star and don't miss out on any of the coverage that will contribute to Judy Thomas' upcoming Pulitzer. 

It's time to relaunch #justiceforcornelius - hit us up if you're ready. It's been a year, since Cornelius Frederick was murdered on video for throwing a sandwich. It's been a YEAR and neither Lakeside, Sequel, Bain, or the anyone within the "Troubled Teen Industry" have answered for this "collateral commodity hiccup". 


Socials @TalkTroubled

Please Rate & Write Review on iTunes 

Apr 18, 202101:29:47
Senate Hearing & Testimony on MO HB557 & 560

Senate Hearing & Testimony on MO HB557 & 560

This is the recording of the Senate Hearing on HB557 & HB560, by Rudy Viet & Keri Ingle. Survivors and Supporters converged again in Missouri to stand up for the thousands of children who have been abused in religious residential programs. The House Hearing videos are on our YouTube for those who have yet to see them (the Senate was audio only). 

To testify (instructions on socials) register HERE:

More info on Circle of Hope, Agape Boys Ranch, Masters Ranch and the rest of the Lester Roloff IFB web visit our page on MO:

Please join us in ending America's predatory prevalence for mass, legal, for profit, child abduction, trafficking, detainment, abuse and sometimes murder. It's been a long road in Missouri, it's up to the Senate know - tune back in for the debates. 


Apr 14, 202101:36:31
BREAKING: Updates, Exposes & SOS to ALL Allies & Survivors

BREAKING: Updates, Exposes & SOS to ALL Allies & Survivors

Missouri Senate Hearing WEDNESDAY Everyone requested to submit support to Senate via upcoming link. MOST Survivors cannot be there in person per last minute notice and financial constraints aka “being visible and present has a classist barrier”. So we will have a public Zoom screening of the hearing to support our Survivors who can and to allow for a public Q/A if you would like to testify in the zoom hearing please reach out to us to be kept in loop and sent instructions. We hope everyone will join us. HOW can the IFB Lester Roloff Agape web of abusive “troubled teen industry” with a sordid history and current investigations, with no govt oversight, regulation or accountability be allowed to extort over A MILLION dollars of OUR federal taxes?? NEW EXPOSE on Kansas City Star: MASTERS RANCH: watch Shelva’s Missouri Testimony on our YouTube & connect w her via IF YOU were abused or employed or sent your kids to the TTI in MO please submit testimony for Wednesday via the upcoming link or preferably in person. All allies & Survivors are requested to the frontlines to click a simple support button to save lives & sign HB557 & HB560 into law #iseeyousurvivor visit & connect w us on all the socials via @talktroubled ANYONE interested in reactivating #justiceforcornelius pls reach out ALSO per the foster funnel, please scoop this epic article by our ally Children’s Rights (scoop our EP with them) featuring Survivor & Advocate Kayla Muzquiz:
Apr 11, 202113:21
BREAKING Update: Circle of Hope Girls Ranch Abusers have been Arrested!
Mar 10, 202107:41
Troubled Teen Industry Updates

Troubled Teen Industry Updates

Some breathless ADHD rant, ramble & stutter updates on Missouri legislation HB557 & HB560, Utah SB127, Agape Boarding School & Circle of Hope Girls Ranch. As well as a new lawsuit against Dr. Phil by a Turn About Ranch Survivor and a reminder that Clay Brewer is serving life in prison, and he’s not alone. For MO hearing highlight videos, scoop our YouTube:
Mar 01, 202125:32
#iseeyousurvivor Letter from Liz Ianelli read by Natalii Infinitii
Feb 24, 202108:44
Mouth Off for Missouri: one week to mobilize!

Mouth Off for Missouri: one week to mobilize!

If YOU or anyone you know has personal experience with the Troubled Teen Industry in Missouri; especially the IFB Cult (Lester Roloff) branch including but not limited to Agape Boys Ranch, Circle of Hope Girls Ranch, Masters Ranch, Wings of Faith, Refuge etc PLEASE consider submitting your testimony to the State of Missouri next week. Link for submission & details on if Zoom will be permitted are not even live & we are a week away. We need all hands on deck to rally all Survivors, Staff Kids, Parents, Staff or Allies with personal experience so that the legislators can get as close to an accurate picture as possible with a weeks notice. We need YOU to stop child abduction, detainment, trafficking & abuse for-profit in the USA. You are also welcome to submit recordings or requests to participate in this our Overview episode next week to P.S. Please forgive the breathless ADHD rant barefoot through the fields of Texas, but this is the professionalism you get with us so you’re welcome & please rate/write us a review on Apple/iTunes so others can hear our truths before we get sued by elitist child predators for exposing their pyramid scheme. #iseeyousurvivor #breakingcodesilence
Feb 02, 202112:33
Love in Survival with Laura & Julianne

Love in Survival with Laura & Julianne

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from our Troubled Family to yours! Please accept this gift from Laura and Julianne, returning to introduce their new offering to the community, Love in Survival. If you haven't already heard Laura's story (It's OK to not be OK and Love Yourself Anyway) please check that out. A decade in to their relationship, they're opening it up for public perusal so that those of us who have not yet experienced a safe space or learned to create it can benefit from the love that our sisters share.  When do you talk to your partner about the troubled teen industry? How do you explain it?  How can our partners support us?  If you'd like to send any Dear Abbys to the ladies, or just connect with them, please email as they'll be interviewing other Survivors and their spouses as well as Family/Marriage Counselors to help create dialogue for the dedication those that love us are desperate to provide.  Like Julianne says, if they love you, they'll get it.  If you ever feel like no one does, know that WE LOVE YOU #iseeyousurvivor P.S. per Laura's commentary on the Family Foundation School Truth Campaign;
Dec 25, 202025:18
Colton Schrag: Agape’s Golden Boy Speaks Out
Dec 03, 202001:50:36
Agitating Agape

Agitating Agape


Thank you to everyone who attended and/or support the Right to Rights Rally in Stockton Missouri this past weekend. We will be uploading the rally in it's entirety shortly after the video feed is uploaded to the (anti) COH & Agape YouTube Channel.

This episode includes both a BREAKING update on Circle of Hope as well as some BREAKING NEWS on Agape Baptist Boarding School & Ranch for Boys as reported by the Kansas City Star. If you have not yet caught up on the series that Star has been doing regarding multiple Lester Roloff / IFB "Troubled Teen Industry" behavior modification centers, deep dive and catch up. Agape's official response is included in this episode and they're correctly predict that Judy Thomas and the Kansas City Star are the next in line to join the lineage of investigative journalists who have secured Pulitzers for their part in exposing and closing abusive programs. How did the parents of the Agape boys not hear that as a cause for concern? 

Agape misquoted an ex-staff and Pastor, James Clidence, who will correct the attempt to discredit him himself in this episode. Head over to Preacher Boys Podcast for an upcoming full episode between the Good Pastor and Eric. 

Agape also attempted to bully trigger the "bitter boys" on the frontlines, forgetting that they're now men. Men who recognize plebian manipulations and refuse to be triggered by petty Troglodytes. Those men will respond for themselves. We are humbled to be a conduit and platform to project the voices of our brave Brothers who walk in the confidence that their Truth will not only serve the Self, but set multitudes of "others" free as we march forward. 

Also, just to tickle a few twinging taints, we've included a two minute moment from Agape's Live Feed last night (11/18/20). While many of us who were raised, reared, trained and trampled by "Toughlove" may not be personally concerned about the lack of basic resources the Othello boys were afforded in this clip - keep in mind that Agape is now federally authorized to receive alien children. So, pretty sure there are standards of care for youth under Federal care. How do ya'll feel about your tax dollars being used to detain these kids in an unlicensed, unregulated, unaccredited Baptist reform ranch that has decades of abuse charges and only relocated to Stockton in order to flee criminal charges in California in the first place. 

Who really cares about the boys? #iseeyousurvivor

Who cares about Rachael Kellso? A woman in her 30s, adopted from the Philipinnes, until her adopted parents abdicated responsibility by paying for the abuse of the 7 siblings in Agape, COH and other Agape spawned programs until they aged out. However, Rachael was legally committed into the custody of Boyd Househoulder and spent over 13 years at COH until she was "removed so that we couldn't use her against them". Now she is missing and even her biological sister and her attorneys cannot find her. Won't anyone ask #whereisrachaelkellso??

More on our website

Nov 19, 202056:05
Children's Rights with Erin McGuinness #freeouryouth

Children's Rights with Erin McGuinness #freeouryouth


Trigger Warning: per usual, this episode will include descriptions of violence against children and delve heavily into the systemically racist foundation of United States fostercare

This is (hands down) our favorite episode and we could not be more thrilled to release it from the vault it's been waiting in since July. We are soo grateful to Erin McGuinness for her invaluable education.

Children's Rights began as a project of the New York Civil Liberties Union and, later, the American Civil Liberties Union, and in 1995 became an independent nonprofit organization. We have won landmark legal victories in Connecticut, Georgia, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Washington, DC and Wisconsin and engaged in advocacy efforts that are changing the way child welfare is practiced in the United States. Children’s Rights is proving that failing child welfare systems not only can be fixed, but can be made to run well.

Did you know that 53% of "black families" will be targeted and traumatized by a CPS intervention? We didn't either. It's time to face this Shadow and self educate. 

And if you happen to notice where we edited content out, please understand that we candidly discussed open legal cases and this is why we waited to release this episode - we just couldn't wait anymore. Our allies with Children's Rights will update us on the content we have to shh until then. 

So for those of you wondering what rights children have in the United States, join us. 

Fall Benefit next week virtually:

Twitter @ChildrensRights


Nov 10, 202001:11:28
Cadilina Deville Kidnaps Troubled for a Roadtrip to the Provo Protest

Cadilina Deville Kidnaps Troubled for a Roadtrip to the Provo Protest

A year after she revisited her own Program (Spring Creek Lodge; WATCH on her YouTube), and just days after losing everything in the fires ravaging our country, Cadilina Deville cashed her last coins into her classic car gas tank and set across the country and through the desert to join the few Survivors who could make it out to Provo Canyon to protest with Paris Hilton on a weeks notice and a prayer.  Since we're moms and broke and couldn't transcendental meditate our way to Utah in time, we're grateful to have been kidnapped by our elder Survivor Sister and you're coming along for the ride.   The Troubled family would like to give a BIG Congratulations to Provo Survivor Courtney for protesting outside her vortex of torment and closing the door on that trauma, rising into her Survivor highness, and doing all this just in time to marry her soulmate. WTF Sister, can't wait to read your book. Definitely call in and let us know how you feel! We forgot what dopamine and her sero/oxy friends are like.   It was great to hear from Agape & Bethel Survivor, Allen Knoll! If you have not yet read his book Surviving Bethel, definitely prioritize resolving that. Also, the short for his upcoming documentary Bethel Boys is a definite cathartic trigger warning and we cannot wait for that project to be released!  We would like to apologize for the typical Troubling of technological audio derps, but we hope you already know that we're functioning in a barely functioning capacity. So we appreciate your patience and are always happy to accept tech donations. We bring this up because perhaps the most touching of interviews with an Ex Provo Boy is deeply swallowed by the speakers in the background. However, we're pretty sure Mikaela Shwer, director of The Kids are Not Alright captured the moment so we can all ugly sob together someday. To that Survivor Brother, we see you. We need Brothers like yourself on the frontline because our brothers walk the thinnest line between overcoming and overcame. Definitely reach out.   Sooo, we had the biggest squee moment when one of our idols (who is the inspiration for one of our favorite movies) calls out Amanda Househoulder in her interview with Cadilina. OMG we want to tell you but AHHH. We planted her as the first interview for many reasons and mostly because, patience, or lack thereof. So much to unpack but we'll shh.   On another note, but not entirely, respect to our Survivor Sisters who joined the psych, social psych, social work, fields as a result of being the subject of a social psychology experiment deliberate gone wronger than wrong. Laura Rouse is one of the most brilliant and supportive Survivors we've ever virtually met and of everyone that we didn't get to hangout with at the Provo Protest, this is the voice we heard pop on during editing where we were genuinely bummed out to have missed it. She lives in Hawaii y'all, the opportunities aren't plentiful.   Reminder that this was officially #BreakingCodeSilence 's first event and their coming out party if you will from a virtual social media campaign to a real life movement. They're working towards creating an organization and are already accepting donations through nonprofit partner NYRA (which you should have heard of otherwise you're missing too many episodes). So if you haven't already familiarized yourself with this campaign, their team and their mission, make sure you head over to and do not forget to sign their petition.   Speaking of Petitions, keep sharing Paris Hilton's Petition to Shut Down Provo Canyon. And yes Paris does make an appearance on the podcast but you'll have to listen to whole thing to find her cameo with Cadilina. 
Oct 26, 202048:58
I am L’nu

I am L’nu

This week is ALL EYES ON MI'KMA'KI National Week of Action #Treaty1752

Art by Indigenous Two Spirit Artist @artnerdforever

As Colonization climaxes in Canada with open domestic terrorism and unabashed hate crimes against the Mik'maq fisherman, we are humbled to be entrusted with this message from Ginger Knockwood.

Through generations of genocide and centuries of collective gaslighting from "white people", the Indigenous have exploited through their own silencing. Make no mistake, the hostile occupation of Turtle Island continues. (educating on TikTok @s.n.a.p.z)

To Support Mi'kma'ki as they are currently targeted by domestic terrorism including arson, RCMP brutality and complicity, etc

Contact or by phone Monica Beckett (902) 758-2049

Donations for Sipekne'katik 1752 Moderate Livelihood PayPal

Oct 24, 202015:50
Thunderchild: a Residential School Survivor Speaks during "ALL EYES on MI'KMA'KI" Week of Action

Thunderchild: a Residential School Survivor Speaks during "ALL EYES on MI'KMA'KI" Week of Action

This week is ALL EYES ON MI'KMA'KI National Week of Action #Treaty1752  

(Cover Art by Indigenous Artist Hawlii Pichette aka Urban Iskwew @urban.iskwew

As Colonization climaxes in Canada with open domestic terrorism and unabashed hate crimes against the Mik'maq fisherman in Nova Scotia, we are humbled to be entrusted with this message from Thunderchild.  

From birth, Marie Knockwood was appointed and anointed to dismantle the systems which dismantled her people since the invasions. Through generations of genocide and centuries of collective gaslighting from "white people", the Indigenous have exploited through their own silencing. Make no mistake, the hostile occupation of Turtle Island continues.  

This peek into the reality of Residential School Survivors on Prince Edward Island, where they are forced to walk daily by a statue of their abuser, super predator and creator of "Residential Schools", John A. MacDonald, is humbly shared with generous permission by Ginger Knockwood with and for her mother, Marie. Please reach out to them (educating on TikTok @s.n.a.p.z) 

To Support Mi'kma'ki as they are currently targeted by domestic terrorism including arson, RCMP brutality and complicity, etc  

Contact or by phone Monica Beckett (902) 758-2049 

Donations for Sipekne'katik 1752 Moderate Livelihood PayPal  

Clip of CBC PEI interview with Nicola MacLeod (@nicolammacleod on Twitter)

Oct 23, 202031:40
NYRA “Troubled Teen Industry” Panel

NYRA “Troubled Teen Industry” Panel

On 10/3 the National Youth Rights Association ( held a conversation about the successes the anti- "Troubled Teen Industry"  movement has had shutting down abusive behavior modification facilities and the steps we can take to coordinate more closely between the various groups involved, including survivors, lawyers, state legislatures, and organizations focused on intersecting issues such as LGBTQIA+ rights.   Content warning: This panel may include mentions of child abuse, cults, brainwashing, homophobia, ableism, transphobia, sexual assault, and death.   GRATITUDE to Brian Conner for hosting this panel. To hear more from him directly, checkout NYRAs episode on Troubled.    Panelists:  Wayne Besen: LGBTQIA+ rights advocate and founder of Truth Wins Out and the Center Against Religious Extremism; has helped lead the fight to ban conversion therapy in 20 states.   Sara Gelser: a state senator from Oregon who focuses her efforts on advancing the rights of children, youth and people with disabilities and ending the use of restraint and seclusion. (@sensaragelser on Twitter)   Amanda Householder: she started with exposing and closing the abusive boarding school her parents own. She is the Executive Director of the nonprofit created out of the abusive ashes of her father's crimes against children, with a primary mission of providing mental health access to Survivors as the do the difficult work of healing their selves and saving future generations. She is also a host of Troubled and is working with local Missouri legislators to repeal the State's Religious Exemption. (@exposingcircleofhope on TikTok & YouTube and  @berlinvonmortis on IG)   Shain Neumeier: an attorney based in Springfield, Massachusetts who uses the legal system to protect the autonomy and prevent the abuse of youth, people with disabilities, and transgender people; in particular, they have worked on issues of bodily autonomy and freedom from coercive interventions in the name of treatment.   Miranda Sullivan: Survivor & Founder of Troubled, a podcast by survivors of institutional child abuse with the intent of exposing the open secret of institutional abuse in the US, from the Assimilation of the Indigenous through the cult-spawned “toughlove” industry to today. (@talktroubled everywhere for the podcast & @m0rrigu personally)  Gabriel Joseph Gonzalez: a survivor that educates and advocates for young people's rights in The Troubled Teen Industry and has worked on various projects promoting legislation creation including a recently co-facilitated collaborative campaign to congress to regulate controversial care practices and challenges in TTI,  as Legislative Coordinator of Breaking Code Silence, a movement organized by a network of survivors and activists to raise awareness of the problems in the Troubled Teen Industry.   #iseeyousurvivor #breakingcodesilence
Oct 22, 202001:10:14
Coffee & Colonization on Turtle Island

Coffee & Colonization on Turtle Island

A little pre caffeinated rant on the continued & current hostile occupation of Turtle Island and the deplorable Assimilation of the Indigenous. From Pocahontas to the countless bodies of children left in unmarked graves littered around “residential school” remains. Residential schools REMAIN, just not openly racially motivated since the 90s. Assimilation is still happening. It’s October 12th, the perfect day to repay Turtle Island and her people for hosting us without consent. Educate, evolve, engage. MMIW #nomorestolensisters #landback
Oct 12, 202029:47
Touching on Touchy Subjects with Wes Good of Deadwulf

Touching on Touchy Subjects with Wes Good of Deadwulf

While we've been talking about our brothers quite regularly recently, we haven't spoken WITH one of them in far too long. So enjoy this 2hr special with Wes Good, as we make up for a loss in the masculine perspective. Whether you know Wes from the Family School, his real world life, or his band Deadwulf; you're about to know him a lot better. 

Consider this a conversational rant-esque catch-up. We follow a spectrum of shiny subjects into and out of the darkness including but not limited to: first/teen love, decking your dad while being "legally kidnapped", the impact of and impressions made by our captors, "what is Stockholm syndrome?", the glaring gender gap in representation of our Survivor brothers, talking with our parents about TTI etc. 

If you aren't already familiar with Deadwulf, definitely checkout their YouTube (in particular "Hancock" a song about the Family Foundation School). Don't forget to check out Wes Good on YouTube as well

You can connect with Wes on Facebook, and Deadwulf too

This magical link brings you to EVERYWHERE you can listen to Deadwulf on. 

Please support our Survivors, especially those who utilize their gifts to express the truth of our stories. 

All feedback always welcome! If you would like to hear more from Wes let us know. Please subscribe, rate & write a review to make sure that others will find us as well. 

#breakingcodesilence #iseeyousurvivor

If you're on a platform that doesn't link through, here they are listed below:

Sep 30, 202001:51:18
The Salt Lake Tribune: Transforming Transparency in Utah's Troubled Teen Industry

The Salt Lake Tribune: Transforming Transparency in Utah's Troubled Teen Industry

If you're already in the anti-cool cult-kids club, then you're probably already following Pulitzer winning journalist, Jessica Miller on Twitter. Her current breakout series with the Salt Lake Tribune, is answering questions in Utah that generations of Survivors had previously dismissed as futile. The Tribune and their tenacious truth-seeker are definitely headed for yet another Pulitzer. Just the next, and certainly not the last, for both Jessica and the respectively revered legacy of journalists that put investigation first when it came to mass legal child abuse.

If you haven't seen her LIVE #TribTalk with Breaking Code Silence founder, Jen Robinson, then click no further.

Since the Tribune is a non-profit, and up against some serious obstacles in their quest for foraging facts (as detailed in this interview), please donate (if you can) HERE.

If you are a Survivor, or Staff, or Parent who has personal experience with the Troubled Teen Industry in Utah, and would like to participate with the Tribune's ongoing investigation; fill out this survey. 

If you are a Survivor and would like to participate the in the Disability Law Center's review of Utah's TTI; fill out this survey.

THANK YOU to Paris Hilton's empowering exposure of this, America's deepest and darkest open secret. If you have not yet seen This is Paris then hop over to YouTube now. Please also support our sister Survivor and the generations of tortured youth that have overcame or have been overcome by the predatory perversion at Provo Canyon by signing THIS PETITION to shut it down now and forever, finally.

To our Survivor community, please keep #breakingcodesilence. For some of us, the purpose in the pain then is the power to eradicate this perpetrator now and forever more. If we rescue the children of today and spare the youth of tomorrow, perhaps we can bring some semblance of peace to the child within. Until next time, #iseeyousurvivor

Sep 29, 202046:13


Since Assimilation, which persists today, America has maintained a historic predatory preference for mass legal for-profit child abduction, trafficking, detainment, torture & murder. The modern Toughlove Troubled Teen Industry was created by “America’s Most Dangerous Cult”, Synanon and is a multi-billion dollar machine built on brainwashing millions of Americans. We are Survivors, and we’re sick of watching our friends die while we keep your dirty little open secret. #iseeyousurvivor #breakingcodesilence
Sep 27, 202000:51
Sneak-Leak: Racism in Foster Care
Sep 26, 202002:12
#justiceforcornelius UPDATE: 16 & 6ft Under an Unmarked Grave

#justiceforcornelius UPDATE: 16 & 6ft Under an Unmarked Grave

Please Share & Support the GoFundMe to provide murdered foster child, Cornelius Frederick, with a headstone. The 16yr old who was restrained to death for throwing a sandwich is currently lying 6ft under an unmarked grave: If you are unfamiliar with this situation please listen to EP18 of our podcast “Death Row Academy”
Sep 25, 202007:35
Please & THANK YOU Subscribe, Rate & Write Review

Please & THANK YOU Subscribe, Rate & Write Review

We’re just a small DIY Survivor podcast, so pretty please help us gain more visibility by subscribing, rating & writing reviews (esp on Apple podcasts). THANK YOU!
Sep 22, 202000:45
Circling back to Circle of Hope

Circling back to Circle of Hope

TW: Per usual please heed the heavy trigger warning on ALL of our content. This episode discusses graphic topics such as institutional, religious, psychological, physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse of children. We also close out this episode with a reading of the final letter of our most recently stolen Agape Brother, to whom this episode is dedicated. We ask our Troubled family to support the family of Joe Barnett, who left this dimension early due to compound trauma from the torture he endured at Agape Boarding School for boys in Missouri (where Amanda Househoulder grew up as a Staff Child). Joe's wife is now a single mother, with no income, trying to survive during a global pandemic who has lost the love of her life and is now drowning under extreme debt due to a hefty trauma bill and funeral costs. If you are also financially struggling, we understand and just ask that you kindly assist in amplifying this GoFundMe and furthering the conversation of Mental Health Awareness. Exposing Circle of Hope is now a Nonprofit, and their first mission is to recruit trauma informed Mental Health professionals across the USA to provide free or low cost services to Survivors. We are just downright sick of burying our friends. If you would like to donate to this fund, please feel free to utilize their PayPal That is also the email to send affidavits and offers of support for Rachael Kellso and her sister's attempt to find and reunify with her. Since our original coverage of Circle of Hope, Rachael was removed so that we could "no longer use her against COH". Currently she is missing and none of her siblings that we have spoken with know where she is, but all believe she is currently institutionalized. Rachael is a 30-something year old Filipino woman who was adopted after extreme abuse, subjected to further abuse, and then dumped for over 14 years in an abusive IFB Lester Roloff Cult Ranch. Certainly, someone out there can help us. The Survivors of COH invite you to join them in Missouri November 14th & 15th where they will be protesting against Agape, COH, and their complicit compatriots. The will be lining up, in person, at the Sheriffs to file complaints against the Househoulders as well as petitioning Missouri to rescind their State's Religious Exemption which shields child abuse in the name of G-d. Pure blasphemy if you ask us. If you feel inclined to financially support this mission, please see this GoFundMe PLEASE make sure to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform as well as rate (with review) if possible. We sincerely appreciate all of your support breaking this curse of an open secret. Please check out the Pieces of Victory show on YouTube by our Survivor mentor, Jeneen Miller. A personally signed version of her book can be purchased HERE.  Email us COMING SOON!! #iseeyousurvivor #breakingcodesilence #whereisrachaelkellso
Sep 21, 202001:28:35
Meet the Music Man
Sep 17, 202001:08:32
Survivors Assemble: It’s Time to Take on the Troubled Teen Industry

Survivors Assemble: It’s Time to Take on the Troubled Teen Industry

Photo from Joe vs Elan online graphic novel made by a Survivor. Make sure you checkout NEW EP48 It’s time to activate the Avenger Advocates battle cry buddy system. With the recent release of #ThisisParis, relaunch of the #breakingcodesilence campaign, continuation of #justiceforcornelius, and upcoming Troubled Teen Industry conference hosted by NYRA; there’s a lot of updates to go over in Survivor Land. #iseeyousurvivor founder, psychotherapist & traumatologist, Liz Ianelli is back from the frontlines of Covid to catch us up on the homefront frontlines against America’s predatory & profitable mass legal child abduction, trafficking, detainment, rape, torture & abuse club. Most importantly, the NY Child Victim’s Act has been extended until January, so if you have any questions on how to navigate the system, or be connected with an attorney, email
Sep 15, 202001:00:18
#Justiceforcornelius Mingus Mountain Academy

#Justiceforcornelius Mingus Mountain Academy

Today marks the 4 month anniversary since the death of Cornelius Frederick at Lakeside Academy in Kalamazoo, MI and our investigation into Sequel Youth & Family Services continues. In the latest installment of our #justiceforcornelius series, Emma investigates another crooked Sequel facility - Mingus Mountain Academy. Call to action at the end of the episode. As always, connect with us on TikTok or Twitter @talktroubled. 
Aug 31, 202029:40
Letters from Lakeside: Trash School
Jul 08, 202014:29
Death Row Academy #justiceforcornelius

Death Row Academy #justiceforcornelius

An anonymous ex Lakeside staffer who knew Cornelius Frederick, speaks out about the young man who was murdered for throwing a sandwich. His testimony solidifies the public outcry for this 'homicide' to be treated as 'murder' instead of 'manslaughter'.  Please sign the petition and call the Prosecutor, Jeff Getting to demand that ALL individuals involved in this illegal restraint be charged, as well as their supervisors & management from both Lakeside and their owner, Sequel.  Speak up, or there can be no peace, #justiceforcornelius #blacklivesmatter
Jun 28, 202001:28:22
#justiceforcornelius Call To Action!

#justiceforcornelius Call To Action!

16yr old Cornelius Frederick was restrained to death after throwing a sandwich at Lakeside Academy in Kalamazoo last month. There are NO charges and NO arrests have been made. He was in foster care after his mother died & his stepfather incarcerated. For four years Michigan tax payers funded his abuse, and eventual murder. Please join us in raising awareness so that we can get some semblance of justice for our brother #sayhisname #icantbreathe #blacklivesmatter
Jun 19, 202019:31
3-Way Call with Family 3: Cult Sister Sass with Phylicia #macneil2020

3-Way Call with Family 3: Cult Sister Sass with Phylicia #macneil2020

Another 3-Way Call of the Slumber Party Girl Gab variety in our first unsupervised conversation in 15yrs between 3 girls from the same cult spawned boarding school. Also, vote for Colin MacNeil for President 2020 #iseeyousurvivor
May 19, 202001:11:13
Exposing COH: The British Girl Who Became “America’s Most Wanted” Runaway

Exposing COH: The British Girl Who Became “America’s Most Wanted” Runaway

The 2nd (published) Circle of Hope Interview features Chanel Mare, who joined us from across the pond to discuss her 4yrs at COH, the effects, and how she wound up on America’s Most Wanted. If you are a TTI Survivor in the UK, please reach out Chanel to join the mission. P.S. Thank you for your patience with our tech burps, and please enjoy the super long epically awkward pauses utilized to avoid “talking over in rendering” and chain smoking giveaways that we couldn’t edit out.
Apr 21, 202001:17:25
Troubled Talks TTI with OnBelief Podcast

Troubled Talks TTI with OnBelief Podcast

We could not be more thrilled to share this EXCLUSIVE content with our Troubled Tribe!
On Belief is a Canadian based broadcast by Karen Geier that digs deep into the Cults all around us. We've been a fan of Karen's work for a while now as her journalistic contributions have been featured in The Guardian, Vice etc; but On Belief definitely merges our worlds. While the program is subscription based, you can binge away on the 17min freebies for each episode HERE: OR you can join Karen's patreon and have full access to both seasons for $5/mo HERE:
However, since Karen and her OnBelief base are now allies of ours, she has given us full access to share OUR full episode with our Troubled Tribe, pretty cool huh?! Pretty please hop on the Twitters and give her some love for the gift of using her international platform to lift up our voices and support the cause. With allies like these, we WILL expose the Troubled Teen Industry and we should start drafting TTI's eulogy pronto.
We certainly hope that we represented our Survivor fam well, but as always, all feedback is appreciated.
Hit the socials and welcome/thank our new ally @onbeliefpod
Apr 08, 202001:21:26
SIA: Survivors of Institutional Abuse #unitedwithonevoice

SIA: Survivors of Institutional Abuse #unitedwithonevoice

SIA President & Survivor Mentor, Jodi Hobbs, joins us to discuss the last decade in advocacy against TTI. We must start by honoring the advocates who made it possible to have the conversations we are having now while proactively working towards adding far fewer generations to that conversation. However, if you got into the Survivor club before it's too late and you're ready to activate, connect with SIA. We are stronger together #unitedwithonevoice #iseeyousurvivor
Apr 02, 202001:03:08
#iseeyousurvivor Anthem

#iseeyousurvivor Anthem

This anthem was written by our big sis Liz Ianelli when the #iseeyousurvivor campaign was originally launched. We are taking this torch and passing it forward so that each Survivor & ally can light their own fire and send out their own call. If you feel called to, please write & record a poem or song or just the standard #iseeyousurvivor testimonial video. Survivors are still feeling invalidated and we need the truth to ring loud and clear on ever mountain top. No one is free until the children are. No more kids in cages!
Apr 01, 202002:22
"It's OK To Not Be OK & Love Yourself Anyway" with Laura Cowen

"It's OK To Not Be OK & Love Yourself Anyway" with Laura Cowen

We connect with Laura (aka CJ) who was in Family 3 at FFS just like us. She outlines the most clear and comprehensive daily rundown at the Family Foundation School to date. In our 2nd part, her wife joins us for a rare opportunity into the mind of a Survivor Spouse. We apologize for resorting back to our low audio quality; during lockdown some episodes will be compromised as we are recording from off grid on a not-very-smart phone
Mar 29, 202001:52:24
Stolen Dignity: an Expose of the Troubled Teen Industry with Andy Hirschfeld

Stolen Dignity: an Expose of the Troubled Teen Industry with Andy Hirschfeld

" I mean, there are very few protections in the juvenile detention system, but there ARE protections -- the Troubled Teen Industry makes the Private Prison Industry look tame." Join NY based Journalist, Andy Hirschfeld, whose work has been featured on ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR, NYT Syndicate etc (from the establishment media to the fringe). He's also literally the guy who wrote the book on TTI "Stolen Dignity: An Expose of the Troubled Teen Industry" so NBD Pre Order Now: Follow him & connect @andyreports for more on his work:
Mar 27, 202047:32
Introducing Infinity Metanoia
Mar 26, 202001:00:03
Coping with Covid: Q&A with Traumatologist & Psychotherapist, Liz Ianelli

Coping with Covid: Q&A with Traumatologist & Psychotherapist, Liz Ianelli

This is a recording of a LIVE Q&A from on Troubled's FB (@TalkTroubled) on 3/25/20 Liz Ianelli is a licensed NY Social Worker, Traumatologist, Psychotherapist (and the list of qualifications rambles on).  What makes this mental health professional perfectly tailored to support Survivors of Institutional Abuse? She IS one! Welcome, Survivor993 back to the show, we hope the recording of this broadcast is as helpful now as it was for the dozens of Survivors who were there live.  #iseeyousurvivor #panicdemic
Mar 25, 202024:51
"If the Table Won't Turn, Flip it the F*ck Over!" & More from Liz Ianelli

"If the Table Won't Turn, Flip it the F*ck Over!" & More from Liz Ianelli

Liz Ianelli is a Psychotherapist
- Traumatologist - Licensed NY STATE Clinical Social Worker - Mental Health Police Instructor who has appeared on national television, a

Cover of the NYT, she was featured IN ICSA - and is first Troubled teen survivor featured in publication...
(international Cultic studies association).... OR she's just Our Beloved Big Sis Liz, from the Family. Either way, she has finally graced her Troubled fan base with some EXCLUSIVE announcements including some URGENT calls to action for those abused within TTI in NY.
Mar 19, 202053:53
Exposing Circle of Hope #whereisrachaelkellso?

Exposing Circle of Hope #whereisrachaelkellso?

The daughter of Boyd Householder, owner of Circle of Hope, is coming forward with video evidence and witness testimony hoping that the public will advocate for the past/present victims of her father. We are especially Troubled by the life sentence currently being served by Rachael Kellso, a specially abled COH program attendee who entered as a teen and was later permanently committed and will never ever escape, without YOUR HELP. HEAVY TRIGGER WARNINGS: Child Abuse, Rape, etc #whereisrachaelkellso
Mar 19, 202001:17:13
Tough Love at Mystic Bay

Tough Love at Mystic Bay

TRIGGER WARNING: We discuss some of the most graphic abuses including the death of Aaron Bacon (albeit briefly) This episode is dedicated to our recently departed brother from FFS, Brandon Finkelstein who is the 110th life stolen by the unethical and systemic torture of children by the Argiros Family and their Family Foundation School.  We interview, Elizabeth Sowden, author of the fictional "Tough Love at Mystic Bay", which comes out on April 1st! You sent us your questions and concerns, we sure hope we covered them all, but let us know if we didn't.  Connect with us on IG & Twitter @TalkTroubled (we're on YouTube & FB as well)
Mar 16, 202001:18:18
Take the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Survey with Troubled

Take the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Survey with Troubled

Have you heard of the ACEs? The Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey can predict proclivity for a host of health complications, both physical and psychological. Studied since the 90s, back when all the high scoring ACE kids were on Ritalin, the ACEs are widely and highly reputed. Take your ACE with us and then educate yourself now that you're informed.
Mar 12, 202006:29