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The Story of a Freelance Photographer

The Story of a Freelance Photographer

By Morgan Nesbitt

The Story of a Freelance Photographer Podcast helps small creators who want to create big things by sharing with freelancers and creatives how to stay motivated and inspired to survive the challenges of being a freelancer and build the business and life you have always dreamed of with everyday practical tips and advice.

Host Morgan Nesbitt shares his story of escaping the 9-5 rat race as a mechanic to a full-time freelance photographer and content creator with the goal of helping freelancers and creatives to “not be a cover band” because “cover bands don’t change the world.”
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How to Find Your Ideal Client In 2021

The Story of a Freelance PhotographerJan 28, 2021

The Comparison Trap

The Comparison Trap

The comparison trap is something we all fall victim to, it's unavoidable and extremely painful as a creator.  The comparison trap is often seen as negative, but what if i told you there's a lot of positives to take away from the comparison trap?  

In this episode, I share with you how you can find ways to better your creative skills, business and mindset by being in the comparison trap  


May 06, 202111:26
You Don't Need to be on ALL The Social Media Platforms

You Don't Need to be on ALL The Social Media Platforms

A common misconception is that creators have to be on all the social media platforms, that they have to create content for all the platforms and engage to be able to grow their brand.

Although being on all the platforms presents a lot of opportunities for a creator to grow it does have it's downfalls and negativity that it can leave on a creator.

In this episode, I go through my thoughts on the topic of do creators need to be on all the social media platforms and why I don't think you need to be on all the social media platforms.

Apr 29, 202106:53
Things Change ALL The Time

Things Change ALL The Time

In the freelancing business world, just like any world, things change literally all the time and that's a lesson a lot of freelancers, business owners and entrepreneurs need to understand and adapt to.  

Here's how

Apr 13, 202103:55
How to Deal with Criticism Online

How to Deal with Criticism Online

When we share our story online or any piece of content we automatically subject ourselves to criticism.

It comes with the territory

Criticism is a touchy subject and a tough thing to handle, it can honestly make or break us, it can push us to create more or to never create again.

Handling criticism is essential to our growth and to our mental health so in this episode of The Story of a Freelance Photographer I’m going to try help you handle online criticism better


Apr 09, 202112:31
Why Consistency with Photography Is Important

Why Consistency with Photography Is Important

Consistency in your photography is an important aspect of your career in many ways.   

The reason for this is because consistency often translates to trust and credibility as a creator  

When a client sees consistency in your images, they know EXACTLY what they are going to get when they hire you.  

But there's a bit more to it than that, tune in as i explain

Mar 29, 202106:44
The Importance of Teaching Yourself New Photography Skills

The Importance of Teaching Yourself New Photography Skills

The Importance of Learning New Skills as a Photographer

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.”

That’s a quote from one of the most successful entrepreneurs in modern history, Henry Ford.

What it means is that you can always learn something new. This is especially true in photography.

Digital photography gives photographers many ways to keep on learning new things.

Some new things will involve learning a new process or technique, some are centered on learning how to use new equipment, while others require us to adjust to new trends and needs in the marketplace.

Whatever it is it’s always... ALWAYS Important to learn new skills and it this episode I explain why!

Mar 22, 202109:48
How to Find Direction In Your Creativity

How to Find Direction In Your Creativity

Being creative requires thinking above, beyond and around the ‘norms’ in order to exceed expectations and excite the senses. It’s about using your imagination to bring something new to the table. 

This can apply to everyone, in any field of job, with any passions. 

From architectural photographers to event photographers, we can all be creative.

We all explore creativity, we all try different things and experiment with it

But how do we, focus our creativity and find direction in our creativity?

That's what I want to answer in this episode.


Feb 25, 202116:04
How to be Authentic with Creativity

How to be Authentic with Creativity

Authenticity fosters creativity, and creativity expresses authenticity. 

Being authentic is the state of self-consciousness, self-discovery, and self-improvement. It seems everyone who considers authenticity has his or her own view of it especially when it comes to authentic creativity.

Authentic creativity as a creative, photographer, videographer is important in building brand, growth and success.

But how do you be authentic in your creativity? listen in and ill tell you how.

Feb 18, 202110:06
Why It's Important to Embrace Rejection

Why It's Important to Embrace Rejection

We can all agree that rejection sucks... it can even hurt, burn, sting and be embarrassing. 

The funny thing is as creatives we put ourselves in a position that could lead to rejection every single day. 

We must be crazy.

But rejection is good for us, it's healthy, we actually need it more than anything!

Listen in and ill explain why

Feb 11, 202109:29
Slow Down

Slow Down

As creatives we learn things about our careers, our craft and ourselves every day.

I have learnt so many key things from January but the biggest lesson ive learnt which i want to share with everyone is to SLOW DOWN.

Slowing down is crucial to being able to stay the course with our careers and to avoid absolute self-destruction.

Listen in as i dive deeper into the importance of slowing down

Feb 04, 202109:35
How to Find Your Ideal Client In 2021

How to Find Your Ideal Client In 2021

So you know WHAT you do, you know WHY you do it and all that's left is to get yourself in front of your ideal client so they can see that you're the solution to their problem and you're the person who can help them achieve their goals.

But maybe you don't know who your ideal client is or maybe you do but don't know how to find them.

Either way getting yourself in front of them is super super crucial to the growth and longevity of your brand and business.

In this episode, i explain how you can find your ideal customer and get yourself in front of them


Jan 28, 202114:24
How to Build Your Personal Brand In 2021

How to Build Your Personal Brand In 2021

As creatives, it's never been a more important time to build and grow our personal brands. Our personal brands are what makes us unique as creatives and what connects us to our audiences.

But how do you successfully build your personal brand as a creative in 2021?

In this episode, I let you know-how


Jan 19, 202114:10
It's OK to be Stuck

It's OK to be Stuck

The journey as a creative is long, hard and tired. You face obstacle after obstacle, adversity after adversity, challenge after challenge which causes a negative internal dialect to yell loud and the mind and body to just burn out.

We become stuck, unable to find direction and to move forward.

This happens to us creatives a lot but it's ok, it's ok to be stuck. 

It has to happen, its a necessary part of the process and journey.

This podcast episode, the very first episode of The Story of a Freelance Photographer explains why.


Jan 12, 202110:46
How to Save Time When Creating Content

How to Save Time When Creating Content

As a content creator, you’re aware of the strenuous task of creating content for not only your clients but also yourself. There just never seems enough time in a day to get it all done.

But how can you create high-quality content for yourself when all you seem to do is client work?

A lot of content creators waste a tremendous amount of time creating, producing, promoting, and distributing content. But there are many ways to optimise the process. 

In this episode i share with you my tips on how to save time when creating content

Sep 11, 202015:14
Why You Should Experiment with Creativity

Why You Should Experiment with Creativity

Experimenting with creativity is an important part of the process as a creator. But sometimes we get so caught up on client work and life that we forget to take a moment to just experiment with ideas and concepts that will inevitably help us grow and make us better creators.

In this episode of the Knuckle Down Show i speak about the importance of experimenting with creativity and the benefits it will have on your personal and professional life


Aug 17, 202007:24
How to Become a Freelance Photographer

How to Become a Freelance Photographer

The road to turning your hobby of photography into a long-lasting and fruitful profession is long and windy with no clear map.

Before you know it, you could be lost and not able to find your way

There are diverse ways of reaching your destination and no real rights and wrongs but there are a few tips that come in handy to make the journey a smoother ride.

In this podcast i share three tips on how to become a freelance photographer from my experiences transitioning to a full-time freelance photographer from an enthusiast.

For anyone listening who is wanting to make photography a full-time career, I hope you're able to take something away from this talk


Aug 02, 202017:20
How to Stay Consistently Motivated

How to Stay Consistently Motivated

Motivation, it's something we all need, we all want a lot of but all have problems sustaining.

Motivation is what drives us to make things happen.

But staying motivated isn’t always easy, it’s actually quite hard as the stresses of running a business, situational circumstances, relationships and other commitments sucking the energy out of us daily.

But there’s hope, there are ways to keep yourself motivated.

On this episode, I talk about how to keep yourself motivated so you can keep working on your brand and business as a freelancer or if it's your side hustle you're working on to help you achieve your dreams

Here are some tips on how to become (and stay!) motivated so you can grow your brand, your business and ultimately live out your dreams.


Jul 16, 202017:26
What it's Like to be The Joker

What it's Like to be The Joker

It's not very often you get to dress up and play one of your favourite and most iconic supervillains from the DC comic world. But I was super fortunate to have the opportunity to do so.

A friend and fellow content creator Harry ( wanted to film a vlog with the emphasis being about the story of The Joker and thought I would be the right fit to play the role.

I got dressed up, painted my face, got the cameras rolling and we filmed a few scenes from the 2019 Joker movie.

In this podcast, I relive the night but more interestingly I go a little deep into what The Joker means to me, why he's more than just a psychotic clown and what we can take away from the iconic character and apply to our own lives.


Jun 26, 202012:35
It's Important to Take a Break

It's Important to Take a Break

When we become so determined to achieve our goals and our own personal level of success It can be very easy to fall into the trap that we have to work, work, work until our eyes blow out of our heads and our fingers fall off.

What's important in the process of achieving our goals is learning to take a break so we can readjust, reset to avoid burning out and so we maintain a consistent level of motivation, inspiration and creativity as well as happiness.

That's what this episode is all about, learning to take a break and why it's important.


Jun 11, 202009:08
The Reason Why I'm Doing This

The Reason Why I'm Doing This

So here I am, the very first episode of the Knuckle Down Podcast.

Not going to lie, I'm excited but extremely nervous at the same time. This podcast is all about helping small creators who want to create big things and to kick things off in this episode I'm going through what this podcast is about, why I started it, and what I hope to achieve with it in the coming months and years.


Jun 02, 202007:47