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UBC Podcast

UBC Podcast

By Underwood Baptist

Here at Underwood Baptist Church, under the Lordship of Christ, will fulfill the Great Commission by equipping each member to be God’s instrument of spiritual transformation in the home, church, community and world.
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UBC PodcastFeb 05, 2024

IMITATORS, of Who or What? (Message by Sam Livingston)

IMITATORS, of Who or What? (Message by Sam Livingston)

Listen in!

Jun 02, 202437:34
CONFIDENCE In All The Right Places (Message by Trey Mitchell)

CONFIDENCE In All The Right Places (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Our lives should reflect a deep-seated confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This confidence is not about being worthy of the gospel but about living in a manner that is appropriate for those who have received it. When we are confident in the gospel, we can boldly share it with others, knowing that it has the power to transform lives.

May 26, 202433:22
Understanding the Kingdom of God (Message by Larry Wright)

Understanding the Kingdom of God (Message by Larry Wright)

The Kingdom of God is a present reality that we must actively seek. It is a way of life that affects every aspect of our being. When we prioritize God's Kingdom, everything else falls into place.

May 20, 202432:06
HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS (Message by Matt Daniels)

HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS (Message by Matt Daniels)

Our homes should be a reflection of our faith. We must love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and might, and diligently teach these commandments to our children. It's a call to ensure that our homes are not just places of comfort but centers of spiritual activity and growth.

May 13, 202434:21
I WANT MORE part 2 (Message by Trey Mitchell)

I WANT MORE part 2 (Message by Trey Mitchell)

True progress in our faith and church life requires constant movement towards deeper relationships with Jesus and greater impact in our community.

May 06, 202432:05
3 Things to Remember About God (Message by Donnie McDaniel)

3 Things to Remember About God (Message by Donnie McDaniel)

God is with us, God is in us, and God is for us. These truths are simple yet profound and can transform how we live our daily lives, facing challenges with the assurance of His presence and support.

May 06, 202433:12
JESUS NEVER CHANGES (Message by Craig Carlisle)

JESUS NEVER CHANGES (Message by Craig Carlisle)

The nature of Christ not only offers comfort but also demands a response of faith and trust. As we navigate the challenges and changes of life, holding fast to the truth of Jesus Christ assures us of His sufficiency in all things.

Apr 29, 202429:20
I WANT MORE (Message by Trey Mitchell)

I WANT MORE (Message by Trey Mitchell)

The call to want more from our relationship with God is a call to active participation in His kingdom work. It’s about moving beyond complacency, stepping out in faith, and being proactive stewards of the gifts God has given us. 

Apr 22, 202430:36
YOUR MISSION, Should You Choose To Accept It (Message by Timmy Ray)

YOUR MISSION, Should You Choose To Accept It (Message by Timmy Ray)

Let's explore the profound implications of the Christian mission, in Luke chapter 10, where Jesus sends out the 72 disciples. This passage serves as a cornerstone for understanding our role and responsibilities as followers of Christ.

Apr 22, 202436:11
People Are Watching (Message by Matt Buerhaus)

People Are Watching (Message by Matt Buerhaus)

It's so important that we live a life that reflects Jesus. Just like in the movie "The Truman Show," where the protagonist's life is constantly under surveillance, we too, as Christ followers, need to realize our actions are always being watched by others.

Apr 15, 202425:42
WHAT DO YOU SEE? (Message by Trey Mitchell)

WHAT DO YOU SEE? (Message by Trey Mitchell)

What do you see when you look at your life? Do you see insurmountable barriers or do you see a cause that cannot be stopped? As Christ followers, we must be people who see opportunities for God to work, rather than obstacles that are unbeatable.

Apr 15, 202434:12
Lessons from the Loaves (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Lessons from the Loaves (Message by Trey Mitchell)

The miraculous event of Jesus feeding the 4,000, emphasizes that His miracles always have a motive and purpose beyond the spectacle, to glorify God and edify us. Jesus' deep compassion for the crowd is a model for us to follow.

Apr 08, 202432:45
FIERY FURNACE FAITH (Message by Matt Buerhaus)

FIERY FURNACE FAITH (Message by Matt Buerhaus)

Our faith is often tested in small ways, and how we respond to these tests prepares us for larger challenges. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had practiced their faith in small acts of obedience, we too must be faithful in the small things to strengthen our resolve for the bigger tests of faith.

Apr 08, 202427:17
The Active Savior (Message by Matt Daniels)

The Active Savior (Message by Matt Daniels)

The resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact that has personal implications for each of us. It is not just a past event but a present reality that continues to impact our lives. As we reflect on the resurrection, we are reminded that Jesus is intimately involved in our lives and desires a personal relationship with each of us.

Apr 01, 202429:14
The WHO, the WHY and the HOW of the Lord's Supper (Message by Sam Livingston)

The WHO, the WHY and the HOW of the Lord's Supper (Message by Sam Livingston)

The Lord's Supper is a profound moment of reflection and proclamation. As we partake, we declare the Lord's death and His eventual return. This act of remembrance is not just about looking back at the cross but also looking forward to the fulfillment of His promise to come again. It's a dual act of faith—honoring the past sacrifice and anticipating the future victory.

Mar 25, 202426:43
The Tears of Jesus... (Message by Larry Wright)

The Tears of Jesus... (Message by Larry Wright)

There are 3 times where the Bible recorded Jesus weeping, Listen in as Bro. Larry Wright explains why He wept in those moments.

Mar 18, 202438:14
BEAST FEAST 2024 with Granger Smith

BEAST FEAST 2024 with Granger Smith

Granger Smith joins us and recounts a deeply personal and transformative journey that began with a devastating tragedy and led to a profound spiritual awakening. The journey unfolded through four pivotal moments: a devastating day, a nefarious night, a miracle morning, and a really bright light..

Mar 11, 202448:55
A Detour of Grace

A Detour of Grace

Listen in as we discuss Jesus and his encounter with Barabbas.

Mar 11, 202428:07
CHRIST>VICE: Watch Your Step (Message by Trey Mitchell)

CHRIST>VICE: Watch Your Step (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Walking by the Spirit is a daily surrender that leads to a life free from the grip of fleshly desires. As we become consumed with God's purposes, our former vices lose their appeal and power over us. This intentional focus on spiritual matters ensures that our time and energy are invested in what truly matters—God's kingdom work.

Mar 04, 202427:39


Worthy is The Lamb! Listen in!

Mar 04, 202436:33
CHRIST>VICE: The Truth Is...(Message by Trey Mitchell)

CHRIST>VICE: The Truth Is...(Message by Trey Mitchell)

Knowing Jesus is essential for breaking the grip of vice. It is not enough to know of Him; we must know Him personally and intimately. This knowledge is transformative, leading us from salvation into a life of sanctification where we grow in our understanding and application of His truth.

Feb 26, 202431:58


WORTHY IS THE LORD! Listen in as we take a look at Revelation 4!

Feb 26, 202438:21
CHRIST>VICE: Why Do I Keep Doing This? (Message by Trey Mitchell)

CHRIST>VICE: Why Do I Keep Doing This? (Message by Trey Mitchell)

The conflict of desires is the daily battle between our flesh and the Spirit of God within us. Galatians 5:17 tells us that the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and these are opposed to each other. This internal struggle is why we find ourselves reaching for the forbidden fruits, succumbing to temptations, and falling into cycles of sin and repentance. We hate our sins, yet we continue to indulge in them because, deep down, we might still find some enjoyment in them.

Feb 19, 202430:37
MORE THAN OPINIONS- Are We Blind To Our Need?

MORE THAN OPINIONS- Are We Blind To Our Need?

Listen in!

Feb 19, 202432:14
MORE THAN OPINIONS- Does God Really Love Us?

MORE THAN OPINIONS- Does God Really Love Us?

Does God really love us? If so, what else matters?

Feb 12, 202430:25
Life Lessons From Leah

Life Lessons From Leah

God's presence is not drawn to the outwardly attractive or esteemed by worldly standards, but to those who are often overlooked and marginalized. The church must reflect this heart of Christ, embracing and transforming lives regardless of societal status.

Feb 05, 202432:55


To experience God's presence, we must be hungry and humble, willing to die to self and earnestly seek Him. It is not about religious rituals or legalistic steps; it is about a relationship with the living God. We must wake up to the reality of where we are, build up our relationship with Him, look up to His works, take up His word, and move up in repentance towards Him.

Feb 05, 202424:10
MORE THAN OPINIONS- Whose Business Is It?

MORE THAN OPINIONS- Whose Business Is It?

The essence of Christian service is rooted in self-denial and the willingness to perform humble tasks for the benefit of others. This concept is foundational to the church's mission and reflects the sacrificial nature of Jesus Christ's own ministry. The act of service is a tangible expression of love and commitment to the well-being of the community.

Jan 29, 202432:14
MORE THAN OPINIONS- What Are We Holding On To?

MORE THAN OPINIONS- What Are We Holding On To?

The Word of God is not merely a text but a dynamic presence that invites believers into a personal encounter with Jesus. When individuals open the Bible, they are not just reading words but entering into a space where they are taught and held by Jesus Himself. This understanding transforms the act of reading scripture into a deeply relational experience.

Jan 21, 202433:34
MORE THAN OPINIONS- Do We Need Refining?

MORE THAN OPINIONS- Do We Need Refining?

The process of refinement in the Christian life is akin to the purification of gold; it is a necessary and ongoing journey that aims to remove the dross of our human nature to reveal the image of Christ within us. This process is not comfortable, but it is essential for spiritual growth and effectiveness in God's kingdom.

Jan 15, 202435:47
Today, We Choose (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Today, We Choose (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Listen in to the message as it challenges individuals, especially heads of households, to take a stand for righteousness and to ensure that their homes are places where God is served and honored.

Jan 08, 202434:12
MORE THAN OPINIONS- Have We Left Our First Love?

MORE THAN OPINIONS- Have We Left Our First Love?

Listen in as we begin a new series! Jesus is intimately involved in the life of the church, knowing the hearts and actions of His followers. This knowledge is not for condemnation but for the purpose of guiding believers back to a place of love and obedience. The awareness of Jesus' presence should inspire a sincere devotion and a desire to please Him above all else.

Jan 08, 202436:51
Sanctify A Fast

Sanctify A Fast

Tune in as Bro. Doug Farris discusses the importance and meaning of a Fast.

Jan 08, 202431:37


Listen in as bro. Doug discusses the importance of Jesus' birth.

Dec 18, 202329:52
The Pressure to Measure (Message by Trey Mitchell)

The Pressure to Measure (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Listen as as Bro. Trey Mitchell joins us with a special message!

Dec 11, 202349:11
AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows My Heart

AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows My Heart

Listen in as we continue in our series based on Psalm 139! No matter where we are in life Jesus will meet us were we are.

Dec 04, 202334:36
AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows What You Need

AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows What You Need

Listen in as we continue in our series based on Psalm 139! No matter where we are in life Jesus will meet us were we are.

Nov 27, 202332:23


Are you in a season of waiting? Listen in as we discuss how we can trust in the Lord during our season of waiting.

Nov 20, 202329:35
AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows Where You Are

AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows Where You Are

Listen in as we continue in our series based on Psalm 139! No matter where we are in life Jesus will meet us were we are.

Nov 20, 202326:03
BOAST IN THIS... (Message By Matt Buerhaus)

BOAST IN THIS... (Message By Matt Buerhaus)

Listen in as Bro. Matt talks about boasting about the Lord.

Nov 13, 202320:31
AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows You

AT THE FEET OF JESUS- The Lord Who Knows You

Listen in as we begin a new series based on Psalm 139! No matter where we are in life Jesus will meet us were we are.

Nov 13, 202318:40
ESCAPING YOUR CALLING (Message by Trey Mitchell)

ESCAPING YOUR CALLING (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Are you running from the Lord? Listen in as we talk about Jonah and how he tried to escape his calling from the Lord.

Nov 06, 202335:47
LET'S GET REAL- Real Restoration

LET'S GET REAL- Real Restoration

Listen in as we conclude our series of the book of James!

Nov 06, 202329:43
LET'S GET REAL- Availing Prayer

LET'S GET REAL- Availing Prayer

Listen in as we continue through the book of James!

Oct 30, 202333:16
PEARLS FOR PIGS- Utter Ridiculousness (Message by Trey Mitchell)

PEARLS FOR PIGS- Utter Ridiculousness (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Listen in as we conclude our PEARLS FOR PIGS series!

Oct 23, 202332:59
LET'S GET REAL- Real Ministry

LET'S GET REAL- Real Ministry

Listen in as we continue through the book of James!

Oct 23, 202328:24
PEARLS FOR PIGS- E! News (Message by Trey Mitchell)

PEARLS FOR PIGS- E! News (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Listen in as we continue in our series, PEARLS FOR PIGS. This week we discuss the idol of entertainment.

Oct 16, 202331:12
LET'S GET REAL- Real Patience

LET'S GET REAL- Real Patience

Listen in as we continue through the book of James!

Oct 16, 202332:27
PEARLS FOR PIGS- Fool's Gold (Message by Trey Mitchell)

PEARLS FOR PIGS- Fool's Gold (Message by Trey Mitchell)

Tune in as we continue in our new series, Pearls for Pigs!

Oct 09, 202341:08
LET'S GET REAL- The Worship of Riches

LET'S GET REAL- The Worship of Riches

Tune in as we continue through the book of James!

Oct 09, 202330:17