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Innerpeace Hub

Innerpeace Hub

By Uduma Ezinne

The purpose of Innerpeace hub podcast is to offer advice on relationship, parenting and marriage and also offer help to people going through heartbreak, relationship trauma and abuse.
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If I Had Another Chance

Innerpeace HubJan 27, 2022

May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024

May 30, 202400:35
5 Reasons Believers Don't Walk in Power

5 Reasons Believers Don't Walk in Power

When we know who God is and who we are in Christ, having faith is not that difficult.
And when we have faith, we will begin to walk in the power and authority we have in Christ, performing signs, wonders and Miracles.

Join me on this episode, as I list 5 major reasons why Believers don't walk in Power as we ought to.
May 30, 202415:56
God is Faithful

God is Faithful

...Even when faced with worst-case scenarios, God is not surprised. He's already gone before you. No matter what happens, life's trials and difficulties will not get the final say.
God is still powerful, still providing, and still protecting you....and nothing can stand against our God. Praise God!

Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 43:2(AMP)
May 30, 202411:29
New Mercies

New Mercies

God still poured out his steadfast love, still showed off his endless mercy, and still lavished us with his constant faithfulness even in our unfaithfulness and God calls us to extend the same mercy we have received to others.

Anchor Scriptures: Lamentations 3:22-23
Luke 6:36.
Apr 30, 202420:09
7 Signs of Emotional Immaturity

7 Signs of Emotional Immaturity

Emotional immaturity is a person’s inability to regulate their emotions in an age-appropriate way. Emotionally immature people may overreact to situations or have trouble controlling their emotions.
While emotional immaturity can negatively affect relationships, research has shown that it can also negatively impact a person’s professional development and ability to learn new skills.

Join me on this episode as I list out 7 signs of Emotionally Immature People you should look out for.
Apr 11, 202417:23
Remembered By God

Remembered By God

What a great encouragement it is to all the people of God - to know that the Lord is aware of the thoughts of our hearts, the words that we speak, and the actions that we carry out in love - for His praise and glory.
How uplifting to know that even a cup of cold water, which is offered from a heart that is right with God, will not go unnoticed nor unrewarded.
People may forget our good deeds but God never does. He sees, knows, and remembers.

Anchor Scripture: Hebrews 6:10
Mar 25, 202411:11
Light It Up

Light It Up

The global Church is meant to be the brightest light the world has ever seen, and you get to be part of that city, The Church. So, Light It Up.

Anchor scripture: Matthew 5:14 AMP
Feb 28, 202415:33
Sitting in The Still: Waiting Inside of God's Promise

Sitting in The Still: Waiting Inside of God's Promise

There are times we have a promise from God, but we don't see our life lining with the promise God has given us. Or there are times we reach a crossroad in our life, relying on God to speak direction into our lives and we only hear Silence.

This episode will speak to your heart about how to move in God's Will when God seems to be quiet.
Jan 31, 202439:35
7 Signs of an Emotionally Unavailable Man
Jan 15, 202416:01
When Last Did You Have A Proper Rest?

When Last Did You Have A Proper Rest?

As the season draws to a close, let's make a pact to slow down a little in the new year. I'll be sharing some practical tips on how to stay healthy, avoid burnout, and create a sustainable work-life balance.
And this is my Christmas present to you all my Besties.

A Merry Christmas To You ALL My Besties 😘
Dec 24, 202310:15
15 Powerful & Practical Ways Young Adults Can Stand for Christ

15 Powerful & Practical Ways Young Adults Can Stand for Christ S1E1

In a world constantly evolving and challenging the values we hold dear, young adults have a unique opportunity to stand for Christ and make a lasting impact on their generation.
The life of a young person is often marked by transitions, self-discovery, and the pursuit of purpose. Amidst these complexities, God’s Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit can provide unwavering strength and direction, allowing young adults to navigate their journey with faith and confidence.
Dec 13, 202323:22
The Shepherd's Promise

The Shepherd's Promise

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Psalm 23:6).

When the Lord is your shepherd, His love surrounds you now and forever. And the love of the Good Shepherd is: A love that pursued, and a love that welcomes.
Nov 23, 202313:44
The Chase Vs Personal Development

The Chase Vs Personal Development

There is no way you can over develop yourself for a life time commitment. The best time to develop yourself is when you're still single.

Join me on this episode as I take us through the Chase stage and how to develop our qualities and capabilities.
Nov 17, 202329:51
Becoming Fast and Slow

Becoming Fast and Slow

Those who trust and obey God learn to adjust the speed of their listening and speaking.
When we're in difficult situations, it isn't always easy to stay calm or hold our tongue for a very long time.

Join me on this episode as Brother James teaches us on how to respond according to; James 1:19
Oct 31, 202318:19
The Road To Recovery

The Road To Recovery

When a relationship ends, the road to recovery is long and exhausting particularly when it was totally unexpected. So, all that is left is for you to take that leap of faith and accept that things are exactly as they are meant to be and move on.

Dust yourself and go shopping again!

Oct 17, 202308:58


Being thankful in all situations helps us develop our trust in God and helps us to be humble. While much of our gratitude is related to positive experience, we have to learn to appreciate the good and the bad. Thanking God in difficult situations can also help us appreciate the good times more.

The Lord wants us to have a spirit of gratitude in all we do and say. When we are grateful, we will have greater happiness and satisfaction in our lives. We will recognize the influence and blessings of the Lord.
Oct 10, 202324:02


Dealing with difficult teenagers can sometimes feel like navigating a maze with no clear path. As a parent or guardian, it's important to approach these situations with patience, understanding, and open communication.
Here are some strategies to help you navigate the challenges and build a positive relationship with your teenager:
Oct 03, 202318:37


As we end our study from Romans 10, we will delve into the intersection of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility regarding salvation.

It’s important to note that this question, “What must I do to be saved?” is not about earning salvation or trying to do good works to merit favor with God. Instead, it is about surrender and submission.
It’s an acknowledgment that we cannot save ourselves and that we need a Savior who can rescue us from sin and death.

Anchor scripture: Romans 10 : 9 - 13

Sep 20, 202320:54


Do you believe that salvation is a gift of grace that we receive through faith in Jesus Christ? If so, how does this understanding shape the way you live your life? How do you reconcile God’s sovereignty and human responsibility when it comes to salvation? Let’s challenge ourselves to explore these questions to deepen our understanding of the gospel message. May we be inspired to live lives that honor God and bear witness to His saving grace.

Join me as I answer the Question of all Questions: “WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED” According to Paul's Epistle to The Romans Chapter 10.
Sep 05, 202330:34
Jesus Is Lord

Jesus Is Lord

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”.
Romans 10:9 NIV

The most important question remains: Will you make him The Lord of your life?
Aug 29, 202315:25
Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

When a relationship ends, healing can take time. Join me on this episode as I give out tips that can help you grieve your loss and start to move on based on my personal experience.
Aug 22, 202350:24


A spoken blessing is a positive, Biblical statement that invokes the blessing of God on our lives and the life of another. The power of spoken blessings comes from God, Who Himself “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).

Join me on this episode as we prophetically speak into our week.
Aug 15, 202320:24
The Four Types of Compatibility in Relationships

The Four Types of Compatibility in Relationships

A key element in every relationship is compatibility between the two parties. Beginning from the dating process — and then following in marriage — issues of compatibility can make or break relationships.
How do we define compatibility? How many types of compatibility are there? Are all types necessary to sustain a relationship?
Join me on this episode as I talk about compatibility in relationships.
Aug 01, 202320:49


Your word choice when talking to your kids is more important than you may think.
Positive parenting can strengthen a child’s mental health, lead to academic improvement and promote well-being throughout teenage and adult years.
God’s Word in your mouth is POWERFUL and as you take your place as a son/daughter of the Most High, you have the divine privilege of decreeing His plans, purposes, and promises over your children. Your declarations plant seeds of destiny into the hearts of your babies (or big ones) and can alter generational legacies.

He said it. We believe it. And we declare it!

Join me on this episode as we speak life over our children/grandchildren.
Jul 25, 202337:29


God has entrusted and empowered us to share his light, show his love, and help others be restored back into his arms.
Also, to the extent we forgive, we are forgiven. So what if today we gave others the same grace, compassion and mercy that we would like to receive?
Anchor scriptures: 2nd Corinthians 5:18 and Matthew 7:12.

Join me on this episode as I unravel all that God wants to teach us about reconciliation and the golden rule.
Jul 18, 202325:12


To help you get real in dating, let time be your friend. Time will help you to see whether you and the other person are a fit, not just on the surface, but to the core. Join me on this episode as I wrap up on the topic “DATING WITH PURPOSE”.

Anchor scriptures: Ephesians 4:25, 1st Corinthians 6:18-20, Colossians 3:1-10, Ephesians 4:19 and Matthew 6:33.

TASK 1: During your next date, add a bit of honesty, that is, share something about yourself that makes you feel a bit vulnerable. Notice what fears it pulls to the surface, how the other person responds, and whether it moved your relationship forward. Then decide if you’ll do it again.

TASK 2: If you are currently living with someone, write down what you fear would happen if you decided to trust God’s protection and live separately. Begin praying for God to increase your faith as you consider walking in obedience.

TASK 3: Talk through each of the strategies above with your partner and decide which you will implement in your relationship.

TASK 4: 1. Rate your current level of confidence in your relationship on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest).
2. Rate your level of commitment.
3. If you have children, rate their level of openness to you getting married.
4. Now, rate how you think your dating partner would respond to each of the above.

Jul 11, 202347:22


How do you find lasting love? And once you find someone, how do you date well so that love will last? Single Christian men and women around the world report they are seeking authentic Christian partners with whom they can share their life, but are a bit confused about the purpose of marriage and therefore the purpose of dating.
Join me on this episode as I systematically address each of these from a Biblical perspective with God's help.

Anchor scriptures: Proverbs 1:1-7,
Matthew 22:23-33, Matthew 6:5-13.

1st Task:
Pray with your dating partner on the first date. This sets a tone for your time together and sends a strong message about your priorities for the relationship. And, by the way, if the other person thinks it odd or out of place, you’ve learned something critical about their wisdom, maturity, and purposes for dating.

2nd Task:
Spend the next 5 days offering this prayer to God. Meditate on its words and phrases, and strive to live accordingly, resting in God’s provision for you.

Lord, work out your kingdom agenda in me. I am yours. Let me be a living sacrifice, salt, and light. If you bring someone into my life who submits to your will and will help me to love you more, then let that person be evident to me; let me not miss your provision. And if not, let me be content with your provision and at ease in my singleness as I seek first the kingdom of heaven. --Amen
Jul 04, 202338:43


Does the world understand the meaning of the cross?
On this episode, I want to take us through a new look at the old rugged cross. We must never forget what it stands for and what it means to us, the message it declares to sinners, and the peace it brings to the saved.

Anchor scripture: 1st Corinthians 1:18

***Please where I quoted 1st Timothy 2:22 in this episode, is meant to be 1st Peter 2:22 which says, Jesus ... “Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth...”
I apologize for the error. 🙏
Jun 27, 202334:52


Fatherhood is not a destination. It's an ongoing journey that lasts a lifetime and requires constant adjustments.

In this episode, you will discover nuggets to help you become a better Father so you can lead and love your children well.
Anchor scriptures: Luke 15:11-24, 1st Peter 4:8, Ephesians 2:10, Psalms 127:3-5.
Jun 20, 202328:43
Actions That Can Deepen Emotional Intimacy Between Couples.

Actions That Can Deepen Emotional Intimacy Between Couples.

Intimacy isn’t restricted to physical contact. It includes bonding of the mind and spirit, too.

Chemistry brings two people together, but emotional intimacy keeps them together.

Emotional intimacy is much more profound than physical intimacy because it delves into your loved one’s fears and hopes, reaching the essence of who they are. It is knowing what your partner needs before they even ask — feeling their emotions, needs, and desires as if they were your own.
Join me on this episode as I take us through Seven actions that can deepen your emotional intimacy and build a life-long bond with your partner.

Anchor scripture: 1st Corinthians 13: 1-13

Jun 13, 202324:17


God knows us so well. He knew our memories would be short. So He gave us spiritual markers.
A “spiritual marker” is a tangible, physical object we deliberately choose to represent God’s significant presence and activity in our life.
Join me on this episode as I talk about Spiritual Markers using my favorite example of a spiritual marker as found in the book of Joshua where God led His people across the Jordan into the Promised Land.
Joshua 3:14:17, 4:1-24.
Jun 06, 202335:39
Ebenezer - Stone of Help

Ebenezer - Stone of Help

The Lord Ebenezer is such a beautiful name to call. There is a spiritual energy that infuses us, there is a quickening of our spirit and our faith, there is a joy that replaces sadness, weariness and discouragement, when we remember how far the Lord has helped us.
Join me on this episode of InnerPeace Hub Podcast as I talk about the beautiful name of God, Ebenezer - Stone of Help. 1st Samuel 7:7 - 14.
May 30, 202333:02
Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse, also called "domestic violence" or "intimate partner violence", can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure, or wound someone.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. It can occur within a range of relationships including couples who are married, living together or dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.

In this episode, I'll also be throwing more light on what the scriptures says about marriage, divorce, domestic Abuse and also answering the question “Must everyone get married?”.
May 23, 202349:02
Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Christmas is a time to be grateful, a time when we reflect on the past year and express gratitude for all that we possess. Today, instead of expressing only my own thoughts, my siblings and I in a chit chat will be expressing our feelings of gratitude in this blessed moment of the year. Hopefully these inspiring thoughts will help all of us to feel gratitude. We'll also be sharing the pains and gains of Final year in College/University as we celebrate the freshest graduate in the house. Yes, times are tough and money is scarce and the economy is in turmoil, but we still have each other. Is there more? As we hug each other let us whisper into each other’s ear, “God bless us all.” From my home to yours and to everybody, I offer you a very Merry Christmas! And please smile! It is one of the nicest presents to share and easy to carry. Have a great 2023.
Feb 22, 202301:41:25
God Answers Prayers

God Answers Prayers

Are you doing anything which you think will escape God’s attention? Are you slowly but surely drifting away from God, wandering from the intimacy which you once had with Him? You can get back into fellowship. Is your view of God limited? Have you been fooled into believing that prayer doesn’t really change things? Friend, don’t let anyone or anything steal that most precious resource from you. God hears our prayers and answers them. Join me as I share my testimony and that of The Children of Israel with Moses bordering around the topic "God answers Prayers".
Sep 30, 202232:23


It is time to put your trust in God and talk more to and with God. God must be your first and only hope if you're considering remarrying as a single parent, widower, widow or divorcee. We'll be comparing the story of Elijah and the widow according to 1 Kings 17:7-16 and that of Mary and Joseph according to Matthew 1:18-25 as well as learn some practical truth from the story of Ruth according to Ruth Chapter 1 & 2.
Feb 09, 202236:54
If I Had Another Chance

If I Had Another Chance

You need to destroy the bridge to your past so you may build the road to your future. In this segment, we shall be considering how to make a choice based on the intention to remarry as a single parent or widower or widow or divorcee.
Jan 27, 202235:51
Overcoming Painful Emotions

Overcoming Painful Emotions

Are you often overcome by fear, anger, guilt or some other painful emotion? Do they hinder your progress? If your answer is yes to these questions and even if your answer is No, then this episode of my podcast is for you.
I'll be using practical scenerios to illustrate the debilitating effects of harbouring negative emotions and how to deal with them.
Jul 16, 202055:33
Relationship Goals S1E3

Relationship Goals S1E3

Most of us spend so much time hating things about ourselves that we don’t realize we’re crippling our ability to love others. There’s no way you can figure out how to love somebody else well in a relationship if you have not first figured out how to love yourself. In this episode you'll learn how to love yourself the way God wants you to and how to put your trust on him.
Jul 07, 202033:58
Relationship Goals S1E2(The Relationship Giver)

Relationship Goals S1E2(The Relationship Giver)

Search for #RelationshipGoals on Social media and you'll find seemingly perfect images of couples in love. But what if the vision of relationship that our society is selling is a mirage? Join me as i introduce to you, The Relationship Giver and how you can align yourself with who he has made us to be.
Jun 16, 202010:38
Relationship Goals

Relationship Goals

It’s challenging to love others well if you don’t love God first. But loving God isn’t enough. His love needs to transform the way you view yourself. When you see yourself the way God sees you, you can love others the way God loves you. To have RelationshipGoals, seek God first in every relationship.

Jun 02, 202011:11
Nine Prayers For The Not-Yet Married S1E3

Nine Prayers For The Not-Yet Married S1E3

If you don’t know where to start in prayer — how to begin talking to God daily, or how to surrender your desires and difficulties in singleness to him — here are nine prayers for the not-yet-married life, each with God’s words to help shape your longing and waiting.
May 23, 202012:19
Nine Prayers For The Not-Yet Married S1E2

Nine Prayers For The Not-Yet Married S1E2

If you don’t know where to start in prayer — how to begin talking to God daily, or how to surrender your desires and difficulties in singleness to him — here are continuation of nine prayers for the not-yet-married life, each with God’s words to help shape your longing and waiting.
May 16, 202029:23
Nine Prayers For The Not - Yet Married S1E1

Nine Prayers For The Not - Yet Married S1E1

Sometimes as singles, we might get confused on the right prayers to say or the right bible passages to use and back up our prayers or as little as not knowing exactly what to tell God. This episode will help us to know exactly what to do and what to pray for as singles.
May 13, 202020:26
Wrong reasons why Ladies propose.

Wrong reasons why Ladies propose.

In this episode we'll be looking at some reasons why ladies are the ones proposing now to the men in their lives and also some tips on how you can get your man to be the one to pop the question instead of you the Lady.
May 11, 202020:03