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Union Street Meeting House Messages

Union Street Meeting House Messages

By Union Street Meeting House Messages

Union Street Meeting House Messages is the podcast for sharing the messages delivered at Union Street Meeting House, a Christian ministry that introduces people of all ages to Jesus Christ and recalls those who once knew Him back to an intimate, vibrant, living relationship with Him. We are a house for Christian fellowship and personal growth. You are always welcome to listen here or to visit us at the Union Street Meeting House found at 415 Union Street Milton, Delaware 19968.
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2023.11.26 Testimony

Union Street Meeting House MessagesDec 07, 2023

2024.5.26 Follow Jesus
Jun 02, 202447:49
2024.5.19 The Father's Gift

2024.5.19 The Father's Gift

If your loving Father had prepared a special gift for you that would empower you to achieve your destiny and He had gone to great lengths to make it possible for you to receive this gift, how could you say no? This gift is the Promise of our Father, the Holy Spirit.

May 26, 202401:02:16
2024.5.12 Jesus Honored His Mother

2024.5.12 Jesus Honored His Mother

On Mother's Day 2024, Pastor Tim preached about the fifth commandment to honor our fathers and mothers. The message demonstrates how Jesus honored His mother.

May 24, 202432:34
2024.5.5 Unity in Love

2024.5.5 Unity in Love

As Pastor Tim begins a series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he felt it important to emphasize the purposes of the Holy Spirit in benefitting all. I Corinthians 12: 7 says, "But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good," uniting us in love, conforming us to the image of the Son of His Love.

May 22, 202401:00:06
2024.4.28 The Believer's Baptism

2024.4.28 The Believer's Baptism

Today's message highlights the meaning and purpose of water baptism in the life of a believer.

May 19, 202434:13
2024.4.21 Nehemiah's Restoration

2024.4.21 Nehemiah's Restoration

Guest Pastor Tony Vincent preached a powerful word from the book of Nehemiah today. Be blessed as you listen to the deeper impact of Nehemiah's faithfulness in restoring the welfare of the people.

May 04, 202451:36
2024.4.14 What Worship Looks Like

2024.4.14 What Worship Looks Like

In today's message Pastor Tim reviews Scriptural examples of how people responded to Jesus to show us what worship really looks like.

Apr 30, 202450:45
2024.3.31 The Impact of the Cross

2024.3.31 The Impact of the Cross

Pastor Carl Vincent preached our Easter service. Listen to his message of the impact of the cross of Jesus Christ.

Apr 27, 202454:59
2024.4.7 Testimonies of the Resurrection

2024.4.7 Testimonies of the Resurrection

Let's extend the Easter season and spend some time considering the testimonies surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Apr 27, 202456:50
2024.3.24 Before The Foundation of the World
Mar 30, 202452:11
2024.3.17 The R's of Resurrection

2024.3.17 The R's of Resurrection

In anticipation of Resurrection Day, Pastor Tim reviewed the account of the raising of Lazarus. Listen as Pastor Tim highlights five "r" words for us to remember and apply as we minister to others in the name of Jesus.

Mar 25, 202443:44
2024.3.10 Don't Quit

2024.3.10 Don't Quit

Looking again at Paul after the storm, the ship destroyed, the snake bite, so many things seemingly against him. But he had a promise from Jesus; so, he never quit. Don't quit.

Mar 15, 202444:32
2024.3.3 Safely Through the Storm

2024.3.3 Safely Through the Storm

God is not surprised by the storms nor the trouble they cause. His promise is to be with you, and if you will listen to Him, to bring you safely though.

Mar 05, 202441:52
2024.2.18 Responsibilty and Authority

2024.2.18 Responsibilty and Authority

When you are given a job to do but no authority to carry it out, you feel like your hands are tied behind your back. Pastor Tim teaches today that God is not like that. He who gives you the responsibility also gives you authority.

Feb 25, 202455:02
2024.2.11 The Role of Prayer in Experiencing the Holy Spirit

2024.2.11 The Role of Prayer in Experiencing the Holy Spirit

In today's message Pastor Tim examines the experiences of Cornelius and Peter as they both experience the Holy Spirit through prayer. They both then play integral parts in a new move of God.

Feb 23, 202445:36
2024.2.4 Obey the Holy Spirit

2024.2.4 Obey the Holy Spirit

Pastor Tim continues his messages on the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and obeying His Voice.

Feb 21, 202443:04
2024.1.28 Being Clothed

2024.1.28 Being Clothed

Pastor Tim Parker continues today to instruct and encourage us to become clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit. Listen to receive some keys to be clothed and stayed clothed in His power.

Jan 28, 202445:08
2024.1.21 Clothed With Power

2024.1.21 Clothed With Power

There is much discussion these days about identity. There is only one Source of our true identity and that comes from our Heavenly Father. He declares who and whose we are. It is He who clothes us with His righteousness and sets His seal upon our lives, the seal of His Holy Spirit. Are you clothed with His Holy Spirit?

Jan 23, 202445:57
2024.1.14 Clothed

2024.1.14 Clothed

In the Luke 24:49 , Jesus gives some of His final words before ascending to His throne in heaven. He instructs the disciples to wait until they are "clothed with power from on high." We now know He was referring to the Holy Spirit. Pastor Tim shares an example in the Old Testament how Gideon was temporarily "clothed" for the important task he had in delivering Israel from the Midianites. He connects the acceptance of his identity and purpose with the clothing God gave Gideon to accomplish God's purpose.

Jan 21, 202454:22
2024.1.7 Put on Christ

2024.1.7 Put on Christ

The Apostle Paul calls Jesus the Second Adam. In today's message Pastor Tim Parker firmly declares that although Jesus is the Second Adam, He is by no means God's Plan B.

Jan 09, 202441:30
2023.12.31 Looking Forward

2023.12.31 Looking Forward

Apostle Paul used a phrase in his letter to Titus, "Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus." Believers should be looking forward, living forward. Our guest speaker, Cheryl Truitt shares an encouraging word for 2024, Looking Forward.

Jan 03, 202447:04
2023.12.24 The Why

2023.12.24 The Why

At Christmas there is much deserved praise for Jesus coming but not enough emphasis on why Jesus had to come. Pastor Tim reminds us all today of our desperate condition bound by sin and why Jesus had to come.

Dec 27, 202337:44
2023.12.17 The Fulfillment

2023.12.17 The Fulfillment

Over three hundred prophecies point to Jesus Christ from Genesis to Malachi and everyone is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Just take the prophecy of Malachi 5:2, (that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem) statistical analysis shows that the probability of one man being born in Bethlehem are one in 300,000. To add other prophesies only exponentially increases the rarity that someone could fulfill them. Yet Jesus fulfilled every one of them. To consider this is awe-inspiring and stupefies unbelievers. Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment of every prophesy, the fulfillment of all our need.

Dec 17, 202336:14
2023.12.10 Wake Up

2023.12.10 Wake Up

The Lord is calling us to wake from our slumber and get engaged in His work. Today's message is by Pastor Tim Parker who also invited Samantha Setzer to share a word from the Lord and how it impacted her. She shares it today because it is also for the body of Christ.

Dec 12, 202344:45
2023.12.3 A Word

2023.12.3 A Word

No one can underestimate the significance of The Word of God. In today's message, Pastor Tim personalizes this theme by discussing how crucial it is for each of us to respond to "a word of God."

Dec 09, 202346:24
2023.11.26 Testimony

2023.11.26 Testimony

One of our congregants recently returned to Mexico where she had done missions in the past. This is her testimony of the beautiful work of God.

Dec 07, 202343:34
2023.11.19 Lessons From Philippians

2023.11.19 Lessons From Philippians

Pastor Tim summarizes many of the lessons of the Book of Philippians today. Taking the role of a coach both Apostle Paul and Pastor Tim desire to see each of us in the body of Christ to pursue Him fully, leaving behind all that hinders, shedding the anxiety this world engenders, and embracing our lives with faith.

Nov 30, 202313:03
2023.11.12 Surpassing Value

2023.11.12 Surpassing Value

Becoming successful in keeping the main thing, the Main Thing begins with recognizing the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ. All that is involved in our life, our pursuits, and our achievements, absolutely everything must take a back seat to our pursuit of knowing Jesus. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, everything is being summed up in Christ Jesus. He is the all-surpassing value.

Nov 29, 202352:03
2023.11.5 To Be Like Christ

2023.11.5 To Be Like Christ

Our ultimate goal is to become like Jesus. The Apostle Paul gives us his personal witness and much instruction to help us. Join Pastor Tim as he shares some keys to this process of becoming like Christ.

Nov 12, 202339:11
2023.10.29 The End Game is Worship

2023.10.29 The End Game is Worship

Every miracle Jesus did ended in worship. No matter how difficult the situation, as faith was applied, the miracle came forth and so did the worship. The end game of all our lives is that Jesus be worshipped. He is worthy.

Nov 10, 202349:05
2023.10.22 Who Is Your Father

2023.10.22 Who Is Your Father

When we see a child is behaving just as their parent would, we say, "He's a chip off the old block." Jesus confronted the Pharisees about their father. He let them know that one could tell who their father was by their deeds. "If you were Abraham's children, He said, "You would do the works of Abraham."

Who is your father?

Nov 08, 202349:54
2023.10.15 Dead Without Christ

2023.10.15 Dead Without Christ

Paul wrote that we were dead in our trespasses and sins but that God gave us life in Christ. That's the key. Without Jesus alive on the inside of us we are spiritually dead and unable to be in the presence of a holy God. But with Christ, we are alive and forever connected to God. He is our life!

Oct 17, 202351:13
2023.10.8 Partakers of the Divine Nature

2023.10.8 Partakers of the Divine Nature

Today we welcome Pastor Carl and Joyce Vincent to the pulpit. Pastor Carl shares about the divine nature of God and how we are called to share in it. We honor Pastor Carl and Joyce as they bring much ministerial experience and serve our church on the advisory board.

Oct 09, 202353:46
2023.10.1 God's Order

2023.10.1 God's Order

Pastor Tim closes out his series on the book of Colossians relating the important issues Paul addressed in Chapters 3 and 4 concerning God's order for relationships and responsibilities.

Oct 07, 202347:11
2023.9.24 It's About Life

2023.9.24 It's About Life

The Holy Scriptures often say things that seem paradoxical. One example is to be exalted in the Kingdom of God we must humble ourselves. Today's message deals with another paradox. We are to deny ourselves, to consider ourselves crucified with Christ and yet the point is that we are to live fully alive in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. It's about Life!

Sep 27, 202348:55
2023.9.17 Complete

2023.9.17 Complete

How many of us wrestle with feeling like we are not enough? The answer is not found in us. The answer is found in Jesus. It is in Him that we are complete. He completed His work. He completes us. What ever we lack He is! We are complete in Him.

Sep 21, 202343:51
2023.9.10 Full Assurance

2023.9.10 Full Assurance

Paul wrote of having the "full assurance of faith," being fully convinced and confident in the Lord. Today's message is an encouragement to pursue and hold that firm and full assurance that "He who promised is faithful" no matter the circumstance you find yourself in today.

Sep 20, 202344:41
2023.9.3 Christ in You

2023.9.3 Christ in You

You have probably more going for you as a New Covenant Christian than anyone under the Old Covenant ... that is if you have received Jesus as the Supreme Authority of your life.

Sep 05, 202337:38
2023.8.27 Transferred

2023.8.27 Transferred

What actually happens spiritually when you receive Jesus Christ as Lord? Pastor Tim shares about the transfer of kingdoms that Jesus made possible for you.

Aug 31, 202334:32
2023.8.20 The Gate is Open, Let's Go

2023.8.20 The Gate is Open, Let's Go

Hear an encouraging message of Peter's release related to us in Acts 12. The chains fell off and the gate is open. Let's get going!

Aug 26, 202340:53
2023.8.6 Bread for Life

2023.8.6 Bread for Life

God gave bread from heaven to sustain His people in the wilderness. They called it manna. In the New Testament, Jesus came as the true Bread from heaven. Living Bread that gives us life.

Aug 25, 202342:26
2023.7.23 The Significance of Baptism
Aug 10, 202353:40
2023.7.16 Demonstration of Love
Aug 09, 202344:16
2023.7.9 Love: The Essential Evidence

2023.7.9 Love: The Essential Evidence

Jesus said you can identify His disciples by the love they live. Paul wrote that we could give all our goods to the poor but if we don't do it out of love, we have accomplished nothing. Listen to P. Tim's message discussing love as the essential evidence of the disciples of Christ.

Aug 08, 202351:51
2023.7.2 Decision for Freedom

2023.7.2 Decision for Freedom

The decision to dissolve the relationship with one government and to establish oneself under a new government is not to be taken lightly, whether it be your nation, your state or soul. Christ made the way for you to be truly free in submission to Him, the one true King.

Jul 07, 202339:25
2023.6.26 Receive the Father's Gifts

2023.6.26 Receive the Father's Gifts

Through Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, God has made all that you need available to you. Our role is to believe and receive, then to act in faith. How desperately our world needs us to do so!

Jul 07, 202350:07
2023.6.18   From This Day

2023.6.18 From This Day

What an honor to host our guest speaker Tony Vincent on this Father's Day! Tony and his son, Caleb, visited us from Pensacola, Florida. Today's message is a powerful word taken from the Old Testament prophets to strongly remind us to dedicate ourselves to fulfilling God's purposes.

Jun 23, 202354:50
2023.6.11 Holy Spirit in You and Upon You

2023.6.11 Holy Spirit in You and Upon You

Jesus not only came to show us the Father, He came to model Life for us. Although He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and had the Spirit in Him, He needed the Holy Spirit to rest and remain upon Him. It is important to note that Jesus, our Prototype, did not minister or do any miracles until He was baptized in the Holy Spirit. If He modeled this for us, we must follow His pattern. We need the Holy Spirit in us and upon us.

Jun 14, 202353:48
2023.5.28 Power to Witness

2023.5.28 Power to Witness

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He instructed His disciples to wait for the Promise of the Father. He told them when the Promise came, they would receive power for a specific purpose . . . to witness. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples to empower them to be His witnesses all over the earth.

Jun 05, 202351:07
2023.5.21 Jesus Going, Holy Spirit Coming

2023.5.21 Jesus Going, Holy Spirit Coming

Jesus said: Unless I go away, the Helper will not come to you. He knew how much we all need the Holy Spirit! Pastor Tim Parker preaches in this episode on this critical phase of God's plan.

May 30, 202351:01