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The University of Billy

The University of Billy

By Bill Watson

The University of Billy confers only one degree - A PHD in common sense. Today's political environment is void of common sense debate on key issues. Hear 3 minutes of genius with each episode.
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Dang It! Why did I Want the Dominion Lawsuit Against Fox News to Go to Trial?

The University of BillyApr 19, 2023

What are 2 Questions That Will Never Be Answered Concerning the Nashville Shooter?

What are 2 Questions That Will Never Be Answered Concerning the Nashville Shooter?

The manifesto of the Nashville shooter is not important to me. But 2 questions need to be answered by the FBI. 1, police said she planned this for months, we need details. 2, as a transgender how much testerone was she on. I realize that when a mass shooting takes place the only issue we can talk about is guns, but I’m gonna need a little more.

Apr 28, 202303:15
Is Joe Biden Too Old or Too White For Democrats?

Is Joe Biden Too Old or Too White For Democrats?

Joe Biden is an old white man who has been at the peak of power for over 50 years. On the intersectionality chart, in CRT, behind systematic racism, and at the heart of white supremacy - is old white guys. The woke culture has made it clear that white men must go away. Since democrats are the party of diversity, equity, and inclusion - how can they vote for any white male democrat?

Apr 26, 202303:17
Will AI and Modern Monetary Theory Take Us to a Socialist Utopia?

Will AI and Modern Monetary Theory Take Us to a Socialist Utopia?

As a capitalist I love technology and innovation that brings us new products and services. Artificial Intelligence and Modern Monetary Theory may be to stems that will deliver us to socialist utopia. AI will do our work and MMT will pay us. It will require central planning with elitists like Bill Gates to govern us, but won’t it be great. Maybe not. There are a couple of issues.

Apr 24, 202303:32
What Was the Stunning Truth Revealed About Climate Change Policy in The New York Times?

What Was the Stunning Truth Revealed About Climate Change Policy in The New York Times?

The New York Times is the leading publication espousing the progressive democrat worldview. Climate change policy has always been built on a pack of lies and the Times is slowly having to reveal the truth. They reveal the Biden administrations authorizing the EPA to regulate auto manufactures and make it illegal to build gas cars in 10-12 years (No vote or democracy allowed here). They used the Ford F-150 to show there will be fewer jobs building electric vehicles. And of course, higher costs.

Apr 21, 202303:02
Dang It! Why did I Want the Dominion Lawsuit Against Fox News to Go to Trial?

Dang It! Why did I Want the Dominion Lawsuit Against Fox News to Go to Trial?

Since Donald Trump was elected President the news media has ceased being objective. Journalistic integrity is gone. News is all about political narratives. If this trial moves forward and Fox News is found guilty of broadcasting information that is false, look out! There will now be legal precedence that can be used against CNN, MSN, and the rest. Maybe from the rubble some platforms can rise that will be about truth.

Apr 19, 202303:05
Can Americans Get a Little Perspective on the Meaning of Democracy?

Can Americans Get a Little Perspective on the Meaning of Democracy?

Democracy is more than elections. Our founding fathers limited government and democracy. Originally, many did not want to let the people vote for president (thus the electoral college) or senators (17th amendment gave the people the right to vote for senators 100 years ago). George Washington gave us the real threats to democracy - foreign countries and political parties. Alex De Tocqueville in Democracy in America” discovered the heart of democracy.

Apr 17, 202303:46
Why Do I Know Dylan Mulvaney?

Why Do I Know Dylan Mulvaney?

I know Dylan Mulvaney because he is the answer to the question, “what is a woman”. He is literally the ideal woman. He is the man every woman should aspire to be. 10 million followers on TikTok, a billion views of his video series “Days of Girlhood”, and invited to White House to interview Joe Biden. It makes sense that Budweiser, Nike, and other companies want to use him in their branding.

Apr 14, 202303:18
What if Fort Sumter Had Not Been Bombed Starting the Civil War?

What if Fort Sumter Had Not Been Bombed Starting the Civil War?

It was April 12, 1861 that the Confederates bombarded Fort Sumter in the Charleston, SC harbor. Fort Sumter became a political issue in the 1860 presidential election. Abraham Lincoln won the election with only 38% of the vote (2 democrats took 60%). If Stephen A Douglas had won would that have saved 700,000 lives and freed the slaves at a slower pace? Would it have reduced Jim Crow laws and the number of lynchings?

Apr 12, 202303:36
How Does Joe Biden’s Budget Make Drunken Sailors Look Wise?

How Does Joe Biden’s Budget Make Drunken Sailors Look Wise?

This podcast could have been published under Trump, Obama, or Bush since they were not concerned with government spending. The spending is worse under Biden because of inflation. Low GDP coupled with high inflation spells disaster. Biden continues to lie, give disinformation and misinformation, and brag about reducing deficits.

Apr 10, 202303:38
If Easter is True, Why Are People Leaving the Church?

If Easter is True, Why Are People Leaving the Church?

Only 2% of the population of Israel is Christian. Most people living among the archaeology and history of the resurrection of Jesus don’t believe. People in America, the most religious nation in the world, are leaving the church. Covid and politics are key reasons. As Christians celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, maybe it is time to remember that incredible event.

Apr 07, 202303:33
What Does the Killing of Jesus Reveal About Democracy?

What Does the Killing of Jesus Reveal About Democracy?

The killing of Jesus was an act of democracy. The election of Hitler and the Nazi party was an act of democracy. Democracy is sacred in America, as it should be, but we should take the voting process seriously. Just like in the time of Jesus, there could be “blood on our hands.” I hope you will visit a Christian church this Sunday to see what all the hubbub is about.

Apr 05, 202303:34
Will Trump be Crucified and Resurrected, and Is He the Most Important Issue in Life?

Will Trump be Crucified and Resurrected, and Is He the Most Important Issue in Life?

Donald Trump is not God, he is a man. A rich man who paid $130,000 to a pornstar to keep quiet about their sex. That’s it. Yet, Trump deranged syndrome has become Trump religion. People are worshiping at the Trump altar out of both hate and love. Democrats say it is legal and republicans say it is political. Either way Manhattan has become the Holy Place.

Apr 03, 202303:07
What’s Up With the Rise in Anti-Semitism (Jewish Hate) in America?

What’s Up With the Rise in Anti-Semitism (Jewish Hate) in America?

Robert Craft, the owner of the New England Patriots and a Jew, is donating $25 million to a campaign to reduce anti-semitism (or as I call it - Jew hate). Why is this happening? Is it religious? There is certainly a history of Muslims and Christians persecuting Jews. Throughout history many nations have wanted to kill all Jews. Maybe it’s not a rise in Jew hate but just hate. Hate against all groups, including white supremacists.

Mar 31, 202303:01
Why Do I Believe in the Devil and Hell on Earth?

Why Do I Believe in the Devil and Hell on Earth?

Another mass shooting where innocent kids are targeted. This time it is in Nashville. Gun bans and legislation again are offered in response, and anyone suggesting “prayers and thoughts for the families” are ridiculed by some. What if prayer is the answer to the darkness that has fallen on so many hearts? I have often debated the existence of God with atheists, but maybe it’s time to debate the devil and hell itself.

Mar 29, 202303:32
Will Joe Biden (and Family) Veto Legislation Banning Chinese Tik-Tok?

Will Joe Biden (and Family) Veto Legislation Banning Chinese Tik-Tok?

A bipartisan bill may come to Joe Biden’s desk to ban the Chinese spy machine called Tik-Tok. I hope he vetoes it strictly on free speech grounds. What info are they getting that they don’t already have? But what if China threatens to reveal more info related to the million dollar deals given to the Biden family if he vetoes? Does Biden want that info in the hands of the press?

Mar 27, 202303:23
What Can Democrats NEVER(!!!) Learn about Donald Trump?

What Can Democrats NEVER(!!!) Learn about Donald Trump?

Democrats know that this latest Manhattan legal scrap about paying off a pornstar to keep her mouth shut, won’t fly legally. But they have admitted that it will be satisfying to see him arrested, have a mugshot, and do the perp walk. They believe this will keep him from winning the presidency in 2024. They could not be further from the truth. Donald Trump will sell mugs with his mugshot and use this publicity to identify with the forgotten Americans.

Mar 24, 202303:23
What Does March Madness Tell Us About Racism?

What Does March Madness Tell Us About Racism?

The college basketball tournament we call “March Madness” is my favorite sporting event. An amazing truth hit me watching these games - racism is not an issue! The narrative that all whites are racist, all systems are built upon white supremacy, and slavery still exists in the philosophies of our institutions is false. March madness calls all that bulls_ _ _. Can we stop the race madness?

Mar 22, 202303:44
How Can We Save Our Money from Banks and Government?

How Can We Save Our Money from Banks and Government?

The Silicon Valley Bank debacle is the latest of a long historical line of bank runs, including the great depression. Unless you have more than $250,000 on deposit, this is nothing to you. It is good to question the obvious government blunders through the Dodd-Frank Act, FDIC, and the Federal Reserve. As usual it is all about protecting the rich. Too bad the great economist Milton Friedman is not around to advise us.

Mar 20, 202303:24
How Do We Save Public Education? (Part 2)

How Do We Save Public Education? (Part 2)

Teachers are slaves to their administrative masters. Public education has turned parents into terrorists at school board meetings. Kids are failing. To save public schools the most important step may be the return to teaching kids to read books. Reading, comprehension, and communicating both orally and in writing will open all doors for the students. Why did the public education system move kids from books to screens?

Mar 17, 202303:29
How Do We Save Public Education? (Part 1)

How Do We Save Public Education? (Part 1)

Teachers are underpaid and overworked while the kids are coming up short with their education. It’s time to support school choice, eliminate the Department of Education and teachers unions, and let teachers manage their own classes. Reading should become the priority. If progressives want to teach CRT as history and gender transitions as health, then start your own school! That is the meaning of school choice.

Mar 15, 202303:21
Why Not Have the Treasury Department Create a Quadrillion Dollar Coin Rather than a Trillion?

Why Not Have the Treasury Department Create a Quadrillion Dollar Coin Rather than a Trillion?

Economists have suggested that the Treasury Department mint a Trillion Dollar coin and give it to the Federal Reserve to put toward the national debt. This would avert the debt ceiling crisis and debate in congress. I say, if Treasure can legally do a trillion, why not a quadrillion? This would pay off all debts and make every American a millionaire!

Mar 13, 202303:24
Why are Presidential Elections NOT That Important Anymore?

Why are Presidential Elections NOT That Important Anymore?

In the first half of our country presidents and congress crafted legislation, made decisions, and led. Today that work is done by gigantic federal bureaucracies. I call it bureautic management. Ab Lincoln and Donald Trump are great examples of how it has changed. If you think Joe Biden is leading our country, then you are more out of it than he is.

Mar 10, 202303:33
How Would My Idea Make Taxes Fair, Simple, and Bring More Revenue to Government?

How Would My Idea Make Taxes Fair, Simple, and Bring More Revenue to Government?

There are a couple of steps to make the issue of taxes a simple and fair process that will bring more revenue to the government. It would eliminate the need for a giant IRS. It is progressive and the rich will joyfully pay more. The first step is to eliminate all current taxes for individuals and businesses. The second step is to apply a point of purchase tax on everything we buy, including Super Bowl bets and Wall Street transactions.

Mar 08, 202303:35
Why is Raising The Debt Ceiling the Dumbest Political Issue in History?

Why is Raising The Debt Ceiling the Dumbest Political Issue in History?

The debt ceiling crisis is like a football game. The game is over but the losing coach decides to negotiate a deal with the opposing team to make everyone feel better. The time to fight and play the game is before the President signs a spending bill into law. The House Ways and Means Committee, the ball then goes to the house floor, then senate floor, and finally to the president. Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary, just needs to pay the bills.

Mar 06, 202303:30
I Once Dressed as a Woman, Should That Be Criminal?

I Once Dressed as a Woman, Should That Be Criminal?

Tennessee is considering a law to restrict drag queen shows. It’s meant to keep this stuff away from kids. An old picture has surfaced of Gov. Bill Lee dressed as a woman. Protecting kids from sexual perverts and other threats is the job of parents. Government bureaucratic management (GBM) should be a last resort on any issue.

Mar 03, 202303:31
Could Trump vs DeSantis Be a Repeat of T. Roosevelt vs Taft in 1912?

Could Trump vs DeSantis Be a Repeat of T. Roosevelt vs Taft in 1912?

The 1912 election was the most interesting election in our history. Teddy Roosevelt served as our 26th president and then hand-picked his successor, William Howard Taft who won the presidency in 1908. In the 1912 election Roosevelt ran the most successful third party campaign in history, but split the republican vote giving Woodrow Wilson the presidency with only 40% of the popular vote. This can be the scenario for Trump and DeSantis.


Mar 01, 202303:20
Would Joe Biden Drill Oil to Win the War with Russia?

Would Joe Biden Drill Oil to Win the War with Russia?

Crude oil was over $100 a barrel when Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, annexed Crimea in 2014, and invaded Ukraine last year. Oil is the #1 source of revenue for Russia to fight a war. If Biden and the government bureaucrats would allow oil and fossil fuel production to increase by 25%, oil prices could fall to $50 a barrel. This could leave Vladimir Putin in the cold and unable to fund his military vision. This is the path to victory in Ukraine / Russian war.

Feb 27, 202303:21
Why Honor a White Man During Black History Month?

Why Honor a White Man During Black History Month?

James Gillespie Birney was born during black history month (February) 1792. He was a white man who deserves to be honored with African-Americans this month. He was a lawyer who early in life owned a cotton plantation with slaves. He eventually became the most vocal abolitionist who also believed in equal rights under the law for blacks, unheard of at that time. He died before seeing slaves freed and becoming equal with whites under the law.

Feb 24, 202303:21
Is Our Embarrassing Pentagon Prepared for War with Russia?

Is Our Embarrassing Pentagon Prepared for War with Russia?

I believe we are going to war with Russia. China will decide if it is to be WWIII. I’m not sure about the optics from Biden’s surprise visit to Ukraine. Our Pentagon is an embarrassment, especially after this latest fiasco with the Chinese spy balloon. Our unlimited support of Ukraine is going to drag our soldiers into this fight. Are we prepared for war? If diversity is truly what makes our military strong, then maybe.

Feb 22, 202303:31
Why Do I Love and Respect All American Presidents?

Why Do I Love and Respect All American Presidents?

John Dickerson wrote a book titled “The Hardest Job in the World”. No one is qualified to be president. Their stories are unique and amazing and should be taught to all American kids. None were corrupt or wanted the job to enrich themselves. They just wanted to make the country better. The only skill necessary is leadership in a crisis.

Feb 20, 202303:31
Why Does Charity Suck for Most Homeless?

Why Does Charity Suck for Most Homeless?

I help the homeless more than anyone not paid to do so. Churches, organizations dedicated to the homeless, and government programs help with needs but enable the problem. Cities are spending millions and the end result is more homeless. The mentally and physically disabled should be taken care of but the rest should follow rules and be assisted in making their lives better.

Feb 17, 202303:37
Why are Cow Farts Sweet for Capitalism and Stinky in Climate Change Policy?

Why are Cow Farts Sweet for Capitalism and Stinky in Climate Change Policy?

This is the 4th anniversary of the Green New Deal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In honor we should think of the cow. According to science, this animal produces 40% of all methane in the atmosphere through farts and belches. Climate change freaks desire to reduce the use of beef and milk in response. Capitalists want more cows. What will you vote for?

Feb 15, 202303:22
What are the Top Ten Dumb Things Politicians Said Recently?

What are the Top Ten Dumb Things Politicians Said Recently?

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, George Santos, Eric Swalwell, and even Janet Yellen highlight the list of 10 ten dumb things politicians said recently. Misquotes, flubs, and misinformation can be found among the funny list. The issue is not how do these people get into these high paying “public service” jobs, but why we support them.

Feb 13, 202303:46
What Did Fredrick Douglas Say to His Former Master?

What Did Fredrick Douglas Say to His Former Master?

10 years to the day after Fredrick Douglas escaped slavery, he wrote a letter to his former master - Thomas Auld. He spelled out the terribleness of slavery but ended on a personal and friendly note. The lesson from black history is that you can have incredible political divides but still be personal and even friendly. No divide can be greater than a slave and their slave-owner. Douglas would not cancel Auld.

Feb 10, 202303:21
What is the Big Social First from President Biden’s State of the Union Address?

What is the Big Social First from President Biden’s State of the Union Address?

Joe Biden is the first 80 year old president to give a state of the union address. I think he did a great job for an 80 yr old. His mantra was “finish the job” on the economy. I’m not sure what that means regarding taxing the rich, establishing unions, banning guns, reducing debt and deficits, and unemployment. The most ignorant comment was that we will need oil only 10 more years.

Feb 08, 202303:26
How Do the Chinese Spy Balloon, Covid, and Hunter Biden Stories Relate?

How Do the Chinese Spy Balloon, Covid, and Hunter Biden Stories Relate?

China’s response to the spy balloon is “woops”. They gave the same response to covid. If China was investigated for giving millions of dollars to Hunter Biden, I feel their response would be the same. Our Pentagon elites, foreign policy experts, and State Department Ivy Leaguers say, “it’s okay”. None of this is okay. The balloon should be shot down or captured, and China should answer to the origin of covid what they got from Hunter Biden.

Feb 06, 202303:20
Why is the Social Security Debate a Perfect Time to Study Socialism?

Why is the Social Security Debate a Perfect Time to Study Socialism?

Social Security is socialism. It is taking money from one group of people and giving it to another group. When you pay the tax out of your income check that is no longer your money, it is the federal government. You don’t see that money when you retire. You get money being paid by working people.

Feb 03, 202303:24
What Can We Learn from Reconstruction Era African-Americans?

What Can We Learn from Reconstruction Era African-Americans?

When the slaves were free, they were not looking for Disneyland. Their first goal was to put their families back together. Next, was to establish a church. This became the center point for their fellowship and community. And third, they believed that one could never experience freedom without education. 90% could not read or write their name. Imagine if these three things were the focus for any group today?

Feb 01, 202303:25
What is the Collateral Damage from Memphis Police Killing?

What is the Collateral Damage from Memphis Police Killing?

The collateral damage in the Memphis police killing are all the other cops. Most police are law-abiding men and women, black and white doing incredible work to the best of their ability. The press made such a media spectacle out of this. Their narrative of course is systemic racism, make police look bad, make protests look good, and federal control of local police.

Jan 30, 202303:41
Does California Suffer More from Climate Change or Garbage Government?

Does California Suffer More from Climate Change or Garbage Government?

Have you noticed the great hair of Gavin Newsom and the annual weather news coming from California? There are droughts and then there are floods from storms. Too bad they can’t collect the excess water and make it available during times of drought. Actually they can, but environmental policies make it impossible. Government regulations are hurting California way more than climate change.

Jan 27, 202303:19
How is the Debt Ceiling Crisis like Constipation?

How is the Debt Ceiling Crisis like Constipation?

If you don’t pay your bills, you get backed up, it soon becomes uncomfortable and painful. In the end it gets done. It is the same way with government spending and the debt ceiling crisis. It is political theater and a big joke. If you want to make sure there is never another debt crisis then as you budget don’t spend more than you take in.

Jan 25, 202303:11
What Crap was John Kerry, Joe Biden, and Janet Yellen Tellin Last Week?

What Crap was John Kerry, Joe Biden, and Janet Yellen Tellin Last Week?

John Kerry was at Davos promoting the idea that economic growth is bad for the environment. Joe Biden was bragging about his reducing deficits while congress began the battle over raising the debt ceiling. And Janet Yellen travels over 4000 miles to Zurich (less than 100 miles from Davos) to have a meaningless meeting with her counterpart from China. These government bureaucrats set the rules for our world but don’t live by those same rules. You wanna know where Trump supporters came from?

Jan 23, 202303:29
Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Give an Update on Her Prediction 4 yrs Ago that The World Would End From Climate Change in 12 Yrs?

Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Give an Update on Her Prediction 4 yrs Ago that The World Would End From Climate Change in 12 Yrs?

At a Martin Luther King event in New York City in 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the world was going to end in 12 years. It is obvious why kids are having nightmares about climate change and good people are choosing not to have kids. In a time when disinformation and misinformation are hurting democracy, will AOC be challenged at all?

Jan 20, 202303:23
Why Should We Feel Sick about How We Responded to Covid?

Why Should We Feel Sick about How We Responded to Covid?

Americans did not respond to the covid pandemic like we did 9/11. There was no unity or even concern for other citizens. We shamed each other and refused to question what the government did. Dr. Fauci became our personal doctor. The failure of doctors, scientists, and even the church was despicable. We need to think about all of this to prepare for the next disaster that affects the entire country.

Jan 18, 202303:50
Why Are All Americans African-Americans?

Why Are All Americans African-Americans?

Barack Obama is the first african-american president. Had he been the leader of some African countries he would have been known as the first white president. The racial labeling we practice is horrible and needs to change. In a capitalist society labeling should be merit based. Science tells us that all humanity began in Africa. This means we are all African-American.

Jan 16, 202303:35
Trump Docs vs Biden Docs - Who Wins?

Trump Docs vs Biden Docs - Who Wins?

Trump and Biden both broke federal law by leaving the White House with classified documents. Is it a big deal, probably not. It is certainly not on the level of Edward Snowden. Trump knew he had the docs and did not care what anyone thought. Biden was surprised and knew nothing. Who is surprised about that? The “what aboutism” from the press is rich.

Jan 13, 202303:27
 Am I Racist for Opposing the Michelle Obama Hiking Trail in Omnibus Bill?

Am I Racist for Opposing the Michelle Obama Hiking Trail in Omnibus Bill?

The Omnibus bill is filled with crap and waste. I am not a racist  because I oppose the Michelle Obama Hiking trail in Atlanta. I oppose my  federal tax dollars paying for a local project like this. There are  hundreds of these types of expenditures in this bill. What will it take  for Americans to wake up from their slumber regarding government  spending?

Jan 11, 202303:16
Why Do Americans Love Meghan and Harry?

Why Do Americans Love Meghan and Harry?

Harry and Meghan have left the royals in England to live among the rednecks in America. For privacy they moved to LA, hmmm. They left England because of racism and colonialism. They left the wealth of the royal family to find new wealth through books, podcasts, interviews, and Netflix. Americans love Meghan and Harry because they love America.

Jan 09, 202303:24
Why Will Joe Biden Win the 2024 Presidential Election?

Why Will Joe Biden Win the 2024 Presidential Election?

Who would vote against FDR? Americans love the endless government spending of Joe Biden. Young people love Joe Biden! 70% of Generation Z voted for Biden. But the guarantee win for Biden will come from the republican party. They are in shambles. They made no changes after midterm elections and have no message.

Jan 06, 202303:26
Why Don’t Sanctuary Cities Send Buses to the Border?

Why Don’t Sanctuary Cities Send Buses to the Border?

Sanctuary cities and states could be the answer to the illegal immigration crisis. They are mad at governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas for busing immigrants from the border to cities like New York. Why don’t the sanctuary cities send chartered buses with bathrooms and hot meals? They see it as a humanitarian crisis instead of a criminal crisis. They could be the answer.

Jan 04, 202303:26