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Unplugged Freedom

Unplugged Freedom

By Nathan

Ready to take control of your life and unlock your true potential?

The Unplugged Freedom Podcast is here to help through inspiring stories, advice, tips, tricks and actionable strategies.

We'll show you how to make decisions that are true to yourself and create a life of freedom.

We will provide you with the mindset and knowledge necessary for living up to your full potential.

Get ready to UNPLUG from society's expectations and build a life of passion and purpose.

We'll guide you on how to break free from the mundane routine and experience true freedom.
Subscribe and lets make it happen!
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I'm Sorry Ladies But You Are a Piece of S**t...

Unplugged FreedomJul 24, 2023

How Changing Your Physiology Can Help You Heal

How Changing Your Physiology Can Help You Heal

Transform Your Life: Harnessing Physiology to Overcome Pain and Embrace Growth

Dive into the world of physiology and its power to transform physical and emotional pain into personal growth. Learn about neuro-linguistic programming, the importance of vulnerability, and strategies to maintain a positive mindset.

Understanding the Power of Physiology in Dealing with Pain
In this episode, our host Nathan delves into the vital role that physiology plays in managing pain and navigating difficult situations. We explore how simple changes in our physical state can have a profound effect on our emotional well-being.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Tool for Healing and Growth
We discuss the fascinating world of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a powerful technique that can help us deal with past pain and foster personal growth. Learn how NLP can be an effective tool in your self-improvement journey.

The Value of Vulnerability: Opening Up and Sharing Feelings
Nathan emphasizes the importance of finding trusted individuals to open up to and share feelings with. Discover how vulnerability can be a strength and a pathway to emotional healing.

Staying Productive During Difficult Times
We acknowledge the challenges in maintaining focus and productivity during tough situations. Nathan shares practical tips and strategies to do your best, even when times are hard.

The Risks and Consequences of Certain Jobs
We also touch on the potential risks and consequences associated with certain jobs, providing valuable insights for those considering their career paths.

Connect with Us
For more insights and resources, visit our website at and follow our social media accounts for regular updates.

Dec 27, 202340:02
Find Your Path to True Happiness with an Open Mind

Find Your Path to True Happiness with an Open Mind

Welcome to an episode that is set to shatter your boundaries, "Find Your Path to True Happiness with an Open Mind".

If you've ever felt the urge to break free from the ordinary, this episode is your call to adventure.

This podcast episode is a journey into the unknown.

It's designed to inspire and motivate you to step out of your comfort zone and explore the vast, exciting world of possibilities that life offers.

  • Breaking Out of the Comfort Zone: We delve deep into the psychology of comfort zones - why we have them and how they limit us.

  • Embracing New Experiences: We share inspiring stories of individuals who dared to embrace the unfamiliar and the incredible growth that resulted from it.

  • Overcoming Fear and Limitations: We discuss practical strategies to face and overcome the fears and limitations that hold us back.

  • The Importance of Open-mindedness: We explore how open-mindedness can be a powerful key to unlock potentials and create a fulfilling life.

  • Redefining Success: Success is not just about material possessions. It's about personal growth, embracing new challenges, and constantly pushing our boundaries.

  • Unlocking Potential: The moment you open your mind to new ideas and possibilities, you begin to unlock the true potential of your life.

In this episode, we hope to inspire you to take the leap, leave your comfort zone, and start the journey towards a more fulfilling and adventurous life.

Remember, the first step begins with opening your mind.

Tune in and let the journey begin!

Dec 25, 202339:31
Master the Art of Listening and Boost Your Personal Development

Master the Art of Listening and Boost Your Personal Development

In this enlightening episode of our podcast, host Nathan delves into the often misunderstood skill of being a good listener.

Listening is more than just hearing words; it's about understanding and empathizing with the emotions and messages beyond those words.

Whether you're striving to improve your personal relationships or enhance your professional interactions, this episode offers valuable insights that can help transform the way you communicate.

Key Points

  1. Understanding the Misconception: Nathan kicks off by debunking myths about good listening. It's not about nodding along; it's about engaging on a deeper level.

  2. Surface-level Listening: The episode explores the pitfalls of surface-level listening, where focus is only on the spoken words, neglecting non-verbal cues like tone and body language.

  3. Listening Beyond Words: Learn how to pay attention to the unsaid. Understand that tone, body language, and silence can convey as much, if not more, than words.

  4. Recognizing Patterns and Inconsistencies: Dive into the importance of noticing behavioral patterns and inconsistencies in speech. These can reveal hidden thoughts and emotions.

  5. The Impact of Biases: Nathan discusses how biases can affect our ability to listen effectively. Learn how to listen without judgment, even when you disagree.

  6. Building Trust through Listening: Discover how good listening skills can foster trust, making others feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts and feelings freely.

Key Takeaway

Being a good listener is an art that requires practice and patience. It's about understanding, empathy, and creating a safe space for open communication. By incorporating these principles into your daily interactions, you can enhance your relationships and impact others positively.

Call to Action

Start applying these principles today! Practice active listening, observe non-verbal cues, and strive for understanding without judgment. Remember, the journey to becoming a better listener is ongoing, but every step you take brings you closer to making a positive difference in your personal and professional life. Tune in to this episode to get started on your journey now!

Dec 20, 202342:60
If You're Ever Going Through Something, Keep Going

If You're Ever Going Through Something, Keep Going

Whatever you may be going through, this too shall pass.
Dec 18, 202356:22
Let's Talk More About Heartbreak...

Let's Talk More About Heartbreak...

It's something I'd never wish upon my worst enemy.

Dec 16, 202339:18
Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence...

Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence...

If you are not using AI, you will be left behind.
Aug 28, 202328:07
It's okay to be single and be happy...

It's okay to be single and be happy...

Relationships are one of my favorite topics, mainly because people are weird in them or about them.

In today's episode you will hear some great advice to help you live your best and happiest life.
Aug 26, 202355:16
I'm Sorry Ladies But You Are a Piece of S**t...

I'm Sorry Ladies But You Are a Piece of S**t...

Episode Summary: After a three-month hiatus, Nathan is back with another episode of the Unplugged Freedom Podcast. In this episode, he addresses a common question that many women have: "Where are all the good guys?" Nathan shares his perspective on this issue and highlights that often, it's not about the lack of good guys but rather how they are treated in relationships.

He questions why men would invest time, energy, and emotion into relationships when they're often treated poorly or left feeling used. He explores how this treatment can lead to negative behaviors and attitudes among men, including manipulation.

Key Points:

  1. Many women express frustration about not finding good guys and often encounter men that they perceive as disrespectful or not up to their standards.
  2. NathaKey Points:
    1. Many women express frustration about not finding good guys and often encounter men that they perceive as disrespectful or not up to their standards.
    2. Nathan emphasizes that his perspective is from a man's point of view and acknowledges that he may not be aware of the challenges women face in dating.
    3. He suggests that some women unknowingly contribute to the problem by not treating men fairly in relationships. This treatment can lead to men becoming disheartened and jaded, which may affect their behavior in future relationships.
    4. Nathan discusses the potential harm caused by ghosting or abruptly ending relationships without explanation. This behavior can leave men feeling confused, hurt, and less likely to invest time and emotional energy into future relationships.
    5. He concludes by urging listeners to reflect on their own behavior in relationships and consider how it might impact others.
    6. Nathan observes that many men feel disheartened by negative experiences in relationships, which can result in them being less invested in future interactions.
    7. He discusses the damaging effects of ghosting and how it can leave men feeling undervalued after investing time and effort into a relationship.
    8. Nathan challenges the notion that all men are the same and urges listeners to consider how their actions can shape others' behaviors.
    9. He questions why men would continue to be respectful and invest in relationships when they often experience poor treatment.
    10. Nathan shares his personal experiences and observations, highlighting the struggles men face in the dating scene and the emotional toll it can take.
    11. He concludes by encouraging self-awareness and empathy in relationships, urging listeners not to hurt others intentionally.

    Quote of the Episode: "Why would a guy be such a way when he is genuinely interested, he is genuinely developing feelings, and then all of a sudden he gets the rug pulled out on him and then treated like an absolute piece of trash." - Nathan

    "If you hurt somebody intentionally who doesn't deserve it, you are an absolute piece of garbage of a human being. I want you to know that." - Nathan

    "Why would somebody invest the time and energy and the emotional energy into something when they could just very well be treated like a piece of shit?" - Nathan

Jul 24, 202352:25
Why Your Relationship Is Going To End

Why Your Relationship Is Going To End

Welcome to the Unplugged Freedom podcast! In this episode, I will be discussing the topic of relationships and what signs to look out for before getting into one. By being able to recognize these signs, you'll be able to find higher quality partners and cultivate deeper connections in your relationships.

We'll cover topics such as self-awareness, compatibility and emotional readiness that you should consider before deciding to enter a relationship. I will be sharing some tips and tricks that will help you navigate the dating world with more confidence and clarity.

So join me today on the Unplugged Freedom podcast, and discover how to make better decisions when it comes to your love life. Tune in now to improve your relationship journey and find the happiness and fulfillment you deserve!
Apr 06, 202301:08:36
pt. 3 - Life Lessons From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.m4a

pt. 3 - Life Lessons From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.m4a

Are you ready to embark on an incredible journey of discovery and spiritual enlightenment?

Join me in Part 3, as I explore Paulo Coelho's life-changing masterpiece, The Alchemist, in today's podcast episode.

This beloved novel has captured my heart and soul, offering valuable insights that resonate profoundly with our personal experiences and aspirations.

Through Santiago's journey, we will unlock the wisdom of The Alchemist that will undoubtedly change our lives for the better.

Unlocking this timeless wisdom can open up a world of possibility - from profound self-reflection to finding true purpose in life - as we make this journey together.

Join me now to explore the life lessons that Santiago uncovers on his journey and discover why The Alchemist is truly a guiding light in my own life.

It will undoubtedly inspire each one of us with its universal truths!
Mar 26, 202345:34
pt. 2 - What life lessons does Santiago learn in The Alchemist?

pt. 2 - What life lessons does Santiago learn in The Alchemist?

Get ready to embark on an incredible journey with me as we continue to explore Paulo Coelho's life-changing masterpiece, The Alchemist, in today's podcast episode. This book has captured my heart and soul, and I'm thrilled to share it with you, diving deep into the life lessons that our protagonist, Santiago, uncovers on his incredible odyssey. As we read through the pages of this beloved novel, we discover valuable insights that resonate profoundly with our personal experiences and aspirations. The Alchemist has truly been a guiding light in my own life, and I have no doubt that it will inspire each and every one of our listeners with its mesmerizing storytelling, rich characters, and universal lessons. Join me on this exciting adventure through the world of Santiago, as we uncover the wisdom of The Alchemist that will undoubtedly change our lives for the better.
Mar 19, 202351:38
Unfortunately, Mental Illness Is Still The New Normal

Unfortunately, Mental Illness Is Still The New Normal

In today's world, it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the terrifying reality that mental illness is skyrocketing into the realm of "the new normal." You only have to look at the highest seat of power in the country to find a heartrending example: a dementia-riddled president, desperately trying to cobble together the pieces of a crumbling nation, all while an army of mentally disturbed individuals blindly support and praise his every move. It begs the question, how can we place our trust in someone who may be losing their grip on reality? Our precious children, the future of society, are being led down a treacherous path as well, as schools openly coerce impressionable youth into taking hormone-altering drugs, partaking in irreversible surgeries, and diving headfirst into a murky pool of indecision — all in the name of "gender identity." The sinister shadow of mental illness has fully entrenched itself within the tapestry of our collective existence, and it seems that we are helpless to do anything but watch it slowly drag us further down into chaos.
Mar 17, 202342:06
Ladies, It’s Time to Ditch the Makeup and Start Embracing Your True Self! Makeup Doesn’t Define Beauty – Your Natural Self Does!

Ladies, It’s Time to Ditch the Makeup and Start Embracing Your True Self! Makeup Doesn’t Define Beauty – Your Natural Self Does!

Are you fed up with spending thousands of dollars on makeup? Say goodbye to toxic ingredients, expensive products, and caked-on concealer! Ladies, it’s time to start embracing your true self. Natural beauty isn’t about layers of foundation or eyeshadow – it’s about letting the real you shine through. Our podcast explores why adhering to an exhausting makeup routine isn't necessary for people to experience natural beauty. Your skin is beautiful just the way it is – embrace that today! Together we'll examine how conventional standards of beauty can create unrealistic expectations that leave many women feeling inadequate and unattractive without a face full of makeup. We will also discuss healthier alternatives for achieving healthy, glowing skin without piling on a ton of cosmetics every morning in order to feel confident going about your day. Tune into our podcast now and uncover what true natural beauty really looks like!
Mar 15, 202301:03:59
Life can be unpredictable, but stay focused on what matters most to you & don’t give up on your dreams!

Life can be unpredictable, but stay focused on what matters most to you & don’t give up on your dreams!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by life? 

You’re not alone—even if it feels that way right now. With the right tools and mindset, it is possible to remain focused on the things that are most important to you while still achieving your goals. 

Imagine what taking control of your life would look like – building a career or business based on what fulfills and excites you, staying connected with family and friends who really matter, making time for hobbies or personal projects that light up your soul….this can be reality if only you take the first step! 

Don’t let another day slip away – join us today as we learn how to prioritize meaning in our lives so we can live our dreams! Listen to todays episode!

Feb 27, 202301:03:10
Pt. 1 - Life Lessons Learned From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Pt. 1 - Life Lessons Learned From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is my favourite book probably of all time and in today's episode I want to talk I want to read through the book and share the life lessons that are within it and hopefully you'll be able to see why I really love this book so much The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho it is absolutely life-changing I have read it so many times and I highly recommend it to anybody
Feb 14, 202358:50
MOTIVATION - What is the best possible way to live life?

MOTIVATION - What is the best possible way to live life?

The best possible way to live life is to embrace it fully and passionately. Live with purpose, enthusiasm, and an open heart. Do not be afraid to take risks or make mistakes, as both can lead to great things - successes, learning experiences, and moments of connection with those around you. Make connections with people and honor the strength that relationships can bring. Invest in yourself through education or a personal development journey of your own choosing. Live each day fully, seizing the opportunities before you and looking for ways to make a positive difference in the world around you. When faced with obstacles or hardships, choose resilience and courage; look at them as challenges to be overcome rather than roadblocks that could derail you from your dreams. Openly accept and appreciate the beauty of life to find joy even in difficult circumstances or times of change. Above all else, nourish yourself with love and kindness as those are essential ingredients for a good life!
Feb 14, 202330:51
MINDSET - How To Overcome Depression and Anxiety

MINDSET - How To Overcome Depression and Anxiety

People often make excuses for themselves to get out of tough situations or in order to gain attention, and many have resorted to claiming some sort of mental illness as their excuse. Unfortunately, too many don't realize they are just using it as a crutch and aren't actually suffering from any true psychological condition. Whether it be depression, anxiety, ADHD, or anything else; these so-called illnesses are often nothing more than an easy way out. Mental illnesses should not be taken lightly as they are real medical conditions that can have serious consequences if left untreated, but it's important to try and differentiate between those who suffer from them and those who use mental illness as an excuse.
Feb 11, 202346:21
WARNING The Great Debt Reset Program Is Coming

WARNING The Great Debt Reset Program Is Coming

The great debt reset program has already started to take effect, and the repercussions will be felt across the entire world. It's easy to put off preparing for it while everything still seems okay, but the effects of this program are growing stronger by the day. Those who fail to get ahead of this initiative and safeguard their finances could find themselves wiped out in a matter of months or even weeks. Prepare now for the worst-case scenario, otherwise you may be left helpless when the dominoes begin to fall and the world falls into chaos. This isn't something that should be taken lightly - secure your finances today and protect yourself from harm tomorrow.
Feb 10, 202333:54
How To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month

How To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month

In this day and age, an extra $1,000 could drastically improve many people's lives. With the state of the economy, many Americans have been struggling to pay their bills and take care of their families. An additional thousand dollars would provide much-needed financial relief to those who are facing difficult times. If you're interested in learning how to make that money a reality, tune in to our latest podcast! We discuss the various ways one can make an extra thousand dollars, and with actionable advice, you could be on track to adding more monetary value to your life faster than you think. Don't miss out on the discussion that might just change your life forever!
Feb 08, 202354:39
!!CAUTION!! The Best Relationship Advice You Need To Hear!

!!CAUTION!! The Best Relationship Advice You Need To Hear!

We all know that relationships are hard, but we don't have to suffer in silence.

Most people think that there is something wrong with them because their relationships don't look like the ones they see on TV or social media.

The Unplugged Freedom podcast is here to help. In this weekly podcast, relationship Nathan Isaac will help you understand yourself better so that you can have the relationship that you always wanted.
Feb 04, 202301:47:55
Why I Turned Down $100,000 PART 2

Why I Turned Down $100,000 PART 2

Many people were faced with a big decision, here's how I handled it
Jan 14, 202330:31
Why I Turned Down $100,000 in 2021 PART 1

Why I Turned Down $100,000 in 2021 PART 1

In 2021, I was faced with a situation that could have resulted in gaining $100,000. However, because of certain circumstances that came with this money, I gladly turned it down.
Jan 14, 202359:60
Being a Native American in Canada and Growing My Hair...

Being a Native American in Canada and Growing My Hair...

People don't know what growing up in Northern Canada is like for a native American kid.

The way you're looked at and judged.

People really have no idea.

But it's not there fault. It's what the government has led them to believe.

It's because of the history and how the government wants to keep it swept under the rug.

Here's a story of how the journey of growing my hair was to overcome many internal beliefs, insecurities and fears.

To many people it may be just hair, but to me it is a journey of overcoming challenges and growth to being a better man.
Nov 25, 202258:59
Why Retirement is a Joke...

Why Retirement is a Joke...

For most people, retirement is the light at the end of the tunnel. It's the final goal to strive for after years of hard work. But what if retirement is a joke? What if it's not everything it's cracked up to be? In fact, retirement may be one of the worst things that can happen to you. First, there's the financial aspect. Retirement account balances have been shrinking for years, and Social Security is in danger of being insolvent. That means retirees are increasingly reliant on their savings, which can quickly dwindle if they're not careful. And then there's the health aspect. Studies have shown that retirement can lead to physical and mental decline, as well as increased loneliness and isolation. So what does that all mean? It means that you shouldn't live your life hoping and counting down the days until you retire. Instead, you should focus on finding a job that you love and making the most of every day. Who knows? You might just find that retirement is a joke after all.
Sep 14, 202252:22
EMOTIONAL:( Have you ever experienced heartbreak?

EMOTIONAL:( Have you ever experienced heartbreak?

It's been a while.
Sep 13, 202252:14
Is Your Life Already Pre-Planned By a Higher Power?

Is Your Life Already Pre-Planned By a Higher Power?

Many people believe that our life path is already planned out and that we are just following the steps that have been laid out for us. Others believe that we have the power to create our own destiny. There is evidence to support both sides of this debate. On one hand, there are many stories of people who have had very specific visions or prophecies about their future, which came true. On the other hand, there are also many stories of people who took a completely different path than what was expected of them and ended up having a very successful and fulfilling life. So, what is the truth? It is probably somewhere in the middle. While it is possible that our life path is already planned, it is also possible that we have the power to direct our life as well.

What do you think?
Apr 17, 202247:20
How To Experience True Freedom Doing What You Love, Even If You Have No Idea What You Want To Do

How To Experience True Freedom Doing What You Love, Even If You Have No Idea What You Want To Do

Last week I was held out of service and placed on unpaid leave by the company I was working for… honestly I’m so glad.

A week later I set out on a journey that if you would have told me a week ago I would have thought you were crazy.

But here I am…

For the next 41 days this will be my new home, my new adventure.

I hope you’ll join me on this new journey and let’s change the word together 🇨🇦👊
Nov 24, 202152:16
A Shift Is Happening In The Truth Movement, and It Is Amazing.

A Shift Is Happening In The Truth Movement, and It Is Amazing.

Gone are the days of the Patrick King's and Chris Sky's. Those turkeys had their reign of terror but we don't need their idiocracy anymore. As this war has progressed, a new leader was needed. A true type of leader. I'm excited to see these hero's come out because they are much needed
Nov 06, 202142:53
Conversation With The Enemy
Oct 21, 202143:02
Unplugged Freedom YouTube / Instagram / Telegram

Unplugged Freedom YouTube / Instagram / Telegram

I will be posting different content to my YouTube Instagram and Telegram channels. So be sure to check them out so you don't miss anything. I don't want to be censored again on them so I will be changing some things up to hopefully not be censored. Hope you enjoy.
Sep 28, 202120:46
Brainwashed Zombies Have Such An Easy Life...

Brainwashed Zombies Have Such An Easy Life...

Sometimes I stop and look at the brainwashed Zombies and see that they really have it so good. Their life is so easy and nothing to worry about. They don't have to think about how their life will look in 3 years or 30 years.
Sep 28, 202138:09
Patrick King Releases His Transcripts and It Is Embarassing

Patrick King Releases His Transcripts and It Is Embarassing

Patrick King is like the idiot that keeps on giving. I can't help but make a podcast on this tool because he makes it too easy. Now the best part, not only have I been saying that this guy is an idiot, we now have it in writing that this guy has no clue about anything he's talking about and is nothing more than a delusional clown. He's an embarrassment to the truth movement and us only doing more harm than good. Don't just take it from me, but download the transcripts yourself to see exactly what I am saying. It's embarassing and hilarious at the same time. The only nail in the coffin was to this guy making these public for the world to see them.
Sep 14, 202133:00
Do It Even If You Don't Feel Like It

Do It Even If You Don't Feel Like It

Sometimes it can be tough on certain days to do the things we set out to do. We may wake up and make up a million excuses. Don't give into those excuses because they can be sneaky. We need to push past them and fuel ourselves with motivation to get out there and just do it.
Sep 14, 202111:60
Vaxxine Passport in British Columbia Canada

Vaxxine Passport in British Columbia Canada

Today is the very first day of Vaxxine Passport in British Columbia, Canada. How exciting. At least we all know that everyone who flashed their passport to get into a restaurant is an idiot. So they can enjoy it all
Sep 13, 202144:31
We Cannot Keep Giving Into The Corrupt System

We Cannot Keep Giving Into The Corrupt System

People keep giving in to the system and the evil agenda that is unfolding, and it's not making things better. We must not accept the corrupt mandates that go against so many human rights. We are headed for a storm, it's going to get ugly, but in the end what side were you on. What message are you going to give to your children...
Sep 12, 202132:07
Change Your State and Change Your Life

Change Your State and Change Your Life

In Today's episode we talk about a skill that when you learn it, you can use it all throughout your life and it will forever come in handy whenever you need to use it. I learned it from Tony Robbins and also Chloe Madanes. It is sometimes called or referred to as Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP. It's a skill that I will forever cherish and have in my toolbox for kicking ass and taking names.
Sep 09, 202151:30
F*ck Your Masks And Say NO

F*ck Your Masks And Say NO

Here in Canada we have brought back the masks and honestly I am not doing it. They do nothing and are stupid. If your Pokes don't work, then what makes you think masks will. Sorry and if you want to judge me for not having one and date ask me what my exemption is, you can go to hell
Sep 07, 202136:57
Creating The Unstoppable Mindset For Success

Creating The Unstoppable Mindset For Success

If there's one thing you want to master, it's your mindset. Many people are reactive to their life experiences and emotions or thoughts. They are not directly in control of them and have developed bad habits that don't do them any good for their life. In today's episode I'll share some ideas and thoughts as to why mastering your mindset is so important to your personal success.
Sep 04, 202141:16
Master Your Breathing and You'll Master Your Life

Master Your Breathing and You'll Master Your Life

Many people don't realize how important our breathe really is. We take it for granted. Why? Because we never have to think about it, it just happens. What if we were more aware of it and in control of it, what could we accomplish? In today's episode I share with you why breathing is so important and why you should pay more attention to yours.
Sep 03, 202117:44
Are We Headed For An Iceberg? Will you go down with the ship....
Sep 03, 202138:01
The Biggest Game of Chicken Happening Right Now....
Sep 03, 202123:60
Stop Calling Patrick King Controlled Opposition
Aug 31, 202151:17
Life Is Happening For You... Never forget this.
Aug 14, 202142:06
Patrick King Is a Loser Spreading False Information
Aug 13, 202139:29
It's almost time to be worried if you're not protected...
Aug 05, 202147:21
Truthers are some of the dumbest people around...
Jul 24, 202101:25:05
Why you should leave your relationship to finally be happy!
Jul 16, 202101:02:42
What's Your Price To Sell Your Soul...?
Jul 10, 202134:45
Canada's Mass Genocide of Native American Children
Jul 05, 202101:29:41
Proud To Finally Be Vaccinated! - Uplugged Freedom Podcast
Jun 23, 202121:39