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By Verena Voelter, MD

We need a fundamental change in health care: mindset, incentives & personal leadership styles. Only if the top 5 actors start breaking down silos and choose to work together, can we master the digital transformation and value-based health care revolution for better health to all! Giving everyone a voice is at the core of this podcast: providers - pharma - payers - policy - patients. Co-creating novel solutions and overcoming barriers to cooperation is what we aim to deliver at For further reading, we invite all interested listeners to check-out
Currently playing episode

#LetsTalkValue with Craig Horbinski: Views from a neuropathologist on the importance of trust & communication

#LetsTalkValueFeb 06, 2022

Digital Health Strategy for Patient Centricity with Rado Andrian

Digital Health Strategy for Patient Centricity with Rado Andrian

This is a unique episode bringing a Digital Health Strategist to the podium. Rado endorses that digital is always a means to an end and not a means on itself - it helps health care professionals do their job better. It doesn't replace doctors or nurses, but can help them do their job better by bringing back time to the doctor-patient relationship and carving out nuisance admin bureaucracy. Co-creating digital innovation enforces collaboration - "we've been living too long in silos". Now, digital technology is a vector to capture insights and to bring in more perspective from all actors along the 5P value chain.

Apr 28, 202422:14
LetsTalkValue with Dr Jörg Goldhahn: creating value together with the NextGen of Medical Leaders

LetsTalkValue with Dr Jörg Goldhahn: creating value together with the NextGen of Medical Leaders

Today is a special episode very close to our podcast host's Verena Voelter's heart: Shaping a new culture of collaboration for and with young emerging doctors. No better guest than the Medical director of the Swiss based ETH school of bachelor medicine.

We discuss on both the system needs to create fertile environments to encourage creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, couple with the next generation of MDs picking up on these opportunites and become more pro-active in solution-finding and creativity.

This is an episode filled with practical example of what a modern Medical curriculum looks like! A must-hear for all Medical students, PhDs, residents and beyond (and teachers and lecturers as well for that matter)

Mar 25, 202419:48
*50* celebrating 50 episode of #LetsTalkValue with Collaborative Value Generation featuring Nienke Feenstra

*50* celebrating 50 episode of #LetsTalkValue with Collaborative Value Generation featuring Nienke Feenstra

Today we welcome one of our favorite guests and experts on the collaboration scene in health care --> Nienke Feenstra, GM Takeda in France. She was also recently featured at our #5PFlagship2023 event (direct link to the post production video here)

In this anniversary episode we're discussing practical ways, tips and tricks, on how to build bridges among key players along the 5P value chain: pharma - policy - provider - patients. It's a must-have for anyone who wants to get inspired that change in healthcare is indeed possible through a deep mindset and culture shift.

Mar 10, 202418:25
Learning from the best in #VBHC: Culture change for patient-centric health care

Learning from the best in #VBHC: Culture change for patient-centric health care

This episode is featuring the world's best clinic for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer - Dr Detlef Loppow @Martiniklinik is sharing the podium with our host Dr Verena Voelter, CEO 5P Health Care Solutions. A few sound bites that make this a unique opportunity to hear live from this leader in value-based health care transformation:

  • mindset is key: people need to be enthusiastic about their field
  • culture change: incentivize on outcomes "what can I do better for my patients today?"
  • get the right people join the journey: recruitment and retention of key talent (doctors, nurses) and invest in creating new roles that are critical for VBHC success (case managers, care coordinators, IT specialists, data scientists, statisticians)

What can everyone do get started with a pilot? Start collecting data! Start by asking what do you want to change and collect these outcomes. This is what the Martiniklinik started doing in 1992 before it was even baptised and founded in 2004. Tune-in and share your thoughts. As always, feel free to like, share and engage.

Feb 05, 202425:33
LetsTalkValue with Medical Communication Professional Robert Matheis

LetsTalkValue with Medical Communication Professional Robert Matheis

Value in health care defined as <<bringing stakeholders together - early on - defining what best outcomes to achieve>>. There couldn't be a better way than to kickoff this 6th season of our LetsTalkValue podcast series, today with Rob Matheis, CEO of IMSPP. We speak about how linear & insular ways of working of the past have been replaced by connected & holistic cross-functional ways of working. Tune-in to hear how Rob brings in real-life example on how to make it happen. We also speak about the value of real-word data and patient-reported outcomes #RWD #PRO - two buzzwords these days that in our view belong into any comprehensive evidence generation plan early on! This episode isn't only a must for all SciComm and Publishing people, but anyone working in matrix teams as well as product development.

Jan 18, 202420:38
LetsTalkValue with Thomas Hefti, Angel investor

LetsTalkValue with Thomas Hefti, Angel investor

Today we look at the value chain from an early Startup perspective: innovation happens at the intersections, often between academia and business. This is where Thomas comes in. He emphasizes the importance of the '6th P' - which is passion. For a decision to be made on investments, the person presenting makes much to tip in favor. Show the passion, have a stake and show us how your Startup idea will change the lives of those who will use it. Go and talk to your endusers early and test it out! This works particularly well in the MedTech and Digital Health space. As a Startup leader, build your 'biotope' with various actors, don't only stay in your own tech space, and build a relationship anchored on purpose and trust with your investor community.

A must-hear episode for anyone working in the Startup space!

Nov 14, 202316:26
LetsTalkValue with Jennifer Clawson: patient centricity what does that really mean?

LetsTalkValue with Jennifer Clawson: patient centricity what does that really mean?

Curious about the link between individual focus on patient outcomes and improved system efficiencies and cost reduction? Then this is your episode! Listen to Boston Consulting Group's Jennifer Clawson, who leads their VBHC practice there, as she shares insights from her recently published book. As always, please share, like and engage to spread the word about #valuebasedhealthcare

Oct 27, 202322:24
LetsTalkValue with Dr Lesniak - working across intersections and transparent conversations

LetsTalkValue with Dr Lesniak - working across intersections and transparent conversations

Managing different departments such as a clinical surgery department and a translational science group comes with its peculiar challenges. Dr Lesniak discusses his approach by telling us that it's really key to speak everyone's particular language - being a doctor seeing patients or a scientist working at a bench - comes with very different realities, pressures, and vocabulary. You need meet the people where they are. This also includes non-verbal components such as a way you show up given a business or a research context. #interests #relationships

We also discuss the importance of regular, privileged conferences where clinicians can discuss surgery cases in a transparent and honest way. Accepting everyone can make mistakes, but understanding the root causes to it, is what Dr Lesniak reminds us the airlines industry is doing very well. No reason why healthcare can't do the same. It's a critical piece in the #vbhc transformation: report in a transparent way the outcomes of patients.

Creating a culture of trust is what health care leaders can do along the the #5P value chain: providers - pharma - payers - policy - patients. Reach Dr Lesniak here

Oct 11, 202318:40
LetsTalkValue with Dr Zeev Neuwirth and his latest book 'Beyond The Walls'

LetsTalkValue with Dr Zeev Neuwirth and his latest book 'Beyond The Walls'

A deeply humanistic, practical, and specific book about the change that is possible in health care. Honored to welcome back Dr Neuwirth to the podium as we share similar deep conviction that change is indeed possible and we can pull back to the surface our intrinsic motivation to serve others - true for anyone working in health care. What does value mean to Zeev? Health and Experience on the journey to maintain and regain that health. Parts of it are also happening at home and parts of it are happening at the intersections of that patient journey. Tune in to this wonderful episode if you want to listen to the author as he gives a glimpse to the chapters and the practical guides you can expect when reading or listening to it.

Sep 27, 202330:54
LetsTalkValue: Collaborative Drug Development in discussion with Michele Schmidt, BSN, MPH

LetsTalkValue: Collaborative Drug Development in discussion with Michele Schmidt, BSN, MPH

"You need to keep it front and center when you go to work every morning", says Michele Schmidt when she speaks on how much the focus on the patient is her North Star since she started her career as a nurse. We are talking about how we can move our mindset away from seeing barriers towards igniting opportunities for joint problem solving across the 5Ps. We discuss ample real-life examples from public-private partnerships in health care such as between academic study groups and pharmaceutical companies. Pro-actively reaching out to people outside of our comfort zone is a key success factor, be it regulators like the FDA or payers in various countries. Don't miss this episode to hear from a professional who knows how to manage matrix teams across functions - small and large!

May 03, 202324:39
LetsTalkValue with Tourane Corbière: Partnering with Patients *NEW: in French

LetsTalkValue with Tourane Corbière: Partnering with Patients *NEW: in French

Very excited to launch this first episode in French ! Bonjour Tourane qui nous parle de l'importance de la voix des patients dans la prise en charge dans le système de santé. Elle nous donne des idées concrètes comment améliorer notre prise de conscience autour des vrais besoins des patients.

Mar 08, 202319:05
Celebrating 40th Episode #LetsTalkValue with Dr Sanja Tomovska: The Importance of the Health Continuum

Celebrating 40th Episode #LetsTalkValue with Dr Sanja Tomovska: The Importance of the Health Continuum

*** Celebrating 40 episodes of #LetsTalkValue ***

What a  better topic than discussing the entire health lifespan: from earlylife to terminal care, from diagnosis to therapy, and from prevention to full cycle health care. Sanja is the best positioned to discuss this with us: how longevity topics impact not only a person's life, but society as a whole. Under the megatrends of #aging, #demographic changes, and increasing #chronic diseases, being able to predict and adapt behaviors early on are not only a nice-to-have. They are critical aspects for the decades to come. Make sure to tune into this very special episode. As always, if you like it, please like it ! Share and subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss any new releases.

PS if you like to browse all episodes, please consult our website at

Feb 07, 202321:59
LetsTalkValue with Dean Cornelli: The Intersection of Science and Business

LetsTalkValue with Dean Cornelli: The Intersection of Science and Business

Welcome back to the 4th season of #LetsTalkValue ! Who's better suited than Prof Francesca Cornelli who has spent a life-time career on building bridges across sectors and fostering the human touch in working together. Listen into this episode where we discuss how the intersection between scientists and business leaders can be managed towards productive outputs. Indeed, it's so much needed in today's fast-paced, digital and hypercomplex and disruptive world. It's only by understanding each other, meeting each other with humility and curiosity that leaders can co-create new innovation at the intersections of teams. You do not want to miss to listen to Dean Cornelli's passionate storytelling and views on what a school like Kellogg has to offer ! As always, if you like it, please like it, share and spread the word and subscribe to this podcast series.

Jan 26, 202322:01
LetsTalkValue: Empathy & Assertiveness for Medical Leaders with Marieke Jonkman

LetsTalkValue: Empathy & Assertiveness for Medical Leaders with Marieke Jonkman

Emotional barriers are one of the top blockers to effective negotiation. Marieke Jonkman, PharmD knows what she is talking about when she recounts her experiences as a Medical Affairs Leader in the pharmaceutical industry. She offers her emotional intelligence trainings within her Medical Affairs Leadership Institute and in this episode of #LetsTalkValue podcast, she provides us with a glimpse into her work on how medical leaders are among the best positioned to drive intersectoral dialogue across the 5Ps: pharma, providers, payers, policy and patients. Don't miss out and make sure to share, like and pick up on the theme if you enjoyed the content.

Oct 26, 202220:33
LetsTalkValue with Prof Ana Paula Etges: paying for outcomes that matter
Oct 06, 202222:02
LetsTalkValue with Dr. Ahunna: digital solutions to drive better patient outcomes

LetsTalkValue with Dr. Ahunna: digital solutions to drive better patient outcomes

Value-Based Health Care is a buzz word to many. Making it real is what this episode is about: Ahunna Okwubunka-Anyim, MD MBA is the Medical director of IORA Health and a passionata about #VBHC and #DIGITALHEALTH. She beautifully explains in simple words and around practical patient examples what the current disaster of silo-mentality and lack of interoperability produces: poor patient outcomes and burned out health care workers. She describes how Apps, integrated EHRs, and DTx (digital therapeutics) can make the shared decision making in multidisciplinary teams a reality. It's not only an intuitively right thing to do, but leads to saving costs, too. A topic I will discuss in the next episode. As always, if you like this episode and the series, please share, like and subscribe here and for the video version on our YouTube Channel 5P Health Care News.

Sep 21, 202223:31
LetsTalkValue with Prof. Gilles Salles: running successful consortia in science and medicine

LetsTalkValue with Prof. Gilles Salles: running successful consortia in science and medicine

Welcome back to this 3rd season in the fall 2022. I cannot imagine a better kickoff than welcoming Gilles Salles on the podium. An accomplished clinician researcher, group leader and cancer doctor, he shares some of his wisdom of running successful collaborations. Across continents, across silos in health care and always for the North Star of delivering better therapies and therefore more value to patients. His recommendations are simple: be clear on mutual expectations, define & repeat a common goal, and always put that common purpose above your own interests. The magic formula? 1+1=3 at least ! Secondly, a gentle reminder that phenomenal success in cancer care, namely lymphoma care, has only been possible through collaboration across science and industry. He gives a kudos to all of us in the 5P ecosystem - and I join him with that salute. A not-to-miss for any researcher, clinician, patient and pharma leader.

Aug 28, 202221:07
2 YR ANNIVERSARY 5P Health Care Solutions® and #LetsTalkValue with 5P experts

2 YR ANNIVERSARY 5P Health Care Solutions® and #LetsTalkValue with 5P experts

Delivering outcomes that matter and results that are important to patients is not only the right thing to do, but also the key to unlock value for all actors along the 5P value chain: providers - pharma - payers - policy - and patients. However, rising costs, unbearable inefficiencies and waning quality are getting in our way. The only way to master these hurdles is by breaking down silos and by building bridges through cooperation. It an honor to welcome five top experts and health care agents to discuss ways to make this a reality. You don't want to miss this episode as we say "Don't take No! for an answer". If you liked, as always, please share and follow so that we can grow the community of practice. Let's Dance !


Hanna Boëthius, Diabetes Patient Expert

Dr Pascal Deschaseaux, CEO NewClin

Dr Nicolas Leupin, CMO Molecular Partners

Dr Katrin Rupalla, CEO Yummobio

Nakisa Serry, LLM, JD, MBA and GC Galderma

Jun 25, 202251:46
#LetsTalkValue with Charles Barker: the 7 Steps to Effective Collaboration
Jun 07, 202242:30
#LetsTalkValue on precision medicine & smart clinical trials with Nicolas Leupin

#LetsTalkValue on precision medicine & smart clinical trials with Nicolas Leupin

We all know what our issue is: waste in the system. Inefficiencies are driving cost, poor patient outcomes and frustration with all key actors: providers, pharma, payers, policymakers & patients. Today, I am excited to talk with Dr Nicolas Leupin (CMO at Molecular Partners) about his notion of value & the key to overcome waste. "People need to talk to each other!" he tells me when he explains that we collectively need to ask the right questions to the right people. Often they sit outside of our own expertise though. Drug developers talking to doctors, to software & data engineers ('don't forget the IT guy!'), data privacy lawyers, patients & payers at the same time! When did you do that for the last time? It's about courage & creativity to take action. But foremost, it's about trust, Nicolas reminds us. Put the patient at the center of your interest. Don't forget to ask them early when you design a trial - you may miss your goal and spend a lot of money. "Patient poor. Data rich" is his mantra to maximize as little as needed patients in a clinical trial while utilizing as much of pre-existing data as possible. For this to happen, what we need are effective software intraoperability and trustworthy partnerships. Like this episode? Don't forget to like wherever you saw our series.

Apr 28, 202221:08
#LetsTalkValue "Prozessoptimierung am Patientenpfad" mit Björn Zeien

#LetsTalkValue "Prozessoptimierung am Patientenpfad" mit Björn Zeien

Heute wieder eine Ausgabe auf deutsch. Björn ist seit mehr als 2 Jahrzehnten ein ausgiebigerer Netzwerker, der im Grossen & Ganzen denkt und dementsprechend handelt. «Sektoren haben keine Berechtigung mehr. Sie finden nicht mehr statt.» Um die gefragten Akteure aus den 5P an den Schnittstellen zusammenzubringen, hat er deshalb das health_h Netzwerk aus Experten im Gesundheitswesen gegründet.  «Netzwerken ist das Finden von Andersdenkenden.» Um die Probleme der heutigen Zeit zu lösen, stellt er treffend fest: «man sich fortan mit Personen auseinandersetzen, die man gar nicht kennt. Bislang kannte man sich innerhalb seiner eigenen Zunft, das war bequem!» Im hyperkomplexen Gesundheitswesen geht es jedoch nur, wenn Alle an einem Strick ziehen. «Es ist völlig egal, ob ein Problem aufgetreten ist. Es geht darum, den gesamten Prozess entlang des Patientenpfades zu analysieren. Es geht nicht um das Produkt (aka es zu verkaufen), sondern darum, was vorher & nachher passiert.» Sehr spannend! Es lohnt sich, denn Björn hat einige konkrete Beispiele parat. Wenn Euch diese Episode gefällt, danken wir Euch für Eure Unterstützung durch liken & sharen.

Apr 10, 202222:23
#LetsTalkValue with Caitlin Masters, a practical expert on value-based care from the provider & payer perspective

#LetsTalkValue with Caitlin Masters, a practical expert on value-based care from the provider & payer perspective

Value emerges when we collaborate to success, united in a common purpose. What a wonderful summary from someone who has done this in real-life: in this session, Caitlin Masters, MPH, shares her learnings from implementing outcomes-based reward models in team-based care models both in the provider & payer worlds. Her keys to success? 1) align on single payment policies, don't leave the patient outside of the care; 2) readjust power balance and invest in education & health literacy to patients and other stakeholders; consider the 'whole' person - medical, behaviors, socioeconomic; 3) modernize reimbursement structures. We speak about how we can open sealed doors, with payers and others. 'Help me understand how I can help you' is a magic door opener to collaborative, mutual-gain value creation. Tune in and send us your thoughts on what works and what doesn't! 

Mar 13, 202223:32
#LetsTalkValue with Fred van Eennenaam: Next Gen VBHC

#LetsTalkValue with Fred van Eennenaam: Next Gen VBHC

Prof van Eennenaam has been a long-time pioneer in the field of value-based health care. In today's episode he shares his real-life examples, passion & thoughts for what works in real-life and what his plans are for the future. It's a total must-hear for anybody working on implementing this new way of working: putting outcomes & results that matter to patients first, creating cross-functional teams around that goal, aligning activities needed to achieve these best outcomes for patients, and lastly synergizing around measurements & rewards. This not only increases patient experience, but team satisfaction. We are talking about how to implement VBHC in multimorbid conditions and share real models on how to bring this theory into practical reality for the interested health care leader.

Feb 27, 202226:42
#LetsTalkValue with Craig Horbinski: Views from a neuropathologist on the importance of trust & communication

#LetsTalkValue with Craig Horbinski: Views from a neuropathologist on the importance of trust & communication

Prof Craig Horbinski is a world-known expert in his field of neuropathology and widely known by an audience on Social Media for his educational posts. He advocates for the willingness to engage, volunteering information and break down silos in real life. On the podium, he tells us how this works in his day job as a pathologist: using EMRs to get the best out of integrating clinical information, radiology results & others; engaging live as the 'goalkeeper' at the intersection of diagnostics & treatments with his colleagues in clinical tumorboards. Compared to 10yrs ago, he believes that EMR really made his work more effective than at the times of pen & paper charts. For his view to the future, he is clear about 2 bottlenecks: we need to get better at communication lines with payers and at accelerating the interoperability of systems. Will say, IT & software programs need to be compatible between hospitals, GP practices, labs & other stakeholders for AI & ML to play out their full potential. Many calls for action to all of us - let's take that one next step!

Feb 06, 202225:23
#LetsTalkValue with Dr Zeev Neuwirth: Overcoming Barriers to Reframing Health Care

#LetsTalkValue with Dr Zeev Neuwirth: Overcoming Barriers to Reframing Health Care

Dr Neuwirth is a renown health care leader and executive who restlessly drives change towards a humanistic, patient-centered system of health that values care & outcomes. He shares views & advise deep from his wealth of experience and this is a must-hear episode for anyone who wishes to be part of the solution rather than the problem! Zeev is such an important role model for many of us who share the journey of transforming health care. We talk about how critically important it is to refocus our mindset & reward system on our ultimate customer: the patient. We discuss what we can learn from marketing; the role of modernizing clinical care models; the importance for social determinants of health; the role of policy & political administrations; and how segmentation of patient populations can actually deliver that goal of driving more value to patients - and the system! Curious? Then tune-in today and share your thoughts on and contact us at

Dec 07, 202124:58
#LetsTalkValue: Re-imaging the co-creation of care delivery - heute auf deutsch mit Cornelius Warncke

#LetsTalkValue: Re-imaging the co-creation of care delivery - heute auf deutsch mit Cornelius Warncke

Dies ist der 2. in einer Miniserie von deutschen Ausgaben, in der ich mit 'Macher:innen' spreche, die mit Vision & Tatendrang Veränderungen 'in den eigenen 4 Wänden' vorantreiben. Dr Cornelius Warncke ist mit Begeisterung Arzt, stets nah am Patienten als Internist & Intensivmediziner. Er gibt sich nicht mit den Unzulänglichkeiten im System zufrieden. Stattdessen setzt er den Frustrationen aus überbordender Administration & zunehmendem Zeitdruck, unter dem Ärzte & Pflegekräfte stehen, etwas entschieden entgegen. Im SPRECHZIMMER+ entsteht ein neuer Raum, in dem die Arzt-Patientenbeziehung im Vordergrund steht und das Motto ist. Habt Ihr Lust mehr zu erfahren? Es lohnt sich, einfach mal reinzuhören! Wie immer, schreibt uns Eure Ideen & Vorschläge, wie wir dauerhaft, Werte schöpfen können - zusammen, über die Silos hinweg. Patient - Provider - Pharma - Payer - Policy.

Nov 25, 202120:31
#LetsTalkValue with Ilka Dekan: Innovative Cross-Sector Collaborations. Heute auf Deutsch.

#LetsTalkValue with Ilka Dekan: Innovative Cross-Sector Collaborations. Heute auf Deutsch.

Dies ist er der Erste von 2 Podcasts auf deutsch, in denen ich mit Visionären im Gesundheitswesen spreche, die völlig neue '5P' Konzepte in Stein meisseln und somit zu einer echten neuen Realität beisteuern.

Ilka Dekan ist Pionierin auf ihrem Gebiet. Als langjährige Führungskraft im 'Payer P', hat sie früh innovative Ideen bei Krankenversicherungen umgesetzt. Heute ist sie eine gefragte Podcasterin und Expertin für den Wandel im Gesundheitswesen und Leiterin der INNO3 platform, welche Akteure aus den 5Ps an einen Tisch bringt. Probleme ansprechen, Lösungen gemeinsam entwickeln. Das ist ihr Motto. Stets den Patienten als Kunden und 'consumer' im Zentrum halten ist die Essenz des #valuebasehealthcare und des strukturellen Wandels, den es braucht um 'outcomes' und nicht 'services' als Anreize in den Vordergrund zu rücken. Gesundheit findet überall statt: zuhause, am Arbeitsplatz, im Auto zB. Wir sprechen über branchenübergreifende Ansätze - zB was können wir von der Automobilindustrie lernen? Wir sprechen über den 'digitalen Zwilling', um personalisierte Medizin umzusetzen. Zum Schluss teilt Ilka ihre Vision von unserem Podcast in 10 Jahren, wenn sie zurückschaut und welchen Weg wir bis dahin gegangen sein werden. Spannend!

Nov 10, 202120:45
#LetsTalkValue with Luca Dezzani: Medical Value Drivers in Pharma

#LetsTalkValue with Luca Dezzani: Medical Value Drivers in Pharma

Dr Luca Dezzani is continuously building bridges: as a trained hemato-oncologist and pharmaceutical leader. In this episode he shares his views on what it takes to drive value as a Medical Affairs function in the ecosystem, deliver education and communication and create stronger connectivity across all 5Ps: pharma, providers, payers, policy and patients. He advocates for more focus on sustainability in health care. Through digital technology and strategic planning skills. He further elaborates how our understanding of treatments has been evolving: treating diseases to treating patients to treating entire family ecosystems. Fascinating! Make sure to not miss this episode. Let's Dance!

Oct 31, 202124:58
#LetsTalkValue : Digitally powered clinical trials for patients

#LetsTalkValue : Digitally powered clinical trials for patients

Making use of digital & artifical intelligence to democratize clinical trials & innovation for patients is at the heart of this episode. Listen to Danielle Ralic, CEO of of what it takes to truly empower patients and make use of digital connectivity to strengthen a mutual value creation along the value chain: patients - providers - pharma - payers - policymakers.

Oct 10, 202119:02
#LetsTalkValue "The Impact of Digital & Lifestyle Choices" with Dr Anne Latz

#LetsTalkValue "The Impact of Digital & Lifestyle Choices" with Dr Anne Latz

Dr Anne Latz is a highly awarded visionary & digital leader in health care. Tune in to hear her thoughts on patient empowerment, the patient journey, and how teamwork are essential components to drive a sustainable change for more patient-centric & value-based systems of health. So excited to kickstart this new series with her in this fall season of #LetsTalkValue. Now *new* in a downloadable fashion. Send us your thoughts, questions & suggestions on how to make these themes a reality.

Sep 26, 202117:39