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The Are You Free Enough

The Are You Free Enough

By Verona Willis

A place for those moments where we question ourselves of how free we are.
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May 16, 2021

The Are You Free Enough May 16, 2021

Focus Focus

Focus Focus

Let's talk about what and who we have our focus on it can cause tingle and racing of your heart. Never detour from focusing on your first then you can include others in your space. Listen and let me know how feel from the sensation touching your soul. Follow me on Facebook "Are you free enough?" Because that will always be the question. Your alone will speak you can choose how and when to answer. Talk to you next month in the meantime use the F word "Focus!"
Jun 03, 202210:53
Ooo tonight we are getting into the dating world.

Ooo tonight we are getting into the dating world.

Yes, the details of how you are mixing the DNA of that man into your... minds. Come along the journey of the dating world of you are not married. And let's get into giving sex back, I don't mean back shot but giving it back. Cherish your cookie jar, tighten up the legs, oh I mean lids and becareful of who enters the world of goodness. Date if you want but remember to get The One who will fill you up.
May 02, 202219:20
It's not your season!

It's not your season!

Tonight we will dive right into know when it is your season to evolve or proceed with a friendship or relationship. Many times we find ourselves in position forcing a situation when it is not the season to bring forth fruit and this is in the form of pursing a relationship. We should know when to take off that winter gear in those summer days, we should know when to scale away the winter gears of hurt and unforgiveness to listen to the sound of chirping birds and seeing beautiful flowers. We should know when "That" person cannot handle being in our season of insecurities or they are not ready to navigate through the seasons with you. Ladies know which season you are evolving and involving in. Are you free enough mentally and emotionally? Follow me on Facebook @are you free enough.
Apr 02, 202217:22
Cry if you want to..

Cry if you want to..

Tears are our languages that need a place to be heard. We oftentimes hide our tears in the broken smiles, laughing and chit chats only to suffocate our emotions. There is a whisper from the oceans that wants to build a relationship with your tears. Take some time and sit by the water or maybe listen to the water sound from an audio and cry so you can be free enough to be the best version of yourself. It will worth it, believe me. Much hugz
Mar 02, 202212:25
Are you naked and not ashamed with Author Chanelle Coleman Wesley

Are you naked and not ashamed with Author Chanelle Coleman Wesley

Many times we look at the word naked and believe it only means take off your clothes but how many of you ladies know it is more about being your authentic self. We tend to walk around with imposter syndrome and play the game that everything is alright when deep inside we are screaming for help or a shoulder to lean on. Today is your day to make adjustments and accept the real you without shame. Follow us for more information
Feb 14, 202201:30:57
A genuine compliment or lustful behavior.

A genuine compliment or lustful behavior.

Tonight we will go into how we react to a genuine compliment or a lustful behavior. Everyone seeks compliment and the more we get it is the more we want it. Do you know how to react with either one. Ladies be bold enough to respond to either and create a space of your own because there is an action to it all.
Feb 02, 202213:13
Here you can listen how to make some preparation before you think you are ready to receive or do any

Here you can listen how to make some preparation before you think you are ready to receive or do any

Many times we think we are ready for something or someone and yet did no preparation to accommodate such. To be prepared we must adjust our minds of the outcome we want not repeating the same routine. Life can be ready to hand us something but if we are not prepared it won't bring us true value. Make preparation first.
Jan 09, 202210:24
Why do you want to get married, closing the door.

Why do you want to get married, closing the door.

Tonight we will focus on how you wish to decorate your house/heart. Marriage will present to you the location and key, so how will you unlock the door and place your decor in the correct space. Are you willing to decorate with fear or faith?
Dec 23, 202115:57
Find The Question show on Are you free enough page.

Find The Question show on Are you free enough page.

Every Thursday night @7pm live on Facebook and YouTube
Nov 24, 202100:09
Why do you want to get married Pt3

Why do you want to get married Pt3

Today we will discuss the importance of relocation of the mind, body and soul in the decision to get married. Life comes with questions and we must have clarity when we are presented with question as deep as why do you want to get married? Ladies remember you must be clear with this for yourself. See you on the episode. Sip something in the meantime
Nov 06, 202111:10
In the episode we continue in the topic of, why you want to get married.

In the episode we continue in the topic of, why you want to get married.

Here I will give you a slice of the decision on why you want to be married. See, let me enlighten you that marriage is like buying a house and a house comes with different doors. So tonight we will talk about knowing the right key to access the right door. Without the right key you could be wasting time. Everyone must make a decision for themselves, whether to be or not to be called or hold a title just because. Are you willing to answer that question sincerely?
Oct 03, 202115:11
Why do you want to be married? Pt 1

Why do you want to be married? Pt 1

Ladies, ladies, single ladies why do you want to get married? On today's episode we will talk about some of reason why we make this decision. I will use the analogy of buying a house as I share a few area of interest. Do you know many decision we make are based on what others want, but what do you really want? We will continue this topic for the next few episodes. Wave to your girl here and let me know what is your answer.
Sep 12, 202109:59
Why do you want to be married? PT 1

Why do you want to be married? PT 1

Many times we make the decision to be married for a reason we don't even agree with only to please others. Today let's look into a few parts of marriage with the analogy of buying a house. As we go into this episode I would like you to think, think and think again of the position you are in as a single lady right now then move forward into making that decision. We will continue with this topic for the next few episodes. Hope you found a place in here. See you soon
Sep 12, 202100:04
Time to rearrange and organize things.

Time to rearrange and organize things.

If you ever felt as if your life has been shuffle then most likely it has. Many things can reshuffle our mental state as well as our physical state. Tonight's episode we will talk about what we do when we have to rearrange. Is it throwing out things we don't use, getting rid of that number out our phone that we don't need or use. Or just declutter our minds. We all have to face the chaos sometimes.
Aug 13, 202112:23
Building Barriers and setting Boundaries.

Building Barriers and setting Boundaries.

To build a barrier is like having a brick wall around us and to set boundaries is to limit the things in your reach. Oftentimes we find ourselves building barriers because of past hurts and pains as we avoid anything from triggering us. Then we find it hard to set limits on the things we deserve like peace of mind. Tonight's episode we will stretch a little in the areas we need to take down and build up. Hope you learn a thing or two here as we heal and evolve into our authentic self.
Jul 21, 202116:18
Falling in love with yourself 💞

Falling in love with yourself 💞

In tonight's episode we talk about how to fall in love with yourself. Ladies, single ladies and those in marriages that is feeling single tune in to the full episode on Anchor, spotify and wherever podcast are being broadcast.
Jul 13, 202101:05
Falling in love is hard to do

Falling in love is hard to do

The moment we hear the phrase falling in love most of the time we associate it with that man. No, falling in love is a moment of seriousness in loving another person. Oftentimes we see the meaning as a sexual connection but it is not. Tonight we will talk about falling in love with ourselves. Let's not get it twisted with being anything less than finding our true self and loving from inside all flaws, faults and failures. See yourself as the ocean and become unsinkable, unstoppable and unbreakable in the process. Then and only then you will know how free you are.
Jul 13, 202116:38
Letter to self: Are you really free to celebrate Independence?

Letter to self: Are you really free to celebrate Independence?

Today let us write another letter to self and celebrate our little steps into growing up. We have been through alot and it time to start celebrate each step no matter how small. Here we will talk about a few things when we become appreciative of the places we have survived. The strength we have and the beauty Queen sistah we are. Be bold
Jul 06, 202118:34
Single mother is a title.

Single mother is a title.

Being a single lady or becoming a single mother is not a plan we constructed. As little girls we planned the houses we want and desire. So here you will listen to that moment of truth when such title is bestowed upon us and now what are we going to do about it. It is time we grow out of anger and bitterness towards irresponsibility and earn our place as our authentic Queens self. Are you ready to grow up again?
Jun 29, 202121:17
A man knows who you are.

A man knows who you are.

As we journey through life and ended up in singleness whether by choice or circumstances we must learn how to validate the decisions we make. A man will seek or see you for what you presented to his eyes or heart. They know the type of woman they want to be with for whatever title. Are you willing to define yourself for him or for yourself. Come along as we talk about it a bit.
Jun 23, 202112:45
Love is a painful thing. What do you say?

Love is a painful thing. What do you say?

You have moments to define what love is to you, who you want to love and who will love you back. There is nothing selfish or unfair in loving you. It is time we grow out of our flaws, faults and failures and see ourselves true self, so we can love her. Listen to the rythm of your heartbeats, how is it responding to the of Love?
Jun 16, 202114:51
A forgiveness letter to self

A forgiveness letter to self

Oftentimes we dwell on the hurts of others and wait for them to say they are sorry. Now, it is time we let go those pains and tell ourselves we are sorry. Forgiveness is Freedom.
Jun 11, 202107:39
Fear is real, just real.

Fear is real, just real.

Sometimes the very thing you fear the most will block you from achieving your goals and fulfilling your purpose. Fear not or just face fear with faith.
Jun 09, 202115:12
How are you feeding your emotions, time to go on a diet.

How are you feeding your emotions, time to go on a diet.

As a result of listening, you will see how we often we go on a diet to get sexier or fit in, but have you ever consider putting your emotional state of mind on a diet?
Jun 03, 202113:43
Sistah Friendship is not a convience store.

Sistah Friendship is not a convience store.

Here I want to address the fact that too many times we take our Sistahs for granted and only call when out of convience. We will ignore you if we realized that is how you see us. That is not true friendship or is it a friendship at all. How do you define sistah friendship?
May 29, 202113:48
It is a choice to stay single or not to stay single.

It is a choice to stay single or not to stay single.

Tonight we will write another letter to ourselves, hoping we will hear our own voice and make a decision to remain single or not. Singleness is good and free but sometimes...then being with someone else is... you decide.
May 23, 202109:17
Seeking to know who you really are.

Seeking to know who you really are.

This is the episode where we will do an inventory of our state of emotional freedom.
May 17, 202105:25
May 16, 2021

May 16, 2021

May 16, 202100:29