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In the Car with Clint

In the Car with Clint

By Clint Adams

Clint Adams talks to you during his commute to work Monday to Friday. The idea is to give you daily updates so you can dive deeper into his business operations as they happen and hopefully pick up something beneficial along the way.
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Decision Paralysis

In the Car with ClintFeb 07, 2024

Decision Paralysis

Decision Paralysis

I recently stumbled upon a clip of Alex Hormozi on social media speaking about decision-making and how in order to make decisions we don't necessarily need more time, but rather more information. Many of the ideas I discuss in these videos aren't entirely original, but I find it important to shed light on certain concepts and offer my insights. Hopefully you take away a few things from me in the process.

Feb 07, 202403:07
Practise what you preach.

Practise what you preach.

In another parallel to parenting, a big chunk of leadership is about being the kind of example that lifts everyone up. If you're not giving out the same level of respect and integrity you'd expect to receive, then don't be surprised if trust doesn't come your way. Being right there in the heat of things with your team helps them see you as dependable and solid – more a part of the team than an outsider. Just like in parenting, showing off perks or treats that others don't have access to can end up costing you their respect, interest, and trust.

Jan 18, 202402:45
Don't break the rules, play them.

Don't break the rules, play them.

While we might not be the ones setting the rules, we definitely have the power to master them in our favour. By getting a handle on the status quo, we can figure out ways to stretch it and in turn, carve out a distinctive and influential role in our industry. Thanks for joining me and happy 420 eps legends.

Jan 16, 202402:20
Go further together.

Go further together.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." This isn't just a saying; it's a business philosophy that shapes our success. Irvo celebrates 10 years with us today, and I wouldn't be able to do what I do or have gotten to where I am now without incredible people like him around me.

Jan 10, 202406:19
2023: Year in Review

2023: Year in Review

2023 has been a year of growth on multiple fronts from balancing personal well-being with explosive business growth to spending more quality time with my family. Join me on this commute as I dive into the key moments of 2023 and discuss my strategic plans for the upcoming year. Thank you for watching and being a part of this adventure. If you've made it this far, I truly appreciate your support. Remember, be kind to each other and most importantly be kind to yourself.

Dec 29, 202313:05
Massive plans for 2024

Massive plans for 2024

With 2024 on the horizon and as this year comes to an end it's time to reassess our strategies, pinpoint some more goals and highlight what we're after in order to further our path to becoming a $100 million business. Join me on my morning drive while I discuss the importance of strategic planning and getting ahead during the Christmas holiday period.

Dec 27, 202308:25
Do what's right for you

Do what's right for you

Taking time off during the holidays is a personal choice. While many cherish this time for a break and to celebrate, it's essential to recognise that it's perfectly okay if you choose otherwise. Embracing this diversity in how we spend our holidays is key. Ultimately, it's about what feels right for you, honour your own needs and choices and be kind to yourself.

Dec 22, 202301:57
Resist the itch

Resist the itch

Striking balance between profit and passion is something that's very important to consider when starting your business. Based on my experience, focusing on building a strong business in the early years allows for more time later to 'scratch the itch'. Keep in mind that profit is the foundation that enables you to achieve your passion projects and greater goals.

Dec 13, 202302:41
Is money the measurement of wealth?

Is money the measurement of wealth?

The other day I had a chat to my friend about his business goals and he mentioned wanting to leave behind generational wealth. To most people, that means money but to me, there is much more to that.

Join me on my commute as I discuss what wealth means to me and how integral it is for you to pass down more than money to your children.

Dec 12, 202301:55
How to lose millions

How to lose millions

The process of setting up a business budget is a lot like using Google Maps while driving. It's not just about knowing where you're going, but also being prepared for unexpected challenges and ensuring the most efficient journey.

Join me on my commute as I walk you through how to set up a budget, considering everything from revenue goals and expenses like insurances and rent to the profit you aim to make.

Dec 11, 202305:52
Get to know your team.

Get to know your team.

As part of our onboarding process, I make it a point to have lunch with each new team member. As a leader, it's immensely beneficial to understand and connect with team members. These sit downs are an opportunity to engage in conversations that help me gain insights into each individual's needs, aspirations, life experiences, and more and going forward allows me to tailor a specific plan that aligns with what makes them content and successful in their role.

Dec 06, 202306:29
They may quit.

They may quit.

In my business protecting staff from harm and abuse is of utmost importance. I encourage all business owners not to let unruly clients walk on them, take care of your staff and they will take care of you.

Dec 05, 202301:45
Lessons from losing $60,000

Lessons from losing $60,000

I've had to learn the ropes of dealing with debtors the hard way. I'm here to share my insights and experiences, so you don't have to learn them at such a high cost. Remember to trust your gut, use available legal protections wisely, and never forget the real value of experience in business.

Nov 14, 202312:56
How to approach fear

How to approach fear

Mitigating fear is important when it comes to offering good service to your customers. When a customer comes to us with a problem, it is our responsibility to provide them with a solution to their concerns as quick as possible. Happy, trusting customers are likely to return and recommend your products to others.

Nov 12, 202304:49
I almost gave up

I almost gave up

Developing a successful business takes time, often around 5 years or more to truly see significant results. The key is to not give up. If you keep showing up and keep learning no matter how rough it gets, you can't fail.

Nov 12, 202305:58
Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words

Confidence is important, it's okay to talk about your goals and what you're going to do—I do it myself quite often. But, always remember that your actions speak a lot louder than words. It's your behaviours that ultimately get the results, not just the talking.  

Nov 10, 202301:49
Rewarding my A-Grade Players

Rewarding my A-Grade Players

In my business, I strive to bring in top-notch A-grade players, recognising that not all team members are the same. It's important to reward high-performing A-players differently from B's and C's. Equal opportunity is vital, but equal reward isn't always fair. Let's discuss this balance in the comments. Do you agree? Share your thoughts! 🚀 #BusinessStrategy #TeamBuilding #Leadership #EqualityDebate In the Car with Clint episode #406

Sep 04, 202302:07
Talking the Talk, Not Walking The Walk

Talking the Talk, Not Walking The Walk

Hey, welcome to today's In the Car with Clint.

As I've grown older, I've realised that many people talk a big game but don't follow through with their actions. The internet has made it harder for such individuals to deceive or manipulate because people can fact-check and connect with each other.

If you're one of those who think they're getting away with empty promises, know this, you're not. Actions speak louder than words, and the truth eventually catches up. You have a choice: change or continue, but remember, you're not fooling anyone.

Aug 31, 202302:12
Too busy to judge others

Too busy to judge others

In this video, I discuss the importance of not judging others. I start by emphasizing that the more we put ourselves out there, the more criticism we're likely to receive. However, I make a point that successful people are too busy working on their own lives and goals to judge others. I acknowledge that this message might not resonate with those who are judgmental, but it's intended for the few who might reconsider their perspective.

I highlight that spending time judging others takes away from opportunities to make our lives happier, healthier, and more fulfilling. I encourage those who are on the fence to get so busy with self-improvement and positive pursuits that they no longer have time for judgment.

Aug 30, 202302:11
My thoughts on holding a grudge

My thoughts on holding a grudge

Hey, it's Clint! In this episode of In the Car with Clint, I dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately. I've had a few encounters where networking led to discussions about certain individuals, and I've realized the importance of holding onto grudges when it comes to integrity versus money. I'll share my experiences and why I believe it's crucial not to compromise your values for short-term financial gains. Discover why surrounding yourself with people who align with your principles can lead to long-term happiness and success. If you're just starting out in business or life and faced with decisions about dishonest or questionable individuals, this message is for you. Learn from my perspective and make choices that align with your values. Subscribe for more insightful discussions! In the Car with Clint episode #403

Aug 29, 202302:25
Success leaves clues

Success leaves clues

In today's In the Car with Clint I delve into the key to achieving success in any field – and it's simpler than you might think. The secret? Surround yourself with individuals who excel in what you aspire to accomplish, whether it's sales, sports, fitness, photography, or anything else. Learning from their experiences and insights can be an incredible shortcut to success.

However, be prepared to start from the bottom, possibly even working for free or at low wages. It might seem humbling, but committing to this path for a year, two, or even more will pay off in the long run. Even if you consider yourself a slow learner, this approach will fast-track your journey towards success, helping you leapfrog over your peers. So, don't hesitate to embrace this valuable lesson on your road to achievement!

In the Car with Clint episode #402

Aug 28, 202302:48
Ignore Temptation and Invest in Loyalty

Ignore Temptation and Invest in Loyalty

In today's In the Car with Clint, we're reminded to cherish and nurture the enduring relationships that have stood the test of time in both business and life. I use the 'hot chick at the bar' metaphor to illustrate why we should focus on our long-standing, reliable connections rather than getting distracted by the allure of new opportunities.

Aug 25, 202310:44
Best use of your time?

Best use of your time?

Today I share insights from a conversation with a business-owner friend. We discuss the common trap of favouring enjoyable tasks over crucial responsibilities. Whether it's relaxing, fishing, or having a beer, we all have distractions. But remember, the question to ask is: "Is this the most important thing I should be doing right now?" Success often comes from knowing when to relax and when to engage in tasks that drive business growth. Avoid getting stuck in tasks that don't align with your role's purpose. Instead, focus on recruiting, strategy, and business development.

Aug 17, 202302:28
Rules of engagement

Rules of engagement

Are you tired of dealing with difficult clients who delay payments? In today's Car with Clint, we explore the power of setting clear rules of engagement to transform your business dynamics.

We discuss real-life scenarios and strategies to navigate administrative challenges. Learn how to assert your terms, ensure timely payments, and gain the respect your business deserves. Don't miss out on this essential advice – watch now and take control of your success!

Aug 15, 202304:58
Dont forget about existing customers!

Dont forget about existing customers!

Discover the key to business success – prioritizing existing customers! In this episode of In the Car with Clint, we explore the vital lesson of treating loyal clients as, if not more, important than new ones. Join us as we discuss the dangers of complacency, the power of client retention, and practical strategies to strike a balance between acquiring new clients and nurturing long-standing relationships. Learn why safeguarding your existing clients is the path to sustained growth and success in the competitive world of business.

Aug 11, 202302:29
How to control the deal!

How to control the deal!

Discover the ultimate negotiation strategy in today's In the Car with Clint! Learn how being ready to walk away from a deal gives you the upper hand. Watch the video for insights into effective negotiations, unconventional tactics, and the balance between pushing boundaries and winning big. Car with Clint episode #396

Aug 10, 202303:12
Follow up on your wins!

Follow up on your wins!

Following up on your wins as a business is just as important as finding out why you lost. This is valuable data that you can take when securing clients, or extra business in the future! Call up that win - ask them why they chose you and implement that in the future!

Aug 08, 202302:19
Don't assume your client's position

Don't assume your client's position

In today's In the Car with Clint, I discuss the importance of not assuming the position of the people we deal with, whether it's about debt collection or sales. As a business owner, I believe in serving clients according to their desires, as long as it's within the rules. Let's avoid selling against their choices just because we might not make the same decision ourselves. Remember, understanding their circumstances is crucial.

Aug 03, 202303:06
Start posting more content!

Start posting more content!

Ignore the beard and attire, it's for a new Lawnhub video coming out this week! It's time to start posting more content! You are in your world all day every day, but other people... They're in theirs. Take that into account when you feel like you're overwhelming your audience with content, I can almost guarantee they aren't noticing that like you are.

Aug 02, 202301:53
Let's talk Generational Business

Let's talk Generational Business

Discover valuable insights from my recent trip to America, where I met inspiring third and fourth-generation family business owners in the irrigation industry, similar to some here in South Australia. In this video, I share three key takeaways and observations: Encourage Independence: Don't force your children to join the family business. Let them follow their passions. Value Education: Support their education, whether related to the business or their interests, allowing them to gain valuable experiences. Earn Your Stripes: If they choose to join, make sure they understand all aspects of the business by starting from the ground up. Watch now for valuable insights on multi-generational business growth! 🔥

Aug 01, 202304:14
Not bad, not good, just different

Not bad, not good, just different

In today's Car with Clint, I share a personal experience from my 12-month exchange program in Japan back in 1999. During the orientation, we were repeatedly told, "It's not good, it's not bad, it's just different," as we were about to embark on a new adventure far from home. The saying became crucial as we encountered unfamiliar foods and customs, challenging our perspectives.

Recently, I traveled to America with my friend Matt and still found myself reminded that it's not good or bad, just different, as I observed various things. Even at 40 years old, this lesson remains valuable in life. Adopting the mindset of acceptance towards differences can make life less stressful. It allows us to navigate contradictions and beliefs while acknowledging that they're not necessarily bad, just different.

In this video, I hope to remind you of this important perspective and encourage you to embrace the diversity of life. So remember, it's not good, it's not bad, it's just different.

In the Car with Clint Episode #391

Jul 28, 202302:25
Importance of Travelling in Business

Importance of Travelling in Business

In today's Car with Clint, I discuss the benefits and reasoning behind why I believe taking opportunities to travel in business is only positive and will pay off in dividends. It's important to build relationships in business and this is the strongest way to do just that, at the end of the day my business isn't unique or new, all we have is our relationships, so let's make that priority.

Jul 27, 202304:09
Can't be what you Can't see

Can't be what you Can't see

Discover the profound concept of "You can't be what you can't see" in today's In the Car with Clint. Join me as we explore the impact of exposure to diverse opportunities that shape our success. Learn why learning from others can be the key to unlocking your potential.

Jul 25, 202303:56
Do what you want

Do what you want

In a world full of influencers and gurus, it's easy to lose sight of what we truly want. Join me in today's Car with Clint as I discuss the importance of prioritizing our own desires and setting clear goals. Discover how to create a strategy for success and live a fulfilling life on your terms.

Episode #387

Jul 10, 202302:57
Clint's USA Reflection Tape

Clint's USA Reflection Tape

Wrapping up my trip I am interviewed by my good friend Tyson who asks me to reflect on my current mental state as the trip to the US comes to a close. I get personal and reflect on my work-life balance, if the trip was successful, what I learned, being away from family, and if I would recommend such a trip to other business owners. Thanks for taking the time to check out my channel.

Jun 30, 202327:19
Do you need all those subscriptions

Do you need all those subscriptions

Welcome to today's episode of In the Car with Clint. We dive into the world of subscription services and discuss their implications for both consumers and business owners. Subscriptions, while a successful business model, can end up costing you more than you realise. As we approach the end of the financial year, it's a perfect time to reevaluate your subscription list and trim any excess. I'll share some valuable tips on how to maximise your subscription value, possibly even save a bit through annual plans and special sale periods like Black Friday.

Jun 22, 202302:56
Landing short of budget

Landing short of budget

In today's episode of In the Car with Clint, I share insights on my business's financial performance. I stress the significance of profit over mere turnover and how going backwards sometimes is not a setback, but a strategy for future growth. No matter your current business position, remember it's sometimes necessary to step back to leap forward.

Jun 21, 202305:05
Asking your boss for a raise

Asking your boss for a raise

In today's Car with Clint, I share some of my personal insights and experiences around the topic of employee compensation. Taking inspiration from a recent discussion with a fellow business owner, I discuss the current economic climate, the impending minimum wage increase, and the impact these factors have on how we manage our teams. This video aims to clear misconceptions about how wages are determined and the role that value addition plays in that decision. It's a must-watch for both business owners trying to navigate the complex dynamics of wage determination and employees looking to understand their compensation better.

Jun 20, 202303:58
The importance of documenting everything

The importance of documenting everything

Join me on another episode of In the Car with Clint. Today we delve deep into the importance of effective documentation in growing businesses. I'll share my experiences managing a business with 40 staff and a turnover of $15 million, where documentation around policies, procedures, and processes played a significant role. This episode is an essential watch for business owners, especially if you're running a business that's achieving substantial growth. Don't let ambiguity become a pitfall for your team; learn the importance of setting clear expectations and procedures. In the Car with Clint Episode #383

Jun 18, 202304:59
Dealing with Multiple Resignations

Dealing with Multiple Resignations

In today's In the Car with Clint, I share my first-hand experience and insights after facing an unusually large number of staff resignations. It was definitely a wake-up call. The first thing I talk about is the importance of not reacting impulsively. It's crucial to take a step back, gather your thoughts and information before you jump to any conclusions or make any decisions. Next, I emphasize the need to understand the reasons behind these resignations. It's essential to talk directly with the departing employees rather than making assumptions. People leave for all sorts of reasons and it's not always a negative reflection on your leadership or the company. I also touch upon the responsibility we, as leaders, have in providing the right opportunities for our teams. But there will be times when we can't meet everyone's aspirations, and that's okay. In such cases, we need to support our team members in their decision to explore new paths. Lastly, I discuss how this sort of situation can actually offer a chance for introspection and improvement. It allows us to reevaluate positions, think about our onboarding processes, remuneration, and make necessary changes. It might be tough when people leave, but we can use it as an opportunity to improve our strategies, ensuring departures are for the right reasons. In the Car with Clint Episode #382

Jun 15, 202305:33
Everything happens for a reason

Everything happens for a reason

Welcome to another episode of 'In the Car with Clint' where I share my life lessons on business, personal growth, and everything in between. This time, I share my philosophy that everything happens for a reason and that we must always find the silver lining amidst challenges. Join me as I navigate through my business and personal life, exploring the reasons behind setbacks and reminding myself and my team that not trying hard enough is not acceptable. Tune in as I discuss how this perspective can help reconcile losses and hopefully inspire you to see the 'why' in your own experiences. Remember, be kind to yourself and others, and always strive to give your all. See you on the journey!

Jun 09, 202302:26
Let's talk about Veecon: Judging from the Sidelines

Let's talk about Veecon: Judging from the Sidelines

It's all too easy to criticize and throw negativity without truly understanding the challenges and hard work involved. Recently, I attended VeeCon in the United States, where I had the privilege of hearing from Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee). He shed light on the importance of not judging someone based on their past or early endeavors. This resonated deeply with me, as I've often witnessed the toxic behavior of individuals who sit back and criticize those trying to make something What amuses and annoys me is that even when you're achieving remarkable things, there will always be naysayers. But here's the truth: their judgment doesn't matter. Those who are truly making an impact are too focused on their goals to let negativity affect them. It's a lesson we can all learn from. So, I invite you to watch the video and join the conversation. If you've ever caught yourself being judgmental about others' success, it's a chance for self-reflection. Is that the kind of person you want to be? Let's embrace a mindset of less judgment and more action, fostering a community that uplifts and supports one another.

May 26, 202303:15
From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

Join me today for the latest episode of "In the Car with Clint" as I share my personal journey of overcoming fear and taking control. I reflect on my past fear of flying and how I transformed it into a sense of excitement. Discover the strategies I used to conquer my anxieties and how I gained a new perspective on life. You can't change what you can't control, once you realise and accept that, your life will become less anxious. In the Car with Clint episode #379

May 25, 202304:51
Travelling with Coworkers
May 24, 202304:25


Work lunch Recommendations: . Going out with suppliers and getting them to pay for lunch (but don't make a habit of this) . Homemade lunch idea: Buying 50 grams of ham, one slice of cheese, a tomato, and a bread roll to make a simple and affordable meal. . Opt for free water: Skipping expensive drinks and sticking to water. . Vintage Chef: Order home-cooked staff meals from Vintage Chef, which offers affordable meals. . Chaddy's snack bar: A snack bar near Dry Creek that offers deals like buy one toasted sandwich, get one free for $7.99. Podcast Recommendations: . Joe Rogan Experience . Two Bears, One Cave . The Full Landscape Book Recommendations: . Never Split the Difference . Built to Sell . The Pumpkin Plan . Brendan Bouchard: The Charge . Gary Vaynerchuk's - Crush It, Crushing it, and Twelve and a Half Thanks for taking the time to check out my channel. My socials are below: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn |

May 23, 202308:07
Giving advice to my younger self

Giving advice to my younger self

In today's In the Car with Clint, I answer a profound question that got me thinking: What advice would I give my younger self about business and life? Join me as I share my insights and reflections on this important topic. I talk about the power of consistency, the value of time and energy, the importance of choosing a supportive partner, and the pursuit of happiness in your vocation. It's a thought-provoking discussion that will inspire you to reflect on your own journey. Don't miss out on this insightful conversation! Remember to be kind to yourself and others. Watch now and let's grow together!

May 22, 202304:38
Difference between Arrogance & Confidence

Difference between Arrogance & Confidence

In today's episode of In the Car with Clint, I delve into the question: "What is the difference between arrogance and confidence?" The distinction between these two traits often rests on one crucial factor: intent. When we approach our desires to grow, achieve, and improve with positive intent, our confidence shines through. Whether it's aiming to become better, wealthier, smarter, or simply kinder, intent plays a vital role in how we perceive confidence versus arrogance. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section! Thanks for tuning in, and remember to be kind to one another and yourself. Have a wonderful day! In the car with Clint #375

May 19, 202302:01


In today's episode of In the Car with Clint, I discuss how to get meaningful feedback from clients. Many communication methods, such as phone calls, emails, and surveys, can be used, but I believe face-to-face interaction is the most effective. By meeting clients in person, you can observe their body language, reactions, and gauge their honesty. Face-to-face communication allows for a deeper understanding of client's needs and concerns. I also provide tips for those in the landscape construction field, highlighting the importance of continuous improvement and utilizing feedback for marketing purposes. Join me as I share my insights on this topic!

May 18, 202304:30
How I plan on having a happy life.

How I plan on having a happy life.

In today's episode of In the Car with Clint, I address the question of work-life balance and its impact on our professional success. I explore the idea that being solely focused on our jobs may hinder our overall performance. I delve into the benefits of taking breaks and making time for personal activities, highlighting how they can actually enhance our productivity. While finding the right balance is an individual journey, it's essential to consider what works best for you and those around you. Think about yourself retired at 80 and if you believe you will have had a fulfilled life. Let that be a good judge of your decisions.

May 16, 202304:55


In today's episode of In the Car with Clint I tackle some of the toughest business questions during my drive. I answer a listener's question about hiring job candidates who may not have the required skill set but possess the right personality. I discuss the circumstances in which you can overlook a lack of skills and share my experience of hiring staff based on their personality.

May 15, 202305:13