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Vibrant Voice

Vibrant Voice

By Jessica Vibrant Hammock

A space to explore beauty coming from the pain and ashes of the life we have experienced. Recognizing your voice, God’s voice and the voice of others.
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Protection or punishment

Vibrant Voice May 30, 2023

Seasons and rhythms

Seasons and rhythms

Seasons and rhythms

Our life is compromised of seasons and rhythms. We see them in nature, in our solar/lunar cycle, in our hormones and in our bodies to name a few.

We are a part of a larger system which has changed over time. The ancient Egyptians operated on a solar calendar whereas the Hebrews operated on a Lunar calendar.
The Romans also operated on a solar calendar. In 46BC Julias Caesar adjusted the Roman calendar and added 67 days to create a new 365 1/4 day calendar.

Over time individuals and cultures began to study rhythms in the body which led to the labeling of the circadian and infradian rhythms.

The circadian rhythm talks about our body doing different repair/healing work on different organs throughout the day.

7am-9am Stomach
9am-11am Spleen
11am-1pm Heart
1pm-3pm Small intestine
3pm-5pm Bladder
5pm-7pm Kidney
7pm-9pm Reproductive Organs
9pm-11pm Endocrine Glands
11pm-1am Gallbladder
1am-3am Liver
3am-5am Lung
5am-7am Large Intestine

Those organs can also be correlated with certain emotions that we store. So if that organ is doing repair work the emotion may surface more during that time or if we have a lot of that emotion we may feel a disruption or pain in that organ during that time of day.

Stomach: overly responsible, anxiety, stress, worry, despair

Spleen: low self-esteem, self blame, discussed, obsessive, compulsive, apathy

Heart: heartbroken, abandon, rejection, pessimistic, grudging, insecure

Small intestine: vulnerable, forgetful, deprived, emotionless, numb, denial

Bladder: bad memories, checked out, paralyzed, fear, dread

Kidney: embarrassed, unsupported, incompetent, unworthy, tainted, shame, timid

Reproductive Glands: envy, lust, Jealous, mania, internal conflict

Endocrine Glands: Paranoia, Depleted, shutdown, self-sabotage, nightmares

Gallbladder: bitter, irrational, repressed offended, resentful, trouble forgiving

Liver: anger, frustration, panic, powerless, depression, overlooked

Lung: grief, guilt, sorrow, betrayal, sadness, loneliness

Large intestine: perfectionism, self-hatred, discouragement, yearning, obligation

This is just a reference material. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any individual. It is not the advice of a medical professional.

If you struggle with these emotions or struggle with pain or disruption in these areas of your body, I would encourage you to take a look at the correlation between possible emotions and where they may be affecting your body. There are practical things you can do to release these emotions and work through situations. I would encourage you to find a support system, make sure you are getting plenty of healthy nutritious foods, exercise and sleep.

If you are struggling, please feel free to reach out to
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Protection or punishment
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