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One Voice/One Mic Podcast

One Voice/One Mic Podcast

By Vince Pass

My name is Vince Pass, I have been an experienced podcaster for the past 10 years. I took some time off now I am back to talk to the people with simple, real conversation about the world we live in today. Sharing my experiences you being vulnerable about my life so I can help others become the best at whatever they want to be. This podcast is for young and old there is no barrier when jewels of information, passion for people, and humbly speaking life into the hearts of people. This is my truth thank you for listening to my podcast.
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Black Facts (Special Guest: Future Senator Ronald Lackey and Black Not Democrat)

One Voice/One Mic PodcastMar 26, 2022

The Escalation Project

The Escalation Project

Who would have thought that at the turn of the century that we would have been in a technology boom. In 2022, I had to take a deeper dive into how we have social media has become the number one form of communication around the world.  The question will human interaction be replaced by social media platforms to the point that human interaction becomes extinct?  Let's have a conversation and talk about it. 

Oct 11, 202201:03:02
The 1619 Conversation? Exposure of History's Lies

The 1619 Conversation? Exposure of History's Lies

The 1619 Conversation is so critical to the teaching of history to our children. It has shown the contradictions and the lies that many White historians have been telling us since we were children. It is time for us to come out and say to the White educators "STOP LYING ABOUT THE GREATNESS OF AMERICA WITH HOW YOU TREAT BLACK AMERICANS." Hope you enjoy the podcast; let me know what you think.

Aug 03, 202232:31
They Don't Know

They Don't Know

As our teenagers get ready to embark on the next level of life. The question is are they ready? Many of them feel that they are ready the only problem is that we can't tell with many of the decisions that they make now. Are they ready to leave home? Do they really to go to school? We know they are not ready so if they are not listening to wisdom who will they listen to? KIDS, LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.....Or maybe you just have to learn the hard way. 

Apr 14, 202207:31
Black Facts (Special Guest: Future Senator Ronald Lackey and Black Not Democrat)

Black Facts (Special Guest: Future Senator Ronald Lackey and Black Not Democrat)

How are you doing everyone? This podcast is called "The Black Fact". I had the pleasure to interview my friend/one of twitter's upcoming informational innovators Dropsquad 52 aka Black Not Democrat and one of my friend/future Senator of the State of Ohio Ronald Lackey. We are discussing the race card that is being used between the political parties that are truly driving a greater divide in this country. These parties are using tactics that are disrespectful to the fiber of this nation especially to Black Americans. Sit back and enjoy the podcast  

Mar 26, 202201:11:38
Holistic Living

Holistic Living

Welcome to 2022!!!! Thank you for tuning into another exciting year that I have in store for you. We are live on on Monday night's from 10pm-11pm discussing various topics. 

Tonight's podcast is about Holistic living with my host Leon "WIZ" White who is the host of the IG show "PLANET WIZ" you can catch on Instagram on Tuesday and Sunday's at 9pm. We will discuss the journey that WIZ had been on to get to his spiritual place of enlightment, peace and love through the manifestation of vision that he had for his life. Tune in and I hope that you enjoy the Podcast.

Jan 08, 202201:16:00
Why is Chaos not only normal but critical in life and how do you utilize it?

Why is Chaos not only normal but critical in life and how do you utilize it?

 Robert Raymond Riopel joins me as we discuss the purpose of Chaos in our lives and how do we utilize it in the most positive way imaginable.  He is a Master Life trainer, Author, App designer and a devoted husband that credits his wife for the strong push that he has made in his life to get to this level.  You know if Les Brown; the world's number one public speaker/motivational speaker gives you the thumbs up then you know R3 is the real deal.  Hope you enjoy the podcast.....

Jul 25, 202158:60
Where is your Drive?

Where is your Drive?

What more can I say? "WHERE IS YOUR DRIVE?" 

What is causing you to stay in a space that makes you feel lazy, lacking the confidence that you want?

What excuse are you going to keep making for you procrastination?

Do you refuse to take care of your mental health? or Do you know how to take care of your mental health? 

Therapy is a good thing! Acting as if the world owes you something with a false sense of entitlement will leave you standing in one spot.

What is your Drive? Let's Go Family

Jun 03, 202109:39
Different World/New Beginnings

Different World/New Beginnings

So much to talk about stay tuned for Part2!

May 27, 202110:27
How do you respond to adversity?

How do you respond to adversity?

Are you an emotional thinker or a logical thinker? Do think both emotionally and logically about adverse situations or encounters? Let us just examine how we at times don't get the best results of an adverse situation because we leave some of the boxes unchecked on ourselves.  I am just a man with a mic and an opinion hope you enjoy.  Part 2 will be coming soon

Apr 30, 202110:08
God's Season

God's Season

The passing of DMX was serious to many people around the world. He was the favorite uncle, cousin, big brother, best friend.  Most important DMX was a man of God.  It doesn't matter what it look like to us all that mattered what it was to him.  With so many deaths over the past year not just due to Covid, God is making his rounds and calling people home. Ecclesiastes 3 says it best of the time and seasons we will experience. What season are you in?  

Apr 19, 202110:28
Stop Babying Your Kids

Stop Babying Your Kids

Well, I guess that the conversation on people's parenting styles has finally com to the surface for me. I have watched the kids of this generation become absolute with the word entitlement with no accountability. Many of you parents have created monsters that become these monsters well into their adult life and then you fall back like you are not responsible for the anarchy that they are unleashing in their own lives. I will follow up with part 2 on the next episode.
Mar 31, 202105:55
What do you want out of your life?

What do you want out of your life?


I ask myself this question everyday! What do I want out of life? How will I get to my destination? So I am no stranger to asking myself the tough question the question now becomes "ARE YOU READY TO DO THE WORK?". I ask you the listener this same question about your life. Are you ready to do the work that is necessary to be what you want to be in your life? Are you working everyday to become the best version of yourself? No matter what you could never circumvent the PROCESS.... 

Mar 13, 202109:08
Truth's Agony

Truth's Agony

The Process of Success is a real one that many of us evade because of a 5 letter word that at times cause us to become fearful of what is necessary to become successful.  That word is called TRUTH. Today's Podcast I wanted to use as a little testimony about what I was dealing with over the past few weeks about Podcasting and my Gift.  I hope you enjoy it; leave a comment  

Mar 06, 202105:18
Will Our Kids Be Ready?

Will Our Kids Be Ready?

If you never thought in a million years that our kids will be learning in virtual classrooms? Lessons are being sent home in packets that kids must picked up from school and dropped off weekly?  We must ask ourselves a question "Will Our Kids Be ready?" for this new reality.  Doing this podcast made me think about as a parent am I doing the right thing by my kids? Getting them prepared for to live their lives? Are they ready for college? What must we do to make sure that our kids are maintaining a mental balance.  If you have the opportunity to change how you are getting things with your children YOU MUST FIGHT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Take time to listen to this podcast and leave your thoughts, hope you enjoy this.

Jan 19, 202109:45
Where do you find yourself?

Where do you find yourself?

Where do you find yourself these days during the times of uncertainty that we are living in? Let's take a moment a ask the question; "Is the Glass half full or is it empty?" Are you making the attempt to make the most out of your life?  

Dec 11, 202010:27
What I didn't do in 2020

What I didn't do in 2020

The year is almost over and I had to take a moment to put my feelings on the carpet and call myself out on some things in reference to me. We find this hard to do at times because we do not like to face our imperfections.  I chose to speak about some of these things because I felt that I had to confess some of the things that I have not done in this season. Thank you for tuning in as we roll into this next year I pray that I can give more of what I am suppose to give you and less of myself. #1voice1mic

Dec 07, 202006:28
The Silent Wrath...Covid-19 is not going away

The Silent Wrath...Covid-19 is not going away

Dr, Fauci already predicted it, He told the President that he needs to lock down the country.  Now the new President Joe Biden is getting push back from democrats about the first thing that he is going to do in the first 100 days of his Presidency.  People please MASK IT UP we have no idea when a vaccine will be in place all you can do right now is take your multi vitamins, smoothies, exercise, prayer and most of all exercise extreme caution right now.  I am sorry to say at this point we are truly in lockdown mode; The question how many of you will finally take this seriously.  The winter season is here if we are not careful this will be the last winter for many of us MASK IT UP, SANITIZE and WASH YOUR HANDS.  If you don't take your life seriously at least allow someone else to live.

Nov 17, 202008:10
Who's to Blame?

Who's to Blame?

How many times do we find ourselves in situations that are revolving doors for us? How many times do we look to please others instead of ourselves then we find ourselves in situations that are not that easy to get out of? How many times do we blame others for our short comings and expect people to sympathize with us instead of getting off the floor and make the changes in our lives that are necessary to succeed? 

We all have been here before or are here now!  Take this time to look at the inward parts of yourself fight to make the change that is necessary for you to become a better person, better parent, better friend, place yourself into a position to succeed.  YOU ARE GREAT NOW GO BE GREAT!!!! Let us take responsibility for ourselves and live.

Nov 16, 202005:22
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

What's up Family? I am back with Season 2 of One Voice/One Mic!!!! Let's just talk about it, be real and plain about ourselves.  IT'S YOUR TURN!!! When will you fill your life with happiness of the things that you want for yourself instead of allowing this time of isolation to leave you in a depressed state? You have the power, you have the control over your destiny so WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GOING TO DO?? It's a new day and NEW BEGINNING

Oct 20, 202007:27
Kids back to School....EPIC FAIL!!!

Kids back to School....EPIC FAIL!!!

What have our elected officials learned that opened the states back up? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! It comes to no surprise that the schools are opening at the same rapid rate like businesses and public places throughout the US. With soon to be the same results "SCHOOL SHUTDOWNS DUE TO COVID-19".  If the headlines cannot get any bigger the PAN-EPIDEMIC will now add a childrens category to it's now populated graph that shows how many contracted it and who are dying from it.  Strap on you seat belts 2021 is going to be the explosion that we all been waiting for.

Aug 08, 202007:59


The word Bitch has become synonymous as a word that you no longer equate with a female dog instead it is used to disrespect women especially women of color.  I will discuss the situation with Congresswoman Cortez from NY and Congressman Dohr from Florida as they had a heated exchange where he called the Congresswoman a Bitch. We will discuss the common practice of the use of this word as a cultural position to describe women especially women of color in the Hip-Hop community. It is a practice that is accepted like a Visa or MasterCard everywhere in the world, it becomes accepted and dangerous when a white man in a powerful position can pull his "White Privilege" card and express himself fluently in the presence of the media.  Let's Talk about it......  

Jul 24, 202015:39
HBCU's the time is now!!

HBCU's the time is now!!

For a movement or change to begin "IT ONLY TAKES ONE PERSON TO DECIDE IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE."  When Maker Maker made a decision to go to Howard University it sent shock waves throughout college basketball programs and recruits.  This young man made a decision to stop hearing people talk about it and just be about it. This was truly a brave thing that he did in the face of all adversity and criticisms.  I need all of you HSBC's to make a decision to go after a kid even if he looks like he is out of your depth the only thing a person can do is say NO.  This is the time HSBC's to step up to the plate and gain back what these Division I predominantly white ran schools that make millions of dollars off of it's athletes especially the Black and Brown one's through Merchandise, ticket sales, boosters and Alumni.  If you want to make HSBC's great again go after these players because we know that academically we can compete with any school in the nation it takes time to build a program.

Jul 06, 202008:17
People Stop Playing...COVID IS REAL!!!!

People Stop Playing...COVID IS REAL!!!!

I bet many of you are running around the country living your best life huh? Not a care in the world, not worried about the exposure to a virus that many of you are brushing off like you have the super serum in your bathroom cabinet you must be taking it every morning before you start your day?  Ladies and gentlemen PLEASE STOP DRINKING RED KOOL AID it is affecting the vibrations of your brainwaves BECAUSE MANY OF YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO THE WARNINGS OF COVID-19.  This is truly a silent killer that will open up you body to issues about your health that you have no idea existed until you have that long swab touching your brain.  Please, listen and go have a seat, if this thing continues to spike like it's doing now your homes will become a prison for real....STAY WOKE STOP LETTING CONSUMERISM AND SYMBOLISM RUN AND RUIN YOUR LIVES! COVID IS REAL

Jun 26, 202007:49
Elevate and Expand...Message to all

Elevate and Expand...Message to all

Let me know what you think? Elevate and Expand Change your mindset. Let's Gooooooo people.
Jun 16, 202004:56


This is just a little nugget I wanted to share with business people/entrepreneurs that are looking to improve their hiring practices, learning how to managing to win. Hope you guys enjoy this and thank you for listening.
Jun 16, 202022:35
Policy and Procedures Who Broke the Code?

Policy and Procedures Who Broke the Code?

"WHO BROKE THE CODE OF POLICY AND PROCEDURE" We need to know the policy and procedures when police are in the field.  What is the use of excessive force-vs-the use of force; when is it acceptable to use excessive force especially when a person is already in handcuffs?  Many of the white police officers in the country automatically use excessive force as the first option to process an arrest in the field.  Reviewing policies step by step in processing an arrest of a suspect from the stopping a person to the arrest being made.  We have a responsibility to speak the truth to power what say you?

Jun 16, 202009:41
When will it End?

When will it End?

How would you act if you knew if death was knocking at your door everyday by the hands of racist, supremacist, white America.  Let me be clear; I am speaking about the rich white supremacist that use their money and power to influence on all branches of government on the local, state and federal levels.  If you are Black or Brown your the success rate of making it in America to achieve the so called "American Dream" drastically due to the inoculation of consumer imagery, unattainable lifestyles if you are not a sports figure, being looked at as a criminal 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  The Prison System is the country's cornerstone for free labor, private company's biggest financial game changer by introducing them to "Learning a Trade" when they get out only to looked at as not hireable because of their background.  WHEN WILL IT END? The senseless Killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia that took place over 10 weeks ago with no investigation is not different that the death of Amadou Diallo in 1999.  Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Eric Gardner, Sean Bell, Freddie Gray, Micheal Brown, Atatiana Jefferson, the list goes on an on WHEN WILL IT END....

May 11, 202011:36
Shout Out to my Educators

Shout Out to my Educators

Today we celebrate International Woman's Day which is a great day!!! Acknowledging the continuous movement of women around the world and their contributions to this great world that we live in.  This podcast today is a thank you to our educators for doing their jobs and being the first line of the ground work that it takes for our kids to breathe in success. Our educators are under fire in the classrooms by parents that are not involved with the lives of their children, under attack from kids that are under extreme pressure living in serious situations, under attack by the education system that are forcing them to teach lessons that are not going to be conducive to their growth and development of their future goals.  Our educators need our support in major ways.  This SHOUTOUT IS TO YOU MY EDUCATORS!!!! Love you all...

Mar 08, 202015:26
Depression amongst US!

Depression amongst US!

Dear Family, 

I write this episode introduction to you because of the immense situation that continues to face the Black Family on a daily and generational basis.  It has affected the black man in his everyday life never knowing when he/she will become a victim of senseless violence, attempt to commit suicide,  take part in criminal activity, become homeless, jobless, divorced, lonely or die alone.  "Please Lord stop the depression especially amongst US" Many of you will look at this as a bias podcast; you might say I am prejudice.  If you never was a victim of police brutality or excessive force, poverty, miseducation, racism/workplace discrimination, being the most hunted species on the face of the Earth or look down the barrel of a gun not knowing that your life may end today, mother working 3 jobs, no father because he either locked up, dead, drug addict or was a fatherless son himself....I HOPE YOU NEVER experience any of what I just mentioned.  Who am I kidding this is the reality of African Americans living in America today.  I hope you enjoy the podcast leave a comment!!!! THIS IS AMERICA

Jan 31, 202012:26


War on the rise with this President, making decisions without the proper information to exact plans.  Instead, out of emotion BAM!!!! He strikes and kills the Iran army Top General.....Let's fast forward to today 1/10/2020 we are at a stand down. DON'T FALL ASLEEP!!! Like I said before he is incompetent as a leader for this country.  It is time for YOU the PEOPLE to act in accordance to your right to get this "so-called President".  Don't be mad at George Lopez for his statement "WE'LL DO IT FOR HALF".  We are not ready to fight a war on 3 fronts when we go to another country to go to war leaving America unprotected. RUSSIA, CHINA AND IRAQ thank you for awaking the 3 head dragon this stand down will not last for long. Leave comments let me know how you are feeling. Thank you for tuning in

Jan 11, 202010:38
2020 Don't Go To Sleep!!!!

2020 Don't Go To Sleep!!!!

It's 2020 we got 3 issues brewing and trust me 2 of the 3 you will hear it like a whisper in the wind. We ended the year with the President's impeachment process beginning and we also begin with this in the New Year.  We have a war that will be starting any day now with Iran due to the retaliation of President Trump on murder of an American citizen and the attack on the U.S. Embassy. He called for an airstrike which killed Iran's Top General Suleimani.  Millions of Iranians are calling for retaliation against the U.S.  Then we have the case that America's #metoo movement has been waiting for; the Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault trial which has been the biggest no bill for the past 2 years now it is getting ready to happen.  Are we really ready to go to war with Iran, Russia and China? That is essentially what we will be doing going to war with Iran and their friends! Do you see what overtook the headlines that pushed the impeachment and the sexual assault case of Weinstein to the back page but R.Kelly is still in the forefront as the poster boy of sexual assault. "DON'T GO TO SLEEP". WAAKKKKEEE UUPPPPPP!!!!

Jan 07, 202006:60
Economic Movement "Support Black"

Economic Movement "Support Black"

It is time for us to win!!! Being Black in America has had its challenges from racism to poverty; knowing that the relation to the two has been combined by the 1% of the Americans that have all of the wealth. IT IS TIME FOR US TO WIN!!! In order for us to do that we must support our own businesses, education systems, HBCU's, etc. Whatever we are involved we must network and support! 2020 IS ALREADY HERE
Dec 26, 201914:43
Hip Hop's State of Emergency

Hip Hop's State of Emergency

If you want to know the truth about today's HYPNOTIC HIP-HOP and the threat that it poses to ourselves take a look at the increase in violence, illiteracy, increase in the prison population rate and the fact that the first thing that an Black or Brown child wants to become when you ask him or her is a RAPPER! I REPEAT "I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST AND RAPPER'S CREATIVITY"  What I have  problem with is the level of Blaxploitation that we are doing to ourselves.  Let's talk about it as I tell you about the truth that THEY don't want you to know and the reality of WHEN WILL WE CHANGE OUR POSITION AND FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE.

Dec 24, 201909:09


This is crazy to think that Donald Trump is really going to get impeached before his re-election. I know you are looking at me like I got two heads and 4 legs saying anything against this impeachment process which is a diversion from things that are going on we don't see yet. Donald Trump will not allow any sealed style indictment to go I checked and unchallenged.
Dec 16, 201905:04
How Do I Win...Part 2

How Do I Win...Part 2

So you want that win? So you want that level of success that you have been working hard for? Are you ready? Check out this podcast about "How to Win...Part 2".  I will release Part 1 of this podcast in a week until then enjoy this 5 minutes podcast.

Dec 10, 201909:05