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Viva Vineyard Church

Viva Vineyard Church

By Viva Vineyard Church

This is the podcast of Viva Vineyard Church. We're a church plant in Hornsby, a northern suburb of Sydney. We pray it's an encouragement for you. If you're in town, drop in for one of our Sunday gatherings.
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Pentecost - The transforming gift

Viva Vineyard ChurchMay 19, 2024

Exodus is always on offer

Exodus is always on offer

Hezekiah was at the point of death under the sentence of death. What was left? More than he could have ever hoped.

May 27, 202426:23
Pentecost - The transforming gift

Pentecost - The transforming gift

Like Christmas and Easter, Pentecost celebrates a history changing move of God.

May 19, 202435:46
Is faith actually denial? Is faith just positive thinking?

Is faith actually denial? Is faith just positive thinking?

Hezekiah faced extraordinary life-threatening situations as he lead Israel. Terror was not far from him. But somehow he kept faith. How was that possible? Here's the punch line: he brought his whole self into the presence of God - the gritty details of the problem, the full bandwidth of pain and fear. There's a lot we can learn from this ancient king...

May 16, 202427:28
Hezekiah: God is my strength

Hezekiah: God is my strength

This is the first of three talks looking at the life of King Hezekiah. He is remarkable in his transforming trust in the Lord in the face of extraordinary generational, cultural and political opposition.

May 05, 202434:06
Neither son knew their father...

Neither son knew their father...

Jesus story of two sons speaks volumes about our hearts, how deeply we misunderstand our Father and how desperately that needs to change.

Apr 28, 202414:49
Doing healing

Doing healing

Part Two. Greg Trainor continues to workshop how to join the Father in His healing work.

Apr 21, 202441:35
God is community

God is community

At the start of a new series focused on "doing the stuff" we're diving deep into who God actually is. After all, Tozer tells us, what we think about God is the most important thing about us.

Apr 07, 202440:39
Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday

God is making all things new.

Apr 01, 202419:01
Showdown: The Jesus Revolution v the Establishment

Showdown: The Jesus Revolution v the Establishment

Herod's temple in Jerusalem occupied about a quarter of the land and could hold around 75,000 people. It was marked by splendour and segregation.

Jesus had other ideas.

Mar 24, 202431:02
You can't serve two masters

You can't serve two masters

Jesus taught most about the kingdom of God, but next topic that he taught on the most was money.  Learning how to handle money is a core part of what it means to be a student of Jesus and it always will be.  

Not because God needs money. He has no need for it. God really cares about how you and I handle money, 

  1. Money is connected to our very purpose.  The purpose that God gave mankind was to be stewards, managers of creation.  Not using and abusing resources, but caring for this world.  Not controlled by resources but faithful managers. Needless to say mankind has made a total mess of that, but the restoration of that role is core to our restoration into who God created us to be.
  2. Money is the main power setting itself up as an alternative to God - offering you security and meaning and pleasure and control and significance. Your practices about money reveal what you really think about who is in charge of this universe.
  3. Handling money is a series of daily choices. There’s no avoiding it. You’re going to face it every day.  So God is going to use these choices to shape you, to form your character.

Q: What is your heart relationship to money like?

Mar 17, 202442:30
How to recover Jesus' heart for community

How to recover Jesus' heart for community

When Jesus speaks his dream for community we can barely hear him. We've been been formed a world away from his vision for how his family is to care for each other. In this talk we take a fresh look at Jesus' vision and some of the big blockers to seeing us become the community Jesus has in his heart.

Mar 10, 202427:21
A little talk about appetite suppressants

A little talk about appetite suppressants

Are you still only eating "bread"? Maybe it's time to live.

Feb 27, 202420:05
True prayer = the daily practice of relying on God

True prayer = the daily practice of relying on God

Two weeks ago, we started looking at this issue of anxiety in our lives: that the root of our anxiety is our independence from God.  Leads to chaos, overwhelm, fear.  What we truly need is reconnection to God.

What do we mean by Reconnection?

  • Not talking about how to reconcile with God - that all happened through the cross. No barrier from God’s side.  He is always available to us. 
  • Talking about our experience of connectedness to God
  • For us who trust in Jesus, God is always transmitting (his love, wisdom, help, strength, power). The lack of reception is at our end.
  • Our hope through this series is that we will all go from 1 or 2 bars of reception, or no bars, through to 4 bars.
Feb 18, 202438:16
In a world of "Come to me's" what makes Jesus invitation so different?

In a world of "Come to me's" what makes Jesus invitation so different?

Into our hurt, anxiety and chaos Jesus says, Come to me and I will give rest for your souls. But so does every other marketing campaign. What makes his invitation so different? Why listen? Why do it?

Feb 04, 202434:24
How to see heaven on earth

How to see heaven on earth

Follow Jesus. How? Three things to get us started. We know it'll be marked by new relationships, new purpose and new power.

Feb 01, 202433:02
In Hornsby as it is in heaven

In Hornsby as it is in heaven

We put destinations into Google Maps all the time. Destinations matter. Forget your dream destination for a moment. Let's take a moment to continue where this world is headed. Let's talk about that, and let's use hoops!

Jan 21, 202424:04
Rebuilders: Opposition is inevitable for a reason

Rebuilders: Opposition is inevitable for a reason

God is about rebuilding places and people long devastated. Often others have been benefiting from that devastation. The work of rebuilding is therefore always opposed. Let's not lose heart!

Sep 17, 202334:15
How to face the brutal facts with hope

How to face the brutal facts with hope

It's hard to face how broken down the walls of our lives are. Really hard. But it's possible with this hope that Tim Keller immortalised: we are worse sinners than we can imagine, and more loved than we could ever hope.

Sep 03, 202322:46
Rebuilders Pt. 2: Are you willing? Not, Are you able?

Rebuilders Pt. 2: Are you willing? Not, Are you able?

Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah allows news from afar to pierce his heart, despite his affluence and influence. 

  • He turns that compassion into prayer. 
  • Prayer leads him to risk it all before the king.
  • God's question to us is never, Are you able? It's always, Are you willing?
  • Aug 27, 202328:08
    Who creates new things out of nothing

    Who creates new things out of nothing

    We're starting a new series: Rebuilders. We'll be looking at the book of Nehemiah. But in this first week we set the scene by drinking deeply of some incredible words from Isaiah.

    Aug 20, 202335:13


    Healing. Some are sceptical. Some are trying to profit. Some take steps of incredible faith for the sake of another...We explore the questions and the conflict through the ancient story of Naaman.

    Aug 13, 202331:57
    Power without abuse

    Power without abuse

    Is it possible for people to move in the power of God without being abusive? Paul says yes. As tempting as it is to through out the gifts of the Spirit to avoid possible abuse, Paul encourages the Corinthians to pursue love and the gifts. Both are essential wings of the beautiful ministry that Jesus modelled to us and called us to follow him in.

    Jul 30, 202327:58
    What's love got to do with it?

    What's love got to do with it?

    In short, everything.

    Jul 16, 202323:42
    What time is it?

    What time is it?

    The Doomsday Clock says we're 90 seconds from midnight. But what does God say? God's Spirit among us is the presence of the future God has for us. Wrap your head around that!

    Jul 09, 202333:32
    The Spirit reveals

    The Spirit reveals

    However, as it is written:

    “What no eye has seen,
        what no ear has heard,
    and what no human mind has conceived”—
        the things God has prepared for those who love him—

    these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)

    Jul 02, 202343:03
    Body life

    Body life

    God's beautiful metaphor for a church growing and flowing in his gifts.

    Jun 25, 202318:08
    What is the normal Christian life?

    What is the normal Christian life?

    This is the first talk in a new series called, God gives His Spirit without limit. We ask, What is the normal Christian life? We lay some foundations looking at the person of the Spirit and his activity.

    Jun 18, 202336:48
    When Jesus cleans house

    When Jesus cleans house

    Jesus' ministry is marked by healing and setting people free. In Matthew 12 this ministry meets deadly religious pushback. But Jesus doesn't flinch. He knows the work of cleaning house is a big part of how the Kingdom comes, so he sticks at it for the sake of this lost trapped world that he dearly loves.

    Jesus' work of cleaning house is a big part of how the Kingdom comes. The wonderful news is that He continues to free people from the oppression of evil today. Claire Esgate explains how. 

    Jun 04, 202330:15
    Pentecost - When God gives His Spirit

    Pentecost - When God gives His Spirit

    'John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. And this was his message: “After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”' Mark 1:6-8

    May 31, 202313:42
    Ascension Sunday? Why would you celebrate that?

    Ascension Sunday? Why would you celebrate that?

    Ascension Day was one of the earliest festivals of the new church. Today, we rarely note it. Why? And what critical piece in our understanding of Jesus might

    we have missed in the process?

    May 21, 202336:41
    Witness - G.R.O.W.

    Witness - G.R.O.W.

    Jono Ives dropped by to guide us through the final instalment in our G.R.O.W series: Witness. And yes, it's possible.

    May 07, 202325:10
    Obedience - Losing your life, and a comment about puppies

    Obedience - Losing your life, and a comment about puppies

    In this third installment of G.R.O.W. we're talking Obedience. It's not a popular word but look it up in the dictionary of Jesus and we discover it's anything but stuffy religion.

    Apr 30, 202325:14
    Resurrection lingering: John 20

    Resurrection lingering: John 20

    Easter was a week ago but we don't rush on. We stay in the Easter story reading John's account and discovering the incredible resources to be found in the news of the Risen Jesus.

    Apr 16, 202325:28
    Reconciliation - The Easter Theme

    Reconciliation - The Easter Theme

    Paul takes us into the heart of Father God and the incredible lengths he has worked to reconcile this world to himself, us included.

    Apr 02, 202333:29
    The finance update

    The finance update

    Dave Esgate talks us through the spreadsheets and the generous heart of God.

    Mar 19, 202313:51
    Give - G.R.O.W. Pt. 1

    Give - G.R.O.W. Pt. 1

    Jesus tells the people a story about a man who thinks like this: Invest. Flip the property. Go again. Buy more. Flip them. Go again…and you’ll be set. Retirement will be early and a time of infinite happiness as you take things easy, drink and be merry. On a cruise, in the south of France, at a billabong in the north of Australia somewhere, whatever…

    What’s the trouble with that plan?

    The only trouble with this man’s plan for prosperity and the good life was that the plan didn’t include God.

    He’d ignored God and he’d ignored his neighbour, the poor. He forgot that he was a mortal creature, whose every breath is a gift.

    Jesus invites us into a completely different way of life grounded in ultimate reality - the never ending flow of God's love. 

    Mar 05, 202338:47
    Helen's story

    Helen's story

    Helen Gould from Brisbane West Vineyard dropped by and shared her story...

    Mar 03, 202310:18
    How to see the person in front of you

    How to see the person in front of you

    Jesus always sees the person in front of him. Fully. How did he do that? How do we?

    Feb 16, 202322:09
    Tired? Why the holiday didn't fix that and what will

    Tired? Why the holiday didn't fix that and what will

    Tired? Jesus gets it. And he gets what real rest is. Here's how he says you find it. 

    Feb 08, 202325:17


    The Christmas story is a story of hope. But it's hope in very unlikely places. What might these stories teach us about where to find hope when despair is the air we breathe in some many places today? Eve is our speaker. 

    Dec 12, 202223:04
    Getting the Bible: Pt. 7 The church

    Getting the Bible: Pt. 7 The church

    And then there was us...

    Dec 09, 202228:22
    Pt. 6 - Jesus

    Pt. 6 - Jesus

    Well this could have been a 1.5 hr sermon... and Jesus is so worthy of it, but here we are, beginning the silly season, harried, tired, in need, not of information but encounter... So this week we did something a little different...

    Nov 28, 202230:13
    Pt. 5 - Exile is not an endgame

    Pt. 5 - Exile is not an endgame

    As we walk through the biblical story we’ll discover that exile is a recurring feature. The first exile was Adam and Eve banished from the garden, then there’s Abraham called from his homeland and shifted around by famines and violence. And of course there’s the massive exile of the Israelite nation which is the focus of this talk today.

    It shouldn’t surprise us that it’s a thread through the biblical story because exile seems to be a thread through most of our lives. I don’t think exile has to be simply migration from a country. It can be growing older and feeling unheard and irrelevant to the culture in which you live. It could be the experience of someone walking out on you. It could be your child estranging you. It could be being fired from your job or simply retrenched. It could be retiring and feeling exiled from the purpose and status of work. It could be declining health that forces you to feel like you’ve been sidelined. It could be feeling rejected by a group of girls at school.

    They’re all mini or major exiles.

    How do they fit in the loving work of a good God? 

    Nov 13, 202227:13
    Getting the Bible: Pt 4. Saul or David?

    Getting the Bible: Pt 4. Saul or David?

    As we follow the story of Scripture we come to kingdom and Saul and David two very different kings, with very different hearts. 

    Nov 07, 202221:23
    Getting the Bible: Pt. 3 - I AM has sent you

    Getting the Bible: Pt. 3 - I AM has sent you

    God saving plan gains momentum. At the centre of this chapter of that story is God's decision to reveal himself as I AM. God present and Lord. Then, now, forever.

    Oct 23, 202226:48
    Getting the Bible: Pt. 2 - Why things are so very broken - Us included

    Getting the Bible: Pt. 2 - Why things are so very broken - Us included

    So the story got off to a great start and then... That's what this talk is about. Something is very wrong, isn't it? We all seem to agree on that but until we understand what that is any sort of solution we propose is going to be bandaid at best. 

    Oct 18, 202229:27
    Getting the Bible Pt. 1: The beginning

    Getting the Bible Pt. 1: The beginning

    This series is all about helping you get into the Bible. It's a big story. But there are key themes that we can use as guide rails as we explore the landscape of this incredible story. Here we explore two and dive into the start looking at the Who? and Why? of humanity's origin story. 

    Oct 09, 202237:18
    Gotta to see a man about a house, a basketball, anything

    Gotta to see a man about a house, a basketball, anything

    Paul described it as treasure in jars of clay. It's so easy to overlook the Gospel invitation, particularly, given the state of the messengers but it's still an unbelievable treasure. The King's banquet will be extraordinary.

    Jul 31, 202220:37
    Sent amongst the people, ready or not

    Sent amongst the people, ready or not

    Compassion, authority, go!

    Jul 25, 202222:33
    The presence among the people

    The presence among the people

    Matthew 9:1-13

    Here we see Jesus getting to the heart of his mission, talking about his purpose in coming and demonstrating that purpose in his interactions with the people.

    Jul 17, 202221:39