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šŸ”„She-Enjoys NEXT LEVEL Business Building ā†˜ļø FOLLOW for MORE Clarity, Income and JOY

šŸ”„She-Enjoys NEXT LEVEL Business Building ā†˜ļø FOLLOW for MORE Clarity, Income and JOY

By Vivienne Joy

šŸ”„Get your Mindset & Skillset for YOUR NEXT LEVEL life & business! Enjoy raw and real 'Mindset Musing' episodes + interviews with business building experts + Deep Structure Mindset Coaching with NLP Coach Trainer and Strategic Business Mentor Vivienne Joy. RESET your beliefs, thoughts, self-talk and behaviours and GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY and achieve MORE success, impact and JOY! Network, learn, safely connect and collaborate with like minded business founders in my She-Enjoys Business Building Club. Get Support, Training, Coaching and Mentoring here...
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What is stopping you from moving to the next level?

šŸ”„She-Enjoys NEXT LEVEL Business Building ā†˜ļø FOLLOW for MORE Clarity, Income and JOYMay 21, 2024

A Natter That Matters With Samantha Hall
May 29, 202423:11
Are your services aligned with what your audience wants?

Are your services aligned with what your audience wants?

Being aligned with what your audience wants and needs is a tricky one because what they really need is not typically what they think they want.

May 28, 202405:35
A Natter That Matters With Sarah Wassell

A Natter That Matters With Sarah Wassell

This week's A Natter That Matters is with the lovely Sarah Wassell.

With a background in marketing and problem solving, Sarah retrained as a coach 4 years ago and helped busy entrepreneurs to focus on what was important for their businesses. What she found was that most people had lost sight of what was really important to them and to reach their goals they first needed to make some changes in their home life. She added a qualification in counselling and positive psychology to her tool box and The BurnOut Protection Officer was born. She is now on a mission to make burnout a thing of the past.

You can find Sarah at

May 22, 202424:11
What is stopping you from moving to the next level?

What is stopping you from moving to the next level?

What are you capable of? What is possible for your next level? You've got to believe it to achieve it. You've got to be able to visualise, or vision, or try on for size what that next level is!

That identity of who you are now, versus who you will be then; that work is really, really critical. Otherwise, your brain won't allow you to create that new identity. It wants you to keep this identity because it's safe.

Who will you be at your next level?

May 21, 202403:29
A Natter That Matters With Nicola Parker
May 15, 202438:60
A Natter That Matters With Jen Thomas
May 08, 202427:14
How are you building your business?

How are you building your business?

How are you building your business? Is it slow going? Are you in a situation where you're thinking, how is everybody finding all these leads? How are people getting people to follow them on social media?Ā 

Well, you see, they're putting in effort and building their audience - not entertaining the audience - building it!Ā 

May 07, 202401:53
A Natter That Matters With Sarah Lloyd
May 01, 202431:22
A Natter That Matters With Sara Burton
Apr 24, 202426:46
Stop sitting on that fence

Stop sitting on that fence

Nobody belongs on the fence. If you're sitting on the fence, it means that you are not being true to what you think and feel. It means you're scared to step into your power, scared of responses, scared of repercussions, scared of replies, scared of what might be if you truly are you.

Apr 23, 202406:54
A Natter That Matters With Marjorie Grice
Apr 17, 202425:02
Itā€™s easier to start a business than scale one

Itā€™s easier to start a business than scale one

It's so much easier to start a business than to scale one. I say this because I've been in all those positions. I've even sold one and that was really tricky.

Why am I saying this to you?

When you start out, you think it's hard. You think it's hard because you don't know. You don't know what you don't know. That unconscious competence and the conscious incompetence is driving you forward to learn that passion, to be successful.

Apr 16, 202404:31
A Natter That Matters With Carly Cowell
Apr 10, 202424:01
Is it time to scale or let go?

Is it time to scale or let go?

How do you know when it's time to scale your business? I mean, it sounds like a really simple thing, doesn't it? But it's not. And the reason I know that this is a bit of a struggle for a lot of people, is because it was a struggle for me.Ā 

Apr 09, 202405:12
A Natter That Matter With Mel Wakely
Apr 03, 202421:53
Are you being stress tested?

Are you being stress tested?

I'm just wondering if every now and then you feel like the whole world is giving you every single stress test around boundaries? Being stretched and flexed in relationships, business, friendships, your own self - maybe even your health? It could be that you are ready for your next level!

Apr 02, 202402:44
Why you canā€™t motivate yourself

Why you canā€™t motivate yourself

ā€œWhy can't I motivate myself?ā€œ

ā€œWhat is wrong with me?ā€Ā 

ā€œWhy can't I just do what everybody else seems to do so easily?ā€Ā 

These are the questions that I hear my clients ask very often. They're asking them in their own head though. The only time they really get out of their own head is when they're being coached by me, but they're still then asking the same questions.Ā 

The answers are quite simple.

Mar 27, 202405:16
How easily do you make decisions?

How easily do you make decisions?

I have a question for you. How easily do you make decisions?
Do you errrm and ahhh?
Do you gather information?
Do you make hasty decisions and then repent at leisure?
What if there was a way that you could self-coach? Here it isā€¦
šŸ“š Read more of my thoughts on this over at

Mar 19, 202401:05
A Natter That Matters With Andrea Rainsford
Mar 13, 202442:24
Iā€™ll help you find your joy

Iā€™ll help you find your joy

You were born in quite a joyful state. Well, actually, you cried when you were first born because it was a bit of a shock to be out in the real world having been in that beautiful cosy little place, and then after that, rememberā€¦ try to remember back to being a child when everything was quite joyful. You were quite excited, exuberant, and really interested in things.Ā 

And then what happens as we get older is we seem to lose that joy, we seem to lose that pleasure, we seem to lose that place where we can tap into infinite joy.Ā 

Listen on to find out how you can start finding that joy again.

Mar 12, 202405:15
What is really in your way?

What is really in your way?

I'm wondering what is it that's really standing between you and everything you've ever wanted? It's a question you hear lots of people ask, especially Coaches. It's a core question to help you think, why? Why haven't I achieved what I need to achieve? What is stopping me really?Ā 

Mar 05, 202402:52
A Natter That Matters Threesome With Katy Davies & Lisa Drew

A Natter That Matters Threesome With Katy Davies & Lisa Drew

This week I had my first A Natter That Matters Threesome! Yes, I caught up with two wonderful ladies, Katy Davies and Lisa Drew, and we chatted all things procrastination!

We discussed different types of procrastination, understanding the reasons and responses, and how to self-manage. It was a joyful conversation and I reckon some of you will recognise yourself in many of our fun realisations!

Feb 28, 202454:14
What does joy mean to you?

What does joy mean to you?

I just want you to think for a second, what is joy?
How do you know when you have it?
How does it feel in your mind, your heart, your body,?
Just put your hand over your heart, take a few deep breaths, and just imagine joy. Just imagine what that is. You may have some recollection of when you last had it.
What created it? You can bring this up anytime you like, so there's no excuse to not have it. Or is there?

Feb 27, 202405:05
Are you manifesting the right things?

Are you manifesting the right things?

My perspective of manifestation is that it starts in your mind. If your mind is set for failure, then guess what happens? If your mind is set for success, guess what happens? And anything that's happening inside of you will show in what's happening outside of you. I want you to hear that again. What you're thinking about, you're bringing about. What you're feeling you're feeling into, you're going to bring from outside of you. And this is a really powerful concept that most people don't understand. Listen to this episode to find out more of my thoughts on this!

Feb 20, 202407:04
A Natter That Matters With Graham Todd
Feb 14, 202437:59
Do you have a roadmap for success?

Do you have a roadmap for success?

Trying it on for size - we call it future pacing in NLP, really visioning what that future will feel like, look like, sound like, be like, the kind of self-talk you'll have, the way it's responded to in your life, how people will be, the kind of people around you. And this is the nearest we can get to a human sat nav. So if you're thinking to yourself, right this year I want to buy my own home, what you need to start to think of is what that really is - where that is, what it looks like.

Feb 13, 202405:39
A Natter That Matters With Kirstie Lilith
Feb 08, 202428:47
Do you want more for 2024?

Do you want more for 2024?

So, here we are in 2024, and I know that I want more in 2024, do you?Ā 

What is it feeling like for you this year? Is it going to be the same old, same old, or is this the year that you're going to promise yourself that business is going to be different?

You're going to feel different, you're going to enjoy it, you're going to feel more calm, relaxed, more invigorated, motivated, earn more, make more impact - whatever it is for you, is it going to happen this year?Ā 

Feb 06, 202406:48
A Natter That Matters With Amanda Mckinlay

A Natter That Matters With Amanda Mckinlay

This week's A Natter That Matters is with the fabulous Amanda Mckinlay. Amanda is a wellbeing & creativity coach who's own health journey, following a diagnosis of fibromyalgia back in May 2009, led to a passion for supporting others with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Amanda talks about the joy of finding and following new dreams and the power of trusting in yourself and the universe to enable you to spread your wings, live your joy and share your light with the world.

You can find Amanda at

Jan 31, 202426:01
Are your positive affirmations doing more harm than good?

Are your positive affirmations doing more harm than good?

Today I want to talk to you about positive affirmations. I often get asked what I think and feel about these, and I have to be honest at all times - itā€™s just who I am.Ā 

I'm a Deep Structure Mindset Coach first and foremost, helping people understand what's going on in their belief system, their minds, their hearts, and their thoughts to create their behaviours and their outcomes. Positive affirmations are certainly better than telling yourself a bunch of lies, based on a whole load of thoughts that you created when you were eight years old, they're very much more positive, so why wouldn't you? But actually, if you say a load of words that you don't intrinsically believe, all you are doing is lying to yourself again.Ā 

You are very welcome to join me for my ā€˜See it, believe it, achieve it for 2024ā€™ training and networking session taking place from 12.30-1.30pm (UK time) on 31st January on Zoom, or to get a free replay, message me FREEJANREPLAY and Iā€™ll send it to you.

Jan 30, 202404:49
A Natter That Matters With Sarah Hodgkins
Jan 24, 202421:16
Is what you think you want, really what you want?

Is what you think you want, really what you want?

There's been a lot of talk about Twin Flames. There's a Netflix documentary that I neither condone or suggest you watch, especially if you're easily triggered. But interestingly, the phrase Twin Flames has been in existence for many, many years, especially in the spiritual world where we're developing ourselves, and our spirit connection, and our communication channels with something outside of us in another way.

Jan 23, 202407:12
A Natter That Matters With Kay Dewar

A Natter That Matters With Kay Dewar

This week's A Natter That Matters is with Kay Dewar who helps business owners focus their time effectively using simple systems to keep their business on track and efficient. Kay talks about overcoming self-doubt, listening to her own values, and staying true to what actually feels right for her rather than doing what gurus say you should do! If you need more efficient systems in place in your business, have a listen!

Jan 17, 202417:16
Are you scared of being visible?

Are you scared of being visible?

As a time-served business coach, mentor, strategist, the thing that I still have to help people through the most, and the first actually, is their fear of being visible. Visibility is the thing that puts everybody into that, ā€œoh, my godā€ panicā€¦ā€ahhh, I don't want to do itā€, ā€œI don't know what to sayā€, ā€œI don't know how to do itā€, ā€œpeople will judge how I lookā€, and this is the thing that I've coached the most, and the deepest structure coaching is sometimes needed to shift us out of what is naturally conditioning to blend in, fit in and feel safe.Ā 

Jan 16, 202404:17
How do you make decisions in life?

How do you make decisions in life?

Iā€™m wondering how you make decisions in life. What you start, what you finish, what you stop, who you are, what you think what you say, what you feel, where you go, how you behave. I wonder.

Jan 09, 202403:30
Are you changing through trauma or trust?

Are you changing through trauma or trust?

Are you changing through trauma or trust?Ā What do I mean by that? I mean, is trauma making you see and feel and hear things in the world differently? Or are you trusting your unconscious and your soul, and parts of you that you're not even sure how to explain that seem to be getting you to do things, say things and be things, and you're not even really sure what or why?Ā Listen in to find out my suggestion on what you should do.

Dec 19, 202302:53
A Natter That Matters With Andy Gibney

A Natter That Matters With Andy Gibney

This week's A Natter That Matters is with a very good friend of mine, Andy Gibney. In this conversation, Andy talks very openly about the grief he has gone through since he lost his wife, how he felt like ending it all, and how thanks to his dog, he had something to live for and has turned his life around.

Andy's martial arts business is at a new peak, his health is better, and he is almost ready to launch a men's mental health programme which will help women as well. Oh, and did I mention he's about to release his sixth book?

You can find Andy over at

Nov 29, 202330:32
A Natter That Matters With Emma Sidney
Nov 15, 202324:03
A Natter That Matters With Nicky Perfect
Oct 25, 202316:39
A Natter That Matters With Amy Downes

A Natter That Matters With Amy Downes

This week's A Natter That Matters is with Content Strategy Coach Amy Downes. Amy shares her story of how she turned social media from being a drain on her energy, to something that she really enjoys doing for her business, and how her mission is to now help others enjoy being visible online too. She also tells me about the 'The 4 Cons': Confidence, Consistency, Connections and Conservation... and how each of those work together to transform your social media! You can find Amy over in her Facebook group at [[link]], and she's also offering my lovely audience 10% off her services.

Oct 04, 202326:52
A Natter That Matters With Julie Creffield

A Natter That Matters With Julie Creffield

This week's A Natter That Matters is with award-winning Speaker, Author and Activator of People, Julie Creffield. We talk about bouncing back from financial challenges by launching a new business and getting back up to Ā£10k cash months, and how she now shows other business owners how to do that too, with super practical tips.

Sep 20, 202331:20
A Natter That Matters With Emma Hine

A Natter That Matters With Emma Hine

This week's A Natter That Matters is with Certified Business Strategist Emma Hine. In this episode, we talk about how she walked away from a 7-figure business when it took over her life, and why she is so passionate about helping others grow their business on their terms.

You can find Emma over at or join her group at

Sep 13, 202325:36
A Natter That Matters: The one where Vivienne gets interviewed by her wife!

A Natter That Matters: The one where Vivienne gets interviewed by her wife!

This week the tables are turned and I am the interviewee for A Natter That Matters! Yes, that's right - my lovely wife Emma has interviewed me and we had a brilliant chat about why I do what I do, what my vision is for the next ten years, and why you should become a coach!

If you want to improve your life, career and business from the inside out, do come and join my FB Group or take a look at the website

Aug 16, 202331:45
A Natter That Matters With Nicky Marshall

A Natter That Matters With Nicky Marshall

This week's A Natter That Matters is with the wonderful Nicky Marshall. Nicky talks about how she went from working a normal job for many years, how she moved into a career in reflexology, and how she ended up training with me to become an NLP Deep Structure Coach to help women overcome their challenges.

You can find Nicky at and

Aug 02, 202316:15
A Natter That Matters With Sassy Smith

A Natter That Matters With Sassy Smith

Today's A Natter That Matters is with Sassy Smith who gives us a wonderful insight to what Aphantasia is, how it can affect the way we coach, and how she decided to coach the coaches so that they can be inclusive and understand how to work with people who have the condition. You can find Sassy at

Jul 05, 202330:13
A Natter That Matters With Louisa Willcox

A Natter That Matters With Louisa Willcox

Today's A Natter That Matters is with Money Strategist Louisa Willcox. We talk about why she thinks it's so important that you know the numbers in your business and know how your money is working for you, and also why she is so passionate about helping women to become financially independent. You can find Louisa at

Jun 28, 202323:52
A Natter That Matters With Dina Behrman
Jun 21, 202321:40
A Natter That Matters With Melanie Seed

A Natter That Matters With Melanie Seed

Today's A Natter That Matters is with Therapeutic Holistic Coach Melanie Seed. We talk about how she first got into counselling, why she trained in art therapy to help her clients, and how she has created a toolbox of skills to make her services an individualised process. You can get in touch with Melanie at

Jun 14, 202323:16
A Natter That Matters with Becci Hunt

A Natter That Matters with Becci Hunt

This week's A Natter That Matters is with Becci Hunt. Becci has her own homeware company and we talk about how she decided to set up her own company when others wouldn't give her a chance, the point at which she decided she needed to outsource, how she comes up with her creations, and how she's learnt to put herself first so she can thrive. You can find Becci at

Jun 07, 202319:27
A Natter That Matters with Debbie Hancock

A Natter That Matters with Debbie Hancock

This week's A Natter That Matters is with Debbie Hancock and we talk about how she is taking her first business and using it to build a second one! We also cover money mindset and how talking openly about money is harder than talking openly about sex! You can find Debbie at

May 31, 202315:24