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Stories for Life - the Watipa podcast

Stories for Life - the Watipa podcast

By Watipa

Episode 1 with Allen Kyendikuwa, Uganda
Listen to the first episode of the Watipa podcast, and the wise advice from Allen Kyendikuwa, one of the founding trustees of Watipa and leading sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) activist in Uganda.

Skill to share? Coordination.
Most important thing ever learned? Honesty.
Advice for Watipa scholars? Find and follow your passion.
Currently playing episode

1:3 A story for everything - Karin Alexander, South Africa

Stories for Life - the Watipa podcast Dec 08, 2022

1:4 A story for everything - Emmanuel Boateng Duah, Ghana

1:4 A story for everything - Emmanuel Boateng Duah, Ghana

Episode 4 of the Watipa podcast. Listen to the wise advice from Emmanuel Boateng Duah, one of the first Watipa scholars and now graduate in development studies, based in Ghana.

''No matter what anyone tells you, education has value. It has the ability to improve your life and career, and it gives you the knowledge to become a better, more informed, citizen. Through education, you gain a voice in the world.''

Skill to share? Communications. It's essential to help Watipa scholars to achieve their goals.

Most important thing ever learned? In life, always be humble and truthful. In education, don't be afraid to unlearn everything you have learnt and forge your own path.

Advice for Watipa scholars? Top four tips: Network with your peers to build connections; ensure your course links to what you truly want to do in this world; join - or, if they don't already exist, start - learning groups to help with your studies; and, finally, participate in your institution's administration, such as through the student body, to develop key leadership and governance management skills that will prove critical throughout your career.

Dec 10, 202212:10
1:3 A story for everything - Karin Alexander, South Africa

1:3 A story for everything - Karin Alexander, South Africa

Episode 3 of the Watipa podcast. Listen to the wise advice from Karin Alexander, one of the founding trustees of Watipa and a freelance governance and political economy analyst in Cape Town, South Africa. 

"Since I was 10 years old I knew I wanted to do something to try and change the world."

Skill to share? Presentation skills and political economy analysis.

Most important thing ever learned? Importance of building a network. A thank you goes a thousand miles, and always be kind.

Advice for Watipa scholars? Always show up, even if you are under-prepared, you will always learn something. 

Dec 08, 202215:14
1:2 A story for everything - Peter Taylor, United Kingdom

1:2 A story for everything - Peter Taylor, United Kingdom

Episode 2 of the Watipa podcast. Listen to the wise advice from Peter Taylor, one of the founding trustees of Watipa and the Director of Research of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex in Brighton, United Kingdom.

“Education is a process of empowerment through knowledge that leads to growth, change and transformation. It’s not just about receiving knowledges but it's an enlightening experience.”

Skill to share? Participation.

Most important thing ever learned? Importance of relationships. Take care of people and take care of yourself.

Advice for Watipa scholars? Just do it, you always learn something.

Peter, inspired by Maya Angelou, also explains how people do not remember what you say but how you made them feel.

Peter Taylor is a musician, agriculturalist, educationalist and researcher. He has lived and worked in Botswana, Vietnam, Canada and the United Kingdom. Previously Peter was Director, Strategic Development, at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada where he was responsible for leading IDRC’s strategic planning processes.

Aug 05, 202217:25
1:1 A story for everything - Allen Kyendikuwa, Uganda

1:1 A story for everything - Allen Kyendikuwa, Uganda

Episode 1 of the Watipa podcast. Listen to the wise advice from Allen Kyendikuwa, one of the founding trustees of Watipa and leading sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) activist in Uganda.

Skill to share? Coordination.

Most important thing ever learned? Honesty.

Advice for Watipa scholars? Find and follow your passion.

Jun 10, 202220:50